

SOP Title: R2T4

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT CLIENT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Return to Title IV


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • R2T4 Tasks are enabled and active

  • Student has R2T4 information provided on SBL

  • Student has a ‘Review R2T4’ Task and requires evaluation for R2T4:

    • Review R2T4

    • Review Student Completed Courses No Current Registration

    • Review Student W/D from Current Courses

    • Review Title IV Withdrawn Courses

    • Review Withdrawn Student

    • Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4

    • Failure to Return from LOA or CORE

Basic Flow

  1. The User reviews assigned task and navigates to the student

    1. Navigates to the Awards tab

  2. Clicks ‘Perform R2T4’ to initiate the R2T4 Wizard

    Student Award tab, right-most button is Perform R2T4

  3. Clicks Add R2T4

    1. If pre-populated on the SBL: Selects the available R2T4 record from the SBL, with the R2T4 Withdrawal Date and Date of Determination.

  4. User enters information in the R2T4 and clicks Save.

    1. If the R2T4 information was sent on the SBL, the system populates the dates such as R2T4 DOD and WDD.

      1. DOD: Date of School’s Determination That Student Withdrew

      2. WDD: Date of Withdrawal

    2. If SBL information was not provided, the user manually adds the DOD and WDD and/or Last Date of Academic-Related Activity.

    3. When a student withdrew without notification, for schools that are not required to take attendance, the User can select the ‘Use 50%’ checkbox and proceeds to the R2T4 Wizard Step 3.

      1. The User also enters the last date of attendance at an academically related activity for the withdrawal date.

      2. For students who officially withdraw, the official withdraw date must be entered.

    4. If an R2T4 is not required, and the user enters text into the ‘Not Required Reason’ box, the R2T4 will result in ‘No Action Required’ and is informational only. The student’s awards will not be changed.

    5. User clicks Save when all initial information is entered

      1. Saving triggers the initial calculations and Saves the R2T4 record in Open status

  5. Edits the R2T4

    1. Selects the R2T4 in ‘Open’ status from the R2T4 grid and clicks Edit to continue completing the R2T4

    2. Keeps checkbox selected for ‘Block Disbursements until R2T4 is Finalized’

    3. Selects checkbox ‘Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4 (if applicable)

      1. Note: User must have appropriate permissions.

    4. STEP 1: Student’s Title IV Aid Information

      1. Confirms Regent Award automatically calculated and recalculated the Pell eligibility amounts and Title IV aid that had Amounts Disbursed, Inadvertent Overpayment (IOP), or Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed

        1. Note: An “inadvertent overpayment” (IOP) occurs when an institution disburses funds to a student who is no longer in attendance. For example, when an institution made a scheduled disbursement on Monday to a student who dropped out on the previous Friday. Inadvertent Overpayments are included in the R2T4 calculations as ‘Aid that could have been disbursed’ (CHBD) rather than ‘Aid that was disbursed.’ Regent Award displays IOP amounts separately from the Aid that could have been disbursed.

    5. STEP 2: Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned

      1. Reviews payment period start, and end dates and number of days calculated to include any breaks in instruction of 5 consecutive days or more.

        1. Note: Only modify and enter Adjusted Completed Days or Adjusted Scheduled Days if the scheduled days appear incorrect. These fields can be altered using both positive and negative numbers.

      2. Percentage of payment period or period of enrollment completed will calculate based on information in STEP 2.

    6. STEP 3: Amount of Title IV Aid Earned by the Student – Display only

    7. STEP 4: Title IV Aid to be Disbursed or Returned

      1. Follows explanation to determine next steps

        1. Post-Withdrawal Disbursement– complete the PWD tab as explained later in this OGB

        2. Title IV Aid to be Returned – indicates how much aid will be returned by Regent

    8. STEP 5: Amount of Unearned Title IV Aid Due from the School

      1. Enters institutional charges for the period, if the R2T4 results in a Refund

        1. Tuition

        2. Room (Housing)

        3. Board (Food)

    9. STEP 6: Return of Funds by the School – Display only

    10. STEP 7: Initial Amount of Unearned Title IV Aid Due from the Student – Display only

    11. STEP 8: Repayment of the Student's Loans – Display only

    12. STEP 9: Grant Funds to be Returned – Display only

    13. STEP 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student – Display only

      1. “Plus Additional” items that are “(excluded from R2T4)” are paid amounts not in the R2T4 Step 1.

    14. If a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) is needed, text will display on R2T4 in red ‘Please complete the PWD worksheet’

      1. If PWD is needed, follows steps in section 5.4 below for PWD

      2. If no PWD is needed skips to step 9

    15. Finalizes the worksheet

      1. Note: Once finalized the R2T4 cannot be deleted, even if later Reversed. The R2T4 line item record will always remain.

