6.0 Release Notes

6.0 Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.0, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Introduction of Regent Fund (Query, Ranking and Priority, and Awarding Tools)
  • Data Retention/Deletion Functionality
  • New Standard Communications Options
  • Student Experience - New Menu and Dashboard Settings
  • SAP Component for Student Experience
  • Access Enhancements in Student Experience
  • Salesforce 'Office Use Only' Indicator
  • New 'By Program' Document Assignment Option

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.0 

Regent Fund Configuration

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Enterprise Setup > Role Setup > Permissions > Global Permissions>Tools Permissions (NEW)  

  • View Awarding Tool

    • Users with this permission will be presented with the 'Awarding' option in the Tools section of the Regent menu. 

    • Default: unselected

  • Edit Awarding Tool: Selections

    • Users with this permission will be allowed to edit within the Awarding Tool: Selections page

    • Default: unselected

  • Edit Awarding Tool: Results

    • Users with this permission will be allowed to edit within the Awarding Tool: Results page

    • Default: unselected

  • View Ranking and Priority
    • Users with View permission will be presented with the 'Ranking and Priority' option in the Tools section of the Regent menu.
  • Edit Ranking and Priority
    • Users with this permission will be allowed to edit within the Ranking and Priority Tool screens.
  • View Query 

    • Users with this permission will be presented with the Query Tool in the Tools section of the Regent menu.
  • Edit Query
    • Users with this permission will be allowed to edit within the Query Tool screens.

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup (NEW)

  • Field name: Add Ranking and Priority

    • Field Type: button

    • Available if ‘Edit Ranking and Priority’ Permission is enabled. Clicking button will open new Ranking and Priority fields for adding a new dataset

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking and Priority Detail section (NEW)

  • Field Name: Active

    • Field Type: Checkbox 

      • Default: Selected

        • If selected, the Ranking and Priority item is considered in the Awarding Tool.

        • If unselected, the Ranking and Priority item is not considered in the Awarding Tool.

      • Not Required

  • Field Name: Institution

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Default: - Select -

      • Dropdown Options:

        • All 'active' Institutions under Institution Setup

      • Required 

  • Field Name: Name

    • Field Type: Textbox

      • Field Length: Maximum of 35 alpha-numeric and special characters

      • Required

  • Field Name: Description:

    • Field Type: Textbox

      • Field Length: Maximum of 256 alpha-numeric and special characters

      • Not Required

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Sorting Elements section (NEW)

  • Field Name: Renewal Priority

    • Field Type: Checkbox 

      • Default = Selected

        • If selected, students with awards from the selected fund in the award period immediately preceding the selected award period are ordered first, before ranking is applied.

        • If unselected, students with awards from the selected fund in the award period are ordered alphabetically, using ‘last name, first name’ by default. 

      • Not Required

  • Field Name: Sorting Elements

    • Field Type: Multi-select grid

      • Available Sorting Element Options:

        • Cumulative GPA

        • SAP GPA

        • High School GPA

        • Available GPA

        • EFC

        • UDF

        • FAFSA Completion Date

      • Selected Sorting Elements

        • Displays all selected options from the ‘Available Sorting Elements' with the following additional configuration options:

          • Field Name: Sorting Priority

            • Field Type: Numeric box

              • Field Length: Minimum of 1 character (no maximum length)

              • Not required

              • Sort Order

                • Field Type: Dropdown

                  • Options:

                    • -Select-

                    • Ascending

                    • Descending

                  • Required if Sorting Priority number is entered

                  • Default: -Select-

        • Help Text: If a sort element(s) is selected, the list of students is sorted by the numbered sort element(s), which dictates the packaging order in the Awarding Tool. The sort element with the lowest number, such as a ‘1’ is applied first. The next sort priority is applied as a ‘tie breaker’ for students who have the same value for sort order #1.  UDF sort priority must be configured below. Priority order must be indicated as a 'tie breaker', otherwise the system defaults to an alphabetical sort using last name, first name. 

  • Field Name: User Defined Fields (UDFs)

    • Field Type: Multi-select grid

      • Available User Defined Field Options:

        • All UDFs configured in Institutional Setup

      • Selected User Defined Field Options:

        • Displays all selected options from the ‘Available User Defined Fields (UDFs)'

    • This configuration is only displayed if 'UDF' is selected as a Sorting Element option in the Sorting Elements multi-select grid.

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section (NEW)

  • Ranking Type

    1. Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options:

        • Cumulative Points

        • Weighted Points

        • -Select- 

      • Default: - Select-

      • Not Required

  • Ranking Elements

    • Field Type: Multi-select

      • Available Ranking Elements

        • Options:

          • Cumulative GPA

          • SAP GPA

          • High School GPA

          • Available GPA

          • EFC

          • UDF

          • FAFSA Completion Date

      • Selected Ranking Elements

        • Displays all selected options from the ‘Available Ranking Elements’ 

          • Help Text: If a ranking element(s) is selected, the list of students is ranked from highest to lowest based on cumulative or weighted points.

          • This configuration is only displayed if the Ranking Type configuration above is set to 'Cumulative Points' or 'Weighted Points'

  • Field Name: User Defined Fields (UDFs)

    • Field Type: Multi-select grid

      • Available User Defined Field Options:

        • All UDFs configured in Institutional Setup

      • Selected User Defined Field Options:

        • Displays all selected options from the ‘Available User Defined Fields (UDFs)'

    • This configuration is only displayed if 'UDF' is selected as a Sorting Element option in the Sorting Elements multi-select grid.

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > Cumulative GPA section (NEW)

  • The Cumulative GPA section only displays if the 'Cumulative GPA' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows Cumulative GPA ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's Cumulative GPA falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • Cumulative GPA Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after (e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range. 

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > SAP GPA section (NEW)

  • The SAP GPA section only displays if the 'SAP GPA' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows SAP GPA ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's SAP GPA falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • SAP GPA Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range. 

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > High School GPA section (NEW)

  • The High School GPA section only displays if the 'High School GPA' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows High School GPA ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's High School GPA falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • High School GPA Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range. 

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > Available GPA section (NEW)

  • The Available GPA section only displays if the 'Available GPA' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows Available GPA ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's Available GPA falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • Available GPA Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range. 

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum value: 0.000

        • Maximum value: 6.000

        • This field allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > EFC section (NEW)

  • The EFC section only displays if the 'EFC' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows EFC ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's EFC falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • EFC Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum Value allowed = 0

        • Maximum EFC Value = 999999

        • This field allows whole numbers up to 6 numeric digits (e.g. 999999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range. 

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Minimum Value allowed = 0

        • Maximum EFC Value = 999999

        • This field allows whole numbers up to 6 numeric digits (e.g. 999999).

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > UDF section (NEW)

  • The UDF section(s) only displays if a 'UDF' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows UDF ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's UDF falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • UDF Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type:

        1. If the UDF Value Field Type is configured as a number in Institution Setup:

          1. Allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999)

          2. No Minimum or Maximum values

        2. If the UDF Value Field Type is configured as an amount in Institution Setup:

          1. Allows whole numbers up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 100.99)

          2. No Minimum or Maximum values

        3. If the UDF Value Field Type is configured as a date in Institution Setup:

          1. Allows calendar dates to be entered

        4. If the UDF Value Field Type is text:

          1. Allows alpha-numeric characters up to 35 characters

      • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal when displayed.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range when displayed.

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • Field Type:

          • If the UDF Value Field Type is configured as a number in Institution Setup:

            • Allows 1 whole number with up to 3 decimal places after(e.g. 3.999)

            • No Minimum or Maximum values

          • If the UDF Value Field Type is configured as an amount in Institution Setup:

            • Allows whole numbers up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 100.99)

            • No Minimum or Maximum values

          • If the UDF Value Field Type is configured as a date in Institution Setup:

            • Allows calendar dates to be entered

          • If the UDF Value Field Type is text:

            • Allows alpha-numeric characters up to 35 characters

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal when displayed.

        • Required if displayed

        • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range when displayed.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Tools (menu selection) > Ranking and Priority Setup > General Tab > Ranking Elements section > FAFSA Completion Date section (NEW)

  • The FAFSA Completion Date section only displays if the 'FAFSA Completion Date' is selected as a Ranking Element.

  • Weight

    • Field Type: Numeric

      • Minimum field value: 00.01

      • Maximum field value: 100.00

      • This field allows up to two decimal places.

      • Required if displayed

    • Help Text: This grid allows FAFSA Completion Date ranges to be entered with the assigned point values.  If a student's FAFSA Completion Date falls within this range, the point value (weighted or cumulative) is assessed.

  • FAFSA Completion Date Grid

    • Field Name: Lower Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • This field allows calendar dates to be entered or selected.

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range. 

    • Field Name: Upper Limit

      • Field Type: Numeric

        • This field allows calendar dates to be entered or selected.

        • The Lower and Upper Limit values can be equal.

      • Required if displayed

      • A user is not allowed to enter a lower and upper value that overlaps another column range.

    • Field Name: Points

      • Field Type: Numeric Field

        • Minimum field value: 00.01

        • Maximum field value: 100.00

        • This field allows a whole number up to 100.00 with up to 2 decimal places after (e.g. 67.67).

        • Each row is Required if displayed 

      • Required if displayed

Institution Setup > User Defined Fields

  • Field Name: UDF Value Field Type

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options:

        • Text

        • Number

        • Amount

        • Date

      • Default: Text

    • Help Text:

      • The option selected here is used to update the value field type from a standard string field type to a text field, number field, amount field or date field. If this User Defined Field is configured as a Sort Priority in Regent Fund, this field is required.  

Fund Setup>General tab>'Donor Information Settings' section (NEW)

  • Field name: 'This Fund has Donor Information.'

    • Field Type: checkbox

      • Default: Unselected

        • If unselected, new 'Donor Information' tab will not be presented

        • If selected, new ‘Donor Information’ tab will be presented

Fund Setup>Donor Information tab (NEW)

  • Field Name: Donor Name

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (60 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Email

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (255 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Phone Number

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (255 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Website

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (255 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Street Address

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (100 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: City

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (100 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: State

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field options: standard list (all fifty states, plus territories)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Zip Code

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: standard (13 characters)

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Donor Information Summary

    • Field Type: WYSIWYG editor

    • Not required

  • Field Name: Notes

    • Field Type: Text box- alphanumeric

    • Field Length: 250 characters

    • Not required

Institution Setup > Query tab (NEW)

Real-Time Update Settings section

  • Field Name: Enable Real-Time Data Updates

    • Field Type: Checkbox

      • Default: Unselected 

      • When this option is selected, the system will dynamically update the data available to the Query Tool whenever a system process makes any change to the data.
        When this option is not selected, the system will only update the data for the Query Tool when the ‘Refresh All Cached Data’ process is triggered.

  • Field Name: Check for Additional Updates

    • Field Type: Button

      • Updates the copy of the data used by the Query Tool with any additional data changes from scripts or incomplete processes not already saved by the real-time data updates.

Advanced Settings section

  • Field Name: Refresh All Cached Data

    • Field Type: Button

      • Starts the process that applies data changes to the copy of the data used by the Query Tool.

