Release Notes for Regent Award version
Emily Bivona (Deactivated)
Heather Smith
Sharon Clough
Serhii Sorokyn (Deactivated)
Release | Release |
Release Date | 11/14/2019 |
Document Updated | 12/03/2019 |
Status | FINAL |
Executive Summary
Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.
This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:
- 2020-2021 Regulatory Updates to EFC calculations, ISIR import, Verification, ISIR Corrections, and SAR comment codes.
- 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet
- Marital Status Changes with Verification Worksheet
- R2T4 Automation for Refunds
- Crossover Awarding for Direct Loans
- Passive vs Active Acceptance Options
New Configuration Options
The following new configuration options were added in release
- Under Institution Setup, added new Portal Tab which contains the following sub-tabs (availability of these tabs is based on both licensing and permissions):
- General
- Account Mgt
- Useful Links
- Message Center
- Financial Aid
- Documents
- Smart Form
- E-Signature
- Under Institution Setup, added the new "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" field on the "Smart Form" subtab of Portal settings, which will be used to allow a new workflow within the Student Experience Verification Worksheet when the student has a marital status change.
- Under SNAP Configurations, added the new "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" field, which will be used to allow a new workflow within the SNAP Verification Worksheet when the student has a marital status change.
- Under Institution Setup, Campus Setup and Program Setup added new R2T4 configuration options on the R2T4 Tab, "Automatically Return Grant Amounts in Step 10" and "Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status."
- Under Institution Setup, Campus Setup and Program Setup added the new field "Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability" which controls which FAY is used for Loan awarding in a Crossover.
- Under Fund Setup, added the new "Display on Financial Aid Portlet" setting on the General Tab, which controls whether or not the fund will be displayed on the Student Experience Portal.
- Under Fund Setup, added the new "Override Award Status" Tab where a school can configure specific Sites/Programs to use a different Initial Award Status value then defined on the General Tab of Fund Setup.
- Under Term Setup, added the new "COD Term Start Date Override" setting on the General Tab, which controls whether or Regent Award will consume the Payment Period Start Date from the WB Response File and set a Payment Period Start Date Override Date to be used on subsequent COD Exports for reporting purposes.
- Under Document Setup, added the new fields "Activity Type" and "Dependency" on the General Tab for identification of Parent, Spouse, Dependent and Independent documents.
- Under Document Setup, added the new field "Marital Status Change" on the ISIR Assignment Tab, under the Demographic Information section, which will be used to determine if there was a student marital status change between the previous and current active ISIR.
- Under Document Setup, added the new value "Facilitate ISIR Reject" to the "Select the Process that this document facilitates field, which can be used to configure a task that will allow schools to track actions on student ISIRs when ISIR Rejects are received.
- Under Permissions → "Institutions" → "Institution Permissions" → "Institution Setup Permissions"
- Added a new permission, "View/Edit Portal Settings," that gives users access to view and edit the new Portal Tab on Institution Setup.
- Under Permissions → "Institutions" → "Institution Permissions" → "Institution Setup Permissions"
- Added a new permission, "View/Edit Salesforce Tab," that gives users access to the new Salesforce Tab on Institution Setup.
- Under Permissions → "Campuses" → "Campus Permissions" → "Campus Setup Permissions"
- Added a new permission, "View/Edit COD Term Start Date Override," that gives users access to the new "COD Term Start Date Override" setting on Term Setup.
- Under Permissions → Enterprise Permissions → Student Permissions → Awards Tab → R2T4 Wizard
- Added a new permission to "Edit Do Not Offer on Finalized PWD" that gives users access to change the "Do not Offer" checkbox and "Return Amount Reason" fields on a Finalized PWD.
