/ Release Notes Release Notes

Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Introduction of Regent's new Student Experience with DocumentsFinancial AidMessage Center and Useful Links modules as well as Advisor Assist capability for staff users to view what students see in Student Experience.  The new design is mobile friendly, highlights needed student actions, and supports client control of much of the student-facing text.

  • Availability of the Regent Salesforce App

  • Separate Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) documents for student and parent loans.

  • User-Defined Field (UDF) functionality to assign Active vs Passive acceptance flow to a fund for individual students.

  • Data View updates to support recent enhancements.

New Configuration Options

The following new configuration options were added in release   

  • Under Institution Setup, added new Portal Tab which contains the following sub-tabs (availability of these tabs is based on both licensing and permissions):

    • General

    • Account Mgt

    • Useful Links

    • Message Center

    • Financial Aid

    • Documents

    • Smart Form

    • E-Signature

  • Under Institution Setup, added a new Salesforce tab.    

  • Under Permissions → Enterprise Permissions → Student Permissions 

    • Added a new permission to "Access Advisor Assist" that gives users access to the Advisor Assist tab in Regent Award.

  • Under Permissions → "Institutions" → "Institution Permissions" → "Institution Setup Permissions"

    • Added a new permission, "Access Publish Portal Configurations," that gives users access to the "Publish Portal Configurations" button on the Portal tab of Institution Setup.

  • Under Fund Setup, added two new settings

    • Uses Override Award Status – Read-only indicator that displays when a fund has the “Override Award Status” configured.

    • Use UDF Award Status – Schools may send “Offered” or “Accepted” status for individual students via a linked UDF.

Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of the Release, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated: 


The following enhancements are included in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Fund Group Program Configuration Data View

Tickets: RS-17707;

An all-new Data View, dataExtract_FundGroupProgram_Config_View_v001 has been created.

The new Data View has the following columns:

  • fundGroupProgramId

  • fundGroupId

  • programId

  • createdBy

  • createdOn

  • modifiedBy

  • modifiedOn

  • deleted

  • deletedBy

  • deletedOn

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new Data View.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Fund Group Fund Apply Option Data View

Tickets: RS-17707;

An all-new Data View, dataExtract_FundGroupFundApplyOption_Config_View_v001 has been created.

The new Data View has the following columns:

  • fundGroupFundApplyOptionId

  • name

  • code

  • createdBy

  • createdOn

  • modifiedBy

  • modifiedOn

  • deleted

  • deletedBy

  • deletedOn

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new Data View.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Fund Group Fund Data View

Tickets: RS-17707;

An all-new Data View, dataExtract_FundGroupFund_Config_View_v001 has been created.

The new Data View has the following columns:

  • fundGroupFundId

  • fundGroupId

  • FundId

  • fundGroupFundApplyOptionCode

  • createdBy

  • createdOn

  • modifiedBy

  • modifiedOn

  • deleted

  • deletedBy

  • deletedOn

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new Data View.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Fund Group Amount Limit Data View

Tickets: RS-17707;

An all-new Data View, dataExtract_FundGroupAmountLimit_Config_View_v001 has been created.

The new Data View has the following columns:

  • fundGroupAmountLimitId

  • fundGroupId

  • maxAmountPerAwardPeriod

  • federalAwardYearId

  • effectiveStartDate

  • effectiveEndDate

  • createdBy

  • createdOn

  • modifiedBy

  • modifiedOn

  • deleted

  • deletedBy

  • deletedOn

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new Data View.


Regent Award


Title: New Fund Setup Data View Version

Ticket(s): RS-17810;

Description: A new version of the data view dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v002 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Fund_Config_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows:

Columns Added

  • useUDFAwardStatusCode

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Fund Group Configuration Data View

Ticket: RS-17707;

A new version of the data view dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View_001 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_FundGroup_Config_View_v002.

The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows:


Columns Added

  • description

  • externalId

  • allPrograms

Columns Removed

  • restrictOriginations

  • restrictWithinFAY

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new version.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Advisor Assist View of Student Experience Portal screens.

Tickets: RS-17684; RS-17683CLOSED

This feature of Regent Plan allows permissioned school users to see the same screens and data as a student in the Student Experience Portal (view-only access) via the Advisor Assist tab.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Advisor Assist.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New R2T4 Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) Data Views:

Ticket(s): RS-17671;

Description: New data views have been created:

  • dataExtract_R2T4PWD_Config_View_v001

  • dataExtract_R2T4PWDComment_Config_View_v001

  • dataExtract_R2T4PWDDisbursement_Config_View_v001

  • dataExtract_R2T4PWDReason_Config_View_v001

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New R2T4 Data View Version

Ticket(s): RS-17670;

Description: A new version of the data view dataExtract_R2T4_View_v001 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_R2T4_View_v002.

The differences between the v002 and v001 versions of the view are as follows:

Columns Added

  • unsubCancelledBelowHTAmount

  • subCancelledBelowHTAmount

  • gradPlusCancelledBelowHTAmount

  • plusCancelledBelowHTAmount

  • totalCancelledBelowHTAmount

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Disbursement Data View Version

Ticket(s): RS-17669;

Description: A new version of the data view dataExtract_Disbursement_View_v002 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Disbursement_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows:

Column Added

  • cancelledBelowHTAmount

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award


Title: R2T4 Refunds, Step 10: Do Not Return if Fund Amount is $50 or Less

Tickets: RS-15382; RS-17664; RS-17797;

Regent Award was enhanced to ensure that for schools configured to automatically return grant amounts in Step 10, the amount listed for the student to return to a specific fund will not be returned to its source if it is less than or equal to $50.

The "R2T4 Grant Overpayment" task will trigger only when there are any individual amounts in Step 10 that are greater than $50.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Return of Title IV R2T4 and R2T4 Wizard - PWD Tab.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Document Setup Data View Versions

Ticket(s): RS-17603;


A new version of the data view dataExtract_Document_Config_View_v001 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Document_Config_View_v002.

The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows:

Columns Added

  • documentRequirementActivityTypeCode

  • documentDependencyStatusCode

A new version of the data view dataExtract_DocumentAssignmentISIR_Config_View_v001 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_DocumentAssignmentISIR_Config_View_v002.

The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows:

Column Added

  • studentMaritalStatusChange

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Term Setup Data View Version

Ticket(s): RS-17602;

Description: A new version of the data view dataExtract_Term_Config_View_v001 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Term_Config_View_v002.

The differences between the v001 and v002 versions of the view are as follows:

Column Added

  • allowOverrideCODPaymentPeriodStartDate

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Program Setup Data View Version

Ticket(s): RS-17599;

Description: A new version of the data dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v003 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v004.

The differences between the v003 and v004 versions of the view are as follows:

Columns Added:

  • includeLoanDisbursementsCancelledForBelowHTStatus

  • automaticallyReturnGrantAmounts

  • autoAssignLoanCrossoverFAYBasedonISIRAvailability

· The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Campus Setup Data View Version

Ticket(s): RS-17599;

Description: A new version of the data dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v003 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v004.

The differences between the v003 and v004 versions of the view are as follows:

Columns Added

  • includeLoanDisbursementsCancelledForBelowHTStatus

  • automaticallyReturnGrantAmounts

  • autoAssignLoanCrossoverFAYBasedonISIRAvailability

· The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: New Data Views to support the new Student Experience:

Ticket(s): RS-17598;

Description: The following new data views have been created in support of the new Student Experience:

  • dbo.dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v004.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_AccountMgt_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_Documents_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_Documents_FederalAwardYear_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_ESignature_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_FinancialAid_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_General_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_MessageCenter_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_SmartForm_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_SmartForm_PdfStudentExternalIds_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_UsefulLinks_Config_View_v001.sql

  • dbo.dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_UsefulLinks_Link_Config_View_v001.sql

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award


Title: Active/Passive Acceptance Flow by Student using UDF Status

Tickets: RS-17804; RS-17806; RS-17798; RS-17799; RS-17800; RS-17801; RS-17802; RS-17805; RS-17807; RS-17808; RS-17809; RS-17810;

Regent Award has been enhanced to allow Active or Passive Acceptance on a per-student basis, via a User-Defined Field (UDF). Schools may configure Fund Setup and select a UDF to package a fund's awards in either an 'OFFERED' or 'ACCEPTED' status as provided for the UDF value. The UDF value overrides the fund's Initial Award Status and any configured Override Award Status.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Fund Setup Data Elements.


Regent Award

Student Experience

Title: Salesforce Application Configuration Options

Tickets: RS-16274; RS-16394; RS-16499; RS-16823;

Regent has introduced integration with Salesforce. The configuration options selected within Institution Setup will determine what Regent data is available within the Salesforce application.

A new tab has been created within the Institution Setup labeled "Salesforce". This tab includes three configuration options that will be used to map student data within the School's Salesforce org. This tab is accessible via permissions.

Schools interested in deploying this integration within their Salesforce environment should inquire with their Account Manager for more information on the application's features, services and setup.


Regent Award


Title: R2T4 PWD: Populate PWD document Based on the Loan Type

Tickets: RS-17695; RS-17811; RS-16608;

Regent Award was enhanced to generate a single document requirement if the student has Subsidized/Unsubsidized/GradPLUS Direct Loan PWDs as well as a single parent document if the student has ParentPLUS Direct Loan PWDs.

The documents should be configured as follows:

  • "Student Post-Withdrawal Disbursement Offer"

    • Document Use: "Facilitate PWD Response"

    • Scope: Payment Period

    • Packaging Assignment: Subsidized/Unsubsidized/GradPLUS Direct Loan

    • "Allow Attachments" should be selected/checked.

    • "Enforce Scope Uniqueness" unselected/unchecked.

  • "Parent Post-Withdrawal Disbursement Offer"

    • Document Use: "Facilitate PWD Response"

    • Scope: Payment Period

    • Packaging Assignment: ParentPLUS Direct Loan

    • "Allow Attachments" should be selected/checked.

    • "Enforce Scope Uniqueness" unselected/unchecked.

Once one or both of these documents is generated, it will appear in the Documents module in the student portal.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Return of Title IV (R2T4).


Regent Award


Title: Re-organize document names in alphabetic order in Regent 'Student Document' Report

Tickets: RS-13869CLOSED

To facilitate a better user experience, the options in the dropdown list for the ‘Document Name’ field in the 'Student Document' report have been changed to display in alphabetical order.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Reports: Student - Documents.


