Client Configuration Management: Programs and Terms

Client Configuration Management: Programs and Terms


Client Configuration Management Project

Enhancements have been made to Regent Award that will allow clients to manage their configurations by performing bulk updates to the different parts of the configuration.

Starting with Release, users no longer need to submit a request to Regent Client Support for an export or import of their Program, Program Groups, Program Site, Program Group Program or Terms Setup when doing annual or ad hoc bulk updates.  Regent Award's Import Process and Export Process menus will allow FA Offices to manage and automate bulk configuration updates. 

This guide outlines the key steps and concepts of which a User needs to be aware when testing and using Program, Program Groups and Terms functionality of the Client Configuration Management project. Starting with release, Regent Award accommodates import and export of Programs and Terms setup data using XML file format.  The CSV format became available in Release 

The previous system using templates and going through Client Support is longer be an option.  Clients may choose to use the steps below for bulk updates, or may choose to request Regent to continue to make bulk updates as part of a services engagement through the Maintenance and Support SOW (please contact Susan Sherrick, Director of Client Support and Account Management, for additional information).

User Steps for Setup Process:

Navigate to the Export Processes screen   

  • Processes > Export Processes

  • The user must have the appropriate permissions to the Export Setup Configuration Process.
    • Permissions are set at Global Permissions > Process Permissions > Export Processes > Export Setup Configuration

Set parameters:

  1. Process Type - "Export Setup Configuration"
  2. Format - "CSV" or "XML"

3. Enterprise - Select One

4. Institution(s) - Select "All", one or multiple

5. Campus(es) - Select "All", one or multiple

6. Site(s) - Select "All", one or multiple

7. Setup Template(s) - Select "All", one or multiple

Click the "Export" button

  1. The system will export data from the Regent Database tables. 
  2. The Process Log will record the export process

3. The user will see the following items: 

    • A Process Log entry for the completed Export Setup Configuration process.

    • Exported file(s) are ready for the user.

      • With XML format, 1 file will be exported. When multiple templates are selected, all parent nodes will be exported to show the associations; however, sibling nodes that are not requested will not be included.  

Clicking the "Cancel" button, cancels the export process and takes the user to a previous screen.

All export process errors will be logged in the Process Log.

Export Format

XML Format

The set-up configuration data will be exported in XML format by the system. The end result is that the DEX XSD template should mimic the Import Setup Configuration (XML) template and should be available for bulk export.  

  • The file is saved as a .xml file.
  • Filename format: SetupConfiguration_XML_CCYYMMDD_HHMMSSmss.xml
  • The date fields on the output file are in UTC time format

User Steps for Setup Import Process: 

  1. Navigate to the Import Processes screen    
    • Processes > Import Processes
      • The user must have the appropriate permissions to the Import Setup Configuration Process.
        • Permissions are set at Global Permissions > Process Permissions > Import Processes > Import Setup Configuration

2. Set Process Type to "Import Setup Configuration (XML)" ("Import Setup Configuration (CSV) is not currently available)

3. Select the file

4. Click on the Import button to update the Setup Configuration.

The system will:

  1. import data into Regent Database staging tables 
  2. match records using external ID.
    1. If external ID is not found, a new record is inserted. 
    2. If external ID is found, a record is updated.
  3. Ensure that Process Log records the import process
  4. Update appropriate reports and screens

Once the import process is complete, users can expect to see the following:

  1. A "File Submitted for Processing" message, immediately after importing on the Import Setup Configuration screen
  2. A Process Log entry for the completed Import Setup Configuration process.

  3. Setup screens are updated with new/updated data.

Additional Notes

In order for the batch program and terms update import and export processes to work properly, all of the following setup entities need to have a unique external Id: Enterprise, Institution, Campus, Site, Program, Term, EnrollmentLevelSetup, ProgramGroup. Enterprise, Institution, Campus, Site, Programs, Terms and ProgramGroups have required an externalId prior to the current release.  

For EnrollmentLevelSetup, an 'externalId' field is available as of  On the Enrollment Level Setup screen in Regent Award, this field is called 'External Enrollment Level Id'. This is now a required field and it needs to be pre-populated with a unique value across the Regent Award database. Regent needs this field to have external ID value to allow import of ProgramTerm association. As a part of the Release Regent ran a script to pre-populate this field with a temporary value. Customers must update the values for this field for their currently existing and new enrollment level set up to ensure that program and terms update import and export processes work correctly. The value for this field must conform to the following standards:

  • cannot be null
  • can be letters or numbers
  • 60 characters maximum
  • the value must be unique across the database


Data Dictionary for Import-Export Templates

Please, note that an Excel version of the data dictionary containing lookup values and reference tables is available as well.

General Instructions

Template Rules:

1. If external ID is not found, a new record is inserted.  If external ID is found, a record is updated. 

2. The following are the rules when updating data:

  • Inheritable fields:  If the field is blank, the value will be inherited from Campus level.
  • Required fields:
    • Must have values
    • If the field is blank or not sent, the DEX process will fail the import and write an error message in the Process Log.
  • Optional fields:      
    • Blank (i.e. "") values will not update a fields' value to NULL. If the value is to be set to NULL, then that attribute must not be provided in the XML file or that field must not be provided in the CSV file.


Field Ref. Common Field NameXML Schema Field NameDescriptionRequired/ OptionalInheritable?TypeMin LengthMax LengthValuesBusiness Rules
1External Enterprise ID<Enterprise> externalIdAssociated EnterpriseRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
2External Institution ID<Institution> externalIdAssociated InstitutionRequiredNostring1 60
Used for matching
3External Campus ID<Campus> externalIdAssociated CampusRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
4External Program IDexternaIIdProgram ID from the SIS.RequiredNostring160

  • Must be unique across all programs for the entire Enterprise (campus, institutions)
  • If  Program ID already exists in Regent Award, update the record
  • If Program ID does not exist in Regent Award, insert new record
  • Deleted programs are not updated. If a program has the same External Program ID but is marked as deleted, and a new record is later imported with the same External Program ID value, the system will insert a new program record.

