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Product Release4.5.0.0
Release Date10/19/2018

Product Brief

Additional Documents

Ron Dinwiddie

Susan Sherrick

Sharon Clough

Steve England

Product Release Summary

This Product Brief will include a summary of the following releases: and  The last major release was and although release notes were provided to the community for that release, this Product Brief provides a full summary of both releases since then as well as direction to additional documentation and information.  

Product Release Description


This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements including:

  • A new task to identify mid-Federal Award Year dependency status changes.
  • Access to initiate reprocessing for MPNs, Entrance Counseling, ISIRs, and Roster Awards through the User Interface.
  • Addition of ISIR Reject Codes for use in document assignment.
  • Improved design for printed ISIRs.
  • Support for additional ISIR corrections after initial corrections have been transmitted.


This release addresses Access product enhancements including:

  • Updates to support the 2019-2020 Federal Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculations.
  • Annual FAFSA-related year reference updates for the new year.
  • Inclusion of the calculated EFC on the downloadable PDF of the questionnaire.


This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section of the Release Notes, and also enhancements and new features including:

  • Annual 2019-2020 regulatory updates to EFC calculations, ISIR import, Verification, ISIR Corrections, and SAR comment codes.
  • For 2019-2020, introduction of the Master Verification Worksheet with improved DRT flow and a configuration option for the institution's financial aid office name and contact information to ensure all Regent Review clients benefit from all current and future improvements to the questionnaire.
  • In support of fully automated disbursing, options to save and reuse parameter sets used repeatedly for processing.  Separately, users can request that processes with specific parameters be scheduled to run automatically. ( is scheduled to include surfacing process scheduling capability for saved process parameter sets to provide users with more flexibility and control).
  • Automatic inclusion of header/trailer TG numbers specific to CPS, COD, and NSLDS export files processed with TD Client.
  • SULA support including a new SULA Data View and display of SULA-related information on the student History tab.
  • TEACH sequestration reduction amount changed to 6.20% effective 10/1/2018.
  • Support for new TEACH Exit Counseling Type on AC Response Files

Release Notes

Further details on enhancements/new features and complete list of bug fixes can be found in the Release Notes.   The Release Notes are made available externally via Customer Zone.

The Release Notes also contain information on new configuration options, and a list of updates to the Admin Guide and User Guide.

Other Documentation

In addition to the Product Brief, the following documentation is also available:

  • Release Notes
  • FAQ
  • Live Webinar scheduled for 10/18/2018 at 1:00 pm ET (will be recorded)
  • Prerecorded Webinar on the 2019-2020 Master Verification Worksheet
  • Prerecorded Webinar on SAIG features and automated process jobs

System Requirements

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the R4.5.0.0 version for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the R4.5.0.0 version for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Access may take the or version for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

New Features Overview

  • Master Verification Worksheet: For 2019-2020, Regent introduces the Master Verification Worksheet (VWS) as part of the Regent Review product.  Having a single "gold standard" questionnaire allows all Regent Review clients to benefit from any improvements or enhancements to the VWS in the future, rather than making changes to each client version separately upon request.  This 2019-2020 version also has an improved DRT flow to limit display of the tax transcript page only to those students who did not use DRT or were ineligible to use DRT.  As all clients will be using the same VWS, we added configuration for the name of the institution’s financial aid office and relevant contact information.  Regent will post a pre-recorded webinar on the features, use, and implementation of the 2019-2020 VWS in the Regent Customer Zone Knowledge Base.

  • SAIG:  Even though each institution accesses their own SAIG mailbox, COD (TG71900), CPS (TG50002), and NSLDS (TG53163) files each have their own destination TG number embedded in the file header and trailer.  Beginning with Release, Regent will automatically add those specific TG numbers to the appropriate export files.  Also in is the next step in Regent's support for fully automated disbursing.  Users can now save and reuse process parameter sets that are used repeatedly for processing.  Separately with, users will have the option to request that Regent IT Operations schedule process jobs with specific parameters (but not the saved parameter sets).  With Release, users will be able to schedule their saved process parameter sets, and will thus have more flexibility with and control over those schedules. Specifics on how to save and reuse the process parameter sets and on how to request scheduling for processes are included in the release notes and FAQ. Regent will also post a prerecorded webinar on SAIG functionality in the Customer Zone Knowledge Base.

  • SULA: Release  provides two new aspects of support for researching SULA details on students.  Student-specific SULA information on MEP, SUP, and REP, along with additional information on the student’s eligibility and program is surfaced from the ISIR, COD, NSLDS and Regent for display on the Regent Award History Tab.  Additionally, a new SULA dataview provides this and additional SULA-related information for institutional research and in support of support of SULA-related business processes.

