Documents: General Functionality

Documents: General Functionality


The Documents component of the Student Experience product is fully configurable and optional for a school to use. The Documents configuration screen is located within Institution Setup, as a subtab to Portal Setup, and is accessible to users with permission to change these settings.  See Student Experience Portal Setup Data Elements for details on the various Document configuration settings.

Access from Menu or Dashboard

When the Documents component is configured to display on the Student Experience Portal, the user can access it from either the Menu bar on the left or directly from the Dashboard.  Selecting the Documents component from the menu bar will take the user directly to the Documents main page.  From the Dashboard, a Document "tile" appears for each document that is in either an "Incomplete" or "Needed" status in Regent Award.  Up to 6 document tiles display on the dashboard, with a link to View More if the student has more than 6 documents in an "Incomplete" or "Needed" status.

  • If there are no documents in an "Incomplete" or "Needed" status, the dashboard displays the message: You're all caught up on Required Documents!
  • If there are no documents assigned to the student at all, the dashboard displays the message: You do not have any outstanding document requirements at this time.

Users can navigate to the Documents component by clicking directly on the Document tile, or by selecting the "View More" link.  If the user clicks on a specific Document tile, the student will be directed to the Document component, with the details of the specific document chosen displayed in an "expanded tile" format.

The "Badge" Icon

Both the Menu and the Dashboard provide a red "badge" icon that will display the number of Required Documents in "Incomplete" & "Needed" status the student has.  If there are no "Incomplete" or "Needed" document statuses, the indicator will not display at all.

What is contained in the Dashboard Tile?

Students can navigate to the Documents component from the Document Dashboard tile by clicking directly on the Document tile or by clicking the 'View More' link.  The document tile on the Dashboard contains the following information:

  • Document Name
  • Document Status
  • Document Status Change Date if available, otherwise, the Created Date of the document. 

Main Page

Several elements will appear when the Document main page is opened.  This section will cover those elements in detail.  

Title Bar

On the Documents main screen, a "sticky" Title Bar displays in both the desktop and mobile view; it will remain in place at the top of the screen even when the user scrolls down the page.  The title bar contains the following:

  1. A document status filter with the options: Needed, Received, Satisfied, Unsatisfied.  
  2. A "Show All Documents" button which removes all filters selected on this screen and shows all the student's documents.
    • The exception would be that if the school is configured to not display "Unsatisfied" or "Waived" documents, these documents never display regardless of any filter/sorting options that are in place.
  3. A "Help" icon () will display in the far right corner. 

Document Status Filter

The Document Status filter offers 4 options, and the user can choose one or multiple statuses:

  • Needed (which includes documents with the Regent Award status of either "Needed" or "Incomplete") - selected by default when the documents component is opened.
  • Received
  • Satisfied (which includes documents with the Regent Award status of "Satisfied" or "Waived")
  • Unsatisfied

Document Sort

The Documents component main screen sorts documents as "Newest First" or "Oldest First," based on the "Default Sort" configuration on Portal Document setup.  The "Default Sort" option chosen will apply to both the order that documents are displayed on the Document component based on the Document Status Date.  The date used for sorting is the Status Change Date, if available, otherwise the Created Date of the document. 

Student scoped documents will always display first, followed by Federal Award Year scoped documents in the sort order chosen, then Academic Year scoped documents in the sort order chosen, and finally, Payment Period scoped documents in the sort order chosen.  

Help icon

On the Required Documents Title Bar, a "Help" icon displays on the far right. When this icon is clicked, a "pop-up" screen appears displaying the following content explaining the document statuses:

Document Status Text Displayed
Needed A document is required. Attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the {configured OfficeName}. 

A document is received and ready for review by the {configured OfficeName}.

Note:  If the school is configured to allow attachments to be added to documents in a "Received" status ("Display "Upload" for Documents in "Received" Status" on Portal Document setup), then the following additional sentence is also shown: 

  "Attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the {configured OfficeName}."

Incomplete A document is received and the {configured OfficeName} has determined additional information is required and returned the document to the student. Additional attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the {configured OfficeName}. 

A document(s) has been received and the {configured OfficeName} determined that the document(s) does not meet the document requirement.

Note:  If the school is configured to not display documents in an "Unsatisfied" status ("Display "Unsatisfied" Documents" on Portal Document setup) then this status and its related description is not shown.

Satisfied The document(s) request is satisfied.  

The document(s) is no longer needed. 

Note:  If the school is configured to not display documents in a "Waived" status ("Display "Waived" Documents" on Portal Document setupthen this status and it's related description is not shown.

Needed - Not StartedA Form is required to be completed but has not yet been started by the student. Attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the {configured OfficeName}.
Needed - In-ProgressA Form is required to be completed and completion in progress by the student. Attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the {configured OfficeName}. 
Needed - Request Parent SignatureA Form or document is required to be completed. The student has completed all required data and has signed the form, and the next step is to request that a parent sign the document. Attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the Financial Aid Office. 
Needed - Pending Parent SignatureA document Form or document is required to be completed. The student has completed all required data and has signed the form, and has requested that a parent sign the document. Attachment(s) can be uploaded by the student or by the Financial Aid Office. 