5Program NamenameName of the Academic ProgramRequiredNostring180
 Must be unique within a give Campus
6Program Display NamedisplayNameDisplay name of the Academic ProgramRequiredNostring1500

7Program SitesallSitesIndicates whether the program is associated with all sites or notRequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", program will be associated with all sites
  • If "false", site(s) must be provided as part of Program Site setup
8Default Enrollment Level SetupexternalDefaultEnrolment LevelSetupIdType of Academic PeriodOptionalNostring060Enrollment Level Setup values as set up in the system
  • Validate the values against the EnrollmentLevelSetup table
9School OfschoolOf
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be either inherited or specific values should be indicated for each.
  • Refer to CalType_PeriodType_Unit Ref for allowed values for the specidied Academic Period Type.

11Program TypeprogramTypeCodeType of ProgramRequiredNostring

  • Values must be validated against ProgramType table
  • If a student is enrolled in a Prep-Graduate or Prep-undergraduate program type, then the <PreprofessionalCourseworkIndicator> flag = true on the COD export. 
  • If the student is enrolled in a program of any other program type, <PreprofessionalCourseworkIndicator> flag must = false on the COD export.
  • Post-Bach program are awarded at Grade Level 5 only. 
12Program CredentialsprogramCredentialCodeThis data element will be sent to COD as part of the 14/15 SULA requirements.OptionalNostring

Values must be validated using the following rules:

{Program Type} - {permitted Program Credential}

  • Undergraduate - Undergraduate certificate or diploma, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, Non-credential programs
  • Graduate - Master's degree, Doctoral degree, Graduate / Professional certificate
  • Post-Graduate - Doctoral degree, Graduate / Professional certificate
  • Post Baccalaureate certificatePost Baccalaureate certificate, Non-credential programs
  • Prep-Grad - Non-credential programs
  • Prep-Undergrad - Non-credential programs
  • Ed Licensure - Non-credential programs
  • CTP Programs - Undergraduate certificate or diploma, Associate's degree
13HPPAhppaTypeCodeIndicator if students in the program are eligible for additional unsub loan amount.  RequiredNostring

Values must be validated against HPPAType table
14Anticipated Enrollment TypedefaultEnrollment LevelTypeCodeThis is the value that will be used to anticipate a students enrollment level for this program, when packaging is run, if the student does not have actual enrollment.RequiredNostring

  • Not required for non-term programs
  • Validate values against EnrollmentLevelType table
  • If not provided for a non-NONTERM program, a validation message will be logged
  • All NONTERM will default to 'FullTime' no matter what was provided in the file.
15CIP CodecipCodeClassification of Instructional Programs (CIP) CodeRequiredNostring77xx.xxxx
  • 7 characters MUST be entered using the format xx.xxxx or this field will not pass COD Export validation. 
  • To preserve leading zeros, an apostrophe (') will be appended before each CIP value.
16Pell FormulapellFormulaTypeCodeThe Pell Formula to be used for packaging for this program.OptionalNostring

  • Validate values against pellFormulaType : name
  • Only required for Undergraduate programs and for Graduate programs that are designed as "Teach Eligible". Validate according to the following rules:
    • Formula 1 - only for Non-standard Term and Standard Term
    • Formula 3 - only for Non-standard Term and Standard Term
    • Formula 4 - only for Non-Term
17Pell COApellCOACost of Attendance used for Pell Calculation.  This COA amount is based on a specific calculation for the Pell COA.OptionalNodouble07Value range from 0.00 to 99999.99
  • Cannot be less than zero
  • 2 decimal places
  • This value will be set to 0 for all Graduate program types - no matter what value may have been provided.
18FSA Eligible Start DateFSAEligibleStartDateThese dates can be used to control when a program is eligble for FSA.OptionalNodate

  • If a program is to become eligible in the future, set a Start Date. 
  • If a program is going to no longer be FSA eligible, enter an end date to close out the eligibility.
  • If this field is blank, RNA will treat the program as not FSA eligible and the student will not receive awards.
  • Cannot be after the end date
19FSA Eligible End DateFSAEligibleEndDateThese dates can be used to control when a program is eligble for FSA. OptionalNodate

  • If a program is to become eligible in the future, set a Start Date. 
  • If a program is going to no longer be FSA eligible, enter an end date to close out the eligibility.
  • Must be the same or after the start date
20Teach EligibleteachEligibleIndicator if the program is eligible for TEACH fundsRequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", the program is eligible for TEACH funds. 
  • If "false",  it is not eligible for TEACH funds.
21Attendance TakenuseAttendanceThis uses attendance to determine disbursement eligibility for the student.OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false

22Instructional Days Per WeekdaysPerWeekInstructionDetermines whether schools will use weekend days in their disbursement scheduling.OptionalYesinteger

  • If Special Program is equal to Preparatory Coursework Graduate Professional Program on a Direct Loan origination, a school is not required to submit a Published Program Length tag.
  • If a Published Program Length tag is submitted and Special Programs is equal to ‘Prep Grad’, the values will be ignored and will not be stored on the system.
23Special ProgramspecialProgram IndicatorCodeIndicator of the special program type being covered by aid.RequiredNostring

  • If Special Program is equal to Preparatory Coursework Graduate Professional Program on a Direct Loan origination, a school is not required to submit a Published Program Length tag.
  • If a Published Program Length tag is submitted and Special Programs is equal to ‘Prep Grad’, the values will be ignored and will not be stored on the system.
24AY UnitsacademicYearUnitsDefines number of units per Academic Year.  OptionalYesdouble0

  • AY Units and AY Weeks form a combined data set - meaning both fields should be set to 'Inherit' or specific values should be indicated for each.
  • For Undergraduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (24 semester credits or 36 quarter credits/30 weeks for credit hour; 900 units/26 weeks for clock hour).
  • For Graduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (30 weeks for credit hour; 26 weeks for clock hour).
25AY WeeksacademicYearWeeksDefines number of weeks per Academic Year. OptionalYesinteger0

