Release Notes for Regent Award version

Release Notes for Regent Award version



Release Date


Document Updated



Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • 2020-2021 Regulatory Updates to EFC calculations, ISIR import, Verification, ISIR Corrections, and SAR comment codes.
  • 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet
  • Marital Status Changes with Verification Worksheet
  • R2T4 Automation for Refunds
  • Crossover Awarding for Direct Loans
  • Passive vs Active Acceptance Options

New Configuration Options

The following new configuration options were added in release   

  • Under Institution Setup, added new Portal Tab which contains the following sub-tabs (availability of these tabs is based on both licensing and permissions):
    • General
    • Account Mgt
    • Useful Links
    • Message Center
    • Financial Aid
    • Documents
    • Smart Form
    • E-Signature
  • Under Institution Setup, added the new "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" field on the "Smart Form" subtab of Portal settings, which will be used to allow a new workflow within the Student Experience Verification Worksheet when the student has a marital status change.
  • Under SNAP Configurations, added the new "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" field, which will be used to allow a new workflow within the SNAP Verification Worksheet when the student has a marital status change.
  • Under Institution Setup, Campus Setup and Program Setup added new R2T4 configuration options on the R2T4 Tab, "Automatically Return Grant Amounts in Step 10" and "Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status." 
  • Under Institution Setup, Campus Setup and Program Setup added the new field "Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability" which controls which FAY is used for Loan awarding in a Crossover.
  • Under Fund Setup, added the new "Display on Financial Aid Portlet" setting on the General Tab, which controls whether or not the fund will be displayed on the Student Experience Portal.
  • Under Fund Setup, added the new "Override Award Status" Tab where a school can configure specific Sites/Programs to use a different Initial Award Status value then defined on the General Tab of Fund Setup.
  • Under Term Setup, added the new "COD Term Start Date Override" setting on the General Tab, which controls whether or Regent Award will consume the Payment Period Start Date from the WB Response File and set a Payment Period Start Date Override Date to be used on subsequent COD Exports for reporting purposes. 
  • Under Document Setup, added the new fields "Activity Type" and "Dependency" on the General Tab for identification of Parent, Spouse, Dependent and Independent documents.
  • Under Document Setup, added the new field "Marital Status Change" on the ISIR Assignment Tab, under the Demographic Information section, which will be used to determine if there was a student marital status change between the previous and current active ISIR.
  • Under Document Setup, added the new value "Facilitate ISIR Reject" to the "Select the Process that this document facilitates field, which can be used to configure a task that will allow schools to track actions on student ISIRs when ISIR Rejects are received.
  • Under Permissions → "Institutions" → "Institution Permissions" → "Institution Setup Permissions"
    • Added a new permission, "View/Edit Portal Settings," that gives users access to view and edit the new Portal Tab on Institution Setup.
  • Under Permissions → "Institutions" → "Institution Permissions" → "Institution Setup Permissions"
    • Added a new permission, "View/Edit Salesforce Tab," that gives users access to the new Salesforce Tab on Institution Setup.
  • Under Permissions → "Campuses" → "Campus Permissions" → "Campus Setup Permissions"
    • Added a new permission, "View/Edit COD Term Start Date Override," that gives users access to the new "COD Term Start Date Override" setting on Term Setup.
  • Under Permissions → Enterprise Permissions → Student Permissions → Awards Tab → R2T4 Wizard
    • Added a new permission to "Edit Do Not Offer on Finalized PWD" that gives users access to change the "Do not Offer" checkbox and "Return Amount Reason" fields on a Finalized PWD.

Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of the Release, the following Admin Guide pages were added/updated:

The following User Guide pages were also added/updated:

The following CCM pages were also added/updated:


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-16193Regent AwardActivity Log

Title: New Activity Log Entry - COD Web Response Data submitted for Reprocessing, No Action Needed

Tickets: RS-16193;

Regent Award has enhanced the COD Web Response Review Queue with a new Activity Log entry. The new Activity Log entry occurs when a user clicks "Reprocess" on an award's data in the COD Web Response Review Queue. When the system changes the "Action" flag from "No" to "Yes," and the Message column is cleared, Regent Award will also record the successful Reprocessing in the student's Activity Log. For example, a user might fix the loan period dates to match the Financial Award Period dates and then Reprocess the award data. When the system successfully clears the validation message and the Action flag, Regent Award will note the award was submitted for reprocessing and no action is needed.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic COD Web Response Review Queue.

RS-15564Regent AwardActivity Log

Title: Improved Activity Log Entries for Student Documents changes

Tickets: RS-15564; RS-17108;

Regent Award has improved Activity Log Entry (ALE) behavior for the Student Documents screen. The Documents screen will not update the "Remarks/Notes" in the Activity Log when the existing content has not changed in the Notes field. Users must still update the Notes whenever they delete an attached file.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Attaching Received Documents.

RS-15823Regent AwardAnnual Federal and State Reporting

Title: 2020-2021 ISIR Message Classes added to SAIG Process

Tickets: RS-15823;

The following Message Classes were added to Regent Award's SAIG Mailbox Integration feature in support of 2020-2021 ISIR file processing.

Message ClassData Description
CORR21INElectronic Corrections
IDAP21OPDaily Electronic Application ISIRs
IDNR21OPDaily State Agency ISIRs Non-Resident
IDRE21OPDaily State Agency ISIRS Resident
IGCO21OPCPS Daily ISIRs-IRIS generated by institutional corrections
IGNR21OPCPS Pushed State Agency ISIRs Non-Resident
IGRE21OPCPS Pushed State Agency ISIRs Resident
IGSG21OPCPS Pushed ISIRs-System Generated
ISRF21OPRequested ISIR Data from the ISIRs Datamart

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Message Classes Supported by Regent Award.

RS-15801Regent AwardAnnual Federal and State Reporting

Title: 2020-2021 EFC Calculation Updates

Tickets: RS-15801; RS-16727;

Regent products have been updated with the 2020-2021 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) formulas per the U.S. Department of Education Application Processing System Specifications for Software Developers and the 2020-2021 EFC Formula Guide.