Instructional Text

Schools may configure Instructional Text to appear at the top of the Documents component.  The text can be set up with a header, formatting, and even hyperlinks on the Documents subtab of Portal setup.  If a large amount of text is provided, only the first three lines will appear on the screen, accompanied by a "Show Full Info" link that will allow the message box to expand to show the full text provided.

The text configured on Portal General setup in the Office Name, Office Phone and Office Email fields can be inserted into the text configured here.

Add Document Requirement

The Document component offers the ability to add a document requirement if enabled.  This functionality displays above the My Documents "tile" section. Documents configured with the 'Allow students to add document' enabled are available in the dropdown list to be added. All documents display alpha-numerically. Document scope also determines how documents are displayed in the dropdown. 

Student scope and FAY scope documents display the document name configured. Only FAY scope documents configured with a single FAY display in the dropdown list.  Note:  If the 'Allow students to add document' setting is enabled and more than one FAY is selected, the document will not be available in the dropdown list. Academic Year scope documents display as <document name> - <AY start date - AY end date > (e.g. Scholarship Application - 08/01/2021- 04/30/2022). Term-based Payment Period scope documents display as <document name> - <Term Display Name, if configured, otherwise Term Name> (e.g. Scholarship Application - Fall 2021). Non-term Payment Period scope documents display as <document name> - <PP start date - PP end date > (e.g. Scholarship Application - 08/01/2021- 11/30/2022). Documents configured with, 'Enforce Scope Uniqueness' prevent more than one document requirement with the same scope from being added. Any attempt to add an additional document requirement where this setting is enabled will result in a validation message being displayed.

Understanding the Collapsed Document Tile

When the Document component loads, the student will see a series of "collapsed" Document "tiles" that display a preview of information about the document.  Each Document displays as a separate tile with the following information:

  • Document Name
  • The Document Scope Value (for all except Student Scoped documents)
    • FAY Scoped documents display as "Federal Award Year" + "FAY Value". For example, Federal Award Year: 2018-2019
    • Academic Year Scoped documents display as "Academic Year" + "AY Start Date - AY End Date" For example, Academic Year: 01/14/2019 – 11/12/2019
    • Payment Period Scoped documents display as:
      • For non-term, "Payment Period" + "PP Start Date - PP End Date". For example, Payment Period: 01/14/2019 – 06/12/2019
      • For term, depending on the "Term-based Display" configuration:
        • "Term Name." For example, Fall 2019 or
        • "Term:" + "Term Start Date - Term End Date." For example, Term: 08/27/2019 – 12/04/2019
  • The Document Status displays with a related colored icon:
    • Incomplete/Needed - red
    • Received - yellow
    • Unsatisfied - blue/gray color
    • Satisfied/Waived - green.
  • The Document Status Change Date displays below the document status icon, unless it is unavailable, in which case, the Document Created Date displays.
    • The format of the date is MM/DD/YYYY and is prefixed with the words "Status as of"
  • The tile should show either the text "Review and Update" or "View Details" in order to expand the tile
    • "View Details" is shown if there are no actions to take on the document. 
    • "Review and Update" is shown if there are actions to take on the document. 

Note:  If a document is set up in Regent Award as "Office Use Only" = true, the document is not shown to the student in the portal.

Understanding the Expanded Document Tile

Upon clicking on the 'Review or Update' or the 'View Details' link on the collapsed award tile, the tile expands and the user sees additional award details including:

  1. Document Name
  2. Document Status 
  3. Document Status Change Date (or Created Date if Status Changed Date is null)
  4. Document Scope Value 
  5. Document "Instructions" from Regent Award Document setup, Message field
  6. Document Reason from Regent Award "Reason" field
    • The field name of this section is configurable in the "Document Reason Heading Text" field on Portal Documents setup.
  7. Upload a Form button
  8. Download of any available attachments (listed by attachment name).
  9. Sign Form button
  10. Request Parent Signature button 

The Document Details view can be collapsed using the "Close" link at the bottom of the tile.

Action buttons

The following section reviews the various action buttons when they can be expected to display, and the functionality that is available with each button.  

Upload a Form

The "Upload a Form" button will display if the Regent Award Document setup for the document has "Allow Attachments" set to "Yes" or selected.  Furthermore, the display of the "Upload a Form" button depends on the Portal Setup configuration item "Display "Upload" for Documents in “Received” Status":

  • If "Display "Upload" for Documents in “Received” Status" = “Yes”, the "Upload a Form" button will display if the Regent Award document status is Needed, Incomplete, or Received and, if the document requires signature(s), the signature requirements have not been met.

  • If "Display "Upload" for Documents in “Received” Status" = “No”, the "Upload a Form" button will display if the Regent Award document status is Needed or Incomplete and, if the document requires signature(s), the signature requirements have not been met.

File Attachment Requirements:

  • File size is a max of 10MB
  • File format validation: allowed file types are .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .html, .pff, .tif, .jpg, .rtf, .wps., png., gif

Attachments are also able to be uploaded via Regent Award, and will display for the Student to view in the portal.

