5.5 Release Notes

5.5 Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 5.5, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Configurable College Financing Plans
  • Outbound Text Messaging
  • 2022-2023 Access Questionnaires
  • Salesforce Application for Regent Award Enhancements
  • Support for Loan Origination Changes after R2T4 Withdrawal Date
  • COD Tab Display Improvements
  • e-Signature Changes in Student Experience

New Configuration Options

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The following configuration options were added or updated in release   

Communication Setup > General

  • New field: FAY
    • Field Type: Dropdown

  • New option added to 'Communication Type' field

    • Option: Text

  • Help text updated for Display Generated Communication in Portal

    • From:  If this field is enabled, the communication will display in the Messages Component of Student Experience.

    • To: If this field is enabled, the communication will display in the Communications Component of Student Experience.

  • Help text updated for Communication Subject Line to Display in Portal

    • From: If this field is enabled, the communication will display in the Messages Component of Student Experience.

    • To: The text entered into this field will display as the Communication Subject Line in the Student Experience Messages component.

Communication Template Setup > General Settings

  • New field: Load College Financing Plan Data

    • Field Type: Checkbox

Communication Template Setup > (new tab) CFP

  • New field: Career Level

    • Field Type: Dropdown

  • New field: FAY

    • Field Type: Dropdown

  • New field: Housing and Meals

    • Field Type: 3 section grid with dropdowns

  • New field: EFC Based on FAFSA

    • Field Type: Dropdown

  • New field: EFC Based on Institutional Methodology

    • Field Type: Numeric (allow up to 5 positive characters, no decimals, no negative values)

  • New field: Employer Paid Tuition Benefits

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: School-Paid Tuition Benefits

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: Tuition Remission/Waiver

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: Institutional Loan Origination Fee

    • Field Type: Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: Institutional Loan Interest Rate

    • Field Type: Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: HRSA Loans 

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: HRSA Loans Interest Rate

    • Field Type: Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: HRSA Loans Origination Fee

    • Field Type: Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: Work Study Hours per Week

    • Field Type = Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: Other Campus Job

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: Assistantships 

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: Income Share Agreement

    • Field Type: 6 column grid

  • New field: Percentage of Income

    • Field Type: Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: Months

    • Field Type: Text (alpha-numeric field; allowable characters up to 12)

  • New field: Next Steps Text

    • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

  • New field: Customized Info for UUS Text

    • Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

Campus > Fund Setup > General Settings

  • New field: Attempt to Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged?

    • Field Type: Dropdown

Packaging Philosophy Setup > Properties > Fund priorities

  • New column: Package Remaining Eligibility Using Accepted Amounts Only

Institution Setup > Salesforce Tab

  • New field: Task Availability

    • Field Type: Dropdown

  • New field: Document Availability

    • Field Type: Dropdown

Institution Setup > Portal > Communications

  • Updated:

    • Message Center tab name to Communications

    • Message Center Settings section name to Communication Component Settings

    • Display Message Center on Dashboard to Display Communications Component

    • Display Message Center on Dashboard help text:

      • From: When this checkbox is selected, the Message Center feature will display on the Dashboard and Menu.

      • To: When this checkbox is selected, the Communications component will display on the Dashboard and Menu.

    • Student Messages are Read Only to Portal Messages are Read Only

    • Student Messages are Read Only help text:

      • From: When this checkbox is selected, Students will be able to read messages from FA Staff, but will not be able to respond to or send new messages to FA Staff.

      • To: When this checkbox is selected, Students will be able to read portal messages sent from FA staff, but will not be able to respond to or send new portal messages to FA Staff.

    • Display Instructional Message help text:

      • From: When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Message Center component.

      • To: When this checkbox is selected, the Instructional Header and Message configured will display at the top of the Communications component.

    • Instructional Message Header Text help text:

      • From: The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Message Center Instructional Text.

      • To: The text entered here will display as a customized Header on the Communications component Instructional Text.

    • Instructional Message Text help text

      • From: The text entered here will display as instructional Text on the Message Center component.

      • To: The text entered here will display as instructional Text on the Communications component.

  • New field: Enable Notifications

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default:  Checked

    • Help Text: When this checkbox is selected, the Notifications tab will display in the Student Experience Portal.

  • New field: Enable Portal Messaging

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default:  Checked

    • Help Text: When this checkbox is selected, the Portal Messaging (aka Messages) tab will display in the Student Experience Portal.

Roles > Role Setup > Permissions > Enterprise/Institution/Campus/Site > Student Permissions > Communications Tab

  • Updated :

    • Messages Tab Text to Communications Tab

    • View Student Messages Text View Portal Messaging

    • Create/Reply Student Message Text to Create/Reply Portal Messages

    • Delete Student Message Text to Delete Portal Messages

  • Added optionsL
    • View Notifications
    • Generate Notifications 

Roles > Role Setup > Permission > Enterprise/institution/Campus/Site > Student Permissions > Student Details Tab

  • Added new permission:

    • Edit Opt Out of Communications

Document Setup > ISIR Assignment

  • Added option to 'Available HS Diploma or Equivalent'

    • Option: ‘None’

Institution Setup > General AND Campus Setup > General:

New section: ‘Paper Document Process Settings’

  • Field Name: ‘Display Options for Paper Documents Process’

    • Field type: Dropdown

    • Options:

      • Upload signed form (default)

      • Send form via approved method

      • Upload signed form and send form via approved method

    • Help Text: Selection will determine the radio button options displayed in the ‘Confirmation of Signature’ step in the Student Experience Portal, when a form is configured for electronic signature and the student has chosen not to electronically sign the document.

    • Options selected for this field at Institution Level will inherit to Campus Setup but can be changed at Campus level.

  • Field Name: Approved Method(s) for Sending Form:

    • Field Type: Editor

    • Will only display if selection for ‘Display Options for Paper Process’ is ‘Send form via approved method’ or ‘Both upload signed form and Send form via approved method.’

