College Financing Plan (CFP)

College Financing Plan (CFP)


Regent provides College Financing Plans to both Graduate and Undergraduate students. The estimated figures on the College Financing Plan (CFP) are meant to help students easily compare financial aid amounts offered by different institutions and make an informed decision on the investment in their education. Regent Award Academic Plan information is used to populate fields and calculate amounts on the CFP. The standard Graduate and Undergraduate College Financing Plan .pdf templates are used and attached to an email template upon communication generation. College Financing Plan communications require school-specific information for the .pdf templates, a school-specific email template, and school-specific filter requirements. 

Getting Started

Schools will need to:

  1. Ensure the User has the applicable Global Permission for Communication Setup
  2. Configure College Financing Plan Communications under Communications Setup for the applicable FAY (see Configure a Communication).  Standard College Financing Plan Communication Body Templates are available (see Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters).
    1. Go to Communication Setup
    2. Click on Templates
    3. Search for the applicable Standard Template by clicking on the filter and typing in the Standard Template name in the Template Name column
    4. Select the applicable Standard Template
    5. Select Edit
    6. Select the following Context Load Settings:
      1. Load Academic Plan Data (pre-selected for standard template)
      2. Load ISIR Data (pre-selected for standard template)
      3. Load College Financing Plan data
    7. Click Save
      1. The 'CFP' tab will appear next to the 'General' tab upon saving the template when the '
    1. Click on the CFP tab
    2. Configure the College Financing Plan fields for the CFP Template, for the applicable FAY (see the fields below and Communication Template Data Elements for an explanation of fields) and save.

Note:  Clients are responsible for configuring all communications in Regent Award.  All communications should be tested in QA prior to promoting to Production.  Please work with your Account Manager if a custom filter is required.

CFP Template Fields

#CFP Field Logic CFP Template ReferencesConfigurable Fields Annual Configuration
1 Graduate College Financing Plan (CFP) Communication Template Attachment


Demographics Section

  1. Institution Name: Site Name
  2. Student Name: Student First Name, Student Middle Initial, Student Last Name
  3. Identifier:  External ID 1
  4. Date:  Date Generated


Total Cost of Attendance Section

All items below are summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Tuition and Fees:
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the CFP Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Tuition and Fees'.
  2. Housing and meals (On Campus Residence)
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the CFP Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Room and Board'.
      1. If the ISIR-Off Campus is configured with On Campus Residence, this fields will display the ISIR-Off Campus amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      2. If the ISIR-With Parent is configured with On Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-With Parent amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      3. If the ISIR-On Campus is configured with On Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-With Parent amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      4. If there is no ISIR for the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup, the field will be left blank. If there is an ISIR but no cost amount for the student, then a zero will be listed.
  3. Housing and meals (Off Campus Residence)
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the CFP Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Room and Board' (includes all residency status configuration). 
      1. If the ISIR-Off Campus is configured with Off Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-Off Campus amount for all cost of attendance items with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      2. If the ISIR-With Parent is configured with Off Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-Off Campus amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      3. If the ISIR-On Campus is configured with Off Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-On Campus amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      4. If there is no ISIR for the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup, the field will be left blank. If there is an ISIR but no cost amount for the student, then a zero will be listed.
  4. Books and supplies:
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Books and Supplies'.
  5. Transportation
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Transportation'.
  6. Other education costs
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Categories of 'Personal/Misc.', Dependent Care', 'Study Abroad Expenses', 'Disability Expenses', 'Employment Expenses for Co-op Study', and 'Loan Fees'.
  7. Estimated Cost of Attendance 
    1. Sum of amounts for Tuition and Fees, Housing and Meals, Books and supplies, Transportation, and Other education costs. 
      1. If the Housing and meals value is in the On Campus Residence column, the Estimated Cost of Attendance value will be displayed in the On Campus Residence column.
      2. If the Housing and meals value is in the Off Campus Residence column, the Estimated Cost of Attendance value will be displayed in the Off Campus Residence column.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Housing and Meals
    • Description: The housing status selected here is used to associate cost items to the Off Campus Residence or On Campus Residence category in relation to the ISIR Housing Status for the Housing and Meals section on the College Financing Plan.pdf. 
Annual cost items may require updates to support a new Federal Award Year.