      2. The R2T4 can also be printed into a hard copy (PDF) using the ‘Print’ button if desired

    16. Updates the corresponding R2T4 task to ‘Complete’

  6. Packages the student, such as with the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) Wizard.

  7. Regent Award will take the appropriate actions for the student:

    1. If the result of the R2T4 is a refund, Regent Award updates the award and disbursement amount with the adjustment and the COD/EST run will process the adjustments according to the runbook.

    2. If the R2T4 does not result in a refund, no changes are needed to award amounts.


  • Student R2T4 has been processed.

5.2 Return to Title IV Workaround for Payment Period Start Dates (Modules)

This workaround describes how to handle the error seen for some modular terms: “Error processing R2T4 - PopulateStep2 PP Start Date must be before the Scheduled PP End Date.”


  • Term has multiple Modules

  • Student withdraws from all Module 1 courses before Module 2 begins.

  • Student later withdraws from all their Module 2 courses before Module 2 begins. 

Basic Flow

  1. The User reviews assigned task and view student

    1. Navigate to the Awards tab

    2. Clicks ‘Perform R2T4’ to initiate the R2T4 Wizard

    3. Clicks Add R2T4 or open existing R2T4

      1. The DOD and WDD will be pre-populated if provided in the R2T4 node of the SBL. If not provided, the DOD and WDD should be added.

    4. Clicks Save

      1. The following error will pop up:

    5. Selects R2T4 in ‘open’ status and click ‘edit’ to continue completing R2T4

    6. Proceeds to Step 2 and manually update the PP Start Date to the actual Term start date.

    7. Clicks Calculate

    8. Confirms the numbers are correct, and makes adjustments as needed

    9. Completes the R2T4 following the remaining steps outlined in 5.1


5.3 Return to Title IV Workaround for Nonterm AY and LP End Date Override


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • Nonterm student

  • The R2T4 period is Not extending to account for any courses the student failed prior to withdrawal from the institution (the R2T4 WDD.)

    • Currently in Regent Award when there is not enough registration to soft-close (fill the payment period with course registration), Regent Award does not anticipate what the payment period length should or would have been if the student had remained in school.

    • For example:

      • If the PP is 5 equal courses in length (to complete the units and weeks), and the student withdrawals from middle of the 3rd course, the PP remains intact, because if the student had not withdrawn, the student was on track to complete the PP as originally scheduled.

      • If the PP is 5 equal courses in length (to complete the units and weeks), and the student failed the 2nd course, continued on, and was in the 3rd course, and withdrew in the middle of the 3rd course, the student still would have needed a 6th course added to the PP in order to complete the units/weeks requirement for the PP.

    • However, if there is enough actual course registration to maintain a soft-closed payment period, despite the fact that the student withdrew from or failed a course, then there is no issue. The R2T4 period is calculated correctly.

Basic Flow

  1. At the time of the R2T4 (the Withdrawal Date on the wizard) the User determines:

    1. What the student completed

      1. What the student completed? If they completed, how many more courses would the student have needed to complete the PP?

      2. Does not assume that the student would have failed the course they were taking at the time of withdrawal, assumes that they would have completed.

      3. Determines how many more courses the student would have needed to complete the PP, accounting for courses the student failed.

      4. If sufficient registration does not exist to “replace” those courses, any extrapolation formula should be applied to determine the PP or AY end date.

      5. From the end date of the last registered course for the PP (include course(s) the student was attending at the time of withdrawal from the institution). Not from the “current date” as normally applied during Regent Award packaging.

      6. Excludes unattended courses that have ended prior to Withdrawal from the institution.

    2. Reviews the system calculated Payment Period length using the nonterm payment period extrapolation formula (see R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula )

      1. If the student successfully completed as originally scheduled all courses that ended prior to withdrawal, no extrapolation is required to account for the course(s) the student was attending at the time of withdrawal – the existing PP end date may remain in place.

    3. Confirms the PP and AY Start Dates and the Loan Period/Academic Year (AY) Start and End dates. The dates reported to COD must support the PPs as described above.

      1. If the R2T4 is 1st PP, use extrapolated period length to determine 2nd PP start date (2nd PP is “normal” length for the program) for use in determining AY End date.

      2. If the R2T4 is 1st PP and loans are truncated, the LP end date is the end date of the 1st PP.

      3. If the R2T4 is 2nd PP, use extrapolated PP length to set the AY end date.

      4. If the R2T4 is 2nd PP but LP is truncated, the LP ends on the end date of the 1st PP.

      5. If the R2T4 is 2nd PP and LP is not truncated, the LP ends on the end date of the 2nd PP as determined above (which is also the AY end date).

    4. If the scenario as stated above occurs due to lack of registration, the User manually enters the dates into the ‘AY End Date Override’ and/or ‘LP End Date Override’ so the R2T4 will calculate correctly, as well as sending the appropriate information to COD. Then, the user clicks Calculate.

5.4 Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD)


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award

  • Student


  • Student has been awarded financial aid for the term/ payment period, but the student earned more aid than what was disbursed.

