Release Notes for Release (Regent 5.2)

Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 5.2, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Introduction of 'What If I Change My Course Enrollment’ Tool for Regent Plan

  • Option for Passive Acceptance Students to Decline/Reduce Loan Amounts

  • Regent Access Questionnaires for 2021-2022

  • Option to Add Federal Work Study from Two Federal Years in a Crossover Payment Period

  • Ability to Start Nonterm Academic Plan with Program B when Student did not Attend Program A

New Configuration Options

The following new configuration options were added in release   

  • Institution Setup, Rebuild and Import Award Settings: New configuration setting: Require Import Award Data for AY0 Year. When this setting is 'Yes,' the system will require Import Award data to support COD awards in academic years prior to the student's Academic Plan start date. When this setting is No, the conversion process will allow processing of COD Rebuild awards that do not have accompanying Import Awards and Disbursements, only for Academic Years that occur before the student's Academic Plan start date.

  • Disbursement Schedules: Confirm Attendance in All PA Units Prior to Disbursement

  • Portal General Tab in Regent Award: Enable Maintenance Page. When this checkbox is selected, the Maintenance Page will be displayed when a user attempts to access the Student Experience portal, either via SSO or non-SSO.

  • Fund Setup Page>General Tab>Fund Detail Section: Allow Awards From More Than One Available FAY per Crossover Period. When this setting is Yes, In a crossover payment period that spans multiple FAYs, the payment period may contain an award from the prior-year FAY as well as the next-year FAY. When this setting is No, all awards from the fund in the same payment period must be from the same FAY.

  • Institution Setup, (Regent Plan tab>My Borrowing>Academic Year Settings: ‘Messaging Logic for 'Select a Borrowing Plan' Tile. Options are 'Dynamic' and 'Static.' The default is 'Dynamic.’ Selection determines the text boxes that will display below.

  • Fund Setup: Allow Students to Accept Lower Amounts or Decline Awards from the Student Portal

Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of Regent 5.2, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated: 

Admin Guide  

User Guide:

  •  (NEW)

  •  (NEW)

  •  (NEW)

  •  (NEW)

Regent Integrations:


The following enhancements are included in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award


Title: New Data View - dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentRollup_View_v004

Ticket(s): RS-19508

Description: A new version of the data view dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentRollup_View_v003 has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentRollup_View_v004.

The differences between the v003 and v004 versions of the view are as follows: 63 columns added.

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Regent Award


Title: Apply External Transfer Units to Grade Level Progression Awarding for Later Payment Periods

Tickets: RS-19351; RS-19461; RS-19500; RS-19505; RS-19499; RS-19482; RS-19734


Regent Award's Grade Level calculation logic and Grade Level Progression Awarding logic have been improved to apply External Transfer Units at a point-in-time on the Academic Plan. If an External Transfer course's end date is on or before the program's actual start date, the grade-level calculation will apply the course's External Transfer units starting with the first enrolled term or payment period in the program. If the External Transfer course's end date is after the program start date, and the External Transfer course is added into a term or nonterm PP, the system will count those units toward Grade Level calculations in the following enrollment period (the next term for term and nonstandard term, or the next Academic Year for nonterm). For example, if a student takes a Summer course at another school, and the course is sent on the SBL with the Summer term's External Term ID and a course end date after the program start date, the system will apply those external transfer units to grade-level calculation starting with the following Fall term.

Schools may want to update their SBL processes to account for the new logic. To allow schools time to make those adjustments, the new logic will only apply to new courses received after a specific date (default value November 1, 2020). Any courses that already existed in Regent Award prior to that specified date will use the previous logic: those existing external transfer courses will always have their units applied from the beginning of the program, regardless of the course end date. However, when that cutover date is reached, the system will count External Transfer units dfferently depending on the course end date. If the course end date is on or before the program start date, the system will still count those units as if they were received prior to the program start. If the course end date is after the program's start date, the system will add those units into the appropriate payment period (using the term ID for term courses, or the course end date for nonterm Payment Periods). The system will then apply those units toward grade-level progression in the following enrollment period - i.e., the next enrolled term, or the next Academic Year for nonterm.


Regent Access


Title: 2021 - 2022 eAccess Application

Tickets: RS-19594; RS-19456; RS-19457; RS-19522; RS-19565; RS-19453; RS-19469; RS-19521; RS-19520

The eAccess product streamlines applicant experience and increases the level of applicant self-service in completion of the 2021-2022 application for Colorado State aid for undocumented students, providing application results in standard format for the processing and awarding of that aid. The product includes a smart form application in English with a Spanish translation that uses conditional logic to tailor each question to the individual student and minimize the number of questions the student is required to answer, while still obtaining the necessary information to calculate an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for both independent and dependent students. An ISIR File Format file is available to support integration into a school's Financial Aid Management System.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Access.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Add Award Wizard / Modify Award Wizard - Student Accepted Amount and Override Eligibility Rules

Tickets: RS-16081; RS-19230; RS-19371; RS-19373; RS-19375; RS-19378

Add Award Wizard (AAW) and Modify Award Wizard (MAW) have been updated to support the enhancements for Active and Passive Acceptance from the student portal. A Regent Award user can view the Student Accepted Amount that the student updated from the Student Portal. Users may also set a lower cap for an award amount by changing the New Offer amount in MAW. The student will not be able to accept an award greater than the New Offer amount. Users may also change an award to Manual by selecting the "Override Eligibility Rules" checkbox.

See the CustomerZone topic Modify An Individual Award using the Modify Award Wizard (MAW).


Regent Award

Funds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Title: Allow Federal Work Study Awards for Two FAYs for Crossover Term in Regent Award

Tickets: RS-19360; RS-19364; RS-19365; RS-19366; RS-19399; RS-19412; RS-19390; RS-19391; RS-19416; RS-19400; RS-19401; RS-19415

Description: New logic and functionality has been implemented within Regent Award that will: 1) Enable users to enter Federal Work Study awards for more than one Federal Award Year (FAY) in a crossover period; 2) Display the award amounts separately for each FAY in the same payment period within Regent products; 3.) Adjust packaging correctly for a payment period with multiple awards of the same fund from different FAYs.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Fund Setup and Fund Setup Data Elements.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Add Academic Year to My Borrowing and Change My Borrowing Activity Log Entries

Tickets: RS-19308

The My Borrowing and Change My Borrowing Activity Log entries were updated to include the Academic Year for which the borrowing information was displayed and updated.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Activity Log Entries.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Add 'Check the status' Button Requirement to My Borrowing and Change My Borrowing after Updates to Award Amounts

Tickets: RS-19307;RS-19205

Added requirement to click the 'Check the status' button in the My Borrowing or Change My Borrowing when a user Accepts, Saves, or makes an update to the My Borrowing award amount to ensure awards being accepted have been processed prior to making a subsequent change.


Regent Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Special Characters Displaying in the eTASFA ISIR File Format

Tickets: RS-19302

Functionality has been updated to remove default values of special characters in the application to align with the eTASFA Export File ISIR Layout Format, which is mapped and formatted in accordance with the EDE Technical Reference.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic eTASFA Export File in an ISIR Layout Format.


Regent Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Dependency Status added to the eTASFA ISIR File Format

Tickets: RS-19284

Functionality has been updated to include the dependency status in Position 1138 on the eTASFA ISIR Format file.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic eTASFA Export File in an ISIR Layout Format.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: My Borrowing- Configuration Option for Static or Dynamic Messaging within Both Plan Tiles

Tickets: RS-19260; RS-19310; RS-19311

New configuration in REM will allow ‘Dynamic' OR 'Static' messaging for the 'Select a Borrowing Plan' tiles in My Borrowing. Dynamic messaging will be applied to both tiles based on whether the total award amount for the plan is over or under the Direct Costs amount. Static messaging will be applied to both tiles based on the Packaging Philosophy 'Package To’ configuration.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic My Borrowing.


Regent Award

Data Views

Title: DataView Queries of Configurations

Ticket(s): RS-19235

Description: Ninety-seven new data views have been created for configuration-related data, so that the configuration data may be queried.

