Document Setup Data Elements


The Document Setup screen provides the ability to create documents that are required for packaging, disbursement, and other system processes and/or eligibility requirements. 


General Subtab

Field Name





Business Rules

Field Name





Business Rules

2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

When this field is set, the Document Setup screens will only display configurable fields and options that apply to 2023-2024 and prior Federal Award Years.

Document Name



Text box - alphanumerical 60 characters max


Displays in UI, in the student portal and in communications. Visible to student

Auto Process During ISIR Import




  • Unselected

  • Selected

This checkbox is only a visual aid to show ISIR processes are associated with a document.

Auto Process During Packaging




  • Unselected

  • Selected

This checkbox is only a visual aid to show if packaging restrictions are associated with a document.





  • Unselected

  • Selected

This checkbox is only a visual aid to show if restrictions are associated with this document

Assign by SBL




  • Unselected

  • Selected

This checkbox is only a visual aid to show if SBL assignments are associated with a document.

Enable SAP Assignment




  • Unselected

  • Selected

This checkbox is only a visual aid to show if SAP assignments are associated with a document. Selected if 'Enable SAP Assignment' is checked on the SAP Assignment tab.

Enforce Scope Uniqueness




  • Unselected

  • Selected 

When checked, automated processes, and SNAP, cannot assign this document more than one time per scope value combination. Meaning you cannot have 2 documents attached to the same FAY or same AY.

Office Use Only




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If checked, this document is hidden from the student on the student portal and is excluded from student communications.

Document Determines Award Eligibility for Fund(s)




  • Unselected 

  • Selected

Indicates when the document is being used by a fund to determine eligibility.

Block My Borrowing Tool 




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

When this option displays with a checked box, the document will block the My Borrowing tool in Student Experience if it is in one of the following statuses: 'Needed', 'Incomplete', 'Received' or 'Unsatisfied.'  If the student has a 'Block My Borrowing Tool' document in 'Satisfied' or 'Waived' status, then the My Borrowing tool will be enabled in Student Experience.  This option is not available for FAY or Payment Period scoped document




Text box - alphanumeric 60 characters max


Brief description of the document's purpose.  

External Enterprise ID



Text box - alphanumerical


External ID that can be used for mapping or reporting purposes by the school.

External Institutional ID



Text box - alphanumerical


External ID that can be used for mapping or reporting purposes by the institution.

External Campus ID



Text box - alphanumerical


External ID that can be used for mapping or reporting purposes by the campus.

External Document ID



Text box - alphanumerical 50 characters max


Used to match imported documents to setup. Also used for site-to-site transfer of Documents. 
This value should be unique. No duplicates are allowed




File attachment selection

 Allows file types of .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .html, .pff, .tif, .jpg, .rtf, .wps, and .heic

Used to attach PDF(s) or eForm(s) in the portal for viewing/downloading by the student. Visible to student

Smart Form Type




  • Financial Aid Application

  • Net Price Calculator

  • Enrollment Application

  • Verification Worksheet

  • Estimated Financial Plan

  • Estimated Financial Aid Award Package

  • Scholarship Application

  • Admissions Application

  • Leave of Absence Form

  • Exit Interview

  • Shopping Sheet

  • External Resources Form

  • Tuition Calculator

  • Financial Aid Award Letter

  • Asset Information Form

  • TX Application for Student Financial Aid (TASFA)

  • Title IV Authorizations

  • FERPA Authorizations

  • Pledge to Remain Drug Free

  • Thank You Note 

  • PLUS Authorization/Credit check - Spanish version 

  • PLUS Override Request form - Spanish 

  • PLUS Authorization/Credit Check - English Version 

  • VA – CA: Rights and Responsibilities 

  • VA – Statement of Understanding 

  • VA – Prior Education 

  • Salute to Service Scholarship 

  • Parent FAFSA Refusal 

  • Dependency Override Renewal Form 

  • Dependency Override Form 

Used by SNAP to map the Smart Form Type to the appropriate questionnaire type in SNAP.

Attachment Allowed




  • Yes (default)

  • No

When "yes" is selected, the upload icon will be available for this document in the SNAP document portlet. When "no" is selected, the upload icon will not be available for this document in the SNAP document portlet.

Enable Students to Add Document




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If this field is enabled, this document requirement will display in the dropdown for a student to be able to add the document requirement in the Student Experience portal.

Select the Process that this document facilitates.




