5.3 Release Notes

5.3 Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 5.3, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Regulatory updates to support verification and ISIR processing for the new 2021-2022 FAY

  • Availability of the 2021-2022 Verification Worksheet

New Configuration Options

The following new configuration options were added in Release 5.3:  


Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of Release 5.3, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated: 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
Data Views

Title: New Data Views for Permission and Permission Group tables

Tickets: RS-20009

New data views have been created for two reference tables:

  • dataExtract_Permission_Config_View_v001
  • dataExtract_PermissionGroup_Config_View_v001

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the added views.

RS-19936Regent AwardConversion

Title: Conversion Wizard: Require Import Award Data for AY0 Years - Disbursement-level Validation

Tickets: RS-19936

The Conversion Wizard has been updated with improved logic for FAY-based rebuild awards for the Institution Setup configuration setting, Require Import Award Data for AY0 Years. When that setting is No, the system will still require Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) data for disbursements occurring in AY1 and later Academic Years. However, any disbursements that occur in AY0 years will not need IAD data. For example, if a COD Rebuild Pell Grant has disbursements in both AY0 and AY1, the system will only require IAD data for the disbursements in AY1.

RS-19893Regent Access

Title: Updated the 2021-2022 eAccess ISIR Formatted File Primary EFC Field

Tickets: RS-19893

The 2021-2022 eAccess ISIR Formatted File Primary EFC field has been updated in accordance with the 2021-2022 EDE Technical Reference.

RS-19861Regent AwardCOD

Title: Export COD: Improved Logic for Originating Awards

Tickets: RS-19829; RS-19860; RS-19861; RS-19891

The COD Export process has been updated for Originations (DRI=False). The COD Export logic will always include disbursements when originating awards, even when those disbursements are marked as not having any new COD changes. Regent's change-tracking logic was also updated to track COD changes for awards and disbursements when those changes occur outside of packaging. The improved logic and processes will provide the correct Financial Award Amount for originations at COD.

RS-19847Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: 2020-2021 VWS changes

Tickets: RS-19862; RS-19932

Minor text changes have been made to the 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet smart form and the eSignature process. The drop-down option of "None" has been moved to the top of the drop-down list for the "number of children" and "number of dependents" questions.

RS-19819Regent AccessWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Updated the 2021-2022 eAccess Smart Form Household Size Question

Tickets: RS-19819

The 2021-2022 eAccess Smart Form was updated to display the Household Size question after the Dependency Determination section.

RS-19818Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: 2021-2022 Verification Worksheet updates

Tickets: RS-19818

The 2021-2022 Verification Worksheet has been implemented in Regent Review. The new form version reflects 2021-2022 FAFSA changes.

RS-19731Regent AccessUser Interface

Title: Updated ISIR Details and ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard Functionality for Regent Access Users

Tickets: RS-19959; RS-19960; RS-19961; RS-19962; RS-19964; RS-19965

The ISIR Details and ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard on the ISIR tab in Regent Award have been updated to support the processing of ISIRs for Regent Access Users.

RS-19640Regent AwardCOD

Title: 2021-2022 Update for COD Response Edit code 099 (Coronavirus)

Tickets: RS-19640

Regent Award has been updated with the new Coronavirus Indicator Edit Code 099. When received from COD, this warning edit number and description will display in the COD Response Information section of the COD tab.

RS-19359Regent AwardCOD

Title: New Data View dataExtract_CODAward_View_v003

Tickets: RS-19359

A new data view version of dataExtract_CODAward_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_CODAward_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows: 291 columns were added.

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new version.

RS-19358Regent AwardCOD

Title: NewData View dataExtract_AwardCODMetadata_View_v001

Tickets: RS-19358


A new data view, dataExtract_AwardCODMetadata_View, has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_AwardCODMetadata_View_v001.

This data view contains 58 columns.


The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new version.

RS-19357Regent AwardCOD

Title: New Data View dataExtract_InformedBorrower_View_v001

Tickets: RS-19357


A new data view, ‘dataExtract_InformedBorrower_View, has been created. The new data view is titled 'dataExtract_InformedBorrower_View_v001‘.


Columns Added

  • informedBorrowerId
  • studentId
  • federalAwardYearId
  • informedBorrowingComplete
  • informedBorrowingCompletionDate
  • informedBorrowingID
  • createdByCODAwardId
  • updatedByCODAwardId
  • createdBy

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new version.

RS-18415Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2021-2022 ISIR Import and Correction Export Updates

Tickets: RS-18415; RS-19851; RS-19852

The ability to import data for 2021-2022 ISIRs and export 2021-2022 ISIR correction data has been implemented in Regent Award in accordance with EDE Technical Reference 2021-2022.

RS-18414Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2021-2022 ISIR Print Updates

Tickets: RS-18414

Regent Award has been updated to support the printing of ISIRs for the 2021-2022 Federal Award Year.

RS-18413Regent AwardAnnual Federal and State Reporting

Title: 2021-2022 ISIR Message Classes Added to SAIG Process

Tickets: RS-18413

New Award Year message classes were added to Regent Award's SAIG Mailbox Integration feature in support of 2021-2022 ISIR file processing. The new message classes should be dynamically set as Active for SAIG processing if the related classes for the prior FAY are configured as Active.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic (to be added.)

RS-18412Regent ReviewISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Update ISIR Details and ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard in Regent Award for 2021-2022 FAY

Tickets: RS-18412; RS-19848; RS-19849; RS-19850

The ISIR Details and ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard on the ISIR tab in Regent Award have been updated to support the processing of ISIRs for the 2021-2022 Federal Award Year.

