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Product Release4.9.0.0
Release Date11/14/2019

Product Brief

Additional Documents

Ron Dinwiddie

Susan Sherrick

Sharon Clough

Steve England

Product Release Summary

This Product Brief includes a summary of Release and direction to additional documentation and information.  The last major release was 

Product Release Description

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section of the Release Notes, and also enhancements and new features including:

  • 2020-2021 Regulatory Updates to EFC calculations, ISIR import, Verification, ISIR Corrections, and SAR comment codes.
  • 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet
  • Marital Status Changes with Verification Worksheet
  • R2T4 Automation for Refunds
  • Crossover Awarding for Direct Loans
  • Passive vs Active Acceptance Options

Release Notes

Further details on enhancements/new features and a complete list of bug fixes can be found in the Release Notes.   The Release Notes are made available externally via Customer Zone.

The Release Notes also contain information on new configuration options, and a list of updates to the Admin Guide and User Guide.

Other Documentation

In addition to the Product Brief, the following documentation is also available:

  • Release Notes
  • FAQ
  • Live Webinar will be scheduled and the recording will be available at Customer Zone.

System Requirements

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the version for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. The late summer update will be available to all Regent Award clients for UAT and then production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the version for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. The late summer update will be available to all Regent Review clients for UAT and then production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Access may take the version for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. The late summer update will be available to all Regent Access clients for UAT and then production upgrade.

New Features Overview for Initial Release 

  • 2020-2021 Regulatory Updates:  Required updates to EFC calculations, ISIR import, Verification, ISIR Corrections, and SAR comment codes.

  • 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet:
    • The worksheet has been enhanced with a non-FAFSA question about the tax filing status of married students so tax filing or verification of non-filing document requirements can be assigned or waived automatically, rather than requiring a manual assignment.  
    • Additionally, as processing of student marital status changes that occur after the FAFSA is filed is a matter of institutional choice, Regent is providing configurable automation to support review/approval of student marital status changes for selected students within the Verification Worksheet flow.  Students will be asked if the ISIR marital status is correct and if not, advised to update marital status on the FAFSA.  If the marital status change is on/after the FAFSA filing date, Regent Review will persist a document requirement for proof of marital status. The FAFSA update will result in a Reject 21 that school users may override if they wish once they have reviewed the proof of marital status documentation provided by the student. This is available beginning with the 2020-2021 FAY in both the new Student Experience and in the original portal.

  • R2T4 Automation for Refunds:  With this release, in addition to R2T4s that are fully earned and fully disbursed and those resulting in PWDs, Regent automation will support processing of R2T4s resulting in Refunds.  Clients will submit institutional cost information in the R2T4 node of the Student Batch Load (SBL) file, and then Regent Award will process the R2T4 and any required refunds.  Additionally, clients can configure automation of Step 10 grant overpayments so, if desired, those overpayments will process back to their source automatically as well.  Users will be alerted to Step 10 amounts via configurable tasks.

  • Crossover Awarding for Direct Loans: With the new configurable "Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability" option, Regent will detect cases when the “prior” year ISIR for a crossover academic year is not present but a valid ISIR exists for the next year.  Even if the configured Default Academic Year Crossover date directs that the academic year be awarded from the prior year, Regent will go ahead and package the student’s loans from the “next” Federal Award Year.  Full automation will continue to apply to these loans, as there is no longer any need to have them treated as "manual" to retain such a change.

  • Passive vs Active Acceptance Options:  Users configure funds for Active acceptance flow by having fund awards created in "Offered" status.  The student must "Accept" the award before it will process for payment.  For Passive acceptance flow, the fund is created in "Accepted" status, and while students are advised of the amounts, the awards will process without further direct student intervention.  Users may now configure a secondary acceptance flow for an award by identifying specific combinations of sites and programs that will use the non-default flow.  For example, students in undergraduate programs could use Active acceptance for their student loans, while students in graduate programs could use Passive acceptance.