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Fund Setup - Allow Students to Accept Lower Amounts or Decline Awards from the Student Portal

Tickets: RS-16081; RS-19230; RS-19370; RS-19371; RS-19372; RS-19373; RS-19376; RS-19418; RS-19381; RS-19420; RS-19385; RS-19367; RS-19368; RS-19369; RS-19374; RS-19375; RS-19378; RS-19379; RS-19380; RS-19408; RS-19597; RS-19377; RS-19382; RS-19384; RS-19381; RS-19386; RS-19383; RS-19385; RS-19387; RS-19584; RS-19585


Regent Award may be configured to allow students to accept a lower Accepted amount on a Title IV loan than was originally created in Accepted status (Passive Acceptance). With this configuration, students may also Decline their Accepted-status loans from the Student Portal. The new configuration setting in Fund Setup is, “Allow Students to Accept Lower Amounts or Decline Awards from the Student Portal.” The new setting will apply to all Title IV loans from the Student Portal, including within “My Borrowing - Select Plan” and “Change My Borrowing Amounts.” Schools currently using those features on the Student Experience Portal will need to configure the setting to “Yes” to preserve current functionality. The new setting must have the same value for Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized and GradPLUS loan funds.

Regent Award stores the Student’s Accepted Amount and the date the student last updated the award. Add/Modify Award Wizard (AAW/MAW) also stores the User Accepted Amount for changes made by a Regent Award user. If the amounts are different, the system uses the most recently updated value. Regent’s packaging logic will repackage the loans to not exceed the specified amount, for both active-acceptance and passive-acceptance loans. A FA user can set a lower cap for an award by changing the New Offer amount in MAW, and the student will not be able to accept an award greater than the New Offer amount.


Regent Award


Title: Institution Setup: Require Import Award Data for AY0 Years

Tickets: RS-18976; RS-19073; RS-19418; RS-19419; RS-19147; RS-19150; RS-18598; RS-19153; RS-19151

Schools may configure the conversion process to only require Import Award data to match COD awards when the Academic Year (AY) is an active year on the Academic Plan. When configured, Import Award data is not required for any AY0 year (prior to the program start), even when COD data is imported for the AY0.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Insitution Setup Data Elements


Student Experience

Not Applicable

Title: Change a color on the My Plan aggregate loan limit chart

Tickets: RS-18929; RS-19048

Description: In the aggregate loan limit pie chart in My Borrowing, under My Plan, the color of the “Previous at my school” portion of the chart (and the corresponding key) has been changed from light green to orange to better distinguish from the green of the “Other schools” portion of the chart.


Regent Award


Title: Fix Modular Term Logic for New 'Late DL Disbursement - Student LTHT"

Tickets: RS-18730; RS-18943

Description: The trigger logic for the ‘Late DL Disbursement - Student LTHT’ task has been updated to trigger the task for terms with modules when the Maximum Course End Date is in the past, regardless of the term end date. This is to identify students who have stopped attending during a current term in addition to those who are Less Than Half Time after the term has ended. Nonterm and non-modular term functionality has not changed.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Task Triggers.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Add 'Active' indicator on My Borrowing Main Page/My Borrowing Tile if Plan has been Previously Selected

Tickets: RS-18941

An 'active' indicator has been added to the My Borrowing Tile for the Plan option that was previously selected on the My Borrowing Main Page.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base Topic: My Borrowing.


Regent Plan

Student Experience

Title: Aggregate Total Text Display in Regent Plan

Tickets: RS-18940

Description: The text displayed for the Aggregate Total Amount on the Regent Plan landing page was updated to, 'You will have borrowed...' (future tense) vs. 'You have borrowed....' (current tense) since the total includes both current and future borrowing amounts.


Regent Award


Title: Disbursement Schedules: Confirm Attendance in All PA Units Prior to Disbursement

Ticket(s): RS-18401; RS-18918; RS-18977; RS-19005; RS-18978; RS-18980; RS-18981

'Confirm Attendance in All PA Units Prior to Disbursement' is a new configuration setting for Disbursement Schedule Setup in Regent Award. When the setting is ‘Yes,’ a student must post attendance in all non-withdrawn Program Applicable units in a Payment Period before the fund’s disbursements can be paid for that term or payment period. The feature also adds a new EST validation and Disbursement Override EST-0087.


Regent Access


Title: Create English-Spanish Master e-TASFA Questionnaire

Tickets: RS-18908

A new 2020-2021 Master eTASFA questionnaire version was made available. The questionnaire continues to support the standard English questions but now include the Spanish translation of each question.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base Topic: eTASFA Smart Form.


Regent Plan

Activity Log

Title: Change Activity Log Entries for Award-Level Actions in Student Experience

Tickets: RS-18889

The Activity Log Entries (ALEs) in Regent Award triggered by award-level activity in Student Experience have been updated to record the detailed award-level student activity in Student Experience. The updated activity log entries specify if the activity was initiated from the Financial Aid or My Borrowing components. The Description text gives additional details about the award status and award amounts.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Activity log Entries.


Regent Award

Program Change

Title: Change Academic Year Start Date Handling in Regent Award for Nonterm SE Program Changes

Tickets: RS-19770; RS-19403

Regent Award's handling of Academic Year start dates for Nonterm Substantially Equal Program Changes has been updated so that, when the student’s first program has no attendance (e.g., only transfer courses,) the Academic Year Start Date will match the start date of the first program with actual attendance.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Program Change Guidance.


Regent Access


Title: New 2019-2020 & 2020-2021 Master eTASFA English Spanish Questionnaires

Tickets: RS-18733

Description: A new 2019-2020 and a new 2020-2021 Master eTASFA questionnaire version were made available. Both questionnaires continue to support the standard English questions but now include the Spanish translation of each question.


Regent Review

Student Portal (SNAP)

Title: Improved Question Workflow and Document Persistence for Student Non-tax-filer and Spouse Tax-filer

Tickets: RS-18587; RS-18767; RS-18704

The Verification Worksheet (VWS) questions and Document Requirements were updated to better support the scenario where a married student is a non-tax-filer, but the spouse has already filed. The "Spouse IRS Verification of Non-Filing Letter" document will be Waived and the "Spouse IRS Tax Transcript" document will remain in Needed status.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Verification Worksheet.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Student Experience Maintenance Page

Tickets: RS-18489

Description: A configurable maintenance page was made available for the Student Experience portal that can be posted by a user with the applicable permission in Regent Award or by Regent staff during environment upgrades or standard scheduled maintenance windows.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Maintenance Page and Portal Setup Data Elements .


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Student Experience- E-Sign Name Validation is Case Sensitive

Tickets: RS-18457

Description: When a student's or parent's name is entered in Student Experience, the validation allows for all upper case letters, all lower case letters, or mixed upper and lower case letters (i.e. it is not case sensitive).

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Verification Worksheet.


Regent Award

Annual Federal and State Reporting

Title: Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) Formula - Annual Update

Ticket(s): RS-18416; RS-19562

Regent has updated the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) formula for FAY 2021-2022. The new EFC calculation will be used by all Regent Access customers. The same EFC calculations will be used in Regent Award and Regent Review products but will not be available until the Fall 2020 regulatory release.


Regent Award


Title: 'Unlink MPN' Functionality

Tickets: RS-19015;RS-19016;RS-19017

Regent Award has been enhanced to allow a user to unlink an MPN via the 'Unlink' button on the MPN Info tab. If an MPN is unlinked, an MPN is able to be relinked via current functionality ('Add MPN' button) to associate the loan with a different MPN or re-associate it with the original MPN.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Permissions listEST Validation Error Codes GuideDirect Loans


Regent Plan

Student Experience

Title: Add New Regent Plan Tool, 'What If I Change My Course Enrollment?'

