5.8 Release Notes

5.8 Release Notes


Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 5.8, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Standard Regulatory Updates in Support of 2022-2023 COD Processing
  • 2022-2023 College Financing Plan
  • Title IV Authorization Default
  • Student Experience Component for Subscription Periods
  • Loan Fee Treatment in Student Experience

New/Updated Configuration Options

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The following configuration options were added or updated in release   

Institution Setup>Portal tab>Smart Form tab>Title IV Authorization Settings section

  • New field: Authorization to Retain Title IV Funds Default Option

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • Yes

      • No

      • None (default)

  • New field: Authorization to Return Federal Loan Credit Balances to Lender Default Option

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • Yes

      • No

      • None (default)

  • New field: Authorization to Pay Prior Year Minor Charges Default Option

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • Yes

      • No

      • None (default)

  • New field: Authorization to Pay Non-Institutional Charges Default Option

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • Yes

      • No

      • None (def

Institution Setup>Portal tab> SP Progress Disb tab (New)

Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements Section fields:

  • Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements

    • Field Type: Drop-down

    • Field Options:

      • No (default)

      • Yes

  • Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements Component Display Name

    • Field Type: Text box, 50 characters maximum

    • Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ has a value of Yes; Optional otherwise

  • Display Instructional Message

    • Field Type: Drop-down

    • Field Options:

      • Yes (default)

      • No

  • Instructional Message Header Text

    • Field Type: Text box, 20 characters maximum

    • Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Display Instructional Message’ has a value of Yes; Optional otherwise

  • Instructional Message Text

    • Field Type: WYSIWYG editor, 2500 characters maximum

    • Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Display Instructional Message’ has a value of Yes; Optional otherwise

Status Settings Section fields

  • Green/Good Status Headline

    • Field Type: Text box, 300 characters maximum

    • Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ is Yes; optional otherwise

  • Yellow/Warning Status Headline

    • Field Type: Text box, 300 characters maximum

    • Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ is Yes; optional otherwise

  • Red/Stopped Status Headline

    • Field Type: Text box, 300 characters maximum

    • Required (cannot be blank) if ‘Enable Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ is Yes; optional otherwise

Institution Setup>Campus Setup>Document Setup>ISIR Assignment tab>Demographic Information section

  • New Field: Active Duty Status

    • Field Type: Multi-Select Pick List 

    • Field Options:

      • Yes

      • No

      • Blank

    • Default: None

Institution Setup>Campus Setup>Document Setup>General tab

  • Field: Smart Form Type

    • New Options:

      • Letter of Clarification

      • Letter of Clarification - Student/Spouse
      • Institutional Grant Selection
      • Parent PLUS Loan Override Request
      • Parent Asset Verification Worksheet
      • Student Asset Verification Worksheet
      • Parent Allocation of Title IV Credit Balance

Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>CFP Settings section

  • New Field: Federal Award Year
    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options:

      • 2021-2022

      • 2022-2023

    • Field is Required

    • Help Text: This field will identify the Federal Award Year and only display configurations associated with that year.

Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>VA Educational Benefits (New section)

  • New Field: VA Educational Benefits

    • Field Type: Multi-Select Pick List

    • Field Options:

      • All Funds configured in Fund Setup

    • Field is Not Required

    • Help Text: The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here will be used for the VA Educational Benefits field in the Scholarships section of the College Financing Plan pdf.

Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>Loan Options section

  • Loan Option Settings section will be hidden if the Career Level is set to Undergraduate AND the Federal Award Year is set to 2022-2023.

Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>Other Options section

  • Other Options Settings Section will be hidden if the Federal Award Year is set to 2022-2023.

