/ Release Notes Release Notes



Release Date6/18/2018
Document Updated

Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the Regent Award Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements including:

  • TD Client transmission access to the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG).
  • Added Term/Module-based "Add/Drop" date to refine the use of withdrawn courses in SAP calculations
  • New SAP option to delay SAP calculations until all grades are received.
  • Improvements to the detail included in certain tasks to improve usability.
  • Focused support for awarding the Ohio College Opportunity Grant grant as a first step in developing reusable code that is anticipated to culminate in future Funds Management tools for users.
  • Increased capacity of the standard Verification Worksheet for up to 20 for children or dependents.

New Configuration Options

Institution Setup - See Institution Setup Data Elements in the Regent Award Administrator Guide for more details.

  • "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" was added to Institution Setup in support of "Delay the SAP Calculation if the SAP Review Period is Missing Grades."
  • "Auto-Package New Title IV Awards in Rebuild Loan Award Periodswas added to Institution Setup in support of "Auto-Package New Title IV Awards in Rebuild Loan Award Periods."

Term Setup - See Term Setup Data Elements in the Regent Award Administrator Guide for more details.

  • "Last Day for Drop/Add" was added to Term Setup in support of "Use Term-level "Last Day for Drop/Add" Date for SAP Calculations."  
  • "Last Day for Drop/Add" was added to the Modules tab of Term Setup in support of "Exclude Courses Withdrawn During Drop/Add for Each Configured Module."


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-13098Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Update to Fund Setup field "Official Fund Name" default value selection

Tickets: RS-13098;

The "Add Fund" screen on Fund Setup was enhanced to update the default value of the "Official Fund Name" field. Previously, the field defaulted to a value of "Direct Graduate PLUS Loan." The field has been updated to have no default value selected.

RS-12450Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Wisconsin State Grant Enhancements - End of FAY
Tickets: RS-12450; RS-12388;

Regent Award was enhanced to accommodate the rules associated with the closing of Wisconsin's Federal Award Year (FAY).  The Wisconsin Grant (WG-PNP) 2017-2018 FAY closes on June 8, 2018. This date is configured as part of the school-specific lookup file.

The impacts on the closing of the FAY to the Wisconsin Grant awards are as follows:

  • If the award has been paid and the eligibility change for the Summer term occurs on or after the End of FAY date:
    • Summer term WG-PNP award is adjusted downward only (refunds will be required).
    • No upward adjustments to the Summer term WG-PNP award are allowed
    • No upward or downward adjustments are allowed to previous term WG-PNP awards for the FAY (regardless of eligibility change).
  • If the WG-PNP award for a previous term has not been paid by the End of FAY date, the award is canceled (changed to $0).

For more information on Wisconsin State Grant, see the User Guide topic Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP).

RS-12138Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Display Packaging Errors on Regent Award Wizards
Tickets: RS-12138; RS-12139; RS-12141; RS-12142;

Regent Award currently displays packaging errors (e.g., document block, task block, rebuild block, batch packaging errors, etc.) in the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) Wizard. The system was enhanced to display these same errors in the "Adjust Resource" Wizard, "Student Breaks" Wizard, "Calculate SAP" Wizard, and "Perform R2T4" Wizard.

RS-11834Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Ohio State Grant (OCOG).
Tickets: RS-11834; RS-11836; RS-11837; RS-11839; RS-11840; RS-11842; RS-11881; RS-11887; RS-11904; RS-12965; RS-13184;

Regent has automated the awarding of the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG). The automation of the disbursement process is not in scope for this release; thus, the fund will remain non-disbursable at this time.

For more information, please see the User Guide topic Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG).

RS-2135Regent AwardAwarding

Title: NSLDS TMSFAH Imports: Add additional validation to the DEX XML template
Ticket: RS-2135;

Regent has enhanced the validation of the NSLDS file import process. When an invalid Transfer Monitoring Alert (TMS) file is imported, an error message will be provided to the end user on the Process Log.

RS-2113Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Clear Internal Disbursement Release Indicator (DRI) Date for COD Web Response Files

Tickets: RS-2113;

Regent Award has enhanced the COD Web Response (WB file) import process to update an internal date field. When a school runs the "EST for DRI" process, the system sets the Disbursement Release Indicator (DRI) flag to true. At the same time, the system also sets an internal DRI date. The internal DRI date is used for holding the date a disbursement will be paid, pending the disbursement's acceptance by COD. Once COD has accepted the disbursement and the school runs the "EST for AR" process, the internal DRI date value sets the disbursement's actual release date value and the internal DRI date field is cleared.

Previously, if a school paid a disbursement via COD on the Web, Regent Award did not clear the internal DRI date because the disbursement was not paid via the "EST for AR" process in Regent Award. With this enhancement, when a COD Web Response is imported for a disbursement, the system also clears the disbursement's internal DRI date.

RS-13137Regent AwardCOD

Title: SAIG Mailbox Integration
Tickets: RS-3770; RS-12880; RS-12877; RS-12879; RS-12790; RS-13005; RS-13137; RS-13138; RS-13168; RS-13169;

Regent Award has been enhanced to provide direct integration with the SAIG Mailbox. Schools are now able to send and receive files from the SAIG mailbox from within the Regent Award application. Schools have the ability to configure which Regent Award Processes to use with the Regent SAIG integration functionality. For a given process type, all message classes supported by that file type will be sent/received to SAIG if the process type is configured for use with SAIG within Regent Award. Schools can further choose to have Regent automate SAIG transmission and receipt of the configured process file types or to manually transmit and import the files to/from SAIG and into Regent Award. Schools will also have the ability to re-transmit previously sent files as needed, reset their SAIG login credentials with SAIG, or save their SAIG login credentials that were synced with SAIG by other means.

Some important notes about the SAIG Mailbox integration:

  • Regent installs TD Client software provided by the Department of Education on Regent servers for client access in support of file transfer automation to/from the school’s main SAIG mailbox. 
  • Institutions electing to use this option will be responsible for maintenance of their SAIG credentials in the screen provided for this purpose – passwords will be encrypted.
  • Institutions will have sole authority to manage the timing and content of file creation and transmission – the User determines what data is sent to SAIG via scheduled or manual export of data from the institution’s Regent database.
  • Regent does not interface with the institution’s SAIG mailbox, but does provide the TD Client software to institutions in support of file transactions.
    Institutional users will still be able to log into the SAIG mailbox by other means.

See the User Guide topic SAIG Mailbox Integration

RS-12196Regent AwardCOD

Title: Update to COD Reject Code Text 
Tickets: RS-12196;

Regent Award has been updated to display the appropriate text on the COD Tab, when a student has a COD reject 50, 67, 220, 222, or 223 per the November 20, 2017 update to the 2017-2018 COD Technical Reference.

RS-13183Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Export ISIR Identity Verification: New option for auto-setting the Identity Verification value

Tickets: RS-3889; RS-13183; RS-13193; RS-13195;

The Export ISIR Identify Verification Process screen has been modified to provide a new configurable option to the "Export Students with No Response" feature. If an ISIR Identity Verification value has not been provided for the student, the system can automatically set the student's ISIR Identity Verification value to “5” (“No response from applicant or unable to locate”), and flag the student for export. The school can now select the number of days from the time Verification documents were assigned to the student to when the system will automatically set the student's Identity Verification value to "5."

On the Export ISIR Identity Verification screen, the school can enter the number of days since the date of the earliest ISIR with a V4 or V5 value was imported for the student for the FAY. The value entered must be less than or equal to 60. For example, if 30 is entered, the system will identify students for whom at least 30 days have elapsed since the earliest ISIR with a V4 or V5 value was imported for the student for the FAY, and if the student does not have an ISIR Identity Verification value already entered by a school user, the system will set the student's ISIR Identity Verification value to "5" and flag the student for export.

For more information, see the following User Guide topics:

RS-13317Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Enhanced Support for an Undergraduate and Graduate ISIR in the same FAY

Tickets: RS-13317;

The ISIR correction functionality was enhanced when the “Package Using Corrected active ISIR, Transmitted” or the “Package Using Corrected Active ISIR Not Transmitted” option is selected for cases when the ISIR correction changes a student from Undergraduate to Graduate or the reverse. When the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard is used to change a student’s program level from Undergraduate to Graduate, Regent Award will not use the corrections on that ISIR to package the student’s Graduate awards. This allows Regent to maintain the integrity of Undergraduate ISIR data required to support eligibility determinations for any Undergraduate enrollments within the same FAY. When the corrected Graduate ISIR is imported, it will be applied to the student’s Graduate enrollments. Likewise, if a student has a Graduate ISIR that is corrected to become an Undergraduate ISIR, the corrections will not be used by the system to repackage the student in order to maintain the integrity of the Graduate ISIR data for any Graduate awards within the FAY. When the corrected Undergraduate ISIR is imported, it will be applied to the student’s Undergraduate enrollments within the FAY. This enhancement furthers our unique ability to support both Undergraduate and Graduate ISIRs in the same FAY.

For more information, see User Guide topic Graduate and Undergraduate ISIRs

RS-13238Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Auto-Package New Title IV Awards in Rebuild Loan Award Periods
Tickets: RS-12949; RS-13270; RS-13279;

A new configuration setting has been added to Institution Setup: Auto-Package New Title IV Awards in Rebuild Loan Award Periods. If the configuration setting is No, and a student has a COD Rebuild Title IV loan, Regent Award will not automatically package any new Title IV awards in that award period. If the configuration setting is Yes, then Regent Award will create and package new Title IV loans in that award period according to the Packaging Philosophy. The default value is No.

For example, a student might have unmet costs in an Academic Year (AY) that already contains Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized COD Rebuild Loans. If the configuration setting is No, Regent Award would not automatically package any new Parent PLUS loans for that AY. However, if the configuration setting is Yes, and the Packaging Philosophy is configured to auto-package Parent PLUS, Regent Award would automatically create and package a new Parent PLUS loan.

RS-12490Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Last Packaged on Date Improvement

Ticket:  RS-12490 CLOSED

Regent Award was improved to ensure that a student's "Last Packaged On" date is being updated each time a student is packaged by any method. Previously, only the Batch Packaging process updated the student's "Last Packaged On" date. With this improvement, the "Last Packaged On" date will now be updated when the student is packaged via the Modify Academic Plan Wizard, Add / Modify Award Wizard, Program Management Wizard, R2T4 Wizard, etc.

RS-8789Regent ReviewProcess Log

Title: Updated Help Text for Include "S" and "W" Verification Statuses

Tickets: RS-8789;

Regent Award has updated the "Info Icon" help text for the Institution Setup setting, Include "S" and "W" Verification Statuses. The new text aims to more clearly describe the Ready to Package file output:

When this option is set to "Yes," the Ready to Package file will also include students whose current active ISIR has a verification status of either “Selected, Payment Without Verification“ or “Selected, Not Verified.” Those students must meet all other requirements for the existing Ready to Package process. Students meeting these criteria will be exported on the Ready to Package file in a “Ready to Package” status.

For students needing Identity Verification, the Identity Verification value must also be provided for the corresponding FAY. If the Identity Verification value for the corresponding FAY is removed, the student will be re-exported on the Ready to Package file in a “Pending” status.

RS-3891Regent AwardProcess Log

Title: Process Log: Students tab - Revise warning message text
Ticket: RS-3891;

Regent Award has improved error messaging in the Process Log. A new error message was added when there is simply no data to pick up for the process: "No students were picked up during this process." When the data has been removed/cleaned up and is no longer available, the existing message, "This data has expired and is no longer available." will be used.

RS-13055Regent AwardSAP

Title: Use Term-level "Last Day for Drop/Add" Date for SAP Calculations
Tickets: RS-13013; RS-13055; RS-13060; RS-13061; RS-13062; RS-13063; RS-13064; RS-13065;

A SAP calculation gap was identified for schools using Regent Award’s student-level census feature. In some cases, the student's Census Date was being set to a date after the term level Census Date, which is correct for Pell awarding but is not correct for SAP. SAP calculations use the concept of a "Last Day for Drop/Add" date when determining units to be included or excluded in the attempted and cumulative attempted units of the SAP Pace calculation.

