Program Setup Data Elements

Program Setup Data Elements

Below are the setup items to be used for each academic program configured in the system.

General Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValueBusiness Rule
Program NameName that will be used for this program in communications to the student.RequiredText box - alphanumeric 80 characters max

Program Type

Type of Program

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Post-Graduate
  • Prep-Grad
  • Prep-Undergrad
  • Ed Licensure
  • Post-Bach Licensure
  • CTP Programs

If a student is enrolled in a Prep-Graduate or Prep-undergraduate program type, that the <PreprofessionalCourseworkIndicator> flag = true on the COD export.  If the student is enrolled in a program of any other program type, <PreprofessionalCourseworkIndicator> flag must = false on the COD export.

Post-Bach program are awarded at Grade Level 5 only. 

Program CredentialThis data element will be sent to COD as part of the 14/15 SULA requirements.OptionalDrop-down
  • Undergraduate certificate or diploma

  • Associate’s degree

  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Post Baccalaureate certificate

  • Master’s degree

  • Doctoral degree

  • First Professional degree

  • Graduate/Professional certificate

  • Non-credential programs

Values available for selection in this drop-down must be based on the Program Type selected - using the following rules:

Program Type
Available Credential Values

Undergraduate certificate or diploma, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, Non-credential programs

GraduateMaster's degree, Doctoral degree, Graduate / Professional certificate
Post-GraduateDoctoral degree, Graduate / Professional certificate
Post Baccalaureate certificateNon-credential programs
Prep-GradNon-credential programs
Prep-UndergradNon-credential programs
Ed LicensureNon-credential programs
CTP ProgramsUndergraduate certificate or diploma, Associate's degree
School of
OptionalText boxText - alphanumeric 500 characters max
OptionalText boxText - alphanumeric 500 characters max

Enable My Borrowing

Determines if My Borrowing will be displayed in Student Experience for students in this program.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected 
When this checkbox is selected, this program is enabled for the My Borrowing feature. If a program is associated with multiple sites, only programs associated with sites that are enabled are included in the My Borrowing feature.

Enable Additional Regent Plan Components

Determines if Regent Plan components other than My Borrowing will be displayed in Student Experience for students in this program.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected 
When this field is selected, Regent Plan tools (with the exception of 'My Borrowing') will be presented in Student Experience to students in this Program IF 'Enable Regent Plan Component' is also selected for the student's site. If the field is unselected, students in this program will not be presented with Regent Plan tools in Student Experience. This setting is independent of 'Enable My Borrowing' configuration. My Borrowing and Advisor Assist are not affected by this setting. 
Default Enrollment Level Setup
OptionalDrop-downPopulate this list based on the Default Enrollment Levels that have been Set up in the system.The value selected here should automatically populate as the default value on the Enrollment Level Setup drop-down menu (next to available terms) on the Terms/Enrollment level tab.
Anticipated Enrollment Level Type

Enrollment Level value that Regent Award uses if a student does not have actual enrollment in a term or payment period. Regent Award will use the selected value to anticipate the student's enrollment level when packaging is run.

If the program is configured with 'Enable Enrollment Anticipation,' that setting takes precedence for the student's projected enrollment on the Academic Plan.

If a program is a Subscription Period program, Regent Award ignores the value in the 'Anticipated Enrollment Level Type.'

  • Full time

  • Three quarter time

  • Half time

  • Less than half time

Subscription Period Enrollment Level

Enrollment Level value for Subscription Period programs.

If an Enrollment Level other than ‘None’ is selected, the system will treat the program as one that uses Subscription Periods (SP). Functions such as packaging and disbursement release will use the SP Enrollment Level selected for the program.

If the SP Enrollment Level has a value of ‘None,’ the system will not apply Subscription Period rules.

SP Enrollment Level cannot be used with the ‘Enable Enrollment Anticipation’ configuration settings. Subscription Periods also cannot apply to nonterm programs.

  • None (Default)

  • Full Time

  • Three Quarter Time

  • Half Time

  • Less Than Half Time

If the user selects a Subscription Period Enrollment Level value other than “None,” the system will disable the Program Setup settings for Enrollment Options Enrollment Anticipation.

First Day of Instructional Week

Allows the school to set a specific day of the week as the first day of the instructional week for all students enrolled in this Program.

  • Inherit (default)
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Program Display NameName that will be used for this program in communications to the student.RequiredText box - alphanumeric 500 characters max

External Program ID

Identifier for the Program from the school

RequiredText box - alphanumeric 60 characters max

External Program ID must be unique across all enterprises and institutions. The system does not consider deleted programs in the uniqueness constraint.

Program Group(s)Display the name of the Program Group(s) that this program was placed in on Institution SetupOptionalView Only


Indicator if students in the program are eligible for additional unsub loan amount.  

  • Ineligible
  • Lower Eligible
  • Upper Eligible

2010 CIP Code

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code for awards in 2010-2011 FAY through 2019-2020 FAY.RequiredText box
7 characters MUST be entered using the format xx.xxxx or this field will not pass COD Export validation.