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-23213Regent AwardCOD

Title: Add Validation for COD Export Process for Awards with an Amount Greater than $0 where the Sum of the Disbursements is $0

Tickets: RS-23213;


A new validation has been added to the COD Export process. The validation will ensure awards with an amount greater than $0, where the sum of the disbursements = $0, are not exported when originating an award.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Exporting COD Records

RS-23122Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: Add Student Experience Support for Parent Only eSignature Smart Forms

Tickets: RS-23122; RS-22867;

Description: Student Experience has been updated to support the 'Only parent signature required' option on the Document Setup Signature tab. When this signature option is set, students will immediately be presented with the option to invite a parent to sign without first being required to sign the form. Once the parent has signed the form, students will be able to download the completed form.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Document Signature Processes

RS-23113Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Updated Standard Exit Counseling Filter

Tickets: RS-23113; RS-22867;

Description: The standard Exit Counseling filter has been updated to add logic to send the communication, each time the criteria is met, only to students with:

  1. At least one paid disbursement greater than $0 of Subsidized, Unsubsidized or Graduate PLUS, excluding AY0 and cancelled awards,
  2. Current enrollment (not on Leave of Absence or Core break),
  3. New attendance since a previous Exit Counseling communication was sent,
  4. AND one of the following:
    1. A finalized R2T4 for the current or prior Payment Period,
    2. The Academic Plan End Date is within 30 days of the date the communication is generated,
    3. The Graduation Date attribute in the Academic Information SBL node is less than or equal to 30 days from the date the communication is generated,
    4. Not at least HT registration (LTHT or None) in the current term as of the Autowithdrawal Date (only applies to term-based programs); OR
    5. If the latest course end date or withdrawal date on all courses in the payment period is greater than 25 days for non-term programs or term-based programs required to take attendance

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23056Regent AwardCOD

Title: COD Regulatory Updates for 2022-2023

Tickets: RS-23056; RS-22530; RS-20473; RS-22620; RS-22163; RS-22668; RS-22730; RS-22934; RS-23100; RS-23101; RS-23119; RS-23120; RS-23121;


  • Implementation of new COD Schema 5.0a in Regent Award Integration, for COD Import/Export Processes for 2022-2023 FAY.
    • Includes functionality to send three new data elements to COD:
      • Direct Loan Cost of Attendance
        • Added to COD tab
      • Payment Period End Date
      • Incarcerated Student Indicator moved to the Disbursement level
        • Added to the SBL
        • Added to Student Details tab and COD tab in Regent Award
  • Addition of COD Message Classes to SAIG Mailbox Integration for 2022-2023 FAY.
  • Update to Rebuild files for Pell YTD, Direct Loans, and TEACH, and to communication files for DL Reconciliation, Pell Reconciliation, and Pell MRR, to reference 2022-2023 FAY.
  • Implementation of Pell Awarding Schedules in Regent Award for 2022-2023 FAY.
  • Addition of COD Edits in Regent Award, per COD Technical Reference for 2022-2023: Edits 226, 227, and 228.

Note: Please ensure any documents related to processing 2022-2023 funds are FAY-scoped. Also, note that SAIG configuration options for 2022-2023 manual vs automated processing will default based on how those options were configured by the institution for 2021-2022. Regent recommends that clients review SAIG configurations to ensure optimal process operation for institutional needs.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Message Classes Supported by Regent AwardFederal Pell GrantCOD TabStudent Details TabHow to Mock and Pay COD Loans.

RS-22899Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Allow Packaging for Students with ISIRs where the Special Circumstances Flag = 2

Tickets: RS-22899;


Regent Award packaging logic has been updated to ensure students with a special circumstances flag set to ‘2' are included in the packaging process and no error message is received. An error message will only be displayed when attempting to package when the special circumstances flag is set to ‘1’, ‘3’, or '4’.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Awarding And Packaging

RS-22621Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: StudentX: Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements

Tickets: RS-22879; RS-22621; RS-23078; RS-23079; RS-23080; RS-23081; RS-23082; RS-23083; RS-23084; RS-23085; RS-23092;

The Student Experience Portal has a new component to support Subscription Periods. Students who have a Subscription Period term can view their progress to see if they have earned the required units for disbursement in the ‘Subscription Period Progress for Disbursements’ component. The component displays a student’s overall progress as well as indicators of whether the student has fulfilled enough units for disbursement in both current and past terms. Schools may configure the component name and text elements in Portal Setup.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Subscription Periods Progress.