To address this issue, Regent Award was enhanced to add a new date, "Last Day for Drop/Add," on Term Setup (see Term Setup Data Elements in the Regent Award Administrator Guide for more details). This date was set to the current Census Date 1 value for all terms across all current Regent Award clients in order to ensure current functionality is not affected. Further, Regent Award's SAP calculations were updated to use the new "Last Day for Drop/Add" field when determining which courses should be excluded from the SAP "attempted" units when they were attended but withdrawn on or prior to that date.

The SAP Setup configuration option "Include Attended courses dropped before Census" was also updated to a new, more accurate name of "Include Attended courses dropped on or before Term Last Day for Drop/Add."

RS-12538Regent AwardSAP

Title: Delay the SAP Calculation if the SAP Review Period is Missing Grades

Tickets: RS-13038; RS-13039; RS-13040; RS-13041; RS-13042; RS-13043; RS-13044;

Regent Award has been enhanced with a new configurable option to delay a student's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation if the student is missing grades on any of the courses within the SAP Review Period. This new feature can be configured on Institution Setup in the new field "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades." The field is set to "No" by default.

When the "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" is set to a value of "Yes," Regent Award will check that all courses within the SAP Review Period are graded before calculating SAP for the student. If one or more grades are missing, the student's SAP status will be reported as "Not Calculated" with a reason of "Missing Grades." The SAP calculation and future disbursements will be blocked for the student until all grades are received for the SAP Review Period.

This feature applies to all term-based programs, including non-standard term, but only to Calculated SAP policies (this does not apply to Manual or SIS Provided SAP policies).

For more details, see the Admin Guide topic SAP Setup - Admin Guide

RS-12537Regent AwardSAP

Title: Exclude Courses Withdrawn During Drop/Add for Each Configured Module 
Tickets: RS-3912; RS-12537; RS-RS-8756; RS-8768; RS-8778;

Regent now provides an option for Institutions using Modules configured in Regent Award to exclude courses that are withdrawn during Drop/Add periods from all aspects of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation, regardless of the student's attendance.

In support of this functionality, a new field "Last Day for Drop/Add" was added to the Modules tab of Term Setup. Please see Term Setup Data Elements in the Regent Award Administrator Guide for more details.

If the Last Day for Drop/Add is configured on Module Setup in Regent Award and the course withdrawal date (provided via the SBL or Course Overrides) is on or before the Module's "Last Day for Drop/Add," then that course will be excluded from the SAP calculations. The Course Details screen (Student's Courses tab) will provide a visual indication that Regent Award excluded the course from SAP via the "Calculated Exclude Course from SAP" and "Exclude Course from SAP" fields.

RS-13102Regent ReviewStudent Portal (SNAP)

Title: New Student Portal document sorting option

Tickets: RS-13102; RS-13226;


A new configuration option is now available for the Document Portlet that will provide a new way of sorting documents within the Document Portlet "My Form To Dos" Grid.

The existing option to sort the documents by "Created On Date" in descending order will remain the default sorting method. A new option, "FAY - Descending," will sort open documents as follows:

  1. Open documents with a scope of “Student” will appear at the top of the Document Porlet grid.
  2. Open documents with a scope of “FAY” will appear next, sorted based on the FAY scope value, beginning with the most recent FAY.
    • All open FAY scoped documents associated to the same year will be sorted with the most recent createdOn/modifiedOn dates at the top. For example, “open” 2018-19 documents will appear higher on the list than “open” 2017-18 documents.
  3. Open AY and PP based documents will appear below the FAY based documents using the Created On Date for sorting.

For example:

Document Name
Scope Value
Created/Modified On
Student DocumentStudentN/ANeeded01/01/2018
2018-2019 FAY Document AFederal Award Year2018-2019Needed03/15/2018
2018-2019 FAY Document BFederal Award Year2018-2019Needed02/01/2018
2017-2018 FAY Document AFederal Award Year2017-2018Needed02/01/2017
2017-2018 FAY Document BFederal Award Year2017-2018Needed01/20/2017
AY1 AY DocumentAcademic YearAY1Needed05/01/2017
Fall 2018 PP DocumentPayment PeriodFall 2018Needed05/01/2018
RS-13221Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Added new data fields to "Review Unclean ISIR" Task Trigger details. 
Tickets: RS-13221;

The following new data fields were added to the task detail screen of the "Review Unclean ISIR" task:

  • FAY for the ISIR that triggered the task
  • CPS Transaction Number for the ISIR that triggered the task
  • Most recent previous CPS Transaction Number for the same FAY that was marked as "Active"
RS-12799Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Added new data fields to "Review Subsequent Unclean ISIR" Task Trigger details. 
Tickets: RS-12799;

The following new data fields were added to the task detail screen of the "Review Subsequent Unclean ISIR" task:

  • FAY for the ISIR that triggered the task
  • CPS Transaction Number for the ISIR that triggered the task
  • Most recent previous CPS Transaction Number for the same FAY that was marked as "Active"
RS-12798Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Added new data fields to "Review Potential IASG" Task Trigger details 
Tickets: RS-12798;

The following new data fields were added to the task detail of the "Review Potential IASG" task:

  • FAY for the ISIR that triggered the task
  • CPS Transaction Number for the ISIR that triggered the task
RS-12797Regent ReviewTasks

Title: Added new data fields to "Review Student Message" Task Trigger details 
Tickets: RS-12797;

The following new data fields were added to the task detail screen of the "Review Student Message" task:

  • Message Subject
  • Date/Time the message was received
  • A link to that message on the Communications Tab.
RS-13051Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update to the document attachment hyperlink color on Documents Tab when clicked.
Tickets: RS-13051;

On the Documents Tab, the hyperlink to an attached document changes color once the hyperlink has been clicked by the end user. School users reported that the text of the hyperlink changed to the color white when clicked, making it invisible to the User unless the User closed and then reopened the document. The application has been updated to change the text color to black when the document attachment is clicked so that it remains visible on the UI.