Regent Award


Title: Verification Worksheet Spouse Tax Filing Questions

Tickets: RS-12982; RS-17451;

The Verification Worksheet has been enhanced to request spouse tax filing information when a student is married and did not file taxes jointly with their spouse.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Verification Worksheet.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award


Some BBAY term students had a packaging error, "Award Periods with duplicate key found."

The affected students all had Direct Loans that had been manually zeroed out for the term. The school's BBAY Anchor Determination configuration was "Direct Loans Greater than $0." The system did not correctly reconcile the $0 Manual loans when checking for zero amounts in the anchoring BBAY term.

The system was updated to evaluate the sum of the disbursement amounts when determining if all awards are manual and sum to $0.

Package an affected student. Confirm the "Duplicate Key" error does not occur. Confirm any AYs with only $0 loans are marked as non-BBAY Academic Years.


Student Portal

Student Portal (SNAP)

In a test environment, after parents registered new Portal accounts, the system displayed an error that the page was not redirecting properly. The parents could not access the Parent Portal.

The configuration setting was blank for the URL that would redirect the new parent accounts to the Parent Portal after registration.

Regent added a default value for the Parent Portal Redirect URL setting.

Deploy the latest version of the Student Portal. Test with a dependent student. In Regent Award or Regent Review, add a Document that requires a parent signature. As the student, complete the document in the Student Portal and invite a parent to sign. Follow the link from the parent's email. Complete the parent registration process. Confirm the system successfully redirects the new account to the Parent Portal.


Regent Award


After a school paid some disbursements, the system removed the paid disbursements. The removed disbursements were no longer visible in Regent Award.

The system combined the new, paid disbursements with previous unpaid disbursements that were still linked to non-enrolled terms. The system did not correctly track the change.

The system detects changes when a disbursement is combined with an amount on a different term. Some manual data cleanup may be needed. Schools should work with their Account Managers to run a list-only population script to identify any affected disbursements. (See separate script documentation for RS-18243 in these release notes.) The population is expected to be very low for most schools.

Test using a student who has a prior non-enrolled term containing unpaid disbursements for a current award, such as a canceled disbursement for a Pell Grant. View the Disbursement Details for the non-enrolled and the currently-enrolled terms. Package the student. Pay the disbursements for the current term. Repackage the student at least twice and refresh the Academic Plan screen. View the Disbursement Details. Confirm the system keeps all unpaid and paid disbursements at their original amounts and paid status.


Student Experience


Some students completed the 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet and confirmed they will not file taxes and are not required to file. The system unexpectedly assigned the "2018 Student Tax Transcript/IRS Match" document.

Recent changes to Non-Tax Return Filer and Marital Status questions in the 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet caused changes to the expected values in the document persistence.

The 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet document persistence was updated to align with the recent changes to Non-Tax Return Filer and Marital Status questions.

Identify or create an independent student that is selected for verification and has a blank response to the "Type of Tax Form Used" question on their 2020-2021 ISIR. Create a test student account for the Student Portal. Complete the Verification Worksheet by indicating the student will not file and is not required to file and electronically sign the form. In Regent Award or Regent Review, navigate to the student's Documents screen. Confirm the "2018 Student Tax Transcript/IRS Match" document is not present in NEEDED status. Repeat similar test for a dependent student that is selected for verification on their 2020-2021 ISIR where both the student and the parent have a blank response to the "Type of Tax Form Used" questions. Create a test student account for the Student Portal. Complete the Verification Worksheet by indicating will not file and not required to file for both student and parent and electronically sign the form. In Regent Award or Regent Review, navigate to the student's Documents screen. Confirm the "2018 Student Tax Transcript/IRS Match" and the "2018 Parent(s) Tax Transcript/IRS Match" documents are not present in NEEDED status.


Regent Review

Student Experience

An Independent student in the StudentX Portal chose to sign using the paper signature. The system showed the Dependent options requiring a Parent signature.

For paper signatures, the system used default settings that required both parent and student signatures.

The paper-signature logic was updated to recognize the student's actual dependency status after completing the smart form.

Test using an Independent student with an ISIR Selected for Verification, but not yet Verified. Ensure the student has a linked valid StudentX account. In Regent Award, add a Student Document with a type Verification Worksheet. Log into StudentX. Complete the Verification Worksheet details. In the E-Signature section, select "Or choose another option." In Step 2, Download Forms to Sign, download the PDF. Confirm the PDF does not contain any Parent Signature form. Click Next. In Step 3, Confirmation of Signatures on the Attachment, confirm the system does not display Parent signature options. Upload and submit the form. In Regent Award, navigate to the student's Verification Worksheet document and review the Electronic Signature tab. Confirm the Required Electronic Signature Type for the document is for the student only.


Regent Award


Regent Award did not include Direct Loan awards in R2T4 when Master Promissory Note (MPN) is expired at the moment of R2T4 creation.

Regent Award incorrectly ignored non-linked
non-accepted MPN records during R2T4 creation.

Regent Award logic was updated to use non-linked
non-accepted MPN records so that R2T4 processing logic wizard can use them.

Add R2T4 for a student awarded with Direct Loan who had valid MPN at the beginning of the Academic Year and which expired prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal. Make sure Direct Loan is included into the R2T4.