RS-16615Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability

Tickets: RS-16615; RS-17128; RS-17129; RS-17130; RS-17131; RS-17132; RS-17139; RS-17140; RS-17141; RS-17150; RS-17151;

Regent Award has enhanced its loan crossover awarding functionality to allow for automatic packaging of Title IV Loans for next-year FAYs without creating manual Academic Years. A new Institution level configuration option, "Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability," has been added to automatically package Title IV Loans in "crossover" Academic Years (AYs touching more than one FAY). When the new setting is enabled, if a student does not have any ISIR from the prior-year FAY in a crossover AY, but they do have an ISIR for the next FAY, Regent Award will automatically package loans from the next-year ISIR. If a student is first packaged with loans in an AY and has two ISIRs available for different FAYs, and one FAY is Selected for Verification but is not yet Verified, Regent Award will package loans using the ISIR with the acceptable Verification status (either “Selected and Verified,” or “Not Selected for Verification.”) If both ISIRs have an equivalent Verification status, Regent Award will choose the FAY based on whether the AY start date is on or after the configured “Default Academic Year Crossover Date.”

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Institution Setup Data Elements, Campus Setup Data Elements, and Program Setup Data Elements.

RS-15808Regent AwardAwarding

Title: October 1, 2019 TEACH Sequestration Percentage Reduction

Tickets: RS-15808; RS-16990;

Regent Award has been updated to calculate TEACH Grant Awards with the first disbursement on or after October 1, 2019 with the appropriate percentage reduction. A TEACH Grant where the first disbursement is on or after October 1, 2019 and before October 1, 2020 requires a reduction of 5.90% percent from the award amount for which the student would otherwise have been eligible.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Award TEACH.

RS-16982Regent AwardCOD

Title: COD Web Response Review Queue Reprocessing - Validate for Award's Current Loan Period

Tickets: RS-16589; RS-16982;

The COD Web Response Review Queue screen has been enhanced with improved validation for awards that have changed loan period dates after import. If a user clicks "Reprocess" and an award is currently linked to a loan period, the system will compare the award's new (current) linked Loan Period dates with the original WB data's Financial Award Begin/End dates. If the dates match, the system will clear the validation message error and set the Action flag to "No."

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic COD Web Response Review Queue.

RS-16942Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Title: New Fund Configuration for Student Experience

Ticket: RS-16942;

A new configuration option has been added to Fund Setup and is available to users of the Student Experience application. It will determine whether or not the fund is displayed on the Financial Aid component of the Student Experience application.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements

RS-16427Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Title: Passive / Active Acceptance for Different Sites and/or Programs

Ticket: RS-17358; RS-17359; RS-17360;

The Regent Award product has been enhanced to provide a configurable option on Fund Setup for funds to be created in either an 'Offered' or 'Accepted' status for different sites and/or programs based on a school's passive or active acceptance process for those specific sites and/or programs.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements.

RS-16227Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View_v002

Tickets: RS-16227;

A new data view, dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View_v002.

The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows:


Columns Added

  • description
  • externalId
  • allPrograms

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.

RS-16216Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v002

Tickets: RS-16216;

A new data view, dataExtract_Fund_Config_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v002.

The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows:


Columns Added

  • awardAmountOptionCode
  • awardBaseAmount
  • useAmountPerPaymentPeriod
  • enrollmentLevelTypeCodeMinimum
  • enrollmentLevelTypeCodeMaximum
  • freezeAmountsOptionCode

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.

RS-15737Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v003

Tickets: RS-15737;

A new data view, dataExtract_Program_Config_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows:


Columns Added

  • autoFinalizeR2T4TypesInherited
  • establishPWDResponseDeadlineOffset
  • establishFundAutoCancellationDateForIOPPWDsOffset
  • establishFundAutoCancellationDateForNonIOPPWDsOffset

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.

RS-15736Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View Version - dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v003

Tickets: RS-15736;

A new version of the data view dataExtract_Location_Config_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows:


Columns Added

  • autoFinalizeR2T4TypesInherited
  • establishPWDResponseDeadlineOffset
  • establishFundAutoCancellationDateForIOPPWDsOffset
  • establishFundAutoCancellationDateForNonIOPPWDsOffset
  • salesForceExternalIdTypeCode

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.

RS-15734Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View Version - dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v003

Tickets: RS-15736;

A new version of the data view dataExtract_Institution_Config_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows:


Columns Added

  • establishPWDResponseDeadlineOffset
  • establishFundAutoCancellationDateForIOPPWDsOffset
  • establishFundAutoCancellationDateForNonIOPPWDsOffset
  • enableCEPSiteUpdateFromSBL
  • salesForceExternalIdTypeCode

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.

RS-16965Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Title: Wisconsin State Grant Updates FAY 2019-2020

Tickets: RS-16965; RS-17003; RS-17004; RS-17160;

Regent Award was enhanced with annual updates for the Wisconsin Grant Private-Nonprofit (WG-PNP). The updates include state regulatory updates for Wisconsin's Federal Award Year (FAY). In addition, new logic uses a school's configured Cost Groups and Cost Items to determine the Tuition Cost Amounts for the grant calculation.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP).

RS-17498Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: ISIR Print Layout Updates for 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY)

Tickets: RS-17498;

The ISIR Print Layout has been updated to reflect the changes made for the 2020-2021 FAY per the U.S. Department of Education 2020-2021 ISIR Guide.

RS-17383Regent AccessISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Update to 2020-2021 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Social Security Tax (SST) Amounts

Tickets: RS-17383;

The SST Amounts for EFC calculations have been adjusted per a Department of Education update for the 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY).

RS-15822Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2020-2021 ISIR Import and Correction Updates

Tickets: RS-15822; RS-16961; RS-16962; RS-17039; RS-17042; RS-16963; RS-16964; RS-16314; 17034; RS-17036; RS-17037; RS-17038;

To accommodate the Annual Regulatory Updates for ISIR processing, Regent implemented the ability to import 2020-2021 ISIRs. Correct field validation for incremental year updates and updated field names are included in this update. Users can view the renamed fields on the student’s ISIR tab for 2020-2021 ISIRs. Regent has also made updates for 2020-2021 ISIR Correction file Exports. All changes are in accordance with the EDE Technical Reference 2020-2021 final version published in July 2019.

Document Setup Fields on the ISIR Assignment Tab have been added to accommodate the combination of the IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions questions for both student and parent.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Document Setup Data Elements

RS-15817Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2020-2021 Verification Tracking Bar Updates (ISIR Verification / Correction Wizard)

Tickets: RS-15817; RS-17081;

The ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard was updated to implement functionality for the 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY). The wizard's custom Verification Tracking Bar (menu) displays the correct verifiable items per student depending on the student's dependency status, the ISIR's Federal Award Year, if the ISIR is selected for Verification, the student's Verification Group, and the student's and/or parents' tax filing information.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Verification Tracking Group Menu Bars.

