Release Notes for Regent Award version



Release Date

Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements including:

  • Support for 2019-2020 Processing
    • 2019-2020 Pell Schedules
    • COD Support
  • Phase 1 of R2T4 Automation
  • New Nonterm R2T4 Payment Period Length Calculation Option
  • Disbursement Option to Confirm Current Attendance

New Configuration Options

The following new configuration options were added in release

  • Under Institution Setup, Campus Setup and Program Setup, all of the configuration options previously displayed under a section on the General tab labeled "R2T4 Settings" was moved to a new subtab labeled "R2T4" under the same configuration area. 
  • Under Institution Setup, Campus Setup and Program Setup added new configuration options to support R2T4 Automation:
    • Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required allows Regent Award to automatically determine whether or not a student requires an R2T4
    • Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s allows the school to configure how many days after the student's Date of Determination Regent Award will automatically determine whether or not a student requires an R2T4
    • Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s allows the school to configure how many days after the student's Date of Determination Regent Award will automatically determine whether or not a student's R2T4 can be "Finalized" if configured to do so.
    • Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize allows a school to configure Regent Award to automatically "Finalize" R2T4s that are "Fully Earned / Fully Disbursed."  
  • Under Institution and Campus Setup, a new configuration option was added, "TSM Alert Disbursement Block," to allow a school to configure whether only positive or both positive and negative disbursements will be blocked for EST when the student has a 7-day Transfer Monitoring hold.
  • Under Program Setup, the former "Disb. Rescheduling Method" was renamed "Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method."  The setting's behavior is unchanged, it's simply been renamed to more appropriately describe its functionality.
  • Under Program Setup, R2T4 Settings, a new configuration option was added, "Method for Projecting Nonterm R2T4 PP End Date," to allow a school to determine the method to be used by Regent Award for calculating projected payment period end dates for R2T4.  An additional new setting, "Days in R2T4 PP when 0 Units Completed," must be entered if "R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula" is chosen.
  • Under Fund Setup, a new Alternate FAY value of May 1 - April 30 was added to the "Alternate FAY Schedule" field.
  • Under Fund Setup, the following items were added for use by funds that do not have a ruleset:  "Enrollment Minimum and Maximum" Range Fields,
    "Amounts per Payment Period and per Unit" configuration options with FAY effective dates, a new value of "Distribute Use Payment Period Amounts" was added to the "Award Distribution Options" field.
  • Under Disbursement Schedule Setup, the option "Confirm Current Attendance Prior to Disbursement" was added to allow the EST process to validate that the student is actively attending a course at the time of disbursement.
  • Under Permissions → Enterprise Permissions → Student Permissions → Awards Tab → Add Award Wizard, a new permission was added: "Allow Increasing and Adding Title IV Awards in Finalized R2T4 Periods"
    • Allow users to add or increase Title IV awards in enrollment periods affected by a Finalized R2T4 using the Add Award Wizard. 
  • Under Permissions → Enterprise Permissions → Student Permissions → Awards Tab → Modify Award Wizard, a new permission was added: "Allow Increasing and Adding Title IV Awards in Finalized R2T4 Periods"
    • Allow users to add or increase Title IV awards in enrollment periods affected by a Finalized R2T4 using the Modify Award Wizard. 

Admin and User Guide Updates

As part of the Release, the following Admin Guide pages were added/updated:

The following User Guide pages were also added/updated:

The following Knowledge Base pages were also added/updated:


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-13363Regent AwardAnnual Federal and State Reporting

Title: Export FAFSA and FAFSA Tab Removed from Regent Award

Tickets: RS-13363;

The FAFSA Tab and the Export FAFSA process have been removed from Regent Award as with increased use of FAFSA-on-the Web, there is no longer a need for Regent Award to support the eFAFSA.

RS-14428Regent AwardCOD

Title: COD 2019-2020 Annual Updates

Tickets: RS-14427; RS-14428; RS-12835; RS-15118; RS-15163; RS-15016; RS-15017; RS-15153; RS-15155; RS-15142; RS-15063; RS-15479;

Regent Award has been updated to support the processing of 2019-2020 awards with COD. The Pell Grant payment schedules have been updated for FAY 2019-2020. Other updates include support for the COD export process for origination and disbursement of COD-based awards, as well as the import of the unsolicited, system-generated files that are a part of normal COD processing and rebuild/year-to-date files that are used for data conversion. In addition, the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Mailbox Integration feature has been updated to support 2019-2020 SAIG Message Classes.

RS-13022Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Title: Award Year Based R2T4 Configuration Options Removed from Institution, Campus, and Program Setup

Tickets: RS-13022; RS-14998; RS-14999; RS-15000;

The "Period Used for R2T4" and "Allow Deviations for Re-entries and Transfers" Award Year based R2T4 configuration options have been removed from the Institution, Campus, and Program setups as they are not in use.