Tickets: RS-17459

The Regent Plan 'What if I Change My Course Enrollment?' tool is now a Regent Plan option in the in the Student Experience portal. It was created to provide students with the ability to project changes to their Regent Academic Plans in response to potential changes in enrollment levels. The tool will provide a comparison of costs, estimated awards and borrowing amounts between the student's current Academic Plan and the projected Academic Plan to assist students in understanding the impacts enrollment changes may have on their Financial Aid.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base Topic: Regent Plan: Course Enrollment Estimation Tool.


Regent Award


Title: Make FAY Pick List More User-Friendly in Regent Award

Ticket: RS-17180

Description: On the 'General' and 'ISIR Assignment' tabs of Document Setup in Regent Award, the list of 'Available FA Years' for selection has been updated to remove unneeded years. The selection list has been made dynamic, to include only the previous FAY, the current FAY, and the next four consecutive FAYs (based on document creation date.)


Regent Plan

Student Experience

Title: Add Regent Plan tools (My Borrowing) in 'Advisor Assist'

Tickets: RS-16535

All areas of Regent Plan and My Borrowing are viewable/functional in the 'Advisor Assist' tool with the following exceptions:

  • Accept button in the Change My Borrowing Loan Acceptance Pop-up

  • Confirm button in the My Borrowing Decline Loans Pop-up

  • Accept button in the My Borrowing Select Plan Pop-up


Regent Award


Title: Reset Student for Conversion' Process (formerly PS- 618 script)

Tickets: RS-12417

Permission-based functionality has been added to Regent Award to allow users to reset a student in order to start clean with a new conversion. The process of resetting a student consists of clearing all award and course data including related tasks. Activity Log Entries and non-related tasks will not be cleared. This functionality was previously only available by a data update script.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Reset Student for Conversion Process.


Regent Award

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Program/ISIR Level Mismatch Task

Tickets: RS-3671

Description: A new task was created that will trigger if there is a mismatch between the Active ISIR and the student's current program level in Regent Award. The task can be configured to restrict processes and is set to 'Active' by default.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base Topic: Regent Award Task Triggers.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Review

Student Portal (SNAP)

The document requirement status was not being updated upon electronic signature on Verification Worksheet, thereby not displaying the correct action icon to allow the student to request a parent signature.

In the API call that returns the status of applications to Student Experience, it was filtering out applications that were associated with inactive questionnaires. This resulted in Student Experience assuming the status of the application was 'Needed-Not Started', thereby showing the incorrect status and not displaying the action icon needed to invite a parent to electronically sign the application.

The API method that returns the application status to Student Experience was updated to not exclude applications associated with inactive questionnaires.

Identify an affected student who has not yet received the parent signature on the application. Confirm the document status is updated to a 'Needed - Parent Signature Pending' status and the action icon to invite a parent to sign the application is present. Invite the parent to electronically sign the application and ensure the application is successfully e-signed.


Regent Award


A SAY trimester student had conversion data corrected using the Import Awards and Disbursements process. In the conversion wizard, when the user tried to Finalize Student Conversion, the system gave an unexpected error: Unable to create batch package.

The system started packaging the student's financial aid before another procedure had finished. The other process was still processing the course data to create the Academic Plan structure.

Regent Award was updated to run the Packaging process only after successfully completing the course data processing.

Test with a SAY trimester student who has COD Rebuild loans in all four terms including the Summer trailer term, with an incorrect end date for the award, AY, and final PP date. Load corrected IAD data that uses the correct end dates, matching the Summer term’s end date. Process the student through the conversion queue. Confirm no errors occur. Package the student. Refresh the Academic Plan. Confirm the student’s loans match the original amounts in all of the terms, including Summer.


Regent Award


Regent Award is unexpectedly updating Not Calculated Manual SAP record to Satisfactory after SAP calculation.

Regent Award had incorrectly not updated a manual SAP record with "Not Calculated" status and applied it to the review period.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that manually provided "Not Calculated" status correctly applied as a manual SAP record.

In Regent Award open SAP wizard and set Manual SAP status to "Not Calculated". Package student. Make sure Manual SAP status "Not Calculated" is correctly saved and displayed for the student.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly showing the Historic SAP status as SAP for the first Term of a Program in the Awards Tab table.

Regent Award was incorrectly assigning Historic SAP status to the first Program Term.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Historic SAP is used for calculation of the awards for the first Term but is not associated with this term, as actual SAP will only be calculated at the end of the term.

In Regent Award, find a student studying in his
her first Term of first Academic Year. Create Student Batch Load (SBL) file with SAP tag, where SAP date and SAP Review Period End Date are prior to Student Term 1 Start Date. Load SBL into Regent Award and package student. Make sure SAP record loaded is not shown on Awards Tab table but only in SAP Wizard.


Regent Award


Some term-based students were close to their lifetime aggregate limits for Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Direct Loans. When the students were packaged, the system unexpectedly zeroed out their existing loan awards.

The school loaded an NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH) data file. The file's date fell in between two Academic Years (AYs). When Regent Award calculated the remaining lifetime aggregate eligibility, the system incorrectly applied the eligibility to the earlier Academic Year instead of the later AY.

Regent Award packaging logic applies the remaining aggregate eligibility to the correct Academic Year when the data's effective date falls between Academic Years.

Find an affected student who is close to their lifetime aggregate loan limits, and who had loans in current and future Academic Years. View the student's History tab and the NSLDS column, with the Aggregate Subsidized and Aggregate Unsubsidized Loan amounts. Import an NSLDS FAH data file that contains an "Alert or FAH date" that occurs between the semester dates, and which has the same Total Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance amounts as the amounts currently on the student. Package the student. Confirm the system packages loan amounts up to the student's full remaining aggregate usage.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly awarding a student with Federal Work Study (FWS) when the Fund Setup SAP Required option was enabled and the student had SIS-provided Suspended SAP status.

Regent Award had incorrectly configured business rules which disallowed the calculation engine from respecting the SAP Required option.

Regent Award was updated to ensure SAP required option affects SAP calculation.

In Regent Award, Package student that has FWS interested in ISIR and SAP status Suspended in the previous term. Make sure FWS is not awarded in the current term.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Regent Student Experience Portal was unexpectedly showing the current Academic Year (AY) Loan amount as Accepted amount for future AY.

Regent Student Experience Portal was incorrectly applying logic that selected awards from current AY when future AY was selected.

Regent Student Experience Portal was updated to ensure that only awards from the selected AY are added into the list of awards to display.

In Regent Award, find affected student and Package. Create Student Experience account, open My Borrowing for Future AY, select any plan, and make sure only Direct Loans from selected AY are shown on the Plan screen.


Regent Award

Process Log

Updates to student award amounts that were saved within Student Experience while packaging was being executed, resulted in a packaging process failure for the student.

Regent Award was not checking errors for singleton package runs before persisting into DB.

The new condition was added into internal procedures to not persist package processes that were failed with the errors.

Login to Student Experience. Open UnSub loan tile with accepted amount (e.g. $2100). Select 'Accept a Specific Gross Amount' option and add extra amount ($3000). Do not click Save. Run Batch Package only for the affected student. Reload Student Experience. Check Academic Plan details - > MAP. The amount should be the same as initially accepted ($2100).


Student Experience

Student Experience

At a school with Single Sign-On (SSO), students could not download Documents from the Student Experience Portal.

The school’s SSO process created larger tokens in their requests during document downloads. The token size was larger than expected by the Student Experience Portal.

The Student Experience Portal was adjusted to allow larger requests.

Create a test student in Regent Award or Regent Review, linked to a test account at the school. In Regent, attach several Documents on the Student Documents tab. Authenticate to the Student Experience Portal using the test account and Single Sign-On. Navigate to the Documents area. Download the documents. Confirm the documents are downloaded successfully. Upload a document to the Student Experience Portal. Confirm the document uploads successfully.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Student Experience portal showed the loan amount entered by the student, in the information message, instead of the Remaining Packaging Philosophy Amount, when a student attempted to update the accepted loan amount.

Student Experience was incorrectly using the amount the student entered when informing a student about loan restrictions.

Student Experience logic was updated to ensure that the Remaining Packaging Philosophy amount is shown in an information message when a student enters and tries to accept the Loan amount that exceeds the Remaining Loan Eligibility.

