Document Assignment and Auto-Satisfy Rules

Document Assignment and Auto-Satisfy Rules


The following sections outline the specific criteria for document requirements to be auto-assigned and auto-satisfied by Regent Award based on ISIR and COD Import data.

ISIR Assignment Rules

Documents can be assigned using ANY of the parameters on the ISIR tab.  If a document is set up to use Verification Groups the document will not be assigned unless at least one of those V-Groups is present on the ISIR

Parameters must be considered as follows:

  • Within a specific parameter, use an OR condition (any of the values chosen for that parameter will be used for assignment, but the student would not have to match all of them)
  • Across parameters, use an AND condition (if I choose a value in two different parameters, both values must match the student in order for the document to be assigned)

As a result, we should then have this capability:

  • If there is only one condition in setup and a match is made then the doc should be assigned.
  • If multiple conditions are in setup, then each condition should be met in order for the document to be assigned.

Note, the functionality around assigning documents via the ISIR does not use the Document Setup, "Enforce Scope Uniqueness" flag. 

Matching Examples

Document Setup NameISIR Doc SetupStudent ISIR must be matched on
2012 Spouse W-2/Non-Tax Filer 171171
2012 Student’s Federal Income Verification(170,171,V1,V5)

170 OR 171 AND V1 OR V5

2013-14 Dependent Verification Worksheet 1 (170, V1, Blank/Dep)

170 AND V1 AND Blank OR Dependent

If an ISIR is made active manually, and the transaction number is the same as, or higher than the prior active ISIRs transaction number, the normal document assignment rules will apply at the time the ISIR is made active, and document requirements will be assigned to the student.  Documents will also be auto-satisfied or auto-waived based on the functionality described below.  Tasks are also assigned to the student, if the appropriate criteria is met, and if the student's demographic data is not SIS managed, the demographic data will be updated with the new information received on the new active ISIR.

Note:  If an ISIR is made active manually, but the new active ISIR has a lower transaction number than the previously active ISIR, the ISIR-related document requirements will not be auto-assigned or auto-satisfied.  

IRS Data Match Flag Assignment and Satisfaction Rules

If the student has an '02' IRS Data Match Flag on their ISIR AND the student has a 170 or 171 comment code on their ISIR, Regent Award will assign the student the document requirement for the appropriate FAY with the Document Use value of Facilitate Student IRS Data Match AND set the document to a status of 'Waived.'

If the parent has an '02' IRS Data Match Flag and the student has a 170 comment code on their ISIR, Regent Award will assign the student the document requirement for the appropriate FAY with the Document Use value of Facilitate Parent IRS Data Match AND set the document to a status of 'Waived.'

These document requirements can be automatically set to 'Waived' based on the following criteria:

  1. The document is associated with Comment Code 170 or 171
  2. The Active ISIR has a Comment Code of either 170 or 171
  3. The document has 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value of 'Student IRS Request Flag' and the value of the Student IRS Request Flag on the ISIR is '02' OR the document has 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' selection of 'Parent IRS Request Flag' and the value of the Parent IRS Request Flag on the ISIR is '02.'
  4. The current document status is one of the following:
    • Unsatisfied
    • Needed
    • Received
    • Incomplete

Note:  When the current status is already set to 'Waived' it will not be changed.

Release of Regent Award (October 2017) added additional functionality for assigning documents to students based on the Student and Parent IRS Data Match Flag values.  Please note, this new capability does not replace the feature described above, nor does it include the auto-satisfaction of a document upon assignment.  The ISIR assignment tab in Regent Award provides the ability to assign a document to a student based on any value that is received in the Student and/or Parent IRS Data Match Flag on the ISIR, regardless of the 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value chosen When the document is set up. 

399 C-code Documents 

Students who receive a 399 comment code on their 17/18 ISIR must have both 17/18 and 16/17 disbursements blocked immediately, while the comment code is resolved. The 399 comment code will only ever be on the 17/18 ISIR, the 16/17 ISIR will not have this code. Regent Award will trigger a blocking document for both 16/17 and 17/18 to accommodate this need.

In order to use Regent Award's built-in capability to assign a disbursement blocking document to a student who has the 399 C-code on their 2017-2018 ISIR, schools must configure a document as follows:

  • FAY scoped
  • Scope value of 2016-2017 & 2017-2018 ONLY
  • Document Name: 'Prior-Prior Conflicting 2015 and 2016 Tax Data'
  • ISIR-assigned (based on the 399 C-Code)
  • Restrictions:  Positive Disbursements and/or Positive and Negative Disbursements

The logic detects that the 399 comment code has come in on the student's 17/18 ISIR and, as a result, assigns the 16/17 blocking document to the student. Regent Award will naturally assign the 17/18 blocking document via current Document Setup.  Regent Award will also naturally auto-satisfy the 17/18 scoped document when the 399 C-code does not appear on a subsequent ISIR.  The document that was assigned with the 16/17 scope value must be manually satisfied by the end user.

This functionality is part of the ISIR Import process and may not be needed beyond September 30, 2018.

