Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress

Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress

SOP Title: Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT CLIENT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Override SAP Record - Manual SAP


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • Student has a SIS-provided SAP record for a previous payment period or,

  • Regent Award has calculated SAP, or

  • Regent Award has not calculated SAP (such as due to missing grades, or a Manual SAP policy)

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award displays the student’s current SAP status on the Student Summary tab under ‘At a Glance’ information and on the Awards tab in the ‘Enrollment Detail’ information per semester.

  2. Student with incorrect SAP status may be identified while reviewing disbursement records.

  3. Once the student is identified, the User:

    1. Navigates to Awards tab

    2. Clicks ‘Calculate SAP’ to initiate the SAP Wizard

    3. Selects the previous term/payment period in the Review Period drop down

    4. Clicks Add SAP Record

    5. Enters the SAP Date (typically today’s date), appropriate SAP Status, Notes, and any additional information required.

    6. Clicks the Save button to save the manual SAP record

      1. The SAP Wizard displays the new SAP record with a source of “Manual”

    7. Clicks the ‘Run SAP’ button at the top of the SAP Wizard to process the new SAP record

    8. Clicks Close

  4. Packages the student such as with the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard

    1. Regent Award uses the manual SAP record to package the student until a new, more recent SAP record is applied, either via the SBL, by Regent Award or manually.


  • Student is repackaged using the manual SAP record

Alternative Flow

5.2 Manual Appeal Review


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • Student has a SIS-provided SAP record for a previous payment period or,

  • Regent Award has calculated SAP and

  • Student has received a SAP appeal via the school

Basic Flow

  1. Once the student is identified, the User:

    1. Navigates to awards tab

    2. Clicks ‘Calculate SAP’ to initiate the SAP Wizard

    3. Selects a SAP record from the SAP Wizard table

    4. Clicks the SAP Calculation/ Recalculation tab

    5. Updates SAP Status to a positive SAP status according to school’s policy e.g. FA Probation (AY SAP only) or Satisfactory

    6. Clicks the ‘Appeal Review’ tab

    7. Clicks Edit

    8. Enters the following information:

      1. Document Date

      2. Decision Maker

      3. Appeal Status

      4. Appeal SAP Status

      5. SAP Academic Plan Anticipated End Date

      6. Notes

    9. Clicks Save

    10. Repackages the student, such as with the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP)


  • A SAP appeal record has been manually entered for the student.


Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


May 24, 2024

Reviewed preexisting OGB content

Jennifer Black