  • Block My Borrowing Tool 

  • Facilitate C-code Resolution

  • Facilitate Credit Balance

  • Facilitate SAP Review

  • Facilitate PJ Review

  • Facilitate R2T4/PWD Review

  • Facilitate Drug Conviction Review

  • Facilitate Student Identity Review

  • Facilitate Citizenship Status Review

  • Facilitate Default/ Overpayment Review

  • Facilitate Selective Service Review

  • Facilitate Response to Student Inquiry

  • Facilitate Parent IRS Data Match Flag

  • Facilitate Student IRS Data Match Flag

  • Facilitate TEACH Entrance Counseling

  • Facilitate TEACH Exit Counseling

  • Facilitate TEACH Agreement to Serve

  • Facilitate Verification

  • Respond to Student Inquiry

  • Review Conflicting Information

  • Review Food Stamp

  • Review Child Support

  • Review Household Size/No. in College

  • Review Aggregate Limit

  • Review Student/Spouse Tax Information

  • Review Parent(s) Tax Information

  • Review Max Pell Eligibility Limit

  • Undergraduate Loan Entrance Counseling

  • Graduate Loan Entrance Counseling

  • Review SNAP Initiated Document

  • MPN



  • Pell LEU 450%

  • Pell LEU 600%

  • Facilitate PWD Response

  • Exit Counseling

  • Facilitate Federal Grant Processing

  • Facilitate State Grant Processing

  • Facilitate Institutional Grant Processing

  • Military Document

  • Scholarship

  • Other

  • Facilitate SAP Appeal Process

  • Facilitate PLUS Loan Credit Counseling

  • Facilitate PLUS Loan Credit Decision

  • Facilitate Veteran Assistance Benefits

  • Facilitate Tuition Assistance Benefits

  • Facilitate External Resources Benefits

  • Facilitate Institutional Resources

  • Facilitate Consortium Review

  • Review Non-Title IV Documents

  • Statement of Understanding - Fund Request

  • Facilitate ISIR Reject

  • Facilitate Student Informed Borrowing Completion

  • Facilitate Parent Informed Borrowing Completion

For 2024-2025 and forward:

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse

The options available here, allow related documents to be grouped together. This then would allow the task to review the documents not to populate until all documents with the same value are in fact received. 

How do I get a new category? - submit JIRA ticket.


The selection can also determine document status based on ISIR import. Example: When one of the options below is selected (available for 2024-2025, forward,) the document status will be set to ‘Waived’ if the IRS Response for the related contributor is "Successful".

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student

  • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse

Set Initial Document Status To




  • Satisfied

  • Unsatisfied

  • Needed

  • Received

  • Incomplete

  • Waived

The status assigned to the document when the document requirement is first assigned to the student.

Activity Type




  • Address Related

  • Award Related

  • Audit Related

  • COA Related

  • COD Related

  • Disbursement Related

  • Document Related

  • Enrollment Related

  • ISIR Related

  • Need Related

  • PLUS Related

  • PJ Related

  • QA Related

  • Resource Related

  • R2T4 Related

  • SAP Related

  • Service Related

  • Verification Related

  • Other

The options available here, allow related documents to be grouped together as they relate to a specific activity. Groups in bigger categories.





2023-2024 and prior FAYs: 

  • Select (default)

  • Dependent

  • Independent

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs:

  • Select (default)

  • Dependent

  • Independent

  • Provisional Independent

This field will be used as an informational attribute to the document, and enable the system to determine if the document should be auto-waived under certain circumstances.

Relationship to Student




  • Select (default)

  • Spouse

  • Parent

This field will be used as an informational attribute to the document, and enable the system to determine if the document should be auto-waived under certain circumstances.





  • Student

  • Federal Award Year

  • Payment Period

  • Academic Year

  • If Student is chosen, the document needs to be provided only once by the student.

  • If Federal Award Year is chosen, the document must be provided by the student each award year.

  • If Payment Period is chosen, the document must be provided by the student each Payment Period.
    If Academic Year is chosen, the document must be provided by the student each academic year.
    The "Restrict Packaging" restrict type is not available on the Restrictions tab if Payment Period is chosen for the General Scope value.

Scope Start Date



Date picker


Effective scope start date for the document to be used.

  • For student scope - compare with academic plan start date.

  • For payment period scope - compare with payment period start date.
    For academic year scope - compare with academic year start/end date of their academic year.

Scope End Date



Date picker


If end date is left blank, document is effective on an ongoing basis.

Assign for All Federal Award Years




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

This check box is intended to ensure that the document is assigned for all award years, even as additional award years are added to the system. In this way, the user will not have to edit this document each time additional federal award year options are added to the federal award year selection box.

Available Federal Award Year



Multi-select list box

All Federal Award Years

This option is only available if Scope is "Federal Award Year." The user has the option to select one or many federal award years, and "move" them to the Assigned federal award year's list.

  • Only the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Federal Award Years will be displayed when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is checked.

  • Only the 2024-2025 and subsequent Federal Award Years will be displayed when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is unchecked.

Assigned Federal Award Year



Multi-select list box

Displays only those FAYs chosen

The federal award year(s) for which the document is applicable. This option is only available if Scope is "Federal Award Year."

Date Used for Document Due Date Assignment




  • Blank (default)

  • Document Creation Date

  • Scope Period Begin Date

  • Static Date

This field is dynamic, based on the  Document Scope.

If Scope = Academic Year or Payment Period, the following dropdown options are available: Creation Date and Scope Begin Date.

If Scope = Federal Award Year, the following dropdown options are available: Static Date, Creation Date, and Scope Begin Date.

If Scope = Student, the following dropdown options are available: Static Date and Creation Date.

Due Date


Required if 'Document Due Date Assignment' = Static Date



This field is required if 'Date Used for Document Due Date Assignment' = Static Date.  The field will only display if set to 'Static Date'.