Find a student who has already selected Borrowing Plan accepted portion of Offered Loan Eligibility. In Regent Student Experience Portal open the Financial Aid page for the student. Review My Eligibility, select radio-button Increase Borrowing by this amount, enter an amount that is higher then Remaining Packaging Philosophy Borrowing Amount. Click Accept. Make sure that in an information message that appears on the top right of the screen ‘Remaining Packaging Philosophy Borrowing Amount’ is shown and not the value that the student entered.


Regent Award


At a SAY school, some students who had no enrollment in the first term in the SAY had Federal Direct Subsidized loans exported to COD with an incorrect grade level (COD Student Level Code).

The system was incorrectly setting the loan grade level based on the first term in the Academic Year, instead of the first term in the loan period.

Regent Award was updated to use the grade level from the first term with positive loan dollars in the loan period. The affected loans are fixed automatically by normal repackaging and exporting to COD.

Package an affected SAY student who does not have any loans in the first term in their Academic Year, and has a Direct Subsidized Loan with a higher grade level starting in the second or third term in that same Academic Year. Export the Subsidized loan to COD. View the COD export. Confirm the loan’s Student Level Code matches the student’s actual grade level in Regent Award.


Regent Award

Technical Design

Time out error received upon SBL Import.

The process was getting hung up on the update for CourseData.

Created new index for SBLRecordCourseData to prevent timeouts fo the SLB Import due to different SBL course data received.

Run SBL Import process with similar course data to confirm no timeout error is received.


Regent Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

eTASFA ISIR Format file had hidden characters (extra bytes) in the first row, resulting in errors when loading the file into SIS.

For some exceptional cases, Regent Data Exchange module was not able to process the file encoded as UTF-8 with a byte order mark.

Regent Data Exchange module config changed to encode the export file as UTF-8 without the byte order mark

Export the eTASFA ISIR Format file and load into SIS. No errors should occur upon loading the eTASFA ISIR Format file into SIS.


Regent Review


Regent Student Portal was unexpectedly creating "2018 Spouse IRS Verification of Non-Filing Letter" document after completion of Verification Worksheet for Married Filing Jointly students.

Regent Student Portal document creation logic had an incorrect condition.

Document creation logic was updated to make sure the document is not created for the student who is filing Taxes jointly with Spouse.

Find married student with ISIR selected for Verification who's Student’s Tax Return Filing Status is Married - filed joint return. Complete the Verification Worksheet for this student and e-sign it. Make sure "2018 Spouse IRS Verification of Non-Filing Letter" is not created.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly zeroed out several Pell Grant disbursements. The affected students were near, but still below, the 600% Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU) limit.

The students were repackaged with new COD information in between different Export Student Transactions (EST) processes. When Regent Award calculated the remaining Pell eligibility, the LEU logic incorrectly used the higher, projected paid amount instead of the updated actual amount.

The Pell LEU calculations were updated to use the actual current disbursement amount instead of the projected paid disbursement amount.

Package an affected student who is near the 600% Pell LEU. Export the Pell Grant to COD with DRI=true. Import a COD Pell standard response with a different Pell LEU. Repackage the student. Confirm the Pell amount is recalculated to the expected remaining eligibility.


Regent Award


Multiple paid Pell disbursements were canceled via the EST process and new disbursements were created with the YRP indicator/

A Regent Award internal process failed to correctly handle multiple NSLDS imports on the same day.

Regent Award logic was updated to only get the most recent record for the day.

Open the affected student. Satisfy documents and tasks. Verify the current disbursements on the Academic Plan before packaging. MAP the student. After packaging, ensure the originally paid disbursements are not canceled and no new disbursements are created.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Regent Student Experience Portal was unexpectedly showing 0 amounts for Estimated awards on the Financial Aid Borrowing details section.

Regent Award was incorrectly providing data for displaying in Regent Student Experience Portal.

Regent Award data interface was updated to provide correct data for Estimated awards on the Borrowing details section.

Make sure in Regent Award Institution setup - Regent Plan - My Borrowing - "Display Estimated Awards" setting is set to "Yes". Find a student who has not yet selected a Borrowing Plan and who has estimated Awards. In Regent Student Experience Portal open the Financial Aid page. On any proposed Plan click View Details button. Scroll down to the Borrowing details section. Make sure Estimated Awards are shown in Student Loans for Loans or in Other Financial Aid for any other awards.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Regent Student Experience Portal was unexpectedly not showing Resources on the Financial Aid Borrowing details section.

Regent Award was not providing individual Resources information for the Regent Student Experience Portal.

Regent Award was updated to include individual Resources information that is sent to the Regent Student Experience Portal.

Find a student who has not yet selected a Borrowing Plan, and in Regent Award, manually add or import Resource for the student. Package student. In Regent Student Experience Portal, open the Financial Aid page for the student. On any proposed Plans, click View Details button. Scroll down to the Borrowing details section. Make sure Resources are shown in Other Financial Aid Group.


Regent Award


Campus view widget was not loading for newly created campus in Regent Award.

The issue was caused by DB changes that were not properly patched.

New patch was created to fix the issue.

Add a campus to institution at Administration section. Update the campus information. Press Save. Click on the new campus. Campus details should display without any errors.


Regent Award


Some Pell Grant amounts were off by one dollar.

The Pell disbursement schedule configuration for "Disburse on Enrollment Level Units" had incorrect rounding logic when a student did not have Pell in the first term, and also had a fractional Pell disbursement amount that could not be evenly distributed across the remaining terms.

The Pell logic for "Disburse on Enrollment Level Units" correctly uses a $0 disbursement amount for a zero-dollar Pell amount, instead of assuming the first term has a fractional amount for rounding.

Package an affected student who does not have a Pell Grant for their first term, but who has Pell amounts in later terms in the same FAY. Confirm the Pell amounts are correct.


Regent Award


Problem: Multiple paid Pell disbursements were canceled via the EST process and new disbursements were created with the YRP indicator.

Cause: A Regent Award internal process failed to correctly handle multiple NSLDS imports on the same day.

Fix: Regent Award logic was updated to only get the most recent record for the day.

Testing: Open the affected student. Satisfy documents and tasks. Verify the current disbursements on the Academic Plan before packaging. MAP the student. After packaging, ensure the originally paid disbursements are not canceled and no new disbursements are created.


Student Portal

Student Experience

Incorrect 'Increase' validation message popped up when an amount that exceeded the total undisbursed amount was entered for selected 'Reduce Borrowing by this amount' checkbox.

The incorrect validation message triggered when 'Reduce Borrowing by this amount' checkbox was selected.

The logic for triggering of validation message was updated according to the requirement.

Log into Student Experience. Click on 'Financial Aid' on Menu. Click on the 'Reduce Borrowing by this amount' and enter an amount that exceeds the total Sub, Unsub and Grad PLUS to trigger the validation message. The validation message should be: 'You have entered an amount that exceeds your non-disbursed total current loan amount of $X,XXX.00. Please enter a different amount.'


Regent Award


Incorrect rounding rules were applied for 'Recalculated Pell Amount' and 'Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed' fields at STEP1 of R2T4 wizard.

Regent Award incorrectly applied rounding rules based on general (dollar) rounding rather than the fund configured rounding.

System logic was updated to use fund configured rounding rules when calculating Pell amounts in the STEP1 of R2T4 wizard.

Navigate to the student in question. Add R2T4 for the affected review period. Verify recalculated Pell amounts in the STEP1. The amounts should be showing as dollars and cents.


Regent Plan


The cost of attendance in Regent Award and the My Borrowing borrowing plan option in Student Experience portal were not updated to include manual resource adjustments.

External manual resources adjustments were not being taken into account by Regent Award and Student Experience portal during packaging.

Regent Award code was updated to include manual resource adjustments.

Log into Regent Award. Manually add resource adjustment. Map the student. The cost of attendance will be updated to include the manual resource adjustment in Regent Award. Lor into Student Experience portal. The My Borrowing borrowing plan option in Student Experience will be updated to include the manual resource adjustment.