RS-15092Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates to dataExtract_Task_View and dataExtract_TaskActivity_View

Tickets: RS-15092;

New versions of the dataExtract_Task_View and dataExtract_TaskActivity_View have been created in order to add additional fields to the views. The new versions are titled dataExtract_Task_View_v001 and dataExtract_TaskActivity_View_v001.

The dataExtract_Task_View and dataExtract_TaskActivity_View are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. It can be found at the following location in the Customer Zone Data Dictionary: Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary.

RS-14695Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates for Task Setup Data Views

Tickets: RS-14695;


A new version of the dataExtract_Task_Config_View has been created in order to add additional fields to the view. The new version is titled dataExtract_Task_Config_View_v001. In addition, the following related new data views were created:

  • dataExtract_TaskQueue_Config_View_v001
  • dataExtract_TaskQueueTrigger_Config_View_v001

The dataExtract_Task_Config_View is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. It can be found at the following location in the Customer Zone Data Dictionary: Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary.

RS-14231Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates to dataExtract_ISIR_View and dataExtract_ISIRCorrection_View

Tickets: RS-14231;

New versions of the dataExtract_ISIR_View and dataExtract_ISIRCorrection_View have been created in order to add additional fields to the views. The new versions are titled dataExtract_ISIR_View_v001 and dataExtract_ISIRCorrection_View_v001.

The dataExtract_ISIR_View and dataExtract_ISIRCorrection_View are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. It can be found at the following location in the Customer Zone Data Dictionary: Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary.

RS-15535Regent AwardData Views

Title: Client Data View needed for the MPN Data Model

Tickets: RS-15535;

A new data view was needed in order to provide visibility into MPN data. This new data view is titled dataExtract_MPN_View_v001.

The Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect details on this new view. It can be found at the following location in the Customer Zone Data Dictionary: Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary.

RS-15219Regent AwardDocuments

Title: Improvements to Downloading Attachments from the Documents Tab Grid

Tickets: RS-15219;

When a document has one attachment associated, users will be able to select the paperclip icon from the documents tab grid to download the attachment.

When a document has multiple attachments associated, users will have the ability to hover over the paperclip icon to show a list of the multiple attachments. The user will also have the ability to select an attachment from that list to download.

RS-14633Regent AwardDocuments

Title: New Data Views in support of Multiple Document Attachments

Tickets: RS-14633;

Two new data views have been created in support of the Multiple Document Attachments feature: dataExtract_DocumentRequirement_View_v001 and dataExtract_DocumentRequirementFileAttachment_View_v001.

The Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new view version. It can be found at the following location in the Customer Zone Data Dictionary: Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary.

RS-15317Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Title: Configuration Option to Allow Negative EST Transactions When Student has an NSLDS TSM Hold.

Tickets: RS-15316; RS-15315; RS-15319; RS-15320; RS-15318; RS-15321;

A configuration option at the Institution and Campus level has been added to allow schools to process negative EST transactions when a student has an NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Alert (7-day disbursement block) that has not been cleared.

For more details, please see Institution Setup Data Elements.

RS-15313Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Title: Ability to Confirm Current Attendance Prior to Disbursing a Fund

Tickets: RS-15333; RS-15336; RS-15341; RS-15343;

Regent Award now provides a configuration option at the Disbursement Schedule level that will confirm currentattendance in a course prior to disbursing a fund. This feature will aid in eliminating and/or reducing the number of inadvertent overpayments.

Users will have the ability to override this validation to confirm current attendance by using Disbursement Overrides.

Please see Disbursement Schedule Data Elements and EST Validation Error Codes Guide for further details.

RS-14233Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

Title: ISIR Tab: Update Specific ISIR Fields Formatting to use "Text"

Tickets: RS-14233;

The Student ISIR Tab within Regent Award has been updated to use "text" formatting instead of "currency" formatting in specific fields beginning with the 2018-2019 ISIR and forward.

RS-14903Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant (GTEG)

Tickets: RS-14903; RS-15351; RS-15352; RS-15373; RS-15347; RS-15348; RS-15350;

Regent has automated the awarding of the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant (GTEG) for semester-based term schools.

For more information, and the details on the implementation of this grant, please see the User Guide topic Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant (GTEG).

RS-15022Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Updates to logic for the "Review Return from LOA or CORE" Task Trigger

Tickets: RS-15022;

Description: With Phase 1 of R2T4 Automation, the task trigger logic for the "Review Return from LOA or CORE" has been updated to align with the R2T4 "Not Required" check to confirm if a student has returned from a break.

Previously, for a Leave of Absence (LOA), the task checked that the student returned within 180 days of the start date of the LOA. The LOA criterion of the task was updated to confirm that the student returns by the LOA break end date plus a built-in 7-day offset. If the student does not confirm attendance by 7 days after the break end date, the task will be triggered on the student record.