RS-18411Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2021-2022 Updates for SAR Comment Codes Text Descriptions

Tickets: RS-18411

Regent Award has been updated to reflect year reference changes to SAR Comment Code Text Definitions per the U.S. Department of Education 2021-2022 SAR Comment Codes and Text document. Comment Code definitions are displayed in ISIR Details, Compare ISIR Wizard, and ISIR Print.

RS-18410Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: 2021-2022 ISIR Reject Code updates

Tickets: RS-18410

The Description for ISIR reject codes A and B have been updated to display for 2021-2022 ISIRs on Regent Award ISIR Details, ISIR Compare Wizard, and ISIR Print.

RS-18409Regent AwardAwarding

Title: October 1, 2020 TEACH Award Amount Percentage Reduction

Tickets: RS-18409

Regent Award has been updated to calculate TEACH Grant award amounts with the appropriate sequestration annual percentage reduction. A TEACH Grant with a first disbursement on or after October 1, 2020 but before October 1, 2021 requires a reduction of 5.70% from the award amount for which the student would otherwise have been eligible.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Awarding TEACH

RS-18407Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Update ISIR Comparison Tool per ISIR Layout Changes for 2021-2022 FAY

Tickets: RS-18407

The ISIR Comparison Tool in Regent Award has been updated to include 2021-2022 ISIRs.

RS-18320Regent AwardCOD

Title: New Data View dataExtract_CODDisbursement_View_v003

Tickets: RS-18320;

A new data view, dataExtract_CODDisbursement_View has been created. The new version of the data view is titled dataExtract_CODDisbursement_View_v003.

The differences between the v002 and v003 versions of the view are as follows: 99 columns were added.

The Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary has been updated to reflect the new version.

RS-18164Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Allow Updates to the Household Size on the Verification Worksheet

Tickets: RS-18164;

The 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 Verification Worksheets have been updated to support updates to the household size for students who did not indicate children or dependents on their ISIR.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-20080Regent AwardAwarding

An undergraduate test student in a Scheduled Academic Year (SAY) program had a single-term Subsidized loan in a shortened remaining period of study (RPS) final academic year. When the student was packaged, the student's loan unexpectedly was not prorated.

The student's final AY started with a non-enrolled term, and ended with a term that was less than half-time. The proration logic incorrectly determined that the AY was not a shortened remaining period of study and the loan did not need proration.

For term-based programs, the packaging logic correctly prorates unpaid loans for shortened RPS AYs when a student has fewer enrolled terms than the normal number of regular terms in an Academic Year. The prorated loan amounts are calculated using the fraction of the units included in the terms in the loan period, divided by the units in the normal Academic Year length, and then rounded to two decimal places. The system does not apply any units outside the loan period toward the proration fraction calculations.

Find an affected SAY undergraduate student in the student's final academic year, who has a shortened remaining period of study with only two enrolled terms of a three-term SAY Academic Year (not including any optional Summer header/trailer terms). Edit the course data if needed, so the student has no registered courses in the first term; has a second term with full-time enrollment; and has a third term with LTHT enrollment. Ensure the student has enough COA and remaining need in the FT term to have a single-term Direct Loan. Package the student. Confirm the loan amounts are prorated based on the total number of units in the loan period, divided by the number of units in the program's configured Academic Year length.

RS-20010Regent AwardPackaging

After conversion, the system repackaged some COD Rebuild awards at higher amounts than their original Accepted amounts.

When the system processed the awards during Conversion, Regent Award did not populate the awards' User Accepted Amount or User Accepted Date.

Regent Award sets the User Accepted Amount and User Accepted Date values on COD rebuild awards when the awards are finalized during conversion.

Use a test student who does not currently have any Title IV awards, and who has a valid ISIR and loan eligibility. Import COD Rebuild Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans for a current or future Academic Year. Use COD loans that are in Accepted status and have loan amounts that are lower than the student's calculated eligibility. Also import the related Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) data, making sure the loans are not marked Manual in the IAD data. Finalize the student for conversion. Package and repackage the student. Confirm the loan amounts stay at their original COD Accepted amounts. Start to edit the accepted loans in Modify Award Wizard (MAW). Confirm MAW still displays the higher calculated eligibility amounts.

RS-19984Regent AwardAwarding

When two Scheduled Academic Year (SAY) students were packaged in a test environment, the system unexpectedly canceled their federal loans and replaced them with new, $0 loans. The existing loans were replaced with new, $0 loans whenever the students were repackaged.

The students were not enrolled in the initial, Fall term in the SAY. For one student, the system unexpectedly tried to truncate the Academic Year and re-award the loans. The other student had a manual Academic Year that caused Regent Award to not properly count all the terms due to an optional summer trailer term.

The SAY logic was improved for detecting unenrolled terms that are in the main SAY Academic Year. The improved Loan Period logic correctly detects when a SAY student already has a shorter loan period that does not need additional truncation. The improved Manual Academic Year logic accounts for the standard terms in a SAY academic year, without miscounting optional trailer terms.

Load the test data. Find each affected student. View the Loans tab. Confirm the loans have the correct current loan origination fee. Package the student several times. Confirm the system does not cancel and replace the existing loans. Confirm the loan amounts match the expected loan amounts.