RS-22620Regent AwardCommunications

Title: College Financing Plans 2022-2023

Tickets: RS-23119; RS-23120; RS-22620; RS-23121; RS-20473;


The Undergraduate and Graduate College Financing Plan (CFP) templates for 2022-2023 have been updated to comply with the new federally stipulated requirements. Configuration settings were also added to support the 2022-2023 requirements on the CFP tab within the Communication Templates Setup in Regent Award: Federal Award Year field in the CFP Settings section; new VA Educational Benefits section.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: College Financing Plan (CFP)Regent Award Communication TemplatesCommunication Template Data ElementsConfigure a Communication.

RS-22617Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Student Experience: Display Estimated Loan Fees

Tickets: RS-23087; RS-23088; RS-23089; RS-23030; RS-23093; RS-22617;


The Student Experience portal now displays Estimated Loan Fees in areas where the student can view expanded academic year details (i.e. My Borrowing, Course Estimator, and My Plan). The Estimated Loan Fees are only displayed when the ‘Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs’ is set to Yes on Institutional Setup and the student is packaged to Direct Costs. The user can view the fees below the Direct Costs section and any viewable fees are included in the Estimated Total Cost for the Academic Year.

Under Institutional Setup>General Tab> Default Settings:  If 'Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs' is set to Yes.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: My Borrowing.

RS-22498Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: 2022-2023 Regent Access Application

Tickets: RS-22498; RS-23123; RS-23124; RS-23125;

Description: The 2022-2023 Access questionnaires have been updated to ensure that financial data fields for students and parents do not prepopulate with '0' on new applications but will be blank instead.

RS-22445Student ExperienceAccount Management

Title: Title IV Authorization Smart Form

Tickets: RS-23067; RS-22445; RS-23068;


The Title IV Authorization Smart Form has been updated to add configurable default settings for each question. When a new application is created, the default option configured will be prepopulated for each question. When a subsequent application is created, the questions will default to the values saved in the Student Portal Authorizations of Regent Award.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Title IV Authorizations Smart Form and Student Experience Portal Data Elements.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-23247Regent AwardCOD


When Regent Award was set up for multiple Reporting School and Attended School COD Source IDs under the same COD Source Entity ID and a COD Export was run, records were duplicated when the process staged the data for the COD Export, which caused the process to fail (timeout) and no file was created.


The system did not have logic to handle the scenario for multiple Reporting School or Attended School Entity ID values under the same COD Source Entity ID.


The COD Export has improved logic for linking records to the correct COD Attended School code and the correct COD Reporting School codes to prevent the duplicate records from staging and the process from failing.


In a Regent Award test environment with an Institutions that has more than one Reporting School or Attended School ID under the same COD Source Entity ID, run the COD Export process. Confirm the COD Export is successfully created and students from each of the Campuses/Sites were selected for export. Review the data in the data file. Confirm the exported data has no duplicated records for the combination of each unique (COD Source Entity ID {in the DocumentID} + Source Type + Reporting School Routing ID + Attended School Routing ID).

RS-23030Student ExperienceStudent Experience


Some COA items are not showing horizontal totals in MyBorrowing, MyPlan, and What if I Change My Course Enrollment areas.


RNA output Cost Name for one field and Cost Display Name for another, making it so that Payment Period and Academic Year level amounts could not be mapped to Student Experience.


Updated the code to be consistent between the Cost Display Name and Cost Name.


Access Student Experience and make sure that horizontal totals for COA components within My Borrowing, My Plan, and What if I Change My Course Enrollment Areas display correctly.

RS-23014Regent AwardAwarding


When the ‘Award Full Eligibility in Final AY Only’ option was selected, some Unsubsidized Loans were not being packaged to the expected amounts when the Subsidized Loan eligibility was limited by the student’s Lifetime Aggregate amounts.


The Unsubsidized Loan Maximum Amount was being determined using the annual Subsidized Loan Limit instead of the reduced amount of the student’s remaining Subsidized Loan lifetime aggregate eligibility.


The Unsubsidized Loan amount calculations use the student’s actual Subsidized Loan amounts that are awarded instead of the annual limit for Subsidized loans.


Ensure the Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans are configured in Fund Setup with the setting enabled for ‘Award Full Eligibility in Final AY Only.’ Package a student who is in their final Academic Year, and is near the Subsidized loan aggregate lifetime limits. Confirm the Subsidized loan amount matches the student’s remaining lifetime aggregate Subsidized loan eligibility. Confirm the Unsubsidized loan amounts are awarded to the full eligibility for the Academic Year.

