Adding / Modifying An Academic Plan

Adding / Modifying An Academic Plan


The Modify Academic Plan Wizard (MAP) allows the user to manually package a student for estimated or actual awarding. 

Modify Academic Plan

Access the student's record in Regent Award and select the Academic Plan tab. Then select the Modify Academic Plan icon.   

Step one of the Academic Plan wizard is displayed. If the student does not have an academic program, you will need to select an academic program. Enter the date the student is expected to start their academic program and their anticipated enrollment level if not already populated. If the student has an ISIR record, the ISIR information is displayed at the bottom of the page and the student's awards will be based upon the information from the ISIR record. Selecting an option from Override RNA Log Level allows you to view and/or print the packaging log in Step 3. This is useful for troubleshooting.  

Optionally, through setup, you can have the completion of the process create an expected EST record for posting to the school's student account system. Then select either the Basic Packaging or Advanced Packaging icon.

Basic Packaging

If you select Basic Packaging, step 2 is skipped. Basic Packaging allows for packaging of a single student (results are identical to Batch Packaging). Users will jump from Step 1 to Step 3 when they choose this path.


In the third step of the wizard, review the information presented to ensure that it is correct. You can select the View Packaging Log button to view and/or print the packaging log information. The ability to view this information is permission-based within setup. To make changes, select the "Back" icon. To continue, select the Finish icon.  

Upon selecting the Finish icon, the system creates or updates the award package for the student and presents the results on the Academic Plan tab.

Basic Packaging Data Requirements 

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Modify Academic Plan Wizard Step 1
Override RNA Log LevelAllows the end user to set the RNA Logging Level and enables them to access the RNA output on the last step of MAP.OptionalDrop-down
  • Off (default)
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Verbose
  • Off - the output will not log anything.
  • Error - the output will show messages logged by RNA as "Errors." 
  • Warning - the output will show messages logged by RNA as "Errors" and "Warnings." 
  • Info - the output will show messages logged by RNA as "Errors," "Warnings" and "Info."
  • Verbose - the output will show all data logged by RNA.
Capture Analysis Context
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
If selected, the user is able to download the RNA context for review
Calculate Awards
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected 
If selected, the wizard will calculate awards for the student. If unselected, the wizard will determine the student's academic plan and COA.
Send Expected ESTA permission-based field that creates an Estimated EST file for the student when MAP is finished.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
When selected, Regent Award will send parameters to the EST process to create an Expected EST file for that student 
ProgramProgram of Study that the student is enrolled in.RequiredDrop-downAutomatically populate with the programs currently set up in the system for this site.
  • If an Academic Plan exists, then the Academic Plan drop-down is disabled. 
  • If an Academic Plan does not exist, but there is a program present, Regent Award will populate the drop-down only with the specified program and create an Academic Plan when packaging with MAP.
  • If an Academic Plan does not exist and there is no program information present, Regent Award will populate the drop-down with a list of programs available to the student (based on site) and allow the user to select a program.
Start DateThe student's anticipated start date.RequiredDate pickerPre-populated from SBL data
Anticipated Enrollment LevelThe Anticipated Enrollment Level to use for payment periods for which the student does not yet have course enrollment.RequiredDrop-down

These values can only be selected if it is a Term based program.

  • Full time (default)
  • Three-quarter time
  • Half time
  • Less than half time
This is auto-populates to Full time and is not editable if the program is Non-Term
Packaging Philosophy OverrideOnly users with the "View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override" permission can access this field; otherwise, the field will not display on the screen.OptionalDrop-downThe drop-down displays only active, Packaging Philosophy setups
Required if the program has tracksDrop-downAuto-populates based on the tracks associated with the program
Estimated Options  - Display this section only if the student does not have any ISIR
Dependency StatusEstimated dependency statusRequiredDrop-down
  • Dependent
  • Independent with dependents
  • Independent without dependents
  • Provisional Independent
  • Blank

The Estimated Options section is displayed only when there is no ISIR for the student.

Starting with FAY 2024-2025, Housing Status is no longer available on the wizard or ISIR. The system uses the Housing Status Code set by UDF. If the UDF does not exist on the student, the system uses the Assumed Housing Status for the selected Dependency Status.

Estimated SAI

Estimated SAI

When 'Estimated SAI' is left blank, the student will only be packaged with funds configured with 'ISIR Required?' set to False.  When an 'Estimated SAI' value is provided, the system will package all funds using the Estimated SAI instead of an ISIR SAI.


Numeric values -1500 to 999,999,999

ISIR Information
ISIR YearFAY for which to use the active ISIRRequired if Package Using value is "ISIR SAI"Drop-downList of FAYs for which this student has an ISIR
ISIR DependencyThe Dependency value from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

ISIR Housing Status

The housing status value from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.