RS-3800Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Ability to Sort Tasks by Student's Last Name
Ticket: RS-3800;

On the Task Management screens, the "Student Name" column previously displayed the student's name in the format "First Name Last Name." The format has been updated to "Last Name, First Name" in order to provide schools with the ability to sort tasks by the student's last name.

RS-13202Student PortalWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Update to the End Date for 2017-18 and 2018-19 Standard Verification Worksheets
Ticket: RS-13202;

Regent updated the End Date for 2017-18 and 2018-19 Standard Verification Worksheets as follows:

  • 2017-18: End Date = 10/1/2018
  • 2018-19: End Date = 10/1/2019
RS-13113Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Update to the "Standard 2018-2019 Verification Worksheet" Questionnaire for additional children/dependents
Ticket: RS-13113;

Regent updated the Standard 2018-2019 Verification Worksheet Questionnaire to support up to 20 children or other dependents.

RS-12700Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Verification Worksheet Smartform Exception Message

Tickets: RS-12700;

The Verification Worksheet was enhanced to display the following exception message if a user attempts to access the Verification Worksheet Smart Form via the Student Portal and there is no Active ISIR for the associated Federal Award Year (FAY) or if the Active ISIR for the associated FAY is not Selected for Verification: "Unable to locate Active ISIR selected for Verification. Please see Financial Aid Office for assistance."


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-13315Regent AwardAwarding

Students with Year-Round Pell (YRP) awards were unexpectedly awarded $1 over their 150% maximum amounts.

The Year-Round Pell amounts were unexpectedly rounded up instead of truncating.

Regent Award now has additional logic to check for rounded values in Year-Round Pell maximum amounts. The system ensures the amounts do not exceed 150.000% of the student's annual maximum.

Navigate to an affected student who has a current maximum Year-Round Pell award. Clear any packaging blockers. Repackage the student. Regent Award will repackage the Pell amount to not exceed 150.000% of the student's annual Pell limit.

RS-13272Regent AwardAwarding

In the first term of a two-term Academic Year (AY), a term student had a paid loan disbursement, then the student later dropped to Less Than Half Time (LTHT) enrollment in the term. The student still had half-time (HT) or greater enrollment in the second term in the AY. A user edited the loan in Modify Award Wizard (MAW). After editing in MAW, the loan still had a nonzero disbursement for the LTHT payment period. However, the system unexpectedly did not include the LTHT term in the Financial Award Begin and End dates (Loan Period dates) shown on the Loans tab. The system also unexpectedly did not include the LTHT term when reporting the loan's Financial Award Begin and End dates to COD.

The system had moved the loan off of the first term in the AY (the LTHT term) and on to the second term of the AY (the HT or greater term). The loan was now on a Single-Term Loan Period for the wrong term. Because of the student's LTHT enrollment in the first term, the system did not change the loan period dates to include the LTHT term.

Additional logic was added for evaluating a loan's Financial Award dates. When sending loan data to COD, the system now includes a payment period in the Financial Award Begin and End dates whenever the payment period has either a positive loan amount, or the payment period has a positive paid amount.

Navigate to a student with a paid loan disbursement on a LTHT term. Use the Program Management Wizard (PMW), if needed, to create a loan period that includes the LTHT term. Edit the loan in MAW and ensure the loan still has a nonzero loan disbursement on the LTHT term. Continue through MAW. Refresh the Loans tab. Inspect the loan's Financial Award period dates. The Financial Award dates should include the LTHT term. Export the loan to COD. Inspect the exported data. The loan should export to COD with the correct dates, including the LTHT term with the nonzero loan disbursement.

RS-12991Regent AwardAwarding

In Modify Award Wizard (MAW), when a user edited a student's award and selected the "Override Eligibility Rules" checkbox, the wizard unexpectedly did not continue to Step 2. Instead, an error was displayed: Failed to Process. Error Msg: Sequence contains no matching element

The student had a shortened manual Academic Year that contained only one term instead of the normal two terms. The resulting Loan Period was a single-term loan period. When the loan was edited in MAW, and the "Override Eligibility Rules" checkbox was selected. Regent Award unexpectedly tried to calculate an amount for two terms: the term in the single-term loan period, and also the following term. The second term should not have been included, as it was neither in the loan period nor in the manual AY.

When an award is edited in MAW, and a user selects "Override Eligibility Rules," Regent Award does not try to calculate payment period amounts for any payment periods outside the loan period.

Navigate to an affected student. Edit an affected award using Modify Award Wizard. Select the "Override Eligibility Rules" checkbox, and enter Notes and a New Offer amount. MAW should continue without error. The adjusted award should successfully package.

RS-11924Regent AwardAwarding

For some nonterm students close to their NSLDS aggregate loan limits, Regent Award calculated incorrect amounts that were twice the expected eligible amounts.

Regent Award miscalculated the running aggregate totals for Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. The system incorrectly excluded loan periods with past end dates. The resulting remaining balances were incorrect.

Regent Award was updated to calculate combined aggregate amounts using loan periods from the past as well as current and future loan periods.

Navigate to an affected nonterm student who has aggregate loan amounts close to the maximum aggregate limits. Edit the student's loans in the Modify Award Wizard (MAW). Examine the Calculated Eligibility amounts. The eligible amount for each loan should not cause the student's loans to exceed the aggregate total limits.

RS-12914Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Students with a Less Than Half Time enrollment in the first term of their Academic Year (AY) and a Half-time or greater enrollment in the second term of their AY require a Single Term Loan (STL) to be packaged for the second term of the AY. In these cases, students were over-awarded by the amount of their Direct Loan origination fees.

In some cases, when a student had a STL in the second term of the AY, Regent Award did not correctly consider the student's loan origination fees when packaging funds subsequent to Direct Loans in the Packaging Philosophy order.

Regent Award was corrected to appropriately consider the Direct Loan origination fees when awarding students with STLs in the second term of the AY.

Repackage an affected student. The Direct Loan origination fees should be appropriately considered when packaging the student and any over-awards should be resolved.