RS-23005Regent AwardStudent Experience


Regent Award was unexpectedly populating the Middle Initial field with the full student's middle name in Smart Form applications causing a validation error and students were unable to enter anything in that field and complete the page.


Student "Middle Initial" field maximum allowed length was configured as 1. Therefore, when the student’s middle name is not a single character in Regent Award, the questionnaire prepopulation failed.


Regent Award updated the prepopulation logic to only prepopulate the first characters of the student's middle name.


Identify an affected student. Click on the ‘Start, Edit or Complete’ link for the Smart Form document in the Document Component of the Student Experience portal. Complete the Personal Information section and click ‘Next’. Ensure that no error is received and the student is able to successfully go to the next page.

RS-22987Regent AwardCommunications


In the 2021-2022 College Financing Plan (CFP) Communication PDF attachment, the 'EFC Based on FAFSA' field unexpectedly displayed a blank value.


The ‘Primary Alternate Month EFC’ value was using a non-numeric (string) format when the value was received by the Communication.


The Primary Alternate Month EFC has been converted to a numeric (integer) format.


Copy the updated HTML to the Communication Templates for Undergraduate and Graduate College Financing Plan PDF attachments. Reload RNA setup. Generate an Undergraduate communication using two Undergraduate students with 2021-2022 ISIRs, where one student has a zero EFC value and another student has a nonzero EFC value. Confirm the ‘EFC Based on FAFSA’ fields have the correct values on each Undergraduate communication. Repeat for two Graduate students. Confirm the ‘EFC Based on FAFSA’ fields have the correct values on each Graduate communication.

RS-22978Regent AwardAwarding


Internal transfer units were ignored by the system, resulting in incorrect grade level progression displayed on the Academic Plan.


Regent award did not take into account a program change scenario where the last Academic Year of the previous program was a non-BBAY Academic Year.


Logic was added to detect whether the new initialized enrollment refers to a different course enrollment program so the system properly takes into account internal transfer units when calculating grade level progression for the new program.


Open the affected student. Load SBL with a program change including internal transfer units that correspond to the number of units required to achieve the next grade level. Complete program change. Run packaging. Verify the expected grade level is correct.

RS-22951Regent AwardAwarding

Problem: Pell incorrectly packaged over LEU limit by $1 dollar.

Cause: The application incorrectly rounded Pell amount to the nearest dollar value when the amount was adjusted by LEU.

The application will truncate Pell amount when the it's adjusted by LEU.

Find Pell eligible student example which is close to LEU limit. Run packaging. Make sure that the adjusted Pell LEU amount is truncated to the nearest cent but not rounded up when close to the limit.

RS-22947Regent ReviewCOD

Regent Award was unexpectedly providing wrong award data to COD, causing a higher than normal volume of 117 COD rejects.

Regent Award was incorrectly marking an award for cancel and recreate and blocking the award from going through the cancel and recreate process. Since the award was blocked from the cancel and recreate process, the FAID update flag was not cleared causing the FAID number change.

Regent Award was updated to clear FAID update required flag from awards when blocked from the cancel and recreate process. An isValidForSaving check to AwardCODMetadata flag was added to prevent the changing of the FAID if the award is not in ‘Estimated’ status, if the award has COD records (e.g. Acceptance), or if Actual EST has been run for the award.

In Regent Award package a student to confirm that an award number will not increase. Send a generated file to COD.

RS-22863Regent AwardPackaging

Loans were zeroed out after the census date.

Regent Award did not take into account census enrollment level type when calculating loan eligibility.

System checks were updated to consider census enrollment level type when determining loan eligibility.

Find the affected student. Confirm that student is enrolled through census date at least HT. Run packaging. Make sure that loans remain packaged based on student's enrollment level.

RS-22810Regent AwardR2T4

R2T4 amount was $1 less than expected.

Regent Award incorrectly rounded the amount calculated in R2T4 Step 5/6 down to the nearest 0.50 instead of rounding up to the nearest dollar.

Regent Award will correctly round the amount calculated in Step 5/6.

