View A Student’s Scheduled And Actual Disbursements

View A Student’s Scheduled And Actual Disbursements

To view an individual's disbursements for an award, use the student search bar from your Home page to go to the student record and then click on the Academic Plan or the Award tab. Then select the payment period/terms that you want to view and the award details for the payment period/term will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to the award name and click on the amount next to the award name. For awards based upon a federal award year, you will see all the scheduled and paid disbursements for the federal award year which includes the payment period/term you selected. For awards based upon a BBAY or academic year, you will see all the scheduled and paid disbursements for the BBAY or academic year which includes the payment period/term you selected. Then click on the row containing the disbursement to see the exported student transactions (ESTs) related to the disbursement.


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