RS-19945Regent AwardAwarding

Some Term students were packaged with incorrect loan amounts. The students had fewer terms than a full Academic Year (AY) in their final shortened Remaining Period of Study (RPS).

The system incorrectly did not prorate the loans because the funds were configured with "Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only" set to True.

The system applies loan proration to the amounts. The fund setting "Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only" is applied as an additional, maximum cap.

Find an affected term undergraduate student who has Direct Loans and who will complete their program in a single term before the end of a full Academic Year. Package the student. Confirm the loan amounts are correctly reduced based on the student's units.

RS-19940Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Some Expected Export Student Transaction (EST) processes failed with an error: "One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints."

The Expected EST process tried to export two disbursements that were not directly linked to a fund. The disbursements had a blank Fund ID value in the database.

The EST logic was updated. If a disbursement is missing its Fund ID value, the system will instead use the Fund ID linked to the disbursement's award. Regent also developed a script to update any affected disbursements so they will have the Fund ID values for the linked awards.

Test using a copy of the affected data in a test environment. Run an Expected EST for the 2020 FAY. Confirm the Expected EST process is completed successfully.

RS-19908Regent AwardAwarding

In Fund Setup, a school configured a Federal Work Study fund with specific Amount Per Payment Period values. When eligible students were packaged, the system unexpectedly divided the total amount equally across the payment periods (PPs).

Some system rules were not honoring the fund configuration.

The packaging rules were updated to apply the per-PP configured amounts. The change was applied to the fund's specific rules, as well as the generic fund rules.

Configure a fund in Fund Setup with a Financial Award Period maximum (FAP Limit) and the Award Distribution Options of an Amount Per Payment Period. Configure the FAYs and PP amounts with different values. Reload RNA setup. Package an eligible student. Confirm the amounts in each Payment Period match the configured "Amount Per Payment Period" values for each Payment Period's start date.

RS-19897Regent PlanStudent Experience

My Borrowing in subsequent AYs was not working as expected.

When multiple Title IV loans existed in the award period, the eligible amount was being locked as the accepted amount.

The code fix was applied to allow the eligible amount calculation to work the same way it does in a non-multiple loan scenario if not all of the loans have been accepted.

Log into Student Experience Portal. In My Borrowing, select AY1 and opt for Direct Costs and complete the process. In My Borrowing, select AY2 and opt for Direct Costs and complete the process. On the Financial Aid Component, select AY1 via the dropdown and then select Change My Borrowing on the My Borrowing tile. The Remaining Maximum and Direct Cost Borrowing option amounts are presented as expected with the correct amounts and works as expected for AY1. On the Financial Aid Component, select AY2 via the dropdown and then select Change My Borrowing on the My Borrowing tile. The student is presented with the 'Remaining Maximum and Direct Cost Borrowing option amounts' on the My Borrowing tiles and in the Change My Borrowing pop-up screen.

RS-19803Regent AwardFunds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

A student had a Wisconsin Grant - Private Non-Profit award that was $1 lower than expected.

The system was applying standard rounding rules to the amount in the first term, instead of rounding up.

The custom rounding logic was corrected. The system moves any cents from later terms into the first term's amount. Then, the system rounds up the first term's adjusted amount to the next whole dollar.

Package the affected student with a Wisconsin Grant. Confirm the amounts are correct in each term. Confirm the total dollar amount does not exceed the maximum award amount for the FAY.

RS-19762Regent AwardPackaging

FSEOG was not awarding for students with Pell LEU close to the limit.

System rounded LEU values to 600% causing SEOG to be ineligible.

System check was updated to verify the presence of Pell prior to awarding the SEOG.

Find the affected student. Run packaging via Modify Award wizard. Verify that FSEOG is awarded and errors are shown. Navigate to 'Awards' tab. Click 'Add award'. Select FSEOG fund and 20-21 FAY. Verify that no errors are shown at subsequent Add Award wizard steps.

RS-19751Regent AwardNot Applicable

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing a different amount of Instructional Weeks for the same Terms for different students.

Regent Award was incorrectly ignoring Institution Setup "Allow R8 to Calculate Instructional Weeks" setting and always calculated instructional weeks for a Term program instead of using the value from the Term Setup.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Regent calculation engine respects "Allow R8 to Calculate Instructional Weeks" setting when determining how payment period weeks are set.

In Regent Award, set Institution Setup "Allow R8 to Calculate Instructional Weeks" setting to 'Yes'. Verify that Terms in Term Setup "Instructional Weeks" setting is also set. Find affected students and repackage them. Make sure that Instructional Weeks for the same Terms are equal across students.

RS-19733Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award unexpectedly set Expected Student Transaction (EST) errors 0005 and 0037.

Regent Award had incorrectly created duplicated Award Periods that were preventing student from correct EST processing.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that duplicated Loan Periods will not persist during calculation process.

Find affected student, satisfy blocking Documents and Tasks. Package student, open Modify Award Wizard, and make sure sum of all disbursements are equal to the Award amount. Run EST process. Make process it is executed without errors.

RS-19732Regent AwardNot Applicable

Regent Award was unexpectedly populating a different value of Anticipated Instructional Weeks for the same Term.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Anticipated Instructional Weeks calculation based on Term Start and End dates, not taking into account Institution Setup "Allow R8 to Calculate Instructional Weeks".

Regent Award was updated to ensure Anticipated Instructional Weeks are calculated based on Term Setup specified value when the option is enabled in Institution Setup.