Please see Regent Award Task Triggers for further details.

RS-15002Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Update to R2T4 Modular Denominator Calculation

Ticket(s): RS-15002;

In the release of Regent Award, we implemented Departmental guidance about when to count withdrawn modules in the R2T4 Period of Enrollment denominator calculation. Further clarification on this guidance has been received and incorporated into the Release. Implementation:
If the unattended course's Withdrawal Date is the same as the lesser of the Course Withdrawal Date or Course End Date of another Attended course, and there are no other courses the student is attending at the time, the days in the unattended course will be used in the denominator for any R2T4 for the term. Updated Implementation:
If the unattended course's Withdrawal Date is the same the Course Withdrawal Date of another Attended course, and there are no other courses the student is attending at the time, the days in the unattended course will be used in the denominator for any R2T4 for the term. If the unattended course's Withdrawal Date is the same as the Course End Date of another non-withdrawn Attended course, the days in the unattended course will not be used in the denominator for any R2T4 for the term.

RS-14640Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Support for Modules with Multiple R2T4s in a Term

Tickets: RS-15237; RS-15238; RS-15239;

Enhanced logic has been implemented for Modules that include multiple R2T4s within the term. Regent Award will ensure the correct days are included in the R2T4 numerator and denominator when a modular student has multiple R2T4s in a single term.

Please see R2T4 for Modules in Terms for further details.

RS-13404Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4 Automation Phase 1: Method for Extrapolating Nonterm R2T4 PP End Dates

Tickets: RS-13404; RS-15026; RS-15135; RS-15256; RS-15255; RS-15256; RS-15358; RS-15359; RS-15363; RS-15364; RS-15379; RS-15380;

For nonterm credit-hour programs, Regent Award can optionally calculate a projected PP end date for the R2T4 Wizard. Regent Award extrapolates the dates based on the individual student's rate of successful completion in the R2T4 payment period per a formula detailed in the FSA Handbook, and also provides for a program-level configuration option for cases when the student has not completed any units in the payment period.

For more details, see R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula.

RS-12802Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4 Automation Phase 1: Auto-Determine when an R2T4 is "Not Required."

Tickets: RS-12802; RS-15012; RS-15013; RS-15014; RS-15089; RS-15090; RS-15102; RS-15112; RS-15040; RS-15117; RS-15251; RS-15135; RS-15018; RS-15042; RS-15047; RS-15203; RS-15023; RS-15025; RS-15026;

As part of the initial Phase of R2T4 Automation, Regent Award can now be configured to automatically assess students who have a "Review R2T4" task, to determine if the R2T4 is "Not Required" for reasons such as no attendance or no Title IV for the R2T4 period. Regent Award will close such R2T4 records as "Not Required" and document the reason for the closure. Schools can configure a specific day, based on an offset of the student's Date of Determination (DOD), on which Regent Award will conduct this assessment.

The R2T4 Date of Determination is now a required field on the SBL. When the DOD is provided, either the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal node or the R2T4 50 Percent Indicator node is required as well.

For more information about the automated "Not Required" logic, R2T4 Automation Configuration settings and the R2T4 Automation feature, see Automated R2T4.

RS-12694Regent AwardR2T4

Title: R2T4 Automation Phase 1: Auto-Finalize Fully Earned, Fully Disbursed R2T4s

Tickets: RS-12694; RS-15012; RS-15013; RS-15014; RS-15018; RS-15022; RS-15023; RS-15025; RS-15026; RS-15028; RS-15040; RS-15042; RS-15047; RS-15089;

As part of the initial Phase of R2T4 Automation, Regent Award can now be configured to automatically "Finalize" R2T4s for students who have a "Review R2T4" task, and for whom aid for the R2T4 Period is fully earned and fully disbursed. Schools can configure a specific day based on an offset from the student’s Date of Determination on which Regent Award will assess a student for "Finalization." Process reports will keep users apprised of R2T4 actions completed by Regent Award automation.

For more information about R2T4 Automation Configuration settings and this the R2T4 Automation feature, see Automated R2T4.

RS-11350Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Limit Loan Amounts in Entire AY for Nonterm R2T4

Tickets: RS-11350; RS-15322; RS-15333;

When a nonterm student has a loan in a payment period for a Finalized R2T4, Regent Award will process any required adjustments and then cease awarding both Payment Periods in the Academic Year. For example, an R2T4 might require that all loans be returned for a nonterm student withdrawing during the second payment period. The PP2 disbursements will be canceled, and Regent Award will also block awarding of any new loans for either payment period as long as the Finalized R2T4 remains in that academic year. Regent Award will still allow any R2T4-related downward adjustments to be processed, and users with permissions may make other adjustments to the awards. The system may also cancel any Title IV aid excluded from the R2T4 calculations, depending on the configuration for "Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4."

