Frequently Asked Questions document is not all-encompassing but provides some very basic information to questions that are projected from the client community. For additional information, please check the Product Brief for this release and the Release Notes and linked material.  If you still need more information, submit a ticket through the CZ Portal.

Can any client upgrade to Regent 6.7? 

Any client currently using Regent Award may take Regent 6.7 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take Regent 6.7 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Access may take Regent 6.7 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Fund may take Regent 6.7 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the Regent 6.7 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the Regent 6.7 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Fund may take the Regent 6.7 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Some Regent Access clients may take the Regent 6.7 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. Please work with your Account Manager for additional information. Note: All current customer-specific functionality in the legacy portal may not be available in the new Student Experience portal at this time.

Clients using Regent Award for Salesforce will not need to upgrade to a new Salesforce application version in order to continue current functionality.

What Enhancements are in Regent 6.7?

The 6.7 release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section of the Release Notes, and also major enhancements and new features including:

  • Important Information about Receiving 2024-2025 ISIRs from the FTI-SAIG Mailbox

  • Changes to Final 24-25 FAFSA/Update Access Application

  • Labeling of Federal Tax Information (FTI) Data

  • Impact of 2024-2025 Data Changes on Tasks

  • 'Review Potential IASG/CFH' Task Trigger

  • Requirements: Update Dependent Unsubsidized Only Awarding 2024-2025 ISIR Updates

  • 2024-2025 ISIR Corrections and Comparisons

  • 2024-2025 Verification Worksheet and Support

  • 2024-2025 New and Modified Document Configuration Options for Regent Review

  • Update COA Setup/Functionality to Accommodate 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

  • Housing Status for use in Cost of Attendance (COA) 2024-2025

  • SBL Updates for 2024-2025

  • Provisionally Independent Students

  • Update Fund Setup and MAP Estimated Awarding to Accommodate 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

  • Update Packaging Grids to Accommodate 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

  • Ranking and Priority Tool Updates for Regulatory

  • Implement Awarding with SAI and Pell Enrollment Intensity Percentage

  • Update Pell ‘Disburse by Enrollment’ Option with Enrollment Intensity Percentage (EIP)


Further details on enhancements/new features and a complete list of bug fixes as well as any new scripts and data views can be found in the Release Notes. 

The Release Notes also contain information on new configuration options, and a list of updates to the Admin Guide and User Guide.

If a client uses ‘Primary EFC’ in queries to currently award, will the functionality continue to work?

For clients using ‘Primary EFC’ in queries to award currently, the functionality should continue to work. However once the query is opened/edited, clients will need to replace the ‘Primary EFC’ query property with the ‘SAI’ query property.


How will schools receive 2024-2025 ISIRs?

A new version of TDClient or EDConnect is required to access the new FTI-SAIG mailbox which will be used solely for FPS to send 2024-2025 ISIR files to schools. All other SAIG files including 2024-2025 ISIR corrections will continue to use the existing SAIG mailbox.

Schools have been executing the new FTI-SAIG enrollment agreements that are required to gain access to their new FTI-SAIG mailboxes. All other COD/ISIR/NSLDS/etc. files and ISIRs for FAY 2023-2024 will continue to use the current SAIG mailbox.

After extensive questioning and follow up with various ED entities, Regent has been advised recently that there will be no test FTI-SAIG mailbox functionality available to vendors.  Regent is working to develop support for client processing with TDClient via the FTI-SAIG mailbox similar to that already in place for the current SAIG mailbox but will be unable to test this before clients attempt to draw down 2024-2025 ISIRs from their production FTI-SAIG mailboxes.

Regent plans to have this FTI-SAIG support in place in an upcoming release.  Until this is in place and functioning properly, clients will need to access 2024-2025 ISIR files from their FTI-SAIG mailbox directly (not from within Regent) using EDConnect or TDClient. Clients will either 1) place those files on a secure drive and use the ISIR process in REM to import them or 2) drop the ISIR files in FileWatcher in SFTP so they will be imported automatically.

We anticipate that this will be a short-term interim solution where current processing will continue as is within Regent except for the 2024-2025 ISIR files. Without testing capability, Regent has limited capability to anticipate and address consequences of the TDClient upgrade within Regent.

Important Note: Clients MUST provide RTM and INI files in order to use FTI-SAIG functionality in Regent for 2024-2025. Please work with your Account Manager/Project Manager to provide in secure manner.


What documents do we need to configure for 2024-2025?