In Regent Award, set Institution Setup "Allow R8 to Calculate Instructional Weeks" setting to 'Yes'. Set value for the "Instructional Weeks" setting in Term Setup for a future Term. Find two students with this term in Academic Plan. Package students and make sure that Anticipated Instructional Weeks for the same Terms are matching.

RS-19682Regent AwardAwarding

Some awards could not be imported via the Import Awards process. An error message said, "Unable to create award...fund requires ISIR and valid ISIR not available."

When the Import Award process created a new loan period, and the new award period used an Alternative FAY calendar, the system did not link the ISIR.

The Import Award process was updated to link ISIRs for Alternative FAY award periods.

On the affected student, confirm the Active ISIR for the FAY has a nonblank EFC and the "Graduate" flag matches the student's program. Import the award for the same FAY, using the Import Awards and Disbursements process. Confirm the award is imported successfully without any error. Package the student. Confirm the award is created on the student's Academic Plan.

RS-19665Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly not Packaging student and showing a meaningless error message.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing fund that had a Disbursement Schedule Start date after the Award start date.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that user is provided with a clear error description during the Packaging.

In Regent Award find a fund that has a recent Disbursement Schedule start date. Via Add Award Wizard award student that fund in a term that has start date prior to the Disbursement Schedule start date. Ensure that a meaningful error message is shown that explains the packaging failure.

RS-19623Regent AwardPackaging

An attempt to add/remove term for Academic Year modification resulted in an error in Program Management Wizard.

Course Enrollment rollup process was executed asynchronously with packaging. This means that packaging, started prior to CE Rollup, was completed during AY modification, which resulted in an error.

Code fix was applied to start packaging only when CE Rollup process is successfully completed.

Find the affected student. Open program management wizard. Select 'Manage academic Years/Loan periods'. Click Edit to modify manual Academic Year. Add one term. Click 'Save'. Proceed to STEP2 at Program Management wizard. No errors should occur. The new term is added into AY successfully.

RS-19612Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Negative EST was not processed for 20-21 Wisconsin Grant.

The system was not clearing the override net amount in a scenario where students fully loses eligibility for the Wisconsin Grant.

The code change was applied to clear the override net amount when full eligibility for the Wisconsin Grant is lost.

Navigate to affected student and MAP, then run EST for AR. The user is expected to see the negative transaction for the Wisconsin Grant.

RS-19590Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly not using FAH TSM Aggregate Limits data, thereby inadvertently canceling awards.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Awards when students had Academic Years containing Terms that were not triggering BBAY anchoring. Award amount was incorrectly accounted based on NSLDS information.

Regent Award is updated to make sure that Award calculation process correctly determine starting aggregate point to account for the Terms that will be reprocessed due to the Non-Anchoring BBAY Academic Year logic.

Find a student that has Autowithdraw. Navigate to the Academic Plan. Confirm current disbursements amounts for the period. Run packaging. Review disbursement details. Ensure that the disbursement amounts for the period are accurate.

RS-19532Student ExperienceStudent Experience

During the student and parent account creation in Student Experience, the Date of Birth (DOB) defaulted to today's date.

The system was configured to pre-populate today's date in the DOB fields for both the student and the parent.

System configuration was changed to not pre-populate today's date in the DOB fields.

Create a test student and observe that the DOB field is not pre-populated and is blank. Complete a 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet (WVS) and invite a parent to sign the form. The DOB is blank.

RS-19531Regent AwardCOD

Fully paid disbursements for 'Historic' terms were selected by COD during the export.

Regent Award was not able to recognize the status of nonterm enrollment to consider it as 'Historic' although the progression was present.

Code fix was applied to verify whether progression exists for the payment period prior to set it to 'Historic' status.

Navigate to Processes > Export process. Run 'Export COD' for the affected students. Verify the results. No awards should be picked up on the export for students with 'Historic' payment periods.

RS-19523Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly award student with higher amount of Subsidized Loan than it is allowed based on NSLDS FAH data received.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing the Direct Loan amount ignoring the portion that was accepted by the student for the Term.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that the already accepted amount of Direct Loan is respected during the packaging of the student upon receiving NSLDS data.

In Regent Award find a student with a portion of Direct Loan for ongoing Academic Year Paid in previous Terms and Aggregate Subsidized Loan Limit is 22000+. Load ISIR with NSLDS data that would contain the paid portion of the Loan. Package student and make sure Subsidized Loan is not increased.

RS-19509Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Student Experience was showing 'Verification Worksheet' on e-signature page, instead of the actual smart form name.

Student Experience was showing static text instead of a current document name.

Student Experience is updated to show a document name from the system.

Complete documents to see the smart form name on E-Signature page in Student Experience.

RS-19507Regent AwardPackaging

Multiple disbursement records were created for the 2019-2020 Pell awards.

When aligning award disbursements with payment periods for the FAY award period, Regent Award was dropping the award disbursements for a cross-over period and then recreating those disbursements for the same period.

System logic was updated to verify payment period assignment for award disbursements.

Find an affected student. Navigate to the Academic Plan. Confirm current disbursements amounts for the Pell award for the cross-over period. Run packaging. Review updated disbursement details. Ensure that no new disbursements are added since the last packaging.

RS-19484Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Current SAP status was not recognized during EST process

Regent Award was not able to recognize the current SAP status when manual SAP records were present in review period.

A code fix was applied to allow Regent Award to use the most recent SAP status.

Open the affected student. Close all documents and tasks. Run packaging. Verify that current SAP status is Satisfactory. Run EST for DRI and EST for AR. No override errors should occur.