For more information about R2T4 Automation, see Packaging with a Finalized R2T4. For more details on the "Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4" configuration, see Auto Cancellation of Title IV Disbursement Excluded During the R2T4 Period.

RS-15679Regent AwardTechnical Design

Title: Script Update to address Budget related data inconsistencies

Ticket: RS-15679;

Regent uses internal fields on awarding related tables to track Fund Budget information. Some of these internal fields have become inconsistent over time. This cleanup script, which is automatically included with Release 4.7 and only needs to be run once during the 4.7 upgrade, corrects the inconsistencies with these internal fields. Schools may notice the updates when viewing budget-related fields on an award - for example, "Budget Amount" on the Awards Tab details.

Please note that the Activity Log Entries will mention RS-15206 as the script number.

RS-15310Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Add/Modify Award Wizard - Allow Adding/Increasing Title IV Awards in R2T4 Periods

Tickets: RS-15309; RS-15310;

Regent Award has been enhanced to allow users to add or increase Title IV awards in enrollment periods affected by a Finalized R2T4. When a user adjusts payment period amounts, the system will show a warning that the period has a finalized R2T4. Users with permissions will be able to continue adding or increasing the amounts.

For term-based payment periods, the warning applies to only the term containing the finalized R2T4.
For nonterm payment periods, the warning applies to all payment periods in the entire Academic Year containing a finalized R2T4.

For more information about permissions, see the following User Guide topics, Permissions, Add An Individual Award using the Add Award Wizard (AAW), Modify An Individual Award using the Modify Award Wizard (MAW).


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-14782Regent AwardActivity Log

Regent Award was not accurately displaying "Watched Students" on the dashboard under the "Recent Activity - Watched Students" section after logging out of the User Interface and logging back in. The Dashboard displayed recent activity for all students, not just the students on the user’s Watch List.

Invalid filtering was occurring which prevented "Watched Students" from displaying on the "Recent Activity - Watched Students" section on the dashboard.

Logic was modified to ensure that any Watched Students are displayed on the dashboard under the "Recent Activity - Watched Students" section. The Dashboard refreshes the Watched Students activity whenever the user logs into the system.

Navigate to a student record and select the "Add to Student Watch List" button. Log out of the Regent Award UI and log back in. Ensure the student selected is now visible under the "Recent Activity - Watched Students" widget on the dashboard.

RS-13887Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was not correctly calculating student's grade level after completing a Program Change.

Grade levels were not calculating for historic programs when a Program Change occurred on a student's Academic Plan.

Regent Award logic was modified to ensure that grade levels are calculated for enrollments that are associated with historic programs.

Navigate to a student needing a Program Change and the Grade Level for the prior program was at least a Grade Level 2. Process the Program Change and ensure the Grade Level in the new program is accurately reflected.

RS-15512Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Regent Award is unexpectedly presenting an error when users attempt to create a Disbursement Schedule.

Incorrect logic within the database was causing Regent Award to present an error when a user attempting to create a new Disbursement Schedule.

A variable within the database was updated to ensure new Disbursement Schedules are able to be created without an error being presented.

Navigate to Administration and select Disbursement Schedule Setup. Select "Add Disbursement Schedule" and ensure an error is not presented.

RS-14351Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Program Setup, "Default Academic Calendar/Period/Unit" section, Regent Award unexpectedly updated three setup parameters. The screen set them as if a user selected the first option in three drop-downs when Inherit from Campus" checkbox was not selected, and a user Edited and Saved Program Setup configuration without making any changes.

The screen set the "Inherit from Campus" checkbox to the default value.

The code was corrected to not change the value.

Find a Program where Default Academic Calendar/Period/Unit setting has Inherit from Campus checkbox unselected. Edit Program Setup configuration for this Program, do not make any changes, Save configuration. Refresh. Make sure that parameters in Default Academic Calendar/Period/Unit section remain unchanged.

RS-14030Regent ReviewConfiguration/Setup

Regent Award was throwing an "internal server error" when attempting to remove users from a role after all users within the configuration were assigned to the same role.

A command time out issue was causing the "internal server error" to be presented when removing all users from a role.

Logic was enhanced to load user data quickly to prevent an "internal server error" when removing all users from a role.

Navigate to the roles configuration section under the Administration Tab. Select a role and navigate to the "Users" tab. Select "edit", select "add all", and then save. Select "edit" once more and attempt to remove several users from the role. Confirm that an "internal server error" does not occur.

RS-15444Regent AwardDocuments

Documents grid was not showing the correct amount of assigned documents.

Regent Award validation rules prevented the upload of files containing special symbols in the file name.

System validation for special symbols in file names was removed.

