/,, and Joint FAQ,, and Joint FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions document is not all-encompassing but provides some very basic information to questions that are projected from the client community. For additional information, please check the Product Brief for this release and the Release Notes and linked material.  If you still need more information, submit a ticket through the CZ Portal.

Can any client upgrade to Regent 6.1.x? 

  • Any client currently using Regent Award may take Regent 6.1.x for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.
  • Any client currently using Regent Review may take Regent 6.1.x for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.
  • Any client currently using Regent Access may take Regent 6.1.x for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.
  • Any client currently using Regent Award may take the Regent 6.1.x version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.
  • Any client currently using Regent Review may take the Regent 6.1.x version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.
  • Some Regent Access clients may take the Regent 6.1.x version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. Please work with your Account Manager for additional information. Note: All current customer-specific functionality in the legacy portal may not be available in the new Student Experience portal at this time.

  • Clients using Regent Award for Salesforce are encouraged to upgrade to the new Salesforce application version upon upgrade to in order to better support sync issue diagnostics. However, clients will not need to upgrade RAFSF for either the or releases in order to maintain current functionality.

What Enhancements are in Regent 6.1?


  • Standard Communications:

    • Configurable Privacy Policy Link added to Standard Communications

    • Standard SAP Warning and SAP Suspended Communications Templates            

  • Regent Fund:

    • Added ‘is empty’ and ‘is not empty’ to Regent Query Language (RQL)

  • Loan Aggregate Calculations:

    • Automated adjustments for Dependent Additional Unsubsidized Loans, Graduate Loans, and Health Professions Loans

  • Program Management Wizard:

    • Add an Academic Year Manually without Creating All Prior Years


  • 2023-2024 Regent Access Year

    • 2023-2024 Access Questionnaires

    • Access Export File for 2023-2024 Forms per 2023-2024 ISIR format                    

  • 2023-2024 ISIR Support

    • 2023-2024 Message Classes added to SAIG Process

    • 2023-2024 ISIR Print Updates     

    • 2023-2024 Updates to ISIR Comparison Tool

    • 2023-2024 ISIR Import and ISIR Correction files

    • 2023-2024 ISIR Correction Wizard

    • Note: Full 2023-2024 ISIR Functionality will be available in Regent 6.2

  • Access:

    • Master Access Questionnaire in Student Experience Accepts Numbers in Name Fields

  •  Regent Award for Salesforce:

    • Full Scheduled Sync Logging and Status

  • Fund Setup:

    • Expanded ‘Per Payment Period’ Options

Why didn't the initial release include support for the 2023-2024 EFC calculations and ISIR functionality for Access?

2023-2024 updates to the EFC calculations and ISIR-format processing for Access clients are included in the release. Typically, the Department of Education publishes the specifications for EFC calculations no later than mid-July. This year, the 2023-2024 EFC Formula Guide was published on August 10, 2022, and the 2023-2024 Application Processing System Specifications for Software Developers was not made available until August 22, 2022. Due to these delays, Regent is providing the updated 2023-2024 Access functionality in the release. (Full 2023-2024 ISIR functionality and verification items will be in the 6.2 release for Regent Review and Regent Award clients).

What is the additional automation added to the Subsidized and Unsubsidized Aggregate calculations in Regent Award in 6.1?

When NSLDS calculates outstanding principal balances for Subsidized and Combined Aggregate totals, all applicable loans are included in the totals.  There are several instances when some of those loans may not need to be counted toward the Aggregate Total when packaging for the student's current program.  These exceptions are:

  1. A Dependent Undergraduate student's totals should not include Additional Unsubsidized loans originated because a PLUS loan was denied/deemed inappropriate.
  2. An Undergraduate student's totals should not include any Graduate-level loans from previous programs.
  3. A Graduate student's totals should not include any additional Unsubsidized amounts above 'normal' graduate levels from loans borrowed at the higher limits for certain Health Professions programs.

Prior to this release, users would review borrower history on NSLDS to check for any such exceptions, and would then make manual changes to the Aggregate total and/or loan amounts in Regent Award. 

What if we get additional information, perhaps from another school, that changes the way I want a loan attributed toward Aggregate Totals?

While Regent has now automated the NSLDS data review and resulting adjustments, we have also provided an easy way for users to research a student's loans and to override the amount of a particular loan that is to be counted toward the Aggregate total - all within Regent Award.  Details for each loan and how it is used for Aggregate calculations are available on a new 'Aggregates' subtab on the student's History tab. 

Check the 'Flag' Column to see if Additional Unsubsidized loans are included in the student's record:

  • PLUS Loan Denial (P)
  • Health Professions Loan (H)
  • Both (B)
  • Neither (N) 

And, check the 'Academic/Grade Level' column for a '6' or a '7' to identify Graduate-level loans for a student who is now in Undergraduate study.

The 'Regent Calculated NSLDS Aggregate Amount' column tells you the dollar amount of the loan Regent has determined should be applied to the student's Aggregate totals while packaging for the student's current program.  You may enter a different amount in the 'Loan Aggregate Override Amount' column if you want Regent to assess the loan for a different amount toward the Aggregate totals.  Regent will continue to honor that override amount even when loan records are subsequently imported from ISIRs and/or NSLDS FA History files.

Is full 2023-2024 ISIR functionality available in Regent 6.1?

No.  As we do every year, Regent provides support for the new ISIR processing year in the Fall release.

However, much of the support for 2023-2024 ISIR functionality is in release in order to support our Regent Access clients when their students start submitting 2023-2024 applications on October 1st. While this release does include the 2023-2024 ISIR print format, required updates for 2023-2024 ISIR Import and ISIR Correction files, corresponding updates to the Regent Correction Wizard and ISIR Comparison tools, and addition of the 2023-2024 Message Classes for SAIG processing, it does not contain the 2023-2024 reject and assumption codes, nor does it have the updated comment codes for the new year.  We recommend that Regent Award clients do not import any 2023-2024 ISIR files until they have upgraded to the upcoming 6.2 release.

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