Student Portal


Some students completed the 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet and confirmed they will not file taxes and are not required to file. The system unexpectedly displayed the question content for the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) and the Student Tax Transcript.

The 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet had recent changes to the Non-Tax Return Filer and Marital Status questions. Those updates caused changes to the expected values in the dependencies for displaying the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) and the Student Tax Transcript screens.

The 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet logic was updated to align with recent changes to the Non-Tax Return Filer and Marital Status questions. The dependencies were updated for the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) and the Student Tax Transcript.

Identify or create an independent student who is selected for verification and has a blank response to the "Type of Tax Form Used" question on their 2020-2021 ISIR. Create a test student account for the Student Portal. Complete the Verification Worksheet, indicating the student will not file and is not required to file. Confirm the system does not display the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) and the Student Tax Transcript screens. Repeat a similar test for a dependent student who is selected for verification on their 2020-2021 ISIR, where both the student and the parent have a blank response to the "Type of Tax Form Used" questions. Create a test student account for the Student Portal. Complete the Verification Worksheet, indicating will not file and not required to file, for both student and parent. Confirm the system does not display the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) and the Student Tax Transcript screens.


Student Portal

Student Portal (SNAP)

A school tested the new Override Award Status configuration in Fund Setup. When a student had an Override Award Status of OFFERED, the system unexpectedly did not allow the student to Accept a loan from the Student Portal. Additionally, after users edited an award using Modify Award Wizard (MAW) and changed the status in Regent Award, the system unexpectedly repackaged the loan reverting it back to the configured Override Award Status.

The Student Portal did not recognize the new Fund Setup configuration. Additionally, when an award was repackaged before COD acceptance, the system did not keep the award in the changed status.

The Student Portal applies the configured Override Award Status to affected awards. Additionally, if a student or user in Regent Award changes the award's status prior to COD acceptance, the system will preserve the chosen Status (OFFERED or ACCEPTED).

Edit the Fund Setup configuration for loan funds such as the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan. Configure an Override Award Status to apply to a subset of students, such as those in a specific program having an Initial Status of OFFERED. Create several test students, with some using the normal Initial Status and others using the Override Award Status. Package the students. Confirm the system creates the loans in the expected status. Ensure the Student Portal is configured to Allow Accepted Award Updates. Sign in to the Student Portal. Confirm a student can Accept an OFFERED-status loan using the Student Portal. Confirm a student can view an ACCEPTED-status loan. In Regent Award, edit OFFERED-status and ACCEPTED-status loans in MAW. Repackage the students. Confirm the loans stay in the user's chosen status.


Student Experience


When the marital status is updated from 'single' to 'married' via the Verification Worksheet, the parent signature was inadvertently being required, despite the change in dependency status.

The parent signature field was still present in the document attachment when a dependent student's marital status was changed.

Removed the parent signature field from the document attachment when a dependent student's marital status is changed.

Log into the portal for an affected student. Open the Verification Worksheet. Confirm the Verification Worksheet does not require a parent signature.


Regent Award


Regent Award applied incorrect rounding rules to dollars and cents at STEP3 of R2T4 wizard.

Regent Award used general rounding rules at STEP3 rather than the required process of rounding to the 3rd place after the decimal.

Regent Award logic updated to round amounts at STEP3 based on R2T4 rounding rules.

Find the affected student with R2T4 record. Open R2T4. Click Edit button. Adjust 'Total Completed Days' and 'Total PP days' to make the 'Completed enrollment percentage' below 60%. Click 'Calculate' button. Review results. Standard R2T4 rounding rules should applied. The rounding to nearest penny occurs.


Regent Award


Regent Award zeroed out paid disbursements for some Pell Grants on Pell-eligible terms.

The affected students had multiple programs during the award period, with substantially equal program changes in the same FAY. The system incorrectly tried to award Pell using a student's older programs as well as the student's current program.

The awarding logic was updated for students who have substantially equal program changes during an award period. The system uses the correct program for awarding the fund in each eligible term or payment period.

Navigate to an affected Pell-eligible student who has multiple programs in different terms or payment periods in the current FAY. Package the student. Confirm the system awards the expected Pell amounts in each term.


Regent Award


The system did not fully process Imported Awards for some students. The awards appeared on the Academic Plan, but the students stayed in the Conversion Process Review Queue. The Conversion Wizard showed an error, "Unable to create batch package." The students had an EST error for unprocessed Imported Awards.

When Regent Award checked to see if the data had changed, the system did not recognize the new awards as having data changes.

Regent Award correctly detects new awards as changes and marks awards and disbursements when Imported Award data is imported.

Import awards through the Import Awards and Disbursements process. View an affected student in the Conversion Process: Review Queue. Package the student. Refresh the Conversion Process Review Queue. Confirm the student is no longer in the queue. Export the students through EST. Confirm the students successfully exported without error.


Regent Award


When students were packaged with the new "Override Award Status" fund configuration set to an 'Offered' status, non-originated loans unexpectedly stayed at "Accepted" status.

For the "Override Award Status" feature, Regent Award considered a loan as originated if the award had any COD communication.

When the system packages a student who is configured with the "Override Award Status," Regent Award determines whether a loan is originated at COD by checking the award's last Accepted at COD Award Identifier.

