PLUS Loans Awarding

PLUS Loans Awarding

SOP Title: PLUS Loans Awarding

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Awarding Parent PLUS - Parent PLUS Approval


  • User

  • Regent Award


  • Student is Dependent

  • Dependent student is packaged with a non-originated Parent PLUS loan, either manually or via auto-packaging

  • Documents are configured to auto-assign, e.g. Parent PLUS MPN, PLUS Loan Pre-Approval

  • Tasks are configured and active, e.g. Review PLUS Credit Approval, Review PLUS Loan Denial

Basic Flow

  1. The PLUS-related documents are automatically populated in a ‘Needed’ status based on the awarding of the Parent PLUS Loan.
    Example documents:

    1. DL Parent PLUS Application

    2. Parent Plus MPN

  2. The Entrance Interview document will also auto-populate in a ‘Needed’ status, if not already completed

    1. Note: Entrance Counseling will be auto-satisfied once the “EC” or COMREC file is imported satisfying Entrance Counseling.

  3. Parent borrower completes a Parent PLUS application at Federal Student Aid and the credit check is completed on behalf of the Parent.

  4. Regent Award imports a COD response file with the PLUS credit decision (e.g. a “SP” PLUS Acknowledgement or “CS” Credit Status Response)

  5. If approved:

    1. Regent Award will update the DL Parent PLUS App and MPN document to a ‘Satisfied’ status.

      1. Other documents, such as a Plus Loan Pre-Approval, may also be updated to Satisfied status.

    2. Regent Award will create a Task, such as Review Documents, in the task queue e.g. Review PLUS Credit Approval or Review Title 4 Eligibility.

    3. The User will populate the parent borrower information:

      1. Navigate to the Loans tab

      2. In the Status column, clear filters to review all Offered-status loans

      3. Click to select the applicable PLUS loan

      4. In the loan details, click the PLUS Borrower Information sub-tab

      5. Click Edit button

      6. Update details with parent borrower information

      7. Click Save

    4. The User reviews the COD tab, Direct Parent PLUS, to identify amount desired as indicated by parent

      1. If the Application Loan Amount indicated on the COD tab in the PLUS acknowledgement file is less than Regent Award awarded amount, the user will update the award amount via Modify Award Wizard (MAW).

      2. If the Application Loan Amount indicated on the COD tab in the PLUS acknowledgement file is equal to or greater than Regent Award awarded amount continue to step 6

    5. The user updates the PLUS loan award to an ‘Accepted’ status

    6. COD/EST process is run per runbook

    7. Parent must complete the PLUS MPN and EC prior to disbursement of Parent PLUS loan


  • Parent PLUS loan is originated

Alternative Flow - Parent PLUS Denial

  1. Regent Award imports a COD response file (e.g. SP PLUS or CS Credit Status COMREC) with the PLUS credit denial

    1. Regent Award creates a Review PLUS Loan Denial task in the task queue

    2. The user will work the task and update the Parent Loan Pre-Approval document to a ‘Waived’ status for the student.

    3. The user works with the borrower to determine if he/she wants to request additional Direct Unsubsidized loan

      1. If no, the user works with student on options to fund gap (including application for endorser)

      2. If yes, user marks the additional DL Unsubsidized indicator

        1. Navigates to the loans tab

        2. Highlights Unsubsidized loan

        3. Clicks edit

        4. Navigates to bottom of screen

        5. Updates the indicator to ‘Yes’

        6. Clicks Save

          1. NOTE*** If no Unsub exists due to high Aggregate limits – the user must first manually add the Unsub via the AAW, then mark the additional Unsub indicator in the Loans tab before moving forward and MAPing the student.

        7. Navigates to Academic Plan tab

        8. Packages student with Modify Academic Plan (MAP) to award additional Unsubsidized amount and automatically cancel PLUS

        9. Marks Review PLUS Loan Denial task completed

    4. COD/EST process runs per runbook


  • Additional Unsub Loan amount is originated and disbursed

5.2 Awarding Grad PLUS Loan


  • User

  • Regent Award


  • Graduate student

  • Student is awarded a Grad PLUS loan (either manually or via auto packaging)

  • GradPLUS Loan is not originated at COD

  • Documents are configured to auto-assign, e.g. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan Entrance Counseling, Grad PLUS MPN

  • Tasks are configured for related Document Use Types, e.g. Review Document(s) Task, Review PLUS Credit Approval, Review PLUS Denial

Basic Flow

  1. The Grad PLUS Entrance Interview document will auto populate in a ‘Needed’ status and will be auto satisfied once the EC (Entrance Counseling) or COD COMREC is imported.

  2. The Grad PLUS loan is ‘Accepted’ via the Student Portal or in Regent Award.

  3. Regent Award populates the Loans tab with the Student borrower information.

  4. The credit check is completed on behalf of the Student.

  5. Regent Award imports a COD response common file with the credit decision

    1. If approved:

      1. Regent Award will update the document to a ‘Satisfied’ status.

      2. Regent Award will create a Review Document(s) task

  6. COD/EST process is run per runbook

  7. Student must complete the Grad PLUS MPN and EC prior to disbursement of Grad PLUS loan


  • Grad PLUS loan is originated and disbursed

Alternative Flow - GradPLUS Denied or Additional Loan Counseling Required

  1. Regent Award imports a COD response file (SP or CS) with the PLUS credit denial

    1. Regent Award creates a Review PLUS Loan Denial task in the Review PLUS Loan task queue

    2. The user will work the task and update the document to a ‘Waived’ status for the student.

    3. If additional counseling is required, the user manually assigns the document (e.g. Loan Counseling - PLUS) in a Needed status.

      1. Once completed by the borrower and the CS file is received from COD Loan Counseling, the Document is auto-Satisfied.

    4. If the borrower does not complete the Loan Counseling, the user works with the student on options to fund the gap.

6 Workflows

Note: Exact names may vary for Documents, Tasks, and Task Queues.

Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


May 28 and 30, 2024

Reviewed preexisting content for impact of 2024-2025 regulatory changes. Made several unrelated minor content updates/corrections from testing PLUS loan awarding on Dependent and Graduate students.

Jennifer Black




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