Select the affected student. Navigate to Documents tab. Click 'Add document' button. Choose 'Select Document Requirement' link. From 'Submitted Documents' select a file with special characters present in the file name. Click the Save button. Confirm that file name containing special symbols is successfully uploaded. Verify that the Documents grid shows all documents assigned to the student.

RS-14810Regent AwardEnrollment

A term unexpectedly contains Registered Units from a moved course. Originally it had only one course and a user had moved this course to another term.

Regent Award unexpectedly did not delete the enrollment when a user was moving the last course from a term, keeping the same external course ID for that course in the term to which the course is moved.

Regent Award logic was updated so now it deletes orphaned terms.

Find a term student with only one course in the term. Update the student with SBL moving this course to current or future term keeping the same external course ID. Package the student. Refresh. Make sure registered units are zeroed out in the original term.

RS-14794Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

The Federal Supplemental Grant (FSEOG) Offered, Accepted, and Budgeted amounts were not updating under the Fund's Budget Setup when a student's Return to Title IV (R2T4) resulted in a refund of the FSEOG fund.

When an R2T4 was processed for a student and a refund of the FSEOG fund was required, Regent Award was not recalculating the Offered, Accepted, and Budgeted amounts under Budget Setup.

Logic was modified to ensure that the Offered, Accepted, and Budgeted amounts for the FSEOG fund budget are recalculated when a student's R2T4 results in a refund of the FSEOG fund.

View the Budget Setup for a budgeted FSEOG fund. Navigate to a student needing a refund of the FSEOG fund due to a finalized R2T4. After packaging the student, navigate to the FSEOG Budget Setup under Configuration and ensure the "Offered", "Accepted", and "Budget" amounts are updated to reflect the award change from the student's finalized R2T4.

RS-15387Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Check boxes at Compare Details section of Compare ISIR Wizard did not filter out results when checked/unchecked.

JavaScript code selected the wrong HTML element, thus 'Only Show Differences' checkbox was not selected.

The code was updated to target the correct checkbox element at Compare ISIR Wizard.

Navigate to ISIR tab. Click on the 'Compare ISIRs' button. Click on the lines for two ISIRs to compare. Under the 'Compare Details', check 'Only show differences' checkbox. The screen shows only the difference between the selected ISIRs.

RS-15143Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Users were unable to complete the ISIR Verification Wizard in Regent Award for students whose birthdate fell on February 29th.

Incorrect validation was in place related to birthdates that fall on February 29th.

Validation logic was corrected to ensure that a birthdate of February 29th can be entered in the ISIR Verification Wizard.

Navigate to an ISIR that has been selected for verification. Select the "Start ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard" button. Enter a DOB of 02/29/YYYY within ISIR Field #9 and select "Continue". Ensure the ability to provide a DOB of 02/29 is present and the ISIR Verification Wizard can be completed without receiving a validation error.

RS-14278Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Fields on the ISIR Printout produced by Regent Award did not match those within the User Interface on the ISIR Tab.

Invalid logic was in place that caused the printout view of the ISIR to not match the data presented within the UI.

Mapping of the printout fields was resolved to ensure the ISIR printout matches the data within the UI for the following fields:

  • Field 3 - Original Name ID
  • Field 109 - Parents' U.S. Income Tax Paid
  • Field 152 - Federal School Code #6 Housing Plans
  • Field 165 - Preparer's Social Security Number
  • Field 173 - Transaction Data Source/Type Code
  • Field 179 - Student Asset Threshold Exceeded
  • Field 184 - Student IRS Display Flag
  • Field 185 - Parent IRS Display Flag
  • Field 186 - Student IRS Type of Tax Return Data Field Flag
  • Field 196 - Parent IRS Type of Tax Return Data Field Flag

Navigate to a student record and select the ISIR Tab. Select the Print ISIR button and ensure the output provided matches the data in the UI.

RS-14189Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Regent Award was unexpectedly throwing an error message stating "sorry, an error occurred while processing your request" when attempting to select the "print ISIR" button.

An error was found in the HTML that provides the ability to print an ISIR.

The HTML error was resolved to allow users to print an ISIR.

Navigate to the ISIR tab for a student. Select the "print ISIR" button and confirm an error message is not provided stating "sorry, an error occurred while processing your request."

RS-15314Regent AwardPackaging

Newly imported students (without an Academic Plan populated) were receiving an error message stating disbursements were less than $0.

Previous logic allowed negative numbers to be included in award calculations, thus causing the error message reported.

Logic was modified to ensure negative numbers are not included in the award calculation; rather, the award calculation would include a $0 amount.

Import new students via the SBL. Package the students via Modify Academic Plan wizard. Ensure an Academic Plan is created with no error message presented.

RS-15148Regent AwardPackaging

Advanced Packaging within Regent Award was not adhering to the setting of packaging with the Latter Federal Award Year (FAY).

Regent Award was incorrectly setting the Pell Grant eligibility for a nonterm crossover payment period, thus preventing the Latter Year setting to take effect within Advanced Packaging.