In a test environment, find or create test students in a specific program who have unoriginated loans in an Accepted status, and other test students in the same program who have originated loans in an Accepted status. Configure the Fund Setup "Override Award Status" with an Initial Status of Accepted and an Override Award Status of Offered for the specific program. Package the students. Confirm the unoriginated loans change to an Offered status and the originated Accepted loans remain in an Accepted status.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly canceled an earned disbursement after an R2T4 was finalized with a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) result.

The student had multiple PWD disbursements. The second disbursement was an Inadvertent Overpayment (IOP) marked with "Do not Offer." The system incorrectly assigned the IOP status to the first, non-IOP disbursement.

Regent Award Logic was updated to set IOP status on the correct disbursement.

Perform an R2T4 for a student with a Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned between 50 and 60%, who has Direct Loan paid in full by two disbursements and the second payment an IOP. Review the PWD tab. Confirm the second disbursement is marked as IOP and Do Not Offer with reason Second/Subsequent Disbursement. Finalize the R2T4. Confirm the first disbursement remains in paid status. Confirm the Direct Loan amount is equal to the amount of the first disbursement.


Regent Award


The Regent Award Reprocess Process for Entrance Counseling (EC) and Master Promissory Note (MPN) COD Response files was not matching to student records once they were created via Student Batch Load (SBL).

The database flag to match students during the Reprocess Process was not being set accurately.

The database flag was modified to ensure it is set correctly when matched with student records.

Run the Reprocess Process and ensure the EC and MPN COD Response file records are accurately matched up to student records.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly paid EST loan disbursements for R2T4 Post-Withdrawal Disbursements (PWD) when their Net Accepted Amount on the PWD tab was not specified.

Regent Award did not verify the presence of the Net Accepted Amount for the Direct Loan R2T4 PWD Disbursements.

Regent Award logic was updated so that EST process includes only those R2T4 Disbursements that have a Net Accepted Amount specified. A new EST validation check, EST-0086, was added.

Enable the R2T4 Offset and Auto-Finalize option configurations in Institution Setup. Reload RNA Setup if needed. Perform an R2T4 resulting in a portion of a Direct Loan appearing on the Post Withdrawal Disbursement tab. Confirm the loan PWD has a blank Net Amount Accepted. Finalize the R2T4. Perform EST to DRI and EST to COD. Review the EST Process report in the Process Log. Confirm the report does not contain paid disbursements from the Post Withdrawal Disbursement tab. Populate the Net Amount Accepted and the Date PWD Response. EST for DRI and AR. Confirm the PWD is successfully paid.


Regent Award

User Interface

When an administrator tried to edit a program in Program Setup, the screen showed an error, "Program External ID already exists."

The school had deleted programs with the same Program External IDs as active programs. Regent Award incorrectly included the deleted programs when the system checked for a unique Program External ID.

Regent Award does not include any deleted programs when checking for unique Program External IDs.

Log in as a system administrator on an affected school that has some deleted programs with the same Program External IDs as current, non-deleted Programs. Select one of the current programs in Program Setup. Edit the Program Setup configuration and Save changes. Confirm the system successfully saves without error.


Regent Award


Some students had unexpectedly high amounts for Pell grants. When the students were repackaged, the system corrected the total Pell amounts, but it sometimes created an unexpected additional disbursement instead of reducing the existing paid disbursement amounts.

Regent Award incorrectly canceled paid disbursements if the eligible amount was reduced and replaced them with new disbursements if the fund configuration of Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements was set.

If Regent Award calculates a different award amount, the system will try to keep any already-paid disbursements unchanged per the Fund Setup configuration. However, the system will still cancel or reduce any paid disbursements if the award's amount is reduced beyond the unpaid disbursements and Fund Setup allows reducing paid disbursements.

Navigate to an affected student, who has multiple paid Pell disbursements and below full-time enrollment in at least one term in the FAY. Review the Pell award and disbursement amounts. Package the student. Review and confirm the Pell award and disbursement amounts based on the enrollment level. Review and confirm the system adjusted unpaid disbursements, then reduced any paid disbursements prior to creating new additional disbursements.


Regent Award


At a BBAY school with three terms in the AY, a student had a "donut" Academic Year with no Direct Loans or loan eligibility in the middle term. Regent Award incorrectly continued the same loan period for the entire Academic Year including the ineligible middle term.

The school was configured to anchor BBAYs using the first term with nonzero Direct Loans. Regent Award incorrectly did not truncate loan periods for that configuration setting.

The system correctly applies GEN13-13 truncation logic to schools that are configured to anchor Academic Years with nonzero direct loans.

Use a school configured with "BBAY Anchor Determination" set to "Direct Loans Greater than $0." Navigate to an affected student's Academic Plan. Confirm the student still has an ineligible middle term. Package the student. Click a Direct Loan amount to view its Disbursement Details. In the pop-up, confirm the Loan Period dates include the loan's eligible consecutive terms and do not include any ineligible terms. Confirm the AY dates are still for the full Academic Year. View the loan on the Loans tab. Confirm the Financial Award Begin and End dates only include the consecutive eligible terms for that loan. Confirm the Academic Year Begin and End dates still include all terms in the AY.


