/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 5.4.1, the latest minor release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • R2T4 Regulatory Updates
  • R2T4 Step 1 and Step 2 Overrides
  • Document Due/Expiration Dates
  • Multiple Configured Census Dates
  • My Borrowing Data Availability
  • Packaging Philosophy Functionality Update
  • ‘What If I Change My Course Enrollment’ Changes
  • Pell and Direct Loan Reconciliation

New Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or changed in release   

Institution Setup > General tab > Default Settings

  • New Field: Support Mid-Term Program Start Dates

    • Field Type: Checkbox

Institution Setup > R2T4 tab > Automation Settings Section

  • New field: Cease Attendance Date

    • Field type: Dropdown

    • Field Options: 

      • R2T4 Node: R2T4 Withdrawal Date (default)

      • R2T4 Node: Date of Determination

      • R2T4 Node: Last Date of Academic-Related Activity (new SBL field)

      • Regent Award: Most Recent LDA for R2T4 Period

Institution Setup > Regent Plan tab > Course Enrollment Estimator tab

  • New field: Exceeds Configured Terms Validation Message
    • Field Type: Text Box

Institution Setup > Regent Plan tab > My Borrowing tab > New 'Packaging Philosophy Settings' section

  • New Field: Apply My Borrowing Plan Across All Future AYs
    • Field Type: Checkbox

Break Setup

  • New field: Scheduled Gap Between Modules?

    • Field Type: checkbox

    • Default: unchecked

Term Setup > General tab

  • New Field: Census Date 2
    • Field Type: Date
  • New Field: Census Date 3
    • Field Type: Date
  • New Field: Census Date 4
    • Field Type: Date
  • Changed Field: Census Date 2 renamed 'Alternative Census Date'

Document Setup > General tab > New 'Document Due Date and Expiration' section

  • New field: Document Due Date Assignment

    • Field Type: Dropdown

    • Field Options (Dynamic, based on Scope):

      • Blank (default)

      • Static Date

      • Creation Date

      • Scope Begin Date

  • New field: Month (Dynamic, based on Document Due Date Assignment and Scope)

  • New field: Day (Dynamic, based on Document Due Date Assignment and Scope)

  • New field: Year (Dynamic, based on Document Due Date Assignment and Scope)

  • New field: Due Date

    • Field Type: Date

  • New field: Due Date Offset

    • Field Type: Numeric

  • New field: Document Expiration Date Assignment

    • Field Type:  Dropdown

    • Field Options (Dynamic, based on Scope): 

      • Blank (default)

      • Static Date

      • Creation Date

      • Scope Begin Date

  • New field: Month (Dynamic, based on Document Expiration Date Assignment and Scope)

  • New field: Day (Dynamic, based on Document Expiration Date Assignment and Scope)

  • New field: Year (Dynamic, based Document Expiration Date Assignment and Scope)

  • New field: Expiration Due Date

    • Field Type: Date

  • New field: Expiration Date Offset

    • Field Type: Numeric

  • New field: Expiration Status

    • Field Type: Multi-Select Picklist

      • Incomplete

      • Needed

      • Received

      • Satisfied

      • Unsatisfied

      • Waived

  • New field: Change to Selected Status

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Incomplete

      • Needed

      • Received

      • Satisfied

      • Unsatisfied

      • Waived

Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of Regent, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated:

eAccess - Creating an account

Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) Centralized Awards

Change My Borrowing Amounts

Document Setup

Document Setup Data Elements

Institution Setup Data Elements

Automated R2T4

Return of Title IV (R2T4) Overview

R2T4 for Terms with Modules

Break Setup

Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary)

Processing an R2T4 in Regent Award

Regent Plan: Course Enrollment Estimation Tool 

Course Enrollment Estimator Setup

Regent Award Task Triggers

Activity Log Entries

R2T4 Wizard - R2T4 Tab

History Tab

Term Setup Data Elements


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-21440Regent AwardSAP

Title: Update the SAP Policy Details Screen and Database to Allow Value > 150%

Tickets: RS-21440; RS-21495; RS-21499;

This enhancement changes the Maximum Time Frame (MTF) configuration validation from only allowing entries in the range of 0-150% to require simply that the entry not be negative. This field is required and accepts a value of 0% or greater.

RS-21438Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Set Course Enrollment Payment Period 1 Start Date to Earliest Course Start Date

Tickets: RS-21438; RS-21442; RS-21443; RS-21471;

For nonterm programs only, the Course Enrollment (CE) process has improved logic in establishing the start date of a Payment Period and Academic Year. The system sets the PP/AY start date value to match the start date of the earliest course that did not start in a previous Academic Year. For example, if a nonterm student’s first course starts in PP1, but that first course ends in PP2, the enhanced behavior sets the PP1 start date value to match the first course’s start date. The AY also starts with the correct start date. The system also starts counting days of attendance for R2T4 beginning with the start date of the first course that starts within the period covered by the R2T4, even when that course ends in a later payment period.

RS-21185Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Apply Pell Formula to Set Maximum for Payment Period before Determining 'Year Round Pell' Eligibility

Tickets: RS-21185; RS-21368; RS-21367;

When Regent calculates Pell disbursements for a term, the system will first calculate the maximum amount of total Pell allowed in the term using the configured Pell formula. The system applies that amount as a maximum cap on the sum total for all Pell disbursements in the term, including any “regular” or remaining scheduled 100% Pell as well as any 150% Year-Round Pell (YRP).

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Year Round Pell (YRP or 150% Pell).

RS-21171Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

Title: Updated the 'Eligibility to Fill out a FAFSA' Text in the Regent Access Solution

Tickets: RS-19899;

The ‘Eligibility to Fill out a FAFSA’ text in Regent Access during the creation of an account, has been updated to be more concise regarding an applicant’s eligibility to complete an application.

RS-21170Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

Title: Updated the 'Eligibility to Fill out a FAFSA' Text in the Regent Access Solution

Tickets: RS-21170;

The ‘Eligibility to Fill out a FAFSA’ text in Regent Access during the creation of an account, has been updated to be more concise regarding an applicant’s eligibility to complete an application.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic eAccess - Creating an account.

