Verification Worksheet

Verification Worksheet


Regent Award offers the Verification Worksheet as a Smart Form via the Regent Review product licensing. When a student’s ISIR is selected for V1 or V5 verification, Regent Award populates the applicable Verification Worksheet document requirement in a ‘Needed’ status. This form allows the student to complete the Verification Worksheet questionnaire via the Regent Student Portal, displaying only the questions required for the student’s verification group.   

Smart Form

The Verification Worksheet Smart Form is designed to use conditional logic that will tailor each question to the individual student, while minimizing the number of questions the student is required to answer and still obtaining the necessary information to verify both independent and dependent students.

If the 'Enable VWS Marital Status Change' configuration setting is turned on, a different workflow within the Verification Worksheet is available to be presented to students with a marital status change.  Students will then have the option to indicate an update or change to the original marital status reported on the ISIR.  If there is a change to the student's marital status, the student will be provided instructions to submit a correction ISIR.  

On the Verification Worksheet Smart Form, students are required to verify the family size value if the student family size (for independent students) or parent family size (for dependent students) was manually entered on the FAFSA or reported as an "assumed" value. Students will report names of children and/or dependents on the form.

If the ISIR indicates that the student, spouse, parent, or parent spouse or partner did not file income taxes for the designated tax year, the student must also verify income and employment information on the VWS for the non-filing FAFSA contributors. Based on responses to income and employment information, subsequent W-2 document requirements will be assigned.

If the ISIR indicates that a contributor filed income taxes, but the IRS returns a response code indicating that the contributor did not file, the student must confirm if the contributor did or did not file. If the student confirms that they did file, tax return request document requirements will be assigned. If the student confirms that they did not file, income and employment information for the contributor will be required on the form.

If a FAFSA contributor reported a non-filing status then the student indicates a "will file" or "already filed" status for that contributor on the VWS, subsequent tax transcript/tax return document requirements will be assigned.

Document Requirements

The Regent Award product must be configured with the Verification Worksheet Smart Form to support the Regent Review process.  The Verification Worksheet document requirement is configured to auto-populate upon ISIR import if the Selected for Verification field is "Yes" and the Verification Group is a V1 or a V5.

If a subsequent ISIR is imported with a change to the student’s verification group after the student has started or completed the Verification Worksheet, Regent Award populates a Verification Worksheet-Change document, which will include any question required for verification for the new verification group.  Information previously provided by the student will be prepopulated and the student will have the ability to review and edit any previously provided information prior to submission. Regent Award will automatically ‘Waive’ the original Verification Worksheet so it does not appear as the student must complete both.  

Regent Award will only auto-populate the initial Verification Worksheet once per FAY based on standard configuration (apart from a change to the verification group as mentioned above.) Therefore, if inconsistencies are found during the verification process and corrections are required by the student, the user must ‘Waive’ the original Verification Worksheet document status and manually add the ‘Verification Worksheet-Revised Request’.  The user should also add a ‘Reason’ on the document to display on the Student Portal.  

Upon completion of the Verification Worksheet, standard Regent Review documents, including those described in the section above, will be automatically added or waived.

Regent Award can be configured to auto-waive document requirements if a student changes dependency status or if the student's marital status changes by turning on the ''Enable VWS Marital Status Change' configuration setting and configuring the specific Document Use Type on each document requirement. Regent Award will compare the prior active ISIR to the current active ISIR (if both ISIRs are selected for verification) to determine if there is a student marital status change. The document requirement will use the 'Relationship to Student' to determine the document requirements to auto-waive under the particular circumstance.

Document Requirement Signature Tab

The Electronic Signature Tab of the document requirement populates the signature requirements determined by the student's responses in the application.  For example, the Required Electronic Signature Type will display as ‘Both student and parent signatures required’ for an application determined to be dependent.  The E-Signature Indicator will provide the status of the signature for the application under the Student Information or Parent Information section of the tab. 


The Regent Award product is configured with the Verification Worksheet Smart Form and supports the review of the Verification Worksheet Smart Forms via the Document Requirements tab by staff users with the appropriate permissions. All required documents that display (Documents designated as "Office Use Only" will never display to the student) to the student are viewable in the Student Portal, regardless of the status (e.g. Not Started, Started, etc.). However, applications are not able to be viewed until the application has been ‘Completed’. Once the application is complete, staff users can review the application by downloading the associated attachment on the Documents tab.  


If a correction is required after a student has completed the Verification Worksheet Smart Form, a staff user with the appropriate permissions can download a copy of the completed Verification Worksheet from Regent Award to have the student make any necessary corrections or the staff user may opt to manually add a new document requirement in Regent Award for the student to complete again. The new document will be visible to the student via the Regent Student Portal. 

The Electronic Signature Tab of the document requirement populates the signature requirements determined by the student's responses in the application.  For example, the 'Required Electronic Signature Type' will display as ‘Both student and parent signatures required’ for an application determined to be dependent.  The 'E-Signature Indicator' will provide the status of the signature for the application under the Student Information or Parent Information section of the tab. 

E-Signature Process 

Once all questions have been completed within the Verification Worksheet, the student will be prompted to sign the document either using the paper signature process or the electronic signature (e-signature) process. Upon completion of the Verification Worksheet Smart Form, students have the option to sign the document via the e-signature or paper signature process. Both options are presented to the student after completing the Smart Form. After submitting the signed form, the document status is changed to ‘Received’ in Regent Award.  

If the student chooses the e-signature process, the student will be presented with system capability acknowledgments as well as terms and conditions prior to e-signing the form to ensure the student can successfully complete the process. The student name will be displayed as it is required to be entered in for electronic signature. Upon successfully e-signing the Smart Form, the signed PDF form will automatically be attached to the document requirement in both Regent Award and in the portal and will update to a ‘Received’ status for review. or will remain in a 'Needed' status if parent signature is required. 

If a dependent student selects the e-signature process, the student will be required to invite a parent to electronically sign via the ‘Invite a Parent to Sign an Application’ action icon to successfully complete the process. The student will select the parent and email address for where the invitation will be sent. Parents will be required to create their own account, which they can use to access and electronically sign the application.  The parent name will be displayed as it is required to be entered in for electronic signature. Upon successfully e-signing the Smart Form, the signed PDF form will automatically be attached to the document requirement in both Regent Award and in the portal and will update to a ‘Received’ status for review. 

Paper Signature Process 

If the student chooses the paper signature process, an unsigned PDF copy of the completed form will be auto attached to the document requirement in the portal and Regent Award, while the document status will remain as ‘Needed’.  The student must download the completed PDF form, sign, scan, then upload the signed document back to portal.

If a dependent student selects the paper signature process, the student will be required to obtain the parent's wet signature and upload the the signed document back to the portal , which will successfully complete the process and the document status will then be updated to 'Received' OR invite a parent to sign via the ‘Invite a Parent to Sign an Application’ action icon to successfully complete the process. The student will select the parent and email address for where the invitation will be sent.  Parents will have the option to sign the document either using the paper signature process or the electronic signature (e-signature) process.  If the paper signature process is selected, the parent must download the completed PDF form, sign, scan, then upload the signed document back to portal. The document status will then be updated to ‘Received’.

Note:  e-Signatures for both parent and students are not case sensitive.




Description of Change



Description of Change




Jen Dewey


Updated the ‘SmartForm’ section to include information about when a contributor indicates they filed taxes but the IRS returns a response that no return was filed.

Marcus Jennings


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