Logic was modified to ensure that the Latter Year setting within Advanced Packaging is respected when there is a crossover nonterm payment period.

Navigate to a student that has a crossover non-term payment period for the 18/19 and 19/20 FAYs. Ensure the student does not have an 18/19 ISIR but does have a 19/20 ISIR. Under Advanced Packaging, select the Latter Year setting option for the crossover payment period and complete packaging. Ensure Pell is packaged using the Latter Year ISIR for the payment period.

RS-14753Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly re-packaged a reduced Pell amount using Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage (LEU) value from COD Standard Response file, while this value already includes previously paid disbursements from the same payment period.

Regent Award incorrectly used the Pell LEU from a COD response file and adjusted the total eligible amount, reducing the award amount.

Regent Award logic is updated to exclude the paid amount when the award is adjusted by the Pell LEU from COD response.

Navigate to a student whose remaining Pell LEU is more than 525%. Package student for the current payment period with full Pell eligibility and two 25% disbursements. Pay the first disbursement. Export EST to DRI, EST to COD, Import COD Standard response file. Verify COD Pell LEU from the response, it should be increased by 25%. Package student and make sure second unpaid disbursement is not reduced.

RS-14331Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was inadvertently decreasing anticipated units by half within Advanced Packaging for clock hour programs.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating anticipated units when one Academic Year had manual course units associated and another Academic Year had no course units associated.

Logic was modified to ensure anticipated units are calculated correctly within Advanced Packaging for clock hour programs.

Navigate to an affected student in a clock hour program. Access Modify Academic Plan wizard, Advanced Packaging and ensure the anticipated units are reflected correctly.

RS-15420Regent AwardProcess Log

Regent Award was inadvertently cloning IOProcess data when triggering scheduled Batch Packaging (BP) runs.

The scheduled process record was not set up to run correctly when a scheduled Batch Packaging process was triggered.

The scheduled process record is set up to run when a scheduled Batch Packaging process is triggered via the scheduled jobs.

Schedule a BP job under the Scheduled Processes tab. Once the BP job is kicked off, ensure that the process is shown in the Process Log.

RS-15303Regent AwardProcess Log

Performance and deadlock issues were occurring in Regent Award causing slower than normal processing times.

Deadlocks were occurring within the database causing performance issues for users within the User Interface.

Updates were made to the database tables to allow for faster processing within the Regent Award User Interface.

Have multiple users available to test simultaneously. One user should work through the Program Management Wizard for a student. Another user should add a student break and another user should update a course using Course Overrides. All of these processes should be worked at the same time and confirm that deadlock and performance issues do not occur.

RS-15658Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Federal Pell Grants on the Export Student Transaction (EST) Process for students who were not currently in attendance. (Please see Confirm Current Attendance Prior to Disbursement)

Previous Regent Award logic allowed COD based funds with a positive transaction amount to process on the EST when the disbursement level amount was already accepted at COD with DRI = true, ignoring the check of current attendance for disbursement.

The EST process was modified to check for current attendance in the payment period prior to checking if the disbursement level amount has been accepted with a DRI = true at COD.

Navigate to a student that is not currently in attendance and has a schedule Pell disbursement for the payment period. Attempt to run an EST process for the Pell disbursement and confirm an EST validation is presented stating the student is not currently in attendance.

RS-15640Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was inadvertently closing an Automated R2T4 record as "Not Required" due to no Title IV eligibility in the R2T4 period.

Regent Award was not correctly applying the Date of Withdrawal (WDD) and Date of Determination (DOD) to the R2T4 record before sending that record through the automated calculation process to determine if the R2T4 period contained Title IV aid.

Automated R2T4 logic was modified to ensure the WDD/DOD is correctly applied in the R2T4 calculation when determining Title IV eligibility.

Ensure R2T4 Automation is turned on under Institution Setup. Navigate to a student whose aid has fully disbursed and the student has attended more than 60% of the R2T4 period. Import an SBL with the R2T4 DOD/WDD. Process Batch Packaging for the student and ensure the R2T4 is not closed as "Not Required" due to no Title IV eligibility.

RS-15265Regent AwardR2T4

Pell was not recalculating in the R2T4 Wizard when a student's enrollment decreased.

R2T4 Recalculated Pell was not taking into account Year-Round Pell eligibility when setting correct award amounts in the R2T4 Wizard.

R2T4 Wizard logic was modified to ensure the Pell Recalculation amount is accurately calculated, including Year-Round Pell eligibility.

Navigate to a student whose Pell Grant disbursed, but then enrollment decreased thus causing a need to a Pell recalculation and an R2T4 to be calculated. Access the R2T4 Wizard and ensure the Recalculated Pell Grant amount is accurate.

