/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.6 the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below and further defined in the Product Brief. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

New/Updated Configuration Options

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The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.6:  

Institution Setup>Campus Setup>Program Setup

  • Program Setup, Pell COA, must be configured (cannot be blank) to allow for awarding 6.6 Pell for 2024-2025 awards. The Pell COA uses the Housing Status lookup, but the Housing Status is not yet supported as of the release.

Institution Setup>Campus Setup>Packaging Grid Setup

  • For schools using User-Defined Fields (UDFs) for Packaging Grid rows and columns, Regent now considers the Effective Dates on the UDF. If the UDF uses effective dates, the student’s award period must start within the UDF effective dates for the student in order to match the UDF value to a cell in the Packaging Grid.

  • Packaging Grid Setup also now allows the Packaging Frequency Option ‘Award/Reaward during packaging process/re-evaluate grids for each Payment Period’ when ‘All Students’ is selected.

Communication Setup>Template>Communication Template Setup>Context Load Settings

  • New Option: Load All Campus Documents Context Data

Admin and User Guide Updates 

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As part of Regent, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated:

Access - Export Files

Importing COD Responses

Communication Template Data Elements

Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

Program Change Guidance

Substantially Equal vs Not Substantially Equal Guidance

Additional Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to tickets in this release will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-26767Regent AwardCOD

Title: Added Pell Enrollment Configuration Setting for Site Setup

Tickets: RS-26767; RS-26865; RS-26866;


New field Override Pell Enrollment School Code was added to Site Setup. The new field will be set as disabled for the default. When enabled a new field, Pell Enrollment School Code, and text box will appear below and the user must enter exactly 8 numeric digits, including all leading zero for the Enrollment School Code located in Campus Site Setup.

RS-26536Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

Title: Regulatory Updates: Package Using Student Aid Index (SAI) Value Instead Of EFC or Alt-EFCs

Tickets: RS-25621; RS-25636; RS-25695; RS-26609;

Regent has updated packaging for the 2024-2025 ISIR changes. Awards based on 2024-2025 ISIRs will package using a single value, the Student Aid Index (SAI) value. The single SAI is replacing the many previous fields for Primary EFC and Alternative EFC (Alt-EFC) fields. The change may result in different calculations, especially with reduced Need for students with shorter loan periods that do not span a full AY. Regent has also added an Activity Log Entry to track when a loan period’s length is changed by adding or removing terms from the loan period.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-26482Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Regent Access: Calculate and Display SAI and Provisional SAI for Access Smart Forms

Tickets: RS-26065; RS-26482; RS-26512; RS-26513; RS-26514; RS-26515; RS-26516; RS-26517; RS-26518; RS-26519; RS-26520; RS-26990; RS-26991;

For FAY 2024-2025 Access Smart Forms, Regent calculates the new Student Aid Index (SAI) value. The SAI replaces the former EFC. Both the Student and the Parent will see the calculated SAI value on the Student Documents tab. The SAI value is also displayed on the resulting signed PDF outputs, replacing EFC. SAI possible values range from -1500 to 999,999.

Regent also calculates a Provisional SAI value for dependent students who have unusual circumstances and cannot provide parent information. Students with Unusual Circumstances (dependency status code “Z”, Provisional Independent) will not be required to enter parent information. The Access workflow has been updated to require only a student signature for Provisional Independent students. The PDF and Document Reason text will not display the Provisional SAI value for 6.6. As an additional, temporary measure for the 6.6 release, the system also uses the same Provisional workflow for students with special circumstances (dependency status code “X,” Rejected Dependent). Full support for Provisional Independent and Special Circumstances “Unsub Only” workflow is expected to be added in the next major release.

The eAccess ISIR Export and Import processes were also updated to include Regent’s calculated values for SAI (labeled efc), Provisional SAI, dependency status code, and FISAP Total Income. Those four values will be saved and displayed in Regent, and also exported to the eAccess ISIR Format and Export Access Database Extract.

RS-26440Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Updated Awarding for WI Grant

Tickets: RS-26440; RS-26606; RS-26692;


Improved the awarding behavior for 2-Term versus 3-Term count, for the ‘tuition code lookup’ and for the 2-Term or 3-Term 'Award Amount Lookup’ by counting the number of terms with any Actual Enrollment within 2023-2024 and onward. For FAYs where the student is enrolled in three terms, the 3-Term amount is used for the total amount and will award the student based on the 3-term amount, per term based on the per term calculation for enrollment where the student is at least Half-Time or greater for each term.

RS-26312Regent AccessConfiguration/Setup

Title: Update Access Forms to Reset Responses if Question is Hidden

Tickets: RS-26312; RS-26310; RS-26137; RS-26407; RS-26532;


2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Master Access applications have been updated to reset question responses to their default value if the questions become hidden during completion of the form. For example, if the Special Circumstances response indicates the student is dependent, but later the birthdate of the student is changed, resulting in the Special Circumstances question not being shown on the form, the entered value for the Special Circumstances field will reset to the default, so as not to incorrectly impact dependency status.

RS-26300Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Placeholder Pell Amounts for 2024-2025 Awarding

Tickets: RS-25004; RS-25131; RS-26300; RS-26607; RS-26608; RS-26462; RS-26463; RS-26464; RS-26465; RS-26466; RS-26687;

Regent Award has been updated to use placeholder Pell Grant Minimum and Maximum amounts for estimating Pell award amounts for 2024-2025 and later FAYs. The Minimum and Maximum amounts replace the former look-up tables for awarding Pell by enrollment level. The placeholder Maximum and Minimum amounts for 2024-2025 will be updated once the official amounts for the FAY are published.