Due Date Offset


Required if 'Document Due Date Assignment' = Creation Date or Scope Begin Date



This field allows negative numbers ONLY if 'Document Due Date Assignment' equals 'Scope Begin Date', otherwise the field does not allow negative numbers.  

Required if 'Document Due Date Assignment' = Creation Date or Scope Begin Date,  the field does not display if not set to one of these.



Required if 'Document Due Date Assignment' = Static Date

Month = Dropdown

Day = Numeric

Year = Dropdown

Month = Calendar months

Day = 1 - 31


  • Year Prior to FAY

  • FAY Year

  • Year After FAY

This field is dynamic, based on the 'Date Used for Document Due Date Assignment' and Document Scope.

Date Used for Document Expiration Date Assignment




  • Blank (default)

  • Document Creation Date

  • Scope Period Begin Date

  • Static Date

This field is dynamic, based on the Document Scope.

If the Document Scope = Academic Year or Payment Period, then the following dropdown options are available: Creation Date and Scope Begin Date.

If Scope = Federal Award Year, the following dropdown options are available: Static Date, Creation Date, and Scope Begin Date.

If Scope = Student, the following dropdown option are available: Static Date and Creation Date.

Expiration Date


Required if 'Document Expiration Date Assignment' = Static Date.



This field is required if 'Date Used for Document Expiration Date Assignment' = Static Date.  This field does not display if not set to 'Static Date'.

Expiration Date Offset


Required if 'Document Expiration Date Assignment' = Creation Date or Scope Begin Date.



This field allows negative numbers ONLY if 'Document Due Date Assignment' equals 'Scope Begin Date', otherwise the field does not allow negative numbers.  

Required if 'Document Due Date Assignment' = Creation Date or Scope Begin Date,  the field does not display if not set to one of these.



Required if 'Document Expiration Date Assignment' = Static Date.

Month = Dropdown

Day = Numeric

Year = Dropdown

Month = Calendar months

Day = 1 - 31


  • Year Prior to FAY

  • FAY Year

  • Year After FAY

This field is dynamic based on Document Due Date Assignment and Scope.

Expiration Status


Required if Expiration Date is configured, otherwise, not required.

Multi-Select Picklist

  • Incomplete

  • Needed

  • Received

  • Satisfied

  • Unsatisfied

  • Waived

Expiration status fields are not displayed until the user enters a value in the expiration date offset field.

Change to Selected Status


Required if Expiration Date is configured, otherwise, not required.


  • Incomplete

  • Needed

  • Received

  • Satisfied

  • Unsatisfied

  • Waived





Text box


This message will be displayed to the student as the reason for/purpose of the document on the student portal, and in the letters and emails that go out to the student. Visible to student

Non ISIR Assignment Scope




  • Student

  • Federal Award Year

  • Payment Period

  • Academic Year

Use this section to assign the scope to a non ISIR document.  (For ISIR documents, you can assign the scope on the ISIR tab).

Student: This document may only be applied once to the student's account.

Payment Period: This document may only be applied to the student's account for the selected Payment Period(s) within the chosen date range.


Academic Year: This document may only be applied to the student's account for the selected Academic Year(s) within the chosen date range.


Federal Award Year:  This document may only be applied to the student's account for the selected Federal Award Year(s).  If selected, you have the option to always apply the document requirement to all Federal Award Year(s).


Restrictions Subtab

Documents can be configured with restrictions to prevent certain activities from occurring. Restrictions only apply to the specific funds for which they are configured. Restrictions apply to all FAYs unless the document is FAY scoped. Schools with crossover periods should pay careful attention to this functionality since they often have two active FAYs simultaneously, which increases the potential for restrictions to apply.

Field Name





Business Rules

Field Name





Business Rules

Enable Restrictions




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Activates/inactivates configured restrictions.

Required for the ‘Cancel Funds if document is in Unsatisfied status’ checkbox to have an effect.

Restricts Process



Multi-select list box

  • Restrict Packaging

  • Restrict Positive Disbursements

  • Restrict Positive and Negative Disbursements

  • Restrict Export to COD

Displays the selected processes to be restricted.

Restrictions apply when the document is in any of the following statuses:

  • Needed

  • Received

  • Unsatisfied

  • Incomplete

Restrictions do not apply when the document is in any of the following statuses:

  • Satisfied

  • Waived

Note: The Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) processes will not be restricted by documents configured to Restrict Packaging for funds in the IAD file.

Restrict all Funds




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If checked, apply the restrictions selected to all funds that are set up in the system, for the selected Campus (location) at any given point in time.

Cancel Funds if document is in unsatisfied status 




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Cancel the award if student has award and the required document status is set to "Unsatisfied." This option applies to only those documents which are selected for restrict packaging in "Restrict Process" and the option applies to only those funds which are selected under "Funds to restrict packaging." Note that this checkbox supersedes ‘Restrict Packaging’ when checked.

Available Funds



Multi-select list box

Fund available at the campus (location), both active and inactive.

Lists the funds available at the campus (location), both active and inactive.