Regent Award


An added Campus could not be saved in Regent Award UI (error message displayed) because the system incorrectly created the campus without default funds.

Regent Award incorrectly identified Fund IDs during Campus creation that resulted in an error.

Regent Award internal Data Base procedure was updated so it correctly identifies Fund IDs during creation of standard set Title IV funds.

On the Institution Setup click Add Campus button. Fill the required fields and Save. Make sure no errors displayed in UI. Review the created Campus' Fund Setup. Make sure it contains standard Title IV funds.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly split a Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) amount into new disbursements after R2T4 Finalization.

The Disbursement Schedule Setup was configured to pay using two or more disbursements. Regent Award was incorrectly applying the standard rules for splitting unpaid disbursements to the R2T4 PWD disbursements.

Regent Award logic was updated to only reassign values for disbursements when none of the scheduled disbursements have already been set by a Finalized R2T4.

Test for Pell and Direct Loan separately. View the award's Disbursement Details. Add an R2T4 for a student who has an unpaid Pell or Direct Loan in the Term or Payment Period. Set the R2T4 dates so the Step 2 Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned is less than 50%. Save the R2T4. Confirm the Pell or Direct Loan are present in the PWD tab. For the Direct Loan, set a positive Net Amount Accepted value and Date PWD Response on the PWD Tab. Finalize the R2T4. In the Disbursement Details screen, confirm the Pell or Direct Loan are paid using the existing disbursements from prior to the R2T4.


Regent Award


Regent Award incorrectly reduced Pell amount by $1 during R2T4.

Regent Award incorrectly rounded the Pell amount down in a term where it should have been rounded up during Pell Recalculation for R2T4.

The Regent Award calculation process was updated to use a standard rounding method that identifies direction of rounding.

Find a student with 0 EFC and Less Than Half time Enrollment for the first term of the Academic Year. Perform R2T4. Make sure the student has $775 pulled into R2T4 in R2T4 Wizard Step 1. A test could be performed on any student who's Pell amount for the first term of the Academic Year is rounded up due to the 50 cents portion.


Regent Award


The new active payment period was not showing on 'Add Award' and 'Modify Award' wizards after NSE program change.

Regent Award missed visibility links between UI and DB for the new payment periods.

The display logic was modified for Regent Award UI to render newly created payment periods in a valid way.

Find the affected student. Upload the SBL with program change. Complete the program change as NSE via Program management wizard. Navigate to 'Awards' tab. Select the payment period in question (Fall 2019). Click 'Edit' for the award in question. Proceed to STEP2. Review results. The new payment period should be visible.


Regent Award


The attempt to add Federal work Study award via 'Add Award Wizard' failed with an error on the first step.

Regent Award failed to create the award via 'Add Award Wizard' referring to blank "Accepted" amount that was never populated when 'Override eligibility' option was checked.

The code fix removing 'Override eligibility' restrictions for Add Award action was implemented.

Open the affected student. Navigate 'Awards' tab and click 'Add award'. Add Federal work Study for 2019-2020 award period with checked 'Override eligibility'. Pass through all AWW steps to complete award's creation. No errors should occur


Regent Award


Some awards imported using the Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) process could not be processed due to an error message, "Award has an invalid status when ISIR for FAY 2020 is missing and required by fund."

The awards were from a fund configured with "ISIR Required" selected in Fund Setup. The affected students did not have any ISIR for the awards' FAY. When Regent Award tried to create a new Loan Period to hold the imported award, the system could not link the new Loan Period to a matching ISIR.

If an award already exists on a student, the system bypasses the "ISIR Required" validation and applies the IAD data to the student's existing awards. If the student does not currently have an award from the fund, the system displays an improved error message, "Unable to create award, fund requires ISIR and valid ISIR not available or does not match grade level."

Import awards from a fund configured with "ISIR Required" in Fund Setup. Import IAD data for a student who has an award from the fund already on their Academic Plan, but who does not have an ISIR for the award's FAY. Process the student's imported awards. Confirm the system updates the awards with the new IAD data. Import IAD data for a student who does not currently have that fund's award on the student's Academic Plan. View the student in the Imported Awards Review screen. Confirm the new error message is displayed. Load an ISIR for the same affected student. Process the student through the Imported Awards Review queue. Confirm the system successfully imports the award.


Regent Award


Incorrect rounding rules were applied for 'Percentage of R2T4 Period Completed' field at Step 3 of clock-hour R2T4.

Regent Award used standard rounding rules at Step 2 of R2T4 wizard that resulted into wrong percentage amounts displayed at Step 3.

Regent Award logic was updated to apply R2T4 rounding rules while calculating the completed percentage amount.

Navigate to the affected student. Add R2T4 record for the period in question . Add "Hours Scheduled to Complete" and "Total Hours in Period". Click 'Calculate' button. Review results.
The percentages should be calculated to four decimal places and rounded to three decimal places.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly calculated the wrong number of days between courses, resulting in an incorrect Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned during R2T4.

Regent Award incorrectly determined the number of break days when breaks were not properly saved in database.

Regent Award logic was updated to ensure break days are counted properly when determining the gaps between courses.