RS-15813Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2020-2021 Updates for SAR Comment Codes and Text

Tickets: RS-15813; RS-16968; RS-16969;

Regent Award was updated to reflect text updates made to SAR Comment Code Text Definitions per the U.S. Department of Education 2020-2021 SAR Comment Codes and Text document. This text can be viewed by hovering the cursor over the SAR Comment Code number on the ISIR Tab.

RS-15811Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2020-2021 ISIR Reject Code Updates

Tickets: RS-15811;

The ISIR Reject Codes have been updated for the 2020-2021 Federal Award Year.

RS-16550Regent AwardProcess Log

Title: Improved SAIG Error Messaging

Tickets: RS-16550;

Regent Award has improved SAIG Mailbox Error messaging for the following errors:

Previous Message: failure code 107 & 234: FTP session cannot be initiated
Improved Message: The FTP session to the SAIG mailbox cannot be initiated. Retry the process. If the issue persists, please submit a Customer Zone ticket.

Previous Message: failure code -1 & -2: FTP connection refused
Improved Message: The FTP connection to the SAIG mailbox was refused. Retry the process. If the issue persists, please submit a Customer Zone ticket.

Previous Message: failure code 421: Too many users / network connection dropped
Improved Message: The FTP connection to the SAIG mailbox has failed due to too many users or the network connection dropped. Retry the process at a later time. Peak SAIG usage is often between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Central Time. If the issue persists, please submit a Customer Zone ticket.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic SAIG Mailbox Integration.

RS-16797Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4 PWD Worksheet - Editable "Do Not Offer"

Tickets: RS-16797; RS-17336; RS-17337; RS-17340; RS-17341; RS-17344; RS-17345; RS-17346; RS-17379; RS-17380; RS-17388; RS-17381; RS-17338; RS-17347; RS-17339; RS-17343;

Regent Award has further enhanced the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) tab on the R2T4 wizard by allowing permissioned users to change the value of the "Do Not Offer" checkbox on a Finalized R2T4. Users are required to add a comment when manually modifying the "Do Not Offer" checkbox. Furthermore, Regent Award will now stop evaluating PWDs for potential disbursements or cancellations 180 days following the Date of Determination. 

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Return of Title IV (R2T4) and R2T4 PWD Tab.

RS-16680Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status

Tickets: RS-16680; RS-17287; RS-17288; RS-17289; RS-17290; RS-17291; RS-17296; RS-16614; RS-17292; RS-17293; RS-17294; RS-17295; RS-17420; RS-17297;

Regent Award has been enhanced to allow a school to configure their R2T4 calculations such that the R2T4 "Could Have Been Disbursed" amounts will include unpaid, originated Title IV Loan disbursements that were canceled due to the student dropping below Half-Time (HT) enrollment status after beginning attendance in the term. The canceled loan amounts will increase a student's overall Title IV aid in a term, potentially increasing a student's grant funding. The new setting is not available for nonterm programs.

If the loan disbursements are earned, per the R2T4 calculation, the canceled disbursements are visible on the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) worksheet as read-only and marked "Do Not Offer."

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Return of Title IV (R2T4), Including Funds in the R2T4 Calculation, R2T4 Wizard - R2T4 Tab and R2T4 Wizard - PWD Tab.

RS-16368Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Automatic Return of Title IV (R2T4) Step 10 Grant Overpayments

Tickets: RS-16368; RS-16369; RS-16370; RS-16371; RS-15709; RS-15710; RS-15711; RS-15715; 15727; RS-15730; RS-15731; RS-15733; RS-15738;

Regent Award R2T4 functionality has been enhanced to automatically return Step 10 Grant Overpayments when the Institution Setup configuration option of "Automatically Return Grant Amounts in Step 10" is turned on. Regent Award will return the fund amounts listed in Step 10 to their sources on behalf of the student.

When the Institution Setup configuration option is turned off, Regent Award will not return the Step 10 Grant Overpayments to their fund source and the school will be required to manually handle returning those funds.

This feature applies to automatic and manual R2T4's completed within Regent Award.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Return of Title IV (R2T4).

RS-16191Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4 Automation: Add Leave of Absence and Update CORE for "Not Required" Checks

Tickets: RS-16191; RS-17280; RS-17282; RS-17613;

Regent Award has enhanced R2T4 Automation for the "Not Required" checks. The system will automatically close an R2T4 as "Not Required" if a student is currently on an Approved Leave of Absence (LOA). In addition, the system will not auto-close an R2T4 as not required due to an LOA or a Commitment to Return (CORE), if either the LOA or CORE end dates are in the past. The Reasons will appear in the Activity Log and the R2T4 Automated Process Results Report.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Automated R2T4, Batch Packaging and Reports: Student - R2T4.

RS-4018Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Use Imported Institution Costs in Return to Title IV (R2T4) Calculations.

Tickets: RS-4018; RS-15260; RS-15280; RS-15257; RS-15258; RS-15259; RS-15279;

Regent Award has been enhanced to use Institutional Costs imported on the SBL in the R2T4 calculation. These costs will populate in Step 5 of the R2T4 Worksheet and are used in determining R2T4 refund amounts.

Institutional Costs may be provided as a single total that would populate in Box L or as itemized cost items, i.e. Room, Board, Tuition, Other and populate in their respective boxes under Step 5. When itemized costs are provided and Total Institutional Costs are not provided, Regent will add up the itemized cost items and populate the total in Box L. When itemized costs are provided as well as the Total Institutional Costs, Regent will display all of the Itemized Items within Step 5, but use the Total Institutional Costs provided on the SBL as the total.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Return of Title IV (R2T4).

RS-15383Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

Title: eTASFA Export file in an ISIR Layout Format

Ticket: RS-15381; RS-15383; RS-17025; RS-17026;

The Regent Access product has been enhanced to provide an eTASFA Export file in an ISIR Layout Format. The file will be mapped and formatted according to the ISIR Data Record Layout from the EDE Technical Reference. The file is generated via the manual Export Process and by Scheduled Processes and will be accessible and downloadable from the sFTP.  

A new permission has been added to allow users to export an eTASFA ISIR Format file.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic e-TASFA Export file in an ISIR Layout Format.

RS-17530Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: eTASFAA Graduation Option Date to Include 2020 Year.