  • AY Units and AY Weeks form a combined data set - meaning both fields should be set to 'Inherit' or specific values should be indicated for each.
  • For Undergraduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (24 semester credits or 36 quarter credits/30 weeks for credit hour; 900 units/26 weeks for clock hour).
  • For Graduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (30 weeks for credit hour; 26 weeks for clock hour).
26PC YearsnumberOfYearsProgram completion time span in yearsRequiredNointeger11Values 1 through 7
27PC UnitsnumberOfUnitsProgram completion time span in unitsRequiredNodouble19Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99
28PC WeeksnumberOfWeeksProgram completion time span in weeksRequiredNointeger13Value must be between 0 - 999
29PC CoursesnumberOfCoursesThis field is needed to display the number of courses required to complete the program in the financial planner.OptionalNointeger04Value must be between 1 and 9999.
30Estimate Non FSA EligibleestimateNonFSAEligibleIndicates whether awards can be estimated for anticipated periods.RequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true",  allows the system to estimate awarding for this program, even though it is not yet FSA eligible. 
  • One possible use of this field is if you are planning on having the program be FSA eligible in the future but are not yet ready to set an FSA Eligible Start Date
31Open For Transfer or Program ChangesopenForTransfersProgram ChangeApplies to both internal transfers (program changes) and external transfers.RequiredNobollean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", a student would be allowed to transfer into this program either through an external transfer or through a program change.
  • If the student is via the SBL, into a program in which this flag is NOT checked, RNA will continue packaging the student in their prior program.
  • If "true", this program is available to transfer students, and students who change program. (i.e. student with a historic CEP or transfer units)
  • If"false", this blocks packaging for transfer students, and students who change program. (i.e. student with a historic CEP or transfer units)
  • Blocked students should error out - i.e. only a BatchMessage of type=Error and message="Student blocked for packaging due to program setup: XXXX." - where XXX is either "Program not open for transfers / program changes." or "Program not open to new enrollment."
32Open for New EnrollmentopenForNewEnrollmentIndicates whether this program is available to new/prospective students. SNAP uses this flag in REM to determine which programs to display for selection.RequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", this program is available to new/prospective students. (i.e. student with only 1 CourseEnrollmentProgram) 
  • If "false", this blocks packaging for new/prospective students. (i.e. student with only 1 CourseEnrollmentProgram)
  • Blocked students should error out - i.e. only a BatchMessage of type=Error and message="Student blocked for packaging due to program setup: XXXX." - where XXX is either "Program not open for transfers / program changes." or "Program not open to new enrollment."
33Stop Positive Disb DatestopPositiveDisbursementDateThe date when positive disbursements for students in this program will be stopped.OptionalNodate

  • Commonly this field will be left blank. 
  • If this date is populated, stop positive disbursements for students in this program beginning on the date provided. 
  • This is another field used in phasing out a program.  
34Allow Anticipated Track SwitchallowAnticipatedTrackSwitchIndicator if Track switches are allowed in the program.RequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", this site will allow students in this program to switch to a different track.
  • RNA checks for a track change during plan creation.   A task is generated if one doesn't already exist.
  • The program-site setup is checked to see if anticipated track changes are allowed, if not Regent Award alters the note on the task
35Batch PackagebatchPackageIndicates whether the prograam can be batch packagedRequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", this program will be displayed on the batch packaging screen.
  • If "false", Regent Award will not be able to batch package this program and it will not appear in the batch packaging screen pick list.
    • Do not create the academic plan via BP
    • Do not do COA via BP
    • Don’t calculate award
    • Don’t create award metadata
    • If EST or SAP, Regent Award will do it.
    • These students would have to be manually packaged
    • Do not batch package this program.
  • If a student is this program has rebuild data, Regent Award will build out an academic plan for the student when either the CalculateFinalizeConversion option is "true" or the awardingSysManaged is "false".
36Academic Calendar TypeacademicCalendarTypeCodeThe field is an indicator of how the loan eligibility should be calculated for the term.  OptionalYesstring

  • Validate against AcademicCalendarType table
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be inherited or specific values should be indicated for each. 
37Academic Period TypeacademicPeriodTypeCodeType of Academic PeriodOptionalYesstring

  • Validate against AcademicPeriodType table
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be inherited or specific values should be indicated for each. 
  • Refer to CalendarType_PeriodType_Unit_Reference for allowed values for the specified Academic Calendar Type.
38Unit TypeunitTypeCodeType of UnitOptionalYesstring

  • Validate against UnitType table
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be inherited or specific values should be indicated for each. 
39GLP L2 UnitsunitsForGradeLevel2Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach designated grade level.RequiredNodouble18Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99Grade Level Progression Units are determined by Program Type
  • Undergraduate - only GLP2, GLP3, GLP4 and GLP5 Units should be provided
  • Graduate - only GLP7 units should be provided
  • Post Graduate - only GLP7 units should be provided
  • Prep Undergraduate -no values for  any GLP units should be provided
  • Ed Licensure - only GLP5 units should be provided
  • Post Bach - no values for  any GLP units should be provided
  • CTP - only GLP2, GLP3, GLP4 and GLP5 units should be provided
40GLP L3 UnitsunitsForGradeLevel3Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach designated grade level.RequiredNodouble18Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99
41GLP L4 UnitsunitsForGradeLevel4Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach designated grade level.RequiredNodouble18Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99
42GLP L5 UnitsunitsForGradeLevel5Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach designated grade level.RequiredNodouble18Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99
43GLP L6 UnitsunitsForGradeLevel6Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach designated grade level.RequiredNodouble18Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99
44GLP L7 UnitsunitsForGradeLevel7Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach designated grade level.RequiredNodouble18Value must be between  0.00 to 99999.99

AY Crossover Date

Note: The month and day for the AY will display in separate columns.

AYCrossoverMonthCrossover date on which to use the next Federal Award Year ISIROptionalYesinteger02Values 1 though 12
  • Validate to make sure the day value is correct for the month selected.
  • Both (month and day) or none values must be provided

AY Crossover Date

Note: The month and day for the AY will display in separate columns.

AYCrossoverDayinteger12Values 1 though 31

Payment Period Crossover Date

Note: The month and day for the PP will display in separate columns.

