Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grant


The rules and calculations for managing Federal Pell Grants are delivered in the packaging logic. The annual update to the Pell Grant award amounts is provided soon after the information is available from ED. Award amounts for future years are estimated based upon the most recent information. For more details on Pell calculations and packaging, see Awarding And Packaging.

Federal Pell Grants are processed through COD. See "Importing COD Responses" and "Exporting COD Records" for details on the processing of these grants.

Students who have enrollment in more than one Academic Year may be eligible for "Year-Round Pell" (YRP) for a total award up to 150% of the scheduled annual amount. See Year Round Pell (YRP or 150% Pell)

Students must normally have an ISIR with the Pell Grant Eligibility Flag marked “Y” (Y = Yes, eligible for Pell.) For Provisional Independent students only, Regent ignores the Pell Eligible flag and calculates the Pell amount using the Student Aid Index (SAI). For details on Provisional Independent status, see Dependency Model Determination - Dependency Status.

Starting with FAY 2024-2025, the Pell has a Maximum and Minimum Pell amount.  Many students are marked as having either the Maximum Pell or Minimum Pell Indicator based on their FAFSA data. If a Pell-eligible student does not have those Max or Min Pell indicators, but the student has a Student Aid Index (SAI) value less than the Pell maximum, the Pell amount is calculated by subtracting the student's SAI from the Maximum Pell amount. If the student has a negative SAI value, the calculation subtracts a zero (0) value instead.

Published official Maximum and Minimum Pell amounts are:

  • 2024-2025: Max $7395 Min $740  - Updated January 31, 2024

  • 2025-2026 and later (estimates only): Max $7395 Min $740 - Updated January 31, 2024

Prior to FAY 2024-2025, Pell amounts used look-up tables using the student's enrollment levels: Less Than Half Time (LTHT), Half-Time (HT), Three Quarter Time (TQT), and Full-Time (FT). Tables for those prior years are linked below.

2017-2018 Pell Grant Payment schedule

2018-2019 Pell Grant Payment schedule

2019-2020 Pell Grant Payment schedule 

2020-2021 Pell Grant Payment schedule

2021-2022 Pell Grant Payment schedule

2022-2023 Pell Grant Payment schedule

2023-2024 Pell Grant Payment schedule 


Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


November 20, 2024

Added change log to preexisting page

Jennifer Black

November 20, 2024

Ignore Pell Eligible flag when estimating Pell for Provisional Independents only.
RS-28194, Release, November 2024

Jennifer Black

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