RS-15180Regent AwardR2T4

A term student with modules had two R2T4s. Regent Award unexpectedly calculated the Pell eligibility solely based on the first, Reversed R2T4 amount. The system did not apply the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) from the second, Finalized R2T4.

The amounts from the first finalized R2T4 were not being marked as updated during packaging, which caused the amount to update to $0 when processing any subsequent R2T4s in the same term/payment period.

Logic was added to Regent Award to ensure the amount from the first finalized R2T4/PWD is included in any subsequent R2T4 processing.

Complete an R2T4 for a student that results in the student retaining some Pell funds. Reverse the R2T4. Package the student and ensure the eligible Pell remains on the student's account. Process a subsequent R2T4 and ensure the Pell award populated in the R2T4 calculation includes the amount from the first R2T4.

RS-13957Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was unexpectedly unable to package some nonterm students after R2T4 finalization. An error occurred in a crossover payment period when Pell disbursements had award FAY not equal to payment period FAY.

Regent Award was incorrectly attempting to change a payment period ID on a disbursement set by R2T4 during the award reconciliation process.

Regent Award Packaging logic was updated to prevent payment period ID change attempts for disbursements set by R2T4.

Find a nonterm student that has paid disbursement in a crossover period where payment period is from previous FAY and award is from current FAY. Perform R2T4, finalize, and package student. Make sure that during packaging no blocking error messages appear.

RS-15145Regent AwardReports

WI State Grant Report displayed incorrect data in the Tuition Code column.

An issue was present in the report view when gathering the report data.

The report view was updated to ensure the information is displayed accurately.

Run the WI State Grant Report and ensure the Tuition Code column displays accurately for the affected student(s).

RS-15144Regent AwardReports

The Wisconsin State Grant report unexpectedly displayed Fall 2018 data in the Spring 2018 columns, Spring 2018 data in the Summer 2018 columns, and then did not display any Summer 2018 data.

An issue with the database view that produces the report data caused it to display incorrectly.

The report database view was corrected to ensure that the data will display correctly in the report output.

Run the Wisconsin State Grant report for FAY 2018-2019. Confirm that Fall 2018 data displays in the Fall 2018 columns, Spring 2018 data displays in the Spring 2018 columns, and Summer 2018 data displays in the Summer 2018 columns.

RS-15412Regent AwardRunbook

Batch Packaging via 'Scheduled Processes' was not creating the Process Log records when executed.

When the new process record was created for Scheduled Batch Packaging process run, the system carried over an incorrect value for Started On (processingStartDate) from Scheduled Packaging parameter sets. It was expected to be left as blank.

A code fix was applied to leave Started On date blank when Scheduled Batch Packaging Process is initiated.

Navigate to Processes > Scheduled Processes menu item. Add New Schedule with 'Batch Package' process type and frequency 'Once' settings. Once the scheduled process run takes place, verify Process Log. The relevant process type - RNA Analysis should be showing at Process Log.

RS-13467Regent AwardSAP

Regent Award was inadvertently calculating SAP for students with missing grades when the configuration option to "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" was set to Yes.

Regent Award allowed SAP to be calculated for students whose courses were missing grades in the current SAP review period as well as the previous SAP review period.

Logic was modified to ensure that the SAP calculation is delayed and a "Missing Grades" Activity Log entry will be provided when a student has missing grades and the configuration option is set to Yes.

Ensure "Delay SAP Calculation Due to Missing Grades" is set to Yes under Institution Setup. Calculate SAP for a student with missing grades. Ensure the SAP calculation is not completed and an Activity Log Entry is reported that states the student has "Missing Grades."

RS-15426Student PortalStudent Portal (SNAP)

Students were presented with a server error when attempting to upload a document via the Document Portlet.

Regent Award configuration was not properly adhering to the "UseSecureConnection" setting when students were attempting to upload documents via the Document Portlet.

Modifications were made to the Document Portlet to ensure a server error is not presented when uploading documents.

Navigate to the document portlet and attempt to upload a document. Ensure a server error is not presented.

RS-15408Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

The "Parent's Legal Residents" date question's date reference was incorrect on both the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 TASFA Access Questionnaires.

This question failed to be updated over the past several years as Annual Regulatory Changes were made to the questionnaires.

The "Parent's Legal Residents" date question was updated on both the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 TASFA Access Questionnaires :

  • For 2018-2019, the question was updated from "Parents Legal Residency Before 01/01/2010" to "Parents Legal Residency Before 01/01/2013."
  • For 2019-2020, the question was updated from "Parents Legal Residency Before 01/01/2010" to "Parents Legal Residency Before 01/01/2014."

Access the 2018-2019 TASFA questionnaire as a dependent student. Ensure that the "Parent Legal Resident" question states "Parents Legal Residency Before 01/01/2013." Access the 2019-2020 TASFA questionnaire as a dependent student. Ensure that the "Parent Legal Resident" question states "Parents Legal Residency Before 01/01/2014."