Assigned Funds




Displays only those Funds chosen from the available funds list.

Document will restrict the process chosen above, for the funds selected here.


ISIR Assignment Subtab

Field Name





Business Rules

Field Name





Business Rules

Enable ISIR Process




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If checked, rules will assign documents during the ISIR import process. 

Disable Auto-satisfy Feature




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Do not auto satisfy this document if the requirement no longer appears on a subsequent ISIR. Check this box on the document which is assigned when ED changes the verification group the student is assigned to.
V1 assigned will be auto sat. If new ISIR has V5. 

Allow Document to be "Re-opened" During Scope Period




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If this box is selected, and the student meets the condition for assigning this document multiple times within a given FAY, Regent Award will return the existing document requirement assigned to the student to its initial status.

2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years


View Only


  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

This field is View Only and can only be updated on the General tab.





  • Scope

  • Student

  • Federal Award Year

Scope:  You can set a scope for the overall document, or ISIR Assignment.

Student: This document may only be applied once to the student's account.

Federal Award Year:  This document may only be applied to the student's account for the selected Federal Award Year(s).  If selected, you have the option to always apply the document requirement to all Federal Award Year(s).

If the document is being used to control the eligibility of a fund, the document scope cannot be edited by the end user on either the General or the ISIR Assignment Subtab.


Available Federal Award Year



Multi-select list box

Displays available Federal Award Years

Listing of available Federal Award Years. This option is only available if Scope is "Federal Award Year."

  • Only the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Federal Award Years will be displayed when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is checked.

  • Only the 2024-2025 and subsequent Federal Award Years will be displayed when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is unchecked.

Assigned Federal Award Year



Multi-select list box

Displays selected Federal Award Years

Set the federal award year(s) for which the document is applicable. This option is only available if Scope is "Federal Award Year."

Set Initial Document Status To




  • Satisfied

  • Unsatisfied

  • Needed

  • Received

  • Incomplete

  • Waived

Sets the initial status assigned to the document when the document requirement is assigned to the student.

Generate this document if the Federal School code is invalid




  • No (default)

  • Yes

Generates a document requirement on ISIR import when none of the Federal School codes on the ISIR match to the Federal School code of the current site of the student.

SAI Range

The SAI range from the FAY ISIR that will generate the document requirement assignment.


Text box - numerical 6 characters max

"To" and "From" Values

Values -1500 thru 999999

Document is assigned if SAI on FAY ISIR falls within the configured range.

Do not assign if SAI is rejected




  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If checked, the document will not be assigned if there is not a valid SAI (SAI is rejected).

Available Comment Codes



Multi-select list box

2023-2024 and prior FAYs: Values 001 thru 999

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: Values 001 thru 326

Listing of available comment codes.

Assigned Comment Codes



Multi-select list box

Displays selected comment codes

Sets the comment code(s) which exist on the ISIR to assign the document. If none of the selected comment codes appear on a subsequent ISIR, the status of the document will be set to "waived."

Available Reject Codes  



Multi-select list box

2023-2024 and prior FAYs: Values 001 thru 999

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: 

  • Verifiable reject codes: A through F

  • Non-verifiable reject codes: 1 through 47

Listing of available reject codes.

Assigned Reject Codes 



Multi-select list box

Displays selected reject codes

Sets the reject code(s) which exist on the ISIR to assign the document. 

Auto-satisfy Documents Based on cleared ISIR Reject Codes:

  • For specific FAY Scoped Documents:

    • Documents assigned in response to a specific ISIR Reject Code will auto-satisfy if a subsequent ISIR from the same FAY is received without that specific ISIR Reject Code.

  • For Student Scoped documents, for documents assigned to All FAYs:

    • Documents assigned in response to a specific ISIR Reject Code will auto-satisfy if a subsequent ISIR from any FAY is received without that specific ISIR Reject Code.

  • If the document is assigned by multiple reject codes, all reject codes must be cleared for the document to be auto-satisfied.

  • If the document is assigned by reject codes AND comment codes, then clearance of either the set of reject codes OR the set of comment codes will auto-satisfy the document based on the following logic:

    • If A and B must both occur to trigger the document assignment, then clearance of either A or B should auto-satisfy the document.

    • If A or B must occur to trigger the document assignment and both exist, then both A and B must be cleared to auto-satisfy the document.

Available Verification Tracking FLag



Multi-select list box

  • V1

  • V2

  • V3

  • V4

  • V5

  • V6

Listing of available verification groups. V2 and V3 are not currently being used, but they have been used in previous years.

Assigned Verification Tracking Flag



Multi-select list box

Displays selected verification groups.

Sets the verification group of the ISIR to assign the document.

Verification Selection Change Flag



Multi-select list box

  • Blank

  • C

  • Y


Set to C on the document which is assigned when ED changes the verification group the student is assigned to.

Available Incarcerated Applicant Flag

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs



Multi-select list box

  • Correctional Facility Address file

  • Received via P.O. Box

  • Incarcerated Applicant Flag set by FAA

  • Incarcerated Applicant Flag removed by FAA

  • Blank

List of valid Incarcerated Applicant Flag options. 