2020 CIP Code

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code for awards in 2020-2021 FAY and later.RequiredText box
7 characters MUST be entered using the format xx.xxxx or this field will not pass COD Export validation.
FSA Eligible Start DateAny payment period that has an end date that’s after the specified start date is eligible, and start date that is before the end date specified.

OptionalDate picker
If this field is blank, RNA will treat the program as not FSA eligible and the student will not receive awards.
FSA Eligible End DateOptionalDate picker
If this field is blank, RNA will treat the program as not FSA eligible and the student will not receive awards.
TEACH EligibleIf this is selected, the program is eligible for TEACH fundsOptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

Do You Take Attendance?Informational only. Packaging relies on the Disbursement Schedule config for any disbursement release rules based on attendance.OptionalDrop-down
  • Yes
  • No

Assume Attendance
  • Yes
  • No
When “Yes” is selected in this field, Regent Award will assume attendance in a course, as of today’s date (or the course withdraw or course end date, as appropriate), if at least one indication of attendance has been provided on the course via either the SBL or Course Overrides.
Effective as ofThe “Effective as of” date must be provided if the school is using the "Assume Attendance" feature. This indicates the date at which a school wants to begin using this functionality. R8 will not assume attendance for courses that end prior to this date (course end date is a date prior to the date entered in the “Effective as of” field).Required if Assume Attendance = YesDate picker
  • By default, this field should inherit it's value from the Campus level but be editable by the end user.
  • If the "Assume Attendance" value is changed to Yes then this date field should default to today's date but be editable by the end user.
  • If the "Assume Attendance" value is changed to No then this date field should become inactive but the last date entered should be left in the field.
  • The date entered can be a date in the past from today.
Instructional Days per weekDetermines whether schools will use weekend days in their disbursement scheduling.RequiredDrop-down
  • Inherit (default)
  • 5
  • 7

If Inherit is chosen, the Program will use the value chosen on Campus setup.

If 5 is chosen, do not count weekends when tabulating disbursement scheduling.

If 7 is chosen, do count weekends when tabulating disbursement scheduling.

Special ProgramIndicator of the special program type being covered by aid.RequiredDrop-down
  • Special Admission Associate Degree Programs 
  • Bachelor's Degree Completion Programs
  • Not Applicable (default)
  • Preparatory Coursework Graduate Professional Program
  • Non-Credential Teacher Certification Program
  • Preparatory Coursework Undergraduate Program

If Special Program is equal to Preparatory Coursework Graduate Professional Program on a Direct Loan origination, a school is not required to submit a Published Program Length tag.

If a Published Program Length tag is submitted and Special
Programs is equal to ‘Prep Grad’, the values will be ignored and
will not be stored on the system.

Extend Academic Years for Non-Standard TermAllows for the extension of Academic Years for Non-standard term. RequiredDrop-down
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Enrollment Options

Enable Enrollment AnticipationIf this box is checked, anticipated units for future terms are anticipated using current term units. This setting does not apply to Subscription Period Programs.OptionalCheckbox

Unselected (default)

Minimum Enrollment ThresholdThe minimum enrollment level allowed for anticipation. If the current term’s enrollment level is below the configured level, anticipation for future terms will be at the configured level. This setting does not apply to Subscription Period Programs.OptionalDropdownFull Time, Three Quarter Time, Half Time, Less Than Half Time

If Enable Enrollment Anticipation is not checked, this field must be greyed out

Program Attributes

Inherit from Campus
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

Academic Year UnitsDefines number of units per Academic YearRequiredText box - numeric

Inherits default from Campus when Program is created but can be edited.

For Undergraduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (24-semester credits or 36 quarter credits/30 weeks for credit hour; 900 units/26 weeks for clock hour).

For Graduate Programs, the Academic Year definition should not be less than the minimal Federal Academic Year definition (30 weeks for credit hour; 26 weeks for clock hour).

Academic Year WeeksDefines number of weeks per Academic YearRequiredText box - numeric
Program Completion YearsNumber of years expected to complete program assuming full-time enrollment.RequiredDrop-down
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

Program Completion UnitsNumber of credit or clock hour units required to complete the program.RequiredText box - numeric 9 characters max0.00 to 99999.99

Program Completion Weeks

Number of weeks expected to complete program assuming full time enrollment.RequiredText box --
6 characters maximum
Value must be between 0 - 999

Program Completion CoursesThis field displays the number of courses required to complete the program in the financial planner.OptionalText box - numeric 4 characters max

Published Program Length (Years)

Program length for SULA calculations.

If this field has a value, it will be used for calculating the values for the 'Regent Calculated Program Length in Years' and the 'Regent Maximum Eligibility Period' and will be the program length sent to COD.

Required (one of Years, Months, Weeks)TextPublished Program Length - Years: Numeric; Value must be blank, or 0.001 to 99.999

Required for all programs. One of the three options must be selected, and the selected option must also have a numeric value. Schools can select only one of (Years, Weeks, Months.)