RS-21147Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Add Eligibility to Award Roster Validation

Tickets: RS-21147; RS-21146; RS-21148; RS-21200; RS-21201; RS-21210; RS-21273;

This enhancement places eligibility validations on the Award Roster and allows for Multiple Term ID Matching in the MHEC Roster Imports and Exception Reports.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) Centralized Awards.

RS-21124Student ExperienceAwarding

Title: Change My Borrowing Amounts: Add Validation for $1 per PP/Term

Tickets: RS-21123; RS-21124; RS-21307;

Regent has added new validation in ‘Change My Borrowing Amounts’ to result in a minimum of $1 per term/PP for each loan that has a positive amount. The system provides guidance to the student to enter acceptable amounts.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Change My Borrowing Amounts.

RS-21102Regent AccessTechnical Design

Title: Provide Support for Import of eAccess ISIR Formatted File when the Record has Multiple Federal School Codes

Tickets: RS-21102; RS-21267; RS-21270;

The creation of the eAccess ISIR formatted file has been modified so only one Federal School Code and Housing Status is included in the ISIR Formatted file positions for the Federal School Code and Housing Status. The eAccess file created for each Federal School Code selected by a student will contain only the Federal School Code and associated Housing Status for the institution for which the file is being created.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic eAccess - Export Files.

RS-20997Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: Add Due Date and Expiration Date on Documents to Assist in Managing Scholarship Process

Tickets: RS-20997; RS-21003; RS-20981; RS-20580; RS-20439; RS-20438; RS-20393; RS-20093; RS-20983; RS-20985;

This enhancement will add a configurable Due Date and Expiration Date to Document Setup that will be editable on the student-level document requirement. Expired documents will be updated to the configured status during batch packaging.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics:

RS-20885Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Smart Borrowing Data Needs

Tickets: RS-20885; RS-20965; RS-21228; RS-21229; RS-21284;

New Regent Award Data Views have been created to surface additional My Borrowing data. This additional information will assist schools in analyzing student selections among Borrowing Plan options and amounts.

RS-20867Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Program Changes: Start New Nonterm Program in New AY when Previous Program AY is Before New Program Start Date

Tickets: RS-14263; RS-20867; RS-21372; RS-21373; RS-21374; RS-21389; RS-21390; RS-21391; RS-21392; RS-21393; RS-21394; RS-21395;

Regent Award has improved the handling of Program Changes for students starting new nonterm programs. If the previous program's Academic Year ended before the new program's start date, Regent freezes the previous program's AY dates. Regent then starts the new nonterm program in a new Academic Year, with the new AY starting on the new program's start date.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics:

RS-20275Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Start Term When Program Start Date in the Middle of the Term and No Registration

Tickets: RS-20275; RS-19131; RS-20584; RS-20585; RS-20586; RS-20587; RS-20588;

The functionality has been updated so that if a program start date is set to a date other than the first day of the term and there are no registered units in the term, the first Academic Year in Regent Award will start with the term in which the program start date falls within instead of the next term.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Institution Setup Data Elements.

RS-19892Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4 Regulatory Changes (Effective 7/1/21)

Tickets: RS-20630; RS-19892; RS-21310; RS-21311; RS-21312; RS-21317; RS-21321; RS-21322; RS-21323; RS-21324; RS-21325; RS-21342; RS-21343; RS-21346; RS-21347; RS-21348; RS-21349; RS-21360;


In order to comply with new R2T4 guidelines, changes will be made to the following for R2T4 where the R2T4 withdrawal date is on or after 7/1/21: 1) R2T4 Automation logic in Regent Award; 2) Refund Order of R2T4 and R2T4 fund names in Regent Award; 3) Calculation of R2T4 Denominator for modular programs. New configurations and R2T4 Wizard changes will be implemented to accommodate automation changes.

Automated R2T4 Logic Changes:

  1. New check: R2T4 will not be required if the student successfully completed all required units for the program.
  2. New check: R2T4 will not be required if the student is in a term program offered in modules (not subscription period) and has successfully completed half of the term or coursework equal to or greater than the requirement for half time study in the program.
    1. “Half of the term” means successfully completed modules contain 49% or more of the days in the payment period, which is calculated as the number of days in the successfully completed courses (excluding breaks of five or more consecutive days) divided by the number of days in the term (excluding breaks of five or more consecutive days AND all days between modules.
    2. A configuration setting (checkbox field) has been added on Break Setup in Regent Award to identify gaps between modules: ‘Scheduled Gap Between Modules?.’
  3. Check for commitment to return, for nonterm, within 60 days after the student “ceased attendance”.
    1. Configuration to set 'Cease Attendance Date' added to Institution Setup>R2T4>Automation Settings section. Options are:
      1. R2T4 Node: R2T4 Withdrawal Date (default)
      2. R2T4 Node: Date of Determination
      3. R2T4 Node: Last Date of Academic-Related Activity
        • Field added to R2T4 node of SBL
        • Field added to R2T4 Wizard
        • Users should populate this field when using the 50% R2T4 option.
      4. Regent Award: Most Recent LDA for R2T4 Period
  4. Check for commitment to return, for term, within the term AND within 45 days after the end of the course from which the student withdrew.
  5. Check for return in the same payment period, for nonterm, to look for attendance within 60 days after the configured Ceased Attendance Date. (See 3a above.)
  6. Check for return in the same payment period, for term, to look for attendance within 45 days of the last course for which the student had attendance.

Refund Order of R2T4 and R2T4 fund names in Regent Award

Awards will be refund in the following order. Labels have been updated in R2T4 Calculation Wizard to reflect revised fund names (and to exclude Perkins):

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans
  3. Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans
  4. Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans
  5. Federal Pell Grants
  6. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants
  7. FSEOG
  8. TEACH Grants

Calculation of R2T4 Denominator for Modular Programs

Logic for the denominator calculation (number of days in the term excluding breaks of five or more consecutive days but not scheduled gaps between modules if fewer than 5 consecutive days in length) for terms with modules will be based on whether the R2T4 is for Pell only or includes awards other than Pell.