Tickets: RS-17530;

The Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) Regent Access Solution has been updated to allow a student to enter a High School Graduation Date of 2020.

RS-17449Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Verbiage Updates for Regent Access Questionnaires

Tickets: RS-17449; RS-17444; RS-17447;

Verbiage updates have been made to question descriptions within the Regent Access Questionnaire to more closely align with the Department of Education's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

RS-17305Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Verbiage Updates to the Verification Worksheet (VWS) Introduction Page for Dependent Students

Tickets: RS-17305;

The Verification Worksheet (VWS) Introduction Page for dependent students has been modified to provide clearer instructions for the student related to the submission process.

RS-17271Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Updates to the Texas State Application for the 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY).

Ticket: RS-17271; RS-17352; RS-17353;

The Regent Access Texas Questionnaire has been updated for the 2020-2021 FAY to align with changes to the State-provided application.

RS-16638Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Updates to 2020-2021 WSAC and OSAC SSN Help Text

Tickets: RS-16638; RS-17082; RS-17083;

The WSAC and OSAC Regent Access Questionnaire Social Security Number (SSN) help text has been updated to remove the sentence "Please use the format 123456789."

RS-15814Regent AwardWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: 2020-2021 Annual Updates for Verification Worksheet

Tickets: RS-15814; RS-17158;

All date and year references were updated for the 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet, along with any website references requiring annual changes such as IRS website references, etc.

RS-15744Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: 2020-2021 Annual Updates for Regent Access

Tickets: RS-15744; RS-16700; RS-16701; RS-16702; RS-16703;

Regent Access tax filing questions, year references, and date references have been updated for the 2020-2021 Federal Aid Year.

RS-13848Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Update to the Verification Worksheet Nontax Return Filer Question Description

Tickets: RS-13848;

Beginning with the 2020-2021 Federal Award Year (FAY), the Verification Worksheet Nontax Return Filer question description has been updated to provide clarification for the student/parent(s) on whether they should file their taxes or not.

RS-13793Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Student Marital Changes Within the Verification Worksheet

Tickets: RS-13793; RS-17396; RS-17397; RS-17398; RS-17424; RS-17399; RS-17407; RS-17408; RS-17425; RS-17409; RS-17410; RS-17412; RS-17414; RS-17730;

The Regent Review 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet (VWS) has been enhanced to provide a configurable option for student marital status corrections and updates. The newly implemented questions and workflow include the assignment of Proof of Marital Status and FAFSA Correction documents, as well as auto-waiving documents that are no longer needed due to the marital status change. A change in marital status may result in a change in dependency status. If this occurs, once a non-rejected, corrected ISIR is received, the school can facilitate the process for the student to complete a new VWS.

This new feature is configurable at the Institution Level for the new Student Experience application and configurable within SNAP Configurations for the Regent Review application.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Portal Setup Data Elements and Verification Worksheet.

RS-13474Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Updates to the Verification Worksheet Nontax Return Filer Questions

Tickets: RS-13474;

The Regent Review Verification Worksheet Nontax Return Filer answers have been simplified for the student/parent when confirming if their FAFSA information is correct.

When the student/parent confirms the information on the FAFSA is not correct, a new question will be presented requesting the student/parent's correct tax filing status.

RS-13471Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Verification Worksheet Text Updates

Tickets: RS-13471;

Text updates have been made within the Verification Worksheet to the following questions:

  • Number of Children
  • Number of Dependents
  • Does Child Attend College
  • W-2 Documentation Requirements for Student Employer
  • W-2 Documentation Requirements for Spouse Employer
  • W-2 Documentation Requirements for Father/Stepfather Employer
  • W-2 Documentation Requirements for Mother/Stepmother Employer


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-17079Regent AwardAwarding

A school configured Pell Grants to round to cents, but when students had an R2T4 resulting in a Refund amount with pennies, and the R2T4 was Finalized, Regent Award unexpectedly rounded the amount to dollars.

The R2T4 logic incorrectly rounded reduced amounts to dollars in all cases.

The R2T4 logic was updated to use the configured Rounding selection from Fund Setup.

Ensure that Pell is configured to round to cents, and then navigate to a student that requires an R2T4 that will result in a refund. Complete the R2T4 and confirm that the R2T4 Refund and changed Pell amount includes cents. Finalize the R2T4. Navigate to the Academic Plan screen and click "Refresh." Confirm that the Pell amount shows the adjusted, non-rounded Pell amount including cents.

RS-17052Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award incorrectly calculated Direct Loan eligibility when nearing aggregate limits when National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) had been imported.

Regent Award incorrectly included Academic Year 0 when calculating Direct Loan eligibility that is close to the aggregate limit.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure the correct NSLDS data is considered when calculating Direct Loan eligibility that is near the aggregate limit.

Navigate to a student whose Direct Loans are near the aggregate limit. Import a recent NSLDS file and package the student. Ensure the Direct Loans are calculated correctly.

RS-16956Regent AwardAwarding

Eligible Year-Round Pell (YRP) disbursements were being canceled in error.

YRP disbursements that already counted towards Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU) were not being accounted for during packaging, causing Regent Award to calculate an over-award of Pell.

Regent Award logic was modified to check that all YRP disbursements are properly accounted for during packaging.

Navigate to a student nearing the 600% LEU limit that has been awarded YRP disbursements. Package the student and ensure the existing YRP disbursements remain awarded and that the total Pell remains under the 600% LEU limit.

RS-16936Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly setting an incorrect Federal Award Year (FAY) for Direct Loans during the Export Student Transactions (EST) Actual process.

Regent Award was updating manual awards with an incorrect FAY when the Nonterm Academic Year's start date was updated which was causing incorrect EST results.

Regent Award logic was updated to lock down the FAY associated with an award regardless of the Academic Year's start date for manual awards.

Locate a student with an Academic Year 1 start date that begins after July 1, 2019. The student should also have a paid Direct Loan. Update course data so that one of the courses begins prior to July 1, 2019. Access Modify Award Wizard and cancel the Direct Loan that previously disbursed. Run the EST process for negative transactions. Navigate to the Academic Plan and expand the award disbursement for the Direct Loan to verify the FAY remains 19-20.

RS-16895Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was inadvertently moving the cents portion of a Pell Rebuild award to a different term.

Regent Award was incorrectly rounding Pell rebuild awards when configured under Fund Setup to allow cents in the disbursement.

Regent Award Logic was modified to ensure Pell rebuild awards maintain the cents portion when configured to round to the nearest cent under Fund Setup.