Validation: Schools must choose one selection option, and enter the associated value. The numeric fields will allow numeric input only: positive values, up to three decimal places. Zero is not allowed, but blank/empty values are OK (and blank values are required for the non-selected options).

Published Program Length (Months)

Program length for SULA calculations.

If this field has a value, it will be used for calculating the values for the 'Regent Calculated Program Length in Years' and the 'Regent Maximum Eligibility Period' and will be the program length sent to COD.

Required (one of Years, Months, Weeks)TextPublished Program Length - Months: Numeric; Value must be blank, or 0.001 to 99.999

Published Program Length (Weeks)

Program length for SULA calculations.

If this field has a value, it will be used for calculating the values for the 'Regent Calculated Program Length in Years' and the 'Regent Maximum Eligibility Period' and will be the program length sent to COD.

Required (one of Years, Months, Weeks)TextPublished Program Length - Weeks: Numeric; Value must be blank, or 0.001 to 999.999

Regent Calculated Program Length in Years

Regent's recalculated program length for SULA calculations. Regent converts the Published Program Length value into Years using COD's special conversion formulas.Required (display-only, system-calculated)TextNumeric, truncated to 3 decimal places

If the configuration is changed for the Published Program Length or Academic Year Weeks, then the system will recalculate this field's value.

The value depends on the school's selection and value for the new field Published Program Length (PPL-Y Years, PPL-M Months or PPL-W Weeks). (PPL-W Weeks will be initially populated with the value for the preexisting configuration setting, Academic Year Weeks (AYW) at upgrade). The resulting value is truncated to 3 decimal places with standard rounding. 

  1. If the school selected Years, then set this field to the same value as Published Program Length in Years (PPL-Y).
  2. If the school selected Months, then set this field to the calculated value of: 
    1.    (Published Program Length in Months value) x (30)  / 
          ( (Academic Year Weeks value) x 7)
  3. If the school selected Weeks, then set this field to the value of:
    1.     (Published Program Length in Weeks value)  / 
          (Academic Year Weeks value) 

The resulting value is truncated to 3 decimal places.

Regent Calculated Maximum Eligibility Period

Regent's calculated maximum eligibility period for SULA calculations. Value is 150% of the Regent Calculated Program Length in Years.Required (display-only, system-calculated)TextNumeric, rounded to nearest 0.1 years

If the configuration is changed for the Published Program Length or Academic Year Weeks, then the system will recalculate this field's value.

The value is calculated using the Regent Calculated Program Length in Years.  

Calculation steps for Regent Calculated Maximum Eligibility Period:

  1. Make sure the Regent Calculated Program Length in Years value is truncated to three decimal places (0.001)
  2. Multiply the Regent Calculated Program Length in Years value by 1.5
  3. Round to 1 decimal place (0.1) using standard rounding
  4. The resulting value is the Regent Calculated Maximum Eligibility Period. 

Apply SULA Calculations

When this setting is 'Yes,' the system will calculate and limit the total Subsidized Loan awarding if the Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA) for that student.RequiredDrop-down
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No
Inheritable from Campus Setup
Estimate Non-FSA Eligible
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

Open for Transfers/Program Changes
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected

When selected, this program is available to transfer students, and students who change program. (i.e. student with a historic CEP or transfer units)

When unselected, this blocks packaging for transfer students, and students who change program. (i.e. student with a historic CEP or transfer units)

Open for New Enrollment SNAP uses this flag in REM to determine which programs to display for selection.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

When selected, this program is available to new/prospective students. (i.e. student with only 1 CourseEnrollmentProgram)

When unselected, this blocks packaging for new/prospective students. (i.e. student with only 1 CourseEnrollmentProgram)

Uses Modules
  • Inherit (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Stop Positive Disbursements Date
OptionalDate picker
If this date is populated, stop positive disbursements for students in this program beginning on the date provided.
Allow Anticipated Track SwitchIndicator if Track switches are allowed in the program.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
If this box is selected, this site will allow student's in this program to switch to a different track.
Batch Package
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected

If this option is selected, this program will be displayed on the batch packaging screen.

If this is unselected, this program does not appear in the batch packaging screen pick list.

Default Academic Calendar/Period/Unit

Inherit from Campus
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

Academic Calendar TypeType of Academic CalendarRequiredDrop-down
  • SAY - Federal Award Year Based (default)
  • BBAY1 - Borrower Based
  • BBAY2 - Borrower Based
  • BBAY3

Academic Period TypeType of Academic PeriodRequiredDrop-down
  • Standard Term Semester (default)
  • Standard Term Trimester
  • Standard Term Quarter
  • Standard Term Quarter 4
  • Non-Standard Term 2 SE9W Terms
  • Non-Standard Term 3 SE9W Terms
  • Non-Standard Term 4 SE9W Terms
  • Non-Standard Term 5 SE9W Terms

Academic Unit TypeType of Academic UnitRequiredDrop-down
  • Semester Credit (default)
  • Quarter Credit
  • Credit Hr./Clock Hr. Conversion Semester Credit
  • Credit Hr./Clock Hr. Conversion Quarter Credit
  • Other Unit

Academic Unit Type Display NameThe text listed is used as the display text anywhere units are referenced throughout Regent Plan tools. The text is listed in singular form (e.g. unit vs. units).OptionalTextbox -25 characters maximumAlphanumericThis field only displays if Regent Plan is enabled.
Pell Formula for AwardingThe Pell Formula to be used for packaging for this program.OptionalDrop-down
  • Formula 1
  • Formula 3
  • Formula 4
The "Pell Formula for Awarding" drop-down is always shown for Undergraduate programs and for Graduate programs that are designed as "Teach Eligible" - if the "Teach Eligible" checkbox is checked.
Pell COAPell COA configured by the user for each federal award year.  Optional

Pell COA is to be used in determining the student's Pell award, for Pell reporting to COD, and for appropriate disbursement.