  • If Pell is the only fund included in the R2T4 and the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal is on/after the student Census Date, Program Applicable courses with attendance will be considered.
  • If Pell is the only fund included in the R2T4 and the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal is before or on the Student Census Date, all Program Applicable courses with attendance will be considered UNLESS Course Withdrawal Date < the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal.
  • If a Title IV fund other than Pell is included in R2T4, all Program Applicable courses with attendance will be considered, and:
    • All days in Program Applicable courses that do not have attendance, if the course enrollment date is before R2T4 Withdrawal Date, and, if a Direct Loan has been disbursed, the Course Withdrawal Date is after the earliest paid Direct Loan Disbursement date in the term.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: 

RS-19825Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Display Estimated Student Plan in 'What If I Change My Course Enrollment?' Tool Results

Tickets: RS-19825; RS-19837; RS-21354; RS-21355; RS-21356; RS-21357; RS-21359;

The 'What if I Change My Course Enrollment?' tool Summary Screen has been enhanced to add the ability to view the Academic Year details for the estimated plan.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Plan: Course Enrollment Estimation Tool.

RS-19823Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Support Dynamic Terms in the ‘What If I Change My Course Enrollment?’ Tool

Tickets: RS-19823; RS-19837; RS-21291; RS-21292; RS-21293; RS-21294; RS-21302; RS-21305; RS-21306; RS-21480;

The ‘What If I Change My Course Enrollment?’ tool has been enhanced to allow terms to be dynamically added or removed based on student selection and the total number of units required to complete the program.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics:

RS-19820Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Option to Apply My Borrowing Selection to Future Academic Years

Tickets: RS-19820; RS-19837; RS-21233; RS-21234; RS-21235; RS-21236; RS-21248; RS-21249; RS-21250; RS-21251; RS-21252; RS-21253; RS-21262;

A new configuration has been added, ‘Apply My Borrowing Plan Across All Future AYs’ that will apply the Student’s Borrowing Plan option to all Academic Years in the student’s Academic Plan if configured. The Modify Award Wizard has also been updated to allow the user to update the current packaging philosophy and override the selected Borrowing Plan for one or more Academic Years in the student’s Academic Plan.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic My Borrowing Setup.

RS-19140Regent AwardReports

Title: Direct Loan Reconciliation Exceptions (COD/Regent)

Tickets: RS-19140; RS-16326; RS-21377; RS-21378; RS-21379; RS-21380; RS-21381; RS-21382; RS-21383; RS-21255; RS-21403; RS-21385; RS-21384; RS-21386;

Schools reconcile COD (Common Origination & Disbursement) data on an ongoing basis to ensure all records are in alignment at the end of the FAY. Exceptions between FAM and COD YTD disbursement amount data will be brought to the client’s attention so they can resolve each conflict as it is identified. An automated process will present the client with those exceptions as data from specific COD reports is imported into Regent Award.

Regent will provide disbursement-level reconciliation exceptions by FAY between Regent data and the main Direct Loan SAS Disbursement Detail on Demand (DL SAS DD) report.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Task Triggers.

RS-19139Regent AwardReports

Title: Pell Reconciliation Exceptions (COD/Regent)

Tickets: RS-19139; RS-16326; RS-21255; RS-21256; RS-21257; RS-21258; RS-21259; RS-21260; RS-21261; RS-21313; RS-21314; RS-21315; RS-21316; RS-21396; RS-21546;

Schools reconcile FAM, A/R, G5 and COD data on an ongoing basis to ensure all records are in alignment at the end of the FAY. Exceptions between FAM and COD YTD disbursement amount data will be brought to the client’s attention so they can resolve each conflict as it is identified. An automated process will present the client with those exceptions as data from specific COD reports is imported into Regent Award.

For Pell purposes, the report used is the Pell Grant Reconciliation Report.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Task Triggers.

RS-14059Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Multiple Configured Census Dates per Term

Tickets: RS-1944; RS-14059; RS-14111; RS-21363; RS-21364; RS-21365; RS-21366; RS-21387; RS-21388; RS-21397; RS-21401; RS-21402;


On Term Setup in Regent Award, three new Census Date fields have been added (Census Date 2, Census Date 3, and Census Date 4) in order to allow for multiple Census Dates throughout a term. Other fields on the page have been moved into a more logical order, and the field previously labeled ‘Census Date 2’ has been renamed ‘Alternative Census Date.’ (For schools currently using this field, functionality will not be changed.)

When a value is configured for multiple “Census Date” fields in Term Setup, Regent Award will recalculate Census Units on each of the dates if: 1) The student has attendance in a course with a start date after the most recent prior configured date; and, 2) Enrollment in at least one course that has an end date after the census date being evaluated (unless the course has a withdrawal date after the census date being evaluated.)

A new Census Calculation History page has been added to the Student History which will capture the following data each time the Census Date and/or Census Units for a student changes: Academic Year, Term Name, Census Date, Number of Units, Census Date Type, and Calculation Date. All possible Census Date Type values are as follows but depend on configurations for each school: Census Date 1, Census Date 2, Census Date 3, Census Date 4, Alternative Census Date (for schools utilizing this functionality,) and Student-level.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics:

RS-3728Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Allow Editing of Step 1 and Step 2 in R2T4 Calculation Wizard in Regent Award

Tickets: RS-20162; RS-3728; RS-21222; RS-21223; RS-21224; RS-21225; RS-21226; RS-21237; RS-21239; RS-21240; RS-21241; RS-21269;


Regent Award has been updated to allow users to override values in the R2T4 Calculation Wizard.

In Step 1, users with edit permissions can update: 1) ‘Paid Pell’ in the Pell Recalculation table; 2) the following three fields in the Title IV Grant Programs table for all awards: Amount Disbursed, Net Inadvertent Overpayments, and Amount That Could Have Been Disbursed; and 3) the following fields in the Title IV Loan Programs table for all awards: Gross Award Amount, Net Amount Disbursed, Net Inadvertent Overpayments, and Net Amount That Could Have Been Disbursed.

In Step 2, users with edit permissions can override the ‘Break Days’ values.