Known Issues for Release 

Issue KeySummarySuggested Workaround
RS-13962Split Weeks not functioning as expected for Abbreviated Loan Period.None.
RS-14001Certain TEACH Grant awards not being assigned a CPS Transaction Number for COD export. Process the TEACH award at COD-on-the Web.
RS-14053Dependent students in credential program not packaged with loans.Utilize the Override Eligibility Rules feature of the Add Award Wizard to award the loans.
RS-14122Pell Awarded above 150% when EFC is between 601 and 700 (2 students).Manually override via Modify Award Wizard.
RS-14124Nonterm Academic Year End Date is incorrect when student returns after absence greater than 180 days.None.
RS-14150Error message: the student is already undergoing a program change..."Request that the script in PS-1969 be run for the student.
RS-14395Automatic "cancel/recreate" to update Loan Fee percentage is exporting incorrectly when all disbursements are anticipated.Cancel initial loan at COD-on-the Web.
RS-14932Incorrect Subsidized Loans for certain students when packaging to Direct Costs for high EFC students.Adjust award amount via Modify Award Wizard.
RS-14975R2T4 Wizard error thrown for graduate student when Pell cancelled after program change -  "PP Start Date must be before the Scheduled PP End Date"None.
RS-15202In certain scenarios, the configured Alt-EFC Rounding Option is not applied.None.
RS-15409All run time parameters are not fully captured in the Process Log.None.
RS-15432Multiple Zero Dollar Grad PLUS Awards reported for certain students.None.
RS-15466History Tab display not updating with new ISIR data.Manually update History tab. 
RS-15483Task selector check box on the Task Tab does not clear once an update is made.Click the box again to clear it.
RS-15519Certain verification document requirements are assigned twice, once by "System" and once by "Student Portal".Review and waive duplicate documents requirements.
RS-15520Error when attaching documents with special characters in file name.Do not use special characters in file name.
RS-15547Total Hours in Period do not populate in clock hour R2T4 templates.Manually populate this field.
RS-15606Certain manual paid disbursements retain a Disbursement Status of scheduled.None.
RS-15708Cannot adjust certain loans in Modify Award Wizard when aid disbursed before term start and there is no current enrollment.Make a temporary manual course adjustment to a course in the term to allow loan adjustment to be made.
RS-15815Certain nonterm loans packaged after completion of first payment period are not spread evenly among payment periods.Use MAW to adjust the disbursements.
RS-16208After upgrading to 4.7.00, certain FA users logging in using SSO do not view dashboards.None.
RS-16229Certain nonterm R2T4 reversals receive message: R2T4 Reversal Error: Initial Amount Must Be >=0None.
RS-16322In certain cases, after an R2T4 that resulted in 100% aid earned is reversed, the funds are cancelled and replaced. None.
RS-16838Student Completed Units Report has incorrect units amount for Payment PeriodUtilize data views or request that client script be run on the instance.
RS-16935Certain SAY students overawarded for Spring after withdrawing from Summer. Use MAW to correct award amounts.
RS-16988In certain cases, History Tab does not display most recent ISIR informationView ISIR detail.
RS-17000Grade Level is set incorrectly in COD Export file for TEACH GrantPerform updates at COD and block subsequent origination reporting to avoid reverting to GL1 on the next export.
RS-17195R2T4 Wizard unexpectedly add breaks to Nonterm numerator and denominator.Use overrides to adjust the break days.
RS-17196Nonterm R2T4 denominator has fewer break days than numerator.None.
RS-17230R2T4: Percentage of R2T4 Period Completed not rounding correctly for clock hourNone.
RS-17455Error appears when editing Fund Fee configuration. Request fees be loaded using Regent Delivery Services configuration template.
RS-17461Certain loans awarded over aggregate limits.Use MAW to adjust the awards.
RS-17484Certain loans with Less Than Half Time enrollment in the final academic year are prorating when proration is not requiredUse MAW and override rules to adjust the awards.
RS-17503In certain cases, Pell recalculation for term-based R2T4 is not following the term's rounding rule. None.
RS-17567When creating a new campus, received error and default federal fund configuration is missing. None.
RS-17611Program configuration screen error 'Program External ID [external ID] already exists, please enter another Program External ID' when there is a duplicate externalId program record marked as deleted.Request script RS-17612 to be run.
RS-17766R2T4 Institutional Costs are not removed from the R2T4 wizard when all of the costs are removed from an updated SBL.Manually zero out the costs.

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