Batch Packaging

Batch Packaging Process

To access the Batch Package Process, click on the Processes Menu, then choose Batch Packaging.  Determine the set of students you wish to package using the available options and then click on the Execute Batch Packaging icon. To improve Batch Package processing times, use the option 'Process Active Students Only'. If checked, only students marked as 'active' on the SBL are processed.

Regent Award batch packages the students who meet the criteria selected. In the Process Log, you can check the status of the process. If the set of students being packaged is large, the process may take a while to complete.

The ‘Process Students with Data Changes Only’ parameter allows the process to be limited only to students with data changes that may impact award eligibility (see the 'Data Changes that Flag a Student for Batch Packaging' section below), which reduces the daily batch packaging processing times. If this parameter option is selected, a full batch packaging process is still recommended to be run on a weekly basis.

If there are no students associated with the parameters selected or there are no students with data changes, Regent Award will present an error message at the top of the page stating: "Batch contains no students for processing". Users can make modifications to the parameters to ensure student data is present prior to executing the Batch Packaging process.

Note: Any student records that fail to package will be included in the Process Log (see the section on Processes for more information). Click on the student tab for the appropriate BP in the process log to see the reasons the student record failed to package.

Data Changes that Flag a Student for Batch Packaging

Data changes for various processes, including manual processes within the Regent Award User Interface and automated processes such as Import/Export Processes, along with other pertinent system dates identify that a student needs to be repackaged. Regent flags students for repackaging with data changes which may prevent disbursement during the EST process (EST Validation Error Code 0059: Student is queued for packaging and disbursements cannot be determined at this time) to better ensure disbursements are not made when packaging could potentially affect awarding eligibility. To minimize the number of EST-0059 error codes, schools should schedule the Batch Packaging process to run after receiving a significant volume of data changes (e.g. SBL Imports) and prior to execution of the EST process.

A full batch packaging process is required to be run upon upgrading to the 6.2 or higher release. If schools choose to run a daily Batch Packaging using the ‘Process Students with Data Changes Only’ parameter, Regent recommends schools update their Runbook to also include a full batch packaging process on a weekly basis.

If the 'Process Students with Data Changes Only' parameter is selected, only students flagged for packaging are repackaged during the Batch Packaging process.  

Examples of such Data changes, resulting in a student being flagged for packaging include:

  • Import/Export Processes

    • Import Active ISIR Sync
    • Import Awards and Disbursements

    • Import COD (excluding RS and IB files)

    • Import COD - Reprocess(s)

    • Import External Resource

    • Import ISIR

    • Import ISIR - Reprocess

    • Import NSLDS TSM and FAH Data

    • Import State Grants

    • Import State Grants - Reprocess(s)

    • Import Work Study

    • Import SBL with data changes for the following attributes:
      • Student Node:
        • socialSecurityNumber
        • birthDate
        • externalCampusId
        • externalSiteId
        • abilityToBenefitCode
        • matriculated
        • cumulativeUndergraduateGPA
        • cumulativeGraduateGPA
        • grandfatheredATB
        • active
      • Academic Node:
        • Any change to an attribute
      • Demographic Node:
        • Any change to an attribute
      • High School Node
        • Any change to an attribute
      • R2T4 Node:
        • Any change to an attribute
      • Other Charges sub-Nodes::
        • Any change to an attribute
      • SAP Node:
        • Any change to an attribute
      • Additional Information Node (UDFs):
        • Any change to an attribute
      • User Defined Test Score Node
        • Any change to an attribute
      • Address Node:
        • stateProvince
        • postalCode
        • country
      • Parent Spouse Information Node:
        • Parent information changes only
      • Parent Spouse Address Node:
        • Parent Address changes only
      • Parent/Spouse Telephone
        • Parent telephone changes only
      • Parent/Spouse Email Node:
        • Parent email changes only
      • Course Data Node:
        • Any change to an attribute
      • Course Adjustment Node:
        • Any change to an attribute
      • Student Break
        • Any change to an attribute
    • Import Student Documents 
      • Scope Value change for documents configured to restrict package 
      • Scope Value change for documents configured to 'Auto-package Using Document(s)
      • Scope Value change to 'Unsatisfied' for documents configured to 'Cancel funds if document is in unsatisfied status'