Applies to ISIRs for FAY 2023-2024 and earlier FAYs.

Read onlyText

Primary SAIThe Primary SAI value from student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Corrected Primary SAISAI that resulted from the corrections made to the ISIR after stepping through the ISIR correction wizard.Read onlyText

Correction StatusThe current correction status from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Record Package OptionThe current packaging option from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Primary SAI for PackagingThe SAI that Regent Award will use for packaging the student.Read onlyText

ISIR Comment CodesThe Comment Code values from student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

ISIR Reject CodesThe Reject Code values from student's active ISIR for FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Modify Academic Plan Wizard Step 3
Fund NameName of the fund the student is receivingRead onlyText

Grade LevelGrade level the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

Federal Award YearFederal Award Year the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

Payment PeriodPayment Period the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

Academic YearAcademic Year the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

New AmountNew amount of this award, as a result of running the wizard.Read onlyText

StatusStatus of the award (i.e., Paid, Partially Paid, Accepted, Cancelled, Offered)Read onlyText

Scheduled Disbursement DateDate that the award is scheduled to be disbursed to the student.Read onlyText

CostsDisplay per payment period as a total.Read onlyText

Advanced Packaging

In the second step of the wizard, you can adjust the anticipated enrollment for future payment periods/terms, change the student's track for future terms (if you are using tracks), change the FAY for the cross-over term, add additional terms and/or delete future terms that the student will not be attending. Once you are satisfied with the changes, select the Continue icon on the top right-hand side of the page.

Advanced Packaging Data Requirements 

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Modify Academic Plan Wizard Step 1
Override RNA Log LevelAllows the end user to set the RNA Logging Level and enables them to access the RNA output on the last step of MAP.OptionalDrop-down
  • Off (default)
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Verbose
  • Off - the output will not log anything.
  • Error - the output will show messages logged by RNA as "Errors." 
  • Warning - the output will show messages logged by RNA as "Errors" and "Warnings." 
  • Info - the output will show messages logged by RNA as "Errors," "Warnings" and "Info."
  • Verbose - the output will show all data logged by RNA.
Capture Analysis Context
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
If selected, the user is able to download the RNA context for review
Calculate Awards
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected 
If selected, the wizard will calculate awards for the student. If unselected, the wizard will determine the student's academic plan and COA.
Send Expected ESTA permission-based field that creates an Estimated EST file for the student when MAP is finished.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
When selected, Regent Award will send parameters to the EST process to create an Expected EST file for that student 
ProgramProgram of Study that the student is enrolled in.RequiredDrop-downAutomatically populate with the programs currently set up in the system for this site.
  • If an Academic Plan exists, then the Academic Plan drop-down is disabled. 
  • If an Academic Plan does not exist, but there is a program present, Regent Award will populate the drop-down only with the specified program and create an Academic Plan when packaging with MAP.
  • If an Academic Plan does not exist and there is no program information present, Regent Award will populate the drop-down with a list of programs available to the student (based on site) and allow the user to select a program.
Start DateThe student's anticipated start date.RequiredDate pickerPre-populated from SBL data
Anticipated Enrollment LevelThe Anticipated Enrollment Level to use for payment periods for which the student does not yet have course enrollment.RequiredDrop-down

These values can only be selected if it is a Term based program.

  • Full time (default)
  • Three-quarter time
  • Half time
  • Less than half time
This is auto-populates to Full time and is not editable if the program is Non-Term
Packaging Philosophy OverrideOnly users with the "View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override" permission can access this field; otherwise, the field will not display on the screen.OptionalDrop-downThe drop-down displays only active, Packaging Philosophy setups
Required if the program has tracksDrop-downAuto-populates based on the tracks associated with the program
Estimated SAI Information - Display this section only if we do not have an ISIR for the student
Dependency StatusEstimated dependency statusRequiredDrop-down
  • Dependent
  • Independent with dependents
  • Independent without dependents
  • Blank
Section is only displayed if there is no ISIR for the student.