Not Applicable

The HTTP GET API was missing from the API ruleset for Salesforce.

An additional parameter was needed in the HTTP API GET request.

The API method was updated to accept the HTTP API GET request without an additional parameter.

Execute the HTTP API GET request. Verify that the data in the output records corresponded with the correct student data.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly identified Direct Loan disbursement as "second or subsequent disbursement" and enabled Do Not Offer checkbox on R2T4 Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) Tab for a loan with the first scheduled disbursement not paid, and so ineligible to be treated as the first disbursement.

Regent Award was incorrectly treating a non-originated disbursement as a first disbursement, resulting in the actual first disbursement being marked as "second or subsequent disbursement" and “do not offer” logic applied.

Regent Award was updated to identify the first Direct Loan disbursement as the first disbursement originated in COD.

In Regent Award, find a student awarded with Direct Loan in Term 1 and Term 2, where Term 1 disbursement is Canceled and was never originated at COD. Add R2T4 for Term 2, resulting in PWD with a portion of Direct Loan. Check the PWD Tab and make sure disbursement is not marked as "second or subsequent disbursement"


Regent Plan


Problem: The cost of attendance in Regent Award and the My Borrowing borrowing plan option in Student Experience portal were not updated to include manual resource adjustments.

Cause: External manual resources adjustments were not being taken into account by Regent Award and Student Experience portal during packaging.

Fix: Regent Award code was updated to include manual resource adjustments.

Testing: Log into Regent Award. Manually add resource adjustment. Map the student. The cost of attendance will be updated to include the manual resource adjustment in Regent Award. Log into Student Experience portal. The My Borrowing borrowing plan option in Student Experience will be updated to include the manual resource adjustment.


Regent Award

Student Experience

A school first started using the Student Experience portal with Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled. When some students signed in, they saw incorrect information.

In the SSO integration, the system did not provide the correct updated user object to the Student Experience Portal.

The system looks up the correct user object linked to the specific student's information.

Configure the Student Experience portal to use Single Sign-On (SSO). Log in with several different students in different browsers and different sessions at the same time. Confirm each student sees the correct data.


Regent Award


When lastAttended date matched startDate of the term, the system was not able to recognize the attendance correctly although all 'attended' criteria had been already met. As a result, Academic Plan showed 0 attended units.

Gaps in CE Rollup process logic, when boundary values were used in course data, caused the data for packaging to become stale and resulted in the issues with units not being consumed as expected.

System CE Rollup checks were updated to be more efficient. Logic was added to validate the execution success of all batch-related processes.

Navigate to an affected student. Open 'Courses' tab and add the same start/end date. Set 'Has Attended' as True. Make sure that course is not withdrawn, not remedial, and non-transfer. Run packaging. Review Academic Plan. The 'attended' units should not be 0.


Regent Award


Grade-level progression loans that started before the school's configured crossover date were assigned to the next FAY instead of the prior FAY.

When Regent Award repackaged crossover loan periods for periods less than a full academic year, the system did not create the updated loan for the correct FAY.

Additional logic was added for loan periods that are less than a full academic year. When the system repackages crossover loan periods, the system will re-evaluate the FAY and will recreate loan periods for the correct FAY. The system will only change loan periods for loans that do not have a paid disbursement.

Navigate to an affected student who has an unpaid 2020-2021 grade-level progresssion loan that starts before the configured crossover date. Package the student. Confirm the system repackages and replaces the loan in the 2019-2020 FAY.


Regent Plan

Student Experience

In pre-release testing, a tester reported an incorrect loan offered amount for the Direct Cost plan.

N/A - The issue could not be recreated.

No new code changes occurred. Testing confirmed the issue was no longer present.

Identify a student who has not yet selected a Borrowing Plan. Click the link to 'Select My Borrowing Option.' Review the total loan amount being offered. Confirm the student is packaged and the amount is displaying accurately.


Regent Plan

Student Experience

Regent Plan Glossary links were not working properly in the Student Experience portal.

.The Glossary links with the same text content had the same browser IDs. Each ID is required to be unique on the page. resulting in broken links.

New prefixes were added to existing IDs to avoid duplication.

Log into the Student Experience portal. Navigate to the My Plan page. Click on a configurated Glossary terminology (link). The Glossary definition configured for the Glossary terminology will be displayed. Repeat steps for the Change History section.


Regent Plan

Student Experience

Problem: Financial Aid component and Dashboard in Student Experience were missing links to My Borrowing.

Cause: Regent Award was not able to set the appropriate flags for links to make them visible when determining AY information.

Fix: System controllers were updated to handle flags correctly.

Testing: Log in to Student Experience. Navigate to Dashboard section. Review My Borrowing and Regent Plan tiles. My Borrowing links are showing. Repeat the same steps for Financial Aid section.


Student Portal

Student Experience

My Borrowing Remaining Eligibility Amounts were not calculated correctly.

Regent Award was not reducing the 'Accepted Amount' when the New Offer/Calculated Eligibility was reduced during repackaging for multiple loan period scenarios.

Regent Award changes made to update the award's accepted amount to the eligible amount when the award is accepted and a reduction is being processed.

Identify affected students in a multiple loan period scenario. Select the Direct Cost initial plan in My Borrowing. Add scholarship award for an amount that will reduce the Unsubsidized loan eligibility. Review the 'Remaining Eligibility' amounts on the My Borrowing tile (assuming Change My Borrowing Amount is turned on).


Student Portal

Student Experience

When entering an amount that exceeded $9,999 for the 'Specify a Lesser Amount' on the My Borrowing Select Plan pop-up screen, all numbers were not displayed.

There was a spacing issue that did not allow for numbers greater than $9,999 to display accurately.

Additional spacing was added that allowed for numbers greater than $9,999 to display.

Click on the 'Select a Borrowing Plan Option' link to enter into the My Borrowing main page. Click Select a Plan on one of the two available plan options. Select the 'Specify a Lesser Amount' radio button and enter an amount greater than $9,999. Ensure the amount displays all numbers entered.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Incorrect value listed for Estimated Total Costs on the My Borrowing Plan View Details section.

The field used the Total Net Costs instead of using the Total Cost of Attendance.

The code was updated to use the Total Cost of Attendance field.

Identify an affected student. Click on the 'Select a Borrowing Plan option' link to enter the My Borrowing main page. Click on the 'View Details' link for one of the two Borrowing plans displayed. Scroll to the Estimated Total Costs and review the amount for accuracy.


Regent Award


Problem: The packaging of students was blocked due to an unexpected error in Modify Award Wizard in Regent Award.

There was an issue for Cost Items with the processing of special symbols. The bug affected the processing of the "Calendar Year" min/max date range configuration settings at Cost Setup, which resulted in the packaging error.

Regent Award logic for verification of date range configuration settings was updated.

Run BP for the site to which the affected students are assigned. No errors should occur when the process is completed.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly changing the Disbursement Amount so that one dollar moved from the last Term of Academic Year (AY) to the prior one.

Regent Award had incorrectly applied rounding rules, resulting in $1 rounded value to be paid in the wrong term.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that once rounding rules are applied, the sequence of Terms that is used for paying is correct.

In Regent Award, package student with Direct Loan that is split across eligible Terms, not as a whole dollar Amount. Package student. Make sure that cumulative $1 resulted from rounding is paid in the Last Term of the AY.


Regent Award


The AnnualLoanLimitAmount token used in My Borrowing message incorrectly displays an amount of $4625.

The lookup table that Regent Award used to determine annual loan limits contained a value of $4,625 rather than $2,625 for an undergraduate preparatory coursework dependent student.

Updated the lookup table that Regent Award used to determine annual loan limits to the correct value of $2,625 for an undergraduate preparatory coursework dependent student.

Identify an affected dependent student taking preparatory coursework. Confirm messaging is configured with the AnnualLoanLimitAmount token for the messaging and that the amount. Ensure the messaging displays the correct amount for the {AnnualLoanLimitAmount} token in My Borrowing for the student.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly created a new disbursement in Cancelled status for a Direct Loan after R2T4 finalization when the R2T4 resulted in a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) marked as “Do Not Offer” with the reason, "Second or subsequent disbursement."