See Pell COA Setup Data Elements for more information on Pell COA Setup requirements.

Auto-include Header/Trailer terms for AY-based Funds

When this setting is Yes, Regent Award will automatically package a 3-term loan based on registration adjacent to a header/trailer term. The award would be split evenly across each of the three terms, IF this setting is 'Yes' and the student is in a SAY program with registration for header/trailer.. The feature is for SAY schools only.

  • If a crossover term associated to selected program is marked "Use for Anticipation", then loans will always include header/trailer term in SAY LP and split evenly across all term in the LP
  • If a crossover term associated to the selected is NOT marked "Use for Anticipation", then loans will include header/trailer term in SAY LP only when registration exists before loan has been disbursed in header/trailer term and split evenly across all term in the LP
  • Yes
  • No (default)

This option is only available if Academic Calendar is SAY, hidden otherwise.

Default value is No

Notes for use:

  1. Term setup should not mark summer trailers as useForPlanning. Setting autoIncludeHeaderTrailer to True ('Yes') will always include the Header/Trailer term regardless of registration.

  2. Campus setup should have attemptToKeepPaidDisbursementsUnchanged=True to avoid increasing paid disbursements. Without attemptToKeepPaidDisbursementsUnchanged =true, the original disbursement will change.

Grade Level Progress

Total Units for Grade Level 2Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach the designated grade level.RequiredText box - numeric
8 characters maximum
0.00 to 99999.99

Show ALL grade level progression fields on the screen - and default all to a value of 0.

Logic that determines which grade level progression fields are editable on the screen is determined by the value selected in the Program Type field:

  • If Undergraduate is chosen, grade level progression fields 2, 3, 4 & 5 should be editable. 6 and 7 should be shown, but are not editable.
  • If Graduate is chosen, grade level progression field 7 should be editable. 2 thru 6 should be shown, but are not editable.
  • If Post Graduate is chosen, grade level progression field 7 should be editable. 2 thru 6 should be shown, but are not editable.
  • If Prep Undergraduate is chosen, all grade level progression fields are not editable.
  • If Prep Graduate is chosen, all grade level progression fields are not editable.
  • If Ed Licensure is chosen, grade level progression field 5 should be editable. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 should be shown, but are not editable.
  • If Post Bach is chosen, grade level progression fields all grade level progression fields are not editable.
  • If CTP is chosen, grade level progression fields 2, 3, 4 & 5 should be editable. 6 and 7 should be shown, but are not editable.

Total Units for Grade Level 3Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach the designated grade level.OptionalText box - numeric
8 characters maximum
0.00 to 99999.99
Total Units for Grade Level 4Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach the designated grade level.OptionalText box - numeric
8 characters maximum
0.00 to 99999.99
Total Units for Grade Level 5Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach the designated grade level.OptionalText box - numeric
8 characters maximum
0.00 to 99999.99
Total Units for Grade Level 6Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach the designated grade level.OptionalText box - numeric
8 characters maximum
0.00 to 99999.99
Total Units for Grade Level 7Total Number of units required to be completed in order to reach the designated grade level.OptionalText box - numeric
8 characters maximum
0.00 to 99999.99

SAP Settings

Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPAThis configuration controls whether the system will try to calculate a SAP status from a student's cumulative GPA.OptionalDrop-down
  • Inherit (default value)
  • Yes
  • No
When the setting is Yes, the system will keep a record of Cumulative GPA values and apply them to evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).  When the setting is No, the institution must supply a SAP record by importing SAP data on the Student Batch Loan (SBL) process.  
Offset Days for Calculating SAP for Nonterm Review PeriodThis setting is used in conjunction with Auto-Generate SAP Node From Student GPA.  When a value is provided in this field on a non-term program, Regent Award will not automatically evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress for a closed nonterm payment period based on the student's Cumulative GPA until the specified number of days after the end of the payment period being closed.OptionalNumeric
The system will evaluate SAP using the most recent cumulative GPA received on or after the offset day.  If this value is blank or zero, the system will evaluate SAP when the student is packaged and the payment period is closed.  