Admin and User Guide Updates
As part of the Release, the following Admin Guide pages were added/updated:
- Institution Setup Data Elements
- Portal Setup
- Campus Setup Data Elements
- Program Setup Data Elements
- Term Setup Data Elements
- Document Setup Data Elements
- Fund Setup Data Elements
- Fund Setup
- Permissions List
- Regent Award Task Triggers
The following User Guide pages were also added/updated:
- Regent Award Reports (full list of all Regent Award Reports)
- Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)
- Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP)
- Awarding TEACH
- Automated R2T4
- Including Funds in the R2T4 Calculation
- Return to Title IV (R2T4)
- R2T4 Wizard - R2T4 Tab
- R2T4 Wizard - PWD Tab
- Verification Tracking Groups Menu Bars NEW
- Message Classes Supported by Regent Award
- COD Web Response Review Queue
- Importing COD Responses
- Batch Packaging
- Process Scheduling
- Export Processes NEW
- Export Processes Screen
- e-TASFA Export file in an ISIR Layout Format NEW
- Connecting to a Client sFTP NEW
- Verification Worksheet NEW
The following CCM pages were also added/updated:
- Client Configuration Management User Guide: Program and Terms
- Client Configuration Management User Guide: Document Setup
The following enhancements are included in this release:
Key | Product Selection | Functional Area | Release Note | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16193 | Regent Award | Activity Log | Title: New Activity Log Entry - COD Web Response Data submitted for Reprocessing, No Action Needed Tickets: RS-16193; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic COD Web Response Review Queue. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15564 | Regent Award | Activity Log | Title: Improved Activity Log Entries for Student Documents changes Tickets: RS-15564; RS-17108; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Attaching Received Documents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15823 | Regent Award | Annual Federal and State Reporting | Title: 2020-2021 ISIR Message Classes added to SAIG Process Tickets: RS-15823; Description:
See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Message Classes Supported by Regent Award. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15801 | Regent Award | Annual Federal and State Reporting | Title: 2020-2021 EFC Calculation Updates Tickets: RS-15801; RS-16727; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16615 | Regent Award | Awarding | Title: Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability Tickets: RS-16615; RS-17128; RS-17129; RS-17130; RS-17131; RS-17132; RS-17139; RS-17140; RS-17141; RS-17150; RS-17151; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Institution Setup Data Elements, Campus Setup Data Elements, and Program Setup Data Elements. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15808 | Regent Award | Awarding | Title: October 1, 2019 TEACH Sequestration Percentage Reduction Tickets: RS-15808; RS-16990; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Award TEACH. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16982 | Regent Award | COD | Title: COD Web Response Review Queue Reprocessing - Validate for Award's Current Loan Period Tickets: RS-16589; RS-16982; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic COD Web Response Review Queue. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16942 | Regent Award | Configuration/Setup | Title: New Fund Configuration for Student Experience Ticket: RS-16942; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16427 | Regent Award | Configuration/Setup | Title: Passive / Active Acceptance for Different Sites and/or Programs Ticket: RS-17358; RS-17359; RS-17360; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16227 | Regent Award | Data Views | Title: New Data View dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View_v002 Tickets: RS-16227; Description: The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows: dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View_v002 Columns Added
The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16216 | Regent Award | Data Views | Title: New Data View dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v002 Tickets: RS-16216; Description: The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows: dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v002 Columns Added
The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15737 | Regent Award | Data Views | Title: New Data View dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v003 Tickets: RS-15737; Description: The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows: dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v003 Columns Added
The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15736 | Regent Award | Data Views | Title: New Data View Version - dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v003 Tickets: RS-15736; Description: The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows: dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v003 Columns Added
The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15734 | Regent Award | Data Views | Title: New Data View Version - dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v003 Tickets: RS-15736; Description: The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows: dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v003 Columns Added
The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16965 | Regent Award | Funds (SEOG / Work Study / State) | Title: Wisconsin State Grant Updates FAY 2019-2020 Tickets: RS-16965; RS-17003; RS-17004; RS-17160; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-17498 | Regent Award | ISIR Processing/Verification | Title: ISIR Print Layout Updates for 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY) Tickets: RS-17498; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-17383 | Regent Access | ISIR Processing/Verification | Title: Update to 2020-2021 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Social Security Tax (SST) Amounts Tickets: RS-17383; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15822 | Regent Award | ISIR Processing/Verification | Title: 2020-2021 ISIR Import and Correction Updates Tickets: RS-15822; RS-16961; RS-16962; RS-17039; RS-17042; RS-16963; RS-16964; RS-16314; 17034; RS-17036; RS-17037; RS-17038; Description: Document Setup Fields on the ISIR Assignment Tab have been added to accommodate the combination of the IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions questions for both student and parent. See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Document Setup Data Elements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15817 | Regent Review | ISIR Processing/Verification | Title: 2020-2021 Verification Tracking Bar Updates (ISIR Verification / Correction Wizard) Tickets: RS-15817; RS-17081; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Verification Tracking Group Menu Bars. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15813 | Regent Award | ISIR Processing/Verification | Title: 2020-2021 Updates for SAR Comment Codes and Text Tickets: RS-15813; RS-16968; RS-16969; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15811 | Regent Award | ISIR Processing/Verification | Title: 2020-2021 ISIR Reject Code Updates Tickets: RS-15811; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16550 | Regent Award | Process Log | Title: Improved SAIG Error Messaging Tickets: RS-16550; Description: Previous Message: failure code 107 & 234: FTP session cannot be initiated Previous Message: failure code -1 & -2: FTP connection refused Previous Message: failure code 421: Too many users / network connection dropped See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic SAIG Mailbox Integration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16797 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Title: R2T4 PWD Worksheet - Editable "Do Not Offer" Tickets: RS-16797; RS-17336; RS-17337; RS-17340; RS-17341; RS-17344; RS-17345; RS-17346; RS-17379; RS-17380; RS-17388; RS-17381; RS-17338; RS-17347; RS-17339; RS-17343; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Return of Title IV (R2T4) and R2T4 PWD Tab. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16680 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Title: Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status Tickets: RS-16680; RS-17287; RS-17288; RS-17289; RS-17290; RS-17291; RS-17296; RS-16614; RS-17292; RS-17293; RS-17294; RS-17295; RS-17420; RS-17297; Description: If the loan disbursements are earned, per the R2T4 calculation, the canceled disbursements are visible on the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) worksheet as read-only and marked "Do Not Offer." See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Return of Title IV (R2T4), Including Funds in the R2T4 Calculation, R2T4 Wizard - R2T4 Tab and R2T4 Wizard - PWD Tab. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16368 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Title: Automatic Return of Title IV (R2T4) Step 10 Grant Overpayments Tickets: RS-16368; RS-16369; RS-16370; RS-16371; RS-15709; RS-15710; RS-15711; RS-15715; 15727; RS-15730; RS-15731; RS-15733; RS-15738; Description: When the Institution Setup configuration option is turned off, Regent Award will not return the Step 10 Grant Overpayments to their fund source and the school will be required to manually handle returning those funds. This feature applies to automatic and manual R2T4's completed within Regent Award. See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Return of Title IV (R2T4). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16191 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Title: R2T4 Automation: Add Leave of Absence and Update CORE for "Not Required" Checks Tickets: RS-16191; RS-17280; RS-17282; RS-17613; Description: See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Automated R2T4, Batch Packaging and Reports: Student - R2T4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-4018 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Title: Use Imported Institution Costs in Return to Title IV (R2T4) Calculations. Tickets: RS-4018; RS-15260; RS-15280; RS-15257; RS-15258; RS-15259; RS-15279; Description: Institutional Costs may be provided as a single total that would populate in Box L or as itemized cost items, i.e. Room, Board, Tuition, Other and populate in their respective boxes under Step 5. When itemized costs are provided and Total Institutional Costs are not provided, Regent will add up the itemized cost items and populate the total in Box L. When itemized costs are provided as well as the Total Institutional Costs, Regent will display all of the Itemized Items within Step 5, but use the Total Institutional Costs provided on the SBL as the total. See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Return of Title IV (R2T4). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15383 | Regent Access | Student Portal (SNAP) | Title: eTASFA Export file in an ISIR Layout Format Ticket: RS-15381; RS-15383; RS-17025; RS-17026; Description: A new permission has been added to allow users to export an eTASFA ISIR Format file. See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic e-TASFA Export file in an ISIR Layout Format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-17530 | Regent Access | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: eTASFAA Graduation Option Date to Include 2020 Year. Tickets: RS-17530; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-17449 | Regent Access | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Verbiage Updates for Regent Access Questionnaires Tickets: RS-17449; RS-17444; RS-17447; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-17305 | Regent Review | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Verbiage Updates to the Verification Worksheet (VWS) Introduction Page for Dependent Students Tickets: RS-17305; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-17271 | Regent Access | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Updates to the Texas State Application for the 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY). Ticket: RS-17271; RS-17352; RS-17353; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-16638 | Regent Access | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Updates