Overlapping AYs

Overlapping AYs


Overlapping Academic Years (OAYs) is a sub-tab under the Student History Tab

The tab displays Academic Years (AYs) that have Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and the AY dates potentially overlap with years in Regent.

Regent tracks OAY information for all students with loan data. The OAY configuration settings must be enabled to allow Regent to use the OAY information for adjusting award amounts. See additional information at Loan Automation for Overlapping Academic Years (OAYs).

Overlapping AYs

The Overlapping AYs sub-tab displays the Overlapping Academic Year information. Regent updates the OAY information whenever the system packages Direct Subsidized and/or Direct Unsubsidized Loans.

Users who have the 'Edit History' permission are also able to edit the OAY information. Users may also edit the 'Loan Aggregate Override Amount' for individual loans.

The screen also displays a subset of the Loan Aggregates columns for quick reference. Those columns are detailed on Aggregate Adjustments and Data Table.

Overlapping AYs Subtab


Screenshot of the Overlapping AYs grid under the Student History tab

Update OAY - Overlapping Academic Year Information


Users can view details of the Overlapping AY in a pop-up window.  User roles with the 'Edit History' permission can add Overrides or change an OAY's Active status. Users may also ‘Add New Manual OAY’ to start a new Manual Overlapping AY. Users must enter Notes to save any changes.

Field Specifications

Field NameDescriptionBusiness Rules


Flag indicating whether the OAY will affect awarding.

  • Yes - The Overlapping Academic Year data is available for use in awarding.
  • No - The Overlapping Academic Year data either does not overlap any current Academic Years in Regent Award, or a user has indicated the OAY data should not be used for awarding.

Values: Yes (default) or No

If a user has edited and changed the value, mark the change as Manual (green “M”). The flag should not be marked Manual if a user has not actively edited and saved the value.

If an OAY has been marked Inactive, then that OAY and its loan amounts do not affect awarding within Regent.

'Active' must be Yes or No. It cannot be saved as blank.

The screen filters the initial OAY grid display to only show OAYs with Active = Yes.

Regent Calc Overlapping AY

Regent Calculated Overlapping AY
First new Academic Year in Regent Award following a previous Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) that contained Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Direct Loans, as determined during the student’s most recent packaging. If the previous OAY dates overlap with more than one Regent AY, the Regent AY is the first affected Academic Year on the Academic Plan.

Display “AY” and the number of the Regent Academic Plan AY, for example, AY1, AY2, etc.

Regent Calc Overlap End Term

Regent Calculated Overlapping End Term
The latest term in the new Regent Academic Year that contains the previous OAY End Date (or Override End Date), as determined during the student’s most recent packaging. If the end date of the previous OAY occurs between two terms in Regent Award, the Overlap End Term is the last Regent term containing at least one day from the previous OAY.

Configured term name from Term Setup, such as “Fall 2023”

Total Sub

Total Subsidized Loans
The total Federal Direct Subsidized Loan amounts from the previous Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) for the school code and AY date range. If any loan has a Loan Override Aggregate Amount, Regent substitutes the override amount for that individual loan.

  1. Display the total sum of Subsidized loan amounts from the OAY.

    1. Zero or positive values, or zero or blank

  2. User-editable for manual OAYs only

Total Unsub

Total Unsubsidized Loans
The total Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan amounts from the previous Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) for the school code and AY date range. If any loan has a Loan Override Aggregate Amount, Regent substitutes the override amount for that individual loan.

  1. Display the total Unsubsidized loan amount from the OAY.

    1. Zero or positive values, or zero or blank.

  2. User-editable for manual OAYs only


NSLDS AY Start Date
Academic Year Start Date from NSLDS FAH data

Display the NSLDS AY start date

  1. Display a blank value if the NSLDS AY start date is null/empty (will be null for manually created OAYs or assumed OAYs)


Academic Year End Date from NSLDS FAH data

Display the NSLDS AY end date

  1. Display a blank value if the NSLDS AY end date is null/empty (will be null for manually created OAYs or assumed OAYs)

Internal AY Start

Internal AY Start Date
Academic Year Start Date from overlapping previous Academic Year in Regent Award

Display the Internal AY start date

  1. Display a blank value if the Internal AY start date is null/empty (will be null for external OAYs created from NSLDS FAH or assumed OAYs)

Internal AY End

Internal AY End Date
Academic Year End Date from overlapping previous Academic Year in Regent Award

Display the Internal AY end date

  1. Display a blank value if the Internal AY end date is null/empty (will be null for external OAYs created from NSLDS FAH or assumed OAYs)

Override AY Start

Override AY Start Date

User editable date to substitute for the NSLDS Academic Year Start Date or Assumed AY Start Date values whenever the system packages loans affected by the Overlapping AY.