PPCrossoverMonthCrossover date on which to use the next Federal Award Year ISIR. OptionalYesinteger02Values 1 though 12
  • Validate to make sure the day value is correct for the month selected.
  • Both (month and day) or none values must be provided.
48PPCrossoverDayinteger12Values 1  through 31
49R2T4 Inadvertent Overpayments DatedateUsedToIdentR2T4Inadvert OverpaymentCodeDate Used to Identify R2T4 Inadvertent OverpaymentsOptionalYesstring

  • This is a configurable option as some campuses take attendance and others do not.
  • Validate values against DateUsedToIdentR2T4Inadvertent
    Overpayments table
50Date Used to Identify R2T4 Inadvert Overpayments Disbursement Option CodedateUsedToIdentR2T4 InadvertentOverpayments DisbursementOptionCodeDate Used to Identify R2T4 Inadvertent Overpayments Disbursement OptionsOptionalYesstring

  • Validate values against DateUsedToIdent2T4Inadvertent
    OverpaymentsDisbursementOptions table
  • If R2T4 Inadvertent Overpayment Date = Date of Determination, the following values are valid:

    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date is after the DOD
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date equal to or after the DOD
  • If R2T4 Inadvertent Overpayment Date = Date of Withdrawal, the following values are valid:
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date is after the WDD
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date equal to or after the WDD
51Alt-EFC MonthsaltEFCMonthsThis is period of months in a standard academic year of this program. It defines number of months for Alt-EFC period.OptionalYesdouble02Values 1 through 12
  • For BBAY3 Programs Only. 
  • Although this field is technically optional, it should be treated as required when completing setup for most schools (until such time that we encounter a school that wants to continue recalculating eligibility amounts when progress is slow, i.e. a dynamic efc).
52Academic Plan Payment Period Projection MethodnonTermDisbAdjMethodCodeThe option chosen here dictates how Regent Award will extend a payment period end date when there is not enough registration units to anticipate completion the payment period.OptionalNostring

  • Only required if Academic Calendar Type = BBAY3.
  • Validate values against NonTermDisbAdjMethod table
  • This field controls how we push out a payment period end date when we do not have registration to fill in the gap between the partial registration and the PP end date, until such time that we have actual registration to set the PP end date.
53Number of DaysnonTermDisbAdjDaysDefines the number of days when the adjustment method is fixed.OptionalNointeger

  • For BBAY3 Programs Only. 
  • Only required when Disb Rescheduling Method = By Fixed Amount
54Courses for AnticipationcoursesForAnticipationUsed to calculated per course costs for anticipated packaging OptionalYesinteger03Values between 0 and 999.For BBAY3 Programs Only.
55Extend Academic Years for Non-Standard TermextendAcademicYears ForNonStdTermAllows for the extension of Academic Years for Non-standard term.OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false
  • RNA uses this to know whether or not additional terms must be added to the AY if the student fails to complete the AY units/weeks. 
  • If "false", the number of terms is based on the program setup.
  • If "true", and the student lacks the AY units/weeks, the AY is extended with additional term(s).
56Auto Include Header TrailerautoIncludeHeaderTrailerIndicates whether Regent Award will automatically package a 3-term loan based on registration adjacent to a header/trailer term. The award would be split evenly across each of the three terms, if this setting is "true" and the student is in a SAY program with registration for header/trailer.RequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If a crossover term associated to selected program is marked "Use for Anticipation", then loans will always include header/trailer term in SAY LP and split evenly across all term in the LP 
  • If a crossover term associated to the selected is NOT marked "Use for Anticipation", then loans will include header/trailer term in SAY LP only when registration exists before loan has been disbursed in header/trailer term and split evenly across all term in the LP.
57Days Between Course Drop And TaskdaysBetweenCourse DropAndTaskThis field pertains only to the "Review Completed Courses No Current Registration" task. When a student completes their current course(s) and is not registered for another course(s) within X number of days, the student should be reviewed for R2T4. This task will trigger on the X day after the last completed course for the student. In this field, enter the number of days after the last completed course in which the R2T4 review should be triggered / completed.OptionalYesinteger03Values 0 through 999The field 'Days between last completed course and task' on program set up will inherit it's value from campus set up based on the program's academic type. For example, if campus set up is the following:
  • Days between last completed course and task - Term 60 days
  • Days between last completed course and task - Non-Term 30 days
  • Days between last completed course and task - Non-Standard Term 14 days
And the program's academic structure (based on the programs academic calendar set up) makes it a non-term program, then the field 'Days between last completed course and task' on program set up will inherit the value of '30'.
58Days Between Last Completed Course and TaskdaysBetweenLastCompleted CourseAndTaskThe number of days between the last day of the last course the student withdrew from and the day you want the task triggered in order to review for R2T4.OptionalYesinteger03Values 0 through 999
59Days Between Term End Date and TaskdaysBetweenTerm EndDateAndTaskConfigurable field to support the 'Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4' task. This field should contain the number of days after the term end date that the "Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4" task should be triggered. OptionalYesinteger03Values 0 through 999
  • Required if the task is active.
  • If the task is not active, the configuration has no effect in Regent Award.
60Enable Abbreviated PeriodsenableAbbreviatedPeriodsWhen this option is set to "true", schools will have the option, on the Program Management Wizard, to designate an academic year as an "Abbreviated Period" for external transfer students with an open academic year at a prior school, who are transferring into a non-term program. Schools will also have the ability to set up separate disbursement schedules for these abbreviated periods. OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false
  • Only required for Non-Term Programs
61Uses ModulesusesModulesIndicates whether the school has modular programsOptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false
  • Only required for schools using Release 4.x of Regent Award
62R2T4 Consider NonRebuild Loans As Originated DatedateUsedToConsider NonRebuildLoansAs OriginatedCodeThis field gives schools the ability to define when a loan is considered "Originated" for the purposes of R2T4 calculations and included as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.OptionalYesstring

  • Validate values against DateUsedToConsiderNonRebuildLoansType table
  • If the date defined is after the DOD/WDD, the loan is not considered "Originated" and therefore is not included in the R2T4 calculation as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.
  • If the date defined is before or equal to the DOD/WDD, the loan is considered "Originated" and included in the R2T4 calculation as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.
63Assume AttendanceassumeAttendance