RS-19473Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly not creating Single-Term Loan Periods for the Donut Loan scenario.

Regent Award was incorrectly applying Anchoring BBAY logic resulting in the Donut Loan Scenario processing incorrectly.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that ineligibility due to student auto withdrawing in the 'middle' term properly creates two Single-Term Loans.

In Regent Award, find a student studying on a BBAY1 or BBAY2 program, who is eligible for a Direct Loan. Student Academic Year should consist of at least 3 Terms. Do not send registration for the second Term. Package student on auto withdraw date for second term. Make sure Term 1 and Term 3 Loan data is updated making them Single-Term Loans.

RS-19300Regent AwardCOD

COD rebuilt paid disbursements were selected by COD during the export.

When trying to recalculate disbursement fees for rebuild awards, Regent Award was not able to match awards' fees amounts with existing setups that resulted in fees being cleared out and the disbursement marked as having COD changes. The flag about disbursement changes allowed COD to pick up it for export.

Code fix was applied to prevent the recalculation of disbursement fees.

Navigate to Processes > Export process. Run 'Export COD' for the affected students. Verify the results. No awards should be picked up on the export for students.

RS-19203Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Document requirements were not being auto-assigned when 'Enable Packaging Process' option was turned on.

Regent award was not able to link the assigned funds to existing document requirements when loading the Institutional data during the packaging process.

The matching logic was updated to allow the document requirements to be assigned properly during the packaging process.

Ensure Document Setup has 'Enable Packaging Process' turned on for the 'Direct Loan Master Promissory Note' and the 'Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling' document requirements. Load SBL and eligible ISIR to create a new student. Run packaging process. Review the 'Documents tab for the student. The 'Direct Loan Master Promissory Note' and the 'Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling' document requirements should be assigned in the applicable status.

RS-19193Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly setting second Payment Period (PP2) Start Date for Non-term Program earlier than first Payment Period (PP1) End Date.

Regent Award was incorrectly adjusting the End Date to the last day of the instruction week when the current End Date was in the middle of the last week of instruction. Regent Award was incorrectly adjusting the End Date based on half of Academic Year weeks definition from Program setup for Remaining Period of Study.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that the End Date of PP1 is not adjusted if it is already within the last week of instruction, the End Date is correctly adjusted for the Prorated number of Units.

In Regent Award find Non-term student on the Remaining Period of Study. Package student. Make sure that the End date for the last PP is calculated based on the Prorated number of Units and Weeks. In Regent Award find Non-term student where PP1 is not started on the first day of the instructional week. Package student and make sure that PP1 End date is not adjusted to the end of the instructional week.

RS-19127Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Regent Student Portal was unexpectedly not showing Spouses Tax Completion Status questions for Married filing jointly non-tax filer students.

Regent Student Portal has incorrect Verification Worksheet question dependencies that were only allowing to show Spouses Tax Completion and all dependent question for Married filing Separately student.

Regent Verification Worksheet was updated to ensure that Spouse's Tax-related questions are shown for Married filing jointly non-tax filer students.

In Regent Student Experience Portal, start completion of the Verification Worksheet as a Married filing joint tax return student. Complete all sections prior to the Student Income Section. In the Student Income answer that you are either 'Will not File' or 'Will File'. Make sure that Spouses Tax completion status question is shown in application.

RS-19118Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing an error during editing of non-term Program Setup, notifying that setting related to term-based Programs is incorrect.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Program Setup configuration in User Interface applying Term-based related restriction to Non-term based Program configuration.

Regent Award User Interface processing logic was updated to ensure irrelevant settings are not validated during editing Program Configuration.

In Regent Award, Administration, Institution Setup, R2T4 - set "Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status" to true. Also Update on Campus level and Program Level. Then in Program Setup, Edit configuration for any non-term based Program. Click Save and make sure Configuration is saved without errors.

RS-19094Regent AwardPackaging

Program change banner was not showing at wrong term

Regent award was not detecting the date ranges for a new program’s course enrollment record for manual Academic Years.

System checks were adjusted to include the effective start date range for manual Academic Years.

Find the affected student. Load SBL file with program change into manual AY. Run packaging. Review the Academic Plan. The program change banner is showing for the term where the program change took place.

RS-19092Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was unexpectedly awarding an additional $2 for Direct Loan after R2T4 Reversal.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Gross Direct Loan Amount during R2T4 reversal for Paid Disbursements.

Regent Award calculation logic was updated for gross Direct Loan Amount to make sure original value of Direct Loan is reinstated after R2T4 Reversal.

In Regent Award, find student with Direct Loan calculated as maximum amount for the current Grade level. Loan should be Paid in full for the Term
Payment Period. Perform R2T4 resulting in portion of Direct Loan refunded. Finalize R2T4 and then do the Reversal. Make sure Direct Loan is reinstated with the same amount that was prior to R2T4 Finalization.

RS-19042Regent AwardR2T4

Incorrect refund amounts were processed for the Direct Subsidized Loan after the R2T4 was finalized.

The system checks incorrectly determined the loan disbursement to be reduced via the refund logic.

Code change was applied to ensure that Regent Award is allowed to reduce a disbursement based on whether that disbursement is valid for the R2T4 calculation.