Non-Smart Form Documents that do not require a signature

When the user selects "Upload a Form," they will be presented with a "pop-up" window that they will use to select files from their device, to attach to the document.  When all of the applicable files have been chosen, the user will select "Upload."  The attachments will not be uploaded or associated with the document until the user clicks "Upload."

The document status will change from "Needed" to "Received" upon completion of the upload.  Depending on the configuration options described above, the user may or may not continue to add attachments once the document is in a "Received" status.

Non-Smart Form Documents that require a signature

When the user selects "Upload a Form," they will be presented with a "pop-up" window that they will use to select files from their device, to attach to the document.  They will also need to indicate a signature option, either to electronically sign the form or indicate that the uploaded attachment as been "wet-signed." 

Once the signature option is provided, and the applicable files have been chosen, the user will select "Upload."  The attachments will not be uploaded or associated with the document until the user clicks "Upload."  The user will then be taken to the Signature Process to complete the signature requirements for the document.


Downloadable attachments will display if they are available.  These could be Document templates attached to the document from Regent Award document setup, individual attachments uploaded to the document requirement by the school, or attachments uploaded by the student.  When the user opens the Document Tile, they will be presented with a list of available attachments, within the tile, grouped as "Form to Complete" and/or "Attachments," displaying the following data fields for each file:

  • Filename

  • File Size

  • Icon to download the file

Note, the headers will not display if there are no files of that type.

Sign Form

Display the "Sign Form" button to the student if the document is configured to 'Require Signature' for 'Student' OR to 'Require Signature' for 'Parent and Student' once there is a unsigned document attachment uploaded by either the student or school.  The document status in Regent Award is "Needed" or "Incomplete."

Display the "Sign Form" button to the parent that the student invited the parent to sign the document.  The "Sign Form" button should be displayed to the parent if the document is configured to 'Require Signature' for 'Student and Parent,' but only after there is a document attachment signed by the student (e-Sign or Paper).

Selecting the "Sign Form" button on either the student or parent document tile will initiate the Signature Requirement process.  If the document requirement status in Regent Award is "Satisfied" or "Waived," the "Sign Form" button is not displayed.

Request Parent Signature

Displays to the student if the document is configured to 'Require Signature' for 'Student and Parent' and the student signature requirement has been met (either paper or e-signed) and the document status in Regent Award is "Needed" or "Incomplete." 

Selecting the "Request Parent Signature" button will initiate the "Request Parent Signature" screen process.  If the document status in REM is "Received", "Satisfied" or "Waived," do not display the "Request Parent Signature" button.

Signature Requirements

The following section outlines the specifics of the signature requirements for non-Smart Form documents.

  • For documents that require only the student's signature, signature requirements are not met until the student has signed the document.  When the document has been signed by the student, the Electronic Signature sub-tab of the Document Requirement in Regent Award will be updated to show the method used to sign the document (E-Sign or Paper Sign) and the date the document was signed.
  • For documents that require both the student's signature and a parent signature, signature requirements not are met until both the student and the parent have signed the document.  When the document has been signed by the student and parent, the Electronic Signature sub-tab of the Document Requirement in Regent Award will be updated to show the method used to sign the document (E-Sign or Paper Sign) and the date the document was signed.

Portal Document Status Mapping to Regent Award Document Statuses

The following table outlines the Regent Award document status mapped to the Portal Document Status that would be displayed to the student, and the various conditions/scenarios that lead to the document achieving the specific statuses.

Regent Award StatusDoes the documentActions / State of the DocumentPortal Document Status
(Displayed on RA Documents Tab)Required Signature?
(Displayed to Student in Portal)
NeededYesDocument has not been uploadedNeeded
NeededYesDocument uploaded, Student Signature is PendingNeeded - Student Signature Pending
NeededYesDocument uploaded and has Student Signature, Parent Signature is PendingNeeded - Parent Signature Pending
NeededNoDocument has not been uploadedNeeded
  • Document uploaded and Student has signed (if configured for Student Only e-sign) or
  • Document uploaded and both Student and Parent have signed (if configured for Student and Parent e-sign)
ReceivedNoDocument uploadedReceived

Accessing User Attachments in Regent Award

When the student uploads attachments to the non-Smart Form document, schools want access to those attachments from within Regent Award.  The Student Experience portal will save the document attachments from the portal to Regent Award at key points in time: 

  1. Upon upload of the document by the student without signature indication.
  2. Upon completion of the paper signature requirements by the student:
    • If upon upload of the document by the student, the student indicates student signature is present.
    • If upon upload of the document by the student, the student indicates student and parent signature is present.
  3. Upon completion of the signature requirement by the student.
  4. Upon upload of the document by the parent without signature indication.
  5. Upon completion of the paper signature requirement by the parent.
    • If upon upload of the document by the parent, the parent indicates parent signature is present.
  6. Upon completion of the signature requirement by the parent.

Each version of the attachment is saved to the document, separately, at the points above when it saves, it is not overwritten.  The file attachment is not renamed when it is saved to Regent Award; it will maintain the same name and file extension as provided by the user upon upload.

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