Advanced Packaging

Advanced Packaging

SOP Title: Advanced Packaging

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through [list] process(es)].

2 Scope

The {INSERT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for [list action].

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Adjusting the Cross-Over FAY for FAY Funds


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • Student’s Pell is currently packaged for crossover (Summer) term/ payment period

  • Student has both ISIRs from which funds may be applied to crossover term/ payment period on file

  • The user determined the scheduled Pell award in the crossover period should be changed.

Basic Flow

  1. The user navigates to the Academic Plan tab of the student record

    1. Click on Modify Academic Plan

    2. Click on ‘Advanced Packaging’ (Modify Academic Plan: Step 1)

    3. Click on "Select" box dropdown under the Override column and change award year

      1. Applicable FAY to which award will be changed should be checked. i.e. if crossover period should be awarded 2018-19 Pell, select ‘Set to 2018-2019’ box

    4. Click Continue (Modify Academic Plan: Step 2)

    5. Review Academic Plan and awards for student and click ‘Finish’ (Modify Academic Plan: Step 3)

    6. Click ‘Refresh’ to view the updated Academic Plan for the student


  • Academic Plan has been updated with Pell being packaged for the Summer crossover period using the FAY Override.

Alternative Flow

  • To remove the ‘Set FAY Override’ the user follows the steps above

  • Removes the check mark from the appropriate override

  • Clicks ‘Finish’

5.2 Adjusting the Academic Plan Anticipated Units by Term/ Payment Period


  • Student

  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • Student is set to the anticipated number of units configured for the selected term/ payment period.

  • Student's maximum future enrollment will be less than full time and the user would like to determine the length of time to complete the program.

  • Student requires a manual update to term/ payment period units

Basic Flow

  1. The user navigates to the Academic Plan tab in the student record

    1. Click on ‘Modify Academic Plan

    2. Click on ‘Advanced Packaging’ (Modify Academic Plan: Step 1)

    3. Click on the down arrow to select the number of anticipated units or manually enter anticipated units (e.g. 6) for the desired term/ payment period e.g. Spring 2020) under the ‘Units’ column.

    4. Click ‘Continue’ (Modify Academic Plan: Step 2)

    5. Review Academic Plan and awards for student and click ‘Finish’ (Modify Academic Plan: Step 3)

    6. Click ‘Refresh’ to view the updated Academic Plan for the student


  • Academic Plan updated with adjusted Anticipated Units for selected term/ payment period with the applicable enrollment status.

Alternative Flow

  • The user selects the Reset Anticipated Units anticipated units to set the Academic Plan back to the original state as configured in the program setup and packages the student via MAP Advanced Packaging.



Description of Change



Description of Change



Added change log

Jen Dewey