      • Any change to an expiration date for a document configured with 'Expiration Date'

  • Any Import or Export Process that creates or updates a Task

  • Updates to Overlapping Academic Years (OAY)
  • Updates in the Regent Award User Interface (manual) to:

    • Add/Edit Costs

    • Add/Edit Resources

    • Course Adjustments

    • UDFs

    • Parent Reference Information

    • Active ISIR

    • Document Requirements with one of the following configured:

      • Auto-package Using Document(s)

      • Restrict Processes

      • Expiration Date

      • Cancel funds if document is in unsatisfied status

    • R2T4 finalization

    • Loan Override Aggregate Amount
    • Overlapping Academic Year (OAY)
  • Updates to awards in Student Experience Portal:

    • Award Acceptance

    • Decline Award

    • Reduction of a previously Accepted award

  • Changes to the following configuration areas (manual or imported changes): 

    • Institution Configuration Changes

      • Changes force repackaging for all students within the Institution
    • Campus Configuration Changes (e.g. includes Program Setup, Fund Setup, etc.)

      • Changes force repackaging for all students within the Campus
  • Pertinent Dates
    • Program Setup
      • Stop Positive Disbursements Date
        • Applies to both term-based programs and non-term programs.
      • Offset Days for Calculating SAP for Nonterm Review Period
        • Sets date as the prior payment period end date + offset days configured.
        • Applies to non-term programs only.
      • FSA Eligible
        • FSA Eligible Start Date
        • FSA Eligible End Date
      • Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method (nonterm programs only)
        • By Actual Enrollment
          • Sets date to the last day of each week based on Institutional Setup (day prior to the day set on the 'First day of Instructional Week').
        • By Program
          • Sets date to the last day of each week based on Institutional Setup (day prior to the day set on the 'First day of Instructional Week').
        • By Fixed Amount
          • Sets date to the later of the current payment period end date, today's date + configured number of days, or the last registered course + configured number of days.
      • Courses for Anticipation (nonterm programs only)
        • If configured, sets the earliest end date for all current and future courses.
    • Term Setup (applies to term-based programs only)
      • Begin Actual Date
        • Census Date(s):
          • Census Date 1
          • Alternative Census Date
          • Census Date 2
          • Census Date 3
          • Census Date 4
        • Pell Recalculation
        • Auto Withdraw Date
        • SAP Dates:
          • Reanticipate Academic Plan Date
          • SAP Evaluation Start Date
          • SAP Evaluation End Date
        • Financial Aid Determination Date
          • This field may be used in a custom fund ruleset.
        • State Grant Census Date(s):
          • Current Term's State Grant Census Date 1
          • Current Term's State Grant Census Date 2
          • Current Term's State Grant Census Date 3
          • Current Term's State Grant Census Date 4
      • Campus Setup

        • For Term-based programs, COA Recalculation Option Dates
          • Next Term Start Date
          • Current Term End Date
          • Current Term's Census Date (already accounted for under Term Setup)
      • Fund Setup

        • Offered awards expire X days after offer date
          • Sets date as the earliest Award Offered date + number of days configured. If an award is still in Offered status and the date is in the past, the date will be set to the next day after the packaging date until the Award is Cancelled or Accepted.
            • The award may remain in an Offered status if packaging is blocked and the award cannot be canceled.
        • Auto-Packaging Cease Date
        • Cease Disbursement Settings:
          • Positive Cease Date
          • Positive Offset Days Date
            • Sets date as the end of the current loan period/award period + offset number of days.
          • Negative Cease Date
          • Negative Offset Days Date
            • Sets date as the end of the current loan period/award period + offset number of days.
      • Fund Fee Setup
        • Sets date if the first disbursement of a Title IV fund is unpaid on the start date for the 'origination fee' for the fund.
      • Document Setup