Important configuration note: Schools must configure the Program Setup and Pell COA, to package any Pell awards for 2024-2025 before upgrading to a later release that supports (non-ISIR) Housing Status for COA. As a temporary measure to package estimated Pell Grants for FAY 2024-2025 and later in the 6.6 release, Regent will use a placeholder value for calculating the Pell Cost of Attendance (Pell COA). For FAY 2024-2025 Pell awards, if the Housing Status is not yet available, Regent will substitute the Program’s configured Pell COA from Program Setup.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-26226Regent AccessISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Update ISIR Corrections Wizard to Not Require Parent Information When “Special Circumstances” Apply

Tickets: RS-26226; RS-26602; RS-26333;


The Regent ISIR Correction Wizard has been updated to not require parent data when a student is dependent but has indicated they cannot provide parent information, so users will not be blocked from continuing in the ISIR Corrections Wizard.

RS-26158Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Apply Effective Dates for Packaging Grids

Tickets: RS-25151; RS-26158; RS-26200; RS-26201; RS-26202; RS-26203;

For schools using User-Defined Fields (UDFs) for Packaging Grid rows and columns, Regent has been updated to take into consideration the Effective Dates on the UDF during packaging. If the UDF uses effective dates, the student’s award period must start within the UDF effective dates for the student in order to match the UDF value to a cell in the Packaging Grid. The Packaging Grid Setup configuration has also been updated to allow the Packaging Frequency Option, ‘Award/Reaward during packaging process/re-evaluate grids for each Payment Period’, when ‘All Students’ is selected. In addition, Regent made improvements to the existing validation and Activity Log Entries when updates to the Institutionally Defined Data UDF information on the Student Details screen are made by users.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-26042Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Calculate Student Aid Index (SAI) and Provisional SAI Values

Tickets: RS-25131; RS-26042; RS-26327; RS-26328; RS-26336; RS-26337; RS-26338; RS-26396; RS-26397; RS-26398; RS-26399; RS-26464; RS-26465; RS-26467; RS-26468; RS-26470; RS-26473; RS-26475; RS-26477; RS-26478; RS-26479; RS-26990; RS-26991;

Regent calculates the Student Aid Index (SAI) value per the FAFSA Simplification Act, for FAY 2024-2025 and later. The new SAI field replaces the former Expected Family Contribution (EFC). SAI values can range from -1500 to 999,999. Regent also calculates the Provisional SAI value, which correlates to the new dependency status code of “Z”, for dependent students who have unusual circumstances and cannot provide parental information.

Regent supports displaying certain calculated values in the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard in Regent. Regent calculates and updates the values for the SAI (labeled “Primary EFC”), Provisional SAI, Dependency Status, and FISAP Total Income. Those four values will also be saved to the database and exported for Regent Access clients. As part of the new SAI calculations, Regent will also calculate additional interim values such as the SAI Calculation Type, SAI Formula, and the Minimum and Maximum Pell indicators. However, those fields will not be saved to the database. Any changes to those other fields will not be saved or displayed on the ISIR Correction Wizard, and they will not appear on exported data.

Many of the SAI calculations will use data from either of two data sources. Access students will have only manually-entered fields (from the wizard or Access form). Students with ISIR data will additionally have Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) / Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). If a user is editing the ISIR in Regent using the ISIR Correction wizard, and the student has both manually entered values as well as CUI/FTI data, the user must set the Professional Judgment flag to a value of “Yes” for Regent to use the manually entered (non-CUI/FTI) values for the SAI calculation.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-25904Regent AwardFunds

Title: Permissions Editing of Funds

Tickets: RS-25904; RS-26449; RS-26450; RS-26451; RS-26452; RS-26505; RS-26507; RS-26508;


A new selection criteria called ‘Security Group’ was added under Users in Administration. Two new grids were added under the new Security Group Setup, Available Funds and Selected Funds. Available Funds are defaulted to have all funds populate in the grid available, both grid has user edit functionality to allow the user to select which funds to make available and which funds to be selected. A User Tab was added to the Security Group Setup page to allow permissions for the selected users to have access to Add and Modify Awards that have been selected on the Security Group Fund grids.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-25790Regent AwardCOD

Title: New COD Warning Edit for 2023-2024

Tickets: RS-25790; RS-26326; RS-25130;


COD Edit Reason (CR Message) was updated in Regent for 2023-2024. COD Edit Message 229 was added with an Edit Type of ‘W' (Warning) with the following message: 'Pell LEU Restoration due to eligible loan discharge. The Edit update affects the Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, and Direct Loans.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Importing COD Responses

RS-25747Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Added Two New Options to the Packaging Philosophy and Packaging Grid

Tickets: RS-25747; RS-26284; RS-26285; RS-26286; RS-26287; RS-25733;


In Packaging Philosophy Setup 2 new ‘Package To’ options were added to the Fund Properties:

  • Flat Amount to Direct Cost’
  • ‘Flat % to Direct Cost

Both options were added to the Packaging Grids dropdown menu on Packaging Grid Setup. Flat Amount to Direct Cost will be used in the Academic Year scope funds and the Federal war Year scope funds. The Flat % to Direct Cost will use the flat dollar amount to determine the award amount for the Fund Scope period.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-25719Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View Query for PLUS Borrower Information

Tickets: RS-24310; RS-25719; RS-25721;

Regent has a new Query for Data View data. The query returns information on PLUS borrowers, such as the selected Credit Balance Option and the borrower’s information. The query can also optionally display additional details on per-term amounts and detailed disbursement information.