EFC Section

The format of all items below will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Based on FAFSA: 
    1. This field will display the monthly EFC configured that is listed on the ISIR for the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
  2. EFC based on Institutional Methodology: 
    1. This field will display the EFC configured. If no value is provided in this field, the field will be left blank by default.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: EFC Based on FAFSA

    • Field Values = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
    • The default value for this field is 9 months.  
  • Field Name: EFC Based on Institutional Methodology

    • Field Type = Numeric (allow up to 5 positive characters, no decimals, no negative values)
    • If no value is provided in this field, the field is left blank on the College Financing Plan pdf.


Scholarship Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Merit-Based Scholarships
    1. Scholarships from your school
      1. Total of Fund awards and External Resources with Fund Type of 'Scholarship' and Fund Source of 'Institutional'.
    2. Scholarships from your state
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of 'Scholarship' and Fund Source of 'State'. 
    3. Other scholarships
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with the Fund Type of 'Scholarship' and Fund Source is neither 'Institutional' nor 'State'.
        1. Excludes the total Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students in the Grants section.
  2. Employer Paid Tuition Benefits
    1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  3. School-paid tuition benefits
    1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  4. Tuition remission/waiver:
    1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  5. Total Scholarships: 
    1. Sum of items #1 through #4 above.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Employer Paid Tuition Benefits

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the Employer Paid Tuition Benefits field in the Scholarships section of the College Financing Plan pdf.
  • Field Name: School-Paid Tuition Benefits

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the School-Paid Tuition Benefits field in the Scholarships section of the College Financing Plan pdf.
  • Field Name: Tuition Remission/Waiver

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the Tuition Remission/Waiver field in the Scholarships section of the College Financing Plan pdf.


Grants Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Need-Based Grant Aid
    1. Institutional Grants
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of ‘Grant’ and Fund Type of ‘Institutional’
    2. State Grants
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of ‘Grant’ and Fund Type of ‘State’
    3. Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students
      1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  2. Other forms of grant aid
    1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of ‘Grant’ AND Fund Type is neither ‘Institutional’ nor ‘State’ AND Official Fund Name is not ‘Pell Grant’
  3. Total Grants
    1. Sum of items #1 and #2 above.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students field in the Scholarships section of the College Financing Plan pdf.


VA Educational Benefits (2022-2023 ONLY)

The VA Educational Benefits will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. VA Educational Benefits
    1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup and External Resources, where the External Resource name is prepended with 'VA Educational Benefits'.

2022-2023 ONLY:


College Costs You Will Be Required to Pay Section

The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Net Price:
    1. Amount = Total Cost of Attendance (Estimated Cost of Attendance for On Campus Residence or Off Campus Residence, as applicable) minus the total Grants, the total Scholarships, and the total VA Educational Benefits.


Loan Options Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules. The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
    1. Amount = Total of Fund Awards with Official Fund Name of ‘Direct Unsubsidized Loan’
    2. Interest Rate = Direct Unsubsidized Loan Interest Rate configured on Fund Fee Setup for Undergraduate-level programs as of 7/1 of the FAY. If no Direct Unsubsidized Loan Interest Rate is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
      1. Undergraduate includes programs configured with programTypeCode equal to one of the following:
        1. Undergraduate
        2. Prep-Undergrad
        3. Ed Licensure
        4. Post Baccalaureate certificate
        5. CTP Programs
    3. Origination Fee = Direct Unsubsidized Loan Origination Fee configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Unsubsidized Loan Origination Fee is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
  2. Grad Plus Federal Loan
    1. Amount = Total of Fund Awards in the FAY with Official Fund Name of ‘Direct Graduate PLUS Loan’
    2. Interest Rate = Direct Graduate Plus Federal Loan Interest Rate configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Graduate Plus Federal Loan Interest Rate is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
    3. Origination Fee = Direct Graduate Plus Federal Loan Interest Rate configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Graduate Plus Federal Loan Interest Rate is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
  3. HRSA Loans
    1. Amount = The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
    2. Interest Rate = The interest rate configured in Communication Setup will display.
    3. Origination Fee = The origination fee configured in Communication Setup will display.
  4. Total Loan Options = Sum of items #1 through #4 above. 

