Via Batch Letters

Via Batch Letters

The batch letter process can be used to send letters to all students with missing requirements or to all students who have new awards and who have not been notified yet of these awards or for other items of correspondence to the student
Select the Generate Communications process from the Processes bar. Then select the Communication Template to send (Missing Documents, Award Letter, etc.) and click on the Generate icon.

The results of the process are displayed in the Process Log.
Additionally, a copy of the letter is captured and retained in the Activity Log at the bottom of the student's Activity tab.

Printing Letters

Go to the process results in the Process Log for the communication and click on the Students sub tab. For each student listed, click on View to go to the student record.

Then view the Activity tab in the student record to access the communication that was generated and then click the envelope icon to view the communication.

In the upper right hand corner of the letter, click on the envelope icon to print the communication.