Navigate to a student with a Pell rebuild award that includes cents in the disbursement. Package the student and confirm the cents remains associated with the rebuild Pell disbursement.

RS-16835Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly over-awarded the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) when the award amount per payment period resulted in a calculated amount with a decimal.

Regent Award was not correctly rounding on the disbursement level for FAY based awards when cents were returned from the OCOG calculated amounts per payment period.

Regent Award logic was updated to ensure rounding is done at the payment period level, prior to calculating disbursements. The system truncates the values calculated per payment period so the overall award amount is not exceeded.

Find an affected student awarded with OCOG who has enrollment resulting in a decimal award amount per payment period in multiple payment periods. Package the student. Confirm the OCOG calculated eligibility is not exceeding the expected value.

RS-16267Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly packaged the Federal Pell Grant in an Estimated status when an Active ISIR existed for the Federal Award Year (FAY).

Regent Award was calculating the Federal Pell Grant as an estimated award when students received a scheduled Pell amount from a previous school and only the Year-Round Pell (YRP) portion was awarded in Regent.

Regent Award logic was updated to award Pell Grant in an Accepted status when the award consists of only the YRP portion.

Find a Pell-eligible student with 100% or more Pell awarded at a previous school for the same FAY. Confirm an ISIR is on the student record for the same FAY. Package the student and ensure the Pell Grant is packaged in an Accepted status.

RS-15756Regent AwardAwarding

Award amounts were adjusted down to $0 for withdrawn courses after the COA freeze date for two institutional funds.

Regent Award ignored courses having attendance when they were withdrawn after COA Freeze date, during the award amounts and enrollment level calculations.

New logic was added to prevent the cancelation of enrollments in a payment period for withdrawn courses after the COA freeze date.

Find the affected student. Upload an SBL with six attended units, with the date of withdrawal after the COA Freeze date. Run packaging. Verify that the two funds are awarded.

RS-15271Regent AwardAwarding

Direct Loan awards were not repackaged after the registration was reinstated for the current term that was previously withdrawn.

Regent Award was not able to detect an enrollment level change after the registration was reinstated for the current term.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure Direct Loans are reevaluated when registration is reinstated for the current term that was previously withdrawn.

Find a student with withdrawn courses for the current term. Import courses on the SBL to reinstate registration for the term. Package the student and ensure Direct Loans are repackaged correctly based on the student's current enrollment level.

RS-14598Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award incorrectly packaged Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) for terms where students had fully withdrawn.

Regent Award considered terms eligible for FSEOG when there was no enrollment due to withdrawal.

Regent Award logic was updated to cancel FSEOG when a student withdrew from all courses for a term.

Find a student in the current term. Withdraw all courses for the term. Package the student and ensure FSEOG is canceled.

RS-17146Regent AwardCOD

The Regent Award Reprocess Process for Entrance Counseling (EC) and Master Promissory Note (MPN) COD Response files was not matching to student records once they were created via Student Batch Load (SBL).

The database flag to match students during the Reprocess Process was not being set accurately.

The database flag was modified to ensure it is set correctly when matched with student records.

Run the Reprocess Process and ensure the EC and MPN COD Response file records are accurately matched up to student records.

RS-16900Regent AwardCOD

A user was editing an AY0 loan using Modify Award Wizard (MAW). The user changed the loan from a three-term loan to a two-term loan. However, the loan period unexpectedly remained a three-term loan period. When the user imported the COD WB data with the shorter loan dates, the COD Web Response Review Queue showed the award with a date mismatch warning.

The system did not apply GEN13-13 loan period truncation logic to loan periods in AY0 years.

Regent Award will apply GEN13-13 loan period truncation to AY0 years when the user is editing the loan in Modify Award Wizard.

Navigate to an affected student who has a three-term loan in AY0, with unpaid disbursements in the third term. Click on the loan's amount to view the loan period dates and loan period ID. Edit the loan in Modify Award Wizard, zeroing out and canceling the amount in the third term. Finish MAW and click "Refresh." Click the loan amount to view the Disbursement Details. Confirm that the system displays the new Loan Period dates and new Loan Period ID. Import a COD WB file for the AY0 loan, with the WB data covering the shorter, two-term dates. View the updated award in the COD Web Response Review Queue screen. Confirm that the "Message" column does not show any errors and the "Action" flag is set to 'No.'

RS-16899Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Regent Award ignored the Cumulative Units configuration in Cost Setup, causing multiple cost items to be assigned into one payment period.

Regent Award was skipping the evaluation of the Cumulative Units at the payment period level for nonterm scenarios. That resulted in multiple cost items assigned into one payment period.

The Cumulative Units' evaluation was added to the payment period level for nonterm scenarios.

Find the affected student. Run packaging. Verify packaging results. Confirm the Cost Items are assigned into payment periods based on the cumulative units range filters configured in Cost Setup.

RS-17526Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Direct Loans for Undergraduate students were not respecting the enrollment level needed to disburse within the Disbursement Schedule Setup.

Regent Award was not accurately handling the Disbursement Schedule Release Unit Type when determining if a disbursement can be made.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure Direct Loans will not disburse unless enrollment has been established at least Half-Time per the Disbursement Schedule Setup.

Ensure the Direct Loan Disbursement Schedule Setup is configured to disburse for Half-Time or greater enrollment. Navigate to a student in an undergraduate program that has attended Less Than Half Time in the payment period. Run an Export Student Transaction (EST) process to disburse the Direct Loans and confirm the disbursement is not processed due to Less Than Half Time (LTHT) enrollment.

RS-15415Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award unexpectedly updated a disbursement's scheduled date to future date for a paid award when a student withdrew from courses in the previous module.

Regent Award was updating a disbursement's scheduled date to a future date when a student had registration in future modules but withdrew from the starting course in the current module.

Regent Award logic was updated to ensure that a disbursement's scheduled date remains intact paid disbursements when a student's enrollment changes.

Find a student registered in Module 1 and Module 2 of a term, the term has not yet started and a portion of any the federal aid has already disbursed. Withdraw the student from the Module 1 courses. Package the student and make sure the disbursement's scheduled date for paid disbursement did not change.

RS-17486Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Some students with a Wisconsin State Grant had amounts displayed on the Awards tab with cents that did not add up to the total amount value in dollars. The fund has specific rounding rules to round amounts to whole dollars in each term.

When the award amount had an odd-numbered value, and the amount was split across multiple terms, the system sometimes did not correctly account for all the partial-dollar amounts.

The logic was corrected to ensure the per-term amounts will always add up to the total grant amount.

Navigate to an affected, eligible student who has a Wisconsin Grant amount resulting in an amount value not divisible by two or three. Package the student. Examine the amounts on the Academic Plan, Disbursement Details, and Awards tab. Confirm all amounts are in whole dollars and do not display cents. Confirm the sum of the amounts matches the student's total grant amount. Pay a disbursement via Export Student Transactions. Confirm the paid amount does not have any cents.

RS-17485Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Some students with a Wisconsin Grant had unexpected per-term amounts. The affected students had fewer than three semesters of remaining eligibility. The amounts appeared to change during repackaging.

The logic that checks for the maximum number of terms was miscalculating the number of terms used in prior years.

The system logic was corrected for calculating the student's number of terms already used for the grant. The system adds the number of past and current terms when calculating the total terms used by the student.

Navigate to an affected, eligible student who has actual registration for three terms in Federal Award Year 2020. Load a Wisconsin Grant Roster File for 2020 with a semester count of 8 or 9 and amounts in all three terms. Package the student several times. Confirm the grant amount is only awarded for the eligible terms.

RS-17466Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating the Guild Walmart Tuition Benefit Fund when a Program Change occurred.

Regent Award was incorrectly queuing the Guild Walmart Tuition Benefit Fund during packaging causing inaccurate fund amounts.

Regent Award packaging queue logic was modified to ensure the Guild Walmart Tuition Benefit Fund is packaged appropriately after completing a Program Change.

Navigate to a student eligible for the Guild Walmart Tuition Benefit Fund and also has a Program Change. Process the Program Change and ensure the Guild Walmart Tuition Benefit Fund is accurately packaged for the new program.

RS-17252Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was inadvertently creating an Academic Plan (AP) with inaccurate Academic Year (AY) dates resulting in COD rejects when a student began a Standard Academic Year (SAY) program after the expected header term of Summer or Fall.

Regent Award did not add "historic" header term(s) to an AY when a student began their program after the header term dates had already passed.

Regent Award logic was updated to add "historic" header terms to an AY when a student begins a SAY program after the anticipated header term dates.

Create a student that starts the quarter SAY program in the Winter term. Make sure that the Summer and Fall terms are created on the Academic Plan and marked as "historic".

RS-17051Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was inadvertently prorating Direct Loans for Graduate programs in a final period of study.

Regent Award was incorrectly counting the term after program completion when packaging Direct Loan amounts for a final Academic Year (AY).

Regent Award logic was updated to exclude terms that fall after the program completion when packaging Direct Loans for Graduate programs.

Navigate to a student in a Graduate program in a final period of study. Package the student and ensure the Direct Loans are packaged appropriately.

RS-16912Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was incorrectly packaging Direct Loans from the next Federal Award Year (FAY) during a crossover period instead of the current FAY.

Regent Award was not correctly evaluating the loan period's crossover dates when packaging Direct Loans.

The logic was modified to ensure crossover loan periods are evaluated properly to ensure Direct Loans are packaging with the current FAY loan eligibility.

Navigate to a student whose first nonterm payment period is a crossover period. Package the student and ensure Direct Loans are packaged with the current FAY period.

RS-16883Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly over-awarded a student by the amount of manual Gift Aid after a Substantially Equal Program Change.

Regent Award did not incorporate a manual award from a completed term into the Unmet Cost re-calculation for this term when the Substantially Equal Program Change was completed in the second or subsequent term of the Academic Year.

Regent Award logic was updated to include all manual awards into the calculation regardless of the award eligibility for a new program when a Program Change is completed.

Find an Academic Year scoped fund that is eligible for a term-based Program A, but not eligible for a term-based Program B. Find a student in Program A who is eligible for federal loans, having total loan limits higher than the Cost of Attendance for the term. The first term of the student's current Academic Year should be completed (term's end date is in the past). Award the student in the completed term with the fund that is only eligible for Program A. Prepare an A to B Program Change between the two programs. Perform the Program Change to Program B as Substantially Equal. Package the student. Confirm the student does not have a negative Unmet Cost for the completed term.

RS-15673Regent AwardPackaging

Nonterm students were progressing to the second Payment Period (PP) but did not have enough completed Progression units to fill the first PP.

Regent Award was not excluding units that were completed but did not have progression when building the nonterm academic plan.

A new approach was implemented, using the calculation of (Registered units - Completed units + Progression units). Regent Award applies the new calculated amount of units when determining whether a nonterm student should fall into slow progression logic.

Navigate to the affected students and check the number of Progression Units on the Academic Plan. Package the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard. Confirm that when the number of Progression Units is less than half of the Units in the Academic Year definition, the student continues in the first Payment Period.

RS-15605Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award inadvertently presented a packaging error stating "fund already has a released or paid disbursement and Fund Setup disallows the increase of paid disbursements."

Regent Award incorrectly allowed the increase of paid disbursements when determining eligible disbursement amounts across an entire award.

Regent Award logic was updated to prevent the increase of paid disbursements when Fund Setup is configured to disallow the increase of paid disbursements. Regent Award will create a new disbursement for the award period when additional eligibility is determined and the previous disbursement has already paid.

Under Federal Pell Grant Fund Setup, configure "Allow Auto Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" to "Yes" and under Campus Setup configure “Attempt To Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged” to "Yes." Navigate to a student in a current term where Pell has already disbursed. Import an SBL to increase Pell eligibility. Package the student and ensure a new Pell disbursement is created instead of packaging an increase to the existing paid disbursement.

RS-14779Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly created an Academic Year with both term and nonterm Payment Periods. The student could not be awarded in the Academic Year.

The affected student had program change data for multiple programs, with a mix of term and nonterm programs. One of the programs was missing its Program Completion Date. Regent Award did not correctly load data for one of the inactive programs having a pre-start program change.

Regent Award logic was updated to properly load data for inactive programs during a program change.

Perform a term (A) to term (B) to nonterm (C) Program Change. A to B Program Change data should be loaded and processed prior to Program B start. Program Change data for program C should be loaded prior to program B's start. B and C Program Start Dates should be equal. Perform the term (B) to nonterm (C) Program Change after program C's start date. Process the student through the Program Management Wizard, selecting nonterm program C. Confirm no program B terms appear in the first Academic Year of nonterm program C.