Crossover Periods

Academic Year CrossoverCrossover date on which to use the next Federal Award Year ISIRRequiredDate drop-down

Payment Period CrossoverCrossover date on which to use the next Federal Award Year ISIR.RequiredDate drop-down

Auto-Assign Loan Crossover FAY Based on ISIR Availability

Automatically packages Title IV Loans in "crossover" Academic Years (AYs touching more than one FAY) from an available ISIR. When the new setting is enabled, if a student does not have any ISIR from the prior-year FAY in a crossover AY, but they do have an ISIR for the next FAY, Regent Award automatically packages loans from the next-year ISIR.Required


  • Inherit (default value)
  • Yes
  • No

Inherits value from the Campus by default, but is editable.

When this setting is "Yes," and a student does not have an ISIR from the preferred FAY per the configured Default Academic Year Crossover Date, but the student has an ISIR from the other FAY in a crossover AY, the system will award loans using the other FAY's ISIR.

Task Settings

Days between last completed course and task
RequiredText - numeric 3 characters max0-999

Because of the different term structures (Term, Non-Term and Non-Standard Term), the days between the completion of a course(s) and when the school will need to review the student for R2T4 will vary. In order to manage the number of days between the completed course(s) and the task being triggered, we will add three inheritable, configurable fields to the Institution and Campus set up screens to manage the different term structures. These fields are:

  • Days between last completed course and task - Term
  • Days between last completed course and task - Non-Term
  • Days between last completed course and task - Non-Standard Term

The field 'Days between last completed course and task' on program set up will inherit its value from campus set up based on the program's academic type. For example, if campus set up is the following:

  • Days between last completed course and task - Term 60 days
  • Days between last completed course and task - Non-Term 30 days
  • Days between last completed course and task - Non-Standard Term 14 days

And the program's academic structure (based on the programs academic calendar set up) makes it a non-term program, then the field 'Days between last completed course and task' on program set up will inherit the value of '30'.

This field pertains only to the "Review Completed Courses No Current Registration" task. When a student completes their current course(s) and is not registered for another course(s) within X number of days, the student should be reviewed for R2T4. This task will trigger on the X day after the last completed course for the student. In this field, enter the number of days after the last completed course in which the R2T4 review should be triggered / completed. This value is inherited from institution and campus set up based on the academic structure of this program.
ask ‘Review Completed Courses No Current Registration

Days between course drop and taskConfigurable field where you will enter the number of days between the last day of the last course the student withdrew from and the day you want the task triggered in order to review for R2T4.OptionalText box - numeric 3 characters max0-999
Days between term end date and taskConfigurable field to support the 'Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4' task. This field should contain the number of days after the term end date that the "Review Unofficial Withdrawal for R2T4" task should be triggered. This field will inherit from Campus Setup.OptionalText box - numeric 3 characters max0-999


Alt-EFC MonthsDefines number of months for Alt-EFC periodOptionalText box - numeric

Inherits default from campus when Program is created but can be edited . 

Only displayed for BBAY3 programs.

Although this field is technically optional, it should be treated as required when completing setup for most schools (until such time that we encounter a school that wants to continue recalculating eligibility amounts when progress is slow, i.e. a dynamic efc).

Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method:

Applicable only to BBAY3 calendar. The option chosen here dictates how R8 will extend a payment period end date when there is not enough registered units or weeks to soft close the payment period.

These fields control how we push out a payment period end date when we do not have registration to fill in the gap between the partial registration and the PP end date, until such time that we have actual registration to set the PP end date.

CE has partial course data --> use that partial end date to apply the method chosen here if the end date is today or in the past.

If the course goes into the future we'll use that course enrollments end date to anticipate into the future.

When there is not sufficient future registration to complete the PP, a non-term PP extension (by enrollment, student pace, or fixed amount) occurs as soon as the student fails a course or otherwise does not progress as expected. The CEs would be re-rolled up after the school sends the SBL with the failed course.  RNA would then have updated CE data in the next packaging run, which would adjust the plan as needed. 

Required if Academic Calendar Type = BBAY3 Drop-down
  • By Enrollment
  • By Program Rate
  • By Fixed Amount

Applicable only to nonterm programs. The option controls how Regent Award will extend a nonterm payment period end date when the student does not have enough registered units or weeks to fill the payment period.

Only Display when BBAY3 is selected.

By Actual Enrollment - Uses the current accrual rate:

Registered Units / Duration to get the units/wk the student is earning or expected to earn.

Multiply this progress rate by the remaining number of units in the PP.

r (rate) = registered units/current number of weeks = units/week

u (remaining units) = Required PP units - Registered units

w = u / r

w will be added to today's date if registered end date is in the past.

w will be added to the registered end date if it is in the future.

the new PP length can't be less than the required minimum number of instructional weeks.

By Program - will figure out the number of weeks based on the program accrual rate

r (rate) = Program Setup AY units/AY weeks = units/week

u (remaining units) = Required PP units - Registered units

w = u / r

w will be added to today's date if registered end date is in the past.

w will be added to the registered end date if it is in the future.

the new PP length can't be less than the required minimum number of instructional weeks.

By Fixed Amount

  • null or 0 days - Does nothing. 
  • >0 days - Extends the PP for the number of days entered.  Days are added to the greater of either the maxRegisteredDate (end date of last course) or today’s date.  