    • Help text: Text entered here will display in the Student Experience Portal to instruct the student how and where to send documents when not using an electronic signature/submission process.

    • Default text: “Approved method(s) for sending form: Please mail the signed signature page of the form to the financial aid office.”

Document Setup > Signature

New section: ‘Paper Documents Process Settings’

  • New Field: ‘Display Options for Paper Documents Process’

    • Field type: Dropdown

    • Options:

      • Upload signed form (default)

      • Send form via approved method

      • Upload signed form and send form via approved method

    • Help Text: Selection will determine the radio button options displayed in the ‘Confirmation of Signature’ step in the Student Experience Portal, when a form is configured for electronic signature and the student has chosen not to electronically sign the document.

    • Selection will inherit from Campus Setup but can be changed.

  • New Field: Approved Method(s) for Sending Form:

    • Field Type: Editor

    • Will only display if selection for ‘Display Options for Paper Process’ is ‘Send form via approved method’ or ‘Both upload signed form and Send form via approved method.’

    • Help text: Text entered here will display in the Student Experience Portal to instruct the student how and where to send documents when not using an electronic signature/submission process.

    • Default text: “Approved method(s) for sending form: Please mail the signed signature page of the form to the financial aid office.”

Institution Setup, Campus Setup, AND Program Setup > R2T4 Tab

  • New Field: ‘Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Lower Than Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal’

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options:

        • Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal (default)

        • Amount as of R2T4 Processing Date

  • New Field: ‘Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Higher Than Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal’

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options:

        • Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal (default)

        • Lower of the Highest Amount Originated prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal and Amount Originated as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal

Institution Setup > Portal Configuration>General tab > Communications Settings section

  • New field: ‘Smart Form Submitted Email’ (Currently for Access clients only)

Additional Configuration changes for Access Smart Forms in Student Experience will be documented here prior to the next release. (RS-21296)

Admin and User Guide Updates 



The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-22009Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Cancel Past Loans in Offered Status

Tickets: RS-14195; RS-21783; RS-22009;

Regent Award has been enhanced to automatically cancel Offered-status Title IV Loans when the loan period end date is in the past. The system will record an Activity Log Entry when the Offered-status loan is canceled. Any remaining additional loan eligibility is automatically reallocated onto any eligible loan periods later in the Academic Year. The later eligible loan periods must still meet other constraints (such as configured limitations and/or sufficient COA or Need). For example, a student might have a three-term BBAY with a “donut” enrollment pattern of Title IV loans for a FT Fall term, no loans in a middle LTHT Winter term, and have a separate loan for the FT Spring term. If the student does not accept their Fall loan during the Fall term, and the student is repackaged after the Fall term ends, then the system will automatically cancel the Offered Fall term loan and will reallocate any remaining eligibility to the FT Spring term. The Spring term’s loan period still would need sufficient COA or Need in order to receive the full additional eligibility amount.

RS-21886Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Add/Modify Award Wizard: Warning for Multiple Awards from a Fund

Tickets: RS-14195; RS-21783; RS-21886;

In Add/Modify Award Wizard (AAW/MAW), Regent Award displays a warning alert next to the Calculated Eligibility if an award period contains multiple awards from the same Fund.

RS-21884Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Add/Modify Award Wizard Eligibility for Multiple Awards from the Same Fund in the Same or Overlapping Award Period

Tickets: RS-14195; RS-21783; RS-21886; RS-21884; RS-21885;

Regent Award has improved Calculated Eligibility logic when a student has multiple awards from the same Fund in the same Award Period (e.g., the same Academic Year). The system still calculates eligibility for each individual Loan Period based on the cost and need within the Loan Period dates. However, Regent has improved precedence rules that will keep the eligibility on the earliest possible loan period, rather than appearing to include the same remaining eligibility dollars in more than one loan period. If a Regent Award user edits one of the awards, the system displays the Calculated Eligibility just for the loan period, not the award period as a whole. If a user adds another award in the same loan period as an existing Accepted-status award, the system keeps the eligibility on the initial, earlier award. The Add/Modify Award Wizard (AAW/MAW) also displays a warning symbol if a Regent Award user is editing an award when another award exists from the same Fund in the same Award Period.

RS-21789Regent AwardAwarding

Title: 2021-2022 Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) Award Amounts Updated

Tickets: RS-21789; RS-21894;


The Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) award amounts for 2021-2022 have been updated, starting with the Summer 2021 semester.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) .

.RS-21785Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Package Funds In Packaging Philosophy Order Across Program Changes

Tickets: RS-14209; RS-21785; RS-21912;

Regent has enhanced behavior for awarding funds using the priority order in the Packaging Philosophy. Regent packages each fund in Packaging Philosophy order across all the terms in an award period, including across a mid-academic year program change. The system no longer packages the initial program’s terms first, and then the new program’s terms separately. Regent still only creates awards for the eligible terms in each program.

RS-21783Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Packaging Philosophy Setup: Package Remaining Eligibility Using Accepted Amounts Only

Tickets: RS-14195; RS-21783; RS-21858; RS-21886; RS-21783; RS-21859; RS-21860; RS-21884; RS-21885;

In Packaging Philosophy Setup, a new Fund-level configuration setting was added: ‘Package Remaining Eligibility Using Accepted Amounts Only.’ Regent packages funds by calculating the remaining eligibility from each fund. Eligibility for subsequent funds is reduced by both the Offered and Accepted amount of funds falling earlier in the packaging order listed in the Packaging Philosophy. However, when the checkbox for the new field is selected, the system will only count the Accepted amounts from those earlier funds when calculating eligibility for subsequent funds. For example, a school may want to inform students of their balances payable to the school. The school could configure a ‘Student Payments’ fund to package to Direct Costs only, and prioritize that fund later in the Packaging Philosophy. The school would then set the fund to ‘Package Remaining Eligibility Using Accepted Amounts Only.’ If a student at that school has $10,000 in Direct Costs, and the student has $7,500 in Offered-status loans that are ranked earlier in the Packaging Philosophy, then the student will see a ‘Student Payments’ amount of $10,000. If the student then accepts only $1,000 of loans, Regent would repackage the ‘Student Payments’ amount with a value of $9,000.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Packaging Philosophy Setup Data Elements.