There is a new ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years’ checkbox on the Document General Tab starting with Release 6.6. All currently existing documents in your system at the time of your upgrade to 6.6 or a later release will automatically include a one-time build script, which will set the checkbox to ‘checked’ for all existing documents in document configuration to apply for 2023-2024 and prior federal award years. (See 6.6 Product Brief for additional details.)

Clients must configure new document requirements for 2024-2025, including if the requirements use any ISIR assignment options. However, this excludes Student Scoped documents that are not assigned by the ISIR. In this case, clients should not create a new 2024-2025 document.

Wait until you upgrade to 6.6 to configure 2024-2025 documents because with the upgrade, the checkbox mentioned above will apply all existing documents for 2023-2024 and prior federal award years. When configuring 2024-2025 documents, make sure the ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years’ checkbox on the Document General Tab is unchecked (default setting). 

A list of the standard Regent Review documents for existing client use can be found here: .


When adding a document for 2024-2025, is there a way to inactivate the older document so it does not appear in the dropdown list on the Document Tab?

Clients can use a naming convention such as adding a ‘zz’ to the beginning of the document name, so that the document will fall to the bottom of the dropdown list. However, it is important to recognize the student may see this document in their portal.


How does the ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years’ checkbox on the Document General Tab affect documents that are not assigned by an ISIR?

Regent’s guidance is to create a new document for 2024-2025 and forward, except if the existing document is Student Scoped and not assigned by an ISIR.


Is Regent Award updated to calculate Pell with the new rules?

Yes. Regent will calculate:

  • Scheduled (full-year, full-time) Pell amounts using the new rules for Maximum Pell, Calculated Pell, and Minimum Pell.

  • Annual Pell amounts using the new Enrollment Intensity Percentage (EIP) calculation.

  • Payment Period Pell amounts using the same Pell formulas (1, 3, and 4) as we have in previous FAYs.


If students submitted their 24-25 Access application prior to the 6.7 Release, are their calculated SAIs accurate?

Regent’s 6.7 Release contains the updated formula that the Department implemented approximately a month after the FAFSA and Access applications went live to correct inflation adjustments stipulated in statute. However, any Access applications submitted prior to the Release 6.7 upgrade will have SAIs calculated with the original (now incorrect) federal SAI calculation. Regent is developing a means to reprocess these early applications to provide the applicants with updated SAIs. Your Account Manager will keep you posted on this development.


Is Regent still supporting the ‘FAFSA Completion Date’ field within the Ranking and Priority tool?

Regent is no longer supporting the 'FAFSA Completion Date' within the tool, it has been replaced with ‘Application Receipt Date’. See Customer Zone Knowledge Base pageRegent Fund Ranking and Priority Tool for more information.


Are there any known 2024-2025 FAFSA/ISIR issues that clients should be aware of?

Review these links for information about Department of Education 2024-2025 FAFSA and ISIR issues:


How will the upcoming COD upgrade affect processing until the aligning 6.7.2 Regent upgrade?

COD currently plans to upgrade to the new 5.0b schema on April 21, 2024.  Please be advised about the following during the short period before Regent’s aligning 6.7.2 upgrade will be released:

 Clients will continue to be able to process Pell and Direct Loan Common Record files originations and disbursements for 2023-2024.

 2024-2025 COD functionality will not be available in Regent until 6.7.2 is in place in Production, so no 2024-2025 origination or disbursement files will be created.

 FAY-specific reconciliation and rebuild files for 2023-2024 and prior years should continue to process successfully.  However, clients must ensure that no reconciliation, year-to-date or other rebuild files are requested for the 2024-2025 FAY until after the Regent upgrade.  A change in format for the 2024-2025 FAY could cause data issues should such a file be requested, generated, and imported prior to the Regent upgrade, although there is likely no such data available to be returned as yet.

Certain unsolicited COD files, such as those for promissory notes and entrance counseling will be created by COD in the new 5.0b schema and will not be supported within Regent during this period. Clients must store these files and not import them until the aligning Regent upgrade

Ensure the ‘Transmit/Import Manually’ box IS checked for any of these files available in Processes à SAIG à Message Class Setup no later than April 21, 2024:

  • CO -Credit Override 

  • BN - Response - Booking Notification  

  • EC - Response - Counseling Acknowledgement 

  • ND - Response - Negative Disbursement 

  • SP - Response - PLUS Application Acknowledgement  

  • PN - Response - Promissory Note 

  • SU - Response - SULA Acknowledgement

  • AC - Response - TEACH Grant Counseling

  • WB - Response - Web-Initiated 

  • CS - Response- Credit Status 

  • IB - Response- Informed Borrower

Upon upgrade to 6.7.2, clients should revert the unsolicited COD file Message Class setups as desired


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