Making A Professional Judgment Change To Cost Of Attendance

Making A Professional Judgment Change To Cost Of Attendance

In some cases, students may require a change to their cost of attendance based on your professional judgment. To make this change, access the student's record in Regent Award, select the Awards tab and click on the Adjust Cost icon.

Click on the Add Adjustment icon.

Enter a description, amount for the adjustment (positive or negative), how it is to be applied, the payment periods/terms, and a note as to why the adjustment is being made. Then, click on the Save icon.

The results are captured on the top of the page. You then can select either the Close & Repackage or Close icon to complete the process.

To make a change to a cost of attendance adjustment, select Adjust Cost from the Award tab, click on the row that contains the item you need to adjust, and click on the Edit icon on the lower portion of the page. After making your adjustment, select the Save icon.

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