Find the affected student. Add R2T4 resulting in a refund. Finalize R2T4. Run packaging. Execute EST for AR to process the refunds for loans. Navigate to Academic Plan and review disbursement details for Sub loan. The disbursements amounts should correspond to R2T4 calculated refund amounts (at STEP6)

RS-18986Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing an authentication error on Advisor Assist tab in Firefox browser.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Cookies files from the Firefox browser for some Student Experience Portal display on Advisor Assist tab.

Regent Award was updated to send proper form details for the Student Experience Portal when displaying in the Firefox browser.

Run Regent Award in the Firefox browser. Navigate to the Advisor Assistant tab. Make sure the Student Experience Portal screen is correctly displayed and accessible.

RS-18966Regent AwardR2T4

Pell was not recalculating at R2T4, although student had attendance prior to Census date.

The R2T4 Pell recalculation enrollment level was not being correctly respected during YRP awards' amounts calculation.

A fix was applied to allow the system to use R2T4 Pell recalculation enrollment level properly.

Find the affected student. Add attendance and Withdrawal Date that go prior to Census date for the courses at term in question. Add R2T4 for the term in question. Review recalculated Pell amounts. These amounts should match the enrollment level of courses with posted attendance that were not withdrawn prior to R2T4 Withdrawal Date

RS-18207Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was incorrectly anticipating the amount of AYs for a student having slow progression in nonterm program, resulting in an error during the packaging process.

Nonterm anticipation process had a gap in handling the '180 days rule' where the course enrollment data was never closed for the program. This allowed the system to proceed with endless anticipation of AYs, resulting in packaging failures.

The logic was updated to check nonterm programs that failed to start within 180 days. If no course enrollment data appears during this period, the system stops anticipating future AYs.

Find the affected student. Run packaging via Modify Award Wizard. No errors should occur during the packaging process.

RS-18050Regent AwardDocuments

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing character "1" instead of Term name when Document Requirement was imported having document scope as Payment Period.

Regent Award was incorrectly identifying Document's Scope value name, replacing it with character '2' for imported Documents.

Regent Award Document import logic was updated to make sure that value name for Document Scope Payment Period is correctly processed and displayed in User Interface.

In Regent Award Import Document in XML format where Document Scope is 'PAYMENTPERIOD' and Scope Value is set of characters, open document after import and make sure Scope Value is equal to what was imported.

RS-18001Regent AwardUser Interface

Some nonterm students had Academic Years that were closed due to over 180 days without enrollment. Regent Award normally displays an orange "180" indicator for those years. The indicator was visible as expected in the Academic Plan preview in the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard Step 3. However, the indicator was not displayed on the main Academic Plan screen.

The students' course data had not been updated for more than 180 days. Although packaging correctly detected the gap in enrollment, the Academic Plan screen display used different logic that relied on the course data.

The display logic on the Academic Plan screen was updated to use the same logic used by packaging.

Navigate to a nonterm student who has an Academic Year that did not have any courses for 181 days or more. Package the student. Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the screen displays the orange "180" marker for the affected Academic Year.

RS-17989Regent AwardData Views

'Total COA' was not updating at Academic Plan after manual cost adjustment at 'Awards' tab.

Adjusted COA values were recalculated and persisted into DB but failed to load into UI properly.

A new logical condition was added to make sure that the system loads the adjusted COA values correctly unto UI.

Find the affected student. Navigate to 'Awards' tab and click 'Adjust cost'. Complete positive or negative cost adjustment on learners account. Save results and run packaging. Review 'Total COA' values at Academic Plan. The values should correspond to new adjusted amounts.

RS-17863Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing # and @ characters next to incorrect ISIR fields in ISIR tab.

Regent Award was highlighting incorrect fields with special characters for the ISIR received from CPS ISIRs.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that correction and highlight flags are correctly associated with ISIR fields.

In Regent Award import, find an ISIR with corrections and highlights for some fields. On ISIR tab, select imported ISIR and make sure that @ and # characters are shown for corrected and highlighted fields respectively.

RS-17815Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly over-awarding a Subsidized loan for a student that had already used 3 years of eligibility and was pursuing a bachelor's degree.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing the Maximum Eligibility Period for Direct Loans.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that students may not receive Direct Subsidized Loans for more than 150% of the published length of their Program.

In Regent Award, find an affected student and Package. Make sure Direct Subsidized Loan is not awarded when student reaches Maximum Eligibility Period for Direct Loans based on ISIR data.

RS-17565Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was not able to package the student with small remaining Pell LEU percentage

Regent Award did not create Pell award with less than $1 amount.

Code fix was applied to create Pell award with less than $1 amount if fund's rounding setting is 'Cent'.

Make sure that rounding setting is 'Cent' for Pell fund. For the affected student upload the ISIR/NSLDS file with Pell LEU value of 599.988%. Run packaging. The amount of cents is awarded to the student.
Change rounding setting to 'Dollar'. Run packaging. No Pell is awarded.

RS-17418Regent AwardPackaging

If the Cost of Attendance (COA) was adjusted to be greater than $200,000 via the Adjust Cost wizard, it resulted in a packaging failure.

System validation had the maximum threshold of $200,000 for the COA.
The COA threshold was increased to $500,000.

Find the affected student. Open the 'Awards' tab and click on the 'Adjust Cost' button. Click the 'Add Adjustment' button. Add cost adjustment where the adjustment amount is $260,000. Save the new value. Click on the 'Repackage' button on the same page. No errors should occur. Run packaging via Modify Award Wizard. No errors should occur.