Auto-Satisfying ISIR Document Requirements

The existing requirement is to set a document as 'Satisfied' if there is a non-Satisfied (not in the 'Satisfied' status) document requirement for the student, where all comment codes associated with a document on an ISIR have been cleared from the active ISIR.  Furthermore, the scope of the document determines whether or not the ISIR FAY must match Document Setup in order for the Document to be Auto-Satisfied.

  1. An 'FAY' scoped ISIR assigned document set to apply to only a specific FAY, say, 2019-2020, can be satisfied only by a 2019-2020 ISIR meeting the criteria above. 
  2. A 'Student' scoped ISIR assigned document can be satisfied by an ISIR for any FAY, meeting the criteria above.
  3. An 'FAY' scoped ISIR assigned document set to apply to all FAYs can be satisfied by an ISIR for any FAY, meeting the criteria above.

ISIR Reject Codes

  • For specific FAY Scoped Documents:
    • Documents assigned in response to a specific ISIR Reject Code will auto-satisfy if a subsequent ISIR from the same FAY is received without that specific ISIR Reject Code.
  • For Student Scoped documents, for documents assigned to All FAYs:
    • Documents assigned in response to a specific ISIR Reject Code will auto-satisfy if a subsequent ISIR from any FAY is received without that specific ISIR Reject Code.
  • If the document is assigned by multiple reject codes, all of those reject codes must be cleared for the document to be auto-satisfied.
  • If the document is assigned by reject codes AND comment codes, then clearance of either the set of reject codes OR the set of comment codes will auto-satisfy the document based on the following logic:
    • If A and B must both occur to trigger the document assignment, then clearance of either A or B should auto-satisfy the document.

      • For example, if a document is configured to trigger on comment code 123 and comment code 789, once the document is assigned, either of the two comment codes can be cleared off a subsequent ISIR in order for the document to be auto-satisfied.
    • If A or B must occur to trigger the document assignment and both exist, then both A and B must be cleared to auto-satisfy the document.

      • For example, if a document is configured to trigger on comment code 123 or comment code 789, once the document is assigned, both comment codes must be cleared off a subsequent ISIR in order for the document to be auto-satisfied.

Verification Groups

Regent Award does not auto-satisfy documents for which a verification group has been used to assign the document because a Verification Group will never be cleared on a subsequent ISIR.  

Regent Award will auto-waive documents for which, upon ISIR import, a student moves from a non-Verification Group V5 to a V5 Group and the other following occurred:

  • The document is set up as follows:

    • Any/all Verification Groups except for V5 are configured

    • 'Enforce Scope Uniqueness' is either checked or unchecked

  • A 2nd document is a setup for students who fall into the V5 Verification Group
  • The document has not been satisfied

Regent Award will also make the following note in the waived document: 'This document has been waived due to import of an ISIR selected for V5 verification.'

Disabling Auto-Satisfy

If the school has configured document setup to use the 'Disable Auto-Satisfy feature' on the ISIR assignment tab, Regent Award will not apply the auto-satisfaction rules.

Re-opening ISIR assigned documents

If the 'Allow Document to be 'Re-opened' During Scope Period' checkbox is checked, a document can be assigned, satisfied, and re-opened within a given FAY, if the student meets the conditions for assigning this document multiple times within the FAY.  For example:  

  1. The student has a Comment Code 132 (C-Code for Defaulted Federal Loan).
  2. At ISIR Import, the Loan Default Document assigned by Comment Code 132 is assigned to the student.
  3. The Loan Default Document has been configured as a FAY-scoped document.
  4. The Loan Default Document has been configured to allow 're-opening' of the document during scope period.
  5. Student resolves the default and a new ISIR is received without the 132 Code.
  6. The Document assigned by Comment Code 132 is marked Satisfied at ISIR import.
  7. The student begins to receive aid during the FAY.
  8. Original defaulted loan or another loan goes into default again during the same FAY.
  9. New CPS system-generated ISIR received with a new 132 Code.
  10. Loan Default Document is 're-opened' (reset to the status indicated by the 'Set Initial Status To' field on document setup) at ISIR import.

For ISIR Documents that are re-opened:

  • The Document Requirement Status is reset to the 'Set Initial Status To' field from document setup
  • The Document Requirement Status Change on Date is set to the current date/time
  • Assign ISIR is set to the ID of the ISIR that reopened the Document Requirement
  • The Reviewed Date is cleared
  • The Message is set to Document requirement reopened by ISIR transaction {#}
  • The ModifiedBy/On values are updated

COD Document Auto-Assign and Auto-Satisfy Rules 

The following section outlines the file types and processes supported for auto-assigning and auto-satisfying student document requirements from COD import data in Regent Award.  

  • If the document is assigned to the Student in any non-Satisfied status, the receipt of the COD response file auto-satisfies the document requirement.
  • If the document is not assigned to the Student, the receipt of the COD response auto-assigns the document requirement in 'Satisfied' status.

Important Notes:

  • The functionality around assigning documents via COD imports does not use the Document Setup, "Enforce Scope Uniqueness" flag.
  • Documents of scope AY and PP cannot be auto-created from COD import data; only Student and FAY scoped docs can be created from COD imports.  

PN, RS and WB Response File Type

For each of the distinct matched Students in the data:

  • When COD Award's MPN ID contains an 'M' at the 10th position
    • Then set/assign the document with the 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to = 'MPN' to the student
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the PN, RS or WB file
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'
  • When COD Award's MPN ID contains an 'N' at the 10th position
    • And the borrower's SSN equals the student SSN (or the borrower's SSN is NULL), set/assign the document with the 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to = 'GPLUSMPN' to the student
      • ..for the same COD Financial Award Year as the PN, RS or WB file
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'
  • When COD Award's MPN ID contains an 'N' at the 10th position
    • And the borrower's SSN does not equal the student's SSN, set/assign the document with the 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'PLUSMPN' to the student.
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the PN, RS or WB file
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'

EC Response File Type

For each of the distinct matched Students in the data:

  • When <CounselingType> = 'DLSEntranceCounseling'
    • Assign all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Undergraduate Loan Entrance Counseling' to the student
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the EC file (if the Document is set to use a specific FAY)
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'
    • If a document already matching these criteria is assigned to the Student and is not 'Satisfied', then mark it as 'Satisfied'
  • When <CounselingType> = 'DLPEntranceCounseling'
    • Assign all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Graduate Loan Entrance Counseling' to the student
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the EC file (if the Document is set to use a specific FAY)
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'
    • If a document already matching these criteria is assigned to the Student and is not 'Satisfied', then mark it as 'Satisfied'


    • Assign all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Undergraduate Loan Entrance Counseling' to the student
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the EC file (if the Document is set to use a specific FAY)
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'
    • If a document already matching these criteria is assigned to the Student and is not 'Satisfied', then mark it as 'Satisfied'
  • When <CounselingType> = 'ExitCounseling'
    • Assign all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Exit Counseling' to the student
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the EC file (if the Document is set to use a specific FAY)
      • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'
    • If a document already matching these criteria is assigned to the Student and is not 'Satisfied', then mark it as 'Satisfied'

AT Response File Type

For each of the distinct matched Students in the data:

  • Assign all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to equal to 'Facilitate TEACH Agreement to Serve' to the student
    • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the AT file
    • ...with a status of 'Satisfied'

AC Response File Type 

For each of the distinct matched Students in the data:

  • When <CounselingType> = 'TEACHCounseling'
    • Find all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Facilitate TEACH Entrance Counseling'
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the AC file
      • ...Set those documents to Status = 'Satisfied' 
    • If no such documents exist, create a NEW document with  a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to =  'Facilitate TEACH Entrance Counseling' and set its Status to 'Satisfied' 
  • When <CounselingType> = 'TEACHExit'
    • ...Find all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Facilitate TEACH Exit Counseling'
      • ...for the same COD Financial Award Year as the AC file
      • ...Set those documents to Status = 'Satisfied' 
    • If no such documents exist, create a NEW document with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to =  'Facilitate TEACH Exit Counseling' and set its Status to 'Satisfied' 

SP, RS, and WB response types

For each of the distinct matched Students in the data:

  • When <CreditDecisionStatus> = 'A' (Accepted)  OR <CreditRequirementsMet> = true AND the Fund is either DLPLUS or DLGraduatePLUS
    • ...Find all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Facilitate PLUS Loan Credit Decision'
    • ...Set those documents to Status = 'Satisfied' and Reason = 'Document requirement satisfied by COD 'XX' Document ID 2015-02-04T09:59:05.0500000001.', where 'XX' is the response file type (SP, RS, WB, OF, etc.) and the Document ID number is the appropriate document ID number from the <DocumentID> tag in the response file.
  • If no such documents exist, create a NEW document with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to =  'Facilitate PLUS Loan Credit Decision' and set its Status to 'Satisfied' and Reason =  'Document requirement satisfied by COD 'XX' Document ID 2015-02-04T09:59:05.0500000001.', where 'XX' is the response file type (SP, RS, WB, OF, etc.) and the Document ID number is the appropriate document ID number from the <DocumentID> tag in the response file.

CS response type

For each of the distinct matched Students in the data:

  • When <PLUSCounselingCompleted> = true
    • ...Find all documents with a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to 'Facilitate PLUS Loan Credit Counseling'
    • ...Set all those documents to Status ='Satisfied' and Reason = 'Document requirement satisfied by COD 'XX' Document ID 2015-02-04T09:59:05.0500000001.', where 'XX' is the response file type - CS and the Document ID number is the appropriate document ID number from the <DocumentID> tag in the response file.
  • If no such documents exist, create a NEW document with  a 'Select the Process that this document facilitates' value equal to =  'Facilitate PLUS Loan Credit Counseling' and set it's Status to 'Satisfied' and Reason =  'Document requirement satisfied by COD 'XX' Document ID 2015-02-04T09:59:05.0500000001.', where 'XX' is the response file type (SP, RS, WB, OF, etc.) and the Document ID number is the appropriate document ID number from the <DocumentID> tag in the response file.

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