In Regent Award, complete R2T4 with a return amount. Then review amount returned by the system during the next EST transaction.

RS-22720Regent AwardPackaging

The packaging was blocked by BBAY Modification for Academic Year has an invalid FAY assigned to it error.

Regent was not properly setting the Academic Year Dates based on a BBAY Modifications when the Academic Plan had multiple AY0s. Some Academic Years received invalid dates (e.g. StartDate after the EndDate).

The Regent Award logic was updated to handle multiple AY0s when managing BBAY modifications.

Find an affected student(s). Run packaging. Confirm that no errors occur in the MAP wizard.

RS-22637Regent AwardData Views

On a student’s COD tab, Regent Award was unexpectedly showing a 'Data is Null' error and no data were present.

Some Awards data contained empty date fields for Start and End dates. The unexpected data caused an error on the screen when loading and displaying the data in the grids.

Regent Award updates were applied to data loading and displaying for the COD screen to support nullable date values.

In Regent Award, navigate to the COD Tab for an affected student. Confirm the screen displays the awards. Confirm the screen does not display the ‘Data is Null’ error.

RS-22599Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly awarding Wisconsin grand based on the 2-term tuition amount if the 1st term in 3-term program is not eligible because there are not enough units for the award.

Regent Award eligibility ruleset required that a value from the lookup could be returned and was above $0. The lookup failed when the enrollment level was halftime but the units were below the lookup minimum value.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that the WI eligibility ruleset does not set eligibility to false when the enrollment level is HT or higher but the registered units for the given cost group Id is below the minimum units for the lookup table.

In Regent Award package an affected student and confirm the Wisconsin grant amount is correct for each term.

RS-22542Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was incorrectly prorating Pell using Formula 4 for the remaining program units, NOT the remaining registered units.

Regent Award was incorrectly prorating Pell using the anticipated program units in Formula 4.

Regent Award was updated to ensure logic to use the greater of the anticipated or registered units.

In Regent Award package the affected student(s) and confirm the Pell award amount.

RS-22440Regent AwardSAP

SAP status was not inherited when the student had a program change at the same level (Undergraduate to Undergraduate) and Use Prior Program SAP Status When Program Is Changed At Same Level setting was set to 'Yes'.

A previous SAP status of 'MTF/FA Suspended' was not considered as a previous SAP status by system that caused incorrect SAP status change in subsequent term.

Updated logic so that 'MTF/FA Suspended' previous status is inherited correctly when Use Prior Program SAP Status When Program Is Changed At Same Level setting is set to 'Yes'.

Make sure that Use Prior Program SAP Status When Program Is Changed At Same Level setting is set to 'Yes'. Find the affected student. Complete program change at the same level (grad-to-grad or undergrad-to-undergrad). Run SAP. Review SAP status at current term. It should be inherited from the last term of previous program.

RS-22362Regent AwardR2T4

In the Return to Title IV (R2T4) Wizard, Step 6, the ‘Step 10 Grant Amount to Return’ was not included as a component of Total Amounts to Return.

The ‘Step 10 Grant Amount to Return’ was not factored into the Step 6 'Total Amounts to Return.'

The code fix was applied so that ‘Step 10 Total Grant to Return’ was added into the Step 6 ‘Total Amount to Return.’ The field ‘Total Amount to Return’ was made to display the correct read-only value.

Navigate to an affected student who has Title IV Grants. In an open Payment Period, add an R2T4 resulting in a Step 10 Grant Amount to Return. Validate that the Step 10 amount is added into the Step 6 amount. Finalize the R2T4. Package the student. Confirm the system updates the awards to the correct recalculated amounts.

RS-22338Regent AwardPackaging

Cumulative units were not updated for students after packaging was completed via MAP.

The system failed to re-enumerate non-unique disbursement numbers for awards.

Disbursement re-enumeration logic was updated.

Find the affected student. Confirm the current amount of cumulative units. Load SBL with completed courses. Run packaging. Verify that cumulative units amount changed.
If the error still occurs, please coordinate with your account manager to request the data-cleanup script "RS-22670."

RS-22213Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly not moving a loan to a shorter, one-term loan period after loan cancellation in the MAW wizard.