RS-12554Regent AwardDocuments

When an administrator made changes to the Document Setup, General tab, the screen un-selected the checkbox for "Assign by SBL" on the SBL Assignment tab.

A bug in the Document Setup screen accidentally changed the checkbox selection when the checkbox should have been disabled or read-only.

If the "Assign by SBL" checkbox is disabled or read-only, then the system will not save any changes to the "Assign by SBL" checkbox value.

In Document Setup, edit the SBL Assignment tab, and select/check the checkbox for "Assign by SBL." Click Save. Go to the General tab. Make a change on the General tab and Save. Go back to the SBL Assignment tab and refresh. Examine the "Assign by SBL" checkbox. The "Assign by SBL" checkbox should keep its saved value.

RS-12268Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

A term-based school was configured as "Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements" equal to "No." R8 blocked packaging for students with a packaging error, Error validating plan - the payment period on paid disbursement...was moved from the original pp (Removed Payment Period Id[])...

When Regent Award checked to see which terms should be included in the Academic Plan, some terms were removed. The disbursements referenced in the error message were linked to those removed terms.

The code was updated to allow Regent Award to restore a term to the Academic Plan if the term has a paid disbursement.

For a school configured to not allow Regent Award to move paid disbursements (on Instituiton Setup, "Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements" is set to "No."), repackage the students who previously had the Batch Packaging error. The students should now package without error. The paid disbursements should stay on their original terms.

RS-8738Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

The EST Process Report showed extra, invalid, Payment Period records for some students.

The query that produced the output of the EST Process Report included Course Enrollment records from the Regent Award database that did not have an associated Payment Period on the student's Academic Plan.

The report query was updated to include only those Course Enrollment records that are linked to a corresponding valid Payment Period on the student's Academic Plan.

Run the EST Process Report and verify that only valid records are not included on the output.

RS-8753Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

The ISIR Verification/Correction Verification Wizard prevented users from re-editing fields that had already been changed, back to the original values.

An incorrect validation rule blocked the update of ISIR fields back to the initial/original value. The system ignored all new values that were the same as the initial one.

The validation rule applied to the field was corrected to allow the field to be updated to all applicable values.

On an affected student, go to ISIR tab, select any ISIR and click the 'Start ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard' button. Select the ISIR field number to be edited. Notice the original/default value of the field. Perform an update to the associated 'Corrected value' field. Click 'Continue.' Move to Step 2 and click 'Finish'. The field will update with a new value. Run 'Start ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard' again and change the new value back to the original/default one. Click 'Continue.' Move to Step 2 and click 'Finish.' 'Corrected for transmission on this ISIR' column should show the original field value.

RS-13342Regent AwardPackaging

When Regent Award packaged a student, an unexpected error resulted: Failed to Process. Error Msg: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: indices

The student had an award with an extra, $0 disbursement that would not be processed. Regent Award tried to schedule the $0 amount using the Disbursement Schedule. The system could not properly apply the Disbursement Schedule weights for the disbursement, and threw an unexpected exception.

When Regent Award is distributing proportional amounts according to the Disbursement Schedule, and a disbursement would not be processed (such as a cancelled disbursement), the system applies a zero weight to that disbursement.

Package the affected student. The student should successfully package without error.

RS-13341Regent AwardPackaging

A school was configured for a Standard Academic Year (SAY) with an anticipated optional Summer Header semester. When Regent Award packaged some students who had no Summer registration, their Academic Years (AYs) unexpectedly contained the Summer and Fall terms. The AYs should have been only the Fall and Spring terms.

The affected students had a non-enrolled, Autowithdrawn Summer term. When Regent Award checked to see if the Summer term should be processed as an optional header or trailer, the system unexpectedly treated Summer as a regular (non-optional) term.

When Regent Award adjusts enrollments in Academic Years, new logic was added to correctly process terms that are optional SAY header or trailers.

Navigate to a SAY Semester student who has no enrollment in the Summer header term. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP), Basic Packaging. The student's Academic Year should consist of the Fall and Spring terms only. Navigate to another student who is enrolled in the Summer term. Package that student using the MAP wizard. The Academic Year should include Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters.

RS-13301Regent AwardPackaging

When a user edited a loan in Modify Award Wizard (MAW) and continued through Step 3 "Adjust Disbursements," Regent Award unexpectedly canceled and zeroed out the existing disbursements.

MAW unexpectedly zeroed out disbursements and set them to a "Canceled" status if the payment period was inside the loan period.

MAW preserves nonzero payment period amounts from Step 2 to Step 3.

Edit a loan in Modify Award Wizard. Continue to Step 3. The existing disbursements should keep their original amounts. Those existing disbursements should not be Canceled. Continue through the wizard and Finish. Refresh. The loan amounts should be correct. If the loan was not previously manual, then it should stay in a non-manual status.

RS-13276Regent AwardPackaging

A fund was awarded eligibility based on a Satisfied Document. When a student had a final Academic Year (AY) in a shortened Remaining Period of Study (RPS), the system unexpectedly awarded the fund on both the RPS term and a non-enrolled term after the program ended.

When Regent Award confirmed eligibility based on a Satisfied Document, the system did not consider the payment periods' enrollment levels past the program completion in a shortened RPS Academic Year.

Regent Award now checks enrollment levels when awarding funds based on a Satisfied Document. Logic was added to consider the program's completion in a shortened RPS Academic Year. The system only awards funds onto eligible payment periods with anticipated or actual registration before the program is complete. The system does not award funds onto non-enrolled payment periods past the program's completion.

Navigate to an affected student in a shortened Remaining Period of Study final AY. Award a fund to an RPS AY by assigning a Document and setting the Document status to 'Satisfied.' Package the student, such as by using the Modify Academic Plan wizard. Regent Award should only award the fund on payment periods with anticipated or actual registration. Regent Award should not create any disbursements from the fund on the non-enrolled payment periods after the program ends.

RS-13274Regent AwardPackaging

A school had some FAY-based funds that were configured in Fund Setup and do not use a Regent custom ruleset. The funds were configured to round to cents. However, when Regent Award packaged the funds, some amounts were unexpectedly missing the cents.