Users will be required to confirm the new overrides before saving. Override values will be used in the R2T4 calculations, and awards will be updated to reflect changes. An Activity Log entry will provide a record of overridden values.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: 


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-21586Regent AwardCOD

Some COD response files stayed in 'Staging' status, instead of changing to 'Imported' status. The files had an error such as, 'Failed to complete post-process procedure....Subquery returned more than 1 value.'

Some COD files had been imported more than once. The system contained rows in the database with the same, duplicated COD 'DocumentID' value.

The COD Import validation was updated to not return the error message if multiple files have the same value for the COD Document ID. The system still prevents re-processing a duplicated file with an identical COD Document ID when that file contains records that were already processed.

Import two duplicate COD files with identical COD Document ID values and contents. Confirm the error message does not occur. Confirm the process status changes to 'Imported' instead of 'Staging.' Confirm the first file is imported successfully. Try to process the second file. Confirm the system does not re-process the second file.


Regent AwardPackaging

At a school with a new implementation of Regent Award, whenever some term-based students were repackaged, the system created new, additional, $0 loans in Cancelled or Declined status.

The logic for truncating loan periods inadvertently created additional, extra loans.

The inaccurate loan-period truncation logic was updated to ensure the system no longer creates new $0 loans.

Navigate to an affected student. Observe the student’s current loans and FAID values. Clear any blocking Documents or Tasks. Repackage the student. Confirm the system does not create additional $0 loans.

RS-21675Regent AwardCOD

When some COD Rebuild awards were exported to COD, the system did not include some fields that were required for the current COD schema. COD rejected the disbursements with edit code 994, Missing Content was not submitted for a required field.

The COD Export process relied on data from the Rebuild award. The required fields were not present in the Rebuild data.

The COD Export process was updated to not use incomplete data from COD Rebuild records. Instead, the system only uses the latest COD-Accepted data when it has all the required values: has a COD Document ID; is a Standard Response or COD Web Response (RS or WB file); is not a rebuild; and uses the same COD Schema format.

Package an affected student, clearing any blocking Documents or Tasks. Export the student’s award to COD. Download the COD output data file from the Process Log. Open the XML data file. Confirm the required fields and values are present in the exported data file.

RS-21589Regent AwardSAP

When a school tried to disburse some institutional awards, the disbursements were blocked with EST-0056 (SAP Status is required for release). The funds were configured with ‘SAP Required?’ set to No.

The disbursement rules were applying the same logic as for Title IV funds.

The disbursement release logic was updated to check for the Fund Setup configuration.

Navigate to an affected student who has an award from a fund that is configured with ‘SAP Required?’ set to unselected (disabled). Ensure the student does not have an SAP status for the previous term. Run an Export Student Transactions (EST) process for the student. In the Process Log, view the Students tab. Confirm the disbursement is successfully paid without any error message.

RS-21522Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Some students had a previous SAP review period’s SAP Status of ‘Not Calculated.’ When the Export Student Transactions (EST) process ran, the process unexpectedly paid the disbursement.

The system did not detect that the SAP status of ‘Not Calculated' was due to a missing Reason (e.g., missing grades or missing GPA) vs. SAP not being required for the period. The system incorrectly treated the ‘Not Calculated’ SAP statuses with missing reasons in the same manner as periods that are expected to have a ‘Not Calculated’ SAP status (i.e., due to starting a new program).

When the system calculates the effective SAP status, improved logic was added to detect when SAP should have been calculated for the previous SAP Review Period. If the student has a ‘Not Calculated’ SAP with a missing Reason, Regent uses the ‘Not Calculated’ status vs. reverting to the status for the last SAP Review period.

On a test student with unpaid disbursements for the current term, confirm the student’s SAP Status for the previous SAP Review Period is ‘Not Calculated’ due to a specific Reason, e.g. Missing GPA. Run the EST process for the student. Confirm the EST-0057 validation error code was received for the disbursement (EST-0057: ‘SAP status prevents release’) and that the disbursement was not paid.

RS-21521Regent AwardSAP

For term-based programs that use an Academic Year (AY) SAP policy, the school sent Student Batch Load (SBL) data files containing the SAP node with the Cumulative GPA. However, some students still had a SAP status of ‘Not Calculated’ due to Missing Cumulative GPA.

Two problems were found. First, the system did not use the Cumulative GPA from the SAP node if it was being sent for students in Graduate programs. Second, the Academic Year (AY) SAP logic did not correctly mark the payment periods as needing a calculated SAP status.

Regent updated logic to use the Cumulative GPA provided in the SBL SAP node for both graduate and undergraduate programs. The logic for an Academic Year SAP policy for a term-based program has also been updated to apply the AY SAP policy based on the ending term within the SAP Review Period.

Confirm a student’s SAP Status for a SAP Review Period is not yet posted or was calculated with a value of ‘Not Calculated.’ Load an SBL with a SAP Date and a Cumulative GPA for the immediate past SAP Review Period. Ensure the student does not have any blocking Documents or Tasks. Package the student using Modify Academic Plan (MAP), or via Batch Packaging including the option to “Run SAP Process.” Refresh the student’s Academic Plan. View the Awards tab and SAP Wizard. Confirm the student has a SAP Status calculated for the correct SAP Review Period.

RS-21516Regent AwardStudent Experience

The Student Experience Portal went down unexpectedly.

In the Student Experience Portal, a utility process used the cache but it never released the memory. As more students accessed the Portal over time, the process consumed all available memory.
The Student Experience Portal was updated to no longer call the problematic utility.

Run the Student Experience Portal for several days with multiple students accessing the system. Confirm the system remains available.

RS-21221Regent AwardCommunications

Regent Award College Financial Plan (CFP) communication was incorrectly duplicating the Institutional and State Scholarship amounts in the ‘Other Scholarships’ section.

The CFP communication template incorrectly processed scholarship information including all scholarship-related amounts into the ‘Other Scholarships’ section.

The CFP template ‘Other Scholarships’ section was updated to only include scholarship amounts related to this section.