The Loan Period Truncation logic for $0 periods was incorrectly being applied to SAY Calendar Types only.

Loan period truncation logic was updated to include checks for other calendar types. The term will not be included in the loan period dates if :

  • 100% of loan funds are zeroed out on a term
  • A student has a term in a Loan Period that has attendance but does not have any Loan Disbursement, or the term's loan disbursement is now $0

Find an affected student. Open MAW. Shorten the Loan Period by updating the last term’s disbursement to $0 in MAW for either a Subsidized or Unsubsidized loan. Complete the steps in MAW. Verify the loan period dates match the term dates and do not include the last term.

RS-21995Regent AwardR2T4

In the Return to Title IV (R2T4) Wizard, for Step 1 values, the ‘Recalculated Pell Amount’ and ‘Pell Amount to Return’ were not updating when a user applied Override amounts.

The system used the eligible amount from the normal Pell ruleset when there were manual values.

A code fix was applied so that the system calculates the Pell amount as a sum of the Pell override amounts when a user enters those values manually.

Find a student who has a paid Pell Grant. Add an R2T4. Manually override the Step1 Pell Grant Amounts for ‘Amount Disbursed,’ ‘Net Inadvertent Overpayments,’ and ‘Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed.’ Confirm that these overridden Pell Grant Amounts are components in the Recalculated Pell amount. Confirm that the ‘Pell to Return’ amount is the difference between the ‘Paid Pell’ and ‘Recalculated Pell Amount’ fields if the Paid Pell is greater than the Recalculated Pell Amount, or otherwise results in zero.

RS-21973Regent AwardAwarding

Cancelled loans were showing calculated eligibility with an amount greater than zero.

Cancelled-and-recreated loan disbursements were maintaining an eligible amount, causing display issues.

The processing order was updated in the packaging logic to first calculate and add all eligibility onto eligible awards. Cancelled-and-recreated loans are calculated with zero eligibility.

Find the affected student(s). Run packaging. Ensure all eligibility amounts are correct. Canceled loans should have $0 eligibility.

RS-21661Regent AwardCOD

Regent Award incorrectly sent the Pell COA amount in the COD Export, ignoring the priority of Pell COA amounts configured at the setup.

Regent Award was incorrectly sending the program Pell COA amounts in the COD Export.

The system logic was adjusted to use the Pell COA setup and Pell COA override values to populate the Pell COA in the COD Export.

Set the Pell COA Override to be $1. Set the Pell COA Setup to be $2. Set the Pell COA in Program Setup to be $3. Run packaging. Originate Pell at COD. Confirm the <AttendanceCost> tag in the COD Export file is $1.

RS-21601Regent AwardAwarding

YRP Pell disbursements were canceled, despite the award amounts remained accurate on the Academic Plan screen.

Regent Award set incorrect status and amounts for YRP disbursements when disbursement schedules were generated.

The code was updated to set the correct status and disbursement amounts for YRP Pell.

Find the affected student(s) with Regular Pell paid at 100%. Run packaging. Review YRP disbursements: award and disbursement amounts should be the same.

RS-21506Regent AwardPackaging

Multiple Sub and Unsub loans disbursements were generated.

When there was only one enrollment in an Academic Year in a ‘Closed’ status with an ‘Autowithdraw’ close reason, a context was sent to the packaging engine without the awarding calculation option, thereby causing a validation error.

Packaging logic was updated to allow a non-BBAY Academic Year to fully process when a term in the Academic Year is duplicated by a term in another Academic Year. Prioritization to use Actual units over Anticipated units was added in the event of duplicate enrollment to ensure proper CE matching logic.

Find the affected student. Close all tasks and blocking documents. Run packaging. No errors should occur and no duplicate awards created. Run EST-for-DRI. No override errors should occur.

RS-21105Regent AwardStudent Experience

Regent Award was not calculating Total Loans amounts on Recommended Borrowing/Maximum Borrowing Details, Students Loans.

The Estimated Amount was being used instead of Offered Amount when calculating My Borrowing info totals (estimated and non-estimated totals) when the award was not in an Estimated status.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that Offered amount will be used for all My Borrowing info totals when an award does not have a status of Estimated, even for the estimated totals.

