Modify An Individual Award using the Modify Award Wizard (MAW)

Modify An Individual Award using the Modify Award Wizard (MAW)


The Modify Award Wizard can be used to make manual changes to an award that has already been packaged onto a student's Academic Plan.  To get started, access the Modify Award Wizard from Awards Tab.   

Select the payment period(s) or Loan Period that you wish to view from the grid at the top of the screen.

Then scroll down to the lower portion of the page to the Payment Period detail.  Select the pencil icon next to the award that you wish to modify. 

Make the necessary changes to the amounts and/or award status. You must also add a note as to why the change is being made. Then click the Continue icon. If an award has a paid disbursement, the award status cannot be changed to Offered or Declined. The award status should be set to Cancelled to cancel a paid award.


A few important notes about this step:

  1. The Calculated Eligibility is the maximum that the student is eligible for based upon the fund awarding rules and the Budgeted Amount is the maximum that the student is eligible for based upon the remaining dollars in the fund if the fund has a budget.
  2. If the user is adding or editing a Federal Title IV award (other than Federal Work Study), special restrictions apply to amounts in payment periods/academic years with a Finalized R2T4. A user must have permissions to make changes and continue.  See Packaging with a Finalized R2T4 and Permissions List.  
    • For nonterm, if the award period includes a nonterm Academic Year, then any Finalized R2T4 in any PP in the AY will restrict amounts in every PP in the same nonterm AY.
    • For term-based programs, the R2T4 restrictions only apply to the same Term. 

In step two of the wizard, review the awards, and if necessary, adjust the amount by clicking on the amount. Then either click the Back icon to make changes or click on the Continue icon.

The third step of the wizard allows you to adjust the amounts of the disbursements, the number of disbursements and the scheduled release dates of the disbursements. Then either click the Back icon to make changes or click on the Continue icon. Upon clicking the Finish icon, the system creates or updates the award package for the student and presents the results on the Award tab.

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