In Regent Award add the following types of scholarships to any student:

  1. Scholarship, where Fund Source is Institutional.
  2. Scholarship, where Fund Source is State.
  3. Scholarship, where Fund Source is neither Institutional nor State.
  4. Generate CFP communication.

The 'Other scholarships' section should include only the award amount, where the Fund Source is neither Institutional nor State.

RS-21214Regent AwardProcess Log

In the Process Log, on the Students tab for the 'Export Document Requirement (XML)' process, the filter for 'Has Attachment' column did not filter for any values.

The ‘Has Attachment’ column filter was not configured to use the correct values.

A new column filter was created and adjusted to allow filtering for values of ‘Yes,’ ‘No,’ or ‘All.’

In a test environment, run the Export Student Documents (XML) process to clear out any students with pending Documents. Identify or create two test students who each have Document Requirements in their Student Documents tab. On the first student, edit a Document. Change some values and attach a file for the Submitted Documents, then Save. On the second student, edit the Document and change some values but do not attach a file; Save. Run the Export Document Requirement (XML) process and select the checkbox for 'Export Information about Document File Attachments.' Refresh the Process Log. View the Students tab. Confirm the first student has a value of 'Yes' in the 'Has Attachments' column. Confirm the second student has a value of 'No' in the 'Has Attachments' column. Click the funnel icon on 'Has Attachments.' Filter the 'Has Attachments' column using various criteria. Confirm the system applies the selected filter(s) and displays the matching results.

RS-21199Regent AwardPackaging

For some students, the Student Experience Portal displayed an unexpected “Please check back later” error message when accessing the Financial Aid component.

Some calculations to determine database field values were not protected from dividing by zero when the current aggregate loan limit could not be determined.

The code was updated to not use the problematic values when the current aggregate loan limit has a negative value and the calculated values return as zero.

In a test environment that has the Student Experience Portal, make sure Cache is Enabled. Package a student using Batch Packaging. Confirm the student is successfully packaged without error. View the “Advisor Assist” tab. Access the Financial Aid component or another area that packages awards. Confirm the Student Experience Portal does not display the error, “Please check back later.”

RS-21195Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was incorrectly re-assessing Direct Loans after importing FAH data.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Direct Loan Amounts after loading NSLDS FAH data for students that are close to Aggregate limits.

Regent Award packaging process was updated to make sure Direct Loan amounts are correctly accounted for ongoing Academic Years where some portion of Direct Loan was already paid.

Find a student who is close to the Aggregate Limit and has a portion of the Loan paid in ongoing Academic Year. Import FAH NSLDS data that already has this paid portion included. Package student and make sure that award amounts are not changed.

RS-21191Regent AwardPackaging


Error during packaging due to incorrect anticipation of AYs even after 180-day student’s absence.

Invalid starting Course Enrollment Number.

New validation code check was done to prevent the error in future, the data cleanup script from RS-14643 was used to fix the incorrect data for existing students.


MAP an affected student. Modify any existing award through MAW. Do batch packaging. Verify AY dates. Student shall be successfully packaged and AY dates re-calculated. Repeat for any other affected students.

RS-21189Regent ReviewStudent Experience

When accessing Documents for Verification Worksheets in Student Experience Portal, some students and parents saw an unexpected error: “Something went wrong. Please try again later.”

The institution had some legacy user account identifiers from the old SNAP portal, created prior to the StudentX upgrade. The StudentX application created new accounts that had ID conflicts with the preexisting SNAP data.

A one-time data-cleanup script (RS-21169) was created to resolve potential data conflicts in Student Experience Portal caused by legacy Portal (SNAP) data. The script is only for the affected customers who had previously used SNAP and later upgraded to the StudentX. The root cause was also fixed to create unique identifiers for current and future accounts.

Register accounts for an affected student and/or Parent in a Student Experience Portal test environment. Login to StudentX. Navigate to the Documents. View a Document. Confirm the error message is not displayed.

RS-21188Regent AwardCOD

'Process command failed' error occurred, when clicking either 'Save, but do not run EST for AR' or 'Save and Run the EST for AR' button at COD WB Reconciliation Process screen.

The issue was in POST request code and low amount of key/value pairs, configured to send data from browser to server.

The threshold was increased from 15000 to 1000000 at configuration file to avoid fails during the execution.

Navigate to ‘COD WB Reconciliation Process'. Select 'Enterprise' as Strategic Education, Inc. Select 'Institution' as Strategic Education. Check 'Select all for Authorized disbursements'. Click 'Save, but do not run EST for AR' button. Green notification should be received: 'Process submitted successfully’. The process will start and will be shown in the Process Log.

Then, go to Processes > COD WB Reconciliation Process: Options. Select ‘Strategic Education, Inc' in ‘Enterprise' dropdown/Select ‘Strategic Education' in 'Institution' dropdown. Check 'Select all for Authorized disbursements' checkbox OR select some student(s), authorized as 'YES’). Click 'Save, but do not run EST for AR' button. The process should be submitted successfully

RS-21187Regent AwardCOD

'Process command failed' error occurred, when clicking 'Save, but do not run EST for AR' button at COD WB Reconciliation Process screen.

The issue was in POST request code and low amount of key/value pairs, configured to send data from browser to server.

The threshold was increased from 15000 to 1000000 at configuration file to avoid fails during the execution.

Navigate to ‘COD WB Reconciliation Process'. Select 'Enterprise' as Strategic Education, Inc. Select 'Institution' as Strategic Education. Check 'Select all for Authorized disbursements'. Click 'Save, but do not run EST for AR' button. Green notification should be received: 'Process submitted successfully’. The process will start and will be shown in the Process Log.

Then, go to Processes > COD WB Reconciliation Process: Options. Select ‘Strategic Education, Inc' in ‘Enterprise' dropdown/Select ‘Strategic Education' in 'Institution' dropdown. Check 'Select all for Authorized disbursements' checkbox OR select some student(s), authorized as 'YES’). Click 'Save, but do not run EST for AR' button. The process should be submitted successfully

RS-21186Regent AwardPackaging


Error during packaging due to incorrect anticipation of AYs even after 180-day student’s absence.