Regent Award was applying “Do Not Offer” logic in an incorrect sequence if the loan had a Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) amount greater than what had already been paid.

Regent Award was updated to correctly process Direct Loan amount changes for post-withdrawal disbursements that are canceled due to being marked as “Do Not Offer,” when the PWD amount is greater than the paid amount.

In Regent Award, find a student awarded with a Direct Loan in at least two terms in the AY, Term 1 and Term 2. Ensure the Term 1 amount is already paid, and the current Term 2 amount is unpaid. Add a new R2T4 for Term 2 resulting in a PWD with a portion of Direct Loan. Review the PWD tab and make sure the Direct Loan disbursement is marked as “Do Not Offer” with the reason "Second or subsequent disbursement." Finalize the R2T4. Package the student. Confirm the preexisting Term 2 disbursement is canceled and no new disbursement is created.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly updating Disbursement Scheduled date of paid and scheduled Disbursement for the Direct Loan after R2T4 finalization when R2T4 resulted in Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD).

Regent Award was incorrectly updating R2T4 PWD Disbursement Scheduled dates on already paid Disbursements during R2T4 Finalization.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that R2T4 only changes the Scheduled date for non-released Disbursements upon Finalization.

In Regent Award find a student with the ongoing Term which is the first Term of the Academic Year and awarded with Direct Loan. The Loan should be Paid by two Disbursements during the ongoing term, where the first Disbursement is already paid and the second is Scheduled. Perform R2T4 resulting in PWD with a portion of the Direct Loan. Finalize R2T4 and make sure that the existing paid disbursement Date is not changed.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly not canceling "do not offer" disbursement marked as second \ subsequent disbursement.

Regent Award was incorrectly determining that the Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) amount was greater than the amount already paid. As the wrong logic was applied, the disbursement was reinstated ignoring 'do not offer' option

Regent Award was updated to prevent the processing of a PWD amount that's greater than the paid amount in the scenario where the PWD disbursement should have been canceled due to being marked as do not offer.

Find the student with Direct Loan scheduled to be paid in two disbursements and one of the disbursements is already paid. Add R2T4 resulting in PWD (Step 2 should have more than 50% of Completed Enrollment). So that portion of the second disbursement is in PWD and marked as second\subsequent disbursement. Finalize R2T4 and make sure the second disbursement is canceled.


Regent Review


Regent Award was unexpectedly updating the hypertext format link with attributes of Document Message field into a broken hyperlink.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing hyperlink tags in Message field in Document setup.

Regent Award was updated to ensure hyperlinks with attributes and more complex HTML markup would be processed by Message Field.

In Regent Award Document Setup, edit existing or create a new document and enter HTML tag with herf attribute into the Message Field. Save Document and make sure Message field is displaying hyperlink as expected. Create Document Requirement for any student with this Document. In Student Portal make sure Message is correctly displayed on Document Page.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly creating overlapping Academic Years for CBE program

Regent Award had incorrectly calculated Non-Term Academic Year dates when manually assigned anticipated units are less than or equal to a half of a Program Academic Yearly Units.

Regent Award was updated to ensure new Academic Year is created without overlapping regardless of anticipated units specified.

Find affected Non-Term student and package. Make sure Academic Years don't have overlapping dates.


Regent Award


Some students could not be packaged due to an error, "Nullable object must have a value."

An error was identified in the code for Regent Award's Cost Items. The bug affected the "Calendar Year" minimum and maximum date range configuration settings for certain Cost Items.

The incorrect code was corrected.

Package the affected students. Confirm the students can package successfully.


Regent Award


R2T4 recalculated Pell amount although Lifetime Eligibility Usage limit had been already exhausted.

Regent Award did not take into account Pell LEU values during R2T4 recalculation process.

A code change was applied to allow Regent Award to include Pell LEU values into R2T4 recalculation process.

Find the affected student. Navigate to History tab - > click 'Edit' - > manually add Pell/IASG LEU of 600.000%. Import SBL with courses (attendance before/after Census Date). Navigate to the Awards tab and add R2T4. Verify that Pell amount is not included into R2T4 as 600% limit is reached.


Regent Award


A school imported an award using the Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) process. The "Offered On" and "Originally Offered On" dates did not match the imported values from the IAD data. Subsequent packaging runs also unexpectedly changed the dates.

The system incorrectly applied logic from the disbursement schedule which changed the dates.

The system preserves the originally scheduled dates from the Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) data file. If new dates are imported, the system will update the scheduled date according to the import data. The dates will not automatically change as long as a disbursement is still scheduled for the same payment period specified by the IAD data. If Regent Award moves a disbursement, the system will update the adjusted release date.

Import an Awards and Disbursement data file with an award and scheduled disbursement for an eligible student. Package the student. On the Awards tab, confirm the "Offered On" and "Originally Offered On" dates match the dates from the imported data. View the disbursement details. Confirm the disbursement's scheduled date matches the date from the Import Awards file. Package the student several times. Confirm the dates do not change. Import a second Awards and Disbursement data file with different dates. Package the student. Confirm the Originally Offered On date does not change. Confirm the Offered date is changed to match the Offered date from the new Import Awards data file. Confirm the disbursement's date is also changed to match the date from the data file. Repackage the student several times. Confirm the dates stay the same.


Regent Review


Regent Student Experience Portal was unexpectedly populating incorrect Marital Status Date in Verification Worksheet smart form.

Regent Student Experience Portal was incorrectly processing data received from ISIR.

Regent Student Experience Portal is updated to ensure the Marital Status Date is correctly populated from ISIR.

In Regent Student Experience, register account for a married student who's ISIR is selected for verification so that Verification Worksheet Document Requirement exists for a student. Start Application and make sure that the Marital Status Date in Family Information section is populated with the correct value received from ISIR.


Regent Award

User Interface

The extra term was incorrectly included by Regent Award into the Loan Period of the program with Standard Term Semester period type configuration.

Regent Award persisted loan period terms (semesters and quarters) without database identifiers and tracking attributes unlike other academic plan entities (academic years, enrollments, awards, etc.). Therefore loan period terms were saved with additional terms.

A code fix was provided so that Regent Award could add all necessary information when persisting loan period terms.

Open student profile. Navigate to 'Award' tab. Select Loan Period in question. Verify Compare Awards grid (no extra terms are included). Run packaging. Navigate to 'Awards' tab. Select Loan Period in question. Verify Compare Awards grid. No extra terms are included in loan period.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly not showing values for a set of fields in the Wisconsin State Grant Report.

Regent Award was incorrectly not specifying Disbursement as processed on Wisconsin Grant Roster File import.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Disbursement from Roster File is correctly linked with Disbursements handled in Regent Award.

In Regent Award, import Wisconsin Grant Roster File for a student and run packaging. Generate Wisconsin State Grant Report and make sure Roster Award Amounts and Roster Spent Amounts are populated for respective Terms.


Regent Award


Some term students had their enrollment levels drop to below half-time status, resulting in their loans being zeroed out. Later, the students withdrew, resulting in an R2T4. The system unexpectedly did not include the original loan amounts in the R2T4 Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed.

At the time the students had their enrollment drop to below half-time status, the school had configured a value of "No" for Institution Setup, Include Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status.

Regent Award stores the original loan amount when the loan drops below half-time status, regardless of the configuration setting at the time. However, the system still only includes the prior loan amount in the R2T4 if that configuration setting is enabled.

In Institution Setup, R2T4 tab, confirm the setting for "Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status" is currently set to "No." Reload RNA setup as needed. Find a term student who has an unpaid loan that is already accepted at COD. Confirm the student has at least half-time status in the first term in the loan period. Package the student. Update the student's course information in that first term to drop to below a half-time enrollment level in the term. Repackage the student. Confirm the loan amount is reduced to $0 as expected. View the Activity Log. Confirm the Activity Log contains an entry that the system has updated the Cancelled Below HT Amount.