RS-25615Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

Title: Update Regent Queries to Accommodate 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25615; RS-26511; RS-26510; RS-26509;


ISIR and Student Data object fields have been updated in the Query Tool to support the 2024-2025 ISIR changes.

The following ISIR object field names were updated:

  • Query Property Name: 1st Bachelor's Degree By → First Bachelor’s Degree By
  • Query Property Name: FTI: FISAP Total Income → FISAP Total Income
  • Query Property Name: HS Diploma or Equivalent → High School Completion Status
  • Query Property Name: Parent Residency Date → Parent Residence Date
  • Query Property Name: Pell Eligibility → Pell Grant Eligibility
  • Query Property Name: Selected for Verification → Student is Selected for Verification
  • Query Property Name: Student Residency Date → Student Residence Date
  • Query Property Name: Transaction Processed Date → Transaction Process Date

The following ISIR object fields were deprecated:

  • Query Property Name: 1st Bachelor's Degree
  • Query Property Name: Date Application Completed
  • Query Property Name: Primary EFC

The following ISIR object field options were added:

  • Query Property Name: Dependency Status → New option of Z - Provisional Independent was added.
  • Query Property Name: High School Completion Status → Updated option text → State-recognized high school equivalent (e.g., GED)
  • Query Property Name: Student Tax Filer Status → Updated option text → Qualifying Surviving Spouse

The following ISIR object fields were added:

  • Query Property Name: Parent Spouse or Partner Tax Filer Status → The derived value using the precedence rules in the SAI calculations will be returned.
  • Query Property Name: Parent Tax Filer Status → The derived value using the precedence rules in the SAI calculations will be returned.
  • Query Property Name: SAI
    • Note: This query field replaces the Primary EFC query field. The value(s) entered return ISIR EFCs for the 2023-2024 FAY and prior and return ISIR SAIs for 2024-2025 FAY and forward.
  • Query Property Name: Spouse Tax Filer Status → The derived value using the precedence rules in the SAI calculations will be returned.
  • Query Property Name: Student Tax Filer Status → The derived value using the precedence rules in the SAI calculations will be returned.

The following Student Data object field options were added:

  • Query Property Name: High School Diploma Type → Updated option text → State-recognized high school equivalent (e.g., GED) and Added option → None of the above

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-25612Regent Award/ReviewDocuments

Title: Update Document Setup/Functionality to accommodate 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25612; RS-26558; RS-26572; RS-26559; RS-26560; RS-26561; 26562;

Document Setup has been updated to support the significant changes in the 2024-2025 ISIR layout. Schools must configure new document requirements for 2024-2025 and subsequent FAYs AFTER upgrading to the 6.6 release. However, clients should NOT create a new 2024-2025 document for any Student Scoped documents not assigned by the ISIR.

A checkbox was added on the Document Setup General tab, ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years’. When selected, all configuration fields and options displayed will apply only to 2023-2024 and prior FAY ISIRs. When this checkbox is not selected (default setting), all configuration fields and options displayed will apply only to 2024-2025 and subsequent FAY ISIRs. A mandatory build script will be run as part of the upgrade to this release to automatically set this checkbox for all current FAY documents.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-25566Regent FundWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Standard Scholarship Notification Communication Template

Tickets: RS-25470; RS-25504; RS-25258; RS-24581; RS-25471; RS-25007; RS-25566; RS-25567; RS-25568;


Standard ‘Scholarship Notification’ text, and email communication templates, and a new ‘Load All Campus Documents’ Context Data group, have been created in Regent to notify students when a Scholarship Opportunity document is available. Communication will generate when the scholarship document is configured with an ‘Auto Create Assignment Begin Date’. The communication will state when the documentation must be submitted, using the ‘Auto Create Assignment End Date.’

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-25524Regent AwardCOD

Title: Federal Work Study Schema/Process for 2022 Calendar Year

Tickets: RS-25524; RS-25130; RS-26220; RS-26221; RS-26317; RS-26318; RS-26319; RS-26320; RS-26340; RS-26341; RS-26342; RS-26343; RS-26344; RS-26345; RS-26346; RS-26389; RS-26390; RS-26423; RS-26633;

Description: New data fields have been added to the Import Federal Work Study Schema and changes made to existing required vs. optional data fields. A new export process, ‘Export Campus-Based Webfile’ using the XML Schema Version 1.0a has been added to the process selection menu. The export logic associates the FAY ISIR transaction, selects and sums the Work Study Earning records based on the ‘Paid Date’ by calendar year for the FAY, and exports records by FAY. Exported records are flagged as “sent” and are not picked up on subsequent runs. However, if there are student records that were not previously included in the Export file, users are able to add an appropriate ‘Paid Date’ to each record and rerun the process to export them. The ‘Payment Period’ tab name has been renamed to ‘Earnings’ with a list of expandable Calendar Years to align with export requirements. A new permission has also been added in the Export Processes tree to allow users with the enabled permission to run the ‘Export Campus-Based Webfile’.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-24977Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Allow Removal of Schools from Schools List in Access Form

Tickets: RS-26296; RS-24977; RS-26527;


School List fields in the Access application have been updated to include a ‘Select’ option, so that once a school has been selected, the user can effectively delete that school from the form by changing the dropdown option to ‘Select’ instead of the school name.