In Regent Award Student Experience portal, navigate to the Financial Aid tab. On the Recommended Borrowing/Maximum Borrowing details, check the Total Loans amount.

RS-21090Student ExperienceStudent Experience

In Regent Plan in the Student Experience Portal, the ‘Borrowing Option Detail’ was not displaying the correct Cost of Attendance (COA) subtotals.

The logic for the Academic Plan Cost Items was not consistent across all locations in the Student Experience Portal code.

Regent updated the code so that the logic used for Cost Item is consistent throughout the Student Experience Portal.

Test in an environment that has Regent Plan. Log in to Student Experience or view the Advisor Assist tab for a student who needs to Select a Borrowing Plan. In My Plan, click Select My Borrowing Option. In My Borrowing, confirm the displayed totals are correct for the ‘Costs and Awards’ in the Borrowing Plan Options sections. View a student who has already selected a Plan. In ‘My Plan,’ expand an Academic Year and view the details. Confirm the Estimated Cost amounts and totals are correct.

RS-21087Regent AwardProgram Change

Incorrect FAY assignment took place on the Academic Year that caused fund awarding to fall into a different Federal Award Year.

Regent Award failed to perform a Federal Award Year change on the Academic Year. When the new awards were added, they were incorrectly moved into the default Loan Period having different Federal Award Year.

The code was updated so that when no paid loans exist on the default Loan Period, the Federal Award Year of the Loan Period will be re-evaluated.

Find the affected student. Run packaging. Confirm that existing awards are not flipping into different Federal Award Years.

RS-21063Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly overawarding Parent Plus loan in the 2nd term with the amount that is needed in the 1st term.

Regent Award application incorrectly distributed the Direct Parent Plus amount evenly according to Fund Setup. Although the total amount was not overawarded for the loan period, this caused overawarding in some payment periods.

The Regent Award application was updated to ensure that the distributed Direct Parent Plus amount is based on the remaining payment period unmet cost.

In Regent Award, package an affected student and confirm the Parent Plus amount.

RS-21000Regent AwardPackaging

On the Awards tab, Regent Award did not appear to include resources in the Unmet Need and Unmet Cost calculations and total amounts.

The displayed COA values were already adjusted for the Resource amounts. Since Resources are shown separately on the screen, it also appeared that the amounts did not sum up correctly.

Regent Award was updated to account for the Resource amounts in the Unmet Need and Unmet Cost calculations.

In Regent Award, test with a student who already has a Resource or add a new Resource to a student manually using the ‘Add/Adjust Resources’ wizard. Package the student. Refresh the Awards tab. On the Awards tab, select a loan period from the ‘Analyze Loan Period’ drop-down. Confirm the Unmet Need and Unmet Cost items are correct. Refresh the Awards tab. Select the individual payment periods that make up the same Loan Period as used for testing the drop-down menu. Confirm the Unmet Need and Unmet Cost items add up to the loan period totals. Confirm the amounts are correct.

RS-20915Regent AwardAwarding

Regent was unexpectedly canceling and re-creating loans for the next Academic Year.

Regent Award was not determining the priority of ISIRs in a crossover period correctly. ISIRs that were ‘Not Selected for Verification’ and ISIRs that were ‘Selected for Verification - Not Verified’ were being treated with the same priority, resulting in a latter year ISIR taking precedence after it has already been verified.

The logic for determining the priority of ISIRs was updated.

Find the affected student. Load 20-21 and 21-22 ISIRs and make them active. Make sure that 21-22 ISIR is selected for verification. Run packaging. Loans should not be canceled and re-created. Ensure the FAY for the loan is not updated.

RS-19985Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

20-21 SEOG Fund budget totals were displaying incorrect values.

The Fund Budget logic incorrectly handled budget balances for Accepted, Paid, and Offered amounts.

The Fund Budget logic was updated to maintain Paid Amounts for the budget amounts until a negative transaction is completed before reducing the budget amount. Code was also added to clean up existing budget fields on awards for funds having no budgets.

Run the "RS-20011" script. Run packaging. Review fund budget setup for the affected fund. Accepted and Offered amounts should be equal and Paid amounts should not be higher than the Offered and Accepted amounts.