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", Regent Award will assume attendance in a course, as of today’s date (or the course withdraw or course end date, as appropriate), if at least one indication of attendance has been provided on the course via either the SBL or Course Overrides.
64assumeAttendance_ EffectiveAsOfDateThis indicates the date at which a school wants to begin using this functionality. Regent Award will not assume attendance for courses that end prior to this date (course end date is a date prior to the date entered in the “Effective as of” field).OptionalNodate

  • Must be provided if the school is using the "Assume Attendance" feature.
  • The date entered can be a date in the past from today.
65First day of Instructional WeekfirstDayOfInstructionalWeekAllows the school to set a specific day of the week as the first day of the instructional week for all students enrolled in this Program.OptionalYesstring

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

66Split Weeks Across Payment PeriodsplitWeeksAcrossPaymentPeriod

  • true
  • false
  • If "false", Regent Award will not close a payment period until all of the in-progress courses started within that payment period have been completed.
  • If "true", once the units requirement for the payment period has been met, a portion of a course's weeks can be counted to close that payment period, while the remaining weeks and all of the units of that course are counted in the next PP.
67Criteria Used to Consider an MPN Linked to a LoanmpnLinkedToLoanCriteriaTypeCodeAllows the school to specify if the MPN must be Accepted at COD prior to including Title IV Loans in the R2T4OptionalYesstring 05
  • Loan Record Accepted at COD has a Linked MPN 
  • Loan Record has a Linked MPN - May or may not be Linked at COD
  • If "Loan Record Accepted at COD has a Linked MPN" is selected, then the Direct Loan will be included in the R2T4 calculation if the COD Accepted loan has a MPN Linked at COD. 
  • If "Loan Record has a Linked MPN - May or may not be Linked at COD" is selected, the Direct Loans will be included in the R2T4 calculation if there is a linked MPN on file, whether it is linked manually in Regent Award or linked at COD. Direct Loans that do not have a linked MPN will not be included in the R2T4 calculation.
68Identify Whether Potential R2T4 is RequiredisPotentialR2T4RequiredThis field will determine whether a potential R2T4 is required.OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "No" is selected, Regent Award will not automatically identify whether a potential R2T4 is required when a Date of Determination is provided on the SBL.
  • If "Yes" is selected, Regent Award will automatically identify whether a potential R2T4 is required when a Date of Determination is provided on the SBL.
69Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4sevaluationR2T4NeedDODOffsetThis field will determine the number of days after the DOD that an R2T4 will first be evaluated to determine if the R2T4 is not needed. OptionalYesinteger

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will attempt to automatically close those R2T4s that are not required. 
70Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4sdodToAutoFinalizeRT24OffsetThis field will determine the number of days after the DOD that an R2T4 can be assessed for auto-finalization.OptionalYesinteger

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will attempt to automatically finalize those types of R2T4s that are configured under the "Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize" option
71Types of R2T4s to Auto-FinalizeautoFinalizeR2T4TypeCodeThis field will determine the types of R2T4s that can be finalized during AutomationOptionalYesstring

  • Fully Earned/Fully Disbursed

When R2T4 Automation is turned on, Regent Award will attempt to automatically auto-Finalize the types of R2T4s selected from this dropdown.

72Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4autoCancelExcludedTitleIVDisbursementsForR2T4When this setting is selected, any Title IV funds (except for the Federal Work Study) on a student’s account, during the R2T4 period, that are not included in the R2T4 calculation, are cancelled automatically when the R2T4 is finalizedOptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false
  • When this option is set to "Yes," R8 will automatically cancel Title IV (except FWS) disbursements, in the R2T4 period, that were excluded from the R2T4 calculation. 
  • When this option is set to "No," this feature is not enabled and users are still required to manually cancel Title IV disbursements that were excluded from the R2T4 calculation during the R2T4 period.
73Method for Projecting Nonterm R2T4 PP End DateprojectingNontermR2T4PPEndDateMethodCodeThis field allows schools to determine the method for which the school will project a nonterm payment period for R2T4 purposes.OptionalNostring

  • Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method 
  • R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula 
  • When Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method is chosen, Regent Award will use the settings selected by the school in the "Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method" field to determine the length of the Payment Period for Step 2 of the R2T4 calculation. 
  • When R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula is chosen, Regent Award will calculate the projected payment period length for the student based on the number of units the student successfully completed in the payment period, and the length of time it took the student to complete those units. Regent Award will use these calculations to populate the Scheduled PP End Date, AY End Date Override and the LP End Date Override for Step 2 of the R2T4 calculation. Users may still override those dates.
74Days in R2T4 PP When 0 Units CompleteddaysInR2T4PPWhen0UnitsCompletedThis field allows a school to determine a fixed payment period denominator when there are 0 completed units in the R2T4 period.OptionalNointeger

When the Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method chosen is "R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula," provide a fixed payment period length to be used for students who have zero successfully completed units in the R2T4 payment period.
75Types of R2T4s to Auto-FinalizeautoFinalizeR2T4TypesInheritedThis field allows a school to define whether "Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize" will be inherited from Campus R2T4 setup or notRequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false

When R2T4 Automation set as "true", Regent Award will use values for autoFinalizeR2T4TypeCode inherited from Campus level setup.

When R2T4 Automation set as "false", Regent Award will use values defined in the autoFinalizeR2T4TypeCode option at the program level.

76Offset to Establish PWD Response DeadlineestablishPWDResponseDeadlineOffset

This field allows a school to define the number of days during which student is able to respond to awards proposed during R2T4 resulted in PWD after finalization date.