RS-24967Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Annual updates to 2023-2024 WI Grant and term awarding, and rounding rules lookup logic

Tickets: RS-25446; RS-24967; RS-25445; & RS-26099;


Implemented the 2023-2024 annual updates for the WI Grant award amounts and continued using the same awarding behavior for units within the lookup table. Applied the provided WI Grant Tuition Code list of Cost Groups in the SuppEx file for 2023-2024. Herzing’s duplicated cost groups were removed from the database. For 2023-2024 and onward the 2-Term and 3-Term tuition code, future course withdrawal, award amount lookup and awarding logic were updated and the logic surrounding rounding rule when the per term award amount for the first term ends in cents.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-24788Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: ‘eAccess ISIR Export File’ and ‘Access Database Export File’ Processes Updated for 2024-2025

Tickets: RS-26333; RS-24788; RS-24600; RS-24601;


‘eAccess ISIR Export File’ and ‘Access Database Export File’ Export Processes have been updated to align with changes to the 2024-2025 ISIR Format and the 2024-2025 master Access Application, respectively.

RS-24786Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Master Access Application for 2024-2025

Tickets: RS-23145; RS-24786; RS-26407; RS-26413; RS-26503; RS-26532; RS-26537; RS-26894;


A new master Access application Smart Form has been created for the 2024-2025 aid year. The new application aligns closely with the 2024-2025 FAFSA.

Note: For Parent and Parent Spouse or Partner, SSN and ITIN are consolidated into one field as they were for 23-24, in order to align with existing Parent Account Validation processes for the portal. The field is required and has help text advising the user to enter all zeroes if the parents have neither SSN or ITIN. The eAccess ISIR Export process has been updated to map the value entered for the combined field into either the SSN or ITIN fields based on whether the first digit is a '9', as SSNs cannot begin with a 9 and ITINs must begin with a 9.

Also, per client findings during Beta testing, the form was updated to remove default values for the “First Bachelors Degree By” question and the “Pursuing Teacher Certification” question. The teacher certification will not be shown if the response to the “First Bachelors Degree By” question is “No.”

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Access - Export Files.

RS-24780Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Updates to Regent Award ISIR Import and ISIR Correction Export Processes for 24-25

Tickets: RS-26333; RS-24780; RS-26550; RS-26641;


Per the 24-25 ISIR layout received from the Department of Education, updates have been made to Regent’s ISIR Import and ISIR Correction Export processes to accommodate processing of 24-25 ISIR data.

RS-24774Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Updates to Regent Award ISIR Tab for Processing 24-25 ISIRs

Tickets: RS-26333; RS-24774; RS-26596; RS-26597; RS-26598; RS-26599; RS-26281; RS-25857;


Per the 24-25 ISIR layout received from the Department of Education updates have been made to Regent’s ISIR Details page, ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard, Compare ISIRs Wizard, and ISIR Print functionality to accommodate processing of 24-25 ISIRs.

RS-24691Regent AwardRunbook

Title: Inactive related Classes for SAIG Schedule Process

Tickets: RS-24691; RS-26584; RS-26585;


In the SAIG Receive File Process users will now need to select an option for which files to retrieve as ‘All Files’ is no longer set as the default. When the ‘Receive Selected SAIG Files’ and ‘Save Selected Parameters’ button are selected the option ‘All Files’ will now display an error message when selected and there are no active message classes available within the file. The error message will read as follows:

  • “The scheduled SAIG Receive File process for All Files will not run as there are no related message classes selected.”

When the ‘Receive Selected SAIG Files’ and ‘Save Selected Parameters’ button are selected the option ‘All Files Supported And Configured' will now display an error message when selected there are no active message classes available within the file and the Process Type grid will no longer populate. The error message will read as follows:

  • “The scheduled SAIG Receive File process for All Files Supported And Configured will not run as there are no related message classes selected.”

When the ‘Receive Selected SAIG Files’ and ‘Save Selected Parameters’ button are selected the option ‘Files For Specific Processes' will now display an error message when selected when there are no active message classes available within the file and the Process Type grid will no longer populate. The error message will read as follows:

  • “The scheduled SAIG Receive File process for Files For Specific Process will not run as there are no related message classes selected.”

When the ‘Receive Selected SAIG Files’ and ‘Save Selected Parameters’ button are selected the option ‘Files for specific Message Classes' will now display an error message when selected when there are no active message classes available within the file and the Process Type grid will no longer populate. The Message Class grid will no longer populate as well, and the error message will read as follows:

  • “The scheduled SAIG Receive File process for Files for specific Message Classes will not run as there are no related message classes selected.”

All functionality for the 'Select Specific Files by Name' option will remain as current.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-24171Regent FundTechnical Design

Release Note and Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.

RS-20230Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Aid Year displayed in Task Queue

Tickets: RS-26133; RS-20230; RS-25645;


The behavior in Document Use Setup in Task Setup was updated to populate FAY’(s) in the Task Grid of Open and Completed Tasks when the following conditions are set as follows:

  • Document Setup when the ‘Task Trigger For’ is set to ‘All’ and ‘FAY Scope Value(s) column is set to ‘FAY Value(s)’ and the 'Include Student Scope’ column is either selected or unselected, one or multiple FAYs will populate in the grid.
  • In Document Setup when the ‘Task Trigger For’ is set to ‘Each’ and ‘FAY Scope Value(s) column is set to ‘FAY Value’ and the 'Include Student Scope’ column is either selected or unselected, one or FAY will populate in the grid.
  • In Document Setup when ‘Apply to All Scopes’ is selected current functional will remain by displaying a blank value in the FAY column of the Task Grid.