RS-17393Regent AwardPackaging

A student had a partial-AY Subsidized loan due to grade-level progression. When that Subsidized loan was Declined, Regent Award unexpectedly awarded a replacement additional Unsubsidized Loan for the grade-level progression loan period.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Unsubsidized Loans in the Terms or Payment Period when the student had grade-level progression and that portion of their Direct Subsidized Loan funding was Declined.

Regent Award was updated to make sure the remaining new Unsubsidized Loan eligibility is reduced to $0 when a student Declines the portion of a Subsidized Loan from grade-level progression in the term.

In Regent Award, find an affected student with grade-level progression in a current term. The student should have an Offered Subsidized Loan for the part of the Academic Year in the grade-level progression loan period. Decline the grade-level progression Subsidized Loan and package the student. Confirm any corresponding grade-level progression Unsubsidized Loan is zeroed out.

RS-17374Regent AwardDocuments

The unchecked packaging assignment options were ignored by RNA for 'Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility' document requirement during the Batch Packaging process.

Regent Award was not able to correctly determine whether the document requirement should be assigned by packaging process.

The system check was added to verify 'Enable Packaging Process' setting first prior to creating and assigning any document requirement.

Turn 'Enable Packaging Process' option for at 'Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility' document requirement. Create new student eligible for Federal Direct loans. Run packaging. Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility' document requirement is assigned to the student in 'NEEDED' status

RS-17329Regent AwardDocuments

A Direct Subsidized Loan that was not fully accepted did not trigger "Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility" document requirement, although the triggering criteria was met.

Regent Award incorrectly assigned the document requirement only when loan's accepted amount was equal to the loan's eligible amount.

The code was updated to meet the document requirement assignment criteria when accepted loan amount is less than the eligible one.

Setup "Assign when Sub Eligibility has not been for fully accepted and an Unsub award exist" document assignment process for document titled "Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility" with scope of academic year (to match the academic year for loans).
Find the affected student with not fully accepted Sub loan. Run packaging. Review 'Documents' tab to make sure that "Review for Additional Subsidized Loan Eligibility" document requirement is assigned.

RS-17320Regent AwardPackaging

The student was getting an incorrect Enrollment Close Reason for a withdrawn term.

Regent Award closed a Standard Academic Year enrollment using the incorrect term settings.

A code fix was applied to prevent enrollment closure prior to the term's auto-withdrawal date.

Find an affected student. Withdraw from all courses for the selected term using a withdrawal date prior to the term's configured auto-withdrawal date. Run packaging via MAP wizard. Verify that the enrollment close reason for the withdrawn term is 'NONE'. Upload an SBL with courses having registration that corresponds to a Full-Time enrollment level. Run packaging. Verify the term's enrollment level is 'ACTUAL- FULL TIME'. Withdraw from all courses for the selected term using a withdrawal date after the term's configured auto-withdrawal date. Run packaging via MAP wizard. Verify that the enrollment close reason for the withdrawn term is 'Autowithdrawn'.

RS-17078Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was not allowing awarding of Pell Grant for a student who did not have a 2018-2019 ISIR but had a 2019-2020 ISIR and crossover for that period.

When an academic year spanned more than 2 federal award years, Regent Award was building out FAY award periods for the first two federal award years possible.

Regent Award updated logic to build out FAY award periods up through the last possible federal award year for the dates of the academic year.

Add Federal Pell Grand for a student who has academic year was spanning more than two federal award years.

RS-17012Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing "'<" group of characters in the Attachments column of the Documents tab

Special characters were incorrectly processed in Regent Award when more than one attachment was present.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Attachment column of the grid in the Documents tab shows only Paper Clip icon without additional characters.

In Regent Award, add Document Requirement to a student. Attach Document to the Document Requirement. Attach another Document with a name containing a special character. Make sure only Paper Clip is shown in Attachment column.

RS-16988Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly not using latest ISIR data available.

Regent Award was incorrectly selecting ISIR data from database using wrong conditions, causing History tab to show values from previous ISIRs.

Regent Award History tab Database query was updated to make sure it shows most recent ISIR information.

In Regent Award, find student that has NSLDS Database Results Flag value 0 or 5. Review History tab data and make sure information is shown from ISIR where NSLDS Database Results Flag value is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

RS-16778Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing different Payment Periods between Course Tab and Course Details for the same course for non-term Program.

Regent Award was incorrectly associating Courses to Payment Period in the Course tab grid based on Course Start Date.

Regent Award was updated to make sure Courses are associated with payment periods based on Course End Date.

In Regent Award, find affected student. Navigate to the Course tab. Select Course in the grid and make sure Payment Period defined in grid equals Payment Period defined in Course details.

RS-16729Regent AwardReports

Regent Award was unexpectedly not returning Disbursement amount values in the Wisconsin State Grant Report.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing imported award status for the Roster file records after Import.

Regent Award was updated to ensure processing logic correctly retrieves the Disbursement amount and processing status for imported Roster File records.

In Regent Award, run Wisconsin State Grant Report and make sure Roster Award Amounts and Roster Spent Amounts Disbursements are displayed correctly for all Academic Year Terms.

RS-16508Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Non-term students received EST-0085 override code during EST-for-DRI attempts.

The internal Regent Award procedure was only looking at courses already associated with the current course enrollment.

The internal procedure was updated to allow for the check to occur across all existing course enrollments.

Navigate to an affected student who has unpaid Unsub/Sub loan. Click on disbursement details. Run EST for DRI. No override codes should occur. The DRI process is completed successfully.

