Release 5.2 Product Brief

Release 5.2 Product Brief

Product Release5.2.0.0
Release Date

Product Brief

Additional Documents

Ron Dinwiddie

Susan Sherrick

Sharon Clough

Steve England

Product Release Summary

This Product Brief includes a summary of Regent 5.2 and direction to additional documentation and information.  The last major release was Regent 5.1, but interim release included the following items:

  • Disbursement Schedule Option to Require Attendance in all Program Applicable Units for the Term Before Disbursing
  • ‘Unlink MPN’ Functionality
  • Ability to Reset a Student for the Conversion Process
  • Task to Alert when ISIR and Program Levels Do Not Match

Product Release Description

The release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section of the Release Notes, and also enhancements and new features including:

  • Introduction of ‘What If I Change My Course Enrollment’ Tool for Regent Plan
  • Option for Passive Acceptance Students to Decline/Reduce Loan Amounts
  • Regent Access Questionnaires for 2021-2022
  • Option to Add Federal Work Study from Two Federal Years in a Crossover Payment Period
  • Ability to Start Nonterm Academic Plan with Program B when Student did not Attend Program A

Release Notes

Further details on enhancements/new features and a complete list of bug fixes can be found in the Release Notes.   The Release Notes are made available externally via Customer Zone.

The Release Notes also contain information on new configuration options, and a list of updates to the Admin Guide and User Guide.

Other Documentation

In addition to the Product Brief, the following documentation is also available:

  • Live Webinar will be scheduled when the release is GA (recording will be available at Customer Zone)

System Requirements

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the Regent 5.2 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the Regent 5.2 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

New Feature Overview for Regent 5.2

  • The ‘What If I Change My Course Enrollment’ Tool for Regent Plan is the next in the series of ‘what if’ planning tools available to students in Regent Plan.  It builds on the ability for students to see what happens if they change their borrowing choices that was delivered with My Borrowing, to allow term-based students to see the potential impact of changes in course load with respect to program length, affordability, and total loan indebtedness.

 Introductory information as the students land on the tools first page is entirely configured by the client, and students are presented with their current plan, costs, and fund eligibility.  Moving through the experience, the student can increase or decrease the number of units or courses (the client determines which) for future terms, and upon completion, the student sees a new estimated plan based on the changes that were made.  These changes are not persisted onto the Regent Award Academic Plan, as those official changes are guided by course information received in the Student Batch Load (SBL), but students can name and save multiple estimated plans for future reference within Regent Plan.  Client users with ‘Advisor Assist’ access and permissions will be able to view the student’s saved hypothetical enrollment plans.

  • Option for Passive Acceptance Students to Decline/Reduce Loan Amounts:  Regent’s Student Experience has been enhanced so that students with passive acceptance awards, those that are created already in ‘Accepted’ status, can opt to adjust or decline their loan amounts via the Financial Aid module in Regent Award or the My Borrowing feature in Regent Plan.   They will experience the same Portal actions and flow previously available only to students with Active acceptance awards.  The Add Award Wizard (AAW) and Modify Award Wizard (MAW) both support consistent behavior for both Active and Passive flow awards.  Student accepted amounts and client user entered accepted amounts and dates are stored separately, and Regent Award packaging will honor those amounts, using the most recent of the two if there are entries in both fields. If the client has reduced the "offered amount" in MAW, the student will not be able to increase the award above that amount. 

  • Regent Access Questionnaires for 2021-2022 are included in Regent 5.2 incorporate the new $27,000 cap for Automatic Zero EFCs and utilize Department of Education EFC tables updated for the upcoming 2021-2022 Federal Award Year.

  • Option to Add Federal Work Study from Two Federal Years in a Crossover Payment Period  Title:  The Regent Add Award Wizard (AAW) has been updated to enable users to add Federal Work Study awards from both Federal Award Years (FAYs) during a single crossover payment period.  The awards for each year will display separately to both students and client users.  Calculation of Remaining Unmet Need and Remaining Unmet Cost of Attendance will adjust appropriately including amounts from both FAYs. Reporting, including FISAP, will reflect only funds for the selected FAY. The payroll section of Regent Award Federal Work Study already supports reporting of funds from two FAYs in one payment period.

  • Ability to Start Nonterm Academic Plan with Program B when Student did not Attend Program A  provides for the Academic Year Start Dates to shift automatically from the date scheduled for an initial program the student does not attend to a later program Start Date associated with a program with actual attendance.  This functionality applies for nonterm, substantially equal program changes to ensure the Academic Year start date aligns with the program the student commences. 


Known Issues for Regent 5.2

SummarySuggested Workaround
RS-17329"Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility" document requirement assigned when student does not have both remaining Subsidized eligibility and awarded Unsubsidized loans. Review student awards and waive the document.
RS-14969A nonterm loan period has one payment period when it contains more than half an academic year in credits.Adjust the loan to ensure two disbursements.
RS-14395Automatic "cancel/recreate" to update Loan Fee percentage is exporting incorrectly when all disbursements are anticipated.Cancel initial loan at COD-on-the Web.
RS-15606Certain manual paid disbursements retain a Disbursement Status of scheduled.None.
RS-16935Certain SAY students overawarded for Spring after withdrawing from Summer. Use MAW to correct award amounts.
RS-14001Certain TEACH Grant awards not being assigned a CPS Transaction Number for COD export. Process the TEACH award at COD-on-the Web.
RS-18232Data view missing or has invalid completion date for R2T4s that resulted in neither Refunds nor PWDs and were finalized as "no action required". Date is available in the UI.
RS-18545Error Msg: 'Packaging error. Non-unique disbursement number generated' triggered in certain cases where there are duplicate award periods.As a cleanup, the script RS-15586 Documentation is used to renumber the duplicate disbursement and clear it.
RS-15520Error when attaching documents with special characters in file name.Do not use special characters in file name.
RS-17989In certain cases when cost adjustments have been made, the COA in Academic Plan does not update.  The amount is correct on the Awards tab and the MAP wizard, and the correct amount is used for awarding. Access Awards Tab for correct Cost of Attendance..
RS-19484In certain cases when multiple SAP records have been added for a student in a review period, the EST process is incorrectly triggering the EST-0057 error. None.
RS-15202In certain scenarios, the configured Alt-EFC Rounding Option is not applied.None.
RS-15432Multiple Zero Dollar Grad PLUS Awards reported for certain students.None.
RS-14124Nonterm Academic Year End Date is incorrect when student returns after absence greater than 180 days.None.
RS-14122Pell Awarded above 150% when EFC is between 601 and 700 (2 students).Manually override via Modify Award Wizard.
RS-13962Split Weeks not functioning as expected for Abbreviated Loan PeriodNone.
RS-18050Term Scope Value displays incorrectly for Payment Period scoped imported documentsNone.
RS-19821Modify Academic Plan (MAP) option to change a student's packaging philosophy through the UI does not function properly when the student has made a 'My Borrowing' option decision.  None.
RS-19824Students may not be presented with their full borrowing eligibility for subsequent academic years in My Borrowing.None.
RS-19807In the 'What If I Change My Course Enrollment' tool of Regent Plan, the 'All Terms' option is not functioning correctly.Students can enter desired number of units or enrollment level on a term- by-term basis.

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