RS-19790Regent AwardR2T4

In a term with an R2T4, Regent Award incorrectly counted courses that were withdrawn on the same day as the R2T4 WDD and before the Census date, causing an incorrect Recalculated Pell amount for the R2T4 calculation.

The Year-Round Pell (YRP) recalculation had an incorrect lookup value for the enrollment level. The logic was incorrectly adjusting for Pell amounts counting toward the student’s Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU). When the Recalculated Pell Amount was greater than the amount considered for the LEU total, the system calculated the incorrect amount for the Payment Period.

Regent Award uses the correct enrollment level for the R2T4 recalculated Pell amount. The logic was corrected for adjusting for a Pell amount that is already included in the student’s total Pell LEU.

Test with an affected student who has a relatively high Pell-eligible EFC that would result in a $0 Half-Time Pell amount, but who has Full-Time (FT) enrollment and FT Pell award for the term. Package the student. Update the course data to have half-time attendance in the term prior to the census date, with the attended courses withdrawn on the same date prior to the term’s census date. Create an R2T4 with the R2T4 WDD matching the course withdrawal date. View the Recalculated Pell Amount. Confirm the recalculated Pell amount is $0. Finalize the R2T4. Package the student. Confirm the Pell amount is adjusted to $0.

RS-19749Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing no information for some loans with COD history on the Loans tab, COD subtab.

Some Awards data contained unexpected nullable date fields for Start and End dates. The unexpected data caused an error on the screen when loading and displaying data in the grids.

Regent Award updates were applied to data loading and displaying for the COD sub-tab on the Loans screen to support nullable date values.

In Regent Award, navigate to an affected student’s Loans Tab, then to the COD sub-tab on that screen. Confirm the screen displays the awards. Confirm the screen does not display the ‘Data is Null’ error.

RS-18232Regent AwardData Views

The 'R2T4CompletedOnDate' was showing as blank in the data view table for students who have finalized R2T4 with an R2t4ResultCode of 'REFUND' or 'PWD'.

Automated R2T4 logic failed to set the correct 'R2T4CompletedOnDate' value.

Code checks were added to ensure that dates are set appropriately when an R2T4 status is Finalized or No Action Required.

Open the dataExtract_R2T4_View_v001 table. The data view table should not contain empty values for students who have a Finalized R2T4 in the R2T4CompletedOnDate column.

RS-15983Regent AwardPackaging

A student had a packaging error, “Failed to Process: Student’s Academic Year #0 is set by BBAY Modification but has no enrollments.”

When the system tried to package the student, the logic had assigned the same Manual Academic Year identifier value (SBM ID) to more than one Manual Academic Year.

Regent Award was updated to detect an invalid assignment of the SBM ID value to the Academic Year. The system clears the assignment before reconciliation occurs.

Find the affected student. In Regent Award, use the Program Management Wizard to view the student’s Academic Year structure. Package the student. Confirm the student is packaged without error.

RS-15520Regent AwardDocuments

Problem: Documents with special characters in the file name could not be uploaded into Regent Award and the Error message was not clear.

Cause: The web server did not allow for certain special characters in the file name for uploaded documents.

Fix: The code was updated to show a user-friendly validation message when the file name contains special characters that aren’t allowed: “There is an unsupported character sequence in the file name (e.g. '). Please remove the special characters from the file name and try again.”


From the Documents tab in Regent Award, select ‘Add Document’. Upload a file with special characters in the name. Verify the validation message is displayed.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-23127Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates per 5.8 Release

Tickets: RS-23127;


The following Data Views were created for new tables:

  • dataExtract_AcademicYearPackagingPhilosophyHistory_View_v001
  • dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_SPProgressForDisbursementsSettings_Config_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ProgramType_Config_View_v001

The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_AcademicPlan_View_v004
  • dataExtract_Award_View_v005
  • dataExtract_AwardCODMetadata_View_v004
  • dataExtract_CODAward_View_v006
  • dataExtract_CODDisbursement_View_v005
  • dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_SmartForm_Config_View_v004
  • dataExtract_StudentDetail_View_v004

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