Document Configuration

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Institution Setup > Campus Setup>Document Setup > Packaging Assignment sub-tab

  • New field: Apply to all programs

    • Field Type: checkbox

    • Default: Selected

    • New selection criteria for Selected Programs

      • Only available if ‘Apply to all Programs’ is unselected

Institution Setup > Campus Setup > Document Setup > Signature sub-tab

New options for ‘Override Signature Requirements’ allow the system to override the electronic signature requirements to be Student only, or Student and Parent, based on the student’s dependency status.

  • Do Not Override (default) - The system will not change the signature requirements for individual students.

  • ISIR Dependency Status or DependencyStatus UDF - The system will choose the signature requirement based on the ISIR’s dependency status, if available, or will fall back to the DependencyStatus UDF.

    • For FAY-scoped documents, the system uses the Active ISIR for the specified FAY only. If the student does not have an Active ISIR for that FAY, the system tries to use the ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF value.

    • For Student-scoped documents, the system uses the Active ISIR from the latest available FAY. If the student does not have any ISIR, the system tries to use the ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF value.

    • The dependency logic determines the Required Electronic Signature Type.

      • If the ISIR is Dependent: Both student and parent signatures are required.

      • If the ISIR is Independent: Only student signature required.

      • If the student does not have an ISIR, and has a ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “I” for Independent: Only student signature required.

      • If the student does not have an ISIR, and has a ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “D” for Dependent: Both student and parent signatures are required.

      • If the student does not have any ISIR, and does not have any ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “I” or “D” the system uses a default status of Independent: Only student signature required.

  • Smart Form Dependency Questions - The system will set the signature requirements based on the dependency status determined by the Smart Form.

    • For Dependent students: Both student and parent signatures are required.

    • For Independent students: Only student signature required.

In addition to the above changes, the Signature tab on new Student Documents will be set to the expected signature value when the document is created. If the Smart Form is set to Override Signature Requirements, and the student responds to Smart Form questions that result in a different Dependency determination, the system will update the Signature Requirement using the newly determined Dependency status.

General Configuration

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Institution Setup > Campus Setup > SAP Setup

  • Field Name: 'Display SAP Policy in Portal SAP Component'

    • Field Type: Checkbox

      • Default: Unselected

      • Field Not Required

    • Help Text: When this box is selected, the GPA and Completion Ratio (Pace) sections are able to be configured below and are displayed in the SAP Component on the portal.

    • This field only displays if the SAP Status is set to 'SIS.

Institution Setup > General >Record Retention Settings

  • Field Name: Enable Student Record Retention Process

    • Field Type: Check box

    • Default: Unselected

  • Field Name: Use the Program Start Date for Students with no Attendance and no Awards

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

  • Field Name: Retention Period Length

    • Field Type: Text box

      • Numbers only - max value 999

  • Field Name: Include Partially Deleted Students in Future Deletions

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

Campus Setup > General > Record Retention Settings

  • Field Name: Inherit from Institution

    • Default: Selected

  • Field Name: Enable Student Record Retention Process

    • Field Type: Check box

    • Default: Unselected

  • Field Name: Use the Program Start Date for Students with no Attendance and no Awards

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

  • Field Name: Retention Period Length

    • Field Type: Text box

      • Numbers only - max value 999

  • Field Name: Include Partially Deleted Students in Future Deletions

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

Site Setup > General  > Record Retention Settings

  • Field Name: Inherit from Institution

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Selected

  • Field Name: Enable Student Record Retention Process

    • Field Type: Check box

    • Default: Unselected

  • Field Name: Use the Program Start Date for Students with no Attendance and no Awards

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

  • Field Name: Retention Period Length

    • Field Type: Text box

    • Numbers only - max value 999

  • Field Name: Include Partially Deleted Students in Future Deletions

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

Portal Configuration

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Institution Setup > Portal Configuration > Financial Aid

  • The following section was removed:

    • Payment Period Display Settings

  • The following configuration was removed:

    • Term-based Display

Institution Setup >Portal Configuration>SAP (NEW)

  • Field Name: Display SAP Component

    • Field Type: Checkbox

      • Default: Unchecked

      • Field Not Required

    • Help Text: When this checkbox is selected, the SAP component will display on the Dashboard and Menu.

  • The following configurations only display when 'Display SAP Component' is enabled:

    • Field Name: SAP Display Name

      • Field Type: Textbox

        • Allows 1 minimum and 50 maximum alpha-numeric and special characters

        • Default: Satisfactory Academic Progress

        • Field Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display as the SAP Component name for the Menu and Dashboard.

    • Field Name: Display Instructional Message

      • Field Type: Checkbox

        • Default: Unchecked 

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the SAP component.

    • Field Name: Instructional Message Header Text

      • Field Type: Textbox

        • Allows alpha-numeric and special characters up to 50 characters

        • Default: None

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the SAP component Instructional Text.

      • This field only displays if 'Display Instructional Message' is enabled.

    • Field Name: Instructional Message Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default: None 

        • Field Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display as Instructional Text on the SAP component.

      • This field only displays if 'Display Instructional Message' is enabled.

    • Field Name: Not Calculated Informational Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default Text: You do not have any information to calculate. Once you have attempted at least one period at <Site Display Name>, a calculation will be made to determine your SAP status.

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'Not Calculated' SAP status.

    • Field Name: Satisfactory Informational Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default Text: You are meeting cumulative program applicable requirements and are eligible to receive federal aid.

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'Satisfactory' SAP status.

    • Field Name: FA Warning Informational Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default Text: You are not meeting the cumulative program applicable requirements. You are eligible to receive federal aid for only one period while you try to reach the requirements again. If you do not reach the requirements at the end of your Warning period, you will be placed on Suspension and lose eligibility to receive federal aid. However, if placed on Suspension, you will be provided the opportunity to submit an appeal.

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'FA Warning' SAP status.

    • Field Name: FA Probation Informational Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default Text: You are not meeting the cumulative program applicable requirements, but your requested appeal has been approved. You are eligible for federal aid and will continue to be eligible as long as you complete your Probation requirements each period.

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'FA Probation' SAP status.

    • Field Name: FA Suspension Informational Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default Text: You are not meeting the cumulative program applicable requirements and are therefore ineligible for federal financial aid. However, you may be eligible to appeal for federal aid.

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'FA Suspension' SAP status.

    • Field Name: MTF Suspension Informational Text

      • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

        • Default Text: You are projected to complete your program at more than 150% of the credits required for your degree and are therefore ineligible for federal financial aid.

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the SAP component as informational text when a student has a 'MTF Suspension' SAP status.

    • Field Name: Display SAP Policy 

      • Field Type: Checkbox

        • Default: Selected

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: When this box is selected, the SAP Policy for the student displays on the SAP Component. When this box is not selected, Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy will not display on the SAP Component.

    • Field Name: Display GPA

      • Field Type: Checkbox

        • Default: Selected

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: When this box is selected, the Grade Point Average (GPA) displays in the SAP Component.

    • Field Name: GPA Display Name

      • Field Type: Textbox

        • Allows minimum of 1 and maximum of 50 alpha-numeric and special characters

        • Default: Grade Point Average (GPA)

        • Field Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display as the GPA name under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.

      • This field only displays if 'Display GPA' is selected.

    • Field Name: GPA Allowable Decimal Places

      • Field Type: Numeric box

        • Allows a number between 0 and 4

        • Default: 2

        • Field Required

      • Help Text: The number entered here will the number of decimal places that will be used when displaying the GPA under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.

      • This field only displays if 'Display GPA' is selected.

    • Field Name: Display Completion Rate

      • Field Type: Checkbox

        • Default: Selected

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: When this box is selected, the Completion Rate (Pace) displays in the SAP Component.

    • Field Name: Completion Rate Display Name

      • Field Type: Textbox

        • Allows a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 50 alpha-numeric and special characters

        • Default: Completion Rate (Pace)

        • Field Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display as the Completion Rate name under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.

      • This field only displays if 'Display Completion Rate' is selected.

    • Field Name: Display Maximum Timeframe

      • Field Type: Checkbox

        • Default: Selected

        • Field Not Required

      • Help Text: When this box is selected, the Maximum Timeframe displays in the SAP Component.

    • Field Name: Maximum Timeframe Display Name

      • Only display if 'Display Maximum Timeframe' is selected.

      • Field Type: Textbox

        • Allows a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 50 alpha-numeric and special characters

        • Default: Maximum Timeframe

        • Field Required

      • Help Text: The text entered here will display as the Maximum Timeframe name under the 'Your Current Information and Required Minimums Policy' section on the SAP Component.

      • This field only displays if 'Display Maximum Timeframe' is selected.

Institution Setup > Portal Configuration > General tab > Menu Settings section (NEW)

  • Field Name: Menu Display Order

    • Field Type: Multi-select grid

      • Available Menu Items

        • Lists all enabled portal components. The 'Help' menu selection displays by default when the Regent Plan component is enabled.

        • Displays up and down arrows to allow the user to move the menu items in a specified order.

    • Help Text: All enabled portal components will display in the order specified here.

Institution Setup > Portal Configuration > General tab > Dashboard Settings section

  • Field Name: Dashboard Display Order 

    • Field Type: Multi-select grid

      • Available Portal Components

        • Lists all enabled portal components.

      • 'Selected Portal Components

        • List all portal components selected from the Available Portal Components.

        • Displays up and down arrows to allow the user to move the menu items in a specified order.

    • Help Text: All Selected Portal Components will display in the order specified here.

Communications Configuration

 Click here to expand...

Communication Setup > Communications

  • The following new Standard Filters were added to the ‘Filter’ dropdown when adding a new communication or updating an existing communication:

    • Standard Disbursement Notification Student

    • Standard Disbursement Notification for Parent/ Borrower

    • Standard R2T4 Finalized

    • Standard PWD Notification

    • Standard FA SAP Appeal Decision
    • Standard FAFSA Reminder

    • Standard Exit Counseling

    • Standard Missing Information
    • Standard SAP Warning
    • Standard SAP Suspended

Communication Setup > Templates

  • Communication Template Name: Standard College Financing Plan (CFP) body

    • A new College Financing Plan (CFP) body template is available under the Communication Templates.

Regent Access Configuration (in Student Experience)

 Click here to expand...

Institution Setup>Regent Access tab>General Settings section

  • New Field Name: Allow Personal Information Updates

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

    • Help Text: When this field is selected, if the student’s First Name, Last Name, SSN/ITIN/DACA, or DOB entered in the application is different than the data entered during student portal account registration, the data entered on the application will be used to update the student’s information in Regent/Student Experience.

  • New Field Name: Allow Editing of Submitted Applications

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unselected

    • Help Text: When this field is selected, student users will be allowed to edit submitted applications in the student portal. The Edit function will create a new document requirement and will launch the smart form with data prepopulated from the original version.

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-23775Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Standard Communication Templates

Tickets: RS-23775; RS-23427;

Description: The following communication templates were standardized and can be used to configure email communications to students:

  • Standard Award Notification - Initial

  • Standard Award Notification - Updated

  • Standard Communication Template

  • Standard Exit Counseling

  • Standard Parent Disbursement Notification

  • Standard PWD Notification

  • Standard R2T4 Finalized

  • Standard SAP Suspended

  • Standard SAP Warning

  • Standard Student Disbursement Notification

  • Standard FAFSA Reminder

  • Standard SAP Appeal Decision

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23769Regent Award for SalesforceSystem Access

Title: Update Salesforce Contact information

Tickets: RS-23769;


A new ‘Update Contact’ configuration setting was added to allow updates to student contact information in Salesforce. The setting is enabled by default. If the ‘Update Contact’ setting is disabled, no contact fields will be updated during a sync process (full sync or student-level sync). When enabled, the following contact fields will be updated when contact field information is changed:

  • RegentId

  • DateTimeSynced

  • VersionStamp

  • Standard fields

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF).

RS-23660Regent Award for SalesforceConfiguration/Setup

Title: New Regent Award for SalesForce Configuration Setting to Display ‘Office Use Only’ Documents

Tickets: RS-23660; RS-23027; RS-23661; RS-23675; RS-23676; RS-23178;

Regent Award for SalesForce was updated to provide schools a configurable option to display or not display ‘Office Use Only’ documents in SalesForce. If schools elect to display the documents, an ‘Office Use Only’ indicator is present to assist in communicating effectively with students.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF).

RS-23468Regent ReviewCommunications

Title: Standard Communication Filters

Tickets: RS-23468; RS-23594; RS-23596; RS-23597; RS-23598;

Description: The Standard Disbursement Notification Student Filter, Standard Disbursement Notification for Parent/Borrower Filter, Standard R2T4 Filter, and Standard PWD Notification Filter have each been created to send communications each time the criteria is met for the communication type (e.g. email or text).

Standard Disbursement Notification Student Filter Criteria

  1. Student with one or more of the following awards:
    1. Direct Subsidized
    2. Direct Unsubsidized
    3. Grad Plus
    4. FSEOG
    5. TEACH
    6. Pell
    7. IASG
  2. All of the following must be true for one of the awards:
    1. EST Actual disbursement status is updated to a 'Complete' (paid) status
    2. R2T4 Refund = No
    3. The EST Actual Net Disbursement amount is greater than $0.00 (positive numbers)
  3. If Communication Type = Text and the Opt Out of Communications Text field is ‘true’, do not include. 
  4. If Communication Type = Email and the Opt Out of Communications Email field is ‘true’, do not include.

Standard Disbursement Notification for Parent/Borrower Filter Criteria

  1. Student with one or more of the following awards:
    1. Direct Parent PLUS
  2. All of the following must be true for one of the awards:
    1. EST Actual disbursement status is updated to a 'Complete' (paid) status
    2. R2T4 Refund = No
    3. The EST Actual Net Disbursement amount is greater than $0.00 (positive numbers)
  3. If Communication Type = Text and the Opt Out of Communications Text field is ‘true’, do not include.
  4. If Communication Type = Email and the Opt Out of Communications Email field is ‘true’, do not include.

Standard R2T4 Filter Criteria

  1. Student who meet all of the following requirements:
    1. Has an R2T4 that has been updated to a 'Finalized' status (If more than one R2T4 is present for the period, the most recent 'Finalized' R2T4 for the period is used.)
    2. Has aid received for the R2T4 period (disbursed amount > $0) for one or more of the following awards:
      1. Direct Subsidized
      2. Direct Unsubsidized
      3. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
      4. Direct Parent PLUS
      5. FSEOG
      6. TEACH
      7. Pell
      8. IASG
    3. R2T4 PWD = No for the R2T4 period
  2. If Communication Type = Text and the Opt Out of Communications Text field is ‘true’, do not include.
  3. If Communication Type = Email and the Opt Out of Communications Email field is ‘true’, do not include.

Standard PWD Notification Filter

  1. Students who meet all of the following requirements:
    1. Has an R2T4 that has been updated to a 'Finalized' status (If more than one R2T4 is present for the period, use the most recent 'Finalized' R2T4 for the period.)
    2. R2T4 PWD = Yes for the R2T4 period
    3. R2T4 PWD does not have the 'Do not Offer' flag set 
    4. The Net PWD Non-IOP or IOP amount for the finalized R2T4 must be  > $0 for one of the following awards:
      1. Direct Subsidized
      2. Direct Unsubsidized
      3. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
      4. Direct Parent PLUS
  2. If Communication Type = Text and the Opt Out of Communications Text field is ‘true’, do not include.
  3. If Communication Type = Email and the Opt Out of Communications Email field is ‘true’, do not include.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23423Regent AwardCOD

Title: Additional COD Regulatory Updates for 2022-2023

Tickets: RS-23423; RS-23249; RS-23424;


  • Additional implementation of new COD Schema 5.0a in Regent Award Integration, for the following COD Processes for 2022-2023 FAY.
    • Pell YTD Disbursement record
    • TEACH YTD Disbursement record
    • Direct Loan YTD Origination record
    • Direct Loan YTD Disbursement record

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Message Classes Supported by Regent AwardFederal Pell GrantCOD TabStudent Details TabHow to Mock and Pay COD Loans.

RS-23403Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: New Institution Setup User Defined Field

Tickets: RS-23403; RS-19198;

A new configuration, ‘UDF Value Field Type’ was added to the User Defined Fields tab under Institution Setup. The option selected is used to update the value field type for a configured User Defined Field from a standard string field type to a text field, number field, amount field, or date field.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Institution Setup Data Elements

RS-23382Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Update to 2022-2023 Pell Grant Schedule

Tickets: RS-23382; RS-23383;


The 2022-2023 Pell table in Regent Award has been updated to reflect a $400 increase in the maximum Pell grant amount, to $6,895.

RS-23374Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: Regent Plan: Include Loan Fees in Amount ‘Needed to Cover Direct Costs’ and ‘In Excess of Direct Costs’

Tickets: RS-23374; RS-23396; RS-23397;

Regent Plan was updated to include both the calculated loan fees and Direct Costs as part of Estimated Total Costs. The loan fees are then taken into consideration by the system in the ‘Amount Needed to Cover Direct Costs' and ‘Amount In Excess of Direct Costs.' The inclusion of calculated loan fees only applies when the system is configured to Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs and the Academic Year’s Packaging Philosophy is set to package to a % Amount of Direct Costs.

RS-23368Regent Award/Review/AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Document Setup: Improved Dependency Logic for Override Signature Requirements

Tickets: RS-23322; RS-23368; RS-23370; RS-23371; RS-23386; RS-23387; RS-23388; RS-23432; RS-23433;

The Document Setup setting, ‘Override Signature Requirements’ has improved behavior for determining the signature based on the student’s Dependency.

The ‘Override Signature Requirements’ setting allows the system to override the electronic signature requirements to be Student only, or Student and Parent, based on the student’s dependency status.

  • Do Not Override (default) - The system will not change the signature requirements for individual students.
  • ISIR Dependency Status or DependencyStatus UDF - The system will choose the signature requirement based on the ISIR’s dependency status (if ISIR dependency status is available), or will fall back to the DependencyStatus UDF (if ISIR dependency status is not available).
    • For FAY-scoped documents, the system uses the Active ISIR for the specified FAY only. If the student does not have an Active ISIR for that FAY, the system tries to use the ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF value.
    • For Student-scoped documents, the system uses the Active ISIR from the latest available FAY. If the student does not have any ISIR, the system tries to use the ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF value.
    • The dependency logic determines the Required Electronic Signature Type.
      • If the ISIR is Dependent: Both student and parent signatures are required.
      • If the ISIR is Independent: Only student signature required.
      • If the student does not have an ISIR, and has a ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “I” for Independent: Only student signature required.
      • If the student does not have an ISIR, and has a ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “D” for Dependent: Both student and parent signatures are required.
      • If the student does not have any ISIR, and does not have any ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “I” or “D” the system uses a default status of Independent: Only student signature required.
  • Smart Form Dependency Questions - The system will set the signature requirements based on the dependency status determined by the Smart Form.
    • For Dependent students: Both student and parent signatures are required.
    • For Independent students: Only student signature required.

In addition to the above changes, the Signature tab on new Student Documents will be set to the expected signature value when the document is created. If the Smart Form is set to Override Signature Requirements, and the student responds to Smart Form questions that result in a different Dependency determination, the system will update the Signature Requirement using the newly determined Dependency status.

RS-23333Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Standard College Financing Plan Template

Tickets: RS-23333; RS-23426; RS-23515;

Description: A Standard College Financing Plan Email Template has been created. This communication template can be used to configure an email communication to students with the College Financing Plan attachment.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23318Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Standard SAP Warning and Suspended Filter

Tickets: RS-23318; RS-23495; RS-23498; RS-23514;

Description: Standard SAP Warning and SAP Suspended Filters have been created to send communications, each time the criteria is met for the communication type (e.g. email or text).

SAP Warning Filter Criteria

  • The student has a new or updated SAP record with the Result (SAP Status) = FA Warning.
  • If Communication Type = Text and the Opt Out of Communications Text field is ‘true’, do not include.
  • If Communication Type = Email and the Opt Out of Communications Email field is ‘true’, do not include.

SAP Suspended Filter Criteria

  • The student has a new or updated SAP record with Result (SAP Status) = FA Suspended or MTF Suspended Status.
  • If Communication Type = Text and the Opt Out of Communications Text field is ‘true’, do not include.
  • If Communication Type = Email and the Opt Out of Communications Email field is ‘true’, do not include.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23159Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Standard SAP Appeal Filter

Tickets: RS-23159; RS-23480; RS-23484; RS-23167;

Description: A Standard SAP Appeal Filter has been created to send communications each time the criteria is met for the communication type (e.g. email or text).

Standard SAP Appeal Filter Criteria

  1. The student has a new or modified SAP record for one of the following fields:
    1. Appeal Status
    2. Appeal SAP Status
  2. The student meets one of the following:
    1. Appeal Status = Rejected and an Appeal SAP Status of one of the following: 
      1. MTF Suspended OR
      2. FA Suspended
    2. Appeal Status = Approved and an Appeal SAP Status of one of the following:
      1. FA Probation OR
      2. FA Warning
    3. If Communication Type = Text, the Opt Out of Communications Text field does not equal ‘true’
    4. If Communication Type = Email, the Opt Out of Communications Email field does not equal ‘true'

Note: Changes to the Document Date, Decision Maker, SAP Academic Plan Anticipated End Date, or Notes fields will not result in a new or modified SAP record for this purpose.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23115Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Standard Exit Counseling and Standard FAFSA Reminder Filter

Tickets: RS-23318; RS-23495; RS-23498; RS-23515;

Description: Standard Exit Counseling and Standard FAFSA Reminder Filters have been updated to support both email and text communications. A communication will be generated each time the criteria is met for the specified communication type (e.g. email or text).