OptionalYes integer

  • 0-99

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value and auto-populate the "Deadline for student and/or parent to respond" field on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab

Value could be defined explicitly in this program level attribute or be inherited from Campus level when this  attribute is not provided

77Offset to Establish Fund Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDsestablishFundAutoCancellationDateForIOPPWDsOffsetThis field allows a school to define the number of days after R2T4 Finalization prior to auto-cancelation of IOP awards from PWD.OptionalYesinteger

  • 0-99

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value and auto-populate the "Auto Cancel Date" field for IOP PWDs on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab

Value could be defined explicitly in this program level attribute or be inherited from Campus level when this  attribute is not provided

78Offset to Establish Fund Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDsestablishFundAutoCancellationDateForNonIOPPWDsOffsetThis field allows a school to define the number of days after R2T4 Finalization prior to auto-cancelation of IOP awards from PWD.OptionalYesinteger

  • 0-99

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value and auto-populate the "Auto Cancel Date" field for non-IOP PWDs on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab

Value could be defined explicitly in this program level attribute or be inherited from Campus level when this  attribute is not provided

79Automatically Return Grant Amounts in Step 10automaticallyReturnGrantAmountsThis field allows a school to enable or disable Grant awards return based on Step 10 R2T4 information.OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false

When a value is set to "true", Regent Award will return the STEP 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student within the R2T4 Worksheet. When a value is set to "No", Regent Award will not act upon the STEP 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student within the R2T4 Worksheet. When this attribute is not provided - value would be inherited from the Campus level.

Value could be defined explicitly in this program level attribute or be inherited from Campus level when this  attribute is not provided

80Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time StatusincludeLoanDisbursementsCancelledForBelowHTStatusThis field allows to configure R2T4 calculations such that the R2T4 "Could Have Been Disbursed" amounts will include unpaid, originated Title IV Loan disbursements that were canceled due to the student dropping below Half-Time (HT) enrollment status after beginning attendance in the term. The canceled loan amounts will increase a student's overall Title IV aid in a term, potentially increasing a student's grant funding.OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false

If this setting is set to "true", when the system zeroes out a Direct Loan amount due to a student dropping to below Half Time enrollment status or lower in a term, Regent Award will apply that cancelled amount to the "Net Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed" in Step 1 of the R2T4 calculation. The setting applies to term and nonstandard term programs only.

Value could be defined explicitly in this program level attribute or be inherited from Campus level when this  attribute is not provided

81Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR AvailabilityautoAssignLoanCrossoverFAYBasedonISIRAvailabilityThis field allows to automatically package Title IV Loans in "crossover" Academic Years when  student does not have any ISIR from the prior-year FAY in a crossover AY and do have an ISIR for the next FAY. Regent Award will automatically package loans from the next-year ISIR.OptionalYesboolean

  • true
  • false

When this setting is set to "true", and a student does not have an ISIR from the preferred FAY per the configured Default Academic Year Crossover Date, but the student has an ISIR from the other FAY in a crossover AY, the system will award loans using the other FAY's ISIR.

Value could be defined explicitly in this program level attribute or be inherited from Campus level when this attribute is not provided

Program Group

Field Ref.Common Field NameXML   Schema Field NameDescriptionRequired/ OptionalInheritable?TypeMin LengthMax LengthValuesBusiness Rules
1External Enterprise ID<Enterprise> externalIdAssociated EnterpriseRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
2External Institution ID<Institution> externalIdAssociated InstitutionRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
3External Program Group IDexternalIdProgram Group from SISRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
4NamenameProgram Group nameRequiredNostring150

5Program Group TypeprogramGroupTypeCodeProgram Group TypeRequiredNostring

Program Group Type Code
6DescriptiondescriptionProgram Group descriptionOptionalNostring1255

Program Group Program

The entire set of ProgramGroupProgram records for the ProgramGroup must be specified. The list in the file will update/replace the list in Regent Award. This gives the school a way to remove associations. The concept does not apply to any other cross-reference (i.e. ProgramSite, ProgramTerm, etc.).

Field Ref.Common Field NameXML Schema Field NameDescriptionRequired/ OptionalInheritable?TypeMin LengthMax LengthValuesBusiness Rules
1External Enterprise ID<Enterprise> externalIdAssociated EnterpriseRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
2External Institution ID<Institution> externalIdAssociated InstitutionRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
3External Program Group IDexternalProgramGroupIdAssociated Program GroupRequiredNostring160
 Used for matching
4External Program IDexternalProgramIdProgram ID associated with the Program GroupRequiredNostring160

Program Term

Field Ref.Common Field NameXML Schema Field NameDescriptionRequired/ OptionalInheritable?TypeMin LengthMax LengthValuesBusiness Rules
1External Enterprise ID<Enterprise> externalIdAssociated EnterpriseRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
2External Institution ID<Institution> externalIdAssociated InstitutionRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
3External Campus ID<Campus> externalIdAssociated CampusRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
4External Program IDexternalProgramIdAssociated ProgramRequiredNostring160Program values that are already set up in the system
5External Term External IDexternalTermIdTerm ID from SISRequiredNostring160Term Values that are already set up in the system
6External Enrollment Level Setup IDexternalEnrollmentLevelSetupIdEnrollment Level Setup ID from SISRequiredNostring160Enrollment level setup values that are already set up in the system
7Term TypetermTypeCodeTerm TypeOptionalNostring

Term Type Code
8Completes SAYcompletesSAYIndicator to designate which term is the final term in the SAY for a program.RequiredNoboolean

true / false (case sensitive)Should only be provided for Academic Calendar Type = "SAY - Federal Award Year Based"

Program Site

Field Ref.Common Field NameXML Schema Field NameDescriptionRequired/ OptionalInheritable?TypeMin LengthMax LengthValuesBusiness Rules
1External Enterprise ID<Enterprise> externalIdAssociated EnterpriseRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
2External Institution External ID<Institution> externalIdAssociated InstitutionRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
3External Campus ID<Campus> externalIdAssociated CampusRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
4External Program IDexternalProgramIdAssociated ProgramRequiredNostring160
Used for matching
5External Site IDexternalSiteIdSite ID from SISRequiredNostring160

6Inherit DefaultsinheritProgramSettingsIndicates whether the site should inherit all the values set at the program level.RequiredNoboolean

true / false (case sensitive)If "true", this site should inherit all of the values set at the program level
7Stop All Positive Disbursements DatestopPositiveDisbursementDateDate when the positive disbursement for students in this program will be stoppedOptional Nodate

