Regent Award updates a COD award's ISIR FPS (previously CPS) Transaction Number to the current active ISIR when required.
Awards reported to COD are:
- Pell
- Sub
- Unsub
- Grad PLUS
- Federal Work Study (FWS)
Award Update Criteria
The following criteria determine if a COD reported award’s (Pell, TEACH, Sub, Unsub, Grad PLUS, and PLUS) ISIR Transaction Number is updated to the current Active ISIR:
- Award does not have an ISIR Transaction Number at all.
- When a new ISIR transaction is made Active, update COD with the new transaction number for all affected awards, if the award is not fully paid, regardless of whether or not the award amount changed or any transactions are being processed at the time.
- If a Direct Loan or TEACH award has been partially paid, and is then reduced, do not update the ISIR transaction number.
- Once an award has been fully paid, do not update the ISIR transaction number at COD unless one of the following conditions occur:
- A Direct Loan or TEACH award that was fully paid, but has since had an additional positive transaction.
- A Pell award that was fully paid, but has since had an additional positive transaction.
- A Pell award that was fully paid, but has since had a negative transaction.
For example, a student has an active ISIR 01 in Regent Award, which was used to award all of the funds on the student's Academic Plan. The Import ISIR process imports an ISIR 02 which becomes the new active ISIR. The student Direct Subsidized Loan has not yet been fully paid. Packaging will update the ISIR Transaction Number on the loan from 01 to 02. When this student's data is exported to COD, the FPS "Transaction Number” (which is an Award-level element) in the COD file for the Direct Subsidized loan will reflect the value "02." The ISIR Transaction Number on the student's Academic Plan also reflects ISIR Transaction Number 02.
Note that starting with FAY 2024-2025, Regent awards Maximum Pell amounts for Pell-eligible students with the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG) Indicator or the Children of Fallen Heroes (CFH) Indicator flags. If those students are not marked as eligible on the ISIR data, the FA User must use the Add Award Wizard (AAW) to create the Pell award and update the award using COD on the Web.
COD Export Timing
In cases where partially paid awards are reduced due to the receipt of a new ISIR, and Regent Award updates the CPS transaction number of the award for the upcoming COD Export file, the system sums the total of the disbursement amounts after the award reduction, in order to send the correct award and disbursement amounts to COD. This occurs regardless of the fact that the paid amounts of the award has not yet been ESTed; therefore, no COD rejects occur.
Other ISIR Validation Checks
A graduate award always requires a graduate-level ISIR (Independent Dependency) to pay and / or award the graduate-level fund. An undergraduate award always requires an undergraduate ISIR (Dependent Dependency) to pay and / or award the undergraduate-level fund. See Graduate and Undergraduate ISIRs.