Pell COA Override Wizard

Pell COA Override Wizard


In the 4.6 Release, a new configuration setup option, "Pell COA Setup" was created. This feature requires schools to create a Pell COA for each FAY. The Pell COA Override provides a means for the user to enter a student level adjustment to Pell COA for a FAY and document the reason(s) for the adjustment(s).

Functional Requirements

The Pell COA Override wizard is a permission-based feature to allow users to override the Pell COA configured under Pell COA Setup on a per-student basis. The wizard provides a summary grid at the top of the page with the Override records already entered for the student (similar to the "Adjust Cost" and "Calculate SAP" wizards).  The user will "Add" a new Pell COA Override and will be presented with a screen that displays the instruction text: "Will you be providing override Pell COA values for the full FAY, or just one or more Payment Periods?" and the "Override Type" field. This will be a radio button with the option of either "Federal Award Year" or "Payment Period". 

  • The user may not enter multiple values for a single payment period. If a FAY level override has been provided, the user cannot also provide another override value for Payment Periods within the FAY. If a PP level override has been provided for a single PP within a FAY, the user may not provide an overlapping FAY level override. The user may edit the values in an existing override for a period.

The wizard will include both FT and LTHT cells for each housing status for each FAY with the default set to FT. The user must then indicate which terms are affected, and any unchecked terms in the FAY will continue to use the Pell COA already in place for the student (Non-term adjustments will apply to the full FAY until such time that LTHT for non-term is more clearly defined).  

The Pell COA for the Payment Period will display in the UI under the Awards Tab.

When a full set of FAY override data is provided, and the student's enrollment level or housing status changes, the override values will be used instead of the values from Pell COA setup. If any one data point in that set is not provided, RNA will pull that specific data point from the Pell COA setup for the student's program. 

If an override value is provided for a payment period, it should be used, but if not, Regent Award should default back to the Program Setup value. For example, if a payment period level FT Pell COA is provided, but the LTHT Pell COA override value is left blank, and the student moves to a LTHT status in the term that is expected to use the override, RNA will pull the LTHT Pell COA value from the student's default Pell COA setup, for their program, and housing status, and use that to award/disburse/report to COD for the student.

Data Requirements

Field Name





Business Rules

Field Name





Business Rules

Override Type

When the user selects "Add" they will be presented with a screen that displays the Instruction text: "Will you be providing override Pell COA values for the full FAY, or just one or more Payment Periods?"


Radio Button

  • Federal Award Year

  • Payment Period

When the user selects "Federal Award Year", they will be presented with the instruction text "Select the FAY and then provide the related COA data. If any Pell COA value is left blank, Regent Award will use the default value from setup for the student's program."

When the user selects "Payment Period", they will be presented with the instruction text "Enter the Full Time and Less than half-time COA, then chose the Payment Period(s) to be used. If either the Full-time or Less than half-time is left blank, Regent Award will use the default value from setup for the student's Housing Status." 

Federal Award Year

Federal Award Year

The Federal Award Year value is required, as well as at least one other Pell COA value.



  • Select (default)

  • 2017-2018

  • 2018-2019

  • 2019-2020

Multiple FAY data entries may be provided but only ONE per FAY value. If there is a row of data for a given FAY, that FAY value will not be available in the FAY drop down; i.e. you cannot have two rows of data for 2017-2018 or any other FAY

With Parent

Full Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

If the user chooses to leave some values blank, that will be allowed and if RNA needs those value, RNA will default to the Program Setup.  For example, if the user fills in the "With Parent" Full and LTHT COA values, but nothing for other Housing Statuses and the student's housing status changes for the FAY to "On Campus," RNA will use the "On Campus" values from Pell COA Setup.  

Less Than Half Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

On Campus

Full Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

If the user chooses to leave some values blank, that will be allowed and if RNA needs those value, RNA will default to the Program Setup.  For example, if the user fills in the "On Campus" Full and LTHT COA values, but nothing for other Housing Statuses and the student's housing status changes for the FAY to "With Parent," RNA will use the "With Parent" values from Pell COA Setup.  

Less Than Half Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

Off Campus

Full Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

If the user chooses to leave some values blank, that will be allowed and if RNA needs those value, RNA will default to the Program Setup.  For example, if the user fills in the "Off Campus" Full and LTHT COA values, but nothing for other Housing Statuses and the student's housing status changes for the FAY to "With Parent," RNA will use the "With Parent" values from Pell COA Setup.  

Less Than Half Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

On-Campus with Dependents

Full Time



Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

If the user chooses to leave some values blank, that will be allowed and if RNA needs those value, RNA will default to the Program Setup.  For example, if the user fills in the "Off Campus" Full and LTHT COA values, but nothing for other Housing Statuses and the student's housing status changes for the FAY to "With Parent," RNA will use the "With Parent" values from Pell COA Setup.  

Less Than Half Time



Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

Military Housing

Full Time



Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

If the user chooses to leave some values blank, that will be allowed and if RNA needs those value, RNA will default to the Program Setup.  For example, if the user fills in the "Off Campus" Full and LTHT COA values, but nothing for other Housing Statuses and the student's housing status changes for the FAY to "With Parent," RNA will use the "With Parent" values from Pell COA Setup.  

Less Than Half Time



Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

Payment Period(s)

Full Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only

Less Than Half Time


Text - 8 numeric characters max

0 - 99999.99 positive numbers

If this value is left blank and RNA needs this value, RNA will default to Program Setup.

Term(s) Selection


Multi-select list box

Term(s) available at the campus

The Pell COA override will apply to the terms selected here.

Selected Term(s)


Multi-select list box

Term(s) selected by the user 

Override FAY:

Override PP:


Description of Changes



Description of Changes



New 2024-2025 Housing statuses added

Jen Dewey


Added “Wizard” to the end of the page name so the “Pell COA Override” OGB wiki could be created

Heather Smith

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