RS-21606Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Title: Wisconsin State Grant Updates FAY 2021-2022

Tickets: RS-21606; RS-21099; RS-21693; RS-17909;

Regent Award was enhanced with annual updates for the Wisconsin Grant Private-Nonprofit (WG-PNP). The updates include state regulatory updates for Wisconsin's Federal Award Year (FAY).

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP).

RS-21604Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

Title: Updated the ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ Buttons in Document Setup

Tickets: RS-21604;


The ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Document Setup were updated to ensure only the item(s) displayed are added or removed when the configuration selection is filtered.

RS-21595Regent AwardCOD

Title: Student COD Tab Improvements

Tickets: RS-765; RS-21595; RS-21619;

Regent has enhanced the Student COD Tab. The screen displays the award information from COD in a summary line for each award. The awards grid and detailed records are sorted with the most recent information at the top.

RS-21491Regent Award for SalesforceWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Display Tasks of all Types in Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF)

Tickets: RS-21491; RS-21482; RS-21658; RS-21666;


Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) has been enhanced to display tasks of all types, not just blocking tasks (which are defined as those in an open, in process, re-opened, on hold, or reviewed status). Clients will have a configuration option as to whether only blocking tasks are available or whether all of a student’s tasks are available. User roles can be configured to view only blocking tasks, even if the Institution is configured to include all of a student’s tasks in the application.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) (Archived) and Institution Setup Data Elements.

RS-21464Regent Award for SalesforceWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Display Documents of all Types in Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF)

Tickets: RS-21464; RS-21482; RS-21657; RS-21665;


Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) has been enhanced to display documents of all types, not just blocking documents (which are defined as those with a status of unsatisfied, needed or incomplete). Clients will have a configuration option as to whether only blocking documents are available or whether all of a student’s documents are available. User roles can be configured to view only blocking documents, even if the Institution is configured to include all of a student’s documents in the application.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Regent Award for Salesforce (RAFSF) (Archived) and Institution Setup Data Elements.

RS-21296Regent AccessDocuments

Title: Regent Access in Student Experience

Tickets: RS-21609; RS-21610; RS-21614; RS-21615; RS-21616; RS-21617; RS-21618; RS-21636; RS-21637; RS-21639; RS-21690; RS-21804; RS-21805; RS-21806; RS-21807; RS-21808; RS-21809; RS-21810; RS-21813;


Regent Access functionality is now available in the Student Experience Portal. This includes the import and export of ISIR files and the ISIR correction wizard functionality. Account Registration is now configurable, along with the current configurable customer logo and branding available in the Student Experience Portal. Regent Access customers will have multiple configurable areas available in the Student Experience Portal, on the Dashboard and Document components, that will allow for more tailored messaging that can be updated as needed.

RS-20410Student ExperienceCommunications

Title: SMS Outbound Text Messaging

Tickets: RS-21616; RS-21713; RS-21714; RS-21715; RS-21791; RS-21792; RS-217193; RS-21832; RS-21865; RS-21866; RS-21867; RS-21868; RS-21869; RS-21870; RS-21871; RS-21872;


SMS Outbound Text Messaging functionality has been added to Regent Award Communication Setup. Customers will be required to obtain a Twilio Account and work with Regent Cloud Operations to set up the Regent Award instance to support Text Messaging. Twilio subscriptions will be managed by schools and all messaging invoices will be sent directly from Twilio to the schools (see Twilio for additional information).

Regent Award Communications can now be created and configured to be sent via text, email, or letter. Text messages will be generated in a similar manner to the current email or letter communication types. A communication filter may be shared across multiple communication types (e.g. Email, Text, or Letter) for bulk messaging. Single text messages can be sent from the Communications tab on the student record in Regent Award.

Students will be able to view Text Messages that have been sent in the Student Experience Portal if the Communications component in the portal is turned on, the Notifications tab is turned on, and one or more Text communication type is configured to display in the portal.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: 

Configure a Communication

Communications Component

Permissions List

Outbound Text Messaging

RS-20282Regent AwardReports

Title: Pell LEU Report

Tickets: RS-21542; RS-20282;


The Pell LEU report has been updated for the COD, ISIR, NSLDS, and manual LEU numbers to display with three spaces to the right of the decimal, instead of two spaces.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Reports: Pell LEU .

RS-19982Regent AwardStudent Experience

Title: College Financing Plans 2021-2022

Tickets: RS-21942; RS-19982; RS-21943; RS-21944; RS-21945; RS-21947; RS-21948; RS-21949; RS-21957; RS-21963;


The College Financing Plan template (CFP) for 2021-2022 has been updated to include configuration settings within Communication Setup in Regent Award. These configuration settings will allow Institutions to manage custom fields within the CFP pdf attachment. The 2021-2022 College Financing Plan will require two communication templates to be configured, one for Undergraduate students and one for Graduate students, each of which require different configurations.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics:

College Financing Plan (CFP)

Communication Context Variables

Communication Template Data Elements

Configure a Communication

RS-18520Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: 2022-2023 Regent Access Applications

Tickets: RS-17910; RS-18520; RS-19810; RS-20986; RS-20987; RS-20988; RS-20989; RS-21431; RS-21433; RS-21736; RS-21737; RS-21738; RS-21739; RS-21740; RS-21741; RS-21742; RS-21743; RS-21744; RS-21746; RS-21747; RS-21875;

Description: 2022-2023 applications were created for all Access clients. The Smart Form questionnaires have been updated to ensure that financial data for students and parents does not prepopulate from the previous year’s application, but will continue to prepopulate for another Smart Form questionnaire for the same FAY. The EFC calculation has also been updated to support the 2022-2023 FAY.