Next, change the Institution Setup setting back to Yes for "Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status" and reload RNA setup. Repackage the student. Add a new R2T4 record with enough attendance for the student to be eligible for a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement. Confirm the R2T4 Wizard, Step 1, displays the section for "Loans Cancelled for Below HT Status." View the PWD tab Confirm the loan amounts are displayed as PWD amounts. Finalize the R2T4. Package the studet. Confirm the correct loan PWD amounts appear on the Academic Plan.


Regent Award

Student Experience

Regent Student Experience Portal was unexpectedly showing incorrect document name in E-sign step 2, supporting text for non-Smart-Form documents.

Regent Student Experience Portal was using a static document name on E-sign step 2 for non-Smart-Form documents.

Regent Student Experience Portal was updated to use a generic document name that is dynamically substituted for each document instance.

In Regent Award, add non-Smart-Form Document Requirement for a student that has E-sign option. Create Student Experience account for this student. Open Document page, upload document, and go to E-sign step 2. Make sure that supporting text is referring to this Document Requirement name.


Regent Review


The required document uploaded via import of 'Student Documents XML' does not appear until 'birthDate' attribute is sent for the student via SBL.

Regent Award treated birthDate field as a required attribute to match to imported documents. The missing attribute resulted in student and document requirement mismatch.

The birthDate field was set as non-mandatory. The system will be able to match the student and document requirement without the mentioned attribute.

Import student SBL file without birthDate attibute. Import Student Document (XML). Navigate to 'Documents' tab. The uploaded document is showing.


Regent Award


Regent Award did not include Direct Loan awards in R2T4 when Master Promissory Note (MPN) is expired and has Inactive Status at the moment of R2T4 creation.

Regent Award incorrectly ignored non-linked
non-accepted MPN records during R2T4 creation.

Regent Award logic was updated to use non-linked
non-accepted MPN records so that R2T4 processing logic wizard can use them.

Add R2T4 for a student awarded with Direct Loan who had valid MPN at the beginning of the Academic Year and which expired and is Inactive prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal. Make sure Direct Loan is included into the R2T4.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly allowing the editing of Data Fields Flag in Document setup for incorrect Federal Award Year (FAY) scope.

Regent Award had an incorrect dependency between FAY selected in Document Scope and Fields allowed for editing for existing documents.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that for old document editing, the correct association between Scope FAY(s) and editable fields is created.

In Regent Award Document Setup, modify an existing Document with FAY Scope. When a FAY Scope value of 2020-2021 or later is selected, make sure on ISIR Assignment Tab "Student's Untaxed Pensions" fields will be grayed out (uneditable). When a FAY Scope not equal to 2020-2021 or later is selected, the "Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions" field will be grayed out (uneditable). If all FAYs are selected as the scope value, both the "Student's Untaxed Pensions" field and the "Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions" field will be grayed out (uneditable).


Regent Award


'Student - R2T4' report output results did not return all students with R2T4 records.

Regent award did not include R2T4 on 'Student R2T4' report when student had Non-Term to Term-based program change. Because R2T4 belonged to a Non-term program period, the system excluded the record from the report.

UI view was fixed to include R2T4 records in spite of program changes.

Find the student enrolled in NT program. Add R2T4 and finalize it. Load SBL with program change and complete it via Program Management Wizard.


Regent Award


Regent Award was incorrectly prorating Direct Loans in Remaining Period of Study (RPS) when student had registration in the future term that would not be needed if student completed all the courses in the current Term.

Regent Award had incorrectly processed Direct Loan proration when student had post-program completion enrollment.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that Post Program Completion Enrollment for undergraduate programs in RPS scenario will be excluded from Loan Calculation when Fund Setup has setting Award Full Eligibility For Eligible Periods Only as false.

Find a student in RPS studying trimester program that based on current registration student would complete in Term 1 of this last Academic Year. Load SBL with at Least Half time registration in Term 2. Package student. Make sure Direct Loan amount for entire AY is not changed. The loan amount should be based only on remaining number of units required for Program Completion.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly not using Manual Pell LEU set on History Tab.

Regent Award had incorrectly processed Pell LEU when "Always Use Manual" flag was set on History Tab.

Regent Award was updated to ensure manually entered Pell LEU is used for packaging regardless of the date it was set when "Always Use Manual" flag is enabled.

In Regent Award, edit information on History Tab. Check "Always Use Manual" checkbox and set Pell LEU to 595% so it is easy to track that this amount is applied. Next day load FAH TSM NSLDS file with different Pell LEU. Package student. Make sure that Pell is calculated based on manually entered Pell LEU.


Regent Award


Problem: Regent Award was unexpectedly exporting, to COD, an incorrect Grade Level for students with a Program Change.

Cause: Regent Award was incorrectly calculating Grade Level for the Enrollment that belonged to the previous Program.

Fix: Regent Award is updated to ensure that Transfer Units account for all relevant Enrollments and that Grade Level is calculated correctly.

Testing: In Regent Award find a student who was transferred from another school with External Units enough for the Grade Level Progression. Perform substantially Equal Program Change. Make sure Grade Level for the first term of the Previous Program is not changed on the Academic plan.


Regent Award


Loan disbursements were not cancelled after 'Actual Cancel Date' and 'Net Accepted amount' were set on PWD tab of R2T4 wizard.

Regent Award was not cancelling the disbursements due to locking flag from R2T4 PWD sheet.

Regent Award logic was updated to handle disbursement amounts correctly, by-passing locking flags.

Navigate to the affected student. Add R2T4 resulting in PWD. Edit PWD worksheet: set 'Actual Cancel date'as today's date and 'Net Accepted Amount' as $0 for Direct Sub loan. Save changes. Finalize R2T4. Run packaging.
Verify that PWD loan disbursements with $0 are in 'Cancelled' status at Academic Plan.


Regent Award


For some nonterm students, when Regent Award exported Loan information to COD, the Academic Year (AY) end date unexpectedly did not match the Loan Period end date for the second payment period (PP2).

Several specific scenarios were altering AY end dates. Some students had Academic Years ending during an instructional week, and Regent Award incorrectly used the end date of the instructional week. Some students had R2T4 end dates that were not properly calculated. Several students had a Payment Period closure due to being out of their program for over 180 days, resulting in an incorrectly applied end date.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that the Academic Year end date and Loan Period end dates will be correct for the reported scenarios.

Navigate to an affected nonterm student. Observe the AY dates on the Academic Plan and the Loans tab. Package the student. Review the dates on the Loans tab. Confirm the Financial Award Period and Academic Year end date are accurate. Export the loan to COD. Review the Financial Award Period and Academic Year dates in the exported data file. Confirm the dates are correct.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly rounding up Gross PWD Direct Loan amount in Post Withdrawal Disbursement R2T4 tab

Regent Award was incorrectly using Fund Setup Rounding option configured for the fund when calculating Gross PWD amounts.

Regent Award was updated to use COD truncation rules when rounding PWD Net amount that subsequently corrected calculation of Gross PWD amount.

In Regent Award create R2T4 for the student that results in PWD. Review Gross PWD Direct Loan amounts. Make sure that Gross PWD amount is calculated in whole dollars - the same as Net PWD amount (;including origination fee)


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly loading the Permission tree for about 2 minutes after adding the new role.

Regent Award permission cache loading caused the significant delay during the creation of a new role for the school that had multiple Institutions.

Regent Award is updated to optimize the performance when the new role is being created.

In Regent Award, Administration, Roles add new Role. Select the created Role and navigate to the Permissions tab. Make sure the Permissions tree is loaded without delays.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly calculating incorrect Direct Loan eligibility when the Remaining Period of Study (RPS) for the student was equal to full Academic Year (AY).

Regent Award had incorrectly processed Fund setup setting 'Award Full Eligibility For Eligible Periods Only', resulting in Direct Loan eligibility being prorated when RPS was equal to full AY.