        • Document Expiration Date
          • Sets date to the earliest document expiration date where the expiration date is in the future.
      • Payment Period End Date
        • Sets date to the Payment Period End Date for nonterm programs only.
      • End of a Federal Award Year (FAY) if FAY exists on the student's Academic Plan

        1. Sets date to be the end of the FAY date (6/30/XX) minus 7 days (7 days prior to end of the FAY)
      • Task Triggers
        • Sets date to the end day after a Core LOA + Instructional Days if less than 7 or 7 days, whichever is less.

Packaging and Awarding

When you use run Batch Packaging or Modify Academic Plan (MAP) for a student, the system packages aid for the current academic year and all future academic years.  But, if an academic year is completed (also referred to as "closed"), it will not repackage aid for that academic year for AY-based funds. This is based on the type of AY associated with the fund.

  • For Pell, which is a Federal Award Year (FAY) based, the system would repackage Pell until the completion of the FAY.   So, for example, if the final term of the FAY was a crossover term that started in June and ended Jul 30, then the FAY-funds would be re-packaged until Jul 30.
  • For CBA funds, which are also FAY-based, the system would repackage FSEOG, FWS, FPERK until the completion of the FAY in the same manner as for Pell above.
  • For a SAY program, the system would repackage loans until the completion of the SAY (Fall/Spring/Summer).
  • For a BBAY program, the system would repackage loans until the completion of the BBAY.
  • For a non-term BBAY program, the system would repackage loans until the completion of the BBAY (AYx  PP2).

If an Academic program does not have the Batch Package flag checked in Program Setup, it will not be included in the Batch Packaging process.

BP Process Log "R2T4 Automated Process" Tab

This tab will show the results of the R2T4 Automated Process for that specific BP execution (IO Process ID). The following columns will be displayed on the tab:

Field Name
Business Rule
StudentStudent First and Last NameTextText
Student IDsStudent's External ID 1TextText
R2T4 Date of DeterminationDisplay the DOD from the R2T4 WorksheetDate


R2T4 Date of WithdrawalDisplay the WDD from the R2T4 WorksheetDateMM/DD/YYYY
50% IndicatorDisplay whether the 50% indicator was used for the R2T4 Worksheet.
  • Yes
  • No

R2T4 StatusDisplay the status of the R2T4 as of the IOProcess execution.Text
  • Open
  • Reversed
  • Not Required
  • Finalized
  • Ready for Review
  • Error

Result Reason Text

Display the result reason text from the R2T4 Worksheet.


Percentage Earned (Box H)Display the value shown in Box H of the R2T4 WorksheetText0-100%
Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (Box J)Display the value shown in Box J of the R2T4 WorksheetTextNumerical
Title IV Aid to be Returned (Box K)Display the value shown in Box K of the R2T4 WorksheetTextNumerical
 Amount for School to Return (Box O)Display the value shown in Box O of the R2T4 WorksheetTextNumerical
Unearned Pell to be ReturnedDisplay the value of Unearned Pell that must be returned from the R2T4 WorksheetText


Step 10 Grant OverpaymentDisplay the Total Amount of Step 10 Grant Overpayments from the R2T4 WorksheetText Numerical
Total Gross PWD AmountDisplay the Total Gross PWD Amount form the R2T4 Worksheet - PWD TabTextNumerical
Total Non-IOP Net PWD AmountDisplay the Total Non-IOP Net PWD Amount from the R2T4 Worksheet - PWD TabTextNumerical
Total IOP Net PWD AmountDisplay the Total IOP Net PWD Amount from the R2T4 Worksheet -PWD TabTextNumerical
Total Net Amount AcceptedDisplay the Total Net Amount Accepted from the R2T4 Worksheet - PWD TabTextNumerical
Notification SentDisplay the date the PWD Notification was sent to the student/parent from the R2T4 Worksheet - PWD TabDateMM/DD/YYYY
Response DeadlineDisplay the date a response must be received from the student/parent from the R2T4 Worksheet - PWD TabDate MM/DD/YYYY
R2T4 Not Processed

Display the reason the R2T4 was not processed

Example: R2T4 was unable to be Auto-Processed, Student has an Abbreviated Period - No Action Taken 

Manual R2T4 Status

Display the status of the R2T4 once it was made manual.