The above conditions all apply to the following Task Types:

  • Review Received Document
  • Review Satisfied Document
  • Review All Actionable Documents
  • Review Received Document from Student
  • Review Conflicting Information Document(s)
  • Review C-code Resolution Document(s)
  • Review Un-mapped Documents
  • Review Student Document(s)
  • Review Facilitate Verification Document(s)
  • Review PJ Document(s)
  • Review Facilitate Military Review Document(s)

Customer Zone Knowledge Base pages related to this ticket will be updated and changes published with certification of the 6.7 release.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-26758Regent ReviewConfiguration/Setup

A user unexpectedly cannot add more than 10 UDF to Document Setup.

Regent Award was incorrectly setting the pagination value to 10.

Regent Award is updated to remove the pagination value.

In Regent Award add more than 10 UDF fields Names and values under document setup.

RS-26682Regent AccessISIR Processing/Verification


A Dependent Student and Parent both signed an Access application. The student edited the student’s information, but did not change the parent information. When the student re-signed the updated application, the system unexpectedly did not calculate the EFC in the PDF or the ISIR.


Regent did not properly apply the previous signatures after a dependent student had updated student’s information and re-signed an application.


The system will now calculate EFC for dependent students when subsequent transaction's parent information was not changed and automatically signed by the parent's last signature.


Make changes to application questions that do not require parent resigning and confirm that the EFC is populated in PDF file, CSV file (Export Access Database Extract File), Email, and ISIR Tab for Subsequent ISIR Transactions.

RS-26652Regent FundConfiguration/Setup


The State of Legal Residence field under the Student Data object did not display the standard dropdown when selecting an option in the Query Tool and did not return the anticipated results.


The incorrect field name was being persisted for the stateOfLegalResidence query field.


The field name being persisted was updated.


Ensure to execute a full cache refresh by running the Refresh Cache Data process upon upgrading to the 6.6 release to ensure this field name is updated for all students.

Create a query via the Query Tool with the State of Legal Residence field. Ensure a dropdown is presented with a state list as the value options. Ensure the query is able to be run successfully and returns the anticipated results.

RS-26568Regent AccessStudent Experience


When attempting to make edits to an already submitted application, the “Edit Completed Form” option did not populate in the Student Experience Portal. Confirmed the Institution Setup configured to Allow Editing of Submitted Applications.


The system Application Programming Interface (API) used wrong identification (ID) for the document and because of that Student Experience Portal did not show the needed button, i.e. Edit Completed Form button.


The system API was updated in a way to get correct ID so that Edit Completed Form button is available for Submitted Applications.


Login to the Student Experience Portal as a student who already has Submitted Application, attempt to make edits to the application and confirm that the Edit Completed Form button is not present.

RS-26394Regent AwardPackaging


When a student is packaged after processing a program change, the terms disappear from the Academic Plan’s structure and awards are packaged into the wrong Federal Award Year.


When adding a term, Regent Award was not confirming if the term that was added was next possible term for that Academic Year, which resulted in adding two Summer trailer terms to a given Academic Year.


Added a check to ensure that when inserting a Summer trailer that the Academic Year doesn’t already contain a Summer trailer and the term added is the correct next Term.


Find the affected student. Run packaging. Confirm the Academic Plan structure does not contain duplicate terms.

RS-26283Regent AwardStudent Experience


My Borrowing Increases was not persisting in Change My Borrowing Amounts Workflow although the student had remaining loan eligibility.


Regent Award Loan Balance Tracker was not properly calculating remaining loan eligibility.


The logic of the Loan Balancer Tracker was improved to properly calculate remaining loan eligibility.


Login StudentX as affected student. Navigate to the Financial Aid section MAXIMUM BORROWING and select Change My Borrowing Amount. Increase loan by $100 and select Confirm. The final Total current loan amounts should increase the amount entered.

RS-26209Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly calculating PLUS loans inaccurately, leading to a high number of Review Eligibility and/or Review Overaward w/Unpaid Disbursement tasks that would not have been fired if not for the inaccurate packaging.

In Regent Award the "package to net" logic was not added to the Grad Plus loan.

Regent Award is updated to add "Package to net" logic to Grad Plus loan .

In Regent Award package a student with a Grad PLUS Loan, and confirm that the calculated Eligibility includes loan fees.

RS-26207Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly packaged awards inaccurately by a small dollar amount, leading to a high number of Review Eligibility and/or Review Overaward w/Unpaid Disbursement tasks that would not have fired if not for the inaccurate package.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating the Total fee, in paid disbursement, it was taking from the total and having an issue with rounding.

Regent Award is now updated to add method to consider all paid disbursements.

In Regent Award package the reported students and check awards amounts.

RS-26206Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly does not include calculated loan fees in the COA total when selecting a Loan Period via the drop-down on the Awards tab.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating COA for the loan period, the system does not adjust the balance for the loan period.

Regent Award is updated to consider the loan period balance during the packaging process. By this COA adjust fees for loan period.

In Regent Award select a Loan Period via the drop-down on the Awards tab and check the COA total.

RS-26185Regent AwardCommunications


The system is unexpectedly generating incorrect SAP communications to students with previous SAP records. Also, when a SAP record is created with an updated SAP review date, the system was generating communications from both the previous SAP record and the new SAP record.


