Import Awards and Disbursements Process

Import Awards and Disbursements Process


The import awards process enables schools to import both current and historical award and disbursement data for students in batch.  This data is delivered by uploading of a file that abides by a specific XML schema. The “Import Awards and Disbursements (XML)” process uses the “ImportAwardLoad_FW” File Watcher folder when uploaded via sFTP. 

This file typical contains institutional awards and disbursements, like scholarships or grants that the school packages in their Student Information System (SIS.)  The awards and disbursements included in this file will be applied to the student's "Academic Plan."  Importing this information assists Regent Award with accurately packaging students up to the appropriate costs. The awards will be applied by Regent Award according to the configured packaging philosophy. 

Note that if the fund is configured to disburse by Regent Award only historic disbursements should be provided on the file. 

XML Schema and Data Dictionary

Import Awards File


  • Student is active in Regent Award
  • Import Award file is created from SIS for institutional awards and available for import into Regent Award

Basic Flow

  1. The Import Award file is imported into Regent Award via the Runbook schedule.
  2. The user:
    1. Confirms the file imported successfully by navigating to the Process Log
      1. Filters on the Process Type for “Import Awards and Disbursements (XML)”
      2. Clicks on the most recent “Import Awards and Disbursements (XML)” file to display details
  3. Navigates to a student contained in the “Import Awards and Disbursements (XML)”
    1. Reviews the Academic Plan
      1. Awards imported as manual awards
      2. Confirms the award and amount are accurate by reconciling with SIS
    2. Reviews the Award tab and selects the Analyze Loan Period option. This option displays an AY view or selects individual payment periods
    3. Confirms the award is applied according to the Packaging Philosophy. 
      1. If the award amount needs to be modified, navigates to MAW by clicking on the pencil icon. 


  • Student is packaged accurately with institutional awards