/ Product Brief Product Brief

Product Release5.0.0.0
Release Date

Product Brief

Additional Documents

Ron Dinwiddie

Susan Sherrick

Sharon Clough

Steve England

Product Release Description

This release update introduces Regent's new Student Experience with Documents, Financial Aid, Message Center and Useful Links modules as well as Advisor Assist capability for staff users to view what students see in Student Experience.  The new design is mobile friendly, highlights needed student actions, and supports client control much of much of the student-facing text.

This release also addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section of the Release Notes, and additional enhancements including:

  • Separate Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) documents for student and parent loans.
  • User-Defined Field (UDF) functionality to assign Active vs Passive acceptance flow to a fund for individual students.
  • Data View updates to support recent enhancements.
  • Availability of the Regent app for Salesforce

Other Documentation

In addition to the Product Brief, the following documentation is also available:

System Requirements

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

New Feature Overview for the

New Student Experience:

  • The New Student Experience provides the opportunity for Regent to introduce a new look and feel for students built on a new highly scalable technology stack.  Responsive design supports student access via a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, and the mobile design is device agnostic with regard to Android vs iPhone. This initial release rolls out features for Regent Award and Regent Review.  This is our baseline for continued progress and enhancement of student-facing products and features. Additional features for Regent Plan and Regent Access will follow.

    • The Student Dashboard alerts students to needed actions and recent messages, and provides easy access to follow up on those actions and messages.

    • The Financial Aid component proactively identifies which awards require student attention, and provides quick 'click-through' access for students to accept full eligibility, direct cost amounts only, or a custom amount, or to decline an offered award. Remaining amounts available for partially accepted awards are called out for the student. Awards are divided into four categories: Gift Aid, Loans, Work, and Other, based on the client's funds configuration. Full estimated Cost of Attendance details are available to the student; and as students work through each award they will see a declining amount of Direct Costs remaining to be met.  Students can also drill down in each award to see Scheduled/Actual disbursement amounts and dates.

    • The Documents component highlights student document requirements with easy "click-through" access to those needing student attention. The e-sign process has been streamlined with fewer separate screens, and the e-sign option is promoted over the paper sign process which is also available.

    • The Message Center component highlights unread messages and provides the opportunity for students to reply to institution-initiated messages, to initiate their own messages about their financial aid, and to sort and filter their messages.

    • The Useful Links component provides clients full control over which links are displayed to students and over what information is provided to students about those links.

    • The Advisor Assist feature allows institution staff to view what the student is seeing in Student Experience.

    • Clients control the introductory welcome panel language for each component.

Implementation of the New Student Experience

There is no licensing fee to move to the student-facing features of the new Student Experience for Regent Award and Regent Review.  Advisor Assist is covered under Regent Plan licensing.  There is a flat fee for implementation of the new Student Experience to cover costs associated with configuration, theming, and setup.  Contact your Account Manager for more information.

Students at institutions using single sign-on (SSO) will not be required to re-register in the new Student Experience.  Students at institutions not using SSO will be required to re-register, but will then be able to access any “in flight” verification worksheets as well as they current documents, awards, etc.  Set up of SSO is included in the implementation fee.

Regent will continue to host and monitor the current student portal through 2020.  Bugs reported in the current portal will be evaluated within the new Student Experience to ensure proper functioning in that environment.  Decisions about addressing bugs in the current student portal will be made on a case by case basis.  New development will be focused solely on the new Student Experience.

Salesforce App and Integration:

With the 5.0 release, Regent is announcing the GA of a Salesforce app and integration available for deployment within an institution's Salesforce environment.  The integration surfaces key financial aid data from Regent Award within a Salesforce CRM to recruiting and advising staff to enable a more student centric approach to enrollment and retention outreach.  A new configuration tab is available within Regent Award’s Institution Setup (accessible by permissions).  Contact your Account Manager if interested in learning more about the app. 

Known Issues for

Issue KeySummarySuggested Workaround
RS-13962Split Weeks not functioning as expected for Abbreviated Loan Period.None.
RS-14001Certain TEACH Grant awards not being assigned a CPS Transaction Number for COD export. Process the TEACH award at COD-on-the Web.
RS-14053Dependent students in credential program not packaged with loans.Utilize the Override Eligibility Rules feature of the Add Award Wizard to award the loans.
RS-14122Pell Awarded above 150% when EFC is between 601 and 700 (2 students).Manually override via Modify Award Wizard.
RS-14124Nonterm Academic Year End Date is incorrect when student returns after absence greater than 180 days.None.
RS-14150Error message: the student is already undergoing a program change..."Request that the script in PS-1969 be run for the student.
RS-14395Automatic "cancel/recreate" to update Loan Fee percentage is exporting incorrectly when all disbursements are anticipated.Cancel initial loan at COD-on-the Web.
RS-14969A nonterm loan period has one payment period when it contains more than half an academic year in credits.Adjust the loan to ensure two disbursements.
RS-15202In certain scenarios, the configured Alt-EFC Rounding Option is not applied.None.
RS-15409All run time parameters are not fully captured in the Process Log.None.
RS-15432Multiple Zero Dollar Grad PLUS Awards reported for certain students.None.
RS-15466History Tab display not updating with new ISIR data.Manually update History tab. 
RS-15483Task selector check box on the Task Tab does not clear once an update is made.Click the box again to clear it.
RS-15519Certain verification document requirements are assigned twice, once by "System" and once by "Student Portal".Review and waive duplicate documents requirements.
RS-15520Error when attaching documents with special characters in file name.Do not use special characters in file name.
RS-15547Total Hours in Period do not populate in clock hour R2T4 templates.Manually populate this field.
RS-15606Certain manual paid disbursements retain a Disbursement Status of scheduled.None.
RS-16208After upgrading to 4.7.00, certain FA users logging in using SSO do not view dashboards.None.
RS-16838Student Completed Units Report has incorrect units amount for Payment PeriodUtilize data views or request that client script be run on the instance.
RS-16935Certain SAY students overawarded for Spring after withdrawing from Summer. Use MAW to correct award amounts.
RS-16988In certain cases, History Tab does not display most recent ISIR informationView ISIR detail.
RS-17159When the update EST Release Date process is run, the Export to COD process is not including the adjusted disbursements. Update the disbusement dates at COD on the web.
RS-17329"Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility" document requirement assigned when student does not have both remaining Subsidized eligibility and awarded Unsubsidized loans. Review student awards and waive the document.
RS-17455Error appears when editing Fund Fee configuration. Request fees be loaded using Regent Delivery Services configuration template.
RS-17461Certain loans awarded over aggregate limits.Use MAW to adjust the awards.
RS-17484Certain loans with Less Than Half Time enrollment in the final academic year are prorating when pro-ration is not requiredUse MAW and override rules to adjust the awards.
RS-17625In certain cases, multiple Pell disbursements are created when the existing unpaid disbursement could be updated.Use MAW to correct the disbursements.
RS-17883Direct Loan PWDs are using standard rounding rather than truncating.Review calculation to determine whether an additional $1 must be returned separately when the Direct Loan PWD amount is 50 or more cents and would have rounded up and return through.
RS-18183W-2 document requirements are not waived in Regent Review when a married non-filer confirms zero income for student and spouse in cases when the student elects to paper-sign. Manually waive the W-2 document requirements.

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