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: HRSA Loans 

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the HRSA Loans field in the Loan Options section of the College Financing Plan pdf.
  • Field Name: HRSA Loans Interest Rate

    • This field specifies Interest Rate
  • Field Name: HRSA Loans Origination Fee

    • This field specifies Origination Fee

Annual updates for origination fees and interest rates are required to support regulatory changes.  

Origination fees and interest rates will use the most recent configured rates until annual updates to the configuration are added.


Other Options Section

  1. Income Share Agreement
    1. Prescribed text is displayed in this section and cannot be altered.


Work Options Section

  1. Work-study
    1. Amount = 
      1. Total of Fund Awards with Fund Type = 'Work’

    2. Hours Per Week
      1. The hours per week configured in Communication Setup will display.
  2. Assistantships
    1. Amount
      1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  3. Total Work 
    1. Sum of items #1 and #2 above.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Work Study Hours per Week

    • The value listed here displays as the Hours Per Week in the Work Options section on the College Financing Plan pdf. Text is an allowable value of up to 12 characters (e.g. 20 to 30).  If no value is configured, the field displays as blank and if no work study award is present for the student the field displays as blank.   
  • Field Name: Assistantships 

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the Assistantships field in the Work Options section of the Graduate College Financing Plan pdf.


Loan Amounts Section

  1. Prescribed text is displayed in this section and cannot be altered.


Next Steps Section

  1. The title is 'Next steps' by default
  2. Message (beneath Title)
    1. Empty by default
    2. The text configured in Communication Setup will display in this field.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Next Steps Text

    • This field can have unlimited characters, but must keep the document to 2 pages.


Customized Information from UUS Section

  1. Title
    1.  Information from <Site>by default where <Site> = Site Name configured
  2. Message (beneath Title):
    1. Empty by default
    2. The text configured in Communication Setup will display in this field.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Customized Info for UUS Text

    • This field can have unlimited characters, but must keep the document to 2 pages.


Glossary Section

  1. Prescribed text is displayed in this section and cannot be altered.

2Create Undergraduate College Financing Plan (CFP) Communication Template Attachment


Demographics Section

  1. Institution Name: Site Name
  2. Student Name: Student First Name, Student Middle Initial, Student Last Name
  3. Identifier:  External ID 1
  4. Date:  Date Generated

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template.


Total Cost of Attendance Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents). If there is no FAY ISIR, all items below will be left blank. If there is an ISIR but no cost for the student, then a $0 amount will be listed.