If Replace with FAH Data is Yes, and the loans have matching FAH data loaded, Regent will package using the AY values from the FAH data and the system will clear the Override AY Start and End dates.

Override AY Start

  1. User editable date

    1. Default value is blank


  1. For a manual OAY, all three fields are Required (cannot be blank) for AY Start Date, AY End Date, and Replace with FAH Data.

  2. Only allow date values, or blank

    1. Prevent the user from saving a date value that is more than 5 years in the past or 5 years in the future from the current server date.

  3. Start/End Date values must always be saved in a pair with both dates specified, or both blank.

    1. ‘Override AY Start Date’ and ‘Override AY End Date’ must each have a nonblank value to be saved with nonblank values, or both must be blank to save blank values.

    2. A non-blank ‘Override AY End Date’ value must be on or after the ‘Override AY Start Date’ value.

    3. If ‘Override AY Start Date’ and ‘Override AY End Date’ each have a nonblank value, when a user tries to save, then the user must also select a Yes or No value for ‘Replace with FAH Data.’

Override AY End

Override AY End Date

User editable date to substitute for the NSLDS Academic Year End Date or Assumed AY End Date values whenever the system packages loans affected by the Overlapping AY.

If Replace with FAH Data is Yes, and the loans have matching FAH data loaded, Regent will package using the AY values from the FAH data and the system will clear the Override AY Start and End dates.

  1. User editable date

    1. Default value is blank

  2. Same Validation as Override AY Start Date

Replace with FAH Data?

Replace with FAH Data

Yes: If Replace with FAH Data is Yes, and the underlying loans have matching FAH data loaded, Regent will package using the AY values from the FAH data and the system will clear the Override AY Start and End dates.

No: If Replace with FAH Data is No, Regent will package using the Override AY Start and End values regardless of the AY dates in FAH data.

  1. Display Yes or No, or blank

    1. Default value is blank/empty

  2. User editable

    1. Default value is blank

    2. Becomes required (must have a nonblank value of either Yes or No) if the ‘Override AY Start’ and ‘Override AY End’ are specified. See validation under ‘Override AY Start’



Internal: Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) is from an AY on the student's Academic Plan in Regent Award

External: OAY is from another institution

Either Internal or External, as designated by RNA for system-created OAYs, or by the user for manual OAYs.

Attended School Code

Attended School Code

School code (OPEID) where the student borrowed loans for the previous Overlapping Academic Year (OAY).

Attended School Code

  1. Display the six-digit school code for the OAY, if it exists.

    1. Include leading zeroes.

    2. Example values: 015640, blank (for Internal OAY)

  2. User editable for manual OAYs only, six numeric digits, include any leading zeroes.

    1. Required value (cannot be blank) if the manual OAY type is External and the user is trying to edit and save an External manual OAY.

Assumed AY Start

Assumed AY Start Date

Academic Year Start Date for an overlapping AY created from ISIR NSLDS loan data. Regent will use this date for packaging unless a user has specified a value for the Override AY Start Date. The OAY Assumed AY Start Date value is the Loan Period start date.

Display the Assumed AY Start Date, if present

  1. Display a blank value if the Assumed AY Start Date is null/empty.

    1. Value will be empty for NSLDS FAH sourced OAYs and manually created OAYs.

Assumed AY End

Assumed AY End Date

Academic Year End Date for an overlapping AY created from ISIR NSLDS loan data. Regent will use this date for packaging unless a user has specified a value for the Override AY End Date. The OAY Assumed AY End Date value is the Loan Period start date plus approximately 209 days, or the Loan Period End Date, whichever is later.

Regent may make slight adjustments to the Assumed AY Date values, to better align with Instructional Week start and end dates. The expanded range allows improved matching to loan data in the Loan Aggregate Detail table.

Display the Assumed AY End Date, if present

  1. Display a blank value if the Assumed AY End Date is null/empty.

    1. Value will be empty for NSLDS FAH sourced OAYs and manually created OAYs.


Regent Award unique identifier for the Overlapping Academic Year in the database.