RS-16500Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award was incorrectly setting disbursement schedule for Pell YRP.

Regent Award was assigning incorrect Pell YRP disbursement scheduled date when the awarding period had a withdrawn or "None" (enrollment level) payment period(s).

Regent Award will assign correct scheduled dates in this case.

Package student in Regent Award and observe the Pell YRP disbursement scheduled date.

RS-16255Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly not packaging student due to Federal Award ID duplication for Direct Loans.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Declined Loans and assigning them to an incorrect Loan Period that is not associated with the Loan's FAID.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that Declined Loans are assigned to the Loan Period that corresponds to Loan's FAID.

In Regent Award find a student with an unpaid 19-20 Direct Loan. Accept a portion of the loan via the Modify Award Wizard. Package the student via the Modify Academic Plan. Ensure the student is packaged without errors.

RS-15755Regent AwardUser Interface

For a nonterm student, on the Academic Plan screen, the Anticipated units were incorrect in the Academic Year header.

The screen displayed the sum of the Anticipated Units from each Payment Period in the AY, instead of using the number of remaining units that Regent Award anticipated at the start of the Academic Year.

The Academic Year header display logic was corrected to use the same Anticipated Units for nonterm as Regent Award uses for anticipating nonterm Academic Years in packaging. If a nonterm student has at least one full AY remaining in the program, the Anticipated Units on non-final AYs match the program's defined Academic Year length in units. If a nonterm student has less than one AY in units remaining in their program, i.e., a shortened remaining period of study (RPS), then for that RPS final AY, the system displays the enrollment's Anticipated Units and Weeks. Separately, each nonterm Payment Period's Anticipated Units are still anticipated and calculated separately for the start of each Payment Period. The PP-level anticipated units are no longer used for the Anticipated Units display in the AY header.

Find an example nonterm student who has a shortened remaining period of study final AY that is less than a full AY in units. Package the student. Confirm the AY header in the Academic Plan for the RPS AY is displaying the remaining units in the student's program at the start of the student's final Academic Year. Review the Payment Period units below the Academic Year header. On the Payment Period units, confirm the Anticipated Units for each Payment Period are still displaying the anticipated units at the start of each individual payment period. Find and package another nonterm student who has more than one Academic Year remaining in their program. Confirm the Academic Year header's Anticipated Units in that non-final AY are still the same as the program's defined Academic Year length in units from Program Setup.

RS-15614Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly using the Term Census date instead of the Student Census date that is determined based on the first day when a student was successfully packaged with a valid ISIR of the specific FAY when the Institution Setup "Determine Student Census" setting is set to 'Yes'.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Census Units for students who were packaged for the first time with a current FAY ISIR after the actual term Census Date.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that Census Units are calculated based on Registered Units when a student is successfully packaged for the first time for specific FAY.

In Regent Award ensure the Institution Setup "Determine Student Census" is set to 'Yes'. Find a student with Actual Enrollment for a Term configured with a Census Date in the past and without an ISIR for the current FAY. Update the number of Registered Units so it is now different from the amount that the student had at the Term's Census date. Load an ISIR for the current FAY and package the student. Ensure the number of Census Units is equal to the current Registered Units.

RS-15606Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing Paid disbursements as Scheduled for Manual Awards.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Awards via Modify Award Wizard (MAW) so that Paid Disbursement was updated to Scheduled.

Regent Award calculation logic was updated to ensure that disbursements that have a positive Paid Amount have a Paid status after Packaging and specifically via MAW.

In Regent Award, find a student with a scheduled disbursement in an ongoing term that has a Paid amount. Edit Award via MAW, process existing Disbursement without changes, and Finish Wizard. Make sure Disbursement status is Paid.

RS-15361Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly calculating wrong Unmet Need when individual Terms or Payments Periods were selected in Awards Tab.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing Excluded funds and Substituting EFC funds for Negative Unmet Need.

Regent Award was updated to ensure Excluded funds are not subtracted from Unmet Need and Substitute EFC funds are only subtracted for positive Unmet Need.

In Regent Award find a student with Alternative EFC higher than Unmet Need. On the Awards Tab select individual Term or Payment Period. Make sure Excluded Funds and Replace EFC funds are not included in the calculation.

RS-14618Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly receiving COD Reject when exporting to COD Manual Abbreviated Loan Period for Non-term students.

Regent Award was incorrectly processing COD Financial Award Begin
End Dates manually entered as Abbreviated Loan Periods via Program Management Wizard.

Regent Award was updated to ensure manually entered Abbreviated Loan Periods are correctly Processed during COD Export.

In Regent Award, find Non-term Student with Abbreviated Loan Period. Perform COD Export process. Import COD Response. Make sure there is no COD Rejects in response.

RS-14077Regent AwardTasks

Regent Award was not triggering the "Review Student Withdrawn With No attendance" task after the withdrawal date had expired.

Regent Award was only triggering task if CE existed for payment period.

Implemented change to treat CE not existing as no attendance when payment period has paid title IV.

Withdraw a student with a withdrawal date that is earlier than payment period start date.

RS-14053Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly not awarding Dependent Undergraduate student with Direct Loans for Post Bach Licensure program.

Regent Award was using incorrect lookup data processing in Fund-specific configuration file.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that Direct Loan configuration files have appropriate value and sequence of data processing.

In Regent Award, find Dependent Undergraduate student on Post Bach Licensure Program eligible for Direct Loan. Package student. Make sure Direct Loans are awarded based on calculated eligibility.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:


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