RS-17317Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4: Do Not Include Awards in Offered Status

Tickets: RS-20641; RS-17317; RS-21537;

R2T4 logic in Regent Award has been updated to ensure that awards in ‘OFFERED’ status are not included in the R2T4 calculations.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Including Funds in the R2T4 Calculation .

RS-13958Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Title: Fund Setup: ‘Attempt To Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged?’

Tickets: RS-13958; RS-17909; RS-21547; RS-21548; RS-21549; RS-21580;

A new configuration setting, ‘Attempt To Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged?,' has been added to Fund Setup within the Fund Detail section. The new field defaults to the value set on Campus level, and works in conjunction with the preexisting setting, ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements.’ If that preexisting setting ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements’ is “No,” then the new Fund setting has no effect. If ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements’ is “Yes,” the system will use the new Fund-level setting to determine whether or not to create new disbursements for a term.

For example, a school might have a fund that needs to only have a single disbursement in each term, and the amount on that existing disbursement needs to increase and decrease regardless of its paid status or current paid amount. The school would configure the fund with ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements’ = “Yes” and ‘Attempt to Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged?’ = “No.” When Regent Award packages the fund, the system would adjust the amount on each existing disbursement and would not add additional disbursements within the same term or payment period.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Fund Setup Data Elements and Fund Setup.

RS-13945Regent Access/Regent Award/Student ExperienceWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: New Paper Document Process for Smart Forms

Tickets: RS-13945; RS-21950; RS-21951; RS-21952; RS-21953; RS-21954; RS-21955; RS-21975; RS-20939;


The Student Experience portal has been enhanced to allow users who chose not to e-sign a Smart Form to indicate that they will send the signed document directly to the school, instead of requiring the user to upload the form through the portal. This functionality was added to align with the signature options for the online FAFSA for Access customers, but is available for all documents configured as a Smart Form.

A new section on Institution Setup>General, Campus Setup>General, and Document Setup>Signature (changed from ‘Electronic Signature’) called ‘Paper Document Process Settings’ houses the configuration options for the enhancement. The ‘Display Options for Paper Documents Process’ field in this section allows clients to choose which options will be available in Student Experience for a Smart Form that requires a signature but is not e-signed: 1) Upload signed form (default); 2) Send form via approved method; or 3) Upload signed form and send form via approved method.

When the ‘Display Options for Paper Process’ selection is ‘Send form via approved method’ or ‘Upload signed form and send form via approved method’ a field named ‘Approved Method(s) for Sending Form’ will also be displayed in the ‘Paper Document Process Settings’ section. Clients can enter text in this editor field which will display in the Student Experience Portal to instruct the student how and where to send documents when not using an electronic signature submission process. The default text for the Approved method(s) for sending form is, *“*Please mail the signed signature page of the form to the financial aid office.”

If the Student Experience Portal user elects to send a Smart Form via an approved method, the completed, unsigned document will generate in ‘Satisfied’ status and a secondary document requirement will be triggered in ‘Needed’ status to ensure the signed document is received. In order for this document requirement to trigger, a “Signature Page” document must be configured with the same scope as the Smart Form and the following naming convention: (Smart Form Document Name) Signature Page.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base Topics:

Institution Setup Data Elements

Campus Setup Data Elements

Document Setup Data Elements

Viewing Document Requirements

Additional documentation forthcoming.

RS-3860Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4: Handling of Loan Origination Amount Change after Date of Withdrawal

Tickets: RS-19679; RS-3860; RS-21823; RS-21824; RS-21825; RS-21826; RS-21828; RS-21829; RS-21830;


R2T4 logic in Regent Award has been updated to consider two new configuration settings on the R2T4 tab in Institution Setup (options are inheritable to Campus Setup and Program Setup) in order to determine the loan amounts to use in Step 1 of the R2T4 calculation.

The first new setting is ‘Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Lower Than Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal,' The options for this field are ‘Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal’ and ‘Amount as of R2T4 Processing Date.’ The ‘R2T4 Processing Date’ is the current date when the R2T4 calculation or recalculation occurs.

If the Originated Loan Amount as of the R2T4 Processing Date is lower than the Originated Loan Amount as of the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal, according to COD Accepted Data, the net amounts for loans in Step 1 will be either the Amounts as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal OR the Amounts as of R2T4 Processing Date, based on the options selected.

The second new setting is ‘Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Higher Than Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal.’ The options for this field are 'Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal' and 'Lower of the Highest Amount Originated prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal and Amount Originated as of R2T4 Processing Date.'

If the originated Loan Amount as of R2T4 Processing Date is higher than the Originated Loan Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal, based on COD Accepted data, the net amounts for loans in Step 1 of R2T4 will be either the Amounts as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal OR the lower of: 1) the highest Amount originated prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal; and 2) the amount on the R2T4 processing date, based on the option selected.

When an originated loan amount is changed after the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal and the paid disbursements for the loan are higher than the amounts used in Step 1, the difference between the paid amount and the Step 1 amount to will be displayed, as applicable, in the following new Step 6 fields and returned at finalization:

  • Plus Additional Federal Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan to Return
  • Plus Additional Federal Subsidized Direct Stafford Loan to Return
  • Plus Additional Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan to Return
  • Plus Additional Federal Direct PLUS (Parent) to Return

When an R2T4 is finalized, if a loan origination amount as of the R2T4 processing date is different than the loan origination amount as of the Date of Withdrawal, per COD Accepted data, an Activity Log Entry will generate to advise which of the two amounts was used in the R2T4.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics:

R2T4 Wizard - R2T4 TabProcessing an R2T4 in Regent AwardInstitution Setup Data ElementsProgram Setup Data ElementsCampus Setup Data Elements

RS-3818Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

Title: High School Diploma or Equivalent Selection on ISIR Assignment Tab in Document Setup

Tickets: RS-21602; RS-21603; RS-21604; RS-21605;


A new multi-select option on the ISIR Assignment tab in Document Setup for ‘High School Diploma or Equivalent’ was added with the following allowable values:

  • High school diploma
  • GED/State Certificate
  • Home schooled
  • None
  • Blank

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Document Setup Data Elements .