to 2020-2021 WSAC and OSAC SSN Help Text Tickets: RS-16638; RS-17082; RS-17083; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15814 | Regent Award | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: 2020-2021 Annual Updates for Verification Worksheet Tickets: RS-15814; RS-17158; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-15744 | Regent Access | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: 2020-2021 Annual Updates for Regent Access Tickets: RS-15744; RS-16700; RS-16701; RS-16702; RS-16703; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-13848 | Regent Review | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Update to the Verification Worksheet Nontax Return Filer Question Description Tickets: RS-13848; Description: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-13793 | Regent Review | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Student Marital Changes Within the Verification Worksheet Tickets: RS-13793; RS-17396; RS-17397; RS-17398; RS-17424; RS-17399; RS-17407; RS-17408; RS-17425; RS-17409; RS-17410; RS-17412; RS-17414; RS-17730; Description: This new feature is configurable at the Institution Level for the new Student Experience application and configurable within SNAP Configurations for the Regent Review application. See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Portal Setup Data Elements and Verification Worksheet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-13474 | Regent Review | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Updates to the Verification Worksheet Nontax Return Filer Questions Tickets: RS-13474; Description: When the student/parent confirms the information on the FAFSA is not correct, a new question will be presented requesting the student/parent's correct tax filing status. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-13471 | Regent Review | Workflow/Questionnaire | Title: Verification Worksheet Text Updates Tickets: RS-13471; Description:
The following bugs are resolved in this release:
Key | Product Selection | Functional Area | Release Note |
RS-17079 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17052 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16956 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16936 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16895 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16835 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16267 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15756 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15271 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-14598 | Regent Award | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17146 | Regent Award | COD | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16900 | Regent Award | COD | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16899 | Regent Award | Configuration/Setup | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17526 | Regent Award | EST/Disbursements | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15415 | Regent Award | EST/Disbursements | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17486 | Regent Award | Funds (SEOG / Work Study / State) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17485 | Regent Award | Funds (SEOG / Work Study / State) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17466 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17252 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17051 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16912 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16883 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15673 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15605 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-14779 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-13241 | Regent Award | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16794 | Regent Award | Program Change | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16036 | Regent Award | Program Change | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15742 | Regent Award | Program Change | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17300 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17276 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17064 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17055 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16957 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15681 | Regent Award | R2T4 | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16688 | Regent Award | SAP | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-13600 | Regent Award | SAP | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17507 | Student Portal | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17085 | Student Portal | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16238 | Regent Review | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17431 | Regent Award | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17120 | Regent Award | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-17110 | Regent Award | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16568 | Regent Award | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-15702 | Regent Review | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-16922 | Regent Award | Workflow/Questionnaire | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:
- Build Script: These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
- Data Cleanup Script: These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify. If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer.
- Custom Script: These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed.
The following scripts relate to this release:
Key | Product Selection | Functional Area | Release Note |
RS-17655 | Regent Award | Configuration/Setup | Purpose of Script: Data Changed by the Script: How to Access the Script: How to Test the Script: |
RS-16008 | Regent Award | Program Change | Purpose of Script: Data Changed by the Script: How to Access the Script: How to Test the Script: Please note that the Activity Log Entries will mention RS-16008; as the script number. |