/ - Release FAQs - Release FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions document is not all encompassing, but provides some very basic information to questions that are projected from the client community. For additional information, please submit a ticket through the CZ Portal.

Can anyone take Release  

  • All clients are expected to take Release for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

What is included in Release

  • This release addresses product defects as listed in the "Bugs" section in the release notes, and enhancements including:
    • Annual 2019-2020 regulatory updates to EFC calculations, ISIR Import, Verification, ISIR Corrections, and SAR comment codes.
    • For 2019-2020, the introduction of the Master Verification Worksheet with improved DRT flow and a configuration option for the institution's financial aid office name and contact information to ensure all Regent Review clients benefit from all current and future improvements to the questionnaire.
    • In support of fully automated disbursing, options to save and reuse parameter sets used repeatedly for processing. Separately, users can request that processes with specific parameters be scheduled to run automatically. ( is scheduled to include surfacing process scheduling capability for saved process parameter sets to provide users with more flexibility and control).
    • Automatic inclusion of header/trailer TG numbers specific to CPS, COD, and NSLDS export files processed with TD Client.
    • SULA support including a new SULA Data View and display of SULA-related information on the student History tab.
    • TEACH sequestration reduction amount changed to 6.20% effective 10/1/2018.
    • Support for new TEACH Exit Counseling Type on AC Response Files

What regulatory updates are included in this Release

  • Release contains the annual regulatory updates in support of all Regent Award, Regent Review, and Regent Access application processing for 2019-2020.  While there are no new FAFSA  data fields nor any changes in functionality, Regent will now support 2019-2020 EFC calculations, the import, display, and correction of ISIRs, the 2019-2020 Verification Worksheet in Regent Review, and the 2019-2020 Student Applications in Regent Access (released to users as  Reminder:  Be sure to upgrade to Regent 4.5.0 Release AND ensure all 2019-2020 documents are configured before importing 2019-2020 ISIRs.

How will saving process parameter sets improve our Regent processing experience?

  • Regent was designed to provide maximum flexibility when initiating various processes, and as a result there are often a lot of selections to make and boxes to check each time the process is kicked off.  The new capability to save specific Process Parameter Sets will relieve the user of the need to make all the selections each time the specific process is run.  

What other benefits will this SAIG integration have for our Financial Aid Department?

  • As processing is transitioned from EDConnect to TDClient, users will be able to fully process files to/from the SAIG mailbox within Regent without having to manipulate files externally.  (There is a caveat for clients using multiple systems for financial aid processing, as some imports will need to be coordinated with the needs of the non-Regent system).    Integrating with TDClient also opens up immediate opportunities for files to be sent to SAIG as soon as they are created (exported) in Regent, and also to automatically import files into Regent as soon as they are drawn down from the SAIG mailbox.  This saves additional staff time and effort previously spent manually sending exported files and manually importing received files.

What is Disbursement Automation? 

  • “Disbursement Automation” is our goal to remove all the manual steps from the disbursement sequence of COD and EST-related processes.  With, users can schedule specific processes to run at specific times, thus removing the need for a user to be involved at all.  The initial approach is for users to schedule disbursement-related COD and EST processes to run at specific times on specified days, leaving sufficient time for the previous process to have been completed.  With, those processes can be scheduled by contacting Regent IT Operations via a CZ ticket. With the upcoming Release, we anticipate that users will be able to schedule the timing for specific saved Process Parameter Sets through the User Interface, giving them more control over the entire automation sequence.  Users will still be able to initiate processes manually when desired, for example if COD disbursement records are not available by the time the EST for A/R process is scheduled to run on a particular day.

Does SAIG integration require any configuration by Regent?

  • Clients wishing to use the Regent Award SAIG Mailbox functionality must submit a Customer Zone ticket requesting that Regent complete the back end setup required on each customer instance.  This preliminary setup must be completed prior to the user configuring SAIG Mailbox details via the SAIG Credentials screen. 

What is the status of Student Experience?

  • The enhanced portal, financial plan, call center support and other aspects included in the Regent Student Experience roadmap are still on track for inclusion in the 5.x release series.

What is new Master Verification Worksheet (VWS) and how do I implement it at my institution?

  • The master VWS is the 2019-2020 version of the smart form Verification worksheet available to Regent Review clients.  The VWS references student responses and ISIR data to create a custom verification experience for each student which is tailored to items such as the student's V group, dependency status, marital status, and tax filing status.  New this year is an improved DRT "flow" where students who completed DRT or are ineligible to use the DRT are not presented with the tax transcript page.  Also new this year is that Regent has created a Master VWS for use by all Review clients, rather than updating each client's previous year's version individually.  Since all clients will be using the same form, new configuration was added to tailor the form with the specific institution's financial aid office designation and contact information.  Review clients should contact their client account managers for implementation of the 2019-2020 VWS as part of their Regent upgrade.  For more information on the VWS, Regent will post a pre-recorded webinar on the features, use, and implementation of the 2019-2020 VWS in the Customer Zone Knowledge Base.

What are the known issues in Release

  • Please see the Known Issues section of the Product Brief for a list of known issues in Regent Award that were not fixed in, but are slated to be addressed.