The funds were configured with the distribution option, Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY, Not to Exceed Cost per PP. When Regent Award calculated the amounts for each payment period, the system did not use the proper rounding settings when distributing the payment period amounts.

Regent Award was corrected to apply the configured rounding setting when amounts are distributed across payment periods.

Navigate to an affected student who has a non-Title IV award with an incorrectly rounded amount in a current award period. Package the student. Refresh the Awards screen. The awards should show the correct expected amounts, including cents.

RS-13235Regent AwardPackaging

When trying to package a student, an unexpected packaging error occurred: Error validating plan for Student [#]: The number of disbursements was attempted to be increased on a paid Pell Rebuild award in a closed enrollment.

The system caused a validation exception when recalculating a COD Rebuild Pell award with Year Round Pell (YRP) disbursements in a past payment period.

The validation was corrected to allow updates to YRP disbursements in past payment periods.

Navigate to an affected student. Package the student. The student should package successfully without error.

RS-13110Regent AwardPackaging

A student had two overlapping PLUS loans, one for the full Academic Year and the other a single-term loan. Regent Award calculated an unexpectedly high "Calculated Eligibility" amount for the single-term PLUS loan.

The loan in the full AY Loan Period had the full offered amount. However, the student had only accepted part of that offered amount. When Regent Award calculated Unmet Cost for the single-term loan, the system only reduced the single-term loan's costs based on the overlapping loan's accepted amount.

Regent Award calculates each loan's total maximum eligibility, independent of accepted amounts in overlapping loan periods. The system does not exceed each loan's maximum eligibility amount.

Navigate to an affected student who has multiple, overlapping, current PLUS loans, including a single-term PLUS loan. Package the student. Check the PLUS calculated eligibility amounts. The PLUS calculated eligibility on the single-term loan should not exceed the term's cost of attendance (COA). None of the PLUS loans should be overawarded above COA and other resources, for the single term PLUS as well as the full-AY PLUS.

RS-13106Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was incorrectly awarding students who were eligible for less than the $1000 annual minimum Wisconsin Grant (WG-PNP).

Student's eligible for the Wisconsin Grant must be eligible for an annual minimum award of $1,000. If the student is eligible for any less, the student does not receive the award. Regent Award was not honoring this rule.

The missing minimum annual award check was added to the WG-PNP Formula.

Repackage students whose annual Wisconsin Grant is below the annual minimum award amount ($1000) and ensure that the student does not receive the Wisconsin Grant during any term of the FAY.

RS-13017Regent AwardPackaging

A student had an institutional award created by a "Satisfied" document. Later, the document was changed to a status of "Needed" and the award canceled as expected. However, when the document was later changed back to a "Satisfied" status, the award unexpectedly remained Cancelled.

The student had a Less-Than-Half-Time (LTHT) enrollment. Regent Award unexpectedly failed to reinstate the canceled award due to unexpectedly applying Federal Direct Loan truncation logic to the institutional award.

Regent Award now reinstates canceled non-Title-IV disbursements on LTHT enrollments if a student regains eligibility and no other blockers exist for that enrollment.

On a student with LTHT enrollment, assign a document and set it's status to "Satisfied" in order to award an institutional fund. Package the student. The institutional fund should award full eligibility. Change the document to a status of "Needed" and repackage the student to cancel and zero out the institutional award. Change the document back to "Satisfied" status and repackage the student. The institutional award should be reinstated at the full amount.

RS-12992Regent AwardPackaging

When some students are packaged, an unexpected message occurs, similar to: Failed to Process. Error Msg: Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan has an already-released or paid disbursement #1 paid $200 on 1/23/2018 in Spring 2018. Fund Setup disallows increasing paid disbursements on this Fund. Please correct the Import Award data. Some additional students had another error message with the same root cause: Non-unique disbursement number(s) detected in Award.

Two issues were found. First, Regent Award did not properly apply the configuration setting for "Attempt to Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged" on imported COD Rebuild awards with multiple, paid disbursements. The problem affected single-term COD Rebuild loans with multiple, nonzero, paid disbursements. In another similar issue, Regent Award unexpectedly failed to correctly reduce some paid disbursements for 150% Year Round Pell when the payment periods had multiple paid disbursements.

The "Attempt to Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged" logic was applied to imported COD Rebuild Awards and Year Round Pell disbursements with nonzero paid disbursement amounts.

Navigate to an affected student who had the packaging error, and has an affected single-term COD Rebuild loan with multiple, nonzero paid disbursements. Package the student, such as by using Modify Academic Plan wizard. The student should package successfully without error. Examine the disbursement amounts. The disbursement amounts should be correct. Navigate to another affected student who was giving the error for a Pell award with nonzero paid Pell disbursements. Package the student, such as by using Modify Academic Plan wizard. The student should package successfully without error. Examine the disbursement amounts. The disbursement amounts should be correct.

RS-12978Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award calculated new, lower eligibility amounts for some already-paid Institutional awards. However, the award amounts unexpectedly did not change on the Academic Plan. The lower amounts also did not result in refunds in the Export Student Transactions (EST) process.

When the awards were originally imported, they had overpaid amounts for some payment periods. When the system calculated new total amounts for each payment period, the system could not determine which overpaid disbursement should be changed.

Regent Award's logic was improved to better handle awards with multiple overpaid disbursements. The system calculates the difference between the paid amount and the eligible amount. Regent Award then evaluates each individual disbursement's amount and adjusts each disbursement as needed.

Navigate to an affected student in a current award period. Repackage the student. Confirm the award amounts correctly adjust. Execute the EST process for the student. The EST process should produce a negative transaction for the difference between the overpaid award and the new award amount.

RS-12973Regent AwardPackaging

When Regent Award packaged some students, packaging failed with an unexpected error: Error validating plan for Student [#]: Non-unique disbursement number(s) (7) detected in Award [#]

When Regent Award was reducing a paid amount and also adding a scheduled disbursement on an award, the scheduled disbursement number was unexpectedly not incremented. For example, if a Pell award was reduced by R2T4, and already had an existing disbursement number 7, the system may have added a new Year-Round Pell disbursement with number 7.

