5.8 Product Brief

5.8 Product Brief

Product Release5.8.0.0
Release Date3/13/22

Product Brief

Additional Documents

Product Release Summary

This Product Brief includes a summary of Regent 5.8, information on key enhancements, and direction to additional documentation and information.

Product Release Description

The release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section of the Release Notes, and also enhancements and new features including:

  • Standard Regulatory Updates in Support of 2022-2023 COD Processing
  • 2022-2023 College Financing Plan
  • Title IV Authorization Default
  • Student Experience Component for Subscription Periods
  • Loan Fee Treatment in Student Experience

Further details on enhancements/new features and a complete list of bug fixes can be found in the Release Notes. 

The Release Notes also contain information on new configuration options, and a list of updates to the Admin Guide and User Guide.   

Other Documentation 

In addition to the Product Brief, the following documentation is also available:  

  • Release Notes
  • Customer Zone Knowledge Base Enhancement: Regent Award Fund Budgets- A page has been added to our Customer Zone Knowledge Base to document Fund Budget functionality in Regent Award. (No changes have been made to Fund Budget functionality in this release.)

System Requirements

Any client currently using Regent Award may take Regent 5.8 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take Regent 5.8 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Access may take Regent 5.8 for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Award may take the Regent 5.8 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Any client currently using Regent Review may take the Regent 5.8 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade.

Some Regent Access clients may take the Regent 5.8 version of Student Experience for UAT and ultimately production upgrade. Please work with your Account Manager for additional information. Note: All current customer-specific functionality in the legacy portal may not be available in the new Student Experience portal at this time.

New Feature Overview for Regent 5.8

Standard Regulatory Updates in Support of 2022-2023 COD Processing

With the 5.8 release, Regent supports the new 5.0a COD schema per guidance in the 2022-2023 Common Record Technical Reference and other official documentation. The new schema requires that the Direct Loan Cost of Attendance be included for loans and that Payment Period End Dates be included for all funds.  The ‘incarcerated’ flag was moved to Disbursement Level reporting.  Note that there is a new optional field in the SBL to provide a student’s incarcerated status when your institution deems this is appropriate per federal requirements.  That field can also be updated manually on the Student Detail screen, and it now displays in the detail on the COD tab as well.  Aligning updates were made to support Pell YTD files, Direct Loan and TEACH rebuild files, files for Direct Loan and Pell Reconciliation, and Pell MRR files for the new year.

Prior year Common Record files will all continue to be processed using the schemas in place for those years, but Schema 5.0a is required for 2022-2023 COD processing.  All system-generated files created after COD’s upgrade (scheduled for the weekend of March 26th, 2022) will be created in the new schema.  Users must upgrade to Regent 5.8 in order to process Pell, Direct Loan, and TEACH files for 2022-2023 to COD and to process any COD system-generated files created after COD upgrades to the new schema. Be sure not to export any 2022-2023 COD files until after COD has upgraded.

The 2022-2023 Message Classes have been added to the SAIG Mailbox integration feature – they will set dynamically as ‘Active’ for SAIG processing in Regent if the related classes for the prior FAY are configured as ‘Active’.  We do recommend you review your setup to ensure everything is as you wish it for the new processing year. 

Three new COD edits, #226, 227 and 228 were added for use starting with the 2022-2023 FAY.  #226 will trigger if the DL Cost of Attendance is less than the Award amount, and the other two are related to Payment Period End Date occurring before the Payment period Start or outside the range of the award period.

2022-2023 Pell tables as published by the Department of Education on January 31, 2022 are also part of this release. 

Note: Please ensure any documents related to processing 2022-2023 funds are FAY-scoped.

2022-2023 College Financing Plan Templates

New College Financing Plan templates that comply with the new Department of Education requirements are made available with this release.  Some of the main changes include the addition of Veterans Benefits to both the Undergraduate and Graduate forms and a corresponding update to subtract those benefits along with scholarships and grants from the Cost of Attendance to arrive at Net Price.   Loan options no longer include private loans, institutional loans, or Parent PLUS loans, and the ‘Other Options’ text box has been updated to mention other loan options.  Education Tax Benefits have been removed from the forms all together, and the new templates reflect this as well as additional changes to formatting, text, and glossary entries.  When in Communication Setup and configuring a 2022-2023 template, select the 2022-2023 FAY in order to access configuration items related to the new year. 

In order to set up your 2022-2023 College Financing Plan communications, you will need to have each (Graduate vs Undergraduate) communication configured with the appropriate .pdf template, a client-specific e-mail template and client-specific filter requirements.  The student-specific CFP will be attached to the specified email template upon generation of CFP communications.

Guidance on how to configure CFP templates is available in the Customer Zone Knowledge Base as follows:

Configure a Communication: Step-by-step instructions to configure a Regent communication

College Financing Plan (CFP): Standard UG and GR 2022-2023 templates, logic for Regent-calculated CFP fields, and information on CFP fields requiring client configuration

Communication Setup: Steps to set up communication, add/test template, and add filter

Regent Award Communication Templates: Technical guide to develop templates

Communication Template Data Elements: Template data field requirements

Title IV Authorization Default Options 

On the Smart Form tab of Portal configuration, there are setting options for 5 potential authorizations that can be presented to students in Student Experience.  Prior to Regent 5.8, the Yes/No responses to these questions defaulted to ‘no’, so students making the authorizations would have to actively switch them to ‘yes’.  In response to client request, there is now a configuration option to elect ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘none’ as the default display to the students.  ‘None’ will display with a blank (neither ‘yes’ nor ‘no’) selection.  The default for these in configuration is ‘None’.

