Plus Loans

Plus Loans

PLUS loans are awarded in the system through all of the standard awarding processes. Once an award with a fund type of Loan is "Accepted", a loan record is created for that award and it is added to the Loan tab.
Before placing a PLUS loan in an accepted status, click on the Student Details tab and insure that all of the parent information is complete and the "PLUS Borrower" box is checked for the appropriate parent.
When a PLUS loan is created in the system, it may have an incomplete status as a result of the not all of the parent information being available to complete it. Federal Direct Loans, PLUS Loans, and Graduate PLUS loans are processed through COD.

Then, after returning to the Loan tab, click on the row containing the appropriate loan. The loan record will appear at the bottom of the page.

Click on the review the Parent Borrower information section of the loan and click on the Edit icon to update the parent information in the loan. The press Save.

Once this is done, the status of the loan should change to Complete on the Loan tab.