In Program Setup make sure that "Method for Projecting Nonterm R2T4 PP End Date" is set to the 'Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method'. Find the Non-Term student who has more than 5 days gap between courses in the Payment Period. Perform R2T4 for this Payment Period. Perform R2T4. Make sure that in R2T4 Wizard Step 2 Completed days are equal to Scheduled PP Days.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly added breaks to the Date of Withdrawal and Scheduled PP End Date in R2T4 Wizard Step 2 for Non-Term programs.

Regent Award incorrectly interpreted course data for calculating breaks between courses.

Regent Award logic was updated to prevent dates included in courses to be treated as breaks.

In Program Setup make sure that "Method for Projecting Nonterm R2T4 PP End Date" is set to the 'Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method'. Add R2T4 for Non-Term student that have overlapping courses and doesn't have any gaps between courses. Make sure that in R2T4 Wizard Step 2 breaks are 0 for Completed days are Scheduled PP Days formulas.


Regent Award


Regent Award did not send Grade Level information to COD during Originating Teach Grant.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating Grade Level in the award COD metadata for Federal Award Year based awards.

Regent Award logic was updated to calculate Grade Level based on a non-zero value from a previous Enrollments or to use Grade Level 6 as an initial value for Graduate/ Post Graduate programs.

Award a TEACH grant to an eligible student who starts Graduate/Post Graduate programs as a first program in Regent supported school. Originate award - EST for DRI = false. Download the COD export file from Process Log. Review StudentLevelCode tag. Make sure it contains the correct Grade Level.


Regent Award


A school changed a program's Anticipated Enrollment Level Type in Program Setup. When Regent Award packaged students in the updated program, the students had different anticipated enrollment levels depending on whether the students were packaged in Batch Packaging (BP) or the Modify Academic Plan Wizard (MAP).

The Batch Packaging process did not repackage students with an existing Academic Plan using the program's current configured Anticipated Enrollment Level Type.

The Batch Packaging process was updated to use the program's current configured Anticipated Enrollment Level Type during both the initial packaging and repackaging of a student.

Package a student in a term or nonstandard term program. Note the student's current anticipated enrollment level on the Academic Plan. Change the Program Setup configuration to a different Anticipated Enrollment Level Type. Reload RNA Setup. Package the same student using Batch Packaging. Confirm the enrollment level on the Academic Plan now matches the program's new configuration. Open MAP. Confirm MAP displays the correct default Anticipated Enrollment Level matching the updated program configuration. Finish MAP. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the anticipated enrollment level matches the program's new configuration.


Regent Award


Pell Recalculation amount within the R2T4 was inconsistent.

Regent award used wrong configuration setting and divided the wrong number of award disbursements between terms for SAY-based quarter programs. System packaged 4 award disbursements per FAY instead of 3, as expected, which impacted Pell Recalculation results at R2T4 Wizard Step 1.

System settings were updated to divide award disbursements into correct number.

Perform R2T4 for a student with attended courses that were later withdrawn.
Review R2T4 Wizard Step 1 Recalculated Pell amount. Make sure that amount correspond to enrollment level that is based on a number of units that student attended in the term.


Regent Award


Regent Award did not automatically award students after A to B to A Program Change and did not allow manual awarding.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated the Progression and Registered Units after A to B to A Program Change. Units for the terms related to the first program A were incorrectly counted twice and linked to the second Program A.

Regent Award logic was updated to include Program A units in the calculation only one time.

Perform A to B to A Substantially Equal Program Change for a student eligible for the Direct Loan who has the number of Progression Units from the first instance of Program A more than half of units required for completion of the Program. Make sure the student is awarded with the Direct Loan.


Regent Award


Regent Award cancelled and recreated Direct Loan's Disbursements after R2T4 reversal where 100% of aid was earned and paid.

Regent Award was incorrectly creating adjustment Disbursements even though the existing disbursement's paid amounts covered the reversal amount.

Regent Award was updated to prevent calculation logic from creating additional Disbursements when the award amount paid in existing disbursement is enough to cover the amount after reversal.

Perform R2T4 for a student in the Term
Payment Period that has fully paid Direct Subsidize or Unsubsidized Loan or both. Set withdrawal date and Wizard Step 2 Adjustments so that Step 2 Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned is above 60%. This would result in 100% of aid earned. Finalize R2T4. Reverse R2T4. Make sure Loans have the same disbursements as prior to R2T4 creation.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly recalculated the Pell amount for R2T4 when the Pell had a 150% Year-Round Pell (YRP) portion.

Regent Award's Pell Recalculation logic was incorrectly evaluating Pell disbursements when they were awarded from the YRP portion of Pell.

Regent Award logic was updated to calculate the correct enrollment level that would also incorporate disbursements awarded from the YRP portion of Pell.

Perform an R2T4 calculation for a student with the YRP portion of Pell awarded in the R2T4 term. Review the R2T4 Wizard Step 1 Recalculated Pell amount. Confirm the Pell amount corresponds to the enrollment level using the number of units that the student attempted in the term.


Regent Award


For a nonterm student, Regent Award unexpectedly packaged the loan amounts for both payment periods into just the second payment period (PP2). The student was first packaged with a valid ISIR after the first payment period (PP1) end date was in the past.

The PP1 end date was in the past. Regent Award incorrectly considered the PP1 end date as closed, even though the nonterm Academic Year was still open. The system packaged the loan amount from both payment periods into the second period.

For nonterm students, Regent Award will update the first unpaid nonterm payment amount when the associated enrollment is open.

Find a nonterm student eligible for Direct Loans who had a packaging blocker during the entire PP1 in a current AY. Resolve the packaging blockers. Package the student. Confirm the Direct Loan is awarded in both Payment Periods of the nonterm Academic Year.


Regent Award


A school enabled the new R2T4 Automation setting, "Identify Whether Potential R2T4 is Required." The school loaded an R2T4 node for a nonterm test student who had no Pell and no originated Title IV aid in the R2T4 period. The school ran Batch Packaging. The system unexpectedly closed the R2T4 with a different "Not Required" reason, "Student did not attend this payment period."

The system applied the "Not Required" attendance check using incorrect dates. The nonterm student did not have course data in the second payment period (PP2) in the Academic Year. Regent Award incorrectly updated the nonterm payment period dates for the first payment period (PP1).

Regent Award only changes dates for nonterm payment periods if those payment periods fall within a specified date range. The system correctly anticipates future, unenrolled payment periods.

Enable the R2T4 automation configuration settings. Use an affected nonterm test student who does not have any courses in PP2 of their current Academic Year, and has no Title IV aid. Load an SBL file containing an R2T4 node with a Date of Determination and Date of Withdrawal beyond the configured R2T4 Offset dates. Run Batch Packaging. View the Automated R2T4 tab on the Batch Packaging Process Log entry. Confirm the system automatically closed the R2T4 with the Not Required reason, "No Title IV eligibility for R2T4 period." Review the student's R2T4. Confirm the Not Required reason is "No Title IV eligibility for R2T4 period."


Regent Award


Regent Award errored, preventing R2T4 from being saved when a student had cancelled Direct Loans packaged for the previous Federal Award Year (FAY) in the R2T4 Term/Payment Period.

Regent Award incorrectly included cancelled awards into award packaging validation during R2T4 evaluation.

Regent Award was updated to exclude cancelled awards from award validation logic.

Add R2T4 for a student who has direct Loan from previous FAY canceled in Crossover Term/Payment Period and Loans from next FAY awarded. Fill all the required data and Save the R2T4. Make sure no error is shown.


Regent Award


The student was awarded a higher amount of Subsidized Loan than for which they were eligible.

While packaging the loan net amount, the allocation of fees was not handled correctly by Regent Award and resulted in over-awarding.

Calculations logic was updated to account for loan fees and prevent over-awarding.

Navigate to the affected student. Run packaging. Review the annual amount of calculated Subsidized Loan, and verify it is correct.


Regent Review


A student had the very first Academic Year (AY) on the Academic Plan numbered AY2 in Regent Award.

During a program change four years ago, the system changed the numbering on the student's academic plan.. Some terms were assigned to AY2. Regent Award did not have any validation to force the Academic Year numbering to start at AY1.

Regent Award has improved validation to detect Academic Plans that start with AY2 or higher. A new packaging error message will occur: "Academic Plan should start with Academic Year#0 or Academic Year#1 as its first year." A user may then manually correct the problem in the Program Management Wizard (PMW) by either adding a new Manual Academic Year #1, or editing the Academic Years to manually move the AY2 terms into different Academic Years.

Package an affected student. Confirm the packaging error occurs. In the PMW, add or edit the student's Manual Academic Years so the first Academic Year is AY1. Continue through the wizard. Refresh the Academic Plan. Confirm the student's Academic Plan starts with AY1.



Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.

  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 

  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:




Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award


Purpose of Script:
This population-only custom script identifies disbursements that were incorrectly removed due to a change-tracking bug (RS-18189) in and later releases. The population is expected to be very low for most schools. The school may need to manually clean up the affected paid disbursements. For example, the school may need to import COD Web Response files for affected Pell Grants. Any affected unpaid disbursements will likely not require any cleanup; however, Regent still recommends the school review all affected awards for accuracy.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script does not change any data. It is a list-only script to identify potentially affected disbursements and awards. Schools are expected to review the results and perform any manual cleanup for paid disbursements.

How to Access the Script:
Schools will need to coordinate with their Account Managers to run the script. Regent recommends running the script soon after the upgrade to

How to Test the Script:
After upgrading to, run the list-only version of the script. Review affected disbursements.


Regent Award


Purpose of Script:
This custom script updates existing awards that students previously accepted from the Student Portal. The script sets a database flag to mark the awards as having been directly accepted by the student. Without this update, if the school tried to configure the "Override Award Status" for the fund, the bug in RS-17950 could change an award back to Offered status if the student had accepted the award prior to the school's upgrade to or later.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script updates the "studentAcceptedYN" flag to 1 (true) for awards that were accepted from the Student Portal. The script also records an Activity Log Entry, "Set studentAcceptedYN to 1" for each affected award.

How to Access the Script:
Soon after upgrading to the release, submit a Customer Zone (CZ) ticket and work with the Regent Account Manager to run the script and review the results.

How to Test the Script:
At a school that has Active Acceptance for any awards, soon after upgrading to the release, run the script. View the Activity Log for a student who had previously accepted an award from the Student Portal. Confirm the new Activity Log Entry is present. Package the student. Confirm the award stays in Accepted status.