Invalid starting Course Enrollment Number.

New validation code check was done to prevent the error in future, the data cleanup script from RS-14643 was used to fix the incorrect data for existing students.


MAP an affected student. Modify any existing award through MAW. Do batch packaging. Verify AY dates. Student shall be successfully packaged and AY dates re-calculated. Repeat for any other affected students.

RS-21183Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly calculating Direct Loans amounts after importing FAH data for Previous Loan Period.

Regent Award was incorrectly used NSLDS FAH data, when packaging a student.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that NSLDS information for Previous Academic Years is properly accounted for ongoing Loan Period

In Regent Award find student with FAH NSLDS imported last time prior to payment made in previous Loan Period. Package student and make sure Direct Loan amount in past and ongoing Loan Periods are not changed.

RS-21103Regent AccessTechnical Design

After completion of the eAccess Smart Form, the eAccess ISIR Formatted file could not be imported into the school’s Student Information System (SIS) due to an invalid Parents’ Legal Residence Date.

Incorrect data format settings in the system specification.

The data format settings and metadata used to create the eAccess export were updated.

Complete eAccess Smart Form as a student. Execute the eAccess ISIR Export Process. Upload the created eAccess ISIR file into SIS. The file should upload with no errors.

RS-21025Regent AwardPackaging


Single Packaging or Batch Packaging process runs were blocked for multiple students with “A disbursement was not found in the student context which marks it for deletion; however, it cannot be deleted due to its current state as a mustNotDelete object” error message

The application incorrectly deleted an award and its disbursements, created by "Cancel&Recreate" process, and marked it with "mustNotDelete" flag, if the award was restricted with ‘Unsatisfied’ document requirement.

Regent Award logic was updated to cancel awards and its disbursements without deleting them during "Cancel&Recreate" process, if restricting "MustNotDelete" flag is present

Package the affected student via Modify Academic plam. Open Process Log and analyze for no errors. Repeat the step for the other affected students and then run Batch Packaging for all students. BP shall have a status COMPLETE.

RS-20990Regent AwardProgram Change

For a Scheduled Academic Year (SAY) student, the Academic Year (AY) unexpectedly shifted after a mid-AY Program Change. The student was not enrolled in the Fall term of their previous program, and they had a Program Change in a Spring term with no course registration in the new program. The system unexpectedly did not mark the Fall term as Historic for the new Program.

The system did not assign the initial, historic SAY term to the new program after a Program Change.

The code change was applied so that the system recalculates the first AY, and assigns initial Historic SAY terms to the new program after a mid-AY SAY Program Change.

Create a test student in a SAY program, with the program’s start date of the Spring term and no registered courses. Package the student, such as by using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Observe that the student is packaged in the program with a historic Fall term. Load an SBL with a program change to a new program that also starts with the Spring term’s start date and has no course registration. MAP. Complete the Program Change as Substantially Equal. MAP. Confirm the SAY AY dates are correct and include the unenrolled Fall term. Confirm the student is active in the new Program.

RS-20955Regent AwardPackaging

When R2T4 was finalized with manually modified 'Net Amount Accepted' having cents at PWD worksheet, the Direct Loans at Academic Plan grid were unexpectedly updated to the amount containing cents, instead of rounding to the nearest dollar basing on fund's setup.

The fund rounding configuration was not properly applied to a PWD net amount during R2T4 finalization. The disbursements were set using the calculated PWD amounts instead of fund's configured rounding rules

For Finalized R2T4 PWD amounts, the system uses the Rounding configured in Fund Setup and applies that Rounding to the PWD net amount.

1) Create or open an R2T4 that results in a PWD. On the PWD Worksheet, provide a Net Amount Accepted value containing Cents. Enter the PWD Response Date. Save the PWD Worksheet. Finalize.
2) Package the student. Review the Academic Plan. Confirm that loan amount on the Academic Plan is rounded to dollars, per the configured Rounding option at Fund Setup.
3) Export the PWD disbursement to COD. View the COD Export File. Confirm the amount in the COD Export file is rounded to the nearest dollar and does not use cents. Make EST for AR. Open Academic Plan > Disbursement details. Gross, Net and Paid disbursement amounts are rounded to nearest dollar

RS-20917Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

The previous Federal Award Year is not shown in the available FA Years list.

The Document Setup incorrectly starts FAYs with a current year, so restricting an addition/update of a document for a previous year.

The Document Setup was edited to enable selection of a previous year in the available FAY list.

In Regent Award, go to Administration -> Document Setup -> Add Document -> Non ISIR Assignment Scope (Scope: Federal Award Year) -> Available FA Years. A previous year should be visible.

RS-20866Regent AwardPackaging


After packaging, the Eligible Regular Pell Award amount is reduced for $1 at Academic Plan for the paid disbursement.

The application incorrectly processed imported NSLDS Federal Award Year data that caused reducing Pell awards.

The code was updated for the application to process the imported NSLDS FAY data correctly.


Navigate to an affected student. Go to the Academic Plan tab and review the student’s Pell award amounts. Package the student. The application should have the award amounts rounded with no 1$ reduction. Repeat the steps for any other affected students.

RS-20862Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly setting Payment Period Start Date in Overlapping Academic Year to be Academic Year start date from the previous school resulting in COD Reject.

Regent Award was incorrectly Payment Period Start Date for Overlapping Academic Year containing one Payment Period to match the Academic Year Start date.

Regent Award logic was updated to ensure for the single Payment Period dates are defined by Course Enrollment and match the Abbreviated Loan Period dates.

In Regent Award find a student with Overlapping AY from the previous school. Package student and make sure Payment Period Start date matches with the earliest start date of Registered courses.

RS-20703Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

The Regent Student Experience Portal did not display "Go to FAFSA on the Web" as a hyperlink in the Verification Worksheet.

The hyperlink style was not applied to the "Go to FAFSA on the Web" link.

The hyperlink style was applied to the "Go to FAFSA on the Web."

Log into the Student Experience Portal using a test student account with a Verification Worksheet that includes the “Complete IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT)” page. Navigate to that page. Confirm the “Go to FAFSA on the Web” link is displayed as a hyperlink.