  • TEACH:  There are two TEACH-related enhancements in Regent Award.  A TEACH Exit Counseling document can be auto-assigned and auto-satisfied by the new TEACH Exit Counseling Type in the COD AC file, and the TEACH sequestration reduction amount has been changed to 6.20% for first disbursements on/after 10/1/2018.

Known Issues & Updates

Issue keySummaryWorkaround
RS-13232Paid Disbursements Being Cancelled In Error for previous UG-GR program changesMark award as manual using the Modify Award Wizard to prevent Regent Award from modifying.
RS-13281Federal Award Year Not Found in Cache RNA Error (program change-related)None
RS-13438Conversion Abbreviated Loan Period Receiving Invalid BBAY Length Blocking MessageRequest RS-13431 "Clear SBM (Manual AY) Incorrect BBAY Length Flag" script to be run for the student.
RS-13467UAT Failure: Delay SAP Calculation if Missing GradesNone
RS-13666Pell Formula 3 calculating incorrectly when LOA Breaks are present.Use the override eligibility rules feature to correct the Pell amount.
RS-13691Modular R2T4 Wizard Error "PP Start Date must be before the Scheduled PP End Date"Close the R2T4 wizard and reopen it, then manually edit dates in Step 2 of R2T4 wizard.
RS-13753COD Export does not validate "Restrict Positive Disbursement" task restriction optionEST Export for DRI process run prior to Export COD does validate the "restrict positive disbursement" option. 
RS-13760PC Error: SE Program Change Cannot Locate Continuing Payment PeriodNone
RS-13785Cannot view or create R2T4 with an open Program Change task.Modify the Program Change task to remove the Restrict Packaging option.
RS-13828Unable to reinstate SEOG awards.None
RS-13863Transfer Students are not being set with Pell Additional Eligibility Flag when they reach >100%Flip the Pell Additional Eligibility Flag at COD-on-the-web.
RS-13871Manual OCOG Repackaged During MAPNone
RS-13887Grade Level calulation incorrect after grade level change with reduced credits.None
RS-13906R2T4 Inadvertently cancelling eligible funds with Autocancel Excluded Funds turned onUpdate the configuration to "NO" and manually cancel the funds that were excluded from the R2T4 
RS-13959Time Machine Test Cases - "Review Student W/D from Current Courses" task triggering a day lateNone
RS-13962Split Weeks not functioning as expected for Abbreviated Loan PeriodNone
RS-13977Loans being packaged without Origination Fees - COD reject 063 and 077None
RS-14000Year Round Pell Eligibility Not Included in the Calculated Eligibility Within MAWOverride Eligibility Rules in MAW to award correct amount.
RS-14001TEACH Grant not being assigned a CPS Transaction Number causing COD RejectProcess the TEACH award at COD-on-the Web
RS-14009Advanced MAP does not recognize correct programNone
RS-14053Dependent students in credential program not packaged with loans.Utilize the Override Eligibility Rules feature of the Add Award Wizard to award the loans
RS-14093Eligible PELL Disbursements Refunded and RescheduledNone
RS-14123Need amounts on Awards Tab displayed do not match when selecting loan period by checking payment period boxes vs. selecting loan period in the dropdown listNone
RS-14150Error message: the student is already undergoing a program change..."Request that the script in PS-1969 be run for the student.
RS-14184PMW: Cannot get Manual Nonterm AYs into 'Ready to Package' StatusNone
RS-14194Students overpackaged with a $1 awardUse the Modify Award Wizard to cancel the $1 award.
RS-14211BP Error when Paid disbursements blocked from moving to another termNone
RS-14264In certain cases, additional Eligibility Indicator setting not including paid Pell awards from other schoolsMake disbursement via COD on the web and ensure the indicator is checked.
RS-14278ISIR Print Function: Several fields mapped incorrectly.None
RS-14282SBL Full File Failure due to Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint...Cannot insert duplicate key in objectRemove problem student from SBL.  Script solution in RS-14281 / RS-13287 can be used to resolve problem student(s).
RS-14290OCOG Awarding Incorrectly for Remaining Eligibility after Paid DisbursementManually modify the award via MAW
RS-14305$1 Underawards for certain Unsubsidized loansManually modify the award via MAW
RS-14311Loan proration not correct when ALHT (placeholder) registration in terms following program completion. Update all future placeholder courses as Program Applicable = False OR delete the course(s).
RS-143252018-19 Fall 2018 additional Pell Disbursements Scheduled IncorrectlyManually modify the award via MAW
RS-14351Program Setup Configuration Defaulting When Saving and Inherited Checkbox is not CheckedCheck 'Inherit' box if appropriate and 'Save'
RS-3515Completed PA courses with zero quality points cause nonterm students to progress to PP2 without completing PP1None

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