When Regent Award calculates the next disbursement number, when adding scheduled disbursements, the system checks for the highest disbursement number on an award.

Navigate to an affected student. Package the student. The student should successfully package without error.

RS-12962Regent AwardPackaging

The FAY-scoped awards were not packaging the amount per Payment Period correctly.

The award amount was not being limited by the remaining balance of the configured packaging "target" amount for the Payment Period. This "target" amount is configured by "Additional COA Requirements" on the Fund Setup. The full amount of the configured "Additional COA Requirements" total for the Payment Period was being used instead of the remaining balance after packaging prior awards.

Updated Regent Award to use the "Additional COA Requirements" remaining balance for the payment period when packaging the award.

Repackage the students with the FAY-scoped awards and verify that the per payment period award amounts are correct.

RS-12910Regent AwardPackaging

For students with a historic Academic Year (AY0), the Wisconsin Grant disbursement for the last term in the FAY was reduced to $0 even though the student's eligibility did not change.

During the recalculation of the Wisconsin Grant award, the AY0 award amount was treated as an overage, which in turn caused a reduction/cancellation of latter disbursements inf the FAY (last disbursement typically).

Updated the overage calculation logic to properly account for AY0, as well as the logic related to the configured FAY maximum limit.

Repackage the student with Wisconsin Grant awards including AY0 and verify the award amounts are correct and the last term's award is not $0.

RS-12907Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award calculated additional Subsidized Loan eligibility due to a grade level increase. Since the additional Subsidized Loan was not yet accepted by the student, the Unsubsidized Loan incorrectly awarded above the annual limit by the total amount of the Unsubsidized Loan origination fees.

Regent Award was not properly accounting for the additional 'Offered' amount of Subsidized Loan when calculating the student's Unsubsidized Loan amount, but was instead using the current Subsidized Loan award amount (prior to the acceptance of the increased eligibility due to the grade level increase) and therefore, attempting to add additional origination fees to the Unsubsidized Loan.

Regent Award was corrected to calculate the student's maximum annual loan limit using the student's Subsidized Loan eligibility, instead of the actual current Subsidized Loan award amount at the time of packaging.

Repackage an affected student. The Subsidized Loan should now be offered at a gross amount of $4,500, and the Unsubsidized Loan should be limited to the student's maximum annual Unsubsidized Loan eligibility.

RS-12683Regent AwardPackaging

Some BBAY term students had past loans for a single term. In an older version, Regent Award unexpectedly packaged the students with incorrect Financial Award Period dates. The incorrect dates unexpectedly matched the full Academic Year's (AY) dates. Because the loans now had award periods ending in the past, the system would not automatically change the dates for those past loans. Staff edited the past loans in Modify Award Wizard (MAW), to trigger the system to repackage the loans with corrected loan period dates. Regent Award automatically fixed the loan period dates on the edited loans, as expected. However, the next time Regent Award repackaged the loan in another process such as Batch Packaging, the system unexpectedly reverted the loan period date changes to incorrectly match the full AY.

When staff first corrected the loan in MAW, a new, shorter loan period was added by the system but it was only temporary. The next time the student was batch packaged or otherwise repackaged, Regent Award unexpectedly removed the new loan period, and moved the loan back to the full AY loan period dates.

When staff edit a loan using Modify Award Wizard, and the system updates the loan period dates, Regent Award now preserves the new loan period dates when the student is later repackaged in other processes.

Navigate to a student with an affected loan. Edit the loan in Modify Award Wizard. Continue through MAW, making no changes, and click "Finish." Review the loan period dates, displayed as the Financial Award Begin and End dates, on the Loans tab. Package the student again in another process. Refresh and view the Loans tab. The Financial Award Begin and End dates should still only include terms that have loan dollars. The Financial Award Begin and End dates should not include any terms with only $0 in loan disbursements.

RS-11965Regent AwardPackaging

When a student in a nonterm program missed or did not complete several courses, Regent Award recalculated both Academic Year and Loan Period start/end dates for the program. As a result, non-transfer courses that were attended after the program start date were incorrectly marked as internal transfer courses by the system.

Due to the manual update of Loan Periods and Academic Year dates via the Student's BBAY Modification, the system incorrectly applied the program start date when calculating the Academic Year, Enrollment, Payment Period, Loan Period inadvertently ignoring the student's BBAY modification results.

Regent Award was updated to calculate AY and Loan Period dates using the Student BBAY Modification changes.

Package an affected student. Review the Academic Plan tab and check the dates for the AY in question. The dates should be the same as they are in the associated Student BBAY Modification. Go to the Courses tab and confirm that "Conversion Calculated Internal Transfer" is "No" on the courses in the affected AY.

RS-427Regent AwardPackaging

A user incorrectly processed Program Changes on some term students as Not Substantially Equal. A data-cleanup script fixed the student's active programs. However, when a user packaged the student using the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard, Advanced Packaging, the Academic Plan showed the incorrect program linked to the student's terms.

MAP Advanced Packaging unexpectedly linked the terms to the incorrect programs.

MAP Advanced Packaging links the correct, active programs to each term.

Navigate to an affected student who has already had programs corrected via a data-cleanup script. On the Academic Plan screen, click Modify Academic Plan, then Advanced Packaging. Continue through the wizard and finish. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. The program information for each term should be accurate.

RS-13275Regent AwardProgram Change

An undergraduate term student was in a shortened final Academic Year (AY) Remaining Period of Study (RPS). The student registered for more units than the program completion units. A user edited the program's required units with a Program Units packaging override. When Regent Award repackaged the student's Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, the system unexpectedly prorated the loan amounts using the originally anticipated units in the term.

When Regent Award prorated the loan amounts, the system always used the Program's defined number of units, even when a Program Units packaging override was present.

If a student has a Program Units packaging override, Regent Award will use those override units when prorating loan amounts.