Assigned Incarcerated Applicant Flag

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs




Displays selected Incarcerated Applicant flags.

Sets the Incarcerated Applicant flag values if the ISIR to assign the document.

Minimum Age



Text box - numerical 2 characters max


Sets the minimum age of the student to assign the document.

Maximum Age



Text box - numerical 2 characters max


Sets the maximum age of the student to assign the document.




Multi-select list box

  • Male

  • Female

  • Blank

Sets the gender(s) used to assign the document.

  • This field applies to 2023-2024 and prior FAYs and will only display when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is selected.


Marital Status



Multi-select list box

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

  • Married/Remarried

  • Single

  • Separated

  • Divorced

  • Widowed

  • Blank


2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: 

  1. Single (Never married)

  2. Married (Not separated)

  3. Remarried

  4. Divorced

  5. Separated

  6. Widowed

  7. Blank

Sets the marital status of the student to assign the document.

Dependency Status



Multi-select list box

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

  • Dependent

  • Independent with dependents

  • Independent without dependents

  • Blank

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: 

  • Dependent

  • Independent with dependents

  • Independent without dependents

  • Provisional Independent

  • Blank

Sets the dependency status of the student to assign the document.

Active Duty Status



Multi-select list box

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

  • Blank

  • Yes

  • No

2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: 

  • Blank

  • Yes

active duty status of the student to assign the document.

State of Residency



Multi-select list box

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes, as listed in the EDE Technical Reference 

Document is assigned if the student's state of legal residency on the FAY ISIR matches the configured selection(s).

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

High School Diploma or Equivalent


2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: 

High School Completion Status



Multi-select list box

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

  • High school diploma

  • GED/State Certificate

  • Home schooled

  • None

  • Blank


2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs: 

  • High school diploma

  • State-recognized high school equivalent (e.g., GED)

  • Homeschooled

  • None of the above

  • Blank

Document is assigned if the student's High School DIploma or Equivalent value on the FAY ISIR matches the configured selection(s).

Marital Status Change

When this option is selected, and the Institutional Setting "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" is set to "Yes," Regent Award will compare the prior active ISIR to the current active ISIR (if both ISIRs are Selected for Verification) to determine if there is a student marital status change.  The ISIR Assignment process can use this setting to assign a document to a student but will not auto-satisfy the document based on this setting alone.

When the Institution Setup Configuration Option of "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" = Yes, AND the prior active ISIR and current active ISIR for the same FAY are both Selected for Verification and a Marital Status Change was detected between the two ISIRs Regent Award will auto-waive documents meeting the following criteria:

  1. Marital Status Change from Blank/Single to Married

    1. Waive all documents where "Relationship to Student" = "Parent" or "Dependency" = "Dependent" under Document Setup

  2. Marital Status Change from Blank/Married to Unmarried (Single, Divorced, Widowed, Separated) and Dependency Status = Dependent

    1. Waive all documents where "Relationship to Student" = "Spouse" or "Dependency" = Independent" under Document Setup 

  3. Marital Status Change from Blank/Married to Unmarried (Single, Divorced, Widowed, Separated) and Dependency Status = Independent

    1. Waive all documents where "Relationship to Student" = "Spouse"



Unselected by default


Available Homelessness/Ward of Court



Multi-select list box

  • Foster Care/Ward of Court

  • Emancipated Minor

  • In Legal Guardianship

  • Unaccompanied Youth Determine by School

  • Unaccompanied Youth Determine by HUD

Listing of available items. Homelessness/Ward of Court Fields on ISIR that document is associated with.

Selected Homelessness/Ward of Court



Multi-select list box

Displays selected homelessness/ward of court values

Sets the items to be used from the ISIR to assign the document.

Working on a Master's or Doctorate Program?




  • Blank

  • Yes

  • No

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

  • This field applies to 2023-2024 and prior FAYs and will only display when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is selected.

Grade Level in College



Multi-select list box

  1. First Year (Freshman)

  2. Second Year (Sophomore)

  3. Other Undergraduate (Junior or Senior)

  4. College Graduate, Professional or Beyond (MBA, M.D., Ph.D., etc.)

  5. Blank

Assigns the document requirement if the selected values are on the student's ISIR.

  • This field applies to 2024-2025 and prior FAYs and will only display when the '2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years' is unselected.

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

First Bachelor's Degree by MM-DD-YYYY (FAFSA Date) 


2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs:

First Bachelor’s Degree by




  • Select (Default)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Blank

Document is assigned if FAY ISIR value matches the selected configuration.

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

Mother's/Stepmother's Last Name "Blank" on ISIR?:


2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs:

Parent's Last Name "Blank" on ISIR?




  • Blank

  • Yes

  • No

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value. Selecting "No" indicates that the Mother's/Stepmother's Last Name is provided on the ISIR.

2023-2024 and prior FAYs:

Father's/Stepfather's Last Name "Blank" on ISIR?:


2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs:

Parent, Spouse or Partner's Last Name "Blank" on ISIR?:




  • Blank

  • Yes

  • No

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value. Selecting "No" indicates that the Father's/Stepfather's Last Name is provided on the ISIR.