Regent Award was updated to ensure proration in RPS that is equal to full Academic year will not happen regardless of the Fund setup settings.

In Regent Award, find a student whose RPS is full Academic Year. In Fund Setup, enable 'Award Full Eligibility For Eligible Periods Only'. Package student. Make sure Direct Loan amounts are not prorated.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly awarding a student over the Direct Loan Aggregate Limit.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing NDLDS information from FAH and TSM files.

Regent Award is updated to ensure the latest information from FAH and TSM file is used for Direct Loan calculation.

In Regent Award find affected student and Package. Make sure Direct Loans are calculated based on the latest NSLDS information and within Aggregate Limits.


Regent Award


'Review Unpaid Loan from Another School' froze on attempt to review task details.

Regent Award did not load task details at UI, due to empty taskHash value in DB.

UI code was fixed to load task details properly.

Find the affected students. Go to Tasks tab. Navigate to Completed Tasks tab. Click on Review Unpaid Loan from Another School task. Task details are loaded.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly awarded students with Direct Loans over Aggregate award limits, ignoring imported NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH) data.

Regent Award was incorrectly comparing existing award dates in Regent with data from NSLDS FAH files so that the latest available Aggregate Limits were not applied during packaging.

Regent Award was updated to ensure NSLDS amounts and dates are applied in the correct sequence based on time received.

In Regent Award, import an NSLDS FAH file with more recent data and different lifetime aggregate loan amounts than the dates and amounts on the student's History tab. Package the student. Confirm the new amounts from the FAH file are used for packaging. Confirm the loan amounts are correct.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly updating document status from NEEDED to RECEIVED when assigned to a student.

Regent Award was incorrectly not creating Activity Logs for Document Requirements that have Activity Type = Document Related.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Activity Log is created for Document Requirements that have Activity Type = Document Related.

In Regent Award add Document Requirement for a student. Edit Document requirement and change Activity Type to "Document Related". In the Student Portal upload document. In Regent Award make sure Activity Log is created.


Regent Award


Configured dashboards were not showing on login for users with SSO authentication type.

Dashboard settings were not loaded by Regent Award during SSO authentification.

The verification step was added to check loaded dashboard setting.

Perform SSO login. Review 'Dashboard' tab. Verify that 'Task/Activity Dashboard', 'Financial Aid Dashboard' and 'Task Productivity Dashboard' are showing.


Regent Review


Regent Award was unexpectedly not clearing out the "Select All Tasks" checkbox in the grid on Task Tab.

Regent Award had incorrectly processed User Interface control in the grid on Task Tab once Task operation was submitted.

Regent Award was updated to ensure the "Select All Tasks" checkbox is updated appropriately once the action on the selected Task is submitted.

In Regent Award, open Task tab for any student. In Tasks grid select all tasks via checkbox in the grid header. Change Status of the Tasks Selected to "Waived" or any other Status. Submit and make sure the checkbox in the header is unchecked.


Regent Award

User Interface

Regent Award had incorrect spelling for two EST error codes and Notification Message in Add
Modify Award Wizards.

Regent Award had typo in text description for EST errors and Notification Message.

Regent Award was updated with corrected text messages.

In Regent Award, Perform EST process so that EST-0026, EST-0038 is triggered. Make sure there are no spelling errors in EST error message description. In Regent Award, find student with enrollment after Program completion. In Add Award Wizard attempt to add award for the term that is after Program Completion date. Make sure that error message that prevents adding such award does not have spelling errors.


Regent Award

Process Log

'Selected Parameters' for batch processes did not reflect in Process Log.

'Selection Parameters' tab was missing display entities at Process Log screen.

The missing fields were added onto 'Selection Parmaters' tab of Process log screen.

Navigate to Processes. Select Batch Package process. Execute this process with different parameters combination - verify that values of selected parameters are present at 'Process log > Selection parameters' screen.


Regent Award

User Interface

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing incorrect loan period on Loans Tab.
If a two term loan is updated where the first term amount = $0 and the second term contains a loan amount > $0, the loan period is displayed differently on the Loans tab from other tabs with loan periods.

Regent Award was incorrectly showing Loan Period information on Loans Tab as if loans were one-term loans.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Loan Period are displayed similarly across the application.

In Regent Award, find affected student and review Loan Period information on Loans Tab. Make sure Loan Periods are the same as on Awards Tab.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly packaging Pell Calculated Eligibility and showing cents in Modify Award Wizard (MAW) and COD tab when rounding was set to whole dollar.

Regent Award had incorrectly packaged Pell Calculated Eligibility, ignoring Fund Setup Rounding option for Year Round Pell (YRP).

Regent Award was updated to ensure that the Packaging process respects Fund setup Rounding option in YRP scenario.

Find student with portion of Pell awarded as YRP in ongoing term and Full time amount that would contain cents if not rounded. On Award tab edit Pell. In MAW make sure that Calculated eligibility is shown rounded to whole dollar. Export Pell to COD. Make sure COD tab is showing amount rounded to whole dollar.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly did not verify the data entered in SAP Setup Maximum Time Frame (MTF) Field.

Regent Award incorrectly allowed entry of more than 150% for MTF Field.

Regent Award was updated to allow SAP Setup MTF field to be a numeric value between 100% and 150% or blank.

In Regent Award, navigate to Administration SAP Setup. Edit and enter an amount that is less than 100 or more than 150 for MTF. Make sure notification "'Maximum Time Frame' must be between 100 and 150" is shown. Note: Blank value is also allowed.


Regent Award


Regent Award was unexpectedly not saving Street Address information on Site setup screen.

Regent Award incorrectly processed editing of Street Address that was inherited from Mailing Address.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Street Address update is properly processed and saved.

In Regent Award Administration Site setup, edit Site information where Street address has 'Same As Mailing' enabled. Update Street Address, Uncheck 'Same As Mailing' and and Save. Make sure Street Address is saved properly. Check same scenario for site where 'Same As Mailing' is already unchecked.



Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.

  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 

  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award

Technical Design

Title: Script Update to address Budget-related Data Inconsistencies

Ticket: RS-16039;

Regent uses internal fields on awarding-related tables to track Fund Budget information. Some of these internal fields have become inconsistent over time. This cleanup script, which is automatically included with Release 5.2 and only needs to be run once during the 5.2 upgrade, corrects inconsistencies with these internal fields. Schools may notice the updates when viewing budget-related fields on an award; for example, "Budget Amount" on the Awards Tab details. Please note: Activity Log Entries will reference ‘RS-15206’ as the script number.

In addition, clients that need updated budget information data on Fund Setup in Regent Award, should request execution of the data clean-up script referenced in ticket RS-15071.


Regent Award

Technical Design

Purpose of Script:
The build script supports the new point-in-time External Transfers by triggering the Course Enrollment Rollup process upon upgrade to It ensures that current Direct Loan awards will remain at their current grade level for calculating grade-level progression when those awards are calculated using existing External Transfer units.

Data Changed by the Script:
The build script populates the unit counts for the new program-level field, Total External Transfer Progression Units Ended Before Program Start.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release. Note, the release may take longer than usual to deploy, due to this update.

How to Test the Script:
Upgrade to After the upgrade, in the Process Log, confirm the CE Rollup process has completed. Navigate to an undergraduate student who has External Transfer units received prior to the program's start, and who has a Direct Loan with an increased grade level displayed on the Academic Plan. Package the student. Confirm the student's grade level does not change.



Regent Award

Technical Design

Purpose of Script:
The build script ensures that course data changes will finish processing so they can be used for packaging.

Data Changed by the Script:
The build script updates the course enrollment data records used for packaging, for students whose updates may have not fully completed in the past.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive the script update automatically when they upgrade to the release. Note, the upgrade may take more time than usual, due to these updates.

How to Test the Script:
Locate an affected student known to have course data that was not fully processed. View the student's Academic Plan. Upgrade to the release. After the upgrade, check the Process Log and confirm the CE Rollup process is completed. Package the student. View the Academic Plan. Confirm the student's Academic Plan and awards are packaged according to their current course data.