Reports: Task - Status

Report Description

This report shows all the "open" tasks in the system along with users assigned to the task. The report should also show assignment date and number of days open. It will show summary section on top of the report. Summary section will display Task count by status. The report will also display Task Total by each status.

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Assigned Date To 
  • Assigned Date From 
  • Due Date From
  • Due Date To
  • User Name Created Task
  • User Name Closed Task 
  • Task Queue
  • Active Task Type (Queue)
  • Task Status
  • Program Start Date Range From
  • Program Start Date Range To
  • Student is Active?

Output Columns


  • Task Queue
  • Open
  • In Process
  • Completed
  • Waived
  • Closed
  • Re-Opened
  • On Hold
  • Reviewed


  • Date Created
  • Assigned Date 
  • Date Due
  • External Student ID (1 thru 4 as applicable)
  • Site
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • User Name Created Task
  • User Name Closed Task
  • Task Queue
  • Task Description
  • Task Type
  • Task Status
  • Task Priority
  • Assigned User ID
  • Program Start Date
  • Student is Active?