Student's Income Earned from Work



Text box - numerical 6 characters max

-999999 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Spouse's Income Earned from Work



Text box - numerical 6 characters max

-999999 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Father/Stepfather's Income Earned from Work



Text box - numerical 6 characters max

-999999 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Mother/stepmother's Income Earned from Work



Text box - numerical 6 characters max

-999999 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

STI: Student's Total Income



Text box - numerical 7 characters max

-9999999 to 9999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

FTI: FISAP Total Income



Text box - numerical 7 characters max

-9999999 to 9999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Student's Untaxed Pension

This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Student's Untaxed Pensions" and is only available for use through FAY 2019-2020.


Text box - numerical 7 characters max

0000000 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions

Beginning with the  2020-2021 ISIR, the Student's Untaxed Pensions and Student's IRA Distributions fields have been combined. This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Student's Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions".

  • When a FAY Scope value of 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Student's Untaxed Pensions" field will be disabled and this field will be enabled

  • When a FAY Scope value NOT equal to 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Student's Untaxed Pensions" field will be enabled and this field will be disabled

  • If all FAYs are selected for the scope value, both the "Student's Untaxed Pensions" field and the "Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions" field will be disabled


Text box - numerical 7 characters max

0000000 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Parent's Untaxed Pension

This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Parent's Untaxed Pensions" and is only available for use through FAY 2019-2020.


Text box - numerical 7 characters max

0000000 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Parent's Untaxed IRS Distributions and Pensions

Beginning with the 2020-2021 ISIR, the Parent's Untaxed Pensions and Parent's IRA Distributions fields have been combined. This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field tiled "Parent's Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions".

  • When a FAY Scope value of 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Parent's Untaxed Pensions" field will be disabled and this field will be enabled

  • When a FAY Scope value NOT equal to 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Parent's Untaxed Pensions" field will be enabled and this field will be disabled

  • If all FAYs are selected for the scope value, both the "Parent's Untaxed Pensions" field and the "Parent's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions" field will be disabled


Text box - numerical 7 characters max 

0000000 to 999999

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value within the range.

Available Have children you support?



Multi-select list box

  • Yes

  • No

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Selected Have children you support?



Multi-select list box

Displays selected "have children you support?" values

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Available Have Legal Dependents Other than Children or Spouse?



Multi-select list box

  • Yes

  • No

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Selected Have Legal Dependents Other than Children or Spouse?



Multi-select list box

Displays selected "have legal dependents other than children or spouse?" values

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Available Parents' Marital Status



Multi-select list box

  • Married/remarried

  • Single

  • Divorced/separated

  • Widowed

  • Unmarried Living Together

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Selected Parents' Marital Status



Multi-select list box

Displays selected "parents' marital status" values

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Available Student's Type of Annual Tax Form Used:



Multi-select list box

  • IRS 1040

  • IRS 1040A or 1040EZ

  • Foreign tax return

  • Tax return from PR or U.S. territory.

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Selected Student's Type of Annual Tax Form Used:



Multi-select list box

Displays selected "student's type of annual tax form used" values

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Available Parent's Type of Annual Tax Form Used:



Multi-select list box

  • IRS 1040

  • IRS 1040A or 1040EZ

  • Foreign tax return

  • Tax return from PR or U.S. territory.

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Selected Parent's Type of Annual Tax Form Used:



Multi-select list box

Displays selected "parent's type of annual tax form used" values

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Student IRS Request Flag



Multi-select list box

  • 00

  • 01

  • 02

  • 03

  • 04

  • 05

  • 06

  • 07

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Parent IRS Request Flag



Multi-select list box

  • 00

  • 01

  • 02

  • 03

  • 04

  • 05

  • 06

  • 07

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag

This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019-2020.


Multi-select list box

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019-2020.


Multi-select list box

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Student IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

Beginning with the 2020-2021 ISIR, the Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag and the Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag have been combined. 

This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Student IRS Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions Data Field Flag".

  • When a FAY Scope value of 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and "Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" fields will be disabled, and this field will be enabled

  • When a FAY Scope value NOT equal to 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and "Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" fields will be enabled, and this field will be disabled

  • When all FAYs are selected for the scope value, the "Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag," "Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" and "Student IRS IRS Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" fields will be disabled


Multi-select list box

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag

This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019-2020. 


Multi-select list box

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019-2020.


Multi-select list box

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.

Parent IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

Beginning with the 2020-2021 ISIR, the Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag and the Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag have been combined. 

This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Parent IRS Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions Data Field Flag".

  • When a FAY Scope value of 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and "Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" fields will be disabled, and this field will be enabled

  • When a FAY Scope value NOT equal to 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and "Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" fields will be enabled, and this field will be disabled

  • When all FAYs are selected for the scope value, the "Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag," "Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" and "Parent IRS IRS Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" fields will be disabled


Multi-select list box

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • Blank

Assigns the document based upon the selected ISIR value.


Packaging Assignment Subtab

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Enable Packaging Process



  • Unselected (Default)

  • Selected

If selected, document assignment is enabled during the packaging process.