RS-20634Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

2021-2022 Support of Dependent(s) Worksheet pdf file had wrong verbiage at HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION > Number of Adults in Household section.

Incorrect wording in the Verification Worksheet questionnaire .

The VWS was updated with a correct wording.


In the student portal, open the Support of Dependent(s) Worksheet. It should ask: 'How many adults, not including yourself, currently live at your address?'

RS-20611Regent AwardNot Applicable

At a school configured to Assume Attendance, when a user packaged a student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP), the Last Attended Date (LAD) was unexpectedly not updated to today’s date for the current open Payment Period (PP).

The system did not check if the Course Enrollment rollup process was needed to be run before MAP.

The code change was applied so that in MAP, the system will check if the Course Enrollment rollup process is needed to be run. If the CE process needs to run, the system will run it. The resulting LAD value will update to today's date in the open PP, and all other course data is updated for packaging the student.

Navigate to Institution Setup and ensure that Assume Attendance field has a value of True. Reload RNA Setup if needed. Find the affected student. Filter by the Last Attended date in the Courses tab in an open PP. Observe the most recent course’s Last Attended Date. Perform MAP. Confirm the system updates the course LAD with today's date.

RS-20460Regent AwardStudent Experience

In the field ‘Parent income and Tax data’ in SNAP or StudentX, the hyperlink: ‘Request your tax transcript online’ redirects user to https://www.irs.gov/help/tools instead of redirecting to https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript .

Hyperlink destination was not correct.

Hyperlink destination was corrected.

Open Parent income and Tax data in SNAP or StudentX. Press ‘Request your tax transcript online’. The hyperlink should redirect to https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript

RS-20382Regent AwardStudent Experience

Styдes were missing for the links at 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet form at StudentX

Hyperlink style was not applied to the ‘Request your tax transcript online’.

Hyperlink style was applied to the ‘Request your tax transcript online’.

At StudentX open VWS -> PARENT INCOME & TAX DATA -> IRS Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form section. 'Request your tax transcript online’ should be a blue hyperlink not a plain text.

RS-19973Regent ReviewTasks


When clicking 'Select All' at Home > Tasks and Student > Tasks screens, all tasks in queue were selected, instead of selecting tasks visible only on the current page (20 items).

A checkbox functionality bug occurred after upgrading the application from the previous release.

The code is fixed to update the system behavior so that, when 'Select All' checkbox is clicked at Home > Tasks and Student > Tasks screens, only tasks visible on current page are selected.

Navigate to any task queue with greater than 20 open tasks.

  1. Apply the checkbox in the header of the task queue.
  2. Apply a change to those tasks.

The change should only be applied to the first 20 items (the items on the first page or only the visible items).

RS-19950Regent AwardPackaging

Term students had Pell disbursements that were unexpectedly refunded.

The students had completed their original program and had a Program Change to a new program. The application incorrectly updated the Pell Grant for the old completed program.

New code was added for the application not to update Pell Grants after completing the old program.

Package the affected student. Run EST-for-AR. Verify that negative EST is not triggered

RS-19875Regent AwardStudent Portal (SNAP)


Student Need Analysis Portal shows a 504 timeout error, when trying to upload questionnaire via an admin section.

Questionnaire SQL import process required upgrading to avoid timeout problem.

Questionnaire SQL import process was updated to increase efficiency of the questionnaire update procedure.

Login to Student Portal with a user that has an administrator role. Import Questionnaire, make sure no timeout error occurs and the questionnaire is successfully deployed.

RS-19344Student PortalStudent Portal (SNAP)


The eTASFA application did not allow users to enter a negative value for the Adjusted Gross Income field.

The application incorrectly allowed entering positive numbers only.

The code was updated to allow negative values to be entered in the AGI field yet treat the negative value as zero in the EFC calculation.


Register a new student. Start the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA). In the Student Income & Tax Data section, enter a negative value for the ‘Student's & Spouse's Combined AGI from Income Tax Return’ question. Confirm a negative value is able to be entered without an error message. Confirm the export file accurately lists the value in the correct format for negative numbers (e.g. see EDE Technical Reference for more information).

RS-19258Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was unexpectedly recalculating R2T4 Pell amount $1 instead of $0 for the term where Pell is Year Round Pell (YRP) and enrollment is Less Than Half Time (LTHT).

Regent Award was incorrectly rounding the R2T4 Pell amount in the Federal Award Year's last payment period.

Regent Award logic is updated to ensure the R2T4 Pell amount in the FAY's last payment period was truncated to prevent incorrect rounding.

In Regent Award find a student who has 100% of Pell already paid in current FAY and ongoing term could only be awarded by YPR portion of Pell. The student should have LTHT Enrollment for Pell Recalculation. Add R2T4 and make sure Pell Recalculated amount is $0

RS-19119Regent AwardEST/Disbursements


The packaging via Modify Academic Plan wizard was blocked by the error message: “Failed to Process. Error Msg: Packaging error. Non-unique disbursement number(s) (9, 10) were detected in Federal Pell Grant [Internal Award ID XXXXXXXXX].”

Regent Award was incorrectly assigning the disbursements numbers

The code fix was added make correct assignment of disbursement numbers. The duplicate numbers will be re-enumerated if they have not been sent to COD

Run EST-for-DRI the reported students. Observe no EST-005 override error. EST process should get 'Completed' status. Run packaging, no blocking errors should occur at Modify Academic Plan wizard

RS-19093Regent AwardPackaging


Regent Award was unexpectedly showing the error message: “Sequence contains more than one matching element“ blocking the Advanced Packaging in the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) Wizard.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing the Course Enrollments Program (CEP) after the A-B-A Program Change.

Regent Award was updated to ensure CEP that belongs to Active Program is used.

In Regent Award find a student with A-B-A Program Change. Navigate to the Academic Plan, MAP, Advanced Packaging. Proceed to Step 3 and make sure no error message appears.

RS-18612Regent AwardPackaging

For some nonterm students, Regent Award was unexpectedly showing incorrect Anticipated Units and Weeks.