Example: Has partial registration Jan 1-31. The end date of the enrollment would be 31. If the date is in the past, we'll use today's date and add the fixed amount number of days to that date. If the end date is in the future, we'll use that date and add the fixed number of days to that date.

Courses for AnticipationUsed to calculated per course costs for anticipated packagingOptionalText box  - numeric


Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValueBusiness Rule
Default to All SitesThis will make the program available at all sites set up in the system at any given point in time.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected
If selected, all sites will inherit all Program Settings.
ActiveThis checkbox will be available for each site, and associates a site to this program. I.e., this program is available at the chosen site.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected

If selected, this is a site that you want to offer this program, and you will indicate the settings you want to use, if you do not choose to have this site to inherit the program level settings.

If not selected, all of the fields in this row are grayed out.

Inherit DefaultThis checkbox will be available for each site. This site should inherit all the values set at the program level.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected (default)
  • Unselected

If this is selected, this site should inherit all of the values set at the program level.

Site NameName of the site you are configuring.OptionalView Only

Stop Positive Disbursements Date
OptionalDate picker
If this date is populated, stop positive disbursements for students in this program beginning on the date provided.
Open for Enrollment 
  • Selected
  • Unselected
When selected, this program is available to new/prospective students.
Open for Transfers
  • Selected
  • Unselected
When selected, this program is available to transfer students, and students who change program.
Batch Package
  • Selected
  • Unselected

If this option is selected, this program will be displayed on the batch packaging screen for the selected site.

If this option is unselected, it will not display in this list for the chosen site.

Estimate Non-FSA
  • Selected
  • Unselected
If this is selected, you can estimate awarding for this program, even though it is not yet FSA eligible.
Track Switch
  • Selected
  • Unselected
If this box is selected, this site will allow student's in this program to switch to a different track.
FSA Start DateAny payment period that has an end date that’s after the specified start date is eligible, and start date that is before the end date specified.OptionalDate picker
This date range cannot be outside of the data range indicated at the Program Level.
FSA End DateOptionalDate picker

Terms/Enrollment Level 

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValueBusiness Rule

Available Terms

Enrollment Level Setup

Displays the terms and enrollment level setups that are available.

OptionalMulti-select list box

Available terms are automatically populated with the values available based on the terms set up in the system.

Available enrollment level setups are automatically populated with the values available based on the enrollment level setups set up in the system. The default selection for this drop-down will be the item selected under Default Enrollment Level Setup as chosen on the General tab.

Selected Terms

Enrollment Level Setup

Displays the terms and enrollment level setups that have been selected.OptionalView Only


Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValueBusiness Rule
Date Used to Identify R2T4 Inadvertent Overpayments
  • Inherited (default)
  • Date of Determination (DOD)
  • Date of Withdrawal (WDD)
  • If “Do You Take Attendance” = “Yes”, the default value should be “Date of Withdrawal.”
  • If “Do You Take Attendance” = “No”, the default value should be “Date of Determination.”
  • If the user chose "Date of Determination (DOD) present the user with the following options
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date is after the DOD
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date equal to or after the DOD
  • If the user chose "Withdrawal Determination (WDD), present the user with the following options:
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date is after the WDD
    • Include disbursement as IOP if the disbursement release date equal to or after the WDD
Date Used to Consider Non-Rebuild Loan as Originated

This field gives schools the ability to define when a loan is considered "Originated" for the purposes of R2T4 calculations and included as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.

If the date defined is after the DOD/WDD, the loan is not considered "Originated" and therefore is not included in the R2T4 calculation as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.

If the date defined is before or equal to the DOD/WDD, the loan is considered "Originated" and included in the R2T4 calculation as "Aid that could have been disbursed" to the student.

  • Inherited (default)
  • COD Accepted Date
  • Award Create Date
  • COD Initial Export Date

Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Lower Than Amount on R2T4 Date of WithdrawalDetermines R2T4 Step 1 Amount to be used when the originated Loan Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Lower than the originated Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal. Originated Loan Amount refers to original loan amount and any subsequent changes that have been accepted by COD.RequiredDrop-down
  • Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal

  • Amount as of R2T4 Processing Date

Inherits from Institution Setup.
Originated Loan Amount to Use If Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is Higher Than Amount on R2T4 Date of WithdrawalDetermines R2T4 Step 1 Amount to be used when the originated Loan Amount on R2T4 Processing Date is higher than the originated Amount on R2T4 Date of Withdrawal. Originated Loan Amount refers to original loan amount and any subsequent changes that have been accepted by COD.RequiredDrop-down
  • Amount as of R2T4 Date of Withdrawal

  • Lower of the Highest Amount Originated prior to R2T4 Date of Withdrawal and Amount Originated as of R2T4 Processing Date

Inherits from Institution Setup.
Criteria Used to Consider an MPN Linked to a Loan

This field will determine whether Direct Loans are included in the R2T4 calculation when an MPN is linked to the award at COD or in Regent Award.

If "Loan Record Accepted at COD has a Linked MPN" is selected, then the Direct Loan will be included in the R2T4 calculation if the COD Accepted loan has an MPN Linked at COD. 

