Graduate Plus Loans

Graduate Plus Loans

Loans are awarded in the system through all of the standard awarding processes. Once an award with a fund type of Loan is "Accepted", a loan record is created for that award and it is added to the Loan tab.
When a Graduate PLUS loan is created in the system, it will usually have a complete status as most of the information required to complete it is available from the ISIR record.
Federal Direct Loans, PLUS Loans, and Graduate PLUS loans are processed through COD. See "Importing and Exporting COD Records" for details on the processing of these loans.

Entrance Counseling

The system setup process supports the ability to establish entrance counseling as a one-time only document requirement during the awarding process for loans. This document can be set to prevent disbursement of funds until such time as the document status is set to "Satisifed". The loading of an EC file from COD will automatically satisfy the document requirement.

Master Promissory Note (MPN)

The system setup process supports the ability to establish Master Promissory Note as a one-time only document requirement during the awarding process for loans. This document can be set to prevent disbursement of funds until such time as the document status is set to "Satisifed". The loading of a PN file from COD will automatically satisfy the document requirement.