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-22759Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: Updated to Show the Term Display Name throughout the Student Experience Portal

Tickets: RS-22759; RS-23471; RS-23472; 23473; 23474; 23475; 23476; RS-22939;

Description: The Student Experience Portal has been updated to show the Term Display Name from Term Setup throughout the portal where a payment period or Term name is currently being shown if the student’s program is configured as either a standard or non-standard term program (Academic Period Type) in Program Setup. If no Term Display Name is configured, the Term Name will be used. If the program is not configured as either a standard or non-standard term program (Academic Period Type) in the Program Setup, the Payment Period Begin and End Dates are shown.

Note: The Term-based Display configuration on the Financial Aid tab under the Portal configurations has been removed.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Student Experience Portal Data ElementsFinancial Aid: General Functionalityand My Borrowing.

RS-22744Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Remove High School Confirmation Questions and Related Text for the 2022-2023 V5 Verification Worksheet

Tickets: RS-22744; RS-23425; RS-22931;

Description: The 2022-2023 Verification Worksheet has been updated to not display the High School Information section if the student’s ISIR is selected for verification for the V5 verification group. This includes all High School information, related questions, and document persistence.

RS-22496Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Title: Donor Information Tab Added to Fund Setup in Regent

Tickets: RS-19198; RS-22496; RS-23144; RS-23448;


On the General tab of Fund Setup in Regent, a Donor Information section has been added. The new section contains the field ‘This Fund has Donor Information’. If the checkbox for the field is selected, a Donor Information tab will be presented. The Donor Information page is used to enter information about the donor for the fund, such as name, address, email, and phone number, which can be accessed via Regent Data Views.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements. .

RS-22368Regent AwardDocuments

Title: Document Setup: Assignment by Program

Tickets: RS-22367; RS-22368; RS-23461; RS-23462;

Regent Award has added the ability to assign a Student Document Requirement when a student is packaged for a Program. Schools may select the Programs on the Packaging Assignment tab in Document Setup. When a student is packaged for a current or immediate future scope period in the selected Programs, Regent Award will create the Student Document if one does not already exist. The new setting may be optionally combined with other existing configuration options in Document Setup.

RS-21572Regent FundAwarding

Title: New Awarding Tool Functionality in Regent (Available with Regent Fund License)

In addition to a product license, configuration setup in the User Interface as well as backend configuration by Regent is needed to test this functionality. Please submit a CZ Support ticket for Regent to enable Regent Fund. 

Tickets: RS-19198; RS-21572; RS-22551; RS-22552; RS-22553; RS-22554; RS-22667; RS-22669; RS-22677; RS-23525; RS-23526; RS-23527; RS-23710; RS-23715;


As part of the new Regent Fund product, an Awarding Tool has been developed within the Regent user interface that allows awarding of funds in bulk to a selected population of students. The new tool is comprised of two processes: a Selections process and a Results process. Within the Selections process, the user selects the fund to be awarded and the query (previously created in the new Query Tool) from which the list of students to award will be pulled. If needed, the user also selects the Ranking and Priority (previously created in the Ranking and Priority Tool) to be applied to the student/fund data. Awarding scope parameters are also selected. When the Selections process is executed and the process completes, the user is presented with the results of the process run for review. The Results page includes a list of eligible students and their award amounts, based on the Selections process criteria and the configured fund rules and packaging rules, and their award amounts. The user then reviews the data, selects the awards they wish to approve, and executes the Results process. The Results process packages the approved awards for each student and applies the awards to the student's Academic Plan.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Regent Fund and Permissions List.

RS-21571Regent FundAwarding

Title: New Ranking and Priority Tool Functionality in Regent (Available with Regent Fund License)

In addition to a product license, configuration setup in the User Interface as well as backend configuration by Regent is needed to test this functionality. Please submit a CZ Support ticket for Regent to enable Regent Fund. 

Tickets: RS-21571; RS-19198; RS-23402; RS-23403; RS-23404; RS-23405; RS-23406; RS-23407; RS-23408; RS-23409; RS-23410; RS-23411; RS-22123;


As part of the new Regent Fund product, a Ranking and Priority Tool has been developed within the Regent user interface that allows users to define sort order and ranking order, based on values for specific data elements, to be applied to a student list. A saved Ranking and Priority is used in conjunction with the Awarding Tool to order the student list, when the fund from which students are being awarded has a budget to be considered in the award amount calculation.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Regent Fund and Permissions List.

RS-19249Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: New Student Experience Portal SAP Component

Tickets: RS-19249; RS-23678; RS-23679; RS-23680; RS-23681; RS-23682; RS-23683; RS-23685; RS-23690; RS-23691; RS-22940;

Description: A new configurable SAP Component has been added to the Student Experience portal. Schools may configure informational text for each SAP status:

  • Not Calculated
  • Satisfactory
  • FA Warning
  • FA Probation
  • FA Suspension
  • MTF Suspension

Schools may elect to display the SAP Policy to students. If the school elects to display this section, the configured benchmarks for the Cumulative GPA, Pace, and Maximum Timeframe from the Regent Award SAP Setup displays along with the student’s progress for each element.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Component.

RS-19200Regent FundAwarding

Title: New Query Tool Functionality in Regent (Available with Regent Fund License)

In addition to a product license, configuration setup in the User Interface as well as backend configuration by Regent is needed to test this functionality. Please submit a CZ Support ticket for Regent to enable Regent Fund. 

Tickets: RS-19200; RS-22503; RS-22504; RS-22505; RS-22733; RS-22734; RS-22736; RS-23231; RS-23332; RS-23372; RS-23393; RS-23394; RS-23395; RS-23401; RS-23451; RS-23452; RS-23453; RS-23454; RS-23455; RS-23456; RS-23457; RS-23552; RS-23636; RS-23639; RS-23649; RS-23697; RS-23709; RS-23733;

As part of the new Regent Fund product, a Query Tool has been developed within the Regent user interface that allows users to define search criteria to identify and display a set of students. The results of the query are displayed on-screen within the tool and can also be downloaded. The user can choose to download the results file as a “basic” student list or to include details about the students returned by the query. Saved queries are used by the Regent Fund Awarding Tool to identify a population of students to be awarded. Schools are encouraged to turn on real-time updates to ensure the most recent student data is being used by the Query Tool to generate the set of students.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Regent Fund and Permissions List.

RS-16630Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Regent Access Updates (for clients in Student Experience)

Tickets: RS-20943; RS-23692; RS-23762; RS-17785; RS-22984; RS-21831; RS-16630; RS-17879; RS-20962; RS-23672; RS-23673; RS-23668; RS-23670; RS-23693; RS-23694; RS-12967; RS-23720; RS-23721; RS-23759; RS-23760; RS-23761; RS-23764; RS-23768; RS-23773;


Note: The enhancements below are only applicable to Access clients already using the Student Experience portal.

  • A new Export Process has been created in Regent for ‘Export Access Database Extract File.’
    • Access clients using the Student Experience portal will now be able to schedule the export of their application data file and/or run it as needed. (Note: The legacy process is called SNAP Daily Export for clients using SNAP portals and it is scheduled by Regent on the back end.)
  • A configuration option has been added to the Regent Access tab in Institution Setup to allow clients to determine if they wish to allow student’s to edit signed applications in Student Experience. (Field Name: Allow Editing of Submitted Applications)
    • If edit capability is configured, state aid forms that have been signed in Student Experience will have an option to ‘Edit Completed Form.’ All updated and previous versions of the application will be available for viewing within the portal.
    • For dependent students, a parent signature will only be requested for an edited application if the change made was to the Parent Information section.

  • A configuration option has been added to the Regent Access tab in Institution Setup to allow clients to determine if student data will be updated to match the state aid application when a student enters a different Name, DOB, or SSN/Tax ID/DACA # on the form than they entered during portal account registration. (Field Name: Allow Personal Information Updates)
  • Email addresses entered in Student Experience account registration and the state aid application for Access (Smart Form Type of ‘Financial Aid Application’ in Document Setup) will be captured in Student Details in Regent, in the Contact Information>Email table.
  • The following updates have been to the 2022-2023 ‘Regent Access Master Form' (Smart Form Type: Financial Aid Application in Document Setup):
    • Highest selection value for the ‘Students Number in Household’ question is changed from 14 to 20.
    • Default value from the ‘Parent's Residency before MM/DD/CCYY’ and ‘Student’s Residency before MM/DD/CCYY’ questions has been removed.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Institution Setup Data Elements, Export Processes, and Access - Export Files.

RS-1954Regent Award

Title: Record Retention Policy: Identify Records for Archiving/Deletion

Tickets: RS-1954; RS-22782; RS-22784; RS-22785; RS-22786; RS-22787; RS-22788; RS-22789; RS-22790; RS-22791; RS-22792; RS-22793; RS-22794; RS-22795; RS-22796; RS-22797; RS-22798; RS-22799; RS-22800; RS-22963; RS-22979; RS-23329; RS-23401; RS-23430; RS-23431; RS-23453; RS-23689; RS-23708;

Regent Award has added the option for clients to delete data for a group of students after a specified period of time. The Record Retention/Deletion Process allows permissioned users to designate a group of students to be fully or partially purged from the system.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Record Retention: Identify Records for Archiving/Deletion.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-23298Regent AwardPackaging

Problem: Regent is unexpectedly excluding a course from the census units count when the course has an enrolled date that is AFTER the course start date.

Cause: Only considering the Census Date that is >= to Course Start Date

Fix: Updated logic to consider the Census Date that is >= the Greater of Course Start Date OR Course Enrollment Date

Testing: Create a student with courses where the Enrolled Date is after the Course Start Date. Review the census units count. Courses enrolled both before and after the course start date should be included in the count of Census Units.

RS-22804Regent AwardR2T4

Problem: PWD Cancelled when expected to be disbursed

Cause: PWD logic was incorrect and marked the first positive disbursement as ‘Do Not Offer’ 

Regent Award has added logic to the current PWD logic to not mark the first positive disbursement as ‘Do Not Offer’ if the earliest scheduled disbursement was already $0 at the time of the R2t4 calculation.

Testing: Identify student with R2T4 PWD with a $0 first disbursement. Ensure the disbursement is not marked as ‘Do Not Offer’.

RS-23835Regent AwardCommunications

For students who did not have any ISIR, the College Financing Plan (CFP) PDF attachment did not display any Cost of Attendance (COA) items. The PDF also displayed some technical variables instead of the Customized Information and Next Steps.

The Cost of Attendance values were set to blank when students did not have any ISIR. The system also displayed variables when the Customized Information or Next Steps had blank values configured for those fields.

The ISIR restriction was removed for the COA items. The Customized Information and Next Steps were updated to blank when those values are not configured with content.

Confirm the configuration for the 2022-2023 College Financing Plan, PDF Content Type, has blank values for ‘Next Steps Settings Text' and 'Customized Information from UUS Settings Text.’ Reload RNA Setup if any configuration changes occurred. Navigate to a student who does not have any 2022-2023 ISIR. Package the student. In the student’s Communications sub-tab, Notification drop-down menu, select the correct communication that has the PDF attachment configured. Click Add. Refresh. View the new Communication. View the PDF attachment for the 2022-2023 College Financing Plan. Confirm the individual Cost Items in the PDF match the student’s Costs in the Awards tab in Regent Award. Confirm the Customized Information and Next Steps match the configured blank values.