YYYY-MM-DDIf this date is populated, stop positive disbursements for students in this program beginning on the date provided.
8Open for EnrollmentopenForNewEnrollmentIndicates whether this program is available to new/prospective students.OptionalNoboolean

true / false (case sensitive)
9Open for TransfersopenForTransferProgramChangeIndicates whether the program is available to transfer students and students who change programOptional Noboolean

true / false (case sensitive)
10Batch PackagebatchPackageIndicates whether the prograam can be batch packagedOptional Noboolean

true / false (case sensitive)
  • If "true", this program will be displayed on the batch packaging screen for the selected site.
  • If "false", it will not display in this list for the chosen site.
11Estimate Non-FSAestimateNonFSAEligibleIndicates whether awards can be estimated for anticipated periods.Optional Noboolean

true / false (case sensitive)If "true", awarding for this program can be estimated, even though it is not yet FSA eligible
12Track SwitchallowAnticipatedTrackSwitchIndicates whether this site will allow students in the program to switch to a different trackOptional Noboolean

true / false (case sensitive)
13FSA Start DateFSAEligibleStartDateAny payment period that has an end date that’s after the specified start date is eligible, and start date that is before the end date specified.OptionalNodate

YYYY-MM-DDThis date range can not be outside of the data range indicated at the Program Level.
14FSA End DateFSAEligibleEndDateOptionalNodate



Field Ref.Common Field NameXML Schema Field NameDescriptionRequired/ OptionalInheritable?TypeMin LengthMax LengthValuesBusiness Rules
1External Enterprise ID

XML: <Enterprise> externalId

CSV: externalEnterpriseId

Associated EnterpriseRequiredNostring160

  • Used for matching
2External Institution ID

XML: <Institution> externalId

CSV: externalInstitutionId

Associated InstitutionRequiredNostring1 60

  • Used for matching
3External Campus ID

XML: <Campus> externalId

CSV: externalCampusId

Associated CampusRequiredNostring160
  • Used for matching
4External Term IDexternaIIdTerm ID from SISRequiredNostring160

5Term NamenameDisplay name for TermRequiredNostring160
  •  Must be unique within a give Campus
6TracktrackDefines the track field for BBAY academic calendars.OptionalNostring02
  • Optional for BBAY Academic calendars
  • Must be blank for SAY
7Academic Calendar TypeacademicCalendarTypeCodeIndicator of how the loan eligibilty should be calculated for the term.OptionalYesstring

Academic Calendar Type Code

  • Validate against AcademicCalendarType table
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be set to 'Inherit' or specific values should be indicated for each. 
8Academic Period TypeacademicPeriodTypeCodeType of Academic PeriodOptionalYesstring

Academic Period Type Code

  • Validate against AcademicPeriodType table
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be set to 'Inherit' or specific values should be indicated for each
  • Refer to CalendarType_PeriodType_Unit_Reference for allowed values for the specified Academic Calendar Type.
9Unit TypeacademicUnitTypeCodeType of UnitOptionalYesstring

Academic Unit Type Code

  • Validate against UnitType table
  • Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type and Unit Type form a combined data set - meaning all three fields should be set to 'Inherit' or specific values should be indicated for each. 
  • Refer to CalendarType_PeriodType_Unit_Reference for allowed values for the specified Academic Calendar Type / Academic Period Type.
10Start DatestartDateStart date of the TermRequiredNodate

11End DateendDateEnd date of the TermRequiredNodate

  • Must be on or after Term Start Date
12Alt EFC MonthsaltEFCMonthsDefines number of months for Alt-EFC period.OptionalYesdouble02Values 1 through 12
13Instructional WeeksinstructionalWeeksValue used to determine the instructional weeks for the term in order to calculate Pell using Pell Formula 3OptionalNointeger02Values 1 through 52
  • Required if Institutional Setup Option for Allow Regent Award to Calculate Instructional Weeks  = "false"
  • Cannot be zero
14Accelerate Begin Actual

accelerateBeginActual ForRegCreditsCode

Used as the enrollment threshold to specify when (prior to the census date) to use actual units in packaging a studentOptionalYesstring

Accelerate Begin Actual Code

  • Validate the values against AccelerateBeginActualForRegisteredCredits table
  • Works in conjunction with Begin Actual Date.
  • The system will begin using actual enrollment once one of the actions has occurred.
15Completes SAYcompletesSAYIndicator to designate which term is the final term in the SAY for a programRequiredYesboolean

  • true
  • false
  • Only applicable if Academic Calendar Type = "SAY - Federal Award Year Based" 
16Is Header or CrossoverisHeader

Defines if a Term is a Header when the Academic Calendar Type = SAY - Federal Award Year Based. If the Term Academic Calendar Type is Non-SAY, then this field is used to define Crossover.


  • true
  • false
  • Crossover occurs when an enrollment period crossed over two Federal Award Years.  If  "true",  the term overlaps two award years. 
17Allow Term to Start Anticipated AYallowTermToAnticpatedAYIndicates whether this term can be used to start an AYRequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • Not applicable when Academic Calendar Type = "SAY - Federal Award Year Based" or Use for Anticipation = "false"
  • If "true", use the term as the anchor (first) term in an anticipated BBAY1 or BBAY2. Anticipated AYs can start with this term, even when a student has no registration for that term.
  • If "false", the term will not start an AY unless the student has actual registered units in the term.
18Anticipate 0 Units for Termanticipate0UnitsForTermIndicates whether 0 anticipated units will be used for the term rather than the Anticpated Enrollment Level Type defined for the student's programRequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • Not applicable when Academic Calendar Type = "SAY - Federal Award Year Based" or Use for Anticipation = "false"
  • If "true", anticipate 0 units for the term prior to the Begin Actual Date. With 0 units anticipated, no awards will be made for the term unless the student has actual registered units.
  • If "false", and the Begin Actual date has not been met, anticipate using the Anticipated Enrollment Level Type defined for the student's program.
19Use for AnticipationuseForPlanningYNIndicator to designate when the Term should be used when anticipating enrollment. If the student has a courseenrollment (registration) for that term, it will be used regardless of this flag.RequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If "true", include the term  when calculating anticipated award packages.
20Begin Actual DatebeginActualDateDate actual enrollment data will be used for awarding.  It is used to specify when (prior to census date) to use actual units in packaging a student.RequiredNodate