Housing StatusEstimated housing statusRequiredDrop-down
  • On campus
  • With parent
  • Off-campus
  • Blank
Estimated SAI


ISIR Information
ISIR YearFAY for which to use the active ISIRRequired if Package Using value is "ISIR SAI"Drop-downList of FAYs for which this student has an ISIR
ISIR DependencyThe Dependency value from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

ISIR Housing StatusThe housing status value from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Primary SAIThe Primary SAI value from student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Corrected Primary SAISAI that resulted from the corrections made to the ISIR after stepping through the ISIR correction wizard.Read onlyText

Correction StatusThe current correction status from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Record Package OptionThe current packaging option from the student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Primary SAI for PackagingThe SAI that Regent Award will use for packaging the student.Read onlyText

ISIR Comment CodesThe Comment Code values from student's active ISIR for the FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

ISIR Reject CodesThe Reject Code values from student's active ISIR for FAY being displayed.Read onlyText

Modify Academic Plan Wizard Step 2
Reset Anticipated UnitsAllows the user to reset anticipated units that were previously entered by the user as an overrideOptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
Checkbox is available for selection regardless of whether or not the student has registered units >0 
ProgramProgram associated with the payment periodRead onlyText

PeriodPayment Period/Term the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.RequiredDrop-down

For term-based: Will display terms for the chosen program, and for the chosen track, if available.

For nonterm: The name of the enrollment period

For periods that the student already has actual enrollment - view only.


  • Populate with Payment Period


  • Populate with Academic Year - PP
Read onlyDrop-downAuto-populate based on the tracks associated with the programField is disabled if the program does not have tracks.
Start Date

Required - editable for Non-term

Read only for Term-based

Date pickerIf there is existing enrollment, these values will be pre-populated, but editable for non-term.
End Date

Required - editable for Non-term

Read only for Term-based

Date pickerIf there is existing enrollment, these values will be pre-populated, but editable for non-term.
UnitsAnticipated/Actual Enrollment Units to use each payment period/term, for packaging.OptionalText
Read only if the student has actual registered units for that term. If not, anticipated units are editable.
Crossover FAY 
Lists all FAYs the payment period/term crosses over.Read onlyText
If the payment period/term crosses over into multiple FAYs, those FAYs will all be displayed in this column.
Provides the ability for the user to adjust the PP FAY that awards are associated with.Optional - Show PP override drop down only for crossover terms – if not a crossover term, show nothing.Drop-downDisplay the crossover FAYs that the user could choose from for the PP.

Each FAY the payment period/term crosses over will be provided in the drop-down. If the payment period/term does not cross over into another FAY, the drop-down option will not be available.

Anchoring Term Override

Provides the ability for the user to mark a term as a BBAY Anchor or a Non-BBAY Anchor.

See Anchoring a BBAY 

  • Select (default)
  • Anchor
  • Non-Anchoring

The Anchoring Term Override is only available when the "BBAY Anchor Determination" field is set to "Direct Loans Greater Than $0" at the Institution, Campus, and Term levels.

Only one Anchoring Term Override may be completed at a time. When a user updates one "Anchoring Term Override", all other "Anchoring Term Override" fields will become inactive and cannot be edited. The user must finish the Advanced Packaging Wizard and then access the Advanced Packaging Wizard once again to update another term.

When a term is marked as a "Non-Anchoring Term" within the Advanced Packaging Wizard, it will be placed into a "container" AY. "Container" AYs will mimic the AY structure of the BBAY.

The "Anchoring Term Override" options will NOT be available on a term if the Direct Loan disbursement has already paid or if Direct Loans are greater than $0 for that term. When the "Anchoring Term Override" is utilized within Advanced Packaging, Regent will NOT re-evaluate prior terms for Direct Loan eligibility.

If an Academic Year is considered manual, the "Anchoring Term Override" will not be available for selection for the terms contained within that AY.

Modify Academic Plan Wizard Step 3
Fund NameName of the fund the student is receivingRead onlyText

Grade LevelGrade level the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

Federal Award YearFederal Award Year the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

Payment PeriodPayment Period the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

Academic YearAcademic Year the student is in, during the payment period they are receiving the fund.Read onlyText

New AmountNew amount of this award, as a result of running the wizard.Read onlyText

StatusStatus of the award (i.e., Paid, Partially Paid, Accepted, Cancelled, Offered)Read onlyText

Scheduled Disbursement DateDate that the award is scheduled to be disbursed to the student.Read onlyText

CostsDisplay per payment period as a total.Read onlyText

Change Log

 View a list of changes to this page
DateDescription of ChangeEditor
April 23, 2024Added this change log to preexisting pageJennifer Black
April 23, 2024

Updated section for Basic Packaging, Estimated Options (was "Estimated EFC Information")  when student does not have any ISIR.

  • Changed EFC to SAI and updated description for Estimated SAI
  • Expanded description for Dependency Status
  • Removed Housing Status drop-down

Note, I did not update the 'Advanced Packaging.' That appears to have some duplicated information, and it might relate to the Packaging Overrides which is also known as Advanced Packaging.

Release, April 2024

Jennifer Black
1/22/2025Updated all references to EFC to SAIJen Dewey

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