Navigate to an affected student who has loans in a shortened RPS AY. Change the student's required Program Units using the Program Units packaging override. Repackage the student. Inspect the loan amounts. The loan amounts should be prorated based on the adjusted remaining units in the program.

RS-3607Regent AwardR2T4

On attempt to update student via MAP/MAW/PMW/SAP wizards, the user received an error. Manual SAP Record cannot be assigned to any payment period, which prevented the student from further processing.

Because the student did not attend the Academic Year (AY), the AY was removed from the student's Academic Plan. However, the manual Student SAP Records associated to that AY were not removed and therefore became invalid since the system could not load the removed Academic Year.

A cleanup script was added to remove the Student SAP records related to the deleted Academic Years.

After executing the cleanup script, select any affected student. Package the student or make adjustments to the student using one of the system wizards. No SAP related errors should occur.

RS-3564Regent AwardSAP

The SAP Wizard screen did not display SAP records with an identical 'SAP Date' and 'SAP Review Period End Date' in the correct hierarchical order based on SAP precedence rules:

  • If a school chooses a “Manual” SAP policy – that is the ONLY SAP status that Regent Award is to ever use. If a SAP status is imported on the SBL, the system will not use it.
    • If multiple manual SAPs are provided for a single SAP Review Period, the system will always use the SAP status with the latest SAP date.
  • If a school chooses a “Calculated” SAP policy – that is the ONLY SAP status that Regent Award is to ever use UNLESS a “Manual” SAP status is entered via the SAP wizard – in which case the Manual entry overrides the calculated SAP status. If a SAP status is imported on the SBL, the system will not use it.
    • If the SAP status is calculated more than once for a student for a given period, the system will use the SAP status with the latest SAP date (but a Manually provided SAP status would override a Calculated SAP status with the same SAP Date).
  • If a school chooses a “SIS” SAP policy – that is the ONLY SAP status that Regent Award is to ever use UNLESS a “Manual” SAP status is entered via the SAP wizard – in which case the Manual entry overrides the SIS provided status. Regent Award should never attempt to calculate any portion of SAP in this scenario.
    • If multiple SAPs statuses are imported on the SBL for a single period, the system will always use the SAP status with the latest SAP date (but a Manually provided SAP status would override a SIS provided SAP status with the same SAP Date).

Calculated SAP records were being displayed ahead of Manual SAP record entries. This is incorrect because a Manual SAP record for the same SAP Date and SAP Review Period would override a Calculated SAP record.

Regent Award was updated to use the correct sort order when displaying SAP records on the SAP wizard. Now when the SAPDate and SAP Review Period are the same, the Manual entry overrides anything that was Calculated, thus the records are displayed based on precedence rules.

Go to the Awards tab and click the 'Calculate SAP' button. If SAP records have the same SAP Date and SAP Review Period, the SAP records with a Manual source should be displayed prior to the Calculated SAP records.

RS-11678Regent ReviewSBL

When an SBL file was imported, Regent Award failed to load the file and gave an unexpected error: Error while processing the data file: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

When the file's size in Kilobytes was converted to Megabytes for logging, the error was triggered if the resulting file size did not have at least four decimal places. The problem occurred when a file's size in bytes, divided by 1048576.0, resulted in a number with less than three significant digits.

The logging error checks were adjusted to not require four significant digits.

Use or create an SBL file with a size that would cause the error, such as exactly 1048576 or 1310720 bytes. Confirm the file size in bytes by viewing its Properties in Windows Explorer. Import the file. The file should successfully import without error.

RS-12718Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

In the Student Portal, whenever a student tried to access a 2017-2018 application, an unexpected error occurred: Could not find stored procedure 'snap_Application_GetMaxTransactionNumber'.

The application was missing a stored procedure, snap_Application_GetMaxTransactionNumber.

The missing stored procedure was added to the database.

Log in to Regent Access as a student or test student account. Access a 2017-2018 application. The system should display the saved application without error.

RS-12017Student PortalStudent Portal (SNAP)

A Regent Access file import failed due to an unexpected error, "Duplicate Transaction ID."

In the Student Portal, if a user double-clicked or otherwise retriggered a Smart Form button quickly (multiple times within 1 second), the system failed to increment the transaction ID.

The Smart Form button was updated to prevent users from triggering the transaction multiple times. Additionally, a cleanup script was created to remove the extra, duplicated transactions. The Transaction ID logic was also improved to use an internally calculated Transaction ID instead of depending on the Smart Form button click.

In a Student Portal Smart Form, double-click or quickly click the buttons multiple times for Start, Edit, and Re-submit. The system should only create one transaction.

RS-13273Regent AwardUser Interface

When some loans were edited in Modify Award Wizard (MAW), MAW Step 1 gave an unexpected error: Accepted Amount is required for awards whose status is Accepted. Please go to Step 1 and provide an accepted amount. However, the loans already had an Accepted amount.

When some manual loans were edited, Regent Award did not correctly add the total of the disbursement accepted amounts.

When Regent Award calculates manual awards, the Accepted amount totals are correctly set to the sum of the disbursement amounts.

Navigate to a student who has an affected manual loan in Accepted status. Edit the loan in Modify Award Wizard and continue from MAW Step 1 to Step 2. The wizard should not present the error message. Cancel MAW, then edit the loan again. Clear out the Accepted Amount and attempt to continue past Step 1. The wizard should still give the error if the Accepted Amount is blank.

RS-11252Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award did not assign fund-specific Documents during packaging.

The Funds were configured with a blank "Institutional External Fund ID" field in Fund Setup. Regent Award did not have an identifier to link the funds to the Documents.

The school configured the funds with non-blank, unique values for Institutional External Fund ID. Regent Award then assigned the documents correctly. In addition, help text was added to the field in Fund Setup: 
Institutional External Fund ID This field needs a non-blank value, unique within the Institution, for packaging to assign Documents specific to this fund.

Configure Document Setup to assign a Document for a specific fund. In Fund Setup, configure the fund with a non-blank value that is unique within the Institution, for Institutional External Fund ID. Mouse over the informational icon and view the Help text. Package the student. Regent Award should assign the fund-specific Document.

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