  • Non-term – when a student has actual enrollment, they will flip to actual.
  • Term – student will flip to actual at the begin actual date, and no earlier, despite real registration, unless the accelerate begin actual is set.
21Pell Recalculation DatepellRecalculationDateDate that Pell will be recalculated for students attending this term.OptionalNodate

  • Applicable only in awarding Pell based or registered units
  • Require that this date be between the census date and the end date of the term.
22SAP DateSAPDateThe earliest date the school can begin SAP evaluation for the termRequiredNodate

  • Should be greater or equal than term end date.
  • Also used to delay re-anticipation of courses that aren't marked as completed for a closed term. RNA uses the SAP date as a "term end date" override:
  • The actual term end date does not change, the term remains closed
  • If the SAP date is on or AFTER the packaging date, RNA will use progression units (treating the enrollment as if it was closed), otherwise, use registered units (treating the enrollment as if it was still open)
  • If the student doesn't have RegisteredProgAppUnits, then we will use CompletedPAUnits, and if those are also 0, then we will use ProgressionProgAppUnits.
  • As a result, RNA should delay re-anticipation of courses that aren't marked as completed for the closed term. This will produce a delay for the school to wait until the grades (quality points) are posted for those completed courses and will prevent the Kaplan scenario where students were being packaged with anticipated units in the next term because the school has not received the grades for the completed courses.
23Census DatecensusDateThe initial calculation dateRequiredNodate

  • Should be between term start date and end date.
  • Census enrollment level type is separate and calculated from the census units reported on the CEs.
  • The freezeCOA is flag when the freezeDate is less than the current date.  So if we freeze the COA at census with a census date of 4/17/2013, it won’t be frozen until 4/18/2013.
24Census Date 2censusDate2Supports an ability to provide a census date for students who are enrolled in ony the 2nd module of a term.OptionalNodate

  • Must be after the Census Date
  • DEX will need to determine which census date, from term setup, to use when calculating the census date CE roll-up buckets for the student, for a given term.
  • The earliest census date provided on term setup, that falls on or after the start date of the student's earliest program applicable course in the term, will be the census date that the CE process should use the for census related CE roll-up buckets for that student, for that term.
  • If the earliest program applicable course start date falls on or after both of the census dates defined on term setup, use the latest defined census date as the census date that the CE process should use the for census related CE roll-up buckets for that student, for that term.
  • If the censusDate2 field is NULL, DEX should use censusDate.
  • Additionally, in order to determine if a remedial course is disqualified, compare the enrolledDate of the course against the censusDate for the student (using the logic defined in the first two bullets above to determine the student's census date).
25Auto Withdraw DateautoWithdrawDateDefines the date for auto withdrawalRequiredNodate

  • Should be between term start date and end date
  • Must not be before the Begin Actual Date
26State Grant Census Date 1stateGrantCensusDate1

This date will be used to calculate attended remedial qualified units and attended program applicable units with courses that has withdrawn date after this State Grant Date.Some State grants have set date after which they will get paid even if they withdrew from the courses. CCC will use this for their MAP state grant.


  • Should be between term start date and end date
  • Must  not be before the Begin Actual Date
27State Grant Census Date 2stateGrantCensusDate2OptionalNodate

  • Should be between term start date and end date
  • Must  not be before the Begin Actual Date
28State Grant Census Date 3stateGrantCensusDate3OptionalNodate

  • Should be between term start date and end date
  • Must  not be before the Begin Actual Date
29State Grant Census Date 4stateGrantCensusDate4OptionalNodate

  • Should be between term start date and end date
  • Must  not be before the Begin Actual Date
30Financial Aid Determination DatefinancialAidDeterminationDateDefines a specific, point-in-time date for a Term. Regent Award can check a student's enrolled units as of this date, for use in Custom Fund Rulesets.OptionalNodate


31External Term Code externalTermCode
  • Used for matching OCOG disbursements to Regent Award Terms.
32BBAY Anchor DeterminationbbayAnchorDeterminationDateTypeCodeDefines how a term is anchored i.e. start an AY as the first term in an Academic Year, for a BBAY1 or BBAY2 calendar.OptionalYesstring150
  • DirectLoansGreaterThan0
Stipulates when Regent Award can "anchor" a term-based BBAY. Regent Award determines "anchor" eligibility based on a configured Term Date or when Direct Loans are greater than $0 in the term.
  • The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Start Date" uses Term Setup's "Start Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  • The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Begin Actual Date" uses Term Setup's "Begin Actual Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  • The "Actual Registered Units by the Term Census Date" uses Term Setup's "Census Date 1" (term's first Census Date) to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date. Student-level Census Functionality Note: Regent Award uses the Term Setup's Census Date 1 regardless of the Student-level Census Date.
  • The "Registered Units by the Term Auto Withdraw Date" Date uses Term Setup's "Auto Withdraw Date" to anchor the term when actual registration is received by this date.
  • Direct Loans Greater Than $0 will anchor the term when Direct Loan amounts in the term are packaged with an amount greater than $0. Note: Enrollment and Term Dates will not be considered when this option is selected
33Last Day for Drop/AddlastDayDropAddDefines the last date within the term that a school allows a student to drop or add courses for that term. OptionalNodate

This field specifies the date to be used for Drop/Add periods for SAP calculations.
34COD Term Start Date OverrideallowOverrideCODPaymentPeriodStartDateIndicates if RNA will or will not consume term start date from COD WB which falls outside of normal term start date. RNA will subsequently use it for COD export only. Originally designed for Intersession terms. Doesn't affect the terms displayed in the Academic Plan.RequiredNoboolean

  • true
  • false
  • If selected, Regent Award will consume the Payment Period Start Date from the WB Response File and set a Payment Period Start Date Override Date to be used on subsequent COD Exports for reporting purposes.
  • Presume applicability only for SAY, BBAY1, BBAY2 programs

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