RS-23664Regent AwardPackaging

Some Scheduled Academic Year (SAY) students had a duplicated, single-term Academic Year containing paid loan disbursements. The duplicated, autowithdrawn terms caused additional loans to be awarded on the correct, enrolled terms in the SAY AYs.

The affected students also had additional, invalid terms on their Academic Plans that did not match the SAY program type and were not linked to the students' current programs. When Regent Award recalculated the Academic Plan structure, the system created some incorrect Academic Years. The system then linked the paid disbursements to the earlier, duplicated terms instead of the correct, enrolled terms later on the Academic Plan.

Regent Award has more robust logic for handling invalid and/or duplicated terms. The system checks for incorrect academic calendar types when selecting terms for building a student’s Academic Plan. The system also removes invalid and duplicated terms from the Academic Plan. Regent also has improved logic for linking disbursements to the correct term based on the External Term ID and Academic Year.

RS-23646Regent AwardPackaging

Students were awarded from funds when the students should not have been eligible per the Funds' configured settings in Fund Setup. For example, some students had less than half-time enrollment in a term, when the fund had a Minimum Enrollment Status of Half-Time. Other students had awards in an optional Summer Trailer term when the fund was configured to Exclude Header and Trailer terms.

The funds had eligibility set by a Satisfied Document. The Document’s eligibility overrode the other Fund Setup eligibility settings.

Regent Award’s eligibility rules were updated to apply the other configured Fund Setup eligibility checks when the fund has initial eligibility determined by a Satisfied Document.

Find an affected student who has a Satisfied Document and a current award from a fund with additional eligibility checks. Edit the student’s data, if needed, to ensure the student does not pass all the eligibility checks. Package the student. Confirm the system does not award the fund for the ineligible periods.

RS-23628Student ExperienceStudent Experience

The Student Experience Portal and Advisor Assist sometimes displayed an error, “An error occurred while converting Regent plan to StudentX plan.” The error prevented users from viewing or interacting with the Financial Aid and Documents components.

The Student Experience portal was trying to get a property from the payment period, but the payment period was empty (null). The problem caused an object reference error on the server that prevented the system from displaying data.

The Student Experience portal has an additional “not null” check for payment period objects.

View an affected student in Advisor Assist or, in a test environment, create a test account for an affected student. Access the Student Experience Portal or Advisor Assist. Confirm the Financial Aid component is displayed as expected. Confirm the student’s Documents are displayed as expected.

RS-23608Regent Award for SalesforceNot Applicable

In Regent Award For SalesForce (RAFSF), a Batch Synchronization job failed with errors.

The RAFSF Application Programming Interface (API) was referencing a payment period that was not returned in the API objects from the target environment.

A new RAFSF Managed Package was developed and deployed to the affected environment.

Deploy the updated Managed Package to the RAFSF environment. Test synchronizing a batch containing the student who had the reported error. Confirm the system successfully synchronizes to SalseForce. Confirm the affected student does not give the error.

RS-23574Regent AwardAwarding

Regent unexpectedly doesn't award cents amount of Pell from YRP when the full dollar amount is awarded from regular Pell.

YRP check for FT amount used wasn't accounting for cent rounding.

Regent Award is updated to ensure to account for cent rounding.

In Regent Award, package students and check Pell amounts.

RS-23544Regent AwardCommunications

The 2022-2023 College Financing Plan (CFP) PDF attachment was only displaying a portion of the form.

A tag was missing from the communication code.

The missing tag was added to the communication code.

Test with a student with costs for a 2022-2023 FAY. Package the student, such as with the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Run a Communication that generates the 2022-2023 CFP communication as an attached PDF. Review the CFP. Confirm the CFP displays accurately.

RS-23511Regent AwardAwarding

The students were awarded over Sub/Unsub Aggregate limits

Regent Award packaged over aggregate limits when re-calculating loan amount for BBAY students

The logic was updated to avoid awarding over limits when calculating loan amounts for BBAY students

Find student example who reached Sub or Unsub aggregate limits. Load SBL file with HT enrollment into current term. Run packaging. For the loans where the aggregate limit was reached, the system should not package any amounts higher than $0

RS-23506Regent AwardSAP

At a Regent Award school with Calculated SAP, students who should have had a Suspended SAP status instead had an incorrect calculated SAP Status of ‘FA Warning.’

The system did not calculate a SAP status until the term’s SAP Evaluation End Date was reached.

When Regent Award calculates a SAP Status for a Payment Period based SAP policy, the system calculates a SAP status when the term’s SAP evaluation date range start date is reached and the SAP evaluation end date is not in the past.

Use a test environment for an affected school configured with multiple Calculated SAP policies using the ‘PP3Step’ SAP frequency. Load a low-GPA SBL Calculated SAP node for a student who had a previous term with an ‘FA Warning’ SAP record in the earlier SAP policy, with a SAP date within the term’s SAP Evaluation Start and End Date range. Package the student. View the Awards tab and SAP Wizard. Confirm the system calculates a ‘FA Suspended’ SAP status.

RS-23489Regent AwardPackaging

For some students, Regent unexpectedly showed an "Object Reference error" when a user tried to package them using Modify Academic Plan (MAP) or in Add/Modify Award Wizard. The affected students were still Batch Packaged.

Two root causes were found. In the SAP logic, some graduate students were not linked to their correct SAP records for their Graduate GPA values. Another, separate check for Early Calculation was missing logic to handle the scenario when an underlying payment period was not present.

The ‘Assign Student SAP GPA’ logic was corrected to use the core logic for linking the SAP records. A separate check for ‘null’ values was added to the Early Calculation logic.

Navigate to the affected students in Regent Award. Try to use MAP or AAW for the student. Confirm the Wizard proceeds to Step 2 without error.

RS-23486Regent Award for SalesforceNot Applicable

Regent Award for SalesForce (RAFSF) synchronization was failing with several errors, such as “Attempt to de-reference a null object” or “Delete failed.”

The system was not splitting awards across Academic Years. A logic bug accidentally put all awards under a single Academic Year in the data sent to RAFSF.

RAFSF was updated to properly split awards across Academic Years. The RAFSF package was also updated to accept awards with the same Award ID values across different AYs. A new Page Layout for Awards was created to accommodate changes to the Regent Award ID field.

NOTE: Customers must upgrade to the new RAFSF package when upgrading their associated Regent Award instance to or later. The older Regent Award For SalesForce package will not work with the release.

Use a test environment with Regent Award for SalesForce (RAFSF) installed. Upgrade to release and update the RAFSF Package to the new version for 6.0. Reload RNA Setup. Access RAFSF as an Administrator, and assign the new Award Layout v2 page layout to all profiles that use the Award Layout. Synchronize the Regent Award data to RAFSF. Confirm the system synchronizes without error. Run a full RAFSF Batch Synchronization. Confirm the Batch Synchronization job completes successfully.

RS-23364Regent ReviewStudent Experience

In the Student Experience Portal, when students tried to download a file that was attached to a Document Requirement in Regent (attached manually or in Document Setup), the system gave an incorrect API link ending in “null/” and the Document could not be downloaded.

A code update accidentally changed the Student Experience Portal so some variables had slightly different names and they did not match consistently throughout the code (upper/lower/camel case).

The problematic code was corrected and deployed to the Student Experience Portal server. It resolved the problem for all clients on the shared server.

Use a student who has Document Requirements in the Student Documents in Regent. Attach a file in Regent. Create a test account for the student on the Student Experience Portal. Navigate to the Portal’s Documents area. Try to download the attached file. Confirm the document successfully downloads.

RS-23327Regent AwardR2T4

For some students who had an R2T4 resulting in a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD), Regent Award unexpectedly just "spins" and could not open the PWD tab.

When the R2T4 wizard tried to load the Institution context, one of the properties was null.

Regent Award was updated to set the Institution Context Response flag to True when processing a student R2T4.

Navigate to an affected student in Regent Award. View the student’s R2T4. Open the student PWD tab. Confirm the PWD tab is displayed.

RS-23321Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Regent unexpectedly prompted to enter a Password on an attempt to create a new user account with Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication.

Regent updated the user interface validation as part of a password policy update. The validation inadvertently had side effects on the SSO user creation.

Regent was updated to make sure a new SSO User can be created without a password.

Navigate to Administration, User. Add a new user account. Select the Authentication Type: Single Sign On. Fill in other fields. Make sure Password and Confirm Password are disabled and the new user account can be saved without error.

RS-23311Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly updating Pell amounts over or under by $0.01 or $0.02 (one or two cents).

The Pell Grant was configured in Fund Setup to round to Cents. Regent Award sometimes lost accuracy when calculating the Pell per-term amounts to the correct cents precision. The issue appeared due to some prior logic that assumed Pell Grant was always calculated in dollars. In some particular cases, the ruleset method truncated the amount while calculating a contribution of a new per-term amount to the total Pell LEU.

Regent Award is updated to ensure increased precision when calculating amounts with cents.

In Regent Award, repackage an affected student with a Pell calculation to cents. Confirm the amounts in each term are correct.

RS-23305Regent AwardUser Interface

Some Regent users who authenticated using Single Sign-On (SSO) were being prompted to change their Regent passwords.

The Regent User Account default settings were requiring a password change on next login, or required a date value for the password expiration date, for all user accounts including SSO accounts.

The Regent system settings were updated to not trigger password changes or password expirations for SSO users.

Create a user account that authenticates using SSO. Authenticate to Regent using the SSO account. Confirm the system does not prompt for a password change.

RS-23289Regent AwardAwarding

Grade level change occurred back and forth in the middle of undergraduate program, although sufficient cumulative units amount were present

Root cause
Regent Award was not resetting and tracking cumulative units correctly for non-BBAY academic years

The system logic was corrected to accurately increment cumulative units

Find the affected student. Confirm GL for AYs. Run packaging. Confirm that GL does not reduce immediately in the middle of the program and all cumulative units are increased incrementally

RS-23287Regent AwardPackaging

A packaging error was observed following the Reset Student for Conversion Process Execution. Error stated:
Error validating plan for Student [X]: The number of disbursements was attempted to be increased on a paid Pell Rebuild Award [X] in a closed Enrollment "X" [X]. This student is blocked from packaging.

Misordered Pell per-term amounts caused the issue. Some zero dollar per-term amounts in the Pell rounding were applying the cents adjustment incorrectly.

A code fix was applied and the rounding method was changed. The sort on Pell rounding was changed to sort on the Payment Period start date. Validation for the rebuild awards was also changed to ensure Pell rounding that skipped applying the cents adjustment when the per-term amount was of zero dollars.

Navigate to an affected student and perform MAP (Modify Academic Plan). Confirm the student is packaged with no errors.

RS-23276Regent AwardR2T4

In Regent Award R2T4 wizard Step 6, the system unexpectedly set some loan amounts in the “Total Amounts to Return” values instead of including them in the R2T4.

The system was applying the Award Amount from the most recent COD communication regardless of COD response type. If the most recent COD communication was a Promissory Note or Booking Notification, the Award Amount was $0 and the loan was accounted for in the “Plus Additional” fields instead of the regular R2T4.