  1. Tuition and Fees:
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the CFP Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Tuition and Fees'.
  2. Housing and meals (On Campus Residence)
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the CFP Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Room and Board'.
    2. If the ISIR-Off Campus is configured with On Campus Residence, this fields will display the ISIR-Off Campus amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
    3. If the ISIR-With Parent is configured with On Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-With Parent amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
    4. If the ISIR-On Campus is configured with On Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-With Parent amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
    5. If there is no ISIR for the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup, the field will be left blank. If there is an ISIR but no cost amount for the student, then a zero will be listed.
  3. Housing and meals (Off Campus Residence)
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the CFP Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Room and Board' (includes all residency status configuration). 
      1. If the ISIR-Off Campus is configured with Off Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-Off Campus amount for all cost of attendance items with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      2. If the ISIR-With Parent is configured with Off Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-Off Campus amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      3. If the ISIR-On Campus is configured with Off Campus Residence, this field will display the ISIR-On Campus amount for all cost of attendance items configured with a cost category of Room and Board for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
      4. If there is no ISIR for the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup, the field will be left blank. If there is an ISIR but no cost amount for the student, then a zero will be listed.
  4. Books and supplies:
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Books and Supplies'.
  5.  Transportation
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Category of 'Transportation'.
  6. Other education costs
    1. Student's total COA items for payment periods associated with the Federal Award Year with Federal Cost Categories of 'Personal/Misc.', Dependent Care', 'Study Abroad Expenses', 'Disability Expenses', 'Employment Expenses for Co-op Study', and 'Loan Fees'.
  7. Estimated Cost of Attendance (On Campus Residence):  Total of #1, #2, #4, #5, and #6 above.
    1. If the Housing and meals (On Campus Residence) for 2.3.2 above is blank, this field will also be left blank.
  8. Estimated Cost of Attendance (Off Campus Residence):  Total of #1, #3, #4, #5, and #6 above.
    1. If the Housing and meals (Off Campus Residence) for 2.3.3 above is blank, this field will also be left blank.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Housing and Meals

    • The housing status selected here is used to associate cost items to the Off Campus Residence or On Campus Residence category in relation to the ISIR Housing Status for the Housing and Meals section on the College Financing Plan .pdf. 
Annual cost items may require updates to support a new Federal Award Year.

EFC Section

The format of all items below will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Based on FAFSA: 
    1. This field will display the monthly EFC configured that is listed on the ISIR for the Federal Award Year configured in Communication Setup.
  2. EFC based on Institutional Methodology: 
    1. This field will display the EFC configured. If no value is provided in this field, the field will be left blank by default.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: EFC Based on FAFSA

    • Field Values = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
    • The default value for this field is 9 months.  
  • Field Name: EFC Based on Institutional Methodology

    • Field Type = Numeric (allow up to 5 positive characters, no decimals, no negative values)
    • If no value is provided in this field, the field is left blank on the College Financing Plan pdf.


Scholarship Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Merit-Based Scholarships
    1. Scholarships from your school
      1. Total of Fund awards and External Resources with Fund Type of 'Scholarship' and Fund Source of 'Institutional'.
    2. Scholarships from your state
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of 'Scholarship' and Fund Source of 'State'. 
    3. Other scholarships
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with the Fund Type of 'Scholarship' and Fund Source is neither 'Institutional' nor 'State'.
  2. Employer Paid Tuition Benefits
    1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  3. Total Scholarships: 
    1. Sum of items #1 through #2 above.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template, except it does not include the School-paid tuition benefits and Tuition remission/waiver.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Employer Paid Tuition Benefits

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the Employer Paid Tuition Benefits field in the Scholarships section of the College Financing Plan pdf.


Grants Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Need-Based Grant Aid
    1. Federal Pell Grants
      1. Total of Fund Awards with Official Fund Name of ‘Pell Grant’
    2. Institutional Grants
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of ‘Grant’ and Fund Type of ‘Institutional’
    3. State Grants
      1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of ‘Grant’ and Fund Type of ‘State’
  2. Other forms of grant aid
    1. Total of Fund Awards and External Resources with Fund Type of ‘Grant’ AND Fund Type is neither ‘Institutional’ nor ‘State’ AND Official Fund Name is not ‘Pell Grant’
  3. Total Grants
    1. Sum of items #1 and #2 above.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template, except it includes Federal Pell Grants and excludes Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students.


VA Educational Benefits (2022-2023 ONLY)

The VA Educational Benefits will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. VA Educational Benefits
    1. The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup and External Resources, where the External Resource name is prepended with 'VA Educational Benefits'.

2022-2023 ONLY:


College Costs You Will Be Required to Pay Section

The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

    1. Net Price:
      1. Amount = Total Cost of Attendance (Estimated Cost of Attendance for On Campus Residence or Off Campus Residence, as applicable) minus the total Grants, the total Scholarships, and the total VA Educational Benefits.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template.