Two problems were found. Regent Award incorrectly processed the first Payment Period (PP1) end date when a student did not have any registration on the second Payment Period (PP2). For some students, Regent also incorrectly set the Anticipated Units value to manual using the Modify Academic Plan Wizard, Advanced Packaging.

Regent Award sets a nonterm PP1 end date regardless of the PP2 registration. Additionally, Regent ensures nonterm programs are not using manual Anticipated Units.

In Regent Award, find an affected student. Repackage the student via Batch Packaging or Modify Academic Plan Wizard (Basic Packaging). Confirm the Anticipated Units, Anticipated Weeks, PP1 and PP2 end dates, and the Academic Plan structure are all correct.

RS-17648Regent AwardSAP

The 'SAP status' value in the SAP Wizard was not consistent with 'Current SAP status' value on Summary and Awards tabs.

The application used different SAP status sources to display SAP status on Summary and Awards tabs--status imported from SBL records OR from Academic Plan records, ordered by SAP date.


Code was updated for Regent Award so that SAP status will be selected from either source based on priority: First from the Academic Plan record(s), and then from the imported SBL records if there is no Academic Plan record(s).

Add manual SAP status 'Satisfactory' at SAP wizard -> Run SAP. Verify that the status is updated at 'Summary' and 'Awards' tabs to 'Satisfactory'. Delete manual SAP. Import SBL with 'FA Probation' SAP status. SAP status should be consistent within 'Summary' tab, 'Awards' tab, and SAP Wizard.

RS-17554Regent AwardAwarding

For a nonterm undergraduate student, Regent Award unexpectedly prorated the Pell Grant amount based on Registered Units when the student was not in a Shortened Remaining Period of Study (RPS) AY.

Regent Award was applying the Manual Units from the Modify Academic Plan Wizard.

Regent Award ensures the correct number of units for awarding Pell Grants.

In Regent Award, find a nonterm student currently studying in Payment Period 2 of the Academic Year. Ensure the AY is not a shortened Remaining Period of Study, and the total registered number of units in Payment Period 1 and 2 are less than the required units in the Academic Year as defined in Program Setup. Package the student. Confirm the Pell Grant is awarded without proration.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following Scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:

This on-demand data-cleanup script for nonterm students resolves a specific data scenario that can result in incorrect AY and PP1 start dates. The list-only version of the script identifies nonterm students who have a first non-transfer course in an AY PP1 where that course ends in a later PP2, resulting in an incorrect (later) date value for the AY and PP1 start dates. The update script corrects the start dates to match that initial course’s start date.

Data Changed by the Script:

The update version of the script will update the affected students' Course Enrollment (CE) records to start with the start date of the first non-transfer course in the Academic Year. The script also records an Activity Log Entry. When the students are repackaged, the AY and PP1 start dates will also change to match the corrected date values.

How to Access the Script:

Regent Award schools with nonterm students may open a CZ ticket and work with their Account Manager to run the script on demand. The root cause is fixed in

How to Test the Script:

Before upgrade, in a test environment with nonterm students, run the list-only version of the script to identify any affected students. If any students are found, view the Academic Plan for an example student. Open the Program Management Wizard (PMW) and expand and view the Course Information. Observe the student has an initial, starting course that is earlier than the start date on the CE PP1 group. Close the PMW. Upgrade the environment to Run the update script for the targeted students. View the script output results and confirm the student was processed successfully. Refresh the Academic Plan. Package the student. Confirm the Academic Year and Payment Period 1 dates are successfully changed to match the first actual course in the AY.


Purpose of Script:

This one-time data-cleanup script corrects the Academic Year (AY) dates for students who should have started a new Academic Year (AY) after their previous AY ended, and the students later had a Program Change into a new nonterm program. The affected students had duplicated AY dates in the new program, that incorrectly matched the AY dates from the old program.

Data Changed by the Script:

The script runs the Course Enrollment (CE) process to correct the linkage on the starting Course Enrollment number in the nonterm program. The system sets the new program’s first AY Start Date to the correct CE start date for the nonterm program. Upon repackaging, the system will correct the Academic Year dates for the affected students.

How to Access the Script:

Regent Award schools with nonterm students may open a CZ ticket and work with their Account Manager to run the script on demand. The root cause is fixed in

How to Test the Script:

Before the upgrade, in a test environment with nonterm students, run the list-only version of the script to identify any affected students. View an affected student and observe the incorrect Academic Year dates. Upgrade the test environment to Open the Program Management Wizard (PMW) and step through the PMW, making no changes. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the Academic Year dates are not duplicated. Confirm the new AY starts with the Program Start Date for the new program.


Purpose of Script:

This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:

The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:

The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:

Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals on the Academic Plan screen. Package the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using MAP. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following Data Views relate to this release:=


Product Selection

Functional AreaRelease Note
Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per 5.4.1 Release

Tickets: RS-21326


The following Data Views were created for new tables:

  • dataExtract_DLReconciliation_View_v001
  • dataExtract_DocumentExpirationStatus_Config_View_v001
  • dataExtract_EnrollmentCensusHistory_View_v001
  • dataExtract_PellReconciliation_View_v001

The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_AcademicBreak_Config_View_v004
  • dataExtract_CourseEnrollment_View_v005
  • dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentProgram_View_v003
  • dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentRollup_View_v006
  • dataExtract_Document_Config_View_v005
  • dataExtract_Enrollment_View_v005
  • dataExtract_Institution_Config_View_v008
  • dataExtract_InstitutionStudentPortal_Config_View_v003
  • dataExtract_Location_Config_View_v007
  • dataExtract_Program_Config_View_v008
  • dataExtract_R2T4_View_v005
  • dataExtract_StudentR2T4_View_v004
  • dataExtract_Term_Config_View_v006

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new Data View.

RS-21230Regent PlanData Views

Title: New Data Views Created for My Borrowing Data

Tickets: RS-21230


The following new Data Views have been created to reflect My Borrowing data:

  • dataExtract_MyBorrowing_View_v001
  • dataExtract_MyBorrowingFundType_Config_View_v001

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new Data View.

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