Regent Award was updated to use the Amount from the most recent Common Record Response (RS) or COD Web Response (WB) types only.

Find an affected student who has a most recent COD response on a loan that is not an RS or WB response. Package the student. Create a new R2T4. Confirm the loan amount is included in the main R2T4 calculations. Confirm the Step 6 amounts do not display the loan in the ‘Plus Additional’ fields.

RS-23275Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

Regent unexpectedly created Spouse Documents in Waived status for a Dependent Student after completion of Verification Worksheet (VWS) when the student had previously set an incorrect value for Student Tax Filing Status during FAFSA completion.

The Document logic was relying on the Student's Tax Filing Status from FAFSA and ignoring other fields from the Verification Worksheet questions.

Regent’s Document automatic creation logic was updated to make sure the Student's Tax Filing Status from FAFSA is verified by additional parameters set during VWS completion.

Find a dependent student with an ISIR needing Verification where the Student's Tax Filing Status =2, Married, Filed Joint Return. If needed, add a new VWS Document in REM in NEEDED status in the Student Documents. Create an account on the Student Experience Portal. Complete the VWS as a Dependent Student. Sign out of the Student Experience Portal and sign in as a Parent. Complete the Parent portion of the VWS. Make sure that the system does not create the Spouse’s Tax Transcript and Spouse IRS Verification of Non Filing Letter documents.

RS-23269Regent AwardR2T4

When a school tried to create a manual R2T4, the R2T4 could not save due to an error: Award Period 2020-2021…doesn’t contain payment period.

The payment period contained disbursements from two Pell Grant awards: the regular Pell award for the payment period, and an additional, $0 Pell disbursement from a different FAY in a non-crossover term. When Regent Award recalculated the Pell amount for the R2T4 calculation, the system could not process the extra disbursement.

The R2T4 Pell Recalculation was updated to handle Pell grants from two different FAYs when one disbursement is $0.

View the affected student’s Academic Plan. View the (Hidden) Award Disbursements. Observe the $0 Pell from the previous FAY. On the Awards tab, add a new R2T4. Save. Confirm the system saves successfully.

RS-23256Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

The Disbursement Details pop-up did not display a disbursement. The disbursement was present on the award and it was successfully paid and sent to COD, but it was not visible in that screen.

A display issue prevented displaying the disbursement. The Disbursement Details screen was relying on a certain expected ordering for the disbursements in each term. When the screen collected all the disbursements for the term, it accidentally omitted a disbursement that was outside the expected sequence.

The Disbursement Details screen was updated to correctly collect and display all the disbursements for a term.

Navigate to the affected student with the missing disbursement. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Click the per-term amount for the affected award. Confirm the disbursement is displayed as expected on the Disbursement Details screen. Navigate to the Awards screen. Refresh the screen. Click the per-term amount for the affected award. Confirm the Disbursement Details displays correctly.

RS-23227Regent AwardPackaging

Awards were not reinstating for terms when a manual SAP record with ‘Satisfactory’ status was added after a former status of 'FA Suspended.'

The application didn't remove inherited calculated SAP record(s) when new SIS SAP records were loaded. As a result, the system was not able to return a payment period to the award calculation for Satisfactory SAP status.

The system removes inherited calculated SAP records when a new SIS SAP record has been loaded.

Test at a school with a SIS-provided SAP policy. Find the affected student. Load an SBL data file for a student with 'FA Suspended' SAP status and a later SAP date. Package the student. Run the SAP calculation. Add a manual 'Satisfactory' SAP status. Package the student. Confirm that awards are packaged for terms following the manual 'Satisfactory' SAP status.

RS-23197Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

When an administrator tried to select a Packaging Philosophy, the system unexpectedly did not display the Packaging Philosophy Setup.

Some Priority values in the Packaging Philosophy exceeded 9999. The screen had validation that prevented assigning values higher than 9999.

The project team was advised to try to use only values between 1 and 9999. The screen validation was updated to handle values between 1 and 99999.

At a school that previously saw the error, log into Regent Award with an Administrator account. Go to Packaging Philosophy Setup. Select a Packaging Philosophy. Confirm the Packaging Philosophy Configuration screen is displayed.

RS-23175Regent AwardPackaging

Regent unexpectedly set a lower Grade Level resulting in an under-award for Direct Loans for some students in clock-hour nonterm programs.

Regent incorrectly calculated the Cumulative Units for Grade Level Progression based on the units used for Enrollment calculation.

Regent Award logic was updated to make sure the Grade Level calculation correctly accounts for Anticipated, Actual, and Progression units.

Find an affected student and Package them. Make sure Grade Level is correctly set.

RS-23132Regent AwardR2T4

A FAY 2021-2022 Pell Grant was zeroed out right after an automated R2T4 was created.

The application canceled an eligible Pell award after calculating the automated R2T4.

The logic was reworked so that Regent Award could correctly calculate the eligible Pell award with an automated R2T4.

Find the affected student. Make sure that automated R2T4 is enabled. Load a Student Batch Load (SBL) data file with an R2T4 node and Date of Withdrawal for one course, and registration for other courses in the R2T4 term. Run packaging. Verify that the Pell amount is not reduced while the R2T4 is in 'Open' status. Finalize the R2T4. Confirm the Pell amount is reduced when the R2T4 is Finalized.

RS-23112Regent AwardAwarding

COD rejections and issues with funds not disbursed took place for the Winter 2022 term. The Cease Auto-Packaging indicator was unexpectedly applied to some aid. Some three-term BBAY Academic Years (AYs) consisted of four terms with two different aid types.

The system added an extra term to the AY because the first term was not anchored by Title IV Loan Rules.

A code fix was applied to remove the fourth term from the AY.

Navigate to affected students who have four-term AYs and execute the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). The AY should become of the correct structure, that is, three terms. For students who have Auto-Packaging Cease indicators for Pell and Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans) before MAP, for testing purposes, an Administrator can change the Auto Packaging Cease (AC) date in the Fund Setup Configuration so that the current packaging date is before the configured Auto-Packaging Cease date, e.g. if configured AC date is 12/31/2021 it can change it to 12/13/2031. After MAP, the AC indicators will be removed.

RS-23077Regent AwardReports

Regent Award was unexpectedly not printing asterisk ( * ) next to the EFC.

Regent Award was incorrectly missing an asterisk during the initial development

Regent Award is updated to add an asterisk.

In Regent Award click on the Print ISIR icon and review the Printed ISIR file.

RS-23062Regent AwardCOD

Some $0 Direct Loan amounts were exported to COD when the award amount was not zero, and a linked MPN was present in 'Accepted' status. The exported $0 amounts caused 042 rejects when the award import was attempted at COD.

In some cases, Regent Award failed to sum up the term award amounts correctly when the award amount did not match the sum of the disbursement amounts.

Award validation amount logic was updated for setting the amounts, including some amount logic from the R2T4 processes.

Find the affected student. Export the loans to COD. Confirm the correct loan amounts are exported.

RS-23022Regent AwardAwarding

[Release Notes Draft ]
The system did not round down Pell by $1 amount for the second term that caused over awarding of Pell Scheduled Award for full Academic Year (AY).

The system occasionally over-awarded Year Round Pell (YRP) amount while there was an external Pell award in the same Federal Award Year (FAY).

A code fix was applied so that the system truncates YRP amount when there is an external Pell award in the same FAY.

Find the affected students and perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP) and make sure that in the current AY, the Pell amount is rounded down by $1 for the second term.

RS-23012Student ExperienceDocuments

The 'Institutional Financial Aid Application' Smart Form had the 'Middle Initial' field required in the Student Information section.

The 'Middle Initial' field was marked as a required field in the Institutional Financial Aid Application

The 'Middle Initial' field was updated to be an optional field in the Institutional Financial Aid Application questionnaire

Test with a student who has the ‘Institutional Financial Aid Application’ Document in a Needed status. Login to the Student Experience Portal. Open the 'Institutional Financial Aid Application.' At the Student Information section, find the 'Middle Initial' field. Confirm that it is optional but not required. Continue through the Smart Form with the Middle Initial blank. Confirm the Smart Form is completed successfully without requiring a Middle Initial.

RS-22983Regent AwardAwarding

The 2022-2023 FAY was incorrectly assigned to a term that was in FAY 2021-2022.

Regent Award incorrectly assigned the FAY to the year-long, system-created default loan period.

The system has corrected logic for assigning an FAY to the default loan period. Existing default loan periods will properly adjust their FAY references when they are repackaged.

Find an affected student. Package the student. Confirm the Spring 2022 term is packaged with 2021-2022 FAY awards.

RS-22956Regent AwardDocuments

In Document Setup, the ‘Federal Award Year’ (FAY) scope setting did not return any values for selection on the Add Document screen.

When data was loaded from the client, the request to the server contained no document identifier to retrieve the available FAY list.

Client-side changes were applied in Regent Enterprise Management (REM) screens to properly send the document identifier in the request to the server.

In Document Setup, open the 'Add Document' screen. Navigate to the 'Non ISIR Assignment Scope' section. Select the Scope: Federal Award Year. Make sure that the list of FAYs is available.

RS-22945Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly packaged Pell Grant amounts that were over or under the expected award amount by .01 or .02.

The Pell Grant fund was configured to round to cents. Regent Award sometimes had inconsistent precision when calculating the per-term amount to cents in the Pell rulesets. In particular cases, the ruleset method truncated the Pell amount while calculating a contribution of a new per-term amount to the total Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU).

Regent Award Pell ruleset methods are updated with increased precision when calculating amounts with cents.

In Regent Award, repackage an affected student with a current non-Manual Pell Grant amount that is off by one or two cents. Refresh the screen. Confirm the Pell amount is correct.

RS-22830Regent AwardAwarding

Some students had overawarded Wisconsin State Grants for 2021-2022. The award amounts in Regent were higher than the amounts listed in the Notification Report or the WI Grant calculator.

The system used some incorrect WI Grant supplemental values.

The code fix was applied with the correct supplemental values for the WI Grant.

Find an affected student who has an overawarded WI Grant amount for 2021-2022 Academic Year that is not manually corrected. Perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP). Confirm the WI Grant amount matches the values from the 21-22 WI Grant Calculator.

RS-22817Regent AwardAwarding

A student's awards were not packaged to the amount of Direct Costs. The student had selected the 'Recommended Borrowing' plan in the Student Experience Portal.

Regent Award incorrectly handled the Net Amount calculations during the packaging process. As a result, the system failed to include the fees back to the award balances in the final calculation step, and that caused underawarding

The logic for the Regent Award balance tracker was updated to apply fee amounts to the award balances to avoid underawarding.

Find the affected student. Run packaging in the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard with 'Package to Direct Cost' option. Navigate to the Awards tab. Refresh. Verify the award amounts are packaged for the loan period in question. Confirm the total award amounts are packaged to the amount of direct costs.

RS-22688Regent AwardCOD

Regent unexpectedly exported some Direct Loan disbursements to COD twice after R2T4 Finalization, resulting in COD reject codes 205 and 222.

Regent incorrectly did not update the COD flag for disbursement that triggers COD export when the disbursement amount was changed after R2T4 Finalization.