The Communication filter did not use the proper criteria for SAP and the history of SAP records.


The Communication filters have been updated to collect all required data.


In Regent Award, package students with SAP statuses as Warning and Suspended and generate Communications (Satisfactory Academic Progress-Suspended/ Satisfactory Academic Progress-Warning). Open Processes tab and confirm that SAP Warning and Suspended filters do not select students with historic SAP statuses.

RS-26172Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup


Regent Award calculated tuition cost items 50% higher than configured at cost items setup for unknown reason


Regent Award failed to account for optional header/trailer for proration Academic Year cost item when determining the enrollment count.


The logic was updated so that at the time of packaging the system could consider Enrollment count and take a max value from Enrollment count and Yearly Maximum Terms.


Find the affected student. Run packaging. Verify COA setup for AY should distribute across the terms in the AY.

RS-26124Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly dividing the Sub and Unsub eligibility across all three terms including Summer when ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only' is False and 'Auto-include Header/Trailer terms for AY-based Funds’ is False.

Regent Award was not determining the correct number based on setup due to reducing number by an ineligible enrollment that was not in scope for counting.

Regent Award is updated to fix method logic to only reduce ineligible terms within the scope of counting.

In Regent Award package a student when ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only' is False and 'Auto-include Header/Trailer terms for AY-based Funds’ is False.

RS-26122Regent AwardAwarding

A school configured Fund Setup with ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only' set to “False.” Regent awarded some students unexpectedly high Subsidized Loan amounts in a single term.

Previously the functionality was to limit the Subsidized and then Unsub loans in a similar fashion. This left a partial subsidized and partial Unsub amount which is not compliant as they should not be allowed to accept Unsub when Subsidized loan eligibility remains.

The new functionality now limits the loan period combined Subsidized and Unsub loans of which a student can receive up to the full AY limit in Subsidized awards. Any remaining combined AY limit is offered via the Unsub loan.

Package an affected student with a two-term SAY who has enrollment in both terms, but is LTHT in one of the terms. Review the Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts in the single term with loans. Confirm the combined (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) amounts do not exceed one-half the combined annual limits for the student’s dependency and grade level.

RS-26087Regent AwardProgram Change


Regent was automatically processing a Progam Change in the next packaging run when a user manually set the Program Change to Substantially Equal in the Program Management Wizard and clicked ‘Cancel’ in Step 2.


The Program Management Wizard saved Course Enrollment changes to the database in order to successfully display accurate awarding in Step 2. When the user canceled out of the PMW without finalizing, the Course Enrollment changes remained in the database and were processed during the packaging process.


Regent has been updated to capture the original Course Enrollment changes and revert the changes when a user clicks ‘Cancel’.

The reverted changes are limited to:

  1. Program Site
  2. Programs are substantially equal?
  3. Use Prior SAP Status


Identify a student with a Program Change. Attempt to complete the Program Change via the Program Management Wizard by making a change to the ‘Program Site’. Continue to Step 2. Click ‘Cancel’. MAP student. Ensure no changes were made to the Program Site and student’s packaging. Repeat the above steps for a change to ‘Programs are substantially equal?’ and ‘Use Prior SAP Status’.

RS-26077Regent AwardPackaging


BBAY/Academic Year shifts were not occurring as expected after full return of loan aid when the term setup configuration option BBAY Anchor Determination was configured with the option Direct Loans Greater Than $0.


Regent Award failed to calculate non-Anchor option for enrollment anchoring option.


The logic of enrollment anchoring option was fixed.


Find the affected student. Complete R2T4. Perform negative EST. Run packaging and review the Academic Plan. The BBAY shift should happen to Summer 2023. The AY5 should start with Summer 2023.

RS-26058Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly awarded an inexplicably low Unsubsidized Loan amount.

Regent Award logic incorrectly caused the normal Subsidized Loan AY limit to be removed from the remaining aggregate Unsub when there was no Subsidized Loan award.

Regent Award is now updated and the logic has been fixed to not exclude the Subsidized Loan amount in this scenario.

In Regent Award package the reported students and confirm that Regent Award has calculated the correct loan amount.

RS-26054Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly awarded all of Hutch’s Spring Start students when 'Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only' is False.

The system did not account for the Subsidized Loan that was reduced by need.

Current logic has been to account for this issue.

In Regent Award, package a student when ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only’ is false/unselected.

RS-26047Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award incorrectly packaged Year-Round Pell and set YRP flags to wrong disbursements when negative disbursements occurred.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated YRP amount when some YRP disbursements had been paid.


Logic was updated to keep the YRP calculations consistent when YRP is paid.

Find the affected student. Run packaging. Verify YRP amounts and YRP flags. The YRP flags should be set only when 100% of Regular Pell is packaged.

RS-26037Regent AwardPackaging


For some non-term students the system incorrectly calculated the Payment Period End Date, only advanced packaging worked as expected.


Confirmed system issues with the 180-day rule (leave of absence) calculation. The system counted breaks for the reported students and calculated the 180 days between Last Attended Date and next Course Enrollment (CE) date. In a case when there are more days left in the current CE, the system counted it towards the 180 day break.


The code fix was applied to a 180-day rule method via adding a condition to compare the Last Attended Date date with a processing date or with the next CE date to calculate the 180-day break.


Navigate to a reported student Natalie Horner, 1268856MIL and update course KIN400X LDA with Withdrawal Date to 6/23/23 (course End Date), as it occurred in Production. Package them via Modify Academic Plan (MAP), make sure that Payment Period is opened and 180-day indicator is removed.