Assign when Sub Eligibility has not been for fully accepted and an Unsub award exists (For Active Acceptance funds only)



  • Unselected (Default)

  • Selected

If selected, a document will be assigned to the student's record in the event there is any Sub eligibility that has not been fully accepted for the Academic Year AND there is at least one non-zero Accepted Unsub award in the same AY.

Select all funds (including ones that may be setup in the future)



  • Unselected (Default)

  • Selected

Only available if 'Enable Packaging Process' is selected/checked. This checkbox and any selected funds work together with the settings for Program Selection.

When the "Select all funds" checkbox is selected, it selects ALL funds that could generate the document assignment when the student is awarded the fund.

When the checkbox is  NOT selected, only the selected Funds will trigger the student document assignment.

Available Funds 


Multi-select list box

Displays available funds at the Campus, both active and inactive, that are not associated with the document.

Listing of available funds which when packaged could result in the assignment of the document.

Note: Any fund assigned must have the Institutional External Fund ID populated in Fund Setup in order for the document to be assigned to the student when the award is packaged.

Selected Funds


Multi-select list box

Displays only those Funds chosen from the available funds list. List of funds that will trigger the Document assignment when a student is packaged with an award from that Fund.

Listing of selected funds which when packaged will result in the assignment of the document.

Select all programs (including ones that may be added in the future)



  • Selected (Default)

  • Unselected

Only available if 'Enable Packaging Process' is selected/checked. This checkbox and any selected programs work together with the settings for Fund Selection.

When the "Select all programs" checkbox is selected, it selects ALL programs that could generate the document assignment when the student is awarded the fund.

When the checkbox is NOT selected, only the selected Programs will trigger the student document assignment.

Available Programs


Multi-select list

List of available Programs that are not associated with the document's packaging assignment.


Selected Programs


Multi-select list

List of Programs that could generate the document assignment when the student is packaged for that Program in a current or immediate future scope period.

When 'Enable Packaging Assignment' is Selected, packaging will generate and assign the Document when the student is packaged for a selected program in a current or immediate future scope period. 


SBL Assignment Subtab

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Assign by SBL



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If checked, assignment of documents based upon user defined fields in the SBL load is enabled.

Map UDF values to document statuses



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If this checkbox is selected, only one UDF Field Name can be selected for this document, the "Value Match Type" is set to "Any" and the "Status" is not editable. The appropriate "Status" will send on the SBL as the UDF value and it will be used to set the document status. Setup a separate UDF/value pair for each status which may be sent in the SBL.
NOTE: Once a field is used to "Map UDF Values to document statuses" for a particular document, it cannot be used as a UDF field for any other document or for any other purpose for the original document.

UDF Field Name



Drop-down of UDF field names from Institution setup.

Only one UDF may be used per document, but multiple values for the selected UDF can be used for trigger/auto-assignment.

Value Type Match



  • Any Value

  • Specific Value

If the "Any Value" option is selected, then no matter what is sent as a value for the UDF (including no value), a document will be assigned with the document status specified. If the "Specific Value" option is selected, then that value must be in the SBL in order for the document to be assigned.

UDF Value


Text box


The value that must be in the SBL in order for the document to be assigned. Can be left blank, regardless of Value Match Type chosen, allowing for a blank UDF value to be sent on the SBL.




  • Needed

  • Incomplete

  • Unsatisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Received

  • Waived

When no status is provided, the default status from the general tab will be used. When the status IS provided, it will set the status of the document at the time the document is assigned to the student, if the UDF name/value pair indicated is provided on the SBL for the student.





Deletes the SBL Assignment rule.

SAP Assignment Subtab

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Enable SAP Assignment



  • Selected

  • Unselected (default)

When this field is enabled, the document is assigned to students meeting the SAP Status(s) and SAP Failure Reason(s) selected below during the packaging process.

If document is setup as ‘Academic Year’ scope, the document will assign with a scope period that aligns with the Academic Year where the SAP status or SAP Failure Reason is assigned.
If both SAP Status and SAP Failure Reason are selected the relationship is treated as an “and’. 

Apply to all SAP Statuses



  • Selected

  • Unselected (default)

If not selected, multi-select 'Available' and 'Selected' grids are presented below.

Available SAP Status and Selected SAP Status


Multi-select grids

  • FA Probation

  • FA Suspended

  • FA Warning

  • MTF Suspended

  • Satisfactory

  • Not Calculated

Presented if 'Apply to all SAP Statuses' is not selected. Defines SAP Status(es) to which the document requirements applies. 

Available Reasons and Selected Reasons 


Multi-select grids

  • Anticipated Maximum Timeframe

  • Completion Ratio

  • GPA

  • Maximum Timeframe

Defines SAP Failure Reason that will generate the document requirement. 

Auto Create Assignment Subtab

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Assign by Auto Create Process



  • Selected

  • Unselected (default)

When this field is enabled, the document requirement will be auto-created upon a user accessing the Student Experience Portal between the Begin Date and End Date configured if the document requirement does not already exist.