Regent Award R2T4 processing logic was updated to make sure the COD flag is correctly updated on the disbursement level after R2T4 Finalization.

In Regent Award, perform an R2T4 that changes the current disbursement amount for a Direct Loan in the term. Finalize the R2T4. Export the loan to COD. Make sure there is only one disbursement in the COD export data file.

RS-22676Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly blocking packaging with a “duplicate key” error.

Regent Award sometimes incorrectly enumerated the Academic Year numbers. The bug caused some duplicated Academic Years and the associated award periods, or a gap between academic years.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that Academic Years will get correct and sequential numbers while processing.

In Regent Award, find an affected student who previously gave a “duplicate key” error. Package the student. Confirm the student is packaged without error.

RS-22510Regent Award/ReviewConfiguration/Setup

An administrator used Export Setup Configuration (XML) for the Document and DocumentAssignmentISIR settings. The XML files returned errors when they were imported back into Regent Award

Regent Award allowed the values to add duplicated External Document ID values, which should be unique per Campus. The duplication caused errors on import.

A validation layer was added onto the Document Setup screen to verify the presence of duplicated External Document ID values in the database when a user adds a new Document Requirement with a External Document ID value already in use. The screen also fixed a bug in the checkbox for ‘Always apply document requirement to all Federal Award Years’ when the Non ISIR Assignment Scope was changed from ‘Federal Award Year’ to a different scope.

Log in to Regent as an Administrator. Perform the Export Process with Export Setup Configuration, Document and DocumentAssignmentISIR, XML format. Import the exported file. Confirm no errors occur. Next, navigate to Document Setup. Note an existing External Document ID value. Add a new Document. Try to save the new Document Requirement with an already-existing External Document ID value. Confirm the new Document with the duplicate External Document ID value won't be saved. Find a Federal Award Year scoped Document with ‘Always apply document requirement to all Federal Award Years’ selected/checked. Edit that Document to have a different scope type. Save. Refresh. Confirm the checkbox is unselected for ‘Always apply document requirement to all Federal Award Years.’

RS-22265Regent AwardAwarding

After a Substantially Equal (SE) Program Change (PC) in the middle of the Academic Year (AY), a term student had a grade level changed from two (2) to one (1) as well as an enrolment level change. The Fall 2021 term was added to a Manual AY using the Program Management (PMW) wizard, with Federal Award Year (FAY) 2021-2022, but the Loan Period was not available in Awards tab (Add Award Wizard, Analyze Loan Period menu). On the Academic Plan, the Loans had a 2020-2021 FAY for Fall 2021 and the school could not add Subsidized or Unsubsidized loans for the Fall 2021 term.

The system did not correctly process a Grade Level regression (from grade 2 to 1) for the loan period after the SE PC in the middle of the AY.

The system will automatically create a Grade Level regression (from 2 to 1) loan period during packaging after a SE program change in the middle of AY for term students. A manual loan period will not be required in this case.

Test with a term-based student with a current Academic Year that starts in the Summer term and ends with a Fall term. Load an SBL with a Program Change for the student, with fewer transfer units in the new program, resulting in a grade level reduction for the student. Package the student. Process the Program Change as Substantially Equal. Confirm the Program Change is successful. Confirm the loan amounts are packaged as expected for the different grade levels. On the Loans tab, confirm the FAY on each loan is correct and the Financial Award Period Begin and End dates match the Loan Period dates. On the Awards tab, view the ‘Analyze Loan Periods’ drop-down menu. Confirm the Loan Periods are displayed and include the loan. Click Add Award. In Add Award Wizard (AAW), select the Loan Period in the AY for the individual term. Confirm AAW continues through to AAW Step 2 without error.

RS-22258Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award was unexpectedly updating the adjusted Release Date to 10/1/2021 for multiple Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan disbursements, despite the awards not being manually adjusted.

Regent Award sometimes incorrectly changed the disbursement adjusted release date.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that the disbursement adjusted release date is only updated when the award is active; the award had no payments; and the processing date is after the next origination fee start date.

Test using a backup copy of the data from before the disbursements moved for the affected students. In Regent Award, view an affected student’s Disbursement Details. Package the student. Make sure that the adjusted Release Date has not changed.

RS-22240Regent AwardR2T4

An R2T4 manually entered Pell Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed was unexpectedly not showing in the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) tab of the R2T4 Wizard.

Regent Award was not creating R2T4 PWDs for some Pell Awards. The system was overriding the Pell Amount That Could Have Been Disbursed with the Pell Amount Disbursed when the Pell Amount Disbursed was not null.

Regent Award uses the correct value for 'Pell Amount That Could Have Been Disbursed' for the R2T4 Step 6 and PWD calculations. The Pell logic now matches the logic used for other fund types in R2T4 and PWD.

In the R2T4 wizard, manually enter a Pell Grant amount to create a PWD. Navigate to the PWD tab in the wizard. Confirm the manual Pell Grant amount is on the PWD tab.

RS-22196Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly removed an undergraduate program’s final Academic Year from the Academic Plan during an undergraduate-to-graduate program change into a nonterm program.

Regent Award used the Course Enrollment Program's starting Course Enrollment Number in order to start a new nonterm program.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that an application will recalculate a Course Enrollment Program's starting Course Enrollment Number value if an old and a new program do not intersect.

In Regent Award, repackage the affected student. Confirm all the Academic Years are present.

RS-22179Regent AwardR2T4

A student had an R2T4 with additional Subsidized Loan amounts returned above the amount calculated by the R2T4 worksheet.

In some circumstances, the system used an incorrect order to decrease disbursements after an R2T4 refund.

The order of disbursements decrease after the refund was corrected to Unsubsidized Loan, Subsidized Loans, PLUS Loans, Pell Grant, FSEOG, TEACH, and IASG.

Test using a test environment where the server date can be changed (a “time machine”). Load a backup copy of the affected student with paid Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans before the R2T4. Create an R2T4 for the affected term. Confirm the R2T4 calculations are correct. Finalize the R2T4. Package the student. Confirm the Subsidized loans are not zeroing out. Confirm the Subsidized loans are not in Cancelled statuses. Use the Export Student Transactions (EST) process. Confirm the paid amounts are adjusted.

RS-22160Regent AwardAwarding

Some students in Regent Award unexpectedly had Enrollment levels of ‘Actual - None’ for Fall 2021 before the Begin Actual date was reached. The students had loan disbursements canceled in the ‘Actual - None’ terms and additional, extra disbursements were created in other terms, including in another, fully withdrawn term where the new disbursements affected the R2T4 amounts.

Regent Award was incorrectly considering enrollments with only 0-unit registered courses as “Actual - None” enrollment level and canceled the loan disbursements for the period.

Regent Award is updated to consider enrollments with only 0-unit registered course(s) as Anticipated until the Begin Actual date. Loans will still be calculated based on Anticipated units.

In Regent Award, find a student that has a term containing only course(s) with 0 registered and non-program-applicable units which are not withdrawn. Package the student before the term’s Begin Actual date. Confirm the enrollment level is still Anticipated. Repackage the student on or after the term’s Begin Actual date. Confirm the term’s enrollment level changes to ‘Actual - None.’

RS-22112Regent AwardAwarding

For some nonterm students, the Federal Aid Years (FAYs) for their paid loans were changed when the Academic Plan (AP) was pushed forward. For example, the student’s Academic Year was moving from 2020-2021 to a 2021-2022 aid year start date across the crossover dates.

The system mistakenly canceled and recreated paid loans with moving them from their original payment periods.

The code fix was applied so that system will keep paid loans in their original payment periods.

Find a student in a crossover period with already paid loans for FAY 2020-2021. Move the Academic Year start day to be after July 1st, 2022 (such as by changing the student’s course data). Confirm that the FAYs for the loans do not move forward. Confirm the FAID value is still for FAY 2020-2021. Export the loan to COD for 2020-2021. Confirm the loan is exported to COD successfully.

RS-22035Regent AwardAwarding

A school was configured to disburse Pell based on Enrollment Level Units. The ACPA EL (Attended Census Program Applicable Enrollment Level at the time that the disbursement was released) and ACPA Units (Attended Census Program Applicable Units at the time that the disbursement was released) did not display for new Pell Grant disbursements, after the prior disbursements had been canceled, in the Disbursement Details screen.

The system had conditions that prevented setting the values for ACPA EL and ACPA Units when the override amount was zero or less. These conditions were to prevent disbursement when there was no attendance in the term.

A code fix was applied so that the condition was updated to also set the ACPA EL and ACPA Units properties when a term has Attended Census Program Applicable Units.

Navigate to an affected student or source a student with canceled Pell Grant disbursements. Using Modify Award Wizard (MAW), add and Schedule a new Pell disbursement in the same Payment Period as the canceled disbursement. The ACPA EL and ACPA Units should populate for the canceled and newly scheduled disbursements in the Disbursement Details screen.

RS-22015Regent AwardUser Interface

The Packaging Philosophy name displayed on the Academic Plan tab and Awards tab did not match the configured option name listed in Modify Academic Plan (MAP).

A code change had updated the Packaging Philosophy name only for current or future Academic Years (AYs). The system updated only the AYs where upcoming AYs needed to be packaged with the overriden Packaging Philosophy, but did not override the Packaging Philosophy for the upcoming years (keeping the old values).

The code change was reverted.

As an Administrator, confirm the current Default values for the configuration settings in Institution Setup → Campus Setup → Packaging Philosophy Setup, ‘Default Campus Packaging Philosophy’ and ‘Alternative Packaging Philosophy.’ If you make any configuration changes, also Reload RNA Setup. View an affected student who uses the Default Packaging Philosophy. On the student’s Academic Plan, use the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP), selecting the Default packaging philosophy. Observe the Packaging Philosophy Override is set to the Default packaging philosophy. Find another affected student who uses the Alternative Packaging Philosophy. MAP the student and confirm the Plan Packaging Philosophy Override is set to the Alternative Packaging Philosophy. Change the Alternative Packaging Philosophy to Default Campus Default Philosophy and finish MAP. Refresh. Confirm the Academic Plan now displays the Packaging Philosophy: Alternative Packaging Philosophy.

RS-21990Regent AwardAwarding

A couple students had many, multiple disbursement records created for Pell awards for FAY 2021-2022.

Regent Award incorrectly assigned a 'Historic' flag to some enrollments. That caused duplicate terms and academic years creation on the Academic Plan screen. As a result, the duplicate terms were packaged with Pell that triggered the cancel-recreate process for the Pell disbursements. Regent Award also incorrectly distributed the Year-Round Pell (YRP) amounts between unpaid disbursements, and generated another new disbursement after the payment.

The system logic was updated to assign and remove the Historic flag based on the program's start/end dates. The YRP Pell logic was also fixed for the distribution approach of amounts between unpaid disbursements.

Find an affected student. Run packaging. Confirm that the student’s Academic Plan structure does not have duplicate terms or duplicate Academic Years. Confirm no new disbursements are created on each subsequent packaging run.

RS-21936Regent AwardConversion

For some students with Manual Academic Years, Regent Award unexpectedly incorrectly processed the Academic Years (AYs) making them overlap and/or numbered out of order.

Regent Award had incorrectly raised an exception when a term was moved from one Manual Academic Year to another Manual Academic Year during the Program Management Wizard (PMW).

Regent Award is updated to ensure that the system will correctly process cases when a term is moved from one Manual AY to another Manual AY during the PMW.

Find an affected student. Package the student. Confirm the Academic Plan displays the AYs in order. Confirm the AY dates do not overlap.

RS-21814Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly did not prorate loans for a Quarter Term Program undergraduate student when the final Academic Year had four terms, including the optional Summer header, and the student’s final enrollment was in the middle, Winter term.

Regent used redundant verification resulting in a Direct Loan not being prorated.

Regent Logic was updated to make sure loan amount proration is correctly applied to Quarter Term students.

Find an affected student with a shortened Remaining Period of Study in their final Academic Year. Package them. Make sure Direct Loan amounts are prorated.

RS-21798Regent Award/ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

Regent unexpectedly used negative Parent and Student Aggregated Gross Income or Income Earned from Work instead of zeroing them out resulting in incorrect EFC in ISIR Correction Wizard.

Regent was not checking Parent and Student Aggregated Gross Income or Income Earned from Work values for negative values for EFC calculation.

Regent logic was updated to make sure negative values could be used while 0 amounts will be used for EFC calculation.

Open ISIR correction Wizard and set a negative number for any of these three values: Parent and Student Aggregated Gross Income or Income Earned from Work. Navigate to Wizard Step 2. Make sure EFC is calculated using 0 (zero) amount of updated values.

RS-21523Regent AwardPackaging

Regent unexpectedly set a high disbursement number for Direct Loan disbursements resulting in COD Reject.

Regent incorrectly canceled and recreated awards and disbursements due to the withdrawal from courses and enrolling again.

Regent logic was updated to modify existing disbursements when student withdrew and re-enroll into courses.

Find student with awarded with Direct Loan and withdrew from some of the courses in term. Package student. Add courses back and Package student. Make sure existing disbursements are updated instead of creation of a new ones.

Added from Dev 4/26/2022

Affected students will need to have a cleanup script https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/browse/RS-15586

RS-21494Regent AwardPackaging

A data-cleanup script for Regent Award was not able to resolve some cases of duplicated Academic Years for SAY Programs/AYs that were caused by problematic past program data and program changes.

Regent Award had a FAY and Crossover check that reassigned Federal Award Year IDs (FAIDs) when the Loan Period's FAY ID doesn't match the Award Period's FAY ID. However, the system did not apply the logic if the Loan Period was the default Loan Period.

Regent Award is updated to remove the "is default Loan Period" check from the code that checked whether the Loan Period’s FAY in the FAID doesn't match the Award Period's FAY. Now, the system fixes the Loan Period's FAID even if it is on the default Loan Period.

Find an affected student in the population from the script to resolve Duplicate AYs for SAY Program/AYs. Run the script. Package the student. Confirm the student is packaged successfully.

RS-20829Regent AwardPackaging

Some students had packaging execution blocked by an error similar to, “Error validating plan for Student…The payment period on paid disbursement number [#] with fund and paid amount was moved from original pp (Removed Payment Period Id) to pp”

Regent Award was not able to change the payment period identifiers for paid disbursements. That caused data duplication and triggered the blocking error during the packaging.

The logic was updated to allow changing the payment period ID values for paid disbursements, as long as the term is the same.

Find an affected student. Run packaging such as the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Make sure that no blocking errors occur at MAP wizard on all steps. Confirm the student’s Academic Plan contains only one instance of each term.

RS-20754Regent AwardEnrollment

In Term Setup, Programs sub-tab, Regent Award unexpectedly included Enrollment Level values from other Institutions in the Enrollment Level dropdown.

Regent Award did not apply the filter to select Enrollment Level setup only from the Campus and Institution when populating records for Progam-Term editing.

Regent Award is updated to ensure for the Program-Term editor, the Enrollment Levels now are displayed only for the ones from the Campus and Institution the Program belongs to.

Test at a school with multiple Institutions. In Regent Award, Term Setup, open the Programs sub-tab. View the Enrollment Level dropdown for programs. Confirm the Enrollment Level values are specific to the Institution and Campus.

RS-19466Regent AwardDocuments

A calculated R2T4 Refund Pell amount was not fully returned on the Export Student Transactions for Accounts Receivable (EST for AR).

The application incorrectly updated the term award amount after finalizing an R2T4 with a Refund.

The calculation approach during the R2T4 finalization process was fixed.

Find an affected student with an R2T4 in Open status and a Refund result for a Pell Grant. Confirm the amounts in Step 10. Finalize the R2T4. Run packaging. Review the disbursement amounts on the term when R2T4 took place. The disbursement amounts should correspond to the Step 10 amounts of the R2T4 wizard.

RS-19281Regent AwardAwarding

A student's Pell eligibility was not calculated correctly, and caused underawarding.

Regent Award applied incorrect rounding rules combined with invalid handling of external Pell history usage during the eligibility calculation process.

The awarding logic was updated to take into account the external Pell percentage used.

Find a student who has an external Pell Award (at a non-Regent school) in the same FAY. Confirm the Pell percentage used. Package the student. Review the current FAY Pell amount. Edit the Pell in Modify Award Wizard. Confirm the remaining eligibility calculation in the FAY is taking into account the external Pell percentage used. For example, if the external Pell was used at 50%, Regent Award should still be able to package up to 50% of the regular Pell scheduled amount (and up to an additional 50% of YRP).

RS-19186Regent AwardR2T4

Regent unexpectedly included attended courses' units withdrawn prior to the R2T4 Withdrawal Date (WDD) into the Recalculated Pell amount for R2T4 when R2T4 WDD is before Census.

Regent incorrectly calculated the non-Census Enrollment level for the Recalculated R2T4 Pell amount.

Regent was updated to ensure the Enrollment Level for Recalculated R2T4 Pell amount on a student who withdrew prior to or on Census date includes attended courses withdrawn on the WDD.

In Regent create or find a term student enrolled in 3 courses (A, B, C). Post attendance on courses A and B only. Withdraw from all three courses, with the withdrawal date for course A prior to the R2T4 WDD, and course B and C withdrawal date = R2T4 WDD. Use the R2T4 WDD on or before the Census Date. Add R2T4 and make sure R2T4 Recalculated Pell amount is calculated according to Enrollment Level that is based on only the course B units.

RS-19137Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Regent Award unexpectedly didn't allow to create Fund Budget without Federal Award Year (FAY) selection for Funds that have Scope Academic Year (AY).

Regent unexpectedly required FAY selection for Fund Budget when Fund Scope is AY.

Regent UI logic was updated to make FAY selection is not needed for Fund Budget when Fund Scope is AY.

Create Budget for a Fund that has Scope AY. Do not define FAY and Save Budget. Make sure Budget is saved without error.

RS-18895Regent AwardAwarding

A student was underawarded Pell by $1 when packaged close to the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU) limits.

The Pell calculation had an internal function that returned an invalid Pell LEU amount in some cases. The result caused underawarding when LEU approached the limit.

The logic of the function was updated.

In Regent Award, find a student who has a Pell LEU value of 599%. Package the student. Verify that after the packaging, the Pell is awarded up to the 600% LEU limit. Run the 'Pell LEU' Report. Make sure that none of the students have Pell LEU amounts over 600% after repackaging.

RS-18696Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award did not calculate eligible Pell amounts properly for some students in clock-hour programs.

The application made an incorrect Pell Formula 4 nonterm Pell award calculation in a shortened remaining period of study (RPS) Academic Year. The miscalculation caused overawarding.

The calculation logic was updated to eliminate the risk of overawarding Pell for clock-hour programs in a shortened RPS AY.

Find an affected student enrolled in a clock-hour program and having a Pell award in a shortened RPS academic year. Run packaging. Verify that Pell amounts are correct for the shortened payment periods.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
The build script ensures schools that have currently configured Documents to auto-assign for specific Funds will continue to have those documents auto-assigned during packaging after upgrading to the release.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script sets the configuration setting to True/selected for the new Programs configuration setting added in the release for Document Setup → Packaging Assignment tab, Programs, ‘Select all programs (including ones that may be added in the future).’ The script will only set that value to True for Documents that are already currently configured for Packaging Assignment with specific selected Funds (not “Select all funds”). The script will not set the selected Programs for any Documents currently configured with “Select all funds” as true, or with “Enable Packaging Process” as unselected.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, identify any current Documents configured in Document Setup with specific Funds selected in the Packaging Assignment tab. Upgrade to the release. Reload RNA Setup. Refresh the Document Setup screen. Confirm the new option is selected/checked for 'Select all programs (including ones that may be added in the future.)' Find a student eligible for one of the selected funds in Document Setup. Add an award from that fund. Confirm the system auto-assigns the Student Document Requirement.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-23494Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data Views for Regent Fund

Tickets: RS-23494; RS-19198;


The following Data Views were created for new tables:

  • dataExtract_FundDonorInformation_View_v001
  • dataExtract_PackagingGridFund_View_v001

The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_Fund_View_v009 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v00n to fit the new Data View Guideline)
RS-23352Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates per 6.0 Release

Tickets: RS-23352; RS-23516;


The following Data Views were created for new tables:

  • dataExtract_CommunicationTemplateFileFund_VAEducationalBenefits_View_v001
  • dataExtract_DocumentProgram_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ExportAccessDatabaseExtractFileHistory_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ImportAwardMetadata_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ImportAwardRankingElementResult_View_v001
  • dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_SAP_View_v001
  • dataExtract_InstitutionPortalComponentType_View_v001
  • dataExtract_MenuType_View_v001
  • dataExtract_Query_View_v001
  • dataExtract_QueryExecution_View_v001
  • dataExtract_QueryExecutionStudent_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RankingPrioritySetup_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RankingPrioritySetupElementLimit_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RankingPrioritySetupRankingElement_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RankingPrioritySetupSortingElement_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RegentFundAwardData_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RegentFundAwardDisbursementData_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RegentFundAwardMetadata_View_v001
  • dataExtract_RegentFundRankingElementResult_View_v001

The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_RebuildAward_View_v006
  • dataExtract_RebuildDisbursement_View_v004
  • dataExtract_InstitutionUserDefinedField_View_v003 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_InstitutionUserDefinedField_Config_View_v002 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_Document_View_v007 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_Document_Config_View_v006 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_ImportAwardDisbursement_View_v004
  • dataExtract_Award_View_v006
  • dataExtract_Disbursement_View_v006
  • dataExtract_Location_View_v010 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v009 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_Site_View_v007 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_Site_Config_View_v006 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_CommunicationTemplateFile_View_v003 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_CommunicationTemplateFile_Config_View_v002 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_General_View_v006 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_General_Config_View_v005 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_SAPSetup_View_v004 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_SAPSetup_Config_View_v003 to fit the new Data View Guideline)
  • dataExtract_ImportAward_View_v004
  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v011 (the name was updated from the dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v010 to fit the new Data View Guideline)

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