  • Student has a ‘Review R2T4’ Task and requires evaluation for R2T4:

    • Review R2T4

    • Review Student Completed Courses No Current Registration

    • Review Student W/D from Current Courses

    • Review Title IV Withdrawn Courses

    • Review Withdrawn Student

    • Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4

    • Failure to Return from LOA or CORE

  • PWD Document is configured and active

Basic Flow

  1. The User completes the R2T4 worksheet that results in an eligible PWD.

    1. Navigates to the PWD worksheet tab

    2. Clicks ‘edit’

  2. Regent Award provides the amount of PWD in section I.– no action required

  3. The User enters the amount of outstanding charges for educationally related expenses remaining on the student's account in section II. box 2

    1. Enters ‘Date PWD Offered’ as date PWD tab is being completed in the Allocation of Post-Withdrawal Disbursement section III.

    2. The “Scheduled cancel date’ will pre-populate – no need to update

    3. Leaves all other dates/options blank initially

    4. Enters notification date and deadline date in the Authorization and Notifications section IV.

    5. Enters any comments required

    6. Offers the PWD by clicking save and finalize

  4. Regent Award:

    1. Updates the award and disbursement amounts and immediately process any grants for disbursement.

    2. Generates the PWD communication according to the Runbook schedule

    3. Populates the “Post-Withdrawal Disbursement” document in ‘Needed’ status for Direct Loan disbursements only. Pell does not require acceptance from the student.

  5. The student will decide whether to accept the full or reduced PWD amount, or to decline the PWD entirely (not required for Title IV grants).

  6. The student needs to respond before the Scheduled Cancel date.
    If the student responds within the timeframe, the User:

    1. Updates the PWD tab in the R2T4 wizard to indicate the awards should be accepted, reduced, or canceled, per the PWD response.
      Note, the PWD tab remains partially editable until 180 days after the date of determination.

    2. Marks the “Post-Withdrawal Disbursementdocument to “Satisfied”

    3. Regent Award will update the loans as indicated on the PWD tab of the R2T4 wizard and processes the updated disbursements accordingly.

      1. Exception: if student indicates they would like a lesser amount than indicated on the PWD, user must update the Amount Accpeted.

  7. If the student does not respond within the timeframe the User:

    1. Manually cancels funds;

      1. The Student – PWD Details report can be utilized to identify students whose PWD offer has expired and manually cancel the funds.

    2. Packages the student after the date, and Regent Award cancels the PWD and cancels the eligible PWD loans.


  • PWD processed per the student request.

5.5 Reverse R2T4


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • Student had a previously finalized R2T4

  • Student has re-entered within the Payment Period or

  • Student subsequently completes verification

Basic Flow

  1. User navigates to the R2T4 Wizard and selects the Reverse option in the R2T4 grid

  2. User packages the student using the Modify Academic Plan tab

  3. User Refreshes

  4. User confirms that Regent Award has created or restored amounts and disbursements as appropriate.


  • Student’s awards have been reinstated by Regent Award.

5.6 R2T4 Adjustments in MAW (When an Error Occurs in Calculation Results)


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


Student had a previously finalized R2T4

Basic Flow

  1. The User:

    1. Identifies additional refunds outside of Regent Award using ED portal or other methods

    2. Navigates to MAW

    3. Completes the downward adjustment as appropriate.

      1. Users must have appropriate permissions.

    4. Selects the Override Eligibility Rules box.

    5. Step 3 of MAW, manually checks the COD Export Override box.

    6. MAPs the student.

    7. Completes the EST/ COD process.

    8. Confirms Regent Award reflects the adjustments accordingly


  • Student’s awards have been adjusted accordingly.

5.7 R2T4 Not Fully Earned/ Not Disbursed - Auto Finalize


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • SBL contains the R2T4 node for a student and loaded to Regent Award

  • Student is not fully earned or disbursed

  • R2T4 Automation is enabled

  • R2T4 Tasks are enabled

Basic Flow

  1. Once the Batch Package process is completed, Regent Award:

    1. Identifies students who require a R2T4 using “Not Required” logic

    2. If the R2T4 cannot be auto Finalized, the “Review R2T4” and “Review Automated R2T4” task will trigger.

    3. Note, the R2T4 automation occurs for the Batch Packaging process, not in packaging an individual student with MAP.

  2. The user navigates to the assigned Task Queue

    1. Identifies the student

    2. Navigates to the Awards Tab and R2T4 Wizard

    3. Selects the “Ready for Review” R2T4 from the R2T4 History grid

    4. Completes the R2T4 calculation using the steps outlined above in 5.1

  3. Upon finalization of the R2T4, Regent Award auto closes the “Review R2T4” and “Review Automated R2T4 tasks.


Student’s R2T4 is Finalized


6 Workflow


Manual Process

Automated Process









Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


June 2, 2024

Finished reviewing content at a high level. Minor updates of older content.

Jennifer Black




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