Scheduled Processes Screen


Regent Award has provided the ability for Processes to be scheduled via the User Interface based on a pre-defined parameter set.  

Note: Any process scheduled via the UI must be disabled in the backend scheduling configuration first. Schools will need to submit a CZ ticket to request currently scheduled processes be disabled otherwise the processes will be run twice. A CZ ticket will also be required to enable the ability to schedule processes via the UI. See Process Scheduling.

General Requirements

Schools have the permission-based ability to schedule many processes via the User Interface using the options from the data requirements table below. 

The scheduled processes screen provides a grid of existing scheduled processes at the top of the screen. The grid provides a permission-based "delete" button that allows a scheduled process to be deleted.

Scheduled processes can be disabled and re-enabled. 

Data Requirements

Field NameRequired/OptionalTypeValuesDisplay for Frequency ValuesDisplay Section Name(s)Business Rules
Add New ScheduleOptionalButton

Allows the user to add new schedules
ActiveOptionalCheckboxDefault to unchecked
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Determines whether or not the scheduled process is active. When this box unselected the schedule will not be in effect.
NameRequiredText - alphanumeric with 200 characters max
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly 
  • Monthly

Process TypeRequiredDrop down
  • Select (default)
  • Parameter Type
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Only those processes that allow for a Saved Parameter Set to be created are available in this list.
Parameter SetRequiredDrop down
  • Select (default)
  • Parameter Set
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Only those Parameter Sets marked as active are provided in the drop down.
DescriptionOptionalText - alphanumeric with 1000 characters max
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

FrequencyRequiredDrop down
  • Once 
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Start DateRequiredCalendar Picker
  • Once
Schedule Task Once
Start TimeRequiredTime
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Schedule Task Once
  • Daily Frequency

End TimeRequiredTime
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
Daily FrequencyThis field is only applicable if the "Run" field is set to "Multiple Times Daily."
Time ZoneRequiredDrop down
  • Eastern Standard Time (default)
  • Central Standard Time
  • Mountain Standard Time
  • Arizona Standard Time
  • Pacific Standard Time
  • Alaska Standard Time
  • Hawaii Standard Time
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Schedule Task Once
  • Daily Frequency

RunRequiredDrop down
  • Once Daily
  • Multiple Times Daily
  • Weekly 
  • Monthly
Daily Frequency
EveryRequiredTextIntegers - valid values are 1 thru 60
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Daily Frequency
(Every Interval Value)RequiredDrop down
  • Minute(s) (default)
  • Hour(s)
  • Day(s)
  • Daily
Daily Frequency
Recurs every # weeks on:Required if the Frequency = WeeklyTextIntegers - valid values are 1 thru 52
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
SundayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
MondayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
TuesdayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
WednesdayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
ThursdayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
FridayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
SaturdayOptionalCheckboxDefault to unselected
  • Weekly
Weekly Frequency
DayRequiredTextIntegers - valid values are 1 thru 31
  • Monthly
Monthly Frequency
EveryRequiredTextIntegers - valid values are 1 thru 12
  • Monthly
Monthly Frequency
Duration Start DateOptionalCalendar Picker
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
Duration End DateOptionalCalendar PickerCan be null
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
DurationThe value can be null, which means the schedule is effective indefinitely. 


Edit Mode:

Frequency = Once Screen:

Frequency = Daily Screen:

Frequency = Weekly Screen:

Frequency = Monthly Screen: