Reprocessing Unprocessed ISIRs

Reprocessing Unprocessed ISIRs

Regent Award attempts to rematch unmatched ISIRs after the completion of the Import Student Batch Load (SBL), if a new student record is created as a result of importing the SBL file. 

Regent Award also attempts to match unmatched ISIRs to existing student records during a nightly, auto-scheduled process, or a user can initiate the process from the UI (Processes → Reprocess Process → Import ISIR Reprocess).

The ‘ISIR Reprocess’ process includes ISIRs for the current calendar-year FAY and all future-year FAYs. For example, on 12/31/2021, the system looks for unmatched ISIRs for FAY 2020-2021 and later. On 1/1/2022, the system looks for unmatched ISIRs for FAY 2021-2022 and later.

Note: Unmatched ISIRs are viewable via the Regent Award report, “ISIR – Unmatched.”

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