RS-13241Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly creating incorrect Academic Years (AY) after completing a Nonterm to Term program change that occurred during the middle of an AY.

Regent Award was not calculating a full-length AY including "historic" terms when a student changed from a Nonterm to a Term program during the middle of an AY.

Regent Award Logic was updated to ensure "historic" terms are created when calculating accurate AY lengths after completing a Nonterm to Term Program Change that occurs mid-AY.

Perform a Mid-Year Non-Susbstatially Program Change from a Nonterm program to a SAY program and confirm Academic Years are correctly calculated.

RS-16794Regent AwardProgram Change

Academic Year dates were not correct when a Non-Term to a Term Program Change was completed.

Standard Academic Year (SAY) pre-enrollments were not correctly packaging during the Program Change causing incorrect Academic Year (AY) dates to be packaged.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure SAY pre-enrollments are packaged during a Non-Term to Term Program Change.

Navigate to a student with a Non-Term to Term Program Change. Complete the Program Change and ensure the AY dates are correct.

RS-16036Regent AwardProgram Change

Regent Award was not accurately closing the "Review Program Change" task after processing the Program Change through the Program Management Wizard (PMW), thus preventing the Program from updating on the Academic Plan.

Regent Award was incorrectly using information from a prior instance of the same program to update information for the new instance of the program during the Program Change process.

Regent Award logic was updated to ensure that program validation checks are based on the specific instance of a program when multiple instances of the same program exist for the student.

Find a student with a pending A-B-C-B (or a similar version) Program Change. Process the Program Change through the PMW. Ensure the Program Change task is completed and the new program populates on the Academic Plan.

RS-15742Regent AwardProgram Change

A SAY Summer Trailer student had a Substantially Equal (SE) Program Change after the Spring term, with a new program starting in the Fall. Later, the student added enrollment in the Summer term. The system unexpectedly put the Summer in a separate, single-term Academic Year (AY) instead of attaching it to the previous AY.

For SAY programs with a summer trailer term, the system incorrectly created a new Academic Year after a SE Program Change if the other terms in the new program were all following the trailer term.

The logic was updated for SAY summer trailers. When a student has a prior Academic Year other than an AY0, and that AY does not already contain a summer term, the system will add the summer trailer term to the previous AY.

Navigate to an affected student with a new, SE program starting in the Fall term and no Summer courses. After the program change has been processed, add actual enrollment for the Summer term in the new program. Package the student. Confirm that the Academic Plan shows the student's Summer term as part of the previous Academic Year. View the student on the Student Portal. Confirm that the Student Portal shows the Summer term as part of the previous Academic Year.

RS-17300Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award inadvertently ignored Direct Loans that should have been included as "Could Have Been Disbursed" within the Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating Post Withdrawal Disbursements (PWD) when there are multiple awards for the same fund included in the same payment period.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure all funds are accounted for in an R2T4 calculation when there are multiple awards for the same fund in the same payment period.

Navigate to a student eligible for multiple Direct Subsidized Loan funds in the same payment period that has originated but has not disbursed. Import an SBL with an R2T4 node. Run Batch Packaging (BP) to execute the Automated R2T4 process. Ensure the Direct Subsidized Loans are included in the R2T4 as "Could Have Been Disbursed" funds and the R2T4 is not closed as "Not Required."

RS-17276Regent AwardR2T4

Eligible Federal Pell Grant Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) disbursements were returned in full incorrectly when there was an eligible portion of the disbursement to be retained.

Regent Award was not accurately updating the PWD disbursement amount based on the calculated eligibility within the PWD Wizard.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure the Accepted PWD amount accurately populates in the PWD Wizard.

Navigate to a student that needs a Return to Title IV (R2T4) completed and has multiple Pell disbursements present for the R2T4 period. Process the R2T4 that results in a PWD and ensure the Pell PWD disbursements are accurately calculated on the PWD tab. Finalize the PWD and confirm the disbursement amounts reflected on the Academic Plan are accurate.

RS-17064Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award incorrectly divided disbursement amounts on the Return to Title IV (R2T4) Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) Tab.

Regent Award attempted to split the PWD eligible disbursement amounts across all available disbursements for the award.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure that a single PWD eligible disbursement is not split into multiple disbursements on the PWD Tab.

Navigate to a student with multiple disbursements of a single fund that must have an R2T4 completed. Complete the R2T4 resulting in a PWD where only the first disbursement is considered an eligible PWD. Ensure the single disbursement is not split into multiple disbursements when displayed on the PWD Tab.

RS-17055Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award incorrectly calculated a Return to Title IV (R2T4) as "Not Required" when there was attendance present for the R2T4 period.

Regent Award did not accurately account for course attendance information when determining if an R2T4 is required.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure attendance is accounted for when determining whether an R2T4 is or is not required.

Ensure R2T4 Automation is turned on at the Institution Level. Navigate to a student needing an R2T4 calculation and ensure there is attendance present for the R2T4 period. Import a Student Batch Load (SBL) with an R2T4 node present. Run Batch Packaging (BP) to execute the R2T4 Automation process and ensure the R2T4 is not closed as "Not Required" due to no attendance.

RS-16957Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award incorrectly calculated the Scheduled Payment Period (PP) End Date on automated R2T4s when utilizing the R2T4-only Extrapolation Method.

Regent Award logic was unable to appropriately update the Scheduled PP End Date with the calculated extrapolated date on automated R2T4s.

R2T4 logic was modified to ensure the Scheduled PP End Date is set correctly.

Navigate to a nonterm student with an R2T4. Process the R2T4 and ensure the calculated Scheduled PP End Date is accurate.

RS-15681Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was incorrectly rounding Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) Loan amounts by $1 when completing a Return to Title IV (R2T4).

Incorrect rounding was occurring during the PWD finalization when Regent Award determined the gross loan amount.

Rounding logic was resolved during PWD finalization.

Complete an R2T4 that includes an eligible Direct Loan PWD. Finalize the PWD, MAP the student, and ensure the Loan amount offered on the Academic Plan is packaged correctly.

RS-16688Regent AwardSAP

Regent Award unexpectedly presented the following error in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Wizard: Student has some SAP records and SAP Review Periods that are not covered by a SAP policy. Please contact your administrator. SAP Setup needs a configuration change to include those dates in the SAP policy.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated SAP review periods after a Program Change, where the last Academic Year of the previous program had a historic Payment Period.

