Sites Setup

Sites Setup

A default site exists for each Campus. Set up as many additional sites as needed.
See Site Setup Data Elements for an explanation of each of the items in Site Setup.

Add Sites

What is it?

Add a site is the process by which you set up sites within the system. The system supports an unlimited number of sites.

Here's how it works:

  1. Login and click on the Administration bar on lower left corner of the page and then click on the arrow in front of the word, Enterprise.

  2. This will display the institution(s) below the enterprise. Click on the arrow in front of the institution name to view the campuses for the institution.

  3. This will display the campus(es) below the institution. Click on the campus name to view the campus information.

  4. Click on the word Sites under the appropriate campus.

  5. This will display the list of Site(s). Click on Add Site to create the Site and enter the Site information.

  6. Enter the necessary information for the General tab and Click on Save. Repeat for the identifiers and Programs subtabs.

Edit a Site

What is it?

Edit a site is the process by which you change the information related to the site within the system.

Here's how it works:

  1. Login and click on the Administration bar on lower left corner of the page and then click on the arrow in front of the word, Enterprise.

  2. This will display the institution(s) below the enterprise. Click on the arrow in front of the institution name to view the campuses for the institution.

  3. This will display the campus(es) below the institution. Click on the campus name to view the campus information.

  4. Click on the word Sites under the appropriate campus.

  5. This will display the list of Site(s). Click on the appropriate Site name in the listing.

  6. Click on the Edit button for the appropriate subtab.



Delete a Site

What is it?

Delete a site is the process by which you remove a site from the system.

Here's how it works:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 5 above.

  2. Click on the Delete button.
    Note: The system must always have a minimum of one site per Campus.

Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


March 25, 2024

Number 7 under ‘Edit a site’ is the explanation of the new field and an image showing the field was added.

Bianca Bagwell

April 17, 2024

Removed details previously added as #7 under Edit a Site. New Override Pell Enrollment School Code fields are documented on Site Setup Data Elements .

Updated screenshot under #6 for current functionality as of Release, April 2024

Jennifer Black

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