Regent Fund Ranking and Priority Tool

Regent Fund Ranking and Priority Tool


In the Ranking and Priority Tool, users define criteria by which the list of students will be sorted and prioritized for awarding within the Awarding Tool. This tool works in conjunction with the Awarding Tool and does not provide standalone functionality.


The Ranking and Priority Tool is available in the Regent Tools menu for clients with a Regent Fund license and users with the ‘View Ranking and Priority’ permission enabled.

The page name for the Ranking and Priority Tool is ‘Ranking and Priority Setup.' The page is comprised of a top section containing a list of saved Ranking and Priority datasets, as well as the function buttons for the page, and a bottom section containing a General page where the Ranking and Priority datasets are created or information for an existing dataset is viewed.

Within the tool, users can define sorting criteria for awarding, ranking criteria for awarding, or both sorting and ranking criteria for awarding. Ranking criteria is defined as either ‘general' or ‘weighted.'

Ranking and Priority Setup Page

Ranking and Priority Grid

The grid at the top of the Ranking and Priority Setup Page contains the following information related to saved Ranking and Priority datasets and utilizes sorting/filtering capabilities for these values:

  • Active: Yes/No. Indicates if the dataset is Active.

  • Institution Name: Institution to which the Ranking and Priority dataset applies.

  • Ranking and Priority Name: User-defined name to identify the Ranking and Priority dataset.

  • Renewal Priority: ‘Y' for yes or 'N’ for no will be displayed

Page Buttons

  • Add Ranking and Priority: Launches the General subpage in Edit mode for creation of a new Ranking and Priority dataset

  • Refresh: Refreshes the data in the page grid

  • Copy: Available when a row in the page grid is selected; will copy the dataset and present on the General subpage for editing

General Subpage

The General page is divided into three sections: Ranking and Priority Details, Sorting Elements, and Ranking Elements. When an existing Ranking and Priority dataset is selected in the grid at the top of the page, the metadata for the selection will be displayed on the General page. When ‘Add Ranking and Priority’ or ‘Copy’ is selected, fields on the General page will be enabled for creation of a new Ranking and Priority dataset.

Ranking and Priority Detail Section

General metadata about a Ranking and Priority dataset is entered/viewed in the Ranking And Priority Detail section. The names of the fields in the section and their functions in edit mode are:

  • Active: checkbox field used to indicate if the Ranking and Priority dataset is active. The field is selected by default.

  • Institution: dropdown field containing options for all 'active' Institutions under Institution Setup.

  • Name: textbox field for entry of a user-defined name for the Ranking and Priority dataset. Must be unique.

  • Description: textbox field for entry of a user-defined description for the Ranking and Priority dataset.

Sorting Elements Section

The Sorting Elements Section is used to define the order in which a list of eligible students will be sorted to determine award amounts. The sorting criteria defined in this section will be applied in addition to any ranking criteria entered in the next section. Ranking score takes precedence over Sorting if both are used, except in the case of ‘Renewal Priority’. At the top of the section, the ‘Renewal Priority’ checkbox field determines if students who have received an award from a selected fund in the award period immediately preceding the selected award period will be ordered first, before ranking is applied. The checkbox is unselected by default. 

Sorting Elements are selected within a multi-select grid titled ‘Available.’ The grid contains all sorting elements available for selection. Clicking the ‘Add’ button beside an element in the grid will cause it to be moved to a grid titled ‘Selected’ which is beside the ‘Available’ grid.

Available Sorting Elements are:

A button above the ‘Available’ selection grid labeled ‘Add All’ will move each of the available sorting elements to the ‘Selected’ grid.

In the ‘Selected’ grid, a ‘Sorting Priority’ value can be assigned to each element (except the UDF and Document Received On Date selections, which are defined in a different grid.) In the ‘Sort Order’ column, select ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’, if available, for each sorting element. To unselect elements from the ‘Selected’ grid, use the 'Remove' or 'Remove All' button above the grid.

If either ‘UDF’ or ‘Document Received On Date’ is selected as a sorting element, an additional set of Available/Selected grids will be presented for the selection of User Defined Fields from Institution Setup or the specific Document from Document Setup.

If sorting element(s) are selected, the list of students (displayed within Awarding Tool: Results) will be sorted by the numbered sort element(s), which dictates the packaging order in the Awarding Tool. The sort element with the lowest number is applied first. The next sort priority is applied as a ‘tie breaker’ for students who have the same value for sort order #1. Priority order must be indicated as a 'tie breaker', otherwise the system defaults to an alphabetical sort using last name, first name. 

Ranking Elements Section

The Ranking Elements Section is used to define criteria by which a Ranking Score will be calculated. The Ranking score will define the order in which a list of eligible students will be sorted, in addition to any Sorting Elements defined, to determine award amounts.

If Ranking should apply, a Ranking Type must be selected at the top of the section. The options for Ranking Type are ‘Cumulative Points’ and ‘Weighted Points’. (If Ranking should not apply, no selection is needed.)

After Ranking Type is chosen, Ranking Elements are selected within a multi-select grid titled ‘Available.’ The grid contains all ranking elements available for selection. Clicking the ‘Add’ button beside an element in the grid will cause it to be moved to a grid titled ‘Selected’ which is beside the ‘Available’ grid.