Regent Award logic was updated to include Academic Years' historic payment periods into the SAP calculation.

Find a SAY student with a pending Program Change that has no registration in the current term. Perform Non-Substantially Equal Program Change that would result in the previous program term becoming historic. Open the SAP Wizard and confirm the SAP Wizard screen is displayed without any errors.

RS-13600Regent AwardSAP

Batch Packaging (BP) was unexpectedly failing to process when the Institution Setup configuration setting to "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" is enabled.

Regent Award was not accurately including the Institution Setup configuration option to "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" when processing Batch Packaging.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure the "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" configuration option is included in the Batch Packaging process.

Enable the Institution Setup configuration option to "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades." Run Batch Packaging and ensure BP does not fail to process due to the "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" setting.

RS-17507Student PortalStudent Portal (SNAP)

The E-signature designation within the Regent Award User Interface (UI) inaccurately reflected a value of "No" when students uploaded document requirements via the portal after successfully completing the E-signature Process.

Regent Award was not accurately setting the E-signature value within the UI for document requirements.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure the E-signature value is properly set when documents are uploaded via the Student Portal after the student E-signature Process is completed.

Navigate to a student with documents in a "Needed" status that must be provided via the Student Portal. Access the student's Portal account, upload the "Needed" documents and complete the E-signature Process. Access the UI and navigate to the Documents Tab. Confirm the E-signature value is set to "Yes" for those documents uploaded via the Student Portal.

RS-17085Student PortalStudent Portal (SNAP)

The Statement of Understanding (SOU) section within the Student Portal was still being presented after the student confirmed understanding the responsibility of accepting Direct Loans thus preventing students from fully accepting their award package.

Statement of Understanding documents that were previously deleted caused the SOU section to continue to be presented in the Student Portal.

SOU documents that were previously deleted will now be ignored when determining whether the SOU section should be presented to the student in the Student Portal.

Navigate to a student portal account where the SOU section has already been acknowledged. Access the Awards Portlet and confirm the SOU section is no longer presented.

RS-16238Regent ReviewStudent Portal (SNAP)

The 'Nontax Return Filers' section of the PDF version for the Verification Worksheet showed incorrect verbiage, referring to a spouse for a dependent student.

Some question options in the 'Nontax Return Filers' section had identical values in the description that resulted in a verbiage mismatch when the PDF version of the Verification Worksheet was processed.

The internal verification flow was updated to get the option descriptions by identifiers instead of by values when the PDF version of the Verification Worksheet is generated.

Log in to the Student Portal as a dependent student. Complete the 2018-2019 Verification Worksheet. Review the verbiage at the 'Nontax Return Filers' section in the PDF version of the document. Confirm the text is 'I did not file and am not required to file.'

RS-17431Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award QA environments were not accurately displaying the red banner that differentiates the User Interface (UI) from Production environments.

Regent Award was not accurately setting the red banner for QA environments.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure all QA environments display the red banner.

Login into the QA environment. Make sure the red QA banner is shown on top of the browser page.

RS-17120Regent AwardUser Interface

The permissions for the Program Management Wizard and Modify Academic Plan Wizard referred to the features as "screens" instead of "wizards."

The permission names were not an exact match to the feature names.

The names of the permissions and permission groups were corrected.

Log in using a role that allows you access to the Roles area of Administration. Browse to Roles and expand the permissions tree for Enterprise Permissions > Student Permissions > Academic Plan tab. Confirm that the permissions for the Program Management Wizard, Access Program Management Wizard, and Access Modify Academic Plan Wizard have the word "Wizard" in their names.

RS-17110Regent AwardUser Interface

On the Student Documents tab, users could not delete their own uploaded attachments.

The screen was not displaying the Delete button for attachments added by the logged-in user.

The screen displays the Delete button for attachments added by the logged-in user.

Log in with a user account having permissions to "Edit Documents," but not having permissions enabled for "Delete Document Attachments" and "Delete Attachments Regardless of Status." Navigate to a student's Documents tab. Select a Document that has attachments uploaded by the student or other users. Edit the Document. Add an attached file and Save the Document. Refresh and Edit the Document again. Try to delete the attachments. Confirm the system allows deleting only the file added by the logged-in user, but not the files added by the student or other users. Add a Note to the document, save it, and refresh the screen. Confirm the deleted file is no longer available.

RS-16568Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award presented slow processing when Course Override updates were made.

Course Override processing caused the Regent Award User Interface (UI) to experience a significant decrease in performance.

Regent Award logic was modified to prevent performance issues from occurring when Course Overrides are utilized.

Complete a Course Override for a student. Package the student and confirm that no performance issues occur, i.e. Academic Plan updates, screen loading, etc.

RS-15702Regent ReviewUser Interface

Regent Award was unexpectedly slow when attempting to search for a student.

User Interface (UI) performance issues were causing slow processing.

UI performance logic was adjusted to provide consistent and efficient performance.

Navigate to the UI and attempt to search for a student. Confirm the slow performance issues are not presented.

RS-16922Regent AwardWorkflow/Questionnaire

The Verification Worksheet did not allow a student/parent to select 8 children for the "Number of Dependents" question.

The Verification Worksheet did not include an option to allow more than 8 children in the drop-down menu for the "Number of Dependents" question.

The Verification Worksheet was corrected to include the option to select 8 children in the drop-down menu.

Navigate to an independent student that is selected for Verification. Access the Verification Worksheet as the student and confirm that the option to select 8 children from the "Number of Dependents" drop-down menu is present.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-17655Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Purpose of Script:
The script will correct an issue that was preventing new user roles from being viewed and edited in Regent Award.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script removes a duplicate permission that was inadvertently added to the permission tree.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
Confirm that a new role can be added, viewed and updated in Regent Award without error.

RS-16008Regent AwardProgram Change

Purpose of Script:
The script will delete open "Review Program Change" tasks when there is not a Program Change option present within the Program Management Wizard (PMW).

Data Changed by the Script:
The Program Change Task is deleted when there is not a Program Change present in the PMW.

How to Access the Script:
Submit a Customer Zone (CZ) ticket requesting the script to be run for a specified student(s) on an as-needed basis.

How to Test the Script:
Identify a student with an open "Review Program Change" task but there is not an option to complete a Program Change within the PMW. Run the script against the desired instance and package the student to ensure the "Review Program Change" task is deleted.

Please note that the Activity Log Entries will mention RS-16008; as the script number.

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Release Notes for Regent Award version
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