RS-3705Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Send Confirmation Email for eAccess Smart Form (Access Clients)

Tickets: RS-3705; RS-20939; RS-21934; RS-21935;


A confirmation email will be generated when a student successfully completes an eAccess form in Student Experience. The email will advise the student of next steps and will include the EFC, if calculated.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Student Experience Portal Data Elements .


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-22076Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

In pre-release beta testing for Regent Access, when a user tried to create a Parent account, the system gave an Application Error, @userType is not a parameter for snap_User_Create.

An old Student Portal (SNAP) code change from several years ago was accidentally omitted from more recent versions of the code. Some new Regent Access functionality in depended on the missing code.

The missing SNAP code was updated.

In the certified release, test creating a Parent account in Regent Access. Confirm the account is successfully created without the error message.

RS-22049Regent AwardCOD

Some awards could not export to COD, causing failures in the COD Export process and the Export Student Transactions (EST) process.

The COD Export process created some duplicated records when an institution had a mixture of some awards at sites set up as a Third-Party Servicer. The system could not receive COD responses to the invalid, duplicated records.

A one-time data-cleanup script was developed to remove the unnecessary duplicate records. The COD Export process was updated to prevent creating those invalid, non-exported records that incorrectly blocked COD Export and the EST process.

In a test environment, run the data-cleanup script list-only to identify affected records. Note the affected students and awards. Run the data-cleanup script to update and remove the duplicate records. Navigate to an affected student and clear any blocking Documents or Tasks. Export the student’s award to COD. Confirm the award is exported successfully. On an award needing to be paid, export the record as a paid disbursement (DRI=true). Confirm the disbursement is successfully exported.

RS-22023Regent AwardCOD

At a Regent Award school, some COD Rebuild awards were rejected at COD with Edit 994, missing the <EnrollmentStatus> value.

The students had an actual enrollment status of ‘None,’ which cannot be exported to COD as a valid Enrollment Status. Although the awards should be canceled, COD could not process the cancelation due to the missing enrollment status field.

For COD Rebuild awards only, if the student’s Enrollment Level is ‘Actual - None’ and cannot be determined from the student's existing award data, then Regent Award will send the default enrollment level value (Full Time, Three Quarter Time, etc.) that is configured in the 'Anticipated Enrollment Level Type' configured in Program Setup.

Package an affected student, where the Enrollment Level is ‘Actual-None’ and who has a COD Rebuild award that was rejected by COD with code 994 Enrollment Status. Export the award to COD. Open the COD data file from the Process Log. Confirm the <EnrollmentStatus> value in the Disbursement block is equal to the ‘Anticipated Enrollment Level Type’ configured in Program Setup.

RS-22005Regent AwardDocuments

Some students' ISIRs were previously Verified by the school. When subsequent ISIRs were loaded in the release, the new ISIRs had the default configured status of “Selected, Not Verified (Inherited)” instead of “Verified (Inherited).”

A logic bug overwrote the inherited Verified status with the configured default status of “Selected, Not Verified.”

The logic was corrected to preserve the original Verified status for ISIRs that inherit the verification status. In addition, a cleanup script was developed to correct the ISIR status to “Verified (Inherited)” for any ISIRs that were changed due to the bug.

Test with a Regent Review or Regent Award school configured to Inherit ISIR verification status. Find a student who has an ISIR that is Selected and was previously Verified. Load a new ISIR transaction that is Selected for Verification. On the student’s ISIR tab, confirm the new ISIR has a status of “Verified (Inherited).”

RS-21965Regent AwardAwarding

After loading the NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH) data, some Pell Grant awards were unexpectedly reduced or changed to Year-Round Pell (YRP).

The school had different values for the school’s Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPEID) and the school’s Federal School Code (FSC). Regent Award compared the different OPEID and FSC values and interpreted that the students had received Pell Grants at a different institution. Regent Award then reduced the Pell Grant amounts to prevent overawarding the students' Pell in the same FAY.

Regent Award was updated to compare the OPEID value, not the FSC value, when determining whether a Pell Grant has been awarded at a different school in NSLDS FAH data.

Find a student who is eligible for a Pell Grant, and who has Pell awarded for a current FAY. Load NSLDS FAH data with the same OPEID value in the Attended School Code as the Regent Award school’s OPEID and a different FSC value. Package the student. Confirm the Pell amount is not reduced.

RS-21853Regent AwardProgram Change

At a BBAY term school, the Summer 2021 term disappeared from the Academic Plan when a Substantially Equal (SE) program change was completed.

During the program change, Regent Award failed to add the missing Summer term into the new Academic Year.

Regent Award’s logic was adjusted to allow the missing Summer term to be queued for processing and added into the Academic Year when the system detects that the Summer term is not on the Academic Plan,

Load Student Batch Load (SBL) data with a Program Change. Complete the program change as Substantially Equal. Confirm that Summer 2021 is present in the Academic Year. Confirm if the Spring term appears as the anchoring (first) term in a BBAY, the Summer term always follows.

RS-21751Regent AwardUser Interface

Problem: Step 1 of MAP Does Not Fully Load for Roles Without the View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override Permission Enabled

Cause: The Packaging Philosophy Override and the Plan Packaging Philosophy Override default options should allow users without View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override permission to successfully proceed through the MAP Step1 with the default options selected.

Fix: MAP Step 1 was updated to allow users without View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override permission to proceed using the default packaging philosophy set.