 When a new Title IV Authorization Smart form is created for a student, the default setting will prepopulate for the student.  Subsequently, the elections already made by the student will display.

Student Experience Component for Subscription Periods

The Student Experience portal now has an optional, student-facing display to inform Subscription Period students of their progress toward meeting the unit completion requirements for self-paced learning with Subscription Periods.  A new Portal Configuration tab ‘SP Progress Disb’ provides an opportunity for clients to provide the student-facing name for this new component and to also provide additional text for status messaging and an informational section using language with which their students will be most comfortable.   The requirements and the student’s progress against those requirements will display in detail and with a simple graphic for any previous subscription periods (terms) for which the requirements have not been met, the current term, and one additional term.


Loan Fee Treatment in Student Experience

When a loan fund on the student’s plan is configured to ‘package to net’ and the student elects to package to Direct Costs, a row for actual loan fees will display beneath the direct costs detail for My Plan, My Borrowing, and What If I Change My Course Enrollment.  This will make it easier to students to understand whether the gross loan amounts displayed will truly meet their institutional costs. 

Known Issues for Regent 5.8    

KeySummarySuggested Workaround
RS-14969A nonterm loan period has one payment period when it contains more than half an academic year in credits.Adjust the loan to ensure two disbursements.
RS-16751There is a display issue for the Anticipated Units in the final step results of the MAP, MAW, and PMW wizards.  The Anticipated Units on the Academic Plan are correct. Reference the Anticipated Units on the Academic Plan.
RS-17439In certain term-based remaining periods of study when a student is not planning to attend all terms in the final academic year, registration for more than the anticipated level of credits in one term results in an incorrect calculation of the number of credits needed to complete the program. Use Modify Award Wizard (MAW) to make any needed adjustments to award amounts.
RS-17711When an MPN document requirement is Satisfied automatically via import of a COD PN file, the Document Audit Log does not record the specifics of the change.Refer to the student's Activity Log for the needed information.
RS-17860The Advanced Packaging feature of MAP displays the incorrect number of Anticipated Units for some Summer Terms that are set up to be anticipated with 'Anticipate 0 Units for Term' is Yes AND when Spring Pell is overridden from the prior/current FAY to the next FAY.When using Advanced Packaging and this issue occurs, zero out the units for Summer terms on the screen as desired.
RS-18575In certain cases, the 'Cancel Funds if Document is in Unsatisfied Status' is not working as expected.Manually cancel the award.
RS-18692The awards tab sometimes displays extra terms when a loan period is selected.None.
RS-19137In Fund Budget Configuration, and Academic Year-scoped fund requires a Federal Award Year entry.Track Academic Year-scoped awards against budget limits outside of Regent.  Note: This does not affect FAY-scoped funds such as Title IV.
RS-19466In certain R2T4 cases when Pell is not fully earned, at least 1 payment has disbursed for the term and at least 1 payment has not, cents in the Step 10 amount to return may not be handled properly.Manually modify the Pell award once calculation is completed
RS-19477On occasion, the BP Process completes successfully, but the Process Log is not closed ("hangs" at 99%) to it appears to the user that the process did not complete.Contact Regent for manual step to close the process on the Process Log.
RS-19496ISIR - Unmatched' Report Includes SSN in CSV and XML file exports when "include SSN" is false.  SSNs do not display in initial results on screen.  Delete SSNs as soon as export file is created, or export in .pdf, Word, or Excel.
RS-19608Fund Config Report is returning incorrect information in the outputUtilize the Fund Config View data view.
RS-19772In certain cases, Regent is refunding $1 Pell upon import of an NSLDS FA History file with LEU within a dollar of 600.  Use MAW to make sure student is awarded the correct amount up to PELL LEU
RS-20126Only one bulk action can be applied at a time to tasks.If wishing to make multiple updates at the same time, do not use the bulk action function.
RS-20659In limited cases, when using the 'Alternate Census Date' and a student is initially packaged after all configured census dates, the initial Pell enrollment status may be incorrect. The amount corrects the next time the student is packaged. 
RS-20754When configuring terms in multi-institution environments, the picklist of available enrollment levels at a particular campus may include options for other institutions in alphabetical order, and the available pick list display may not include them all.Rename the enrollment level setup name to start with 'A" so it will display at the top of the pick list.  Once linked, may revert to the old name.
RS-22015The MAP wizard does not always display the correct Packaging Philosophy for the student.The user will find the correct Packaging Philosophy listed on the Award and Academic Plan tabs.
RS-22240In certain scenarios when the Pell is entered manually at the start of an R2T4 and Pell should be offered as a PWD, the Pell is not displaying in the PWD section.External R2T4.
RS-22941Users have been unable to create new SSO User Profiles without receiving an 'invalid password' error.Create new User Profiles with authentication type of 'Password' and save, then edit to SSO and resave. 
RS-22997Track Change Bug: Red Flag Validation Error not Triggering for Overlapping AY DatesCheck for academic year overlaps when processing a track change, and create manual academic years as needed.
RS-22998Track Change Bug: Aid is awarded in overlapping term when 'Allow Overlap' checkbox is TRUEOverlapping term awarding is not fully automated. Edit awards in MAW to ensure awards in overlapping terms are adjusted/cancelled as appropriate.

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