If "Loan Record has a Linked MPN - May or may not be Linked at COD" is selected, the Direct Loans will be included in the R2T4 calculation if there is a linked MPN on file, whether it is linked manually in Regent Award or linked at COD.

Direct Loans that do not have a linked MPN will not be included in the R2T4 calculation.

  • Inherited (default)
  • Loan Record Accepted at COD has a Linked MPN
  • Loan Record has a Linked MPN - May or may not be linked at COD

Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4

When this setting is selected, any Title IV funds (except for the Federal Work Study) on a student’s account, during the R2T4 period, that are not included in the R2T4 calculation, are cancelled automatically when the R2T4 is finalized

When this option is set to "Yes," R8 will automatically cancel Title IV (except FWS) disbursements, in the R2T4 period, that were excluded from the R2T4 calculation. The cancellation occurs in the same term for term-based programs or the entire AY for nonterm programs.

When this option is set to "No," this feature is not enabled and users are still required to manually cancel Title IV disbursements that were excluded from the R2T4 calculation during the R2T4 period.

  • Inherited (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Automatically Return Grant Amounts in Step 10

When "yes" is selected, Regent Award will return amounts greater than $50 on Step 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student within the R2T4 Worksheet. 

When "no" is selected, Regent Award will not act upon the Step 10: Return of Grant Funds by the Student within the R2T4 Worksheet.

  • Inherited (default)
  • Yes
  • No
Inherits from the Campus level.
Method for Projecting Nonterm R2T4 PP End Date

This field determines how Regent Award will calculate a nonterm student's projected PP length and related dates for R2T4 purposes. The calculated PP length will determine the individual student's earned proportion of federal financial aid in the Payment Period.  

When "Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method" is chosen, Regent Award will use the settings selected by the school in the "Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method" field to determine the length of the Payment Period for Step 2 of the R2T4 calculation. 

When "R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula "is chosen, Regent Award will calculate the projected payment period length for the student based on the number of units the student successfully completed in the payment period, and the length of time it took the student to complete those units. Regent Award will use these calculations to populate the Scheduled PP End Date, AY End Date Override and the LP End Date Override for Step 2 of the R2T4 calculation. Users may still override those dates. 

More details at R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula.

Required for nonterm only

  • Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method (default)
  • R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula 
Display for nonterm programs only - this field should have a null value for term-based programs. (A nonterm program is defined as a program with the following values: Academic Calendar Type = BBAY3 and Academic Period Type = Nonterm)
Days in R2T4 PP when 0 Units CompletedThe amount entered controls the PP length used for populating the end dates in Step 2 of the R2T4 wizard, for students who have zero successfully completed units in the R2T4 payment period. More information is at R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation FormulaRequired (cannot be blank) if Method for Projecting Nonterm R2T4 PP End Date = "R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula"Text boxOnly allows positive integers up to a maximum length of 3 digits.  When the Academic Plan Payment Period Projection Method chosen is "R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula," the administrator must provide a fixed payment period length in days.
Offset to Establish PWD Response Deadline

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value to auto-populate the "Deadline for student and/or parent to respond" field on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab.

  • R2T4 Finalization Date + number of offset days = PWD Response Deadline.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - PWD Response Deadline.

When this date is populated, Regent Award will auto-set the date for which a response from the student is required to accept the PWD funds.

OptionalText boxNumerical, 2 characters maxDefault will inherit from the "Campus". Zero is a valid entry.
Offset to Establish Fund Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDs

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value to auto-populate the "Actual Cancel Date" field for IOP PWDs on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab.

  • R2T4 Finalization Date + number of offset days = Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDs.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - Auto-cancellation Date for IOP PWDs.

When this date has arrived, and the Net Accepted Amount of the disbursement is blank or $0, Regent Award will automatically cancel the disbursement.

OptionalText boxNumerical, 2 characters maxDefault will inherit from the "Campus". Zero is a valid entry.
Offset to Establish Fund Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDs

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will add the number of days entered here to the R2T4 Finalization Date to determine the value to auto-populate the "Actual Cancel Date" field for non-IOP PWDs on the R2T4 Wizard PWD Tab.

  • R2T4 Finalization Date + number of offset days = Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDs.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - Auto-cancellation Date for non-IOP PWDs.

When this date has arrived, and the Net Accepted Amount of the disbursement is blank or $0, Regent Award will automatically cancel the disbursement.

OptionalText boxNumerical, 2 characters maxDefault will inherit from the "Campus". Zero is a valid entry.

Include Loan Disbursements Cancelled for Below Half Time Status

If this setting is "Yes," when the system zeroes out a Direct Loan amount due to a student dropping to below Half Time enrollment status in a term, Regent Award will apply that canceled amount to the "Net Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed" in Step 1 of the R2T4 calculation. The setting applies to term and nonstandard term programs only.

See Including Funds in the R2T4 Calculation

  • Inherited (default)
  • No
  • Yes

The setting will be editable for all term-based programs (Period Type is NOT "Non-Term") only.

