Courses Tab

Courses Tab

Student's course information is imported into the system via your institution's Student Information System (SIS). The course information available for the student is displayed on the student's Courses tab. To see details on a particular course, click on the row containing the course and the details will be displayed in a set of tabs below.

Course Details

View All Courses

Users have the ability to view all courses associated with the selected program on one page. The "View All" button can be selected to display all courses on the same page. Users will have the ability to toggle back and forth between the "View All" option and the "Default View". 

Course Export

A student's courses may be exported via an "Export Courses" button into a report similar to the "Student - Course Details". When this button is selected, all Courses for the selected student/program will be provided in a CSV output report.

A student's courses can be exported into a report similar to the "Student - Course Details" Report, using the "Export Courses" button. When users select this button, all Courses for the selected student/program will be provided in a CSV output report.

Adding a Course Adjustment

From the courses tab, you can adjust enrollment information for a student's academic program or term/payment period using the course adjustment process. Click on the Add a Course Adjustment icon and then enter the appropriate adjustment information.