This field will be populated ONLY if the Automated R2T4 was made manual, and ONLY on the last audit entry for the Automated R2T4.

  • Open
  • Reversed
  • Not Required
  • Finalized
  • Ready for Review
  • Error

Date CompletedDisplay the date the R2T4 was manually completedDateMM/DD/YYYY

BP Process Log "R2T4 Process Summary" Tab

This tab will show the results for the R2T4 Automated Process for that specific BP execution (IO Process ID) as a summary of the process completed.

Field Name
Business Rule
Total Students with Multiple R2T4 TasksThis is the total number of students whose Processing Message is "The student has two or more "Review R2T4" tasks, and therefore Regent Award was unable to determine which is valid for R2T4 Automation. Please review the student."TextNumerical
Total Students with Abbreviated Loan PeriodThis is the total number of students whose Processing Message is "There is an Abbreviated Loan Period on the student's Academic Plan and no R2T4 template has been created. Please review the student."TextNumerical
Total Students with "Reversed" R2T4 Already PresentThis is the total number of students whose Processing Message is "The student already has a Reversed R2T4 with the same withdrawal date. Regent Award was unable to determine if additional action is needed. Please review the student".TextNumerical
Total Students with "Finalized R2T4 Already PresentThe student already has a Finalized R2T4 with the same withdrawal date. Regent Award was unable to determine if additional action is needed. Please review the studentTextNumerical
Total R2T4 with Status of "Open"
Total R2T4 with Status of "Not Required" due to No AttendanceThis is the total number of students whose R2T4 was closed as "Not Required" with the not required reason "Student did not attend the payment period."Text


Total R2T4 with Status of "Not Required" due to No Title IVThis is the total number of students whose R2T4 was closed as "Not Required" with the not required reason "No Title IV eligibility for R2T4 period."TextNumerical
Total R2T4 with Status of "Not Required" due to Confirmed Future AttendanceThis is the total number of students whose R2T4 was closed as "Not Required" with the not required reason "Student confirmed future attendance in the payment period."TextNumerical
Total R2T4 with Status of "Not Required" due to Approved Leave of Absence

This is the total number of students whose R2T4 was closed as "Not Required" with the not required reason "Student is on an approved Leave of Absence."

Total R2T4 with Status of "Not Required" due to Resumed AttendanceThis is the total number of students whose R2T4 was closed as "Not Required" with the not required reason "Student returned in the payment period after the initial WDD."Text Numerical
Total R2T4 with Status of "Finalized"This is the total number of students whose R2T4 was closed with a status of "Finalized"TextNumerical
Total R2T4 with Status of "Ready for Review"This is the total number of students whose R2T4 resulted in a status of "Ready for Review"Text Numerical
Total R2T4 with Status of "Error"This is the total number of students whose R2T4 resulted in a status of "Error" Text Numerical

Change Log

 Click here to view a list of changes to this page
DateDescription of ChangeEditor
March 3, 2023Added this change log to preexisting pageJennifer Black
March 3, 2023

Release, March 2023, RS-12905 Overlapping Academic Years

Added items to Data Changes that Flag a Student for Batch Packaging:

  • Updates to Overlapping Academic Years (OAY)
  • Manual updates:
    • Loan Override Aggregate Amount
    • Overlapping Academic Year (OAY)
Jennifer Black
March 24, 2023Updated first screen shot to capture missing optionHeather Smith