  1. For term-based programs, the setting is editable:
    1. Available values are Yes, No, Inherit
    2. The setting will inherit from Campus Setup by default (RS-17289)
  2. For nonterm programs, setting is not editable (will be null/blank)
    1. When "Inherit from Campus" = Yes, if the program has Period Type = "Non-Term," the setting will have no effect.
    2. If a user edits Program Setup and selects "Yes" for the new setting but the Period Type is "Non-Term," if the user tries to Save, then the screen will give an error message.

Automation Settings

Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required

This option MUST be set to yes in order to automate R2T4 within Regent Award.

This field will determine whether a potential R2T4 is required. 

If "No" is selected, If "No" is selected, Regent Award will not perform any R2T4 automation. 

If "Yes" is selected, Regent Award will automatically identify whether a potential R2T4 is required when a Date of Determination is provided on the SBL.

  • Inherited (default)
  • Yes
  • No

Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will attempt to automatically close those R2T4s that are "Not Required." This field will determine the number of days after the DOD that an R2T4 will first be evaluated to determine if the R2T4 is not needed.

This is an offset from the student's Date of Determination (DOD), received in the SBL R2T4 node for “Date of Determination” or updated on the R2T4 worksheet, manually, by a user.

  • DoD + number of offset days = first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 10 offset days = 01/11/2019 - first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.

The "Not Required Logic" will be run daily until the R2T4 can be closed as "Not Required", or until the R2T4 is "Finalized" by either a user or the R2T4 Automation Process.

If Review R2T4 Task triggered by SBL and the DOD in the R2T4 node is further in the past than the number of days for the offset(s), the evaluation will take place on the next run of the R2T4 automation process.

Required - When Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is RequiredText box - numeric 2 characters maxDefault is inherited from Campus

The default value is blank and is only editable when "Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required" is set to "Yes"

Zero is a valid entry for this field.

If a value is entered into this field, but then "Identify Whether Potential R2T4 is required" is changed to "No," then the value entered into this field should be cleared.

The "Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s" configuration shall have a validation where the days entered CANNOT be greater than the days entered in the "Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s"

Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s

When a value is provided in this field, Regent Award will attempt to automatically finalize those types of R2T4s that are configured under "Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize" option. This field will determine the number of days after the DOD that an R2T4 can be assessed for auto-finalization.

This is an offset from the student's Date of Determination (DOD), received in the SBL R2T4 node for “Date of Determination” or updated on the R2T4 worksheet, manually, by a user.

This offset will determine when Regent Award will begin evaluating potential R2T4s to see if they can be “Finalized.”

  • DoD + number of offset days = first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.
  • For example, 01/01/2019 + 25 offset days = 01/26/2019 - first day Regent Award will perform the evaluation.

The "Auto-Finalization Logic" will be run daily until the R2T4 can be "Finalized" by the R2T4 Automation Process, or until the R2T4 is "Finalized" by a user.

If Review R2T4 Task triggered by SBL and the DOD in the R2T4 node is further in the past than the number of days for the offset(s), the evaluation will take place on the next run of the R2T4 automation process.

Required - When Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is RequiredText box - numeric 2 characters maxDefault is inherited from Campus

The default value is blank and is only editable when "Identify Whether a Potential R2T4 is Required" is set to "Yes"

Zero is a valid entry for this field.

If a value is entered into this field, but then "Identify Whether Potential R2T4 is required" is changed to "No," then the value entered into this field should be cleared.

The "Offset from DOD to Auto-Finalize R2T4s" configuration shall have a validation where the days entered CANNOT be lesser than the days entered in the "Offset from DOD for Evaluation of Need for R2T4s"

Types of R2T4s to Auto-Finalize

When R2T4 Automation is turned on, Regent Award will attempt to automatically Auto-Finalize the types of R2T4s selected from the list. 

When R2T4 Automation is turned on, Regent Award will attempt to automatically auto-finalize the types of R2T4s selected from this configuration option. 

  • Fully Earned/Fully Disbursed: The R2T4 results in the student earning all aid disbursed; No refund or PWD is calculated. 
  • Refunds: The R2T4 calculation results in a refund. 
  • PWDs: The R2T4 calculation results in a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement.
OptionalMulti-select list box
  • Select
  • Fully Earned/Fully Disbursed
  • Refunds
  • PWDs

When the "Inherit from Campus" checkbox is selected, the field will inherit the options selected at the Campus level. The checkbox will default to selected.

Press CTRL when selecting multiple options.

Cease Attendance DateThis setting determines which date field is used in the automated R2T4 calculation for nonterm or subscription period programs when determining if a student has a Commitment to Return (CORE) within 60 days. OptionalMulti-select list box
  • R2T4 node Date of Withdrawal
  • Date of Determination
  • Last Date of Academically Related Activity from the R2T4 node
  • Last Date of Attendance for the R2T4 period.  
Option for how the date a student ‘ceased attendance’ should be identified for the purpose of determining whether a nonterm student will/has returned in time to avoid being considered a withdrawal when using Regent R2T4 automation.

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