Begin Date


Date picker


The date entered in this field will be the beginning date for the date range in which document requirements will be auto-created when a user accesses the Student Experience Portal.

End Date


Date picker


The date entered in this field will be the ending date for the date range in which document requirements will be auto-created when a user accesses the Student Experience Portal.

Signature Subtab

This section of configuration is visible only when the appropriate licensing is in place.  The settings in this section can be inherited from the Campus level, but can also be customized per document.

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Field Name




Description/Business Rules

Override Signature Requirements




  • Do Not Override (default)

  • ISIR Dependency Status

  • Smart Form Dependency Questions

This setting works together with Require Electronic Signature. Regent uses these two settings together to determine whether an electronic signature requirement for a student’s document should be 'Student Only’ or change to ‘Student and Parent,’ based on the student’s dependency status.

  • Do Not Override (default) - The system will not change the signature requirements for individual students.

  • ISIR Dependency Status or DependencyStatus UDF - The system will choose the signature requirement based on the ISIR’s dependency status (if ISIR dependency status is available), or will fall back to the DependencyStatus UDF (if ISIR dependency status is not available).

    • For FAY-scoped documents, the system uses the Active ISIR for the specified FAY only. If the student does not have an Active ISIR for that FAY, the system tries to use the ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF value.

    • For Student-scoped documents, the system uses the Active ISIR from the latest available FAY. If the student does not have any ISIR, the system tries to use the ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF value.

    • The dependency logic determines the Required Electronic Signature Type.

      • If the ISIR is Dependent: Both student and parent signatures are required.

      • If the ISIR is Independent: Only student signature required.

      • If the student does not have an ISIR, and has a ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “I” for Independent: Only student signature required.

      • If the student does not have an ISIR, and has a ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “D” for Dependent: Both student and parent signatures are required.

      • If the student does not have any ISIR, and does not have any ‘DependencyStatus’ UDF with a value of “I” or “D” the system uses a default status of Independent: Only student signature required.

  • Smart Form Dependency Questions - The system will set the signature requirements based on the dependency status determined by the Smart Form.

    • For Dependent students: Both student and parent signatures are required.

    • For Independent students: Only student signature required.

Require Electronic Signature



  • Not required (default)

  • Only parent signature required

  • Only student signature required

  • Both student and parent signatures required

The option chosen here will determine if the document requires a signature(s), and if the document must be signed only by the student, only by the parent, or by both the student and the parent.  The option chosen here will be reflected on the Electronic Signature tab of the Document Requirement in Regent Award once the document has been assigned to the student.

Note:  A parent-only signature process is not yet supported in the Student Experience portal.

Inherit from Campus




Selecting this checkbox will automatically inherit all the settings for this section from the Campus level.

Sources of Parent Data



  • ISIR


  • Manually Entered in R8

  • Created By Student

Parent information will be extracted in the priority order listed below (skipping over those sources not chosen by the school to be used) for the selected data sources and displayed in the Student Portal.  The system will use the parent(s)' information based on the first selected data source (including email address) to determine the parent information presented to the student. Multiple sources of parent data can be selected but only the first selected data source will be presented.

  1. ISIR

  2. SBL/SIS

  3. Manually Entered in R8

  4. Created by Student

  5. COD

For each source of data used, the most recent data set based on the date/time the data was created, will be used.

This configuration impacts the "Request Parent Signature" screen in the Student Experience portal.  The student will be presented with their parent information pre-populated on the screen and provided the option to select the parent who will be sent a signature/portal access email.

Parent Identity Verification Attempts Allowed



  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

Applicable to the SNAP Portal product only, not applicable to the Student Experience Portal product.

Portal Access Request Link Expires in



  • 24 hours

  • 48 hours

  • 72 hours

The option chosen here will determine the amount of time until the Parent invitation to create a Student Portal account expires.  The timeframe will be communicated to the parent in the email invitation text.

Display Options for Paper Documents Process 



  • Upload signed form (default)

  • Send form via approved method

  • Upload signed form and send form via approved method

Selection will determine the radio button options displayed in the ‘Confirmation of Signature’ step in the Student Experience Portal, when a form is configured for electronic signature and the student has chosen not to electronically sign the document.

Options selected for this field will inherit to Campus Setup but can be changed at Campus level.

Approved Method(s) for Sending Form 


Text Box 

Default Text:

Approved method(s) for sending form: Please mail the signed signature page of the form to the financial aid office.

Field only displays if selection for ‘Display Options for Paper Process’ is ‘Send form via approved method’ or ‘Both upload signed form and Send form via approved method.’

Text entered here will display in the Student Experience Portal to instruct the student how and where to send documents when not using an electronic signature/submission process.

Text entered in this field at Institution Level should inherit to Campus Setup but can be changed.

Smart Form Data Subtab

Upon the completion of a Smart Form, all sections, groups, questions and values provided will be persisted and displayed as read-only on the new student-level document Smart Form Data tab in Regent Award.  All Smart Form submissions should be able to be displayed. 

Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change



Converted page to new Confluence editor; Updated ‘Restrictions Subtab’ section to clarify the document statuses in which restrictions apply.

Marcus Jennings/Heather Smith