System generated identifier number


Manual OAY
Yes for a user-created Manual Overlapping Academic Year.
No for a system-generated OAY created from underlying loans in Regent Award, NSLDS FAH, or NSLDS ISIR data.

  1. Yes or No (not blank)

  2. Not directly user editable. The screen will set the Manual flag to Yes when a user saves a user-created Manual OAY. RNA will set to No for a system-generated AY.


Date and time when the OAY information was last changed.

  1. System date and timestamp when the OAY information was last changed, either by the system, or by a user editing the OAY and saving.

    1. Date is saved using the database server’s system date and time (UTC etc.)

    2. Date and time are displayed using the user’s local time zone (similar to Activity Log and other date/time displays in Regent Award).

  2. If a user edits an OAY and saves changes to any data other than the Notes field, the system will update this field to the server date.

  3. If a user edits an OAY, but does not make any changes to OAY data (or only makes changes to the Notes field), the system will not change this field.


User-entered notes about the OAY.

Free-text field


  1. Nominal length 0-1000 characters

    1. Note for REM: For display purposes, the screen column can have a shorter default width than 1000 characters. The user just needs a way to view and edit the entire Note at once. Database can be similar to MAW’s Notes field on Award.

  2. Required (cannot be blank) when a user is editing or saving a Manual OAY. Required if user is saving any user-edited field. Optional (can be blank) for non-Manual, system-generated OAYs that do not have any override values or user edits.

  3. Users may edit Notes for any OAY. If the only user change was editing the Notes field, REM will not update the ‘Updated’ timestamp value.

Underlying Loan Aggregate Detail

If underlying loan data exists within the Loan Aggregate Detail data table, then users can expand the OAY and view the loan data that falls within the OAY date range. Loans are considered to be within the OAY if the loan dates are within the AY Start and AY End dates, using the following precedence order by OAY type:

  • Internal AYs: Use the Override AY Start/End if they exist; or the Internal AY Start/End dates.
  • External AYs: Use the Override AY Start/End if they exist; or the NSLDS FAH AY Start/End dates, if they exist; or the Assumed AY Start/End dates.

Users with the 'Edit History' permission may also edit the 'Loan Override Aggregate Amount' value on individual loans.

For non-manual AYs, users can view the underlying loan information for all external OAYs that have data in the Loan Aggregate Detail table.

  1. The Underlying Loans are loans that have their start and end date within the OAY AY end dates, and have the same six-digit OPEID value for Attended School Code.

    1. For internal OAYs, the Attended School Code may be blank or match the student's current site OPEID.

If a loan does not exist in the Loan Aggregate Detail table, then the system cannot display the loan for the OAY. For example, if the school has originated and paid a loan in Regent, but the school has not updated the FAH data and has not loaded any ISIRs since that loan was paid, then that underlying loan will not have data in the Loan Aggregate Detail table.

Default sort order is similar to Loan Aggregate Detail table:

  1. Loan Period Start Date, most recent first
  2. Loan Period End Date, most recent first
  3. Regent Calculated NSLDS Loan Aggregate Amount, greatest to least
  4. Award ID value

The grid does not have sorting and filtering. For full functionality, see the separate sub-tab for Loan Aggregates on Aggregate Adjustments and Data Table.

See full data requirements for the columns at Aggregate Adjustments and Data Table.

Sort order for displaying the Loan Aggregate Detail columns:

  1. Award ID

  2. Loan Type

  3. Regent Calculated NSLDS Aggregate Amount

  4. Loan Override Aggregate Amount

    1. User editable: Users with Edit permissions can edit and save the ‘Loan Override Aggregate Amount’ value.

    2. The field is the same field as the Loan Aggregates table and is stored in the same place in the database.

  5. LP Start

  6. LP End

  7. AY Start

  8. AY End

  9. Assumed AY Start

    1. For ISIR-only sourced loans, RNA will set the value to ISIR Loan Period Begin Date.

    2. Default value is blank/null/empty.

  10. Assumed AY End

    1. For ISIR-only sourced loans, RNA will set the value to ISIR Loan Period Begin Date + 209 days, OR the ISIR Loan Period End Date, whichever date is later.

    2. Default value is blank/null/empty.

  11. NSLDS Attended School Code

Change Log

 Click here to view a list of changes to this page
DateDescription of ChangeEditor
March 6, 2023Initial page creation for OAY implementation, release March 2023, RS-12905.Jennifer Black
March 24, 2023Added screenshots and updated for final releaseJennifer Black

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