Available Ranking Elements are:

A button above the ‘Available’ selection grid labeled ‘Add All’ will move each of the available sorting elements to the ‘Selected’ grid. To unselect elements from the ‘Selected’ grid, use the 'Remove' or 'Remove All' button above the grid.

If either ‘UDF’ or ‘Document Received On Date’ is selected as a ranking element, an additional set of Available/Selected grids will be presented for the selection of User Defined Fields from Institution Setup or the specific Document from Document Setup.

Assigning Ranking

After Ranking Elements are selected, a corresponding section for each element will be presented below the Ranking Selection section. This is where point values for the data element will be defined. If the Ranking Type is ‘Weighted Points’ a field will be presented in each section for entry of a weight value between ‘00.01’ and ‘100.00’.

Each ranking data element grid has three columns for entry: Lower Limit, Upper Limit, and Points. Rows for multiple Upper Limit/Lower Limit and Point value combinations can be added to the grid by clicking ‘Add Row’. To remove rows from the grid, select the Remove button.

Validation is in place to prevent a Lower Limit and Upper Limit value that overlaps the range of another row in the grid.

For Cumulative GPA, SAP GPA, High School GPA, and Available GPA

  • Lower and Upper values can be equal

  • Minimum value is 0.000 and Maximum value is 6.000

  • Values can have up to three places after the decimal.


  • Lower and Upper values can be equal

  • Minimum Value is -1500 and Maximum value is 999999

  • Values can be whole numbers up to 6 digits


  • A grid will be presented for each UDF selected.

  • If the UDF Field Type is a number:

    • Lower and Upper values can be equal

    • Values can be a number with up to 3 places after the decimal

    • There is no Minimum or Maximum value

  • If the UDF Field Type is an amount:

    • Lower and Upper values can be equal

    • Values can be a number with up to 2 places after the decimal

    • There is no Minimum or Maximum value

  • If the UDF Value Field Type is a date:

    • Lower and Upper values can be equal

    • Values can be a calendar date

  • If the UDF Field Type is text:

    • Lower and Upper values MUST be equal

    • Value can be alpha-numeric, up to 35 characters

Application Receipt Date

  • Lower and Upper values can be equal

  • Lower Limit and Upper Limit columns contain calendar fields for selection of a date

  • Upper Limit date cannot be prior to the Lower Limit date

Document Received On Date

  • Lower and Upper values can be equal

  • Lower Limit and Upper Limit columns contain calendar fields for selection of a date

  • Upper Limit date cannot be prior to the Lower Limit date

  • Lower or Upper Limit may be blank, but not both




General Subpage Buttons

In View mode:

  • Refresh updates the screen view with saved changes.

  • Edit allows the user to edit the screen and ranking and priority selections.

  • Delete removes a selected Ranking and Priority item from the grid. 

In Edit mode:

  • Save updates the configured elements in the database

    • Validations:

      • The Sort Priority for a Sorting Element cannot be the same as the Sort Priority for another Sorting Element. 

      • The cumulative weight must be equal to 100%. 

  • Cancel closes the screen without saving any changes.

Calculation of Eligibility and Weighted Points

Calculation of a Ranking Score based on parameters entered in Ranking and Priority Setup is done as part of Awarding Tool processes. An individual value will be calculated for each selected ranking elements, if selected, as follows, then the individual point values will be summed as the Ranking Score.

Cumulative GPA

  • If student's program for the Awarding Period defined in Awarding Tool: Selections is an undergraduate program of study, the student's Undergraduate Cumulative GPA will be used.

  • If student's program for the Awarding Period defined in Awarding Tool: Selections is a graduate program of study, the student's Graduate Cumulative GPA will be used

  • The system will determine the range within which the student's GPA falls, and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply the associated points by the weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 


  • The system will determine the range within which the student's GPA falls, and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, take the points and multiply by the weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 

High School GPA

  • The system will determine the range within which the student's GPA falls and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply the associated points by the weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 

Available GPA

  • Available GPA is determined by the first GPA to be found in the system, based on the following order:

    • Cumulative Undergraduate GPA if the student is in an undergraduate program

    • Cumulative Graduate GPA if the student is in a graduate program

    • Cumulative GPA

    • High School GPA

      • Only if reviewing eligibility for the first Academic Year. 

  • The system will determine the range within which the student's GPA falls and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply the associated points by the weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 


  • The student's SAI from the active ISIR for the Awarding Period defined in Awarding Tool: Selections will be used.

  • The system will determine the range in which the student's SAI falls, and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply the associated points by the weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 

UDF (for each UDF provided)

  • The system will determine the range in which the student's UDF value falls, and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply the associated points by the weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 

Application Receipt Date

  • The system will determine the range within which the student's Application Receipt Date falls, and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply associated points by the associated weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 

Document Received On Date

  • The system will determine the range within which the student's Document Received On Date falls, and:

    • If Ranking Type = Cumulative Points, assess the associated points.

    • If Ranking Type = Weighted Points, multiply associated points by the associated weighting percentage and assess the resulting points. 



Description of Changes



Description of Changes


April 6, 2024

Provided new content regarding Application receipt date and SAI. Added new images. Release

Bianca Bagwell




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