RS-26005Regent AwardCommunications

Regent Award unexpectedly includes the Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG) fund in the Standard PWD Notification communication where it must not be included.

Regent Award used the incorrect fund code.

Regent Award has been update to the correct fund code

In Regent Award, create and finalize an R2T4 and generate Communication for the PWD Notification

generate Communication for the PWD Notification communication after completing an R2T4 which created a PWD for only the Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG).

RS-25991Regent AwardR2T4


Total Unsub amount was unexpectedly duplicated in the 2023-04 Spring Payment Period and caused the total awards amounts to be over COA.


Regent Award initialized duplication for each award disbursement net amount.


Updated logic was added to check current award balance before calculating the amount for each disbursement.


Find the affected student, finalize R2T4, run packaging, and review the Academic Plan. The loan amount should not be duplicated.

RS-25988Regent AwardAwarding


Manually added cost adjustment was unexpectedly removed for future terms, though the student was not enrolled yet.


During the recalculation process, Regent Award incorrectly handled Anticipation Enrollment for future terms from the Reconciliation process.


The logic was updated to include a step to take allows enrollment be picked up from reconciliation.


Find the affected student. Manually add cost adjustment for future term and run packaging. The cost should not be removed.

RS-25920Regent AwardPackaging


The student’s anticipated units unexpectedly increased twice within the AY due to the duplicating payment periods.


Course enrollment calculation process duplicated the units amount associated with the program.


The logic was improved to exclude duplication of anticipated units


Find the affected student, run packaging, and observe results. Confirm that the student has correct amount of hours divided equally to ensure that awarding will be correct.

RS-25811Regent AwardAwarding


The system did not follow awarding and rounding rules and incorrectly rounded up the Wisconsin State Grant in the third term, i.e. in Summer 2023.


The system used an incorrect awarding method for the Wisconsin State Grant rounding rules, which caused the award to be rounded up in subsequent terms instead of being truncated.


The system will now use the correct rounding rules which will round up the award amount in the first term and the remaining terms will be truncated.


The instance with a time machine is needed to validate that system works as expected for Summer 2023 term. Find the affected student and set June 2023 on a time machine and perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP). Make sure that the award is truncated and not rounded up.

RS-25810Regent AwardR2T4


Regent Award unexpectedly did not auto-populate the Net Accepted Amount for Pell in the R2T4 PWD Tab and Pell was canceled after the Cancel Date.

Root Cause:

The R2T4 process did not populate the PWD disbursement accepted amount and inadvertently canceled the associated payment.


The PWD disbursement accepted amount is populated during the R2T4 process.


Find the affected student. Add R2T4 resulting in PWD. Finalize R2T4. Make sure that PWD Pell accepted amount is not canceled

RS-25779Regent AwardPackaging


Unexpected errors occurred during the Batch Packaging process where the system indicated “Value was either too large or too small for a decimal.


Regent Award incorrectly handled awards empty with values that caused errors during the BP process


The logic was updated with a validation check to ensure prevent these types of calculation errors going forward.


Find the affected student, run Batch Packaging and Review Batch Packaging results. Verify Batch Packaging is completed without errors.

RS-25703Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Regent Award Master Access Questionnaire is not consistently saving information for some fields that are blank and need to be re-populated when editing a completed application.

Regent Award had the dependency rule that was incorrectly interpreted due to a specific javascript value type comparison.

Regent Award has an updated dependency processing logic.

In Regent Award Complete the 2022-2023/ 2023-2024 application up to signature, Exit and save. Re-edit the application to complete the signature, checking the next fields: Student Asset fields, Parents' AGI from Income Tax Return.

RS-25690Regent AwardAwarding


Regent Award unexpectedly added additional Pell after R2T4 was Finalized.


Regent award incorrectly calculated Pell disbursements after finalizing R2T4 with the "Refund" result.


The refunded Pell disbursements calculation was fixed.


Find the affected student, complete R2T4, run packaging, and review Pell amounts. The eligible amount that was calculated after the refund should be present .

RS-25533Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award took an unusually long time to display the Packaging Grid list and show edits made in Bellevue’s QA2 and Production environments.

The grid display had poor performance.

The code has been updated to have better performance.

Login environment, open Administration Tab, select Packaging Grid and make edits. The system should be displaying in a timely manner.

RS-25511Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Cost Item Cost Rounding Level Code configuration is being overridden by Cost Setup Cost Rounding Level configuration. Regent Award unexpectedly rounds the costs to Dollar when the Cost Item Cost Rounding Level is set to Cent, and Cost Setup Cost Rounding is set to Dollar.

Regent Award was incorrectly using the rounding level of the cost setup during the base packaging process.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that the system will first check if the rounding level of the cost item is available. If it is available the system will use the the cost setup rounding level.

In Regent Award set Cost Setup with Update the Rounding Method to the Select (blank) as an option and Update the Cost Rounding Level Code to Cent. Then check if the Tuition is rounded correctly.

RS-25292Regent AwardCOD

Some students had extra, duplicate loans created by the cancel-and-recreate process. The original loans were blocked from disbursement with an EST-0013 error, as expected, because the system had marked those loans as unusable (“not managed by RNA”). However, the system did not properly cancel those older loans. In some cases, the system did not properly move the eligibility to the new, replacement loans. In some cases, the new loan period did not have the correct FAY matching the FAID.