RS-15299Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

Users were inadvertently seeing a "Download" screen when they attempted to download the most recent version of a SmartForm.

There was an issue with the logic that caused the same download screen to appear for SmartForms as the user would see for attachments in the Document Portlet.

Updates were made to ensure that if the document "attachment" is a SmartForm, the user will always download the latest version of the form when clicking the "Download" button.

Enter the portal and attempt to download a SmartForm. Confirm that clicking the "download" icon immediately beings a download of the latest version of the SmartForm without any additional screens appearing.

RS-15484Regent ReviewTasks

Regent Award inadvertently created duplicate "Review R2T4" tasks each time an R2T4 node was imported on the SBL with a non-unique Date of Determination (DOD) and a null value for the 50% Indicator.

The logic that determines how to match an imported R2T4 node to an existing "StudentR2T4" record was incorrectly considering a null value in the 50% Indicator field to determine uniqueness.

The matching logic was updated for determining whether a "StudentR2T4" record should be updated using newly imported SBL data, or if a new record should be created from the newly imported data. The updated logic appropriately accounts for a blank value in the 50% Indicator field. Minor data cleanup to remove duplicate "StudentR2T4" records is automatically included with this fix. Any existing duplicate "Review R2T4" tasks have been linked to the remaining non-duplicate "StudentR2T4" record, so as to retain any relevant notes in the task and restrict processes that the tasks are maintaining or action items that the tasks are driving. Activity Log Entries will be added to those students affected by the data clean-up.

Import an SBL with an R2T4 Node containing a Date of Determination and Withdrawal Date but a null value for the 50% Indicator field. Import a second SBL with identical data. Confirm that a duplicate "Review R2T4" task is not created. Import a third SBL with a different Date of Determination and a null value for the 50% Indicator field. Confirm that a new "Review R2T4" task is created.

RS-15218Regent AwardTasks

The scheduled Auto-Task Escalation and Auto-Task Assignment processes failed to create entries in the process log screen.

The error was caused by a missing UserId parameter at the related database procedure.

The necessary valid parameters were added to the procedures.

Log into the database of the affected instance. Execute dbo.rem_Task_AutoPrioritize and dbo.rem_Task_AutoAssignment procedures without any parameters. Login to the instance in the Regent application. Navigate to Process Log to verify that the corresponding log entries have been successfully created for the executed processes on behalf of the system user.

RS-15634Regent ReviewUser Interface

Regent Review was inadvertently experiencing performance issues causing a decrease in processing times.

Updates to the "Student - Watchlist" dashboard made in a prior release caused performance issues and slower processing times.

The stored procedure for the "Student - Watchlist" dashboard was updated to include the five most recent activity log entries per student. The filtering, paging, and sorting capabilities have been removed from the dashboard to allow for faster processing times.

Have multiple users attempt to complete a process within Regent Review, i.e. ISIR Verification, Document updates. Ensure processing times are not slowed down and normal processing is able to occur.

RS-15491Regent AwardUser Interface

Processing delays were unexpectedly occurring for Regent Review.

The stored procedures associated with the User Interface were causing processing delays when attempting to run multiple processes.

The stored procedures were optimized to allow for multiple processes to run consecutively without causing any processing delays.

Navigate to the document for a student and mark a document as "Received". Toggle to the Task Tab and attempt to close the "Review Received Document" Task. Ensure there are not any processing delays between the toggle of the Document Tab and Task Tab.

RS-15441Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award unexpectedly did not allow users to switch between pages on Documents Tab for some students that had more than ten documents.

Regent Award had redundant client-side decoding logic that failed and did not allow further document processing when document names contained "%" (percent) characters.

Regent Award's redundant decoding logic was removed.

Navigate to Document tab for any affected student that has more than ten documents (and so two or more pages with documents). Make sure that it is possible to navigate between document pages.

RS-15440Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award unexpectedly doesn't allow the user to add an individual program from the list of available programs to list of selected programs on Fund Setup screen.

Regent Award was using incorrect comparison logic for verifying Program List available items vs. selected items.

Regent Award logic was updated so available items in Program List are now correctly compared with selected.

Navigate to Fund Setup. Select a fund. Click on the Programs tab. Click on the Edit button. Click on the Add button next to a program. Make sure program is added (moved from the left pane to right one).

RS-14560Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award was incorrectly displaying Institutional Funds twice on the Awards Tab.

The same Institutional Funds had differing packaging philosophies thus causing those funds to display twice based on the packaging order.

Logic was modified to ensure Institutional Funds that have differing packaging philosophies are displayed once on the Awards Tab.

Navigate to an affected student. Package the student via MAP. Navigate to the Awards Tab and confirm Institutional Funds are displayed once for an Academic Year.