/ COD Release Announcement COD Release Announcement

Product Release6.7.2.0
Release Date5/6/24

COD Announcement

Additional Documents

Product Release Summary

This announcement includes a summary of Regent's COD release 6.7.2.

Further details on enhancements/new features and a complete list of bug fixes can be found in the Release Notes. 

The Release Notes also contain information on new configuration options, and a list of updates to the Admin Guide and User Guide.


Other Documentation 

In addition to the Product Brief, the following documentation is also available: 

System Requirements

Any client currently using Regent Award may take Regent 6.7.2 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take Regent 6.7.2 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Access may take Regent 6.7.2 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Fund may take Regent 6.7.2 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the Regent 6.7.2 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the Regent 6.7.2 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Fund may take the Regent 6.7.2 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Some Regent Access clients may take the Regent 6.7.2 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. Please work with your Account Manager for additional information. Note: All current customer-specific functionality in the legacy portal may not be available in the new Student Experience portal at this time.

Clients using Regent Award for Salesforce will not need to upgrade to a new Salesforce application version in order to continue current functionality.

New Feature Overview for Regent 6.7.2

Standard Regulatory Updates in Support of 2024-2025 COD Processing

With the 6.7.2 release, Regent supports the new 5.0b COD schema per guidance in the 2024–2025 COD Technical Reference and other official documentation.  Aligning updates have been made to support Pell YTD files, Direct Loan and TEACH rebuild files, files for Direct Loan and Pell Reconciliation, and Pell MRR files for the new year.

Prior year Common Record files will all continue to be processed using the schemas in place for those years.   Users must upgrade to 5.0b with Release 6.7.2 to process Pell, Direct Loan, and TEACH Common Record files for 2024-2025 to COD.

Schema 5.0b is also required for all Web Response files and COD system-generated files created after COD’s upgrade to 5.0b the weekend of April 21, 2024.  If clients checked the ‘Transmit/Import Manually’ box in Process SAIG Message Class Setup for one or more of these files to ensure none were imported until 5.0b was available in Regent,  those boxes may be unchecked after upgrading to 6.7.2 to resume automatic processing of:

  • CO -Credit Override 
  • BN - Response - Booking Notification  
  • EC - Response - Counseling Acknowledgement 
  • ND - Response - Negative Disbursement 
  • SP - Response - PLUS Application Acknowledgement  
  • PN - Response - Promissory Note 
  • SU - Response - SULA Acknowledgement
  • AC - Response - TEACH Grant Counseling
  • WB - Response - Web-Initiated 
  • CS - Response- Credit Status 
  • IB - Response- Informed Borrower

Changes in the new schema include tags for Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG) and Children of Fallen Heroes (CFH) eligibility as well as sending Enrollment Intensity Percentage (EIP) for Pell disbursements in addition to traditional enrollment level reporting for all disbursements.  

The 2024-2025 COD Message Classes have been added to the SAIG Mailbox integration feature – they will set dynamically as ‘Active’ for SAIG processing in Regent if the related classes for the prior FAY are configured as ‘Active’.  We do recommend you review your setup to ensure everything is as you wish it for the new processing year. 

Note: Please ensure any documents related to processing 2024-2025 funds are FAY-scoped.

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