Multiple factors were involved. For some loans, Regent detected a change in the underlying configuration in Fund Fees Setup. The configuration caused Regent to cancel and recreate the loans. Some loans also crossed over multiple FAYs, and had a change in the loan period dates. When loans were canceled and recreated, the new loan period sometimes had a different FAY than the original loan’s FAID. The system did not properly move the new loans to the new loan period with the correct FAY. In some cases, the system also did not correctly cancel and zero out the original loans.

Several updates were made. The system has improved logic to match the loan’s FAID and FAY with the loan period FAY. Regent also improved logic for dealing with multiple configured items on Fund Fees Setup. Regent does not automatically trigger the cancel-and-recreate process to unnecessarily replace a loan when the loan’s applicable Fund Fees Setup configuration is changed, but the new configuration has identical values to the fees on the existing loan. An additional check improved handling some cases where the academic plan was changed and the Academic Plan contained a manual AY0. The fixes are “going-forward” changes for current and future loans only.

Testing needs a backup restored with student data prior to the loans being canceled and recreated, and with configuration data matching the previous Fund Fees Setup. A “time machine” is also needed, to change the server date for testing. To test, first set the server date to a time well before their loans would have been canceled. Package the students. Update the server date to the day when the loans were canceled and recreated. Package the students again. Confirm that Regent only cancels-and-recreates loans when truly needed (such as the loan period’s dates occurring fully outside the FAY dates). Confirm that any new replacement loans are created with the correct FAY and FAID. Confirm any old loans are fully zeroed out and canceled. Move the server date as needed to a date to disburse the loans. Confirm the new loans can be disbursed.

RS-25196Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification


In the ISIR Corrections Wizard on the Regent Award ISIR tab for a 23-24 ISIR, the ‘Assumption Override Flags’ and ‘Reject Override Flags’ sections are not presented.


Code for presenting the sections was deleted in error.


Code to present the two sections was added back.


Start ISIR Corrections Wizard for 23-24 ISIR. Confirm sections are presented.

RS-25184Regent AwardPackaging


The system unexpectedly canceled aid and added a Pell error message 'enrollment is after program completion'. This was observed for A-B-A program change scenario.


Regent Award incorrectly reconciled a past Student BBAY Modification that caused $0 award amount in the case A-B-A program changes.


The logic of Regent Award was updated to correctly process A-B-A program changes and award amounts.


Find the affected student, verify Pell amounts, perform A-B-A program change, and run packaging. The eligible Pell should be packaged.

RS-24972Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Regent Award is not displaying the Verification Group sections for the 2023-2024 ISIRs in the Verification Wizard.

The Regulatory script did not contain the required Verification Group data.

Regent Award was updated to add the missing Verification Group information.

In Regent Award, start ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard for a student with a 2023-2024 ISIR that is selected for V1 or V4/V5 verification. Confirm that the Verification Groups are displayed.

RS-24764Regent AwardPackaging


The system did not round down the Pell Grant in the second term of the Academic Year (AY) for a student with the same enrollment level.


The system incorrectly distributed Year Round Pell (YRP) amounts among terms.


The code fix was applied and the system now distributes YRP amounts correctly.


The instance with a time machine is needed to validate that system works as expected. Find the affected student and set time to April 2023 on a time machine and perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP). Make sure that the Pell Grant disbursements are rounded up and down correctly.

RS-24552Regent AwardR2T4


The system returned an incorrect Unsubsidized Loan amount per R2T4 calculation.


Regent Award incorrectly calculated gross loan amount from net when finalizing R2T4 with refund.


The logic was updated to correctly calculate the net loan amount at STEP6 when finalizing R2T4 with a refund.


Find the affected student. Finalize R2T4 and review calculation results at STEP6. Net loan amount should be calculated and displayed.

RS-19888Regent AwardConversion

Regent Award is not showing the full list of the student's courses on the Conversion Process Review Student page.

Regent Award did not display course records without linked Course Enrollment (where linked CE was missing).

Regent Award is updated to add a new section "All courses not related to a CE", to display the courses without linked CE.

In Regent Award start the Conversion Process: Review Queue, and check the Course Information table to verify courses and new grid.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-26756Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-26756;


The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_CODAward_View_v007
  • dataExtract_Document_View_v010
  • dataExtract_DocumentAssignmentISIR_View_v006
    • The name changed from dataExtract_DocumentAssignmentISIR_Config_View_v005
  • dataExtract_DOCUMENT_CommentCodes_View_v004
    • The name changed from dataExtract_DOCUMENT_CommentCodes_Config_View_v003
  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v017
  • dataExtract_IOProcess_View_v004
  • dataExtract_ISIRRecordData_View_v005
  • dataExtract_RegentFundAwardDisbursementData_View_v003

The following Data Views were created per new tables:

  • dataExtract_DocumentAssignmentISIRGenericCodeSet_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ExecutionPointScript_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ExecutionPointScriptMetaData_View_v001
  • dataExtract_ISIRRecordData2_View_v001
  • dataExtract_SecurityGroup_View_v001
  • dataExtract_SecurityGroupFund_View_v001
  • dataExtract_SecurityGroupLogin_View_v001
  • dataExtract_WorkStudy_View_v001

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

RS-25719Data Views

Title: New Data View Query for PLUS Borrower Information

Tickets: RS-24310; RS-25719; RS-25721;

Regent has a new Query for Data View data. The query returns information on PLUS borrowers, such as the selected Credit Balance Option and the borrower’s information. The query can also optionally display additional details on per-term amounts and detailed disbursement information.

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