Login to REM with a role that does not have the View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override Permission enabled and select a student record. Navigate to the Academic Plan tab. Select MAP. Ensure Step 1 of MAP loads and MAP can be performed.

RS-21706Regent AwardAwarding

Regent changed some Direct Loan amounts after importing the NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH) data.

The Direct Loan amounts were incorrectly calculated because of the following issues: 1. incorrect loan fees recalculation; 2. incorrectly using manual loan amounts in the aggregate total calculation; and 3. processing loans toward the aggregate limits that were older than 200 days before the NSLDS FAH import date.

The code was updated to ensure the Direct Loan amounts are calculated correctly.

Identify several affected students with their total Direct Loans near the lifetime limits. Load NSLDS FAH data if needed. Package the students. Review the Direct Loan amounts. Confirm the calculated amounts are accurate.

RS-21705Regent AwardPackaging

Some Term BBAY students had unexpected refunds on Unsubsidized Direct Loans.

The unsubsidized loans were in the first half of a two-term Academic Year. The system applied Subsidized eligibility to future terms within the same AY, when the term's start date was reached but those later terms were ineligble due to enrollment of less-than-half-time (LTHT) or None. Those later Subsidized loans resulted in reduced eligibility for Unsubsidized loans that were in earlier terms within the same Academic Year.

Regent Award does not award loans for terms with anticipated or actual enrollment levels of LTHT or None. Those ineligible terms are not included in the Loan Period when the term’s start date is reached.

Use a test environment with the server date set to just after the second term in the AY, e.g. just after the Fall term’s start date for a Summer-Fall AY. Find an affected student who has LTHT or None enrollment levels in the second (Fall) term in the AY. Package the student. Confirm the student has their full Unsubsidized eligibility awarded as expected.

RS-21700Regent AwardR2T4

For clock-hour students, in the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) Wizard, some values in percentages were incorrectly rounded to four decimal places instead of three decimal places.

The system used an incorrect percentage rounding procedure.

A code fix was applied to correct the percentage rounding procedure. Values in percentages in Step 2 of R2T4 wizard are rounded to three decimal places.

Perform an R2T4 for a clock hour student. Verify the system rounds values in percentages to three decimal places.

RS-21698Regent AwardCOD

Regent unexpectedly attempted to export paid COD rebuilt disbursements.

Regent recalculated fees for paid rebuilt awards and calculated net amount based on origination fee for next Federal Award Year (FAY). The recalculated amount was not equal to the paid amount and the disbursement was exported to COD.

Regent was updated to make sure fees are not calculated for rebuild awards initially created as paid.

In Regent, find a student that has an ongoing Academic Year with Direct Loans originated and partially paid before October 1. Rebuild a student and Import Direct Loan data. Package the student import and run Export COD Process. Make sure paid disbursements are not included in the export file.

RS-21697Regent AwardCOD

Regent Award sent incorrect Disbursement Net Amounts and Disbursement Fee Amounts in the COD Export process for some canceled awards, resulting in COD Reject Edit 077.

For awards that went through the “Cancel/Recreate” process due to a Loan Fee change, Regent Award did not zero out some amounts on the newly-canceled awards. The <DisbursementNetAmount> and <DisbursementFeeAmount> were exported with the positive amounts.

Regent Award was updated to zero out the Disbursement Net Amounts and Disbursement Fee Amounts for canceled awards after the "Cancel/Recreate" process.

In a test environment, locate a student who has an affected award that was canceled and recreated on Oct 1 with COD Reject 077 code. Package the student, such as with the Modify Academic Plan wizard. Perform a COD Export for the awards, using the ‘COD Export Override’ on the COD tab if needed. Examine the COD Export data file. Confirm the awards that were canceled on October 1 have “0.00” values for the <DisbursementNetAmount> and <DisbursementFeeAmount> fields.

RS-21590Regent AwardSAP

At a school with a SIS-provided SAP policy, the system generated SAP records with a SAP status of ‘Not Calculated’ for periods without any SBL-supplied SAP GPA data.

The school was configured with ‘Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades’ enabled, which only applies to Regent Calculated SAP status. The system unexpectedly created a ‘Not Calculated’ SAP record with the reason, ‘Missing Grades.’

The system no longer creates a ‘Not Calculated’ SAP record if the student has a SIS-provided or other non-Calculated SAP policy.

At a school with a SIS-provided SAP policy, find a student who does not have any SIS-provided SAP record for a previous SAP review period. Package the student. Confirm the system does not create a ‘Not Calculated’ SAP record.

RS-21579Regent AwardSAP

The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status was calculated incorrectly for some students. The affected students failed to meet the Maximum Timeframe (MTF) requirements. The system unexpectedly set the SAP status to ‘FA Warning’ instead of ‘MTF Suspended.’

Regent Award had incorrect precedence logic when a student had a Manual SAP record. Additionally, the ‘FA Warning’ SAP step was causing the system to not set the 'MTF Suspended' status.

A code fix changed the ordering logic for the check of manual SAP records. The system also has an improved check to see if a non-Manual SAP record should be set to a status of ‘MTF Suspended.’

At a school with Regent Calculated SAP, navigate to an affected student who is failing to meet the Maximum Timeframe. On the Awards tab, access the SAP Wizard from the ‘Calculate SAP’ button. Delete any preexisting Manual SAP Records for the SAP Review Period being evaluated. Click ‘Run SAP.’ Close the SAP Wizard. Refresh the Awards screen. Click ‘Calculate SAP’ again to view the SAP Wizard. View the student’s SAP status. Confirm the SAP status is ‘MTF Suspended.’

RS-21565Regent AwardStudent Experience

Some students were able to edit Pell Grant awards from the Student Experience Portal.

The affected Pell awards were created in Regent using the Rebuild and Conversion process. The Rebuild/Conversion process mistakenly set all the Pell awards to have an initial award status of ‘OFFERED,’ even though their current status was ‘ACCEPTED.’ The Student Experience Portal uses the award’s Initial Status to help determine whether a student can edit an Accepted-status award from the Student Portal.

The Conversion process was updated to use the same rules for setting an award’s initial status as the normal packaging process. First, if the fund uses a UDF to set the status and that UDF is present on the student, the system creates the award using the status from the UDF value (“OFFERED” or “ACCEPTED”). Next, if the fund is configured to use the Override Award Status and the student meets those override criteria, the system sets the award’s initial status to the Override Award Status. Finally, if neither of those apply, the system sets the award’s initial status value to match the Initial Status configured in Fund Setup.

Use a test environment that has the Student Experience Portal. Import test data for a student, including a COD Rebuild Pell Grant award, using the Conversion process. Package the student. Confirm the Pell award is currently in ‘ACCEPTED’ status. Create a test account for the student in the Student Experience Portal. Browse to the Financial Aid component. Confirm the Pell award displays as view-only. Confirm the student cannot edit the Pell amount from the Student Experience portal.

RS-21550Student ExperiencePackaging

The Student Experience Portal displayed an unexpected error message for some students: “Check back later to review Financial Aid.” The Portal was configured with cache enabled.

When cache was enabled, the system did not pass in all the options for some alternative types of packaging such as SAP calculations. The system also incorrectly applied a timestamp for the current Academic Year when the student was packaged on the last day of an AY.

The system correctly sends the options for alternative packaging. The code was updated to remove the incorrect time comparison when determining whether an AY was the current AY. Additional logic was added to fall back to load a non-cached version of the year so the student can still process if the cached version is somehow unavailable. In that fall-back event, the system will record a message in the server logs for later troubleshooting.

In a test environment with the Student Experience Portal, ensure that cache and Regent Plan are enabled. Create test accounts for the affected students. Test the Portal functionality with several affected students, including accepting aid through the Financial Aid and My Borrowing - Select a Borrowing Plan. Confirm the actions are successful. Confirm the system does not display the ‘Check back later’ error to the student.

RS-21120Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

In Student Documents, Regent Award did not display the Message text for the Document.

The Student Documents screen incorrectly identified the Message field in the user interface.

Regent Award was updated to correctly identify the Message field in the Regent Award screen.

Identify a Document where the Document Setup's Message field is populated in Regent Award. Add the Document to the student in Needed status. In the student’s Documents screen, confirm the same Message text is displayed. In Advisor Assist or using a test account in the Student Portal, view the student’s Documents. Confirm the Message text is visible on the Documents from the Student Portal.

RS-21037Regent AwardCOD

Fully paid COD rebuilt disbursements were unexpectedly selected by COD during the export.

Regent Award incorrectly tried to recalculate fees for a fully paid rebuild award disbursement, despite it was initially created by the Rebuild Process in a paid status. This caused the net amount of the award to be updated and not equal the total paid amount of the award, thereby inadvertently exporting to COD with an incorrect amount.

Regent Award was updated to not recalculate fees for rebuild disbursements initially created in a paid status.

In Regent Award, rebuild the student data for a student with COD awards that are fully disbursed. Ensure the award disbursements are created in a paid status. Run the Export COD process. Ensure the awards do not export to COD.

RS-20977Regent AwardStudent Experience

The Regent Student Experience Portal (StudentX) had incorrect radio-button behavior where an option was selected by clicking on the white space next to it.

StudentX used a non-customized User Interface element with incorrect behavior.

StudentX was updated to use a radio-button control that triggers selection of the selected option by direct clicking on the option.

In the Student Experience Portal, open the Financial Aid tile for a student who has an Offered-status award. Open the ‘Review and Update’ area. Click on the white space on the right side of the radio-button selection option. Confirm the system does not select the option.

RS-20839Regent AwardAwarding

Two Institutional awards did not package to their expected amounts. The funds were both configured to package to “% of Additional COA Requirement” for specific Cost Items.

In some cases when there were Loan Periods with different lengths, Regent Award calculated Costs and packaged with a slightly different fund ordering than the Packaging Philosophy specified.

The Packaging Philosophy was enhanced in the release. The funds are packaged in the correct order. The remaining costs are calculated correctly for each Fund.

Navigate to a currently affected student in a current, active Academic Year. Clear any blocking Documents or Tasks, and confirm the student has any Documents required for the funds in a Satisfied status. Package the student. Confirm the Cost amounts are correct. Confirm the award amounts are correct and match the percentage of eligible Costs.

RS-20706Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

In the Export for Student Transactions (EST) process, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) was unexpectedly blocked by error code EST-0033 although the student was eligible.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated the eligibility for funds having an alternative FAY (Alt-FAY) calendar when processing EST verification.

A code fix was applied for funds having an Alt-FAY calendar. The logic uses the same eligibility calculation approach as during the award calculation.

Find an affected student who has an unpaid FSEOG award. Run the EST for DRI process. Confirm no override error codes occur. Confirm the EST-for-DRI process sets the DRI (paid) flag to a value of True.

RS-19653Regent AwardPackaging

An Institutional award did not package to the full amount. The fund was configured to package to “% of Additional COA Requirement.”

In some cases, Regent Award calculated Costs and packaged with a slightly different fund other than the Packaging Philosophy specified.

The Packaging Philosophy was enhanced in the release. The funds are packaged in the correct order. The remaining costs are calculated correctly for each Fund.

Navigate to a currently affected student in a current, active Academic Year. Clear any blocking Documents or Tasks, and confirm the student has any Documents required for the fund in a Satisfied status. Package the student. Confirm the award amount is correct and matches the percentage of eligible Costs.

RS-19533Regent AwardStudent Experience

Regent Student Portal unexpectedly allowed alphabetic characters for numeric fields in Verification Worksheet smart-form.

Regent Student Portal was not validating input characters for a set of fields in the Verification Worksheet smart-form.

Regent Student Portal was updated to make sure only numeric values are allowed for identified list of fields.

In Regent, add Verification Worksheet for the student. Open student in Regent Student Portal and then open the Verification Worksheet smart-form. Navigate to the following fields and enter alphanumeric values: "Age of the primary parent", "Age of the second parent", "Age of the first child", "Age of this dependent" and "Dependent's relationship to your parents". Make sure only numeric values are allowed as input.

RS-18773Regent AwardR2T4

For some students with an R2T4, Regent Award calculated an unexpected amount of break days in the R2T4 Wizard Step 2.

The system used an incorrect R2T4 date mask for calculating the length of the scheduled days and break days.

The R2T4 Step 2 numerator and denominator calculations were updated to use a corrected “mask” for determining the days that do or do not count for the R2T4 calculations.

Test in an environment that can set the server date to within an affected payment period. Test with both term and nonterm students. Find affected students who have terms or payment periods that include the dates of June 30, 2021 and July 1, 2021. Add and save a new R2T4 for an affected payment period that includes an Institutional Break. In Step 2, confirm the numerator is counting days during the Institutional Break as break days. Confirm the numerator is not counting days past the Date of Withdrawal (WDD) as days of attendance. Confirm the Denominator does not include any Break Days as days the student was expected to attend. Test using an R2T4 WDD prior to July 1, 2021 and again using the new logic for a WDD on or after July 1, 2021. Confirm the Break Days are calculated as expected.

RS-18060Regent AwardCommunications

A Communication email sent after a Program Change did not reflect any awarded funds.

The communication template used data from historic Academic Years to reflect the awarded funds.

A check was added to extract award-related data from non-historic AYs for Communications.

Load a Student Batch Load (SBL) file with the program change data for the affected student. Complete the program change. Run the ‘FA Offer’ communication for the student. View the Communication email. Confirm the award amounts are correct in the email. Confirm the funds awarded for the new program are present in the Communication.

RS-16987Regent AwardAwarding

After importing some Institutional awards, Regent Award showed an error in the Conversion Wizard: ‘RNA failed to process one or more Imported awards.’

The awards were from a non-Title-IV fund configured to not require an ISIR. However, Regent was incorrectly processing the awards as needing a Verified ISIR during the Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) process.

Regent Award’s Import Awards process was updated to ensure the Title IV award verification does not affect non-Title IV awards from funds that are configured to not require an ISIR. The system also has improved logic for handling IAD data when the system cannot link the imported disbursement to a nonterm payment period.

In Regent Award, find a student undergoing the Conversion Process who does not have a verified ISIR. Create an Import Award and Disbursements data file with an award for a non-Title-IV fund that does not require an ISIR, in a Loan Period that ended in the past. Import the IAD file. Review the student in the Conversion Wizard. Confirm no errors appear in the "All Imported Awards" section next to the Imported Award.

RS-16311Regent AwardAwarding

A fund was configured to package to a percentage of the ‘Additional COA Requirement’ in the Packaging Philosophy. When the award was packaged, the system awarded a different amount than expected.

Regent Award calculated the remaining Costs and award amounts using a slightly different order than the Packaging Philosophy specified.

The Packaging Philosophy was enhanced in the release. The funds are packaged in the correct order.

Testing is date-dependent. Test with a current affected student, or use a test environment where the server date can be changed to be during a time period when the issues occurred. Repackage the student with the award in a current period, with an affected fund that uses the ‘Additional COA Requirement.’ Confirm the system applies the correct amount based on the specific configured Costs.

RS-14519Regent AwardProgram Change

An Institutional Scholarship was canceled after a Substantially Equal Program Change (SE PC) between two programs. Both programs were eligible for the fund.

Regent Award applied the funds using a slightly different order than the Packaging Philosophy specified.

The Packaging Philosophy was enhanced in the release. The funds are packaged in the correct order.

Navigate to a student currently in the old program. Confirm the current award from the affected fund is in Accepted Status. Load a SE PC Student Batch Load (SBL) data file. Ensure the SBL data was correctly imported in the Process Log. Go to the student’s Academic Plan. Package the student. Refresh. Open the Program Management Wizard. Complete the Program Change as Substantially Equal. Confirm the fund is awarded correctly for both terms in the program.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-22087ISIR Processing/Verification

Purpose of Script:
The script performs data cleanup for ISIRs affected by an ISIR inheritance bug that applied the default status instead of the inherited Verified status.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script corrects the ISIR status from "Selected, Not Verified (Inherited)" to "Verified (Inherited)" for students who had a previously verified ISIR.

How to Access the Script:
Schools may request the script in a CZ ticket. The root cause is fixed in the release. The data-cleanup script is also automatically included in the release.

How to Test the Script:
View an affected student's ISIR tab. Observe the incorrect status, "Selected, Not Verified (Inherited)." Run the script or (alternatively) upgrade to the release. Refresh the ISIR tab. Confirm the new corrected status, "Verified (Inherited)."


Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals on the Academic Plan screen. Package the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using MAP. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.


Purpose of Script:
This on-demand data-cleanup script removes Manual Anticipated Units that caused a specific error for a nonterm student, “Duplicate Pell Award... FAY#…FAY# (cross FAY amounts) detected on Payment Period.”

Data Changed by the Script:
The script removes Manual Anticipated Units from the student’s payment periods.

How to Access the Script:
An affected Regent Award client may open a CZ ticket and work with their Account Manager to run the script on demand for specific students.

How to Test the Script:
In a test environment, run "System – Batch Packaging Errors" and check packaging errors that match error pattern listed in Purpose of the Script above to identify any affected students. Run the List Only version of the script for each affected student and confirm student is listed in the result. Run Update version of the script. Refresh the Academic Plan. Package the student. Confirm whether the student is packaged successfully.

Data Views

In Progress

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