Loan Options Section

All items below will be summed and rounded to the nearest dollar using standard rounding rules.  The format will display as $XXX, XXX (no cents).

  1. Federal Subsidized Loan
    1. Amount = Total of Fund Awards with Official Fund Name of ‘Direct Subsidized Loan’
    1. Interest Rate = Direct Subsidized Loan Interest Rate configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Subsidized Loan Interest Rate is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
    2. Origination Fee = Direct Subsidized Loan Origination Fee configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Subsidized Loan Origination Fee is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
  2. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
    1. Amount = Total of Fund Awards with Official Fund Name of ‘Direct Unsubsidized Loan’
    2. Interest Rate = Direct Unsubsidized Loan Interest Rate configured on Fund Fee Setup for Undergraduate-level programs where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Unsubsidized Loan Interest Rate is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
      1. Undergraduate includes programs configured with programTypeCode equal to one of the following:
        1. Undergraduate
        2. Prep-Undergrad
        3. Ed Licensure
        4. Post Baccalaureate certificate
        5. CTP Programs
    3. Origination Fee = Direct Unsubsidized Loan Origination Fee configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Unsubsidized Loan Origination Fee is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
  3. Parent Plus Federal Loan 
    1. Amount = Total of Fund Awards with Official Fund Name of ‘Direct Parent PLUS’
    2. Interest Rate = Direct Parent PLUS Interest Rate configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Parent Plus Loan Interest Rate is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
    3. Origination Fee = Direct Parent Plus Origination Fee configured on Fund Fee Setup where the 7/1 date, for the FAY, falls within the configured effective date range. If no Direct Parent Plus Loan Origination Fee is configured on Fund Fee Setup with an effective date range that covers this date, the most recent end date for the effective date range configuration will be used.
  4. Total Loan Options
    1. Sum of items #1 through #7 above. 

Annual updates for origination fees and interest rates are required to support regulatory changes.  

Origination fees and interest rates will use the most recent configured rates until annual updates to the configuration are added.


Other Options Section

  1. Income Share Agreement
    1. Prescribed text is displayed in this section and cannot be altered.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template.


Work Options Section

  1. Work-study
    1. Amount = Total of Fund Awards with Fund Type = 'Work’
    2. Hours Per Week = The hours per week configured in Communication Setup will display.
  2. Other Campus Job
    1. Amount = The total amount for the funds configured in Communication Setup.
  3. Total Work 
    1. Sum of items #1 and #2 above.

Note:  This section uses the same logic as the Graduate template.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Work Study Hours per Week

    • The value listed here displays as the Hours Per Week in the Work Options section on the College Financing Plan pdf. Text is an allowable value of up to 12 characters (e.g. 20 to 30).  If no value is configured, the field displays as blank and if no work study award is present for the student the field displays as blank.   
  • Field Name: Other Campus Job

    • The total amount of any awards in payment periods with the specified Federal Award Year for the funds selected here is used for the Other Campus Job field in the Work Options section of the Undergraduate College Financing Plan pdf.


Loan Amounts Section

  1. Prescribed text is displayed in this section and cannot be altered.


Next Steps Section

  1. The title is 'Next steps' by default
  2. Message (beneath Title)
    1. Empty by default
    2. The text configured in Communication Setup will display in this field.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Next Steps Text

    • This field can have unlimited characters, but must keep the document to 2 pages.


Customized Information from UUS Section

  1. Title
    1.  Information from <Site>by default where <Site> = Site Name configured
  2. Message (beneath Title):
    1. Empty by default
    2. The text configured in Communication Setup will display in this field.

Communication Template Setup > CFP tab

  • Field Name: Customized Info for UUS Text

    • This field can have unlimited characters, but must keep the document to 2 pages.


Glossary Section

  1. Prescribed text is displayed in this section and cannot be altered.

Determining Award Amounts: